THURSDAY , JAN. 13 , 1887. Indicates that your subscription to this paper HAS EXPIRED , and that a cordial invitation is extended to call and renew the same. Subscription , $2 per year. Local Intelligence. AN end man The undertaker. s. Noble , the leading grocer. Healing Stoves at Cost , at W. C. LA- TOURETTE & Co.'s. A full line of hardware , stoves and tinware at C. D. Palmer's. 5F ° The American Settler's Guide for sale at THE TRIBUNE office. C. D. Palmer , opposite McEntee , is the best place to buy your hardware. { SIT" Gilt and red seals for sale at THE TRIBUNE stationery department. The best fresh and salt meats in the market at Brewer & Wilcox's meat market. Brewer & Wilcox will buy your fat hogs. Call at their market , Main Avenue. E3f Drawing books at THE TRIBUNE stationer } ' , blanks and blank book de partment. ESP Best Mince Meat in the market at Wilcox & Fowler's. Only 12 cents per pound. It will pay you to call at C. D. Pal mer's hardware store before purchasing elsewhere. _ Bring the babies to Millers's photo- sraph gallery now. while the weather is pleasant. _ t latest and most accurate Nebraska state maps for sale at THE TRIBUNE office. The new grocery store of Chas. Noble is the place to purchase your groceries and provisions. A well selected assortment of fresh candies"'at Chas. Noble's. His stock is fresh and clean. Only three wagons left of last car. Will sell cheap to make room for new goods. C. P. HINKER. Buy your baking powder at Cha ? . Noble's new grocery store , and secure \ one of those handsome pictures. When you want a sack of good flour , go to Harvey Bros. ' feed store. They keep grades to suit everybody. Miller takcs every imaginable kind of pictures in the most life-like and ar tistic style , at the old Marble gallery. A specialty of groceries , provisions , queensware , and in fact everything in the grocery line , at Chas. Noble's. Remember that Chas. Noble is head quarters for everything fresh and clean in the staple and fancy grocery line. G. B. Nettleton is agent for a horse power feed grinder , with attachment for shelling corn or any other kind of rotary work. Geared feed grinders , with four or six horse power and sheller attach ments. Just the thing to make fat hogs , at Rinker's. A line of very handsome library hanging lamps at Chas. Noble's. Call and see them. Scissors , pen knives , carving knives and forks , all kinds of cutlery , as low as the lowest , at C. D. Palmer's oppo site McEntee Hotel. Another car of the best wind mills on earth just received by C. P. Rinker. Also in car , 5,000 pounds of pump fit tings of every style imaginable. Wiley & Bede are loaning money on farms at the lowest rates. Also have special bargains in real estate , at McCooK LAND OFFICE. They arc very busy at Miller's gal lery , just now , but if you desire your picture taken in an artistic manner , call and they will find the time to ac commodate you. The "Ne Plus Ultra Reclining Chair" is the finest chair we ever saw for the money. You can find comfort in any position. It takes the place of a crib , cot , hammock or sofa. Every family should have one of the chairs. No of 2 fice can afford to do without them. Send to the Reclining Chair Co. , Blue Springs , Neb. , for a sample chair. Price with fine brussels carpet , $4.00. We have just received the best as sortment of blank books , composition books , correspondence tablets , counter books , drawing books , exercise books , invoice books , ladies' shopping books , ladies' visiting lists , letter copying books , manilla blanks , memorandums , such as butcher books , desk flexible American morocco , flexible American Russia , flexible Persian Russia , press board and sheep , also notes , drafts , re ceipts , writing pads , vest pocket , press board and printed press board pass books , students note books , time books , etc. , ever brought to this city. Call and examine them. We have the line and our prices will catch you. At THE TRIBUNE Stationery Department. Try the Commercial House , when kf just once ! Real estate transfers have been "look ing up , " the past week. A nobby new delivery wagon at the Chicago Store , this week. This issue contains the cards of T. E. McCracken and H. W. Keyes. The Y. P. A. service will be held at the school building , Sabbath , G P.M. papers for letter books at THE TRIBUNE stationery department. A neat and artistic sign now indi cates the way to L. Bernheimer's , the merchant tailor. Queensware in the latest st'les , plain and ornamented , at the leading grocer Chus. Noble. This week , C. D. Palmer , the West End hardware man , hangs his banner on the outer wall. See first page of TRIBUNE. The Moss property on Marshall St. has been purchased by I. J. Starbuck. A half section of land is the stated con sideration. The new drayman , C. W. Stoddard , experienced the misfortune of a run- awar , Monday evening , luckily with but nominal damages. Lutheran services at the school house , next Sunday morning , subject , "The price paid. " Evening' "The battle ment. " All are welcome. A valuable gold watch is being raf fled off by Master Mechanic Archibald. There are 100 chances at $1.50 , and they are going like hot cakes. The "Famous" has a handsome line of Hats , Caps and Furnishing Goods in addition to their large line of clothing , for men , youths , boys and children. Tht W. C. T. U. will meet at the residence of Mrs. Hollister , Saturday afternoon at 2:30 : , mountain time. MRS. C. A. FREDERICK , Sec. From the contractors of the city we learn that the prospects are bright for a sprightly building boom , in the spring. Alreadr some ten or fifteen new resi dences are contemplated. The song service meetings of the Y. [ ? . A. are attracting large audiences. Remember the next meeting at the school house. Sunday evening at G o'clock , mountain time. We willingly devote considerable space , this week , to G. A. R. matters. Every soldier will peruse the same with interest. It is contemplated to keep , hem ad vised "upon all general orders icreafter. Among last week's transfers was that ) y J. E. Cochran to F. L. Brown of ot 8 , block 16 , on Main Avenue , just south of THE TRIBUNE office. Consid eration , $600. Mr. Brown has secured a very desirable lot at a bargain. On Monday , C. L. Bowman and H. T. Dixon consummated a deal whereby Mr. Dixon became the owner of the 'ormer's property in this city , Mr. Bowman receiving some land near I ayes Centre in return therefore. A young child of Benjamin Sterns , of West McCook , died , Tuesday , of a malady our reporter was unable to as certain. The funeral occurred , yester day. We learn that the bereaved ones and in ' circum aje new-comers net'dy stance's. The advent of the pay car cast an unusual "halo of glory , " so to speak , around this municipality , Friday morn- ng , while the placid pool of finance re ceived its monthly ' 'troubling" to the oy and profit of merchant and cred- tors in general. A large corps of railroad civil engin eers pitched their tents in this city , Monday , since which time speculation and conjecture have been running high among ourcitizens. . The engineers are now running lines west and northwest from this point. . . e i - The Palmer property on Main Ave nue , lately bought by C. D. Ercanbrack , has again changed hands , Messrs. Stern & Strasscr being the latesjb purchasers. $2,800 was the amount of the consid eration. , . So does the city continue to boom nlHite merrilic. The dissolution notice of Messrs No- ) le & Brickey appears in this issue , yir. Brickey takes the drug store at Scotia , while Mr. Noble assumes en tire ownership of the grocery establish ment in this city , and will make settle ment of the firm's affairs here. We have it from Frank H. Spearman hat he will shortly commence the erec tion of a two-story cottage on lot 4 , > lock 30 , second addition , the same to ) e for rent. Also , that in the spring ic will build four or five more , in var- ous parts of the city , for the same uirpose. _ The Oakes Merrie Makers played to a crowded house in this city , Monday evening , giving a very creditable and satisfactory performance throughout , which was devoid of many of the ob jectionable ones , while possessing not a few of the pleasing features of similar entertainments. The breath of life has again been breathed into the W. C. T. U. of this city. We hope the ladies may be able to keep alive the es'sential and vital spark and accomplish great things for "God and Home and Native Land. " THE TRIBUNE will second all such ef forts to the extent of its ability. The railroad building idea has taken firm root in the McCook mind. Main and branch lines are being constructed with astonishing rapidity in that imag inative quarter. Brick blocks , street cars , electric light , and such other trifles light as air , are numerous in the mind's eye. Take your hides , butter and eggs to Brewer & Wilcox , Main Avenue. A clever genius has taken advantage of the fact that the bustles now in pop ular favor with the fair sex are of such pronounced amplitude in their generous proportions , and has invented a combi nation stool and bustle , having in view comfort and style too , which the pat entee fondly hopes may Become "quite the proper thing. " Heating Stoves at Cost , at W. C. LA- TOURETTE & CO.'S. By an unfortunate , though unavoid able accident , Register Hart lost a val uable horse , last Friday. It seems that the animal had been set free in the yard adjoining the . stable , for exercise , and that in attempting to jump out of the enclosure it fell and broke its neck , death shortly ensuing. The equine was highly prized by Mr. Hart. Lemons , Oranges and Sauer Kraut at WILCOX & FOWLER'S. Our reporter recently overheard visitor dilate upon the quality of Mc Cook whiskey. This is his closing per iod " " said he elo : "Why , , growing quent , as he smacked his lips in token of remembrance , "it will actually make man to steal his knife out of one pocket and put it into another , and then go home and break into his own trunk. " Bargains in stoves and tinware at C. D. Palmer's. The Yuma conspiracy ( ? ) case , in which a number of prominent citizens of that place were involved , was prop erly and promptly dismissed at Denver , last week. In the language of Special Agent Hobbs , "I don't propose that the government shall protect so horri ble a fellow as this Emblen , and shall at once dismiss the case. You need not trouble yourselves further about the trial. " Heating Stoves at Cost , at W. C. LA- TOURETTE & CO.'S. The Y. P. A. meeting , Friday even ing , at the residence of Geo. Hocknell , was the most-largely attended and one of the pleasantest sessions of the asso ciation since its organization. The program of the occasion was meritori ous , instructive and enjoyable. These meetings have come to be looked for ward to with pleasant anticipations by" the young people of the city , who are thus brought together under the most favorable and profitable auspices. A fresh lot of candies received at Chas. Noble's , this week. Tn attempting to prevent the run away , Monday evening , E. R. Hineman sustained a painful injury to his foot. We are advised , in this connection , that a suit for damages will be prosecuted against the city , by C. W. Stoddard , it being averred that the fragrant and sightly manure pile which now orna ments North Main Avenue , besides pro- tecMng the water mains against the influence of Jack Frost , was the cause of the accident , or at least responsible therefor in a measure. Anything in the line of hardware or tinware at C. D. Palmer's. The close of last week , Mr ? . Mary E. Clyde purchased the Black & Mc- Killip meat market property on Main Avenue , paying therefor the neat , round sum of $5,500. Shortly after wards the same property was bought by Messrs Brewer & Wilcox for $5,600 , which goes to show the confidence these gentlemen have in the city's future. It is not perhaps inappropriate to state that the signs of the times are to the effect that the coming spring will be a season of the greatest activity that this city has ever experienced. wanted at Chas. Noble's. The highest market price paid. Articles of incorporation filed , Mon day afternoon , in the office of the sec retary of state , gives notice of the in tention of the B. ifc M. railway to con struct another important branch in western Nebraska. The name of the company thus organized is the Republi can Valley & Wyoming railroad. ' It is to run from a point at or near Culbert- son , in Hitchcock county , in a gener ally northwesterly direction through Hitnhcock , Hayes and Chase counties , to the Colorado line. The capital stock is placed at § 1,400,000. The incor- porators are G. W. Holdrege , J. G. Taylor , W. A. Higgins , P. S. Eustis ind C. D. Dorman. State Journal. Note change in the Famous Clothing Co.'s adv. "Still the villain pursued him. " Some wag has evidently been perpetrating another "cod" on our County Attorney. We would advise Rufus Moses to go gunning , or words to that effect. Here it is : LA , NEB. , Jan. 17. [ Special. ] Col. 3foses Snavely , states attorney for lied Willow county , departed to-night , for Lin coln , on receipt of a telegram from the Re publican Valley members who are booming ; he distinguished attorney for senatorial hon ors as a dark mule. Ex-Senator Dolan and delegation also left , to-night , also in charge of tho colonel's boom. Journal. THE JUDGESHIP. IN view of the fact that bills are now pending in the legislature , looking to the redistrieting of the judicial districts of the state , THE TRIBUNE takes this pleasurablo oceasvui fn suggest the name of J. E. GW-hnni , Ksq. . of this city , for the judgeship of the new dis trict , embracing the counties of Furnas , Red Willow , Hitchcock , Dundy , Gosper , Frontier , Hayes and Chase , proposed to be formed out of the western part of the present eighth district. Mr. Cochran has been an esteemed and able member of the legal fraternity of this city for the past three years. His character as a citizenhas been unimpeachable , while his studious application to his chosen profession has been a matter of genera ! observation and remark , and such as to qualify him for the duties attached nec essarily to the important office of judge. Should the contemplated changes be made , as provided in bills now before our law makers , Governor Thayer wiil meet the approbation of this constituen cy in the appointment of J. E. Cochran. THE SENATORIAL SITUATION. Below we give the results of the bal lots taken for United States Senator up to the time of going to press : TUESDAY NOON. Van Wyck 44 Morton 33 Paddock 12 Weaver 16 Cobb 10 Laird G Reese 2 Tlwyer 2 Dundy 2 Miller 1 Majors 1 Maxwell 1 Livingston 1 Dilworth 1 Nance 1 "WEDNESDAY NOON. Van Wyck 49 Miller 19 Pnddock 17 Weaver 14 Cobb 8 Laird 5 Munger 5 Thayer 3 Reese 2 Scattering : 11 THURSDAY NOON. VanWyck GO Paddock 23 Weaver 17 Munger 8 Cobb 8 Thayer 5 Scattering 10 A NEW RAILROAD. The charter was filed on Dec. 28th , 1886 , for"a new railroad , to be known as the Nebraska , Kansas & Texas R. R. , of standard guagc. The initial point being North Platte , Nebraska ; thence south through Nebraska to the north line of Decatur county , Kansas , thence south through Decatur , Sheridan , Gove , Lane , Qodgman , Clark , Mead and Seward uounties , Kansas , across the Pan-Handle to Wormwood , Texas. The principal place of doing business will be at Ober- lin , Decatur county. The number of lirectors shall be fifteen , to wit : J. B. Hitchcock. C. E. Chandler , G. F. Bogue , W. A. Frazier , Tally Scott , A. L. Pat- shin , D.'C. Moscr and L. GParker , all of Oberlin ; J. B. Beal , of Grainfield , Gove county : L. S. Steele , of Ravanna , Hodguian county ; George M. Hoover , of Dodge City , Ford county ; M. J. O'Meara , Mead Center , Mead county ; Joseph McConnell , of North Platte , Lincoln county , Nebraska , and George Hocknell , of"McCook , Red Willow county Nebraska. The capital stock ( Till be $2,000,000 , divided into 20,000 shares of the value of $100 each. Es timated length of road , 500 miles. Of- Scers for the first year J. B. Hitch- jock , president ; G. E. Chandler , vice president ; G. F. Bogue , secretary ; W. A. . Frazier , treasurer ; L. G. Parker , lirector. A survey of the road will be nade as soon as the. weather will per mit , and propositions made to each jounty on the line of road as soon as ; he survey is complete. Such a line of oad will open up a large territory now jomparatively unoccupied , and be of ; reat benefit to the various counties : hrough which it would pass. Very satisfactory results crowned the abors of the ladies of the M. E. church , it their oyster supper in the McNeely jrick , Friday evening of last week , rhe generous and thorough preparations nade by the ladies , received a inerrited ecognition in the splendid patronage eceived. Owing to a little ice and a pool of ivatcr , Jim McAdaras failed to attend : he dance at the Central Hotel , last light. I PERSONALS. , ! { Sounder this head we would be pleased tr have our friends throughout the city ncquulni us of thearriral and departureofthclr visitors. J.V. . Ferguson returned to the claim , neat Trenton , Tuesday noon. Fred Lytle was down from Benkelman , Friday evening , a few hours. Mr. and Mrs. AVill Cramer arrived from Albia , Iowa , the lirst of the week. J. A. Feterman of Indianola was a Com mercial guest , yesterday afternoon. Miss Alice Murphy , of the city schools , vis ited friends at the county-seat , Saturday. II. Trowbridge made a tax-paying pilgrim age to the county-seat , yesterday evening. Miss Lue Chrysler , of the Indianola schools , was in the city , a few hours , Satur day afternoon. W. C. Billiard of CulberLson took In the Merrie Makers , Monday evening , among the "gallery gods. " W. J. McGillin , of the llarlem Cattle Co. , Straiten , " was a business visitor in the city , yesterday evening. J. E. Cochran , Esq. , run down to the county-seat , Saturday evening , on a little matter of business. II. W. Cole , Esq. , went down to Lincoln , Saturday , to attend Supreme Court. He will return home to-morrow. Mr. and Mrs. It. R. Woods left , Sunday evening , on an extended visit to their respec tive homes in the Buckeye State. Clarence A. Nettleton , who has been up in the Dismal country for a number of weeks , returned home , the first of the week. Allen Bartley , the business manager of the 'Varsity town , consulted with legal tal ent in this metropolis , Friday af ternoon. Scott McCoy was called to his home in Iowa , Saturday , by a telegram announcing the illness of his mother. He left on No. 40. Supt. Campbell , C. F. Babcock and W. S. Morlan hurried away to the seat of the Sena torial conflict , at Lincoln , Tuesday evening. Frank Vore is still confined to his room and bed , but improving slowly under profes sional skill and the kindly ministrations of friends. Abram Hammond of Stoughton returned , last week , from a visit to his old Indiana home , better pleased and satisfied than ever with Red'Willow county. Leon F. Moss purposes bidding final fare well to these paits , to-morrow. lie intends locating in Los Angeles , Cal. , as soon as his arrangements are completed. Geo. Hocknell's old enemy rheumatism has been laying violent hands upon him , this week. He was able , however , to be at his oflice , this morning , with the aid of crutches. T. J. Golfer left , Tuesday morning , for his home in Nineveh , Indiana. He has about determined to abandon the railroad lifevhis ' recent experience in the business being'his sufficiency. E. M. Brickey arrived in the city , Saturday noon , from Scotia , where he is now located in the drug business. After spending a few days looking after his interests in this place , he returned home. Mr. Feagan , of Feagan & Morrison , made his linal departure from this city , yesterday evening , for Mattoou , 111. , his old home , where he will engage in the practice of his profession the law. C. L. Bowman , of the Times , and 11. A. McCracken , of the News , came down from the Centre , Sunday , on business. Mr. Bow man returned home , Monday , Mr. McCrack en remaining here until to-day. Mr. Leach \Vymore , the architect of the Citizens bank and Franklin brick , of this city , and the Firt National bank , at Indian- ula. came up from the county-scat , Friday night last , and has been finishing his work at this place , this week. Bert. Lufkin caine up , Tuesday noon , from lied Cloud , where ho has been for a number of weeks under treat of the 13. & M.'s sur geon at that place. He reported for duty at headquarters heie. Tuesday. Bert's friends will be glad to learn of his recovery. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Odell , parents of Mrs. 13. F. Olcott , departed for Brooklyn , Iowa , Monday evening , after quite an extended visit with their daughter. B. F. Olcott , Jr. , accompanied them to Brooklyn , where ho goes to attend school during the coming year. The bill introduced in the Illinois Senate , ) y Senator Chapman , forthe free publication and distribution of books to the pupils of the public schools of the state , provides that a competent number of the convicts in the Joliet and Chester penitentiaries be employ ed to manufacture such books. The work to be done at Joliet , and when the necessary uimber of men cannot be secured at the prison , the bill provides that , on a proper mowing of the facts , the governor may or- ler the transfer of men from tho Chester penitentiary , to supply the deficiency. Pro vision is maito for the purchase of a plant , at a , cost not exceeding 530,000 , and sufficient : o employ two hundred and fifty convicts. The State Superintendent of Public Instruc- ion , the President of the State Normal Uni versity at Normal , and the State University it Carbondale , and their successors in office , ire constituted a committee to provide a uni form system of text books. They are to se- cct , if possible , a series suited to the wants if the schools and not covered by copyright. If such series cannot be obtained , they are to legotiate for the privilege of copyright for he state upon such books as they may ilioose , limiting the amount to be paid for his purpose to a reasonable sum. Rev. Joel S. Kelsey will speak , next Sabbath morning , upon the subject , "For whom did Christ die ? " Tn the aveninj ; upon , "The wrong side. " The South Mission school of the Con gregational church is held every Sab- > ath at the house of C , A. Scott at 2 ? . M. , mountain time. Extra Agent C. II. Hardy is looking iftcr the agent's business , at this de- > ot , during Mr. Wood's absence in the sast , A social dancing club , to be known by the initial letters "Q. A. T. , " has been organized in the city , with the 2 following officers : E. E. Lowinan , president ; E. L. Laycock , secretary ; W. J. Hills , treasurer and master of ceremonies. The club already enjoys a flourishing membership of 34. The first hop takes place at the Opera Hall , to-morrow evening. The club promises many delightful evenings to its mem bers. There will appear , in a few days , "Our District , " a paper published in the interests of tho Indianola District , West Nebraska Conference. It will be issued from Bartley by Presiding El der P. C. Johnson. Subscription , 30 cents per year ; single copies , 5 cents each. Provided a sufficient number of pu pils can be secured , II. T. Anderson has signified his willingness to instruct a class in book-keeping. All desirous of taking such a course should report to him at once. Cottage prayer meeting will be held in West McCook , every Friday night , and in South McCook , every Tuesday night , under the auspices of the Con gregational church. PUBLIC SALE. 0 I will ? ell at my residence , one-half mile west of McCook , on SATURDAY , FEB. 5m 1887 , the following described property , to-wit : 75 High Grade Cows , 25 Common Cows , 2 Good Saddle Ponies , 1 Hay Frame , 1 Two-Horse Wagon , 1 Sett Double Harness , 1 Large Water Tank , With numerous other implements not mentioned. TERMS OP SALE. All sums under $10 , cash. Over $10 , 8 month's time , with good bankable security. All stock must be settled for before removing same from the yard. JOHN FARLEY. BEST BARGAINS YET ! WE SELL 13 Ibs. Granulated Sugar for - $1.00 14 Ibs. Extra C. Sugar for - $1.00 1C Ibs. Prunes for - - § 1.00 G Cans Syrup Peaches , 3-lba. full , $1.00 Also ALL Groceries , Clothing , Hats , Caps , Boots , Shoes , Dry Goods , and Notions , as cheap as any house in town. WILCOX & FOWLER. 960 Acres of Land to Rent. 320 acres on the Driftwood , 50 acres under cultivation. 320 acres , 12 miles south of McCook , 65 acres under culti vation , house and well. 160 acres on the Frenchman , house and well. 160 acres adjoining the Akron , Colo. , town- site , 25 acres broke. Will rent from 1 to 3 years. GEO. E. JOHNSTON , McCook , Neb. FARM LOANS. o Cash Down. No Delay. No need of waiting to send off appli cations. Money paid over as soon as papers are completed. Call on or ad dress , RED WILLOW Co. BANK , 43-tf Indianola , Neb. FOR SALE CHEAP. One new 3-seat , 3-spring wagon ; one second-hand buggy. Also , one 2-seat covered carriage , second-hand. Will sell the above articles at decided bar gains. Call and sec me. B. F. OLCOTT , Prop. , City Livery , McCook , Neb. Real Estate Loans. We have completed arrangements whereby we can furnish those who want a loan , money on real estate , promptly and without the usual disappointing delays. Call and sec us. We are al so prepared to make chattel mortgage loans. CITIZENS BANK. OON'T BE AFRAID If you see Squire J. W. Bennett coming after you. Dr. Kayhas placed his accounts in the hands of the depu ty , who is rustling after the doctor's creditors in dead earnest , that's all. Money to Loan On improved farms. Money furnish ed for final proofs without delay and at low rate of interest. First door north of the depot. R. D. House for Rent. A 3-room house in a desirable loca tion. Furniture may be leased with building , or bought on easy terms. In quire of WILEY t Bsire , "IMPORTANT. Parties who have made final proof and desire to have patent issued for th land , should call and see DAVIS & TURNER. FARM FOR RENT. 50 acres under cultivation. Good frame house. One mile from McConk. S. II. COLTIN. SORGHUM SEED ! New crop cane seed for sale , whole sale or retail , by 31. WiLLSON , Blue Hill , Webster Co. , Neb. HOGS and CATTLE For sale. Enquire of S. II. Colvin , McCook , Neb. Try the Commercial House , when in McGook , just once !