: r .r" ' The Pennsylvania supreme court ban a firmed the constitutionality and valldit tfaa "Oleomargarine act. " The Berlin postoffics employed 2,000 ei tra men lor its New Year delivery. Ships ero first "copper-bottomed" i 1783. Myriads of cases of rheumatism am neuralgia have already succumbed to Um wonderful remedy Salvation Oil. Pric only 25 cents a bottle. Tho leading newspaper at St. Peters burg denies the stories that the czar is ir sine. Young or middle-aged men Buffering frot nervous debility , loss ol memory , prema lure old age. as the results ol bad habits should send 10 cents in stamps lor largo i ; lustratcd treatise. Address , WORLD'S Du PEK8AUY MEDICAL ASSOCIATION , 068 Mai ; Street , Buffalo , N. Y. The Bohemian diet gives Germany agrea deal ol distress. "I would not live alway. " No ; not disease is to mako my lifo a daily burder But it need not , good friend " , and will not you be wise in time. "How many of ou loved onea are mouldering in the dust wh might have been spared lor years. Tli slight cough was unheeded , the man oymptonu ) ol disease that lurked with ! were slighted and death came. Dr. Pierce1 "Golden Medical Discovery" cannot reca the dead though it has snatched number from the verge of the grave , and cui consumption in its earlier stages. Oranha erwtod 1.000 buildings last yeai at a cost of $5,024,000. Don't Hawk , Spit , Cough , suffer dlaiiness , indigestion , inflammatio o ! the eyes , headache , lassitude , jnabilit to perform mental work and indispositio for bodily labor , and annoy and disgue your friends and acquaintances with you iias-sal twang and offensive breath and cor stant efforts to clean your nose and thron when Dr. Sace's "Catarrh Remedy" wi promptly relieve you of discomfort an suHering , and your friends of the disgustin and needless inflictions of your loathsom disease ? Tho orange crop of Louisiana is said t be but one-tenth of an average. The Omaha Typa foundry can furnis new newspaper outfits on short notice Pricca same : ia in Chicago and Ireijjh already paid to Omaha. At this sea&on nearly every one needs to use coma cert of tonic. IKON enters into almost every phj- cJcijLn's prescription for those who need building up. I i. THB SE57TCIII1C For Weakue is , liisnltnde , Inclt of KncDrr , etc. , ic HAS NO liQDAL , and is tha only Iron medicine that is not injurious , It Knnchcn tha Blood , Invigorates the System , Itestorea Appetite , Ainu Digestion It does not blacken or in jure tha teeth , cause head- echo or produce constipation ether Jrnn medicine * do lisa. MTRA BIATFIEMJ. Norfolk , Keb. , wjs : " I hivo used nronrn'o Iron Bittcra as a tomo with most iicppy results. " Mo. OEAB. WAGNKB , 811 Eighth St. , Omaha. 7Teb.Bars : " I used Brown's IroaUitters for General Vobuity sad it nada almost a uewman of me. I cheerituly rccoiJaiond it. " ME. J. P. MAQDinn , WJeon , Neb. , BSTS : " I havo used Broom's Iron Bitten for General Debility and iUdJy recommend it to like aufferers. It hcs made Gonnico hss shove Trade Mark and crossed rsd lines en wrapper. Tube no other. Stado only by ? IIOWM CZSLMIC.VL. CO. , EALTIilOilE , 31D. NEWSPAPER CISTF8TJ K-'tsmifiSsctl on Qioi-l Wollcc JFVoxi Oiialjti ui Cliicuivo Prices. SffORSECOffl-HAfflGODDi CXI1RESL'ON'DENCK SOLICITED. OMAHA TYPE FOUWDR\ Omaha , Neb. , 12th and Howard. My standing urclers forlo.UOUper inont T your "TunsiH's Punch" 5c cigur demur btrates its popularity. J. II.VIDBER , Drusgist , 31nrketand Third Stieets , Ban Franciscc Cat. Flso'n TUaedy for Catarrh Is th Beat , Easiest to Use , and Cbcapeit. Also rood for Cold In the Head , Headache , Hay FeT r.&c. 0 cents. UfJVrn tosrll AOVKI/1 X It tit ar > e&JTf > AGENTS WAH l Eo MAOII1 > K8 and KU ( PATTERNS , for making Rnp Tidier , Hoods. Mittens , etc. Seu bv mall for SI. ClHCCLAtt rrFREE. . E. 2COSS S5 CO. STOLEDO , OHIO. and N snl ratJirr ! permanently furcd. Glas c J fitted for all forms of defec Arlinclileyez TWO. . NOSE & THROAT Inserted. Addreag Dr. IMl'Er. Omaha. Keh R13IHE-OP1UM Wnnlt Painlessl pR1 Cured nt Home. Trcatmcn sent on trial nnd NO PAY aske _ nntll you are benefited. Terms lan Humane Semedy Co. . > aFarettc , Ind , ' Officer's ray. Dountj _ , „ , . „ _ ' etc. Write for circular * na \ H laws. A. W. McCoEMicK & Soy , Washington , D. C worth 81M FREE. Line "tundcF trfe Samples horJe'feet. . Wi It. Bre wstei i Safety Rein Holdar Co. . Holly , Mich. . kA. . I.KIISIANK. Solicit , or ot r.ncnts. Waslilngtoa ) . C. Send for Circular. nd Morphine ITanltCtireil inlOfc 80 days. liefer to 1OOO patients cum in all parts. Dr. Harsh , Quincy.Hich ftft7fiU Wanted In cvcrr 'own. to "el late" A1 jffUfiiflid and best bojt. Weekly t-uUry guas antced. ASOADKI'UCI.ISHIXO Culilcagj. . cjjCTI ErorjAplJY 'jCIlru hpre an'l earl Q nljl.ei \'aIcntrne'liro " . 'jansTUUWl4 A pnsltlTO cure. So KElte. KoPlusicr. Nnl ! n. W C. ia l ay e , llarshilltoirn.lowa. STU1JV. Secure n. Bcslncsa Education bj HOME tnai iroai UEYJLXT'S COLI.EQn UuSzlo , K.T EYE DISEASES. Plow Tiicy ArcSpread by To\voli Piles , and Spectacles. To mention a few of the modes < contagion , 1 have to speak , in the fin place , of towels , especially of tin abominable institution known as tli roller-towel , which has been used s much in asylums where forty , fifty , c more children use the same towe whether they have granular lids or no1 True , in a great , many of these case the existence of granular lids was nc known ; but even in cases in which thi existence of the disease was evidenl the ignorance or careless of the person in charge has allowed transmission b means of towels to be one of tho mos frequent sources of contagion. As carrier of the contagion , thn house-fl plays an important role , especially i cases of young children wuo are nc able to protect themselves against th visits of this little animal. Attracte by the sweetish odor of the discharge i will settle upon the eyes of children al fected with the disease , especially ir fants , and carry the contagion in it claws to the other eye or eyes of sleep ing infants. bpcctacles may be the carrier of th contagion. I remember the case of ! younir lady who could not explain sat isfactorily how she camo to have gran ular lids. Upon her return to schoo ahe mentioned that she had granula lids , whereupon one of her classmate sa d : "Why , that is the disease which liave neen suffering from for the las six months.1' This class-mate wa Q ear-sigh ted , and used glasses. M ; patient was also near-sighted but Inn not used glasses , and whenever sh wanted to sec anything at a distant she was in the habit of borrowing thi spectacles of her friend , and there is n < [ Joubt in my mind that ihis was thi moans of carrying the poison from thi 3lassmate's eye to my prlient's eye. Children with granular lids are verj ipt to rub the eyes , because the secre " tion as it begins"to dry on the edge o ; he lids , causes an irritating , itchinj sensation. They will now play will atlier children , and from the r hand transfer the poison to the hands of tin 31 her children , and these latter nibb.nj ' .heir eyes conbniet the disease. Hand [ ing objects which have been used b ; jranular lids patients may be tin means of carrying the contagion. 1 I'oung ladv who volunteered to teacl jhildrcn affected with granular lids an < who had been isolated from other chil Iron m a certain institution , was warn 3d to be extremelv careful with regan .o using handkerchiefs , towels , or any Jiing that belonged to the children She was well aware oC tho danger , an < promised to be very careful. She han Utid nothing whatever , she said , tha jelongod to the children , left her cloal juts.de , and in the class-room kep iway from tho children a distance o Ivt ; or s x feet. But upon exam.nat 01 jf her eyes fourteen days after she hat : aken otlicc , it was found that she begai : o sutler from granular lids. Upon in juirv , I found that she had takim copy jooks and slates of the children for cor rection , and in all probability she go ; he poison from the slates and books 01 lur hands and then conveyed it to he eyes. A teacher of another section ii .lie same institution was more careful iho bimply walked into the class-room lid not touch anything belonging to tin : hidrcn , and fqr two or three months hiring tha duration of this epidemic ; ! ie % vanot afftiutud by Um disease Tlio atmosphere had evidtsntly not beei ; hc carrier of tho contagion in the lirs : : UC. McdiMl and The City of Prague. Prague is an honorable roprcsenta ; 5vu of the Bohemian nation. It is su ? erbly situated ou both sides of tin Moldeuu , in an amphitheatre of hills ivith a splendid view up and down tin : ivcr. The two parts of tho city an 'onuocted by several line bridges , tw ; : > f which aro suspension. There i i marked difference between a bridgi ! n Europe and a bridge in America A. bridge across an American river is ; ight and airy .structure , striking on ac ii > unt ot its length and design , au ( usually stronger than it seems. J jr.dgc in Europo , even across a streau if moderate width , is absolutely inonu mental. It is of solid stone , as mi-sivi : is the pyramids , and when it is once h ) ! uco is"expected to endure forever Those of stone at Prague are honorabli specimens of the enduring style 01 jridgo architecture. The suspension jridges , like those elsewhere- Europe lave long iron limbs instead of th < , vire cables used in America , which iiusfc greatly increase their % veight am equirc a corresponding increase o iirength in the piers. One of thcsi jr dges ( Carlsbruchc ) was built iiv < nnulred years ago , but underwent some ihanges during the subsequent tw < hundriid years. But thu most rccen mprovvments are of ample antiquity. [ t is flanked by tall lowers that onct ierved for the defense of the city. Il las sixteen arches , and the piles arc n-namcnted by th.rty statues and rroups of saint ? , conspicuous amonj vhich are St. John Xepomuceno , tc vhosc memory it is held sacred. Ev sry \ car it < s the resort of thousands oi levout Bohemians , who gather on the > r dge and bring garlands , candles anc ) thir offerings. A less solid structure vould go down into tho swift river be- ow with the. weight of the worshipers , Cor. San Francisco Chronicle. Anecdotes of Fox. When the great Fox , in 1784 , ran fo : Parliament at Westminster , he asked j icrtain bluff trades man to give him hi : upport. "Sir , " said the tradesman , ' ! ad nire your abilities , but d your prin iiples ! " "Sir , " replied Fox. urbanely. ' 1 admire your sincerity , but d yoii ] uanners ! " On another day. Fox approached i .addict' in the Htiymarket with the lame request. The man produced a halter , will vhich he said he wis ready to obligt iim. iim.Fox Fox answered : "I return you thanks , my friend , bu . ' should be sorry to deprive j'ou of it is I presume it must be a famih > ieceM S ! . Louis'Magazine. THE HOUSE OF ARGYLL. Distinguished Members of tlieTamlJ to Wlilch Sir Colin CnrupboIZ It is related in the argument of tl : Campbell case that when tiio marqui of Lome married the Princess Louis < one of the Campbell Highlanders e : claimed : "Eh. inonthe queen mus be a proud leddy to-day. " Whateve may be the merits of tho great divorc case , it can not to-day be n source < much pride to tho queen that her famil is in any way associated with so ui seemingly a scandal. The moral heredity of the Campbell of tho Argyll family is a strange mi : turo of good and bad. They claii descent through a line of Celtic clue ! from King Arthur , and certainly fc nearly five hundred years they have o < cupied an important and often distil gu shed place in history. As thes Highland lords , these earls , marquises and dukes march down this stretch c time they present a singular array c lofty religious principle , utter lack c moral obligation ; chivalrie loyalty , bas intrigue ; peers .n the realm of litera ture and science , worse than commoner in the ranks of ordinary culture friends of men and women of the high est purity of character , the associate of ruffians and wantons. As a rul they were courteous in their homes am brave in their conllicts. Tho first marqu s was a Covcnatc and a soldier , who fought the royalis forces , and on the reconciliation am restoration be placed the crown on tin bead of Charles If. It was even though the king would marry a daughter of th marquis , and thus anticipate by tw < centuries the union of the royal famil ind the house of Argyll. But phieinj the crown on the king's head did no assure the marquis of saving his owi iiead. He was condemned for his pro pious disloyalty , and , according 1o tin Scotch chronicles , met his deathvitl ; he dignity of a true nobleman and th < : neekness of n Chr.stian. " The son of this dignified and piou : gentleman was on the royal side , am was in high favor after the restoration Subsequently he got into trouble ii Scotland , and was thrice condcmnei oefore he met his death. The royal in luence saved him the first time. Hi , second escape is a pleasing episode ii the light of the most recent events ii liis family. His devoted wife carriei lim from his prison disguised as J lage , aad after dangerous wander ng ic landed in Holland , whence he POOI returned , only to lay his head upon the alock , as his"father had done befon iim. iim.Tho next distinguished member of tin 'amily was "the grand" duke of Arg\U ivho with both merit and discredit Iguted in important affairs. Ho was ! 'ricnd and afterward a traitor to Marl borough , lie seems to have been en .irely unreliable , but it is said he wa ; loted for "the benevolence of his dis jositou , " and that this , in spite of hi ; ittleness of character , gained him tin name of the "Grand Duke. " If thi nost conspicuous member of the fam ly to-day is to be believed , possibly tin jouse of Marlborough is repaying thi > eriidy of the grand duke. The Argyll of our day who ha ; ichieved the greatest meritorious dis : inction is the eighth dukc.a statesmar > f mediocre abliiy. a literary man , am ihilosophur JIu wrote a book cut tlo < "The llu'ign of Law , " a work showing .hat everything is governed by somi [ aw. Hi ? . gcHC'rali/.ation is perhaps treiiglhcd by the exceptions pruscnlci n many of I he deeds of his own fam ily. The pre-nut marquis of Lome i listinguirilicd ii l nglaud : is the sonin aw of the quiM n , and in the Argyl .loaiain in Scotl.usd as having confer ed the favor of h s hand on tin rjuc'ei\'rf ' daughter. Sir Colin Campbell i cadat of the great house of Arg11 -ecms to be chielly distinguished fo ; liis very bail habits and as.-ociatos , ant for liis very notorious divorce suit. 'J hero is another Sir Colin Campbol n history. He docs not go bacic t < [ ving Arthur ; his lineal ancestors d < not aiipuar in the rojal courts and thi eckle.ss intrigues , nor on the fata jcafiblds of several centuries. Hi 'athcr was a cabinet-maker of Glasgow , tie AVfiit into tha peninsular war as ar insign , and , as ayoi'.ng British oilicor jaw .service in our war of 1812. Where .here was service , he saw iL When : here was honor he won it. In the Grim ; an war he conimandud thu Iligiilain jrigadc , and at Balakiava he beat bad ; he great swarm of llussian cavalrj ivith his brave and sturdy Highlanders. So commanded the forces in India ant Itiellcd the great mutiny. Ha became Lord Clyde , but to history he is Sii 2olin Campbell , one of the braves : > oldiers and one of tho best general : , he British army has produced. His name was Colin Maclivcr. Tt ileasc an undo he assumed the namt ) f Campbell , lie gained nothing b\ ; he change beyond confusion with thi lame of Sir Colin Campbell , whose teeds and misdeeds are sounding hi- nfamy throughout the world. Louis iillc Courier-Journal. Mutually Unsatisfactory. "Look hero , " said an Austin dude U t newspaper reporter , "you tell mo : : ouple of good jokes. 1 want to ge hem off as or g nal. you know , at a lit ; le social gathering to-night. I'll lent con live dollars if you do. " I don't think it will work , " repliec .he newspaper man , umisirelv. "Why not ? " "I am so blamed poor that if I an bund with live dollars on my person , . ' 11 be suspected of having stolen them ind you are so blannid stupid that 5 roil get oft't good joke , everybody wil ; uspcet3"ou right ell' " 2'exoj Siftings , Everything Goes. " \Vouid you take a poor man's las icnfc for : v gla3 of gin ? " asked thi ramp , in a respectful voice. "Certainly. " replied the bartender Briskly , "that's what I'm here for. " "Wu ! ! , " sa'd the tramp , as he re r rnud Ihn glass to tho counter am > roduecd his last cent , "there you arc , ' ind then he walked sorrowfully bu lastily ' IG York Sun. At the inasqucrndo hall in Adiu lan week , St. Jacobs Oil look the first jirizt Nothing titnuiKe in tliis. us it is liiglil , prized incverj family ivheronnod cnpeciall , in oura. Hiehcr , Cnl. , Mountain Tribuu iy : tu Scnlc. ' Did you get diamonds for Christmas ? ' 6he.ir.is asking in a Baker street car. Yes. " "Homuch did they cost ? " "My husband euys $350 , but I havon1 bad a jeweler prico them yet. My mind i made up to scale all the way from $35' ' down to $15. " ' That's right , Bertha. It may save yoi a great shock to your nervous system. " Mr. Geo. Deuternmn , New York City , sul fered nearly a month with a severe cough and having tried several remedies with out relief , finally used Red Star Cougl Cure winch , he says , proved "speedy an < effectual.1 * _ Care of Ilor c > Feet. It is generally conceded by horsemen tha lameness originates chiefly in the fault ; treatment of the horse's foot. This fac suggests several recommendations for th mitigation of the evil : first , bare feet. I may be stated as a general propositioi that any horse with fairly good feet ncec never bo shod at all. In the barefootec horse the heels spread out , the frogs descend ridges form upon the soles , giving to tin bottom of the feet a good purchase upoi either a rough or smooth surface. He sooi learns to rely upon himself and so adjust his equilibrium to motion that ho neithe : strains himself , nor slips nor stumbles Horsemen havo often given this plan short , faint-hearted trial , but on the firs rnanifestnlions of foot Bareness at the em of a few weeks , nnd before the feet havi become inured to the change , usually havi the shoes replaced again. [ Spirit of thi Turf. _ New remedies and old ones under nev introduced t names are being conbtsintly the * public , but Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup stil takes the lead for the cure of Coughs , Colds etc. 25 cents. _ Bill Xye complnins ol the notable lack o ' ' "Hamlet. " local gags in Booth's A Great OOer. No mnttcr in what part you live , yoi had better write to Ha licit & Co. , Tort land , Maine , without delay ; they will senc you free information about work that yoi can do and live at home , at a profit o from § 5 to $25 and upwardu daily , j number have earned over $30 in a day Both scses. All ages. You are started ii business free. Capit.il not needed. Everj worker who takes hold atonceisabsoluteli . Now is tin sure of a snug little fortune. time. _ _ _ _ _ _ It is curious but a man is called fnste : when ho goes blow ou food. He TTlmulc * Hi * Paver. Mr. Editor : I was induced by rendin : your good paper to try Dr. Harter'n Iroi Tonic for debility , liver disorder and fit-rot ula , and three bottles have cured me. Ac cept my thanks. Jos. C. Boggs. Ex. There are 172 specimens of blind crea lures known to science. The l > et ronsiJ mcJIcIncl I'lso's Cure lor Con sumption. Sola everywhere .5C. MM. Ferry and do Freycinct have be come reconciled politically. pair of hoots can be saieil yearly by nslnj Lon's r.itcnt Metallic Heel Ftiffeneis. Barlholdi has been promoted to tin rank of commander of theLegion of Honor Yt'eulily IVoincn witH I'alc , Colorleas faces need CARTER'S IKON FILLS Scnalor Evnrls says that he believes i ? Ihe hoicdily of education. Excursions to tlse Winter Resorts o , tJio Sontli. The Wabash , St. Louis & Pacific Ry. an now Bellini : round-trip lickets , good untii 1 tine 1st. 1S3T , at greatly reduced rates , to Mobile , New Orleans , 1'etif.acola. Jack sonville , Cedar Keys , and sill the piincipu ! points in the south. For further informa tion and tickets , call on or write F. E , Mooies , Ticket Anent , or G. N. Clayton , Norllnxeslcrn Pabsenuer Agenl , 1302 Far- nam Slreet , Omaha , Nub. _ The year 1SSG was active as a niilroac buildin < 4 season. oMnfned by LonlsrnpstPr&Co. A . V.riliifcEUli , I ) . C. fefdlUri. AdUcufroi Ilundrcds of persons were killed at r fair lately in India. and Bysprpkltx Cured By C UITF.K'S LITTL NEUVE Pit.i . Twenty- tivo ccnls. John A. Logan's widow will receive si jovernmenl pension of 52,000 a year. TThoa Baby was nick , ira gfire her Ccstorfa , "Wlisn cho was a Child , she cried for Castoria , WLon oho bocom : iliss , sho clung to Caatoria , TTLan sho bad Cliildroa , she gave them Castoila , The nevr civil service rules have ceen ap proved by the president. If SttfTererH From Coihijiiplloi , Scrofula , Bronchitis , and General Debility will try SCOTT'S EMULSION of Cod Liver Oil iith Hypophosphitcs , they will find ini- fnediate relief and perminatc benefit. Q'he Medical Profession universally declare it a -emedy of the great st value and very pal- .table. Read : ' 'I have used Scott's Emul sion in peveral cases of Scrofula and Dubil- ty in Children. Results most gratifying , ' .fy little patients take it with pleasure. " W. A. HCLISEIIT , M. D. , Salisbury , 111. Tennpfpee has raised $700,000 worth o ! leauuts this year. A SLIGHT COLD , if neglected , often attacks : hc lungs. Buo\v.\'s liiioxcniiL Tiiociics ; ive suie and immediate relief. Ninety million shad were hatched in ttiia lountry during 1SSG. We would be pleased to know of a man > r woman who lias never had headache or > een subject to constipation. As Ihese ieein to be universal troubles si little advice nny be in order. Why nhould persons Tarn their stomachs with nauseating pur- ; sitive pills , etc. , which sicken s > nd dcbili- ate uhen such Hplesigantnml sterling rem- : dy as Prickly Ahh Hitters will act mildly ind effectively on ihe liver , kidney , stoin- ich and bowels , a ml at the same time tone ip and strengthen the whole eystem , cans- ug headache , constipation and all Mich dis- : ressing evils to quickly disappear. Ifc is reported that 1 , > .000 Jews haV3 ) ccn expelled from Kiev. Russia. To get relic ? Iroin infligestlon , Dilionsnoss , : on6tipation or torpid liver without dis turbing the stomach or purging the bowels , lake a few doses of Carter's Little Liver [ 'ills , they will please you. The Omaha lyjw foundry can furnish lew newspaper outfits on short notice. Prices same as in Chicago and freight ihciuiy paid tu Omaha. BO HOT DESTROY THIS HMTKEHiHT AS If WILL Nflf A.'PrJAR AMU. GIVEN AWAY BEFORE MARCH 15,1887. INTO SSTThe Greatest Offer ever made bv responsible publishers. ] 5TH GRAND DISTRIBUTION BY THE WEEKLY NEWS. Tha Leading Kewipapsr of St. Jospb , Mo. Only $1.50 for our paper and a. fiae preisnt. CFTHXBE ARB NO BLANKS w THIS DISTRIBUTIOX awl every ub. crlber In entitled to a present. Upon re will be entered for one year's subscription nd a premium receipt numbered in du ceipt of 8 l.OO your name . ' full . town. eoUntymltt State. from our subscription books w ill be vent to your address.'Giro your name. plicate . Read tho list of presents. The agent sending us ten or more subscribers may retain 25c on each subscription. 1. Cash present In Gold 9 9. 3 Organt W a. Ccu\Fretent in Gold 10. s Tap Buggies ' 0 100 11. 10 Gentlemen's Goltl WatcAu Gold in 3. Cath present * tlWO is. to WeeUif Xetcs Setting Machines , 4. ( cash , presents in Gold each - > 5. U rash presents In Gold each r. 1J. 5 farm Wagon * SX > & > . 10 Ladles' Gold Watches < > It. l Altman-Taylor Thresher 7. 304 Solendld Watches 2 , oo :3. 5.000 Standard English Uookt 3.750 . Pianns tl.ooa J Upright This offer is made to introduce The Weekly News into nevr houses to Klre it a larger fleld of nsefclnens.aml of the most fearless and Independent newspapers in America. Tho to make it a National reputation us one Weekly News is Independent in politics , moral in tone , a strictly first-class reliable family Journal. The following distribution.Vrit to them and hear Is a partial list of persons who recolred large presents in our last distribution. A. Washington. Deadicood. Dakola. tanil.tlSM : Mr * . D. Ulrtch. Feabodif , Kan . . lot in JT < inopoJf ' . | ! HO.- Emma KellarFrederickloicn , Ohio , piano. WOO ; Eil. Messenger. Xeio I"olntJlo.cart.KQO ; It'm. Osmonit. ' Dallas Texas , Altman-Taylor Thresher. I8JO ; Hugh. W. Cale.Jfc&ok. Xebr. , eash.tyaJ.M.Srnil\M'elU- , fordJfans.cai > i , tlOOC.J. Trailer , Fargo SprCnas , Kans. , organ.M > : H.S.Tay .JlerS.im r.Jians..tot > buggy. 130 ; Jfrs. II. Bohart , Graham , Jfo. , goMicatch , MO : Lena Balfter , Denrer. Colo. , gold watch , 0 : H. & Powers , Moorehead , Ky. , farmieagon , M ; Ceo.Dlcltm , ' St. Louts , caiA. ti : Jfrs. IWterson , 9Wi and Woodland Are. , Kansas City , cash , tV ) ; testae hundreds nf n'aterbiiru icatchet.bonks.tte. and will mall the nainen and adelresw ) of a larsw If you want more proof send us a two cent utamp we you number of persons who have been lucky in our distributions. Kemember.thrre are no blank' . You pay nothing- for the present , as the News isnorth double the money. We give all profits on subscription * by murnlnffiv Utrge portion of the receipts In money and presents. Except tho ciha pay for all thexe preMMits wlUt adver tising in our daily edition. Our premiums will be distributed March 15th , 1S87. Remit by now postal note , money order , registered letter , draft or express order. All that can be mailed will be sent postpaid to tho subscriber * address. Freight charges will be paid by the subscriber. No attention will be paid to letters unless price of sub scription Is enclosed. RETKRIMCXS : Saxton National Bank , State Savings Lkand the biflmws men and post master of St. Joseph , or any of the Commercial agencies. Address all letters to "The News Publishing Co. , " News Building , St. Joseph , Mo. IT IS A P UHECT VEGETABLE PREPARH10 ! PRIC 5ENNA-P VNriAkE-BUCHU It ban stood the Test of Years , in Caring all Diseases of tho " BLOOD , LIVEK , STOM ACH , KIDNEYS.BOW- EIS.&c. ItPurifiesthe Blood , Invigorates anc [ j Cleanses the System. DYSPEPSIA.CONSTT- CURES PATI01T , JAUNDICE ALLDlSEASESGFTOEf SICKEEADACHEEIL- IOUS COMPLAHITS&c IIVER disappear at once under KIDMETS its beneficial influence STOMACH It is purely a Medicine AND as its cathartic proper ties forbids its use as a BOWELS. beverage. It is pleas ant to top taste , and as easily taken by cbild- rcn as adnlts. FRiGKLY ASH BITTERS CO PRlCElDOLLARl Solo Proprietore , STiouis nnd KASSAS Crrr Too much efforb cannot be made to bring to tho attention of suffering womanhood the great value of Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg etable Compound as a remedy for the dis eases of women. Such an one is the wife of General Barringsr , of Winston , N. C. , end we quote from tho General's letter as fol lows : "Dear Mrs. Pinkham : Please allow me to add my testimony to the most ex cellent medicinal qualities of your Vegeta ble Compound. Mrs.Burriuger v.-astrc.ited fur .several years for what the physician called Lenconlnra and Prolapsus Uteri combined. I hent her to Richmond , Va. , where t.he remained for BIX months under the treatment of an eminent PliA'hieinn without any permanent benefit. She was induced to try your medicine and after a reasonable time commenced to improve and is now able to attend to her business and considers herself ruLLV .ISULIEVKD. " [ General Barringer is the proprietor of the American HotelYinston , N. C. , sind is widely known. ] is issucU S'cpt. izrui J , ca-oli year. K. S 31S 1 SJjfxiy iucIeBwii2iovcr ' S''SClO ' ilIu > Ltratoi S a nrSiole Pictxive Gallery. GIV1ZS Vs'liolcsalc Prlcea direct to conitttnrr.v on all i ools for pcraoual or JTacjUjIi3e. . Tells liovr to order , and gives cruet cost of everj-- tlitijg yon use , cal , Crisilc , vrcnr , or Iiave funvltli. . Tlif so IXVA BOOKS contain infciiH.-iloii from Uio mariict , of < Jif irorlsl. "VTc will mail a copy PRKK to any ntl- ctrecs upon receipt of 1O els. to defray expense of mailing. Ti us bear from yon. llespectf lly , WIONTGOMERY WARD & CO. E2T & 2U3 AVaSasJi ATCUUC. CUicaco , 1U , Ilaveyou heard of the nUiunrtlnsrediictlon forDc. .7. A. SnzEMAK's finiuu * Home Treat ncnr. the only known ; guarantee comfort snJ cure without opera tion or hindrance from labor ! Ho steel or Iroa band ? ! 1'erfect retention nigh and < iajr. No chaHnc fculti-d tonllasrs. NOW. OXi.Y 10. Sendforclicular of incaauremunts , IiiBtruutinns and proofi. Ge cured at horao an * be h.-.ony. DR. J. A. SHERMAN , 234 Broadway , Now York. \ & MT Vif31T allTecnerSEtlc msn : Va ka a fa WtJ orvoinan iieedmsr profltahla employment to reprcient uIn every county. Salao'S Spermontn and CTpensfs , or ; commission on soles If preferred. Goods staple. Every one DUT . Ostnt and particulars Free. STAIIDARD SILTERWAKK CO. , BOSTON , MA.'PR. ' % HjijBP ] forplilne tl il > it Cnrodla 11 § trHPfitaJ to' od.iys. Ho pay till Cured. U UU9&t9 UK J. Srnruexj. Leiianju. Outo. "rodnee the Choicest Howcn , R'JU f' Vr.-etablM nnd Crops. Double * UU 3 fc ALLT1KL = S. 5KH OATS. VWEAT. POTATOrS. KAIILKV AMI Tl.t.l TABLES. SEEDS WARRANTED. 100.CO07 CENTl'lantDon't I.UT n youseecaUlu Wltll PriZO Offer. JOU3 A.bALZ BLilroiif .TTJ fo ? Infants and © hidrena ! 'Cnatcria Is so well adapted to children that recommecd it as superior to any prescription fcnorni to me. " n. A. ARCHEI : , M. D. , Ill So. Oxford St , Brocklya , N. Y. Th * Great Nurasry of PERGHERON HORSES. 200 Imported Brood Marcs Of CnoicestFamllioo. LARG12 NUiUBKRS , All Agos , both Sexes , IN STOCK. 300 to 400 IMPOIITED ANNUALLY from France.all recorded with extended pedlfrrees In tho I'ercheron Stud Looks. Tho Pcrcliei on is the only draft breed of France poywwlnu a stud book thnt has tlm support and endorsement of tht > French Government. Bend for lHO-pago CitaloRue , illustrations by .Uota " ' R3. W. DUNHAM , Wayne , DuPage Co. , Illinois. Have been enjoyed by citizen * of ovory town ami city in tho U. S. AIarvcluu < Cures hive lieen wit nessed by thou ands of people , wno cnn testify tu THE woxnERFcr. IIEAI.INO POVTEK or Oil Neuralgia , Toothache , Headache , Earache , Catarrh , Croup , Sore Throat. Lame Back , Stiff Joints , Contracted Cords , Sprains , Bruises , Burns , Fever Sores , Wounds , Old Sores , Chilblains , Frost Bites , Sore Nipples , Caked Breasts , and AH Aches and Pains , are quickly relieved by this inaeicnl remedy. Try it once and you will never IKS without it. Knrfaleby DniEcists. 1'nce.GOc. OurSuVC 1 > < > OK fn-e to ill I. Address WIZARD OIL COMPANY. CHICAGO. Will purify the BLOOD rcculato tho LJVEP ar < l KIDNEYS nni > lF < Tonr the HE A I/THnnO VIG OR of YOUTH ] > ysrei iii.Wia ofAppetitf. Inrtige tionJ-jickot Strenstb and Tired Ftlinc ab solutely rnred : Bones , muh- clen nnd nerres receive new for-e. Enlivens tho miml ami supplies UrainPowr. SuffBrinii from complaint * ' DR. IIAKTEK'S IBON fc3)Fii5 P'HEni - > in rONIOasifennd.peeilycurp. . Givcsnclear.heal thy compleiion. Freqn nt attempts at connterleit- ! of the original. W ini ; only add to the i puarity notexperimont et tho Omen : * ! . AND Bi-sr. HARTER" ? LIVER PILLS V A Dr. SlckB HCure CotJ3tlpatlon.Llv r Comolalnt and MHeidaclie. Sample Dose and Dream BooVrj " mallsd on receipt of two cents In postage , ff ydress ; DR. HAR ER. Mecical Co. , St.Louis WEAK , WERVQUS PEOPLE An < l others s-uffcrlnp from mrvoas debility , exhausting trkronic < lL-ea-es , prematuru " . clmc of jounij or Old aro positively cun-il l > y Vr. lliirne'si famoub iieclro- . _ -Masiielle licit. 7houands n every - \5Stato in the L'niun li\e Vtn cunil. Slectrlrl yjjlty ir.iLintly felt Paienfe < lar. < l fold Hi icara Whole family cm wear same belt Kleetrlr n peniorlc v fn-e v > ith male Iwlu. Aoul worthless im- tations ani bosus rompanie Kleetrlc Trti e Top Uupture. 70O cured in'SIi. Fcnil stamp fi > . jKiniphlet. Us.v. . J. HBSHE , IHVEHTOB , I3i WAS H Av. , CHICAGO. \V. N. U. . Omaha Castarla cures Colic , Cccstlpation , Sour Stomach , Diarrhoea , Eructation , I Tvillg Worms , gives sleep , aad proaiotea ci sestion. 'Without icjurious zaedic&tioa. TUB CSSTAUR Corposr , 1S3 Fulton Street. N. Y. did the Women of this country use ever thirteen'million cakes of Procter & Gamble's Lenox Soap in 1886 ? Buy a cake of Lenox and you will soon understand why.