! PITY RAKFRY j v/II 1 UriLiVl lVl. : o : FRESH BREAD DELIVERED EVERY DAY FREE OF CHARGE. -PIES-CAKES-CANDIES-WrS- -OYSTERS-ClDER-CIG'AIiS- - - - - -TOBACCO-ETC-ETC.- : o : \ LUNCH ROOM IN CONNECTION. j Cakes Made to Order. St. Paul Patent Flour. I A. PROBST & BRO. * _ II OSIIZENS BANK OF McGOOK ( INCORPORATED UNDER STATE LAWS. ) Paid up Capital , $50,000.00 , iDOES A ! General Banking Business , Collections made on all accessible points. Drafts drawn directly on the principal cities of Europe. Taxes paid for Non-Residents. Money to loan on farming lands , Tillage and personal property. Fire insurance a specialty. Tickets For Sale to and from Europe , CORRESPONDENTS : j V. FBANKLIN , President. First National Bank , Lincoln , Nebraska. I JOHH R. CLAKK , Vlce-Prealdont. The Chemical National Bnnk , New York. J A. C. EBEIIT , Cashier. THE R Y. Q. "Why Is it that everybody gets his clothes made by L. Bernheiiner ? A. Because he always keeps a large assortment of the best imported and domestic goods on hand , and he never fails to give entire satisfaction in every particular. These are the reasons why we advise all who want anything in the Merchant Tailoring line to call on onEIMER , Two Doors West of The Merchant Tailor. CITIZENS BANK BUILDING. . Superior to any on the market , being Heavier , Stronger Built , and therefore n more Durable Mill. It Is the only absolutely safe Mill built ; and out of Thousands Erected During 12 Years past , not one has ever blown away and left the Tower standing. A record no other 5II1I can show. TVe offer to rut up any of our PUMPING MILLS ON THIRTY DAYS TRIAL , And If they don't give satisfaction , will remove Mill at on own expense. Also Manufacturers of the Celebrated Challenge Feed Mills , Corn Shelters , Iron Pumps with brass cylinders , Iron Pipe , Tanks. For estimates , catalogues and prices , apply to G. JS. NETTLETON , 3IcCook3 Nel ) . , Agent for Southwestern Nebraska and Northwestern Kansas. JSTOflco asd Saleirccn in tie HeCooi Feed llill , Biilrcad St. G . -MANUFACTURERS AGENT FOR- WAGONS , BUGGIES , ETC. Largest and Best Selected Stock of Farm Implements in the Uepitblican Valley earned by the Manufacturers of the different lines of goods. Prices always the Lowest and always Regular. Call and examine. COR. MAIN AND RAILEOAD STS. , McCOOK , NEBRASKA. OF McCOOK , NEBRASKA. Makes First Mortgage Loans on Farm Property , OFFICE IN FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING. A. CAMPBELL , PRESIDENT. B. M. FREES , 1ST VICE PRESIDENT. GEO. HOCKNELL , SECRETARY. R. O. PHILLIPS , 2ND VICE PRESIDENT F , L. BROWN TREASURER. TOWN. 4 , RANGE 30. 0 W. Epperly and C. Chilcote , butchered some fine porkers , Tuesday. If a man can't enjoy these fine days he should lie run out of Nebraska. Wm. Grant of Mlnburn , Iowa , has purchas ed a tree claim. Consideration , $500. M. H. Colo butchered a beef , Monday. Af ter shooting it , they run it down and then killed it. A. D. Davis made use of the fine weather , Tuesday , by slaughtering some fat porkers for his own use. Ernest Coleman is spending a portion of these flue moon-light evenings popping over jack rabbits. He has killed a goodly number of them , and rather enjoys the sport. Miss Gertie Coleman came down from hc-r claim , and spent the holidays with Pa and Ma. at the old homestead , where she had an en joyable time. She returned home Tuesday. We are pleased to announce that Mrs. Geo. Coleman , who has been ill for a few days , is now convalescent. Their little daughter Dai sy sutfered an attack of diphtheria , but is re covering and will soon be able to resume her school duties. We learn by letter dated Doc. JMtli , that in Southern Iowa , the snow is about nine inches deep , and sleighing has been good for several weeks. It has also been very cold , the ther mometer stood at XI degrees below zero , on Dec. 27th. We learn that in Central Iowa , the ground has been covered with snow all win ter , and about Christmas it was so cold for sev eral days , that "yon could not poke your nose j out of the door without danger of having it i frosted. " By a letter received Monday , from Atnboy , 111. , we understand that sleighing has been good there for some weeks ; also that it has been very cold , the thermometer mark ing 33 degrees below zero on the 27th. Now tally about flve for Ked Willow county , Iowa was forty years old Dec. 28th , 188C. It was admitted into the sister-hood of states , Dee. 28th , 1810. We located in that-state when it was but flve years old. We used to love Iowa , but now we love one of her younger sisters much better. "We quote from the Iowa State Register : "In schools , Iowa ranks now with the first of the civilized govern ments among men , and has the lowest rates of illiteracy of any nation , government or province , in the world. " What sublime igno rance , is shown in the above. If R. 1 * . Clark- sou , managing editor of the Register , will come over into Nebraska , almost any school boy will inform him , that Iowa has not the lowest rate of illiteracy , but that her modest , blooming sister , Nebraska , though not half her age , stands equal with , and ranks as high as Iowa , in educational matters. Frank Finley , who was born and raised in Polk Co. , Iowa , is spending a few days with "Ye Granger. " He spent several day with us in October , 1882 , butarrivingatthc conclusion that this country was of no good , he returned to Iowa. From there he went to Dakota , where he spent over two years. Being dis pleased there on account of the long and se vere winters , he came to Nebraska again : and after traveling quite extensively through the northern and western portion of the state , he returned to this county. He was amazed and astonished at the rapid advancement make since he left here. He was so well pleased that he at once purchased a farm , a few miles northwest of McCook , where he intends mak ing his future home. He stated to us , that for flnc , smooth land , and richness of soil , he had seen nothing that would compare with this county. While in Dakota , he made one trip to the timber after a load of poles ; the distance was forty miles. The trip was made in three days. GRANGER. PLEASANT PRAIRIE DOINGS. Quilc cold , New Year. Jesse Goodwin spent Cliristimis at home. Mr. Dodge was on the sick list , the close of last week. 3Iiss Mary lliggins spent a. week visiting friends in this vicinity. Clara Benjamin spent ChrNtmas , Sunday and Monday , in this vicinity. A load of youiiR people from this place visited Mary lliggins , last Sabbath. Josiali French and Miss Mary Dawson were united in marriage , Dec. 23d , 1SSG. Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Farnsworth visited their half sister at Ludell , Kansas , last week. Clara Benjamin was thrown" from a horse and received some very severe bruises , last Monday. J. E. Dodge , who has been down in Kan sas for the past three weeks , completing a house for Mr. Sawyer , has returned. Some of the young people around here gathered at the residence of Mr. Goodwin , last Friday evening , to watcli the old year out and the new year in. Most of the young people from around here were in attendance at thedance at Mr. Parker's , Christmas eve. We suppose Mr. Parker lives on the creek , as we hear a great deal about "creek water. " On the evening of the 30th of December , 1SSG , most of the young men from this neighborhood attended one of those fearful charivaris at Mr. French's. Don't know , but suppose the foreman kissed the bride. B. J. J. BONDVILLE BUDGET. Literary every Tuesday night. Miss May Morris spent the holidays with icr father , Rev. D. S. Morris. Everybody reports as having a good time at thclclmrch , Cliristmas night. We have as many bachelors as ever , but somebody lost a horse , last Tuesday night , J. A. Carter says that sod houses are a tiling of the past lie has just completed a frame dwelling. W. B. Spain and family were out Christ mas day to help Mr. Billings eat turkpy. Al so John Furr and wife of McCook. SIJUIHBLKK. Salt Rheum or Eczema , Old sores and ulcers , Scaldhead and ringworm , Pain in the back and spine , Swelling in the knee joints , Sprains and bruises , Neuralgia and toothache , Tender feet caused by bunions , corns and chilblains , I warrant BECJOS' TROPICAL OIL to relieve any and all of the above. McMn.iK.v & WKHKS. Itch , Manse , and Scratches of every kind cured in 30 Minutes by Woolford's Sanitary Lotion. A sure cure and perfectly harmless. Warranted by S.L.GreenIruggist , McCook , i UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE j MeCOOK , NEBRASKA. . S. ? . HAST , Bolster. JACOB STZIHUSTZ , Eeselvcr. OFFICE HOUKS : From 9 A. M. to 12 M. , and 1 to 4 P. M. mountain time j W. S. MOHI.AN. J. i : . COCHKAX. MORLAN & COCHRAN , ATTORNEYS : AT - : LAW , j McCOOK. yEBKASKA. , A.f. . AOEK. JOHN WILEY. j AGEE & WILEY , ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Will practice in tbo State ami United State Courts , and before the U. S. Land Offices. Careful attention given to Collections. OHico Opp. Frees A ; Hockncll , Main St. , McCook. TIIOS. CONFER. J. A. COUDEAL. GOLFER & CQRDEAL , j ATTORNEYS - : - AT - : - LAW , ! AND NOTARIES PUBLIC. I Real Estate Hou ht unil Sold and Collections Made. Money loaned on real etitatu and Itiiu proof. Tlios. Colfer agent Lincoln Land Co Ollice , over l > "irdl National HankMcCook. . SNAVELY & STARR , ATTORNEYS AT LAW ! JNDTANOLA , NEBRASKA. i Will practice in all the State and Gnitc < States Courts. Also , before the Land Ollico at McCook and the department at Washington. iiunnvr. coiiE. LEON F. MOSS COLE & iMOSS , LAWYERS , MCCOOK NEHRASKA Will practice in all the Courts of Nebraska Kansas and Colorado , and in the Fcdcru Courts of the Eighth Circuit. Careful atten tion given to contests and laud business before theTJ. S. Land Ollices at McCook , Oberlin and Denver , and the Interior Department at Wash ington. Commercial and corporation law a specialty. Money to loan. Rooms 4 and . " . First National Bank Building. C. W. DAVIS. .1. I ) . TURNER DAYJS & TURNER , LAND ATTORNEYS , MuCOOlv XnilKASKA. All cases arising under the public land laws a specialty. 2T FOUR 1'EAK'S EXPER IENCE IN GENERAL LAND OFFICE at Washington , D. C. Contests entrusted to pur care will receive personal attention before the Interior Department. For this purpose. shall visit Washington twice annually. If you want to amend or change your entry you wil" do well to call and see us. H. G. DIXON , Real Estate and Loan Broker , McCOOK , NEBRASKA. Special attention given to the sale of city property. Houses rented and collections made. Ollice opposite Commercial Hotel. U. T. ANDERSON , Loan Broker and Accountant , McCOOK NEBRASKA. Books opened , written up andadjusted Of fice at City Drug Store. : i2-6mos. T. B. STUTZMAN , M. D. , Eclectic Physician and Surgeon , OCULIST AND AURIST. McCOOK NEBKASKA SSfOHice in McNccly Building , Main St. DR. A. J. WILLEY , SURGEON B.&M. RAILROAD. [ OFFICE AT B. & M. PHARMACr , ] McCOOK , - - NEBRASKA. B. B. DAVIS , M. D. . PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON , McCOOK NEBRASKA. Z3f 0 iice at Cheneryifc Anderson's drug1 store. L. J. SPIOKELMIEE , M. D. , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Special Aticntic : Givis toFcnah D3ic : . Office hours , from 9 to 11 A. M. , and 2 to 4 P. M. , mountain time. Ollice , opposite Windsor Hotel , east Dennison St. , McCook , Neb. DR. Z. L. KAY , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON , McCOOK. - - XEBKASKA. S Oflice : Room No.l , First National Bank BuildingResidence , on Marshall street. THE COMMERCIAL HOTEL , GEO. E. JOHNSTON , PROP. McCOOK , : : NEBRASKA. Tliis house has been completely renovated and refurnished throughout , and is first-class in ever } ' respect. Rates reasonable. 4-36 A. J. THOMAS , DENTIST. Administers Gas if desired. JS Oflice over Kendall's. .V27 W. M. SANDERSON , DECORATIVE ARTIST - : - , SCEOTC PAINTER , CalsominingGraining - , Paper Hanging , etc. with neatness and dispatch. ROBERT DRYSDALE , MERCHANT TAILOR , f STREET , McCOOK . NEBRASKA SPOTTS & STIMSOX , FASHIONABLE BARBERS & HAIR CUTTERS. Opposite Chicago Lumber Yard , MAIN STHEET , - McCOOK. NEBRASKA. WILLIAM McINTYKE , : ONTR ACTOR AND BUILDER , ! CULBERTSON. NEBRASKA , All work warranted. All material furnished f desired. Work done on short notice. FBIBUNE JOB OFFICE - : - - : - , i BEST EQUirrEB IN THE VALLEV , ' J. F ANSCHOW , McCOOK , Main St. , NEBRASKA. " ' - - -DEALERS INZZn Sash , Doors , Blinds , Lime , Cement , I ) --iMAIN OFFICE McCOOK , NEBRASKA. B. & M. TIME TABLE. EAST IiEAVES : E-VST LEAVES : No. 2 0:10. A.M. No. 40 5:25 , P.M. WEST LEAVES : WEST LEAVES : No.-5 ! ) 12:50 , P.M. No.l 8:55. P.M. J2T"EastIound trains run on Central Time , and westbound trains on Mountain Time. Freifrht trains do not carry passengers- It. It. WOODS , Agent. SOCIETY DIRECTORY. CONOKEGATIONAL Preaching services every Sunday morning' at 10:30 o'clock , and evening at 7 o'clock. Sunday School at 'J'M o'clock , A. M. , all mountain time. JOEL S. KELSKV , Pastor. METHODIST. Services every Sunday at 10 : : 0 A. M.-and 7 P. M. , mountain time. Sunday School at ! ) : oO A. M. All are cordially invited. Seats free. KEV. KADEBAUKII , Pastor. LUTIIEUAN-Scrvices the second and foil rf I Sundays of each month at 100 : ! , A. M. , am 8:00 , P. M. , central time , at the School Honst J. W. KIMMEL , Pastor. GERMAN FREE EVANGELICAL CIICHCI Preaching'every second Sunday , at" o'clock P. M. , mountain time , in the Con-rrejrtitiona ! Church. Sunday School every Sunday alter noon at 2 o'clock , mountain time. A. O. U. W. McCook Lodge No. GI , will nice. the first and third Mondays of each month in the Masonic Hall. Visiting brethren coiiliall invited. DK. B. B. DAVI , M.V. . W. H. DAVIS , Recorder. MCCOOK LEQIOX No. 7. SELECT KNIOHTS. A. 0. OF U.W. Meets every second and ioiirtl Tuesday evening-s of each month in Masonic Flail. All visitingcomrades cordially invitee ! to assemble with us. S. D. HUNT. A. H. DAVIS. Kecorder. Commander McCOOK LODGE A. F. & A. M. Regular meetings on the lirst and third Tuesday evenings of each month. S. L. GKKEN , W. M. \V. S. WEBSTKK , Secretary. McCOOK CHAPTER , U. D. Meets on the Jr&tand third Thursdays of each mouth , at Masonic Hall. Visiting companions cordially invited. ' W. W.FisiiEK.Ii. P. T. G. REES , Secretary. CONSTANTINO COMMANDEI1V. U. I ) . Meets every second and fourth Thursday nights in pach month. Visiting Sir Knights courteously invited. E. E. LOWMA.N , E. C. S. COUDEAL , Recorder. . WILLOW GIIOVE LODGE K. OF P. , No. i42. Meets every Wednesday evenin 'satMasonic Hall. I J. W. CAMI'UELL , C. C. C. II. BOVLE , K. R. S. I. O. O. F. McCook Lodge No. 1S7,1. O. O. F. , meets every Friday evening , at 7 o'clock , in Masonic Hall. All visiting brothers are invit ed to meet with us. C. T. BUE1VEK. N. G. R. C. FISHEH , Permanent Secretary. B. OF L. E. Brotherhood of LocomotiveEn- gineers. Meet first and fourth Saturdays of each month. T. .1. Mclsuov , Chief. J. C. ANDERSON , F. A. E. J. K. BAKXES POST G. A. R. Regular meet ings second and fourth Monday evenings of each month at Masonic Hall. 11. S. COOLEV , Commander. S. D. HUNT , Adjutant. Ludwick &Trowbridge McCOOK , NEB , ; M. A. LJBBEE , INSURANCE ! MeCOOK , NEB. Fire and Lightning , Tornado and Cyclone , Life and Acci dent , Endowment and Semi- Endowment Furnished in the Best Companies in the United States. Applications Prompt ly Attended to. Correspond ence Solicited. KILPAT11ICK BROTHERS. ( Successors to E. D. Webster. ) Horses branded on left hip or left shoulder. P. O. address , Estelle , Hayes county , and Ilcnt- e. Neb. Itanj-e.Stink- " w ter and French- ' , man creeks , Chase Co. , f Nebraska. j Brand as cut on side of ' some animals , on hip and : sides of some , or any whereon the animal. STOKES & TROTH. P. O. address , Carrico , Hayes county. Neb. Han-rc : Heil Willow creek , above Carrico. Stock branded as ahovt Also run tiie following brands : 5 , J-f , U , X Horse brand , lazy W.L . JOIIN P. BLACK. Breeder of IMPROVED SHEEP ME It I NO -AXD- SOUTHDOWN -O- Personal in spection end correspon dence solicit ed. ed.Address Address him at Ked Nebraska. EATON BROS. & CO. P. O. address. McCook , Nebraska. Rangesouth -f McCook. Cattle branded on left hip. Also , 10 5 and , , ft 11 brands on left hip. Horses branded the same on left shoulder. SPRING CREEK CATTLE CO. J. D. WELBOKN , Vice President and Supt. P. O. address , Indiano- a , Nebraska. ' Ranpe : Republican Valley , east of Dry Creek , and near head o'f .Sprinjr Creek , in Chase county , Nebraska. t-W.