The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, January 06, 1887, Image 7

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A Story for N tr Years.
Everybody who knew anything
about the Evermonds knew that there
had been trouble and disgrace attend
ing them for many years.
First , their oldest daughter , beautiful
Nellie.Evermond , became infatuated
with an opera singer and eloped with
him. .Following that came the death
of the youngest , and pet child , dear
little Bessie. . Then , the only son , hand
some Will Evermond , was arrested , for
embezzlement , and , although nothing
could be proved against him , it was
established in many minds that he
was guilty. He could not bear the
contemptuous glances and scornful
words of those who had .formerly wel
comed him among them with delight
So he departed for a foreign land.
There was left only ilr. Evermond ,
his wife , and a lovely young girl , of
this once proud family.
Suaie Gray had come to live with the
Evermonds when she was an infant.
Her mother had been the only sister of
Mr. Evermond's first love , and when
she died he took the little girl to bis
home and treated her with the same
consideration that his own children en-
Joyed. She had been secretly engaged
to "Will Evermond for some time before
his disgrace and departure. After he
was accused of embezzlement he-had
f *
studiously avoided her , and no word of
If love had fallen from his lips.
Susie had waited patiently for some
allusion to the engagement between
them , and longed to assure Will that
whatever happened she would not
change , but her retiringsensitive
nature would notallow her to speak
The day of his departure arrived.
He had been out with his father in the
morning , and only came home to lunch
at noon.
After lunch , there wanted but one
hour to the time appointed for the
steamer in which he had taken passage
to sail. His trunks had been sent early
in the day , and there remained but the
farewells to be said ere the unhappy
young man left his native land.
Will Evermond had nothing of the
coward's blood in his veins , but he
shrank from this parting. He loved
Susie .with all the strength of his deep
nature , and he said to his heart , when
his trouble first came upon him : "I
love her too well to allow her to share
my disgrace , " and so he was going
Mrs. Evermond lay upon the sofa in
fashionable hysterics. Will knelt be
side her and touched his lips to her
brow , murmuring " God bless and keep
you always , mother , dear , " and strode
from the room.
Susie was waiting'for him in the hall.
He took her tenderly in his arms and
kissed her with the old-fashioned , lov
ing tenderness. "Good-by my poor
little Susie ! If ever my name is cleared
from this dreadful stain I will come
back and marry you "
"Oh , Will ! do not go ! I care noth
ing for the opinion of the world. Stay ,
and let me prove to you how true a
woman's heart can be ! "
He put her clinging arms from about
his neck , whispered : " wait a few years ,
darling , it may be that God will bring
everything right ; good-by , " and was
Mrs. Evermond , was shrieking in the
parlor , and the servants who were at
tempting to quiet her found themselves
unequal to the task , and sent for
Susie. During that whole day Susie
had not one moment to herself , but
devoted all her time to the fancied
needs of the fashionably nervous
mother. And because she was his
mother the noble girl bore with her.
This happened five years before the
time of which I write , and Susie was
then twenty-five.
All this timeshe had waited'patiently
for some word of love or hope from
Will ; but none ever came , and she had
settled her heart to a quiet state , re
solving to devote her life to doing
Mr. Evermond had grown fretful
and moody since the departure of his
son , and upon this Xew Year's morn
ing he was unusually irritable. A
timid ring at the door-bell brought out
the exclamation :
"There it goes ! I wish the beggars
were all in Tophet ! Ann , go to the
door and drive that beggar away. Bos
her ears "
"How do you know that it is a girl ? '
asked Susie , smiling , as she rose to
leave the room.
"Can't I tell every style of beggar in
Ihe city by their ring at the bell ? " he
Susie followed Ann to the door , ar
riving in time to hear a timid littla
voice say :
"Please , ma'am , I cannot go away
without seeing the master ! Mother is
dying and I must see him. "
"An'what'll the likes of yer mither
bo axin'of him if she be dy in' ? Be
gone wid ye ! " replied Ann , slamming
the door , and turning to Susie with.a
self-satisfied air.
"Let me speak to the child , " Susie
cried , opening the massive door with
her own hands.
The little one stood upon the marble ,
sobbiug with the abandon of childish
"Tell me all about it , little boy , " she
said , drawing the .scantily clad child
into the hall , winch was warm and
fragrant with the breath of rare flow-
- -
. i
era."My jiamma is most dead , and she
told me if I could see Mr. Evermond
and give him this paper he would take
care of me. My papa is dead , and . "
Hero the little fellow broke down and
commenced to sob wildly.
' There , there ! Don't cry ! Tell me
your name and give me the paper. I
will take it to Mr. Evermond. " said
"My name is Willie Evermond , and
Oh , dear , I have loat the paper. What
shall I docried the child.
Susie put her jeweled hand to her
pale brow. There was a rush of feel
ing within too powerful to resist , and
for a moment she was speechless.
When she found voice to speak the
tones were far off anO. hollow. She
asked :
"What was your father's name ? "
"Will , mother always called him.
He died four weeks ago. We have not
been in this country but five weeks , "
was the reply.
"It musf be Will's child , " murmured
Susie , as she observed the resemblance
of the little face to one whose every
lineament' was imprinted upon her
heart. "Pive years since he went away.
This child is about four. Poor Will
must have married soon after reaching
a foreign shore , " she soliloquized.
Then taking the child by the hand
she led him into the presence of Mr.
Evermond and told his simply story.
"Mr. Evermond was pale with anger.
" Take the brat away 1" he cried. " It
Is but the artfully contrived story of
some greedy wretch who thinks to
make money out of my troubles ! Why ,
Susie ! only last week a little girl
came to me with a pitiful story , claim
ing to be the .child of my daughter
Nellie , who , she said , was dead. I
thought the child looked altogether too
much like some person I had seen , to
belong to my family , so I told her to
lead me to her home , and I would do
my duty by her. She hesitated , but I
insisted , and she led the way to a filthy
street , and in one of the crowded tene
ment houses. I found the mother of the
little girl , and who do you think it was ?
Our old nurse , Mary Ann Galloway ,
who lived with us when Xellie went
away , and knew all the particulars of
the affair. Just as likely as any way ,
this boy was sent by the same person.
I shall not give him any money ; show
him out ! "
Susie led the child from the room ,
and bidding him wait for her in the
hall , quickly put on a warm shawl , and
furs , and taking a hat from the ward
robe , she left the house in company
with him. Up one street and down
another , until it seemed that they
would never stop. Susie followed this
shivering child. She felt that she was
going to find Will's wife , and her gen
erous heart formed many plans for the
relief of the suffering woman upon this
way. At last they paused before a
ricketty-looking building , and the little
boy said :
' I'll take hold o f your hand , and when
I say 'go careful , ' you must mind
where you step , for the stairs in some
of 'em is broke. I know where every
broken step comes. "
She followed him into a filthy entry ,
and up a dark , winding staircase , then
into a small , bare room. The woman
whom he called "mother" was yet
alive , although it was evident that her
hours were numbered. She made a
feeble effort to turn her head toward
the new comers , but in vain. Susie
bent over her.
The dying woman opened her eyes
and whispered :
' Susie ! oh , Susie ! I did not expect
you would come after I had so disgraced
you ; but I did want father to take care
of Willie. You are too good , dear
Susie. "
The dying woman reached out her
hands with one convulsive movement.
Willie pillowed his head upon her
breast , and the weary life weut out
Xellie Evermond was dead.
Among her few papers were found
a brief history of her life. The villian
who had lured her from her home had
never deserted her , and at her entreaty
had taken her to her native land to die.
His death occurred soon after their ar
rival , and little Willie , who bore his
mother's name , was all that was left of
her six children.
Mr. Evermond caused the body of his
misguided daughter to be buried in a
costly casket , and it rests now beneath
the quiet shades of Greenwood.
Ab ausie entered the house after her
visit to the wretched home of Nellie
Evermond , a well-remembered voice
greeted her , and a well-known form
hastened to meet her. Will Evermond
had returned.
In far-off Italy he met the man whose
guilt had been fastened upon himself ,
and from his dying lips ho heard the
confession. ' He hastened to have it
put in writing and properly witnessed ,
then started for home.
With full faith in Susie's truth , his
heart beat joyfully , for he knew that
it was to call her "wife" that he was
hastening homeward.
' Susie , I have come back free from
the imputation of crime ! " Lowering
his voice , he whispered : "Has my
darling been true to our troth all these
years ? "
Womanlike , she wept because of her
great joy , and for an answer hid her
blushing face upon his broad bosom.
Two months later there was a brilli
ant wedding at the home of the Ever
monds , and gentle Susie stood beside
Will Evermond , oerfect in her love and
Babjr falls and Lumps its head.
Baby bawls , they think its dead ,
Mumma gets St. Jacobs Oil ,
Rubs the baby ; stops turmoil.
An Irlhlinian Rules AtiHtria.
In Austria Count Taafe lias been Prime
Minister in the Cisleithan iionarchy since
1870. Count Taafe is an Irish peer , vhost
family have been settled in Austria since
the deposition of the Stuarts. He is by
far the most influential personage in the
empire , for the emperor has the strongest
affection for him , treats him en camarade ,
and takes his advice in all things. He la a
short , stoutish man. with a rather Italian
heat ] , long , straight black hair , a skip
ping sort of walk , twinkling eyes , and a
Rabelaisan mouth , broadened by continual
A prominent farmer of Bowlinj * Green ,
Howard County , Md. , Mr. J. T. Ridgely.
biiid his four children were sick with sore
throats and coughs at the same time. Red
Star Cough Cure cured them in a weak. No
A Storr of tlio Prliicewt of Wales.
A pretty story is told about the Princess
of Wales. The scene of it was the mansion
house , the occasion aball given some years
ago , and to which , among other "invites , "
was a provincial mayor , who had the
honor of being introduced to the pretty
princess. The tale goes , and the truth of
it is vouched for , that upon his worship
asking , against all rules of etiquette , the
princess to grant him a dani.e , she replied
with a touch of delicate humor , ' 'I do not
know whether you will not bo rathor afraid ;
some of my children are only just recover
ing from the measles , and you inighfc take
them. " The wearer of the civic chain , how
ever , was equal to the occasion , for , bow
ing low , he replied , "I should be delighted
to take anything from so charming a
Many people's remarks are irrelevant ,
liut if you've got a pain or ache orabruise ,
Salvation Oil will reach the subject in
stantly. Price 23 cents.
The first telescope was used in England
in 1608.
What "Old Fritz' ) Said.
It was an nphorism of Frederick the
Great's that ' 'Facts are divine things. "
An undisputed fact is that Dr. Pierce'a
"Golden Medical Discovery" is the most
powerful liver vitalizer extant , and by its
characteristic and searching action will
cure dyspepsia , constipation , dropsy , kid
ney disease , sick-headache , and other mal
adies which , popular opinion to the con-
tr.ry notwithstanding , are directly tracea
ble to a diseased condition of the liver , by
which its work as a purifier of the blood is
made incomplete. All druggists.
It's very curious , but doctors don't seem
to known anybody well.
"Oh ! But I Salivated Him ! "
was the actual exclamation of an honest
physician , spoken of one of his patients to
whom he had given calomel for the c'tre of
biliousness and a diseased liver. And he
had salivated him for certain , from which
he never recovered. All these distressing
consequences are avoided by the nso of Dr.
Pierce's "Pleasant Purgative Pellets , " a
purely vegetable remedy that will not sali
vate , but produce the most nleasing effect ,
invigorate the liver , cure headache , dyspep
sia , biliousness , constipation and piles. By
Strange as it may seem , when inoney is
close it is difficult to get very near it.
The worst cases cured by Dr. Sage's
Catarrh Remedy.
The Boston boy's stomach is always in
apple-pie order.
Excursions to the Winter Resorts of
Hie South.
The Wabash. St. Louis it Pacific Ry. are
now selling round-trip tickets , good until
June 1st , 1887 , at greatly reduced rates ,
to Mobile , New Orleans , Pensacohi , Jack
sonville , Cedar Keys , and all the principal
points in the south. For further informa
tion and tickets , call on or write F. E.
Moore ? , Ticket Agent , or G. N. Clayton ,
Northwestern Passenger Agent , 1502 Far-
nam Street , Omaha , Neb.
This country last year coined § 0,000-
000 more gold and silver than was pro
duced by its mines.
We would be pleased to know of a man
or womanho lias never had headache or
been subject to constipation. As Ihese
seem to be universal troubles a little advice
may be in order. Why should persons
cram their stomachs with nauseating pur
gative pills , etc. , which sicken and debili
tate when such a pleasant and sterling rem
edy as Prickly Ash Bitters will act mildly
and effectively on the liver , kidney , stom
ach and bowels , and at the same time tone
up and strengthen the whole system , caus
ing headache , constipation and all such dis
tressing evils to quickly disappear.
Egotism wouldn't be a very bad fault if
a man would only keep it to himself.
"Consumption. Can be Cured. "
Dr. J. S. COMES , OWEXSVILJK , Ohio.says :
"I have given SCOTT'S EMULSION of Cod
Liver Oil with Hypophosphites to four
patients with better results than seemed
possible with any remedy. All were hered
itary cases of Lung diseases , and advanced
to that stage when Coughs , pain in the
chest , frequent breathing , frequent pulse ,
fever and Emaciation. All these cases
have increased in weight from 1C to 28
Ibs. , and are nob now needing any medi
cine. "
Turkish fig paste is introduced among
the sweets at fashionable dinner parties.
Men look slovenly with run-orer hcelj. Lyoc's
Heel Stlffeners prevent It ; 2Cc.ap.ilr.
A new style of sleigh has been named
after Mrs. Langtry.
Do not despair of curing your sick head
ache , when you can so easily obtain Car
ter's Little Liver Pills. They will effect a
prompt and permanent cure. Their action
is mild and natural.
A gastronomic error is to imagine that
the most colossal turkey is the best.
Republican Valley Stock Farm.
The popularity of Percheron horses in
the west has developed some very exten
sive establishments for their breeding , one
of the oldest being the Republican Valley
Stock Farm , owned by Messrs. Avery &
Coleman , of Wakefield. Clay county , Kan
sas. They are thoroushly reliable men
with whom it is a pleasure to deal , and
thoroughly posted in their business , Mr.
Avery being one of Kansas' pioneers and
for most of the time having been engaged
in breeding draft horses , while Mr. Cole-
man's many years' experience as foreman
for M. W. Dunham esoecially fits him for
the business. Write them for catalogue
No. 5 , it gives pedigrees and descriptions
and is sent out free.
The Franciscans arrived in England in
The Omaha Type foundry can furnish
new newspaper outfits on shorb notice.
Prices same as in Chicago and freight
already paid to Oruaha.
* " " f
x , * *
. The entire Hebrew Bible was printed5n
Ships were 'first "copper-bottomed" in
Although we have heard persons remark
"it is worth its weight in gold" still lr.
Bull's Cough Syrup is to be hud at all Drug
stores for the small price of 25 cents a bot
The first steamboat plied the Hudson in
' to Save ITIoiiey.
Wherever you live , you should write to
ITullctt & Co. , Portland , Maine , and learn
about work that you can do while living
at your own home at a profit of at least
from § 5 to $25 and upwards daily. Some
have made over § 50 in a day. All is new.
Either sex. All ages. Hallett it Co. . will
start yon. Capital not needed. AH par
ticulars free. Send along your address at
once and all of the above will be proved to
you. Nothing like it ever known to work-
Motto for a corset factory "We have
come to stay. "
Congested Liver is Frequent in the
Spring , and is relieved by CARTER'S LITTLE
The first steel plate was discovered in
It is not undeistood why druggists keep
in stock so many kinds of medicines lor
coughs , colds , and consumption , when it is
only necessary to ketp Allen's Lung Bal
sam , that old , reliable remedy , which is a
pure vegetable preparation and perfectly
harmless , as it contains no opium in any
form. Sold every where.
A broth of a boy ought to be a superior
It afflicted with Sore Eyes , use Dr. Isanc
Thompson's Eje Water. Druggists sell it. 23c
It looks as if the big chief , Indian Sum
mer , has returned to his reservation.
jpre _ _ _ 4. _ Pays for a YEAR'S sub-
O > UGHTS scription to the Weekly
AMERICAN RURAL HOMU. Rochester , N. Y. ,
WITHOUT premium "the Cheapest and Best
Weekly in the World"S pages,48columns ,
16 years old. For ONE DOLLAR you have
oxu choice from over 150 different Cloth-
bound DOLLAR VOLUMES , 300 to 1)00 pp. ,
and paper one year , post-paid. Book post
age , loc. Extra. 50.000 books given away.
Among them are : Law Without Lawyers ;
Family Cyclopedia ; Farm Cyclopedia ;
Farmers' and Stockbreeders' Guide ; Com
mon Sense in Poultry Yard ; World Cyclo
pedia ; Danelson's ( Medical ) Counselor ;
Boys' Useful Pastimes ; Five Years Before
the Mast ; Peoples' II story of United
States ; Universal Hinlciry of all Nations ;
Popular History Civil War ( both sides ) .
Any OXE book and paper , one year , all
post-paid , for § 1.15 only. Paper alone ,
G5c. Satisfaction guaranteed on books
nnd Weekly , or money refunded. Reference :
lion. C. It. I'AUSO.VS , Mayor Rochester.
Sample papers , 2e. RUI\L HO.ME Co. , Ltd.
Without"Prem. G5c a year. RochesterN.Y.
It is proper 'hat the man who breaks
the law should be compelled to keep the
A Mr. Johnston , student of Omaha
Coinmeicial College , is filling a lucrative
position as book-keeper for A. D. Morse ,
Omaha's leading merchant.
When a man gets to be a leader of work-
ingmen he is able to quit work.
PUo' * Remedy for Catarrh Is agreeable to use. li
i not a liquid or a snuiT. 5Ue.
The new French Premier is named Gob
"I HAVE BKE.v ATKLicTEi ) with an Affec
tion of the Throat from childhood , caused
by diphtheria , and have used various rem
edies , but have never found anything equal
M. F. Hampton , Piketon , Ky. Price 25cts.
The devil is a cobbler who is always peg
ging away at souls.
An Expensive IJclay
Is faijing to provide the proper mean ? to
expel from the system those disease germs
which cause scrofula , indigestion , debility ,
rheumatism , and sick headache. Th < * only
reliable means is Dr. Harter's Iron Tonic.
"This beats me , " as the egg remarked
when it saw the spoon.
Obstinate Constipation Readily
Yields to the regular use of CARTER'S LITTLE
Words that never die "Shut that door ? ' '
br was sick. TTO gare her Cutoiia ,
"WTien she wag a Child , she cried , for Cantoris ,
VThcn she becan-s Miss , she clan ; to Castoria.
When sho had Children , she gave them Caatoria.
The Omaha Typ foundry can furnish
new ncttsimper outfits on bhorfc notice.
Prices same as in Chicago and freight
already paid to Omaha.
Ic Ina staod the Test of Tears ,
Curing all Diseases of tha
SIS.&c. ItPurifiestho
Blood , Invigorates and
Cleanses the System.
disappear at once
KIDNEYS its bsneScial influence.
STOMACH It is purely a Medicine
AND M as its cathartic proper
ties forbids its use as a
BOWELS ] beveraee. It is pleas-
actto tri3 taste , and a
easily taken fcy child
- ren as adults.
FRlCElDOLL/.P.i-j ; Sola S and Proprietors. KASTSAS Cnr
until you are benefited. Terras Low.
Humane Henaedy Co. , .Lafayette , lad.
Is a dunrerons as well KB distresain ; complaint. Ii'
nf elected , it tends , br impairing nutrition , and do-
prw inc tb tone of tha ajitKim , to prepare the wtj
lor Rapid Dwchne. _ _ j
litos the appetite. I -
MB. JOHN II. rioBAHTea3N.15tht > t..OinAhiNeb.
Bays : " I suffered e Ter ly tor sn anutha with Indi-
gotion. . I recaired no b neht from doctors. Brown' *
Iron Bitters completely cured me. I recommend it. "
Miss N. LEWIS. 1318 California St. , Omaha. b. ,
aajs : "InivTe u. d Bronn's Iron Bitters for Dys
pepsia. with excellent resulta. "
MO.O. D. THOMPSON , , T orfolk. l eb. .
raja : "I hav been cured of Dyipepna br the nso of
Brown's Iron Bitten and eheerfullj recommend it. "
Genuine haa aboTeTrade Maztc and crossed red lines
on wrapper. Take no other. Made only by
® n
It relieves pain , promotes a regnlar and healthy
recurrence of periods and is a great help to yocng
girls and to woiaen past maturity. It strengthens
the back and the pcWc organs , bringing relief
and comfort to tired women vbo Bland all day In
home , shop and factory.
Icncorrhoea , Inflammation , TTlceration , and Dis
placements of the Utcrns have bcci > cnred by It ,
as women ererywhcre gratefully testify. Regular
physicians often prescribe it.
Sold by all Druggists. Priec < $1.00.
3Trs. Pinkhaia's "Guide to Health" mailed toaay
lady seeding etamp to the Laboratory , Lynn , Mass.
if U YI 11S > GUIDE la
issued Sept. and 3Iarcfa ,
eacli year. 3312 pages ,
tuclieswltli over
illustrations n
whole Picture Gallery.
GIVES Vwliolcsale Prices
direct to coniitmcrs on all goods for
personal or family use. Tells liow to
order , arid gives exact cost of every
thing you use , eat , drink , wear , or
lia-re fanvltli. . Tlaese
BOOKS contain information gleaned
from the markets of the - world.Vc
will mall a copy FRKE to any ad-
drcsa upon receipt of 10 cts. to defray
expense of mailing. Iict us hear from.
you. Respectfully ,
227 & 229 Wr.lin h Avennp. Clucaco , 111.
After giving your "Tansill's Punch" uc
cigar a tlioroi : h trial we have concluded
they prove to be all you represented them
to be. AVe Imve handled yotir cigars for
more than 13 years.
A. A. PAKD1TC & BKO. ,
Druggists , Madi&on , Wis.
Onlckly rel'evrd by irinff Cnslinrnn'a 3entliol
Inhaler an 1 bv continued ue effect a cure , batb-
f.iction guarantied or money refumlil. UlatUfrom
tiimcnthj to one year Prr M rent * ; liyinailorat
dnigzut. Circular * ir.a-k-d or. appl. cation.
H. D. CUSHMAH , Thre eR i ve rs , Mich.
ifMl fifflfi SOLD IN ONE DAY
Official Medal' LIbmv Enllchtenin" tMc World "
Statue one sidf , Kirtlmldi Medallion on the reverse ;
flneat e\ers. > ld Sizeof Silver Dollar. 1'at-
entrd by American Committee and M. 13ar > hoIdL
Mailed to any udarest on receipt of i > cents.
Agents Wanted. School Boys and others.
SO Beekraan St. . Xew Yorfe.
and nil tlifir imperfection , including fa
cial Dex'lnpnu.'nr. Hair and Scalp , Super
fluous Hair. Kirth Marr ! . Jloles "U'arts ,
Motli. Freckle" ! . Ked Xo.-- , Acne , IJLuk
Head * . Scars Pittmsr and their treatment.
f ? < So > / 'STSsend fnr'book'of SOpn t-S thrditioi. .
Er. J. II. noadboiTi 87 X. Pearlbt .UIanyK. Y. , EstVd 1STO.
sjsi.asrup .fq piog 'atnu ui
pooS rajsvjdoiCs RSnoo V
S1IVJ 3S13 11V 3H3HW S3SQ3
n llved and cnred by Dr. J.
IPTU ! A. Sherman's method. Those
who cannot avail thm elTes
of personal attendance c n have home treatment ap-
pilance and curative sent for $ ' 0 onlv. Send stamp
for circulars. 234 Broadway. Xenr Yoric.
tooeil AO VKI/1 V KVti
PATTEKNS. for making EuffJ.
Tidiei , lloodi. Mitten1 : , etc. Sent
bv mail for SI. ClKCUI-ARi
S D'xfnrjj and Va al rttarrli
_ - . , . , * jiennanently r red. Gls- i
Jba'TSBD fitted for all fo'ms of dcfec-
Inserted. Addresi Dr. IMPEr. Omiha. Kb. .
allreencrseac man
or Ttoman needing
profitable empIoTraent to represent us ia every
county. Salary JT5 per month and cipen es , or a
comnii5sion on j-ales If preferred. Goods staple ,
ivery one buys. Outfit and particulars Free.
STUDY. Book-kerpinc , r.nsne !
yorms.I'enmanshtp.Ar.thraetle. Short
hand , etcthoroueh T taught or mail. Circular ]
free BKYANT'S COM.KGr. liitlT.ilo. V.V.
3IorpliIne n.-liit Cured la Ll
to'JOiUjrt. > 'o p rtill Care a.
LIE J. SrcfuitNa. Leiiuaa. : Oulo.
TEI CPDfiDHV Vonns men ami Uulics f > l - rn
I CLtUnAr fi I Ka-e lo wort for hnr 1 while at
s-hool fmnUheJ. Addrtsj Omaha Telegraph School
! * Officer's Tar. Bo-in y.
FETmQFOSV 5 * etc. Write for circular" and
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