The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, December 30, 1886, Image 3

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rfh , Schoolmarm !
rhou v/ho teucheat tho young idea
( low to scoot , and spankest theurstwhile
Festive small hoy with a hand that taketh
tho trick ;
Who alHo lameth him with a switch ;
And crowneth him by laying the weight
Of a ruler upon his HUoulders ,
rhou art a daisy !
Thou nmketh him tho national emblem
lied , white and bltio
Thou lurpisheth tho etripea ,
And ho seeth' the stars.
Oh , Schoolmarm ,
We couldn't do without theo ,
ft.nd wo don't want to try !
? Thou art lovely and nccornplii _ „
Above all women , and if than art
i NTot married , it is because thou art
Too smart too be caught in that way.
All schoolmarms arc women ,
But all women aro not schoolmarms ,
And , angels pedagogic.
That's whore thou hast the bulgo on thy
sisters !
Oh , Schoolmarm !
Thou maycst not cot much pay hero below ,
But cheap education is a national special
And than wilt set thy reward in heaven ;
The only drawback being that thou stay-
cat thero
When thou gocst after it , and wo
Who remain hero below for our reward ,
Missyou like thunder.
Schoolmarm , if thero'u anything wo can do
for you ,
r > ll .on us !
Apply ei\uy and avoid tho rush !
OHico hours from 8 A. M. to 5 r. MJ
Wo were a scho ilboy once ourself ,
And can show the marks of it !
Washidgton Critic
From tho London World.
"Do not como too late. " That was
the wording of the telegram wich Cap
tain Richard Irton held in his hand as
he sat , in a temperature of 109 degrees
in the shade , on tho veranda of his
Indian bungalo'.v.
"Do not como too laic ? " ho mutter ,
ed to himself. By Jovn , as if it were
probable that he would dawdle now !
It was just like Mrs. Lsnnox to sencJ
such a chafiing wire as this. He might
have been a long Lime making up his
mind , but it was made up now , am
he meant to go home and marry her
It was her last letter that had settlec
the matter tho letter in which she
hinted that Lord Shorthorn was aw
fully "mashed. " No , he wasn't coin ?
to stand by and see Dorothy Lennox
married to a cad like Shorthorn. He
had been the whole year , he remindet
-himself , in this infernal station , with
its furnace heat , its inane gossip , am
its eternal tennis and polo. How he
lon-thbJ tho very sisht of his Major's
wife , with her white eyelashes , her
malicious giggle , and her flirting man
ners !
And then he thousht of Mrs. Lennox.
He remembered the first night he hac
met her in the ball-room of a great
house in London and how he hac
seen her surrounded by a dozen other
fellows , and how he had "made the
running , " and had cut out all those
outsiders. And he recollected the cal
ho had paid next day at her tiny
house in Park street , when she had
been so sweet and graceful , and hac
talked to him as no woman had ever
talked before. He didn't go in for
brains or any of that rot , but , by
Jovel Dorothy Lennox made him
feel another fellow. He thought oi
the cool , amber-tinted room where
ehe always sat , with its droopin _
palms , its masses of azaleas , its Rajon
etchings , and its blue-and-white Nan
kin. It was always cool and cosey
in Mrs. Lennox's house , and she had
a way of taking a fellow's hand and
looking him seriously in the eyes which
was quite irresistible. He remembei-
cd hov ? it had become almost a habit
to drop in of an afternoon , to lounge
on her soft divan , and listen to her
half chaffing talk and her low delicious
laugh. And when a woman is deuced
pood-looking as well as clever , why ,
what is a fellow to do ? Perhaps it was
V vrrong to make love in quite such a se
rious way as he did , but , hang it ! she
wasn't ft kitten , and she might have
known he wasn't the marrying sort.
All that was a year ago , but he
hadn't forgotten her abit worse luck.
And her letters how awfully nice they
were ! how like herself ! Not spoouy ,
like those he wrote to her , but frank ,
hnmorons and thoroughly bon cama-
ade. Hang it all ! it was much easier
to keep heartwholein London than in
this eultry and monotonous hole. He
had managed to evade compromising
himself definitely even when he had
gono to bid Mrs. Lennox cood-bye ,
although he had been perilously near
proposing to her that last evening ;
trat he had got away , and nothing had
been said which would have tied him.
down to an ensagement.
Dick , in his roving life , had commit-
cd every folly except that which he
considered the hugest folly of all the
folly of tying yourself to one woman
all your life. He remembered how he
had congratulated himself on all this
when he went on board the Jumna.
Was he the best-lookingfellow and the
keenest sportsman in the One Hun
dred and Pifthieth Huzzars , to knock
under like any spoony young sub , the
moment be met a pretty woman ? But
now things were changed. He had
never bargained , somehow , for her
marrying again ; he had got to look
upon her more or less as his own.
"When she had written thatletter with
all the allusions to Shorthorn in it , his
blood had fairly boiled. He didn't
regret a bit the letter he had
written in reply , telling her he was
leaving India the very day he could
get leave , and asking her to be his
wife. After allwhy shouldn't he mar-
jy ? He was over 30 , and he had ,
ns he remembered with a smile , his
"fling. " The other fellows in his reci-
jnent used to chaff him and call him
' 'casual , " and said that he never did
to-day what he could put oil' till to
morrow. Bnt that was all nonsense.
He could make up his mind like other
men , even to matrimony. And here
vras her answer to his letter : "Do
not come to late. " Well , he had got
his leave , and would be with her iu
three weeks.
Mrs : Lennox was tho sort of woman
about whom people's tongues are al
ways wagging. Hardly _ was her late
husband borne beneath nodding
plumes to Kensal Green than she was
married , in perspective , to at least a
dozen admirers. She was a great suc
cess in society , for beside being a
charming woman she was a fashion
able poetess , writing words forTosti's
songs , and publishing small volumes
of verse , bound in white jmrchment ,
and printed on extra thick paper.
Tall and sliaht.with smooth dark hair
and liquid eyes , she had a face full of
character and determination. To
look at Mrs. Lennox was to know
that she was a woman who rapidly
made up her mind , and who , once
having done so , was not likely to alter
it. But two years had passed away
since her husband's death , and this
nineteenth-century Sappho had nofe
consoled herself. And then had come
the Dick Irton episode.
It was a bright morning in June
when Captain Irton arrived at Charing
Cross Station , thoroughly fagged and
wearied by his long journey. He had
come as fast as F. and 0. steamers
and mail trains can bring a man from
Bombay to the Strand. But in a
couple of hours he hoped to have rid
himself of all .signs of travel , to have
got inside a decent coat , and to be in
the eliady drawing-room iu Park
street with Dorothy Lennox's sofb
arms aronnd his neck. He felt very
sleepy and somewhat aggrieved , f rhe
had nursed the unreasoning hopo of
seeing her at the station , although
she could not possibly know exactly
when he would arrive. He had started
by the very next mail from Bombay ,
so that writing would have been
useless. He felt , indeed , that he had
answered her telegram in a very prac
tical fashion. How overjoyed she
would be to have him back ! He hoped
it would not be too much for her see
ing him suddenly again like this. So ,
throwing himself on the bed in his
room at the Grand Hotel , he fell
When Dick awoke it was 3 in the
afternoon. Tubbing and unpacking
took an hour , and then he bad to go
out and buy a tall hat. After this ho
directed tho cabman to the house in
Park street.
The shady Mayfair street looked
bright and pleasant as his hansom
rattled along , the houses smartened
up for the season with new blinds.and
window-boxes full of daisies and spirea.
A light breeze blew in his face , and a
couple of fair-haired girls in pink cot
ton made a bright patch against
the grey toned houses. By Jove ! how
awfully nice it all was after India ! A
man may be very happy in London ,
with a charming wito who would know
how to give littledmnera. and the club ,
and the theaters , and the park.
Pulling up at the house , Dick's jaw
fell. There was an awning from the
door to the curbstone , with a crowd
of nursemaids and urchins caping on
each side. The street was full of car
riages , too. What did it mean ? Then
Dick remembered that Mrs. Lennox
gave a great many afternoon parties.
Well , it was deuced disappointing , ho
said to himself , when you had come
all the way from India to see a woman ,
to lind she was giving one ot those in
fernal kettledrums tho very day you
Inside the house there was the us
ual elbowing , well-dressed crowd that
you see any afternoon in the season
in Mayfair' Boys in " gray coats with
pink carnations in"their buttonholes
jogged old club-men in brown coats
and white gardenias. In the dining-
room hook-nosed dowagers were
foraning for ice while on the land ng
frisky matrons loitered with tho tem
porary swains.
On the stairs Dick mpt a woman he
knew , an enthusiastic girl of 43 , who
was dressed in a more juvenile garb
than when he had last seen her. Mur-
mering "Charmed to see you back
happy occasions ! " she tripped past ;
Happy occasion , was it ? " said Dick
to himself , wishing his gushing ac
quaintance and the resc of the guests
at the bottom of the sea. It would
have been a happier occasion still if
hecould havefpund his Dorothy alono
in her amber-tinted room.
When Captain Irton reached the
door he could see Mrs. Lennox stand
ing in the midst of a small crowd of
people , who all seemed to be talking at
once. By Jove ! how "fetching" she
looked in her silver-grey gown , with a
huge bouquet of orchids and that srey
tulle thing sho had on her head ! Was
that a new fashion , Dick wondered ,
for women to wear bonnets at their
own ' 'at homes ? "
And there was that ass Shorthorn
close beside her , with a particularly
fatuous expression on his face. It
was high time he had written , Dick
thought ; it was high time he had come.
Why , the fellow was far gone over
head and ears ; Dick could see that
by the way he appropriated Mrs. Len
nox with his eyes.
Then one of the circle moved away ,
and Dorothy turned and saw Captain
Irton at the door. She looked as if
she had seen a ghost. Coining for
wardhe took her hand , and then he
saw that something was wrong.
Without a word , she motioned him
into an adjoining room , which for the
moment was empty.
"Good God ! " she whispered , "why
have you come now ? I wired that
you were not to come ; that it was too
late. I wrote , too , but you can not
have got my letter. "
"Too late , Dorothy ! what do you
mean ? Your telegram said 'do not
come too late. ' Well , I started the
next day. "
"Poor Dick , " she said at last , "what
a dreadful mistake you have made !
'Do not come. Too Late , ' was the
message I sent. Did you not remem-
aer that there are no , full stops in te-
egraphy ? I was niarned nn hour
ago to Lord Shorthorn. Come in , and j
et me introduceyou to my husband. "
And this was Dick Ireton's little
mistake. There are no full-stops in
telearaphy , but when , ten minutes-lat
er , Dick saw Lord and Lady Short-
iorn drive off amid showers of rice
and slippers , he knew that he had had
a moral full-stop which he would re
member all his li *
Two Sisters and Their Beau * .
John Quincy Adiuiin and John Hancock ,
"theaingcr , " married two sisters , the daugh
ters of a noted Methodist divino in Con
necticut. John Quinry was a favorite with
tho old people , und Mary's choice was ap
proved by them. So , when tho banns were
publitmed the parent said : "Mary , if you
will furnish the text I will preach you a
wedding sermon. " Sho was equal to the
task and two tho text : "Mary hath
chosen tljo good part , which shall not be
taken from her. " Needless to say that
justice was done to the occasion and the
ext. Not so with Margaret , who in the
meanwhile was receiving the attentions ol
her John in a very inexpensive way , as far
as her parents were concerned , for it is
said that ' 'he never crossed his legs under
their festive hoard. " So when the banns
were published she said to her father :
"Father , you preached : i wedding sermon
for Mary ; cannot you preach one for me ? "
Ho at first demurred , but at last consented
and called for the text , when Margaret ,
who was equal to tho occasion , said : "And
John came , neithereating nor drinking , and
yet ye soy v ; hath no devil. "
A Combat netivuen a Cow and a
A combat between a cow and a gander is
described by a newspaper of Albany , Qa.
The cow made a violent attack on the gan
der , when , with much del beration and
coolness , the bird , us tho cow rushed on
him , caught a strong hold with his beak on
the hair and hide between tho horns and
Happed his wings furiously. Tho astonishc
cow was glad to shako her antagonist of ;
But after retreating a few feet and lookin
upon the proud neck and insignificant forr
of the haughty bird she concluded to tr ,
him another rou"-J , and again dashed a
the gander , who was a little more deliber
ate , if possible , in taking his hold , an
with swift and strong wings he showerei
his blows on the eyes of the foe. The COT
had evidently miscalculated the prowess
of her diminutive enemy , and after consid
ernble effort shook the pugnacious bird ol
and beat a retreat.
About Fair.
In a Montana court a suit involving th
title to sis mining claims was several year
ago decided by JudgeV. . in some myster
ious way by which he gave four claims t <
one side and two to the other. After th
decision was announced an attorney in 111
case met one of tho litigants , an honest ok
Missourian , and asked him what he though
of it.
" " "I think W.did
"Wall , he replied , Judge
about tho fa'r thing. Ycr see , tharwar fou
of us an' two o' them. That would be a
claim .apiece. An1 the judge he guv fou
claims to us an1 two to them , so each mar
gits a claim. I don't see how he could ha' '
done much fa'rer than that. "
But the judge never enjoyed being joke
about the peculiar legal principle on whic
he had decided that case.
Mr. Arthur Shurtleff , Parker , Dakota
writes I hat ho suffered for two years with i
lame knee , which was entirely cured by th
use of St. Jacobs Oil. He considers it i
most wonderful remedy. It conquers pain
A IfloH.stcr Kill of Fare.
Speaking of big dinners tho bill of far
for the Christmas dinner at the Nationa1
Homo for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers , a
Dayton , O. . affords some intercstin
figures. It is as follows : Oyster soup
700 gallons ; roast turkey , . " ,200 pounds
ciblet dressing , 80 gallons ; mashed pota
toes , 51 bushels ; cranberry sauce , 7 bar
rels ; celery , 200 dozen ; lima beans , 30
pounds ; pickels , 30 gallons ; bread , 1,00
pounds ; crackers , 200 pounds ; butter , 23
pounds ; cheese , 300 pounds ; mince pie
1,200 pies ; coffee , 100 gallons ; oranges
450 dozen.
Mr. L. D. Vinson , Cashier D. & I. R.
has tried and endorses Red Star Cough Cure
* ; to the Dentil.
Zeuxis was one of the most celebrated o
painters. His last great work was the pic
ture of an old woman. The face of the an
liquated dame displayed all of the de
formities and defects which mnko age de
plorable. Tho form was lean and shriv
ellcd. The eyes were bleared and the cheek :
hung ghostly on the cheek bones. Th <
gums displayed were toothless. Thomoutl
was sunken and the chin wus far protrud
ing. These greatduformities were presented
in a style of such ludicrous combination
that when Zeuxis , as is usual with artists
who hav completed a great work , drew
back to contemplate the offspring of hi
fancy , he as exi-ited to such nn i in mod
erate fit of hiuchter thnthisjoy was turned
to pain and ho died on the spot.
Tested and. Approved J. M. Littig , Esq.
Cashier Marine Nat. Bank , Baltimore , Md.
Bays : 'I have tested Salvation Oil and find
it an excellent remedy for neuralgia. "
The first watches were made at Nuern
berg in 1847.
No one knows better than those who
have used Carter's Little Liver Pills wluil
relief they have given when taken for dys
pepsia , dizziness , pain in the side , constipu.
tion , disordered stomach , &c. Try them.
Postmaster-General Vilits takes his noon
day lunch at a dairy restaurant.
"CoiiMimption Can bo Cured. "
Dr. J. S. COMBS. OIVKNSVILLI : , Oliio.says :
"I have given SCOTT'S EMULSION of Cod
Liver Oil with Hypophosphites to four
patients with better results than seemed
possible with any remedy. AH were hered
itary cases of Lung diseases , and advanced
to that stage when Coughs , pain in the
chest , frequent breathing , frequent pulse ,
fever and Emaciation. All these cases
have increased in weight from 16 to 28
fbs. , and are not now needing any medi-
The first newspaper advertisement ap
peared in 1G52.
TA1 E > 1 S ol mined by I onto pjigger A-Co. , At
Icjujf. \ l"DfcuuL .C. lifdlbW. AiUlcefreo
Kerosene was first used for lighting pur
poses in 182G.
Tlio Acknowledged Cure for Sick
Dose , one pill.
The first glass factory was built in ths
[ Jnited States in 1780.
Gold was discovered in California in
The first telescope was used in En"laad
n 1608.
The first horse railroad was built in
Some lawyers' minds are legal blanks.
In tho cure of severe coughs , weak lungs ,
ripitling ol blood , ami the early stages of
Consumption , Dr. Pierre's "Gulden Med
ical Discovery" has astonished the medical
faculty. While it cures thoseviTPrttcoughs ,
it strengthens thu system and purifies tho
blood. Uy druggists.
The printing press in the United
States was worked in 1G20.
For colds , fevera and inflammatory at
tacks , as well as for cholera morbus ,
dinrrlicpa , dyseijtcry or bloody-flux , colic
or cramps in the stomach , use Dr. Piercc's
Extract of Smart-Weed , composed of best
Grape llrandy. Smart Weed or Water Pep
per , .Tamaic.u Ginger and Camphor Water.
Glass windows were first introduced into
England in the eighth century.
Our ! * ro jresi .
As stages are quickly abandoned with
the completion of railroads , so the huge ,
drastic , cathartic pills , composed of crude
and bulky medicines , are quickly aban
doned with the introduction of Dr. Pierce's
"Pleasant Purgative Pellets , " which are
sugar-coated and little larger than mustard
seeds , but composed of highly concentrated
vegetable extracts. Uy druggists.
' Coaches were first used in England in
\Vants tho Faclsi Known.
Mr. Editor : I and my neighbors have
been led so many times into buying differ-
e-nt things for the liver , kidneys and blood ,
that have done us more harm than good , I
feel it duo your readers to advise them
when nil honest and good medicine Hks 7Jr.
Barter's Iron Tonic can be had.
Tom truly , Ax Oi.n SruscniBCit.
War 1ms been declared ngairsb grease.
This cowardly pun haa been stamped.
A Deey I
Wlierevi-r you are loca'ed you Hhould
writo to llallelt & Co. , Portland , Maine ,
and receive fiee , full information about
work that you can do and live at home ,
making thereby from ? o to 5 > 25 and up
wards daily. Some have made over § 550
in a , day. "All is new. llallett t Co. will
start you. Capital not needed. . Either
sex. All ages. No class of working people
have ever made money BO fast heretofore.
Comfortable fortunes await every worker.
All this sec-ma a. deop mystery to you ,
reader , bur send along your address and it
will l > e cleared up and proved. Better not
delay ; now is the lime.
The hand of Time spanks rather severely
etc. , effectual relief is found in the use of
"Browii'a Bronchial Troches. " Prico 25
Butter is now "protected , " but the cows
still kick.
During the war , Dr. Lloyd , ol Ohio , from
cxposuiu contracted consumption. He
says : "I have no hesitation in saying
that it was by the use ol Allen's Lung
1'aisam that. 1 am now alive and enjoy
ing ptiiect "health. " Don't experiment
with new and untried medicines. If you
have a cough or cold , take at once Allen's
Lung Balsiun.
The first use of a locomotive in this coun
try was in 1820.
We would be pleased to know of a man
or woman who has never had headache or
been subject io constipation. As these
seem to be universal troubles a little advice
may bo in order. Why nhould persmis
cram their stomachs with nauseating pur
gative pilld , etc. , which sicken and debili
tate when such a pleasant and sterling rem
edy as Prickly Ash Bitters will act mildly
and effectively on the liver , kidney , stom
ach and bowels , and at the same time tone
up and strengthen the whole system , caus
ing headache , constipation and all suoh dia-
trt-eaing evils to quickly disappear.
Percussion arms were used in the United
States army in 1830.
LTOX'I Patent Metallic StifTensrs prevent boots
ami slices Tiom rum Ing over.
The first copper cei > t was coined in New
Haven in 1G87.
TThon Baby traa CICE , TTO ESTO her Castorla ,
When she traa a Child , she cried for Caatorii ,
When she bccama Miss , she clung to Caetoric.
Wtoa eke had Children , eho gavo then C&storia ,
The Omaha Typ foundry car. furnish
new newspaper outfits on short notice.
Pi ices same a.s in Chicago und freight
already paid to Omaha.
For Gootl
Mrs. M. A. Dauphin , of Philadelphia , is
well known to the ladies of that city from
the ureat good she has done by means of
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound.
She writes Mrs. Pinkham of a recent inter
est ing case. " 'A young married lady cams
tome suffering with a severe case of Prolap
sus and Ulceralion. She commenced taking
the Compound and in two months was
FULLY ISISTOKKD. In proof of this bhe soon
found herself in an interesting condition.
Influence : : by foolish friends she attempted
to evade the responsibilities of maturity. Af
ter ten or twelvedays she came to meagain
andslie wasindeed in amostalarming state
and suffered terribly. I gave her a table-
spoonful of the compound every hour for
eight hours until she fell a&Ieep ; &he awoke
much relieved and evidently better. She con
tinued takinsthf Compound , and in ducsea-
sonshebecame the mother of afine healthy
boy. But forthe timely use of the medicine
she believes her life would have been lost. "
Your Druggist has th3 Compound. $1 per botils
A p'isltiTB care. Ko Kcire.
No riincr. No I'lfn. W C.
, llarslialitotra.lowiL.
Officer's Pay. Bounty.
' etc. Write for circular * and
laws. A. AV. McCor.uicE k SoAYashlngti n , D. C.
iH r | > lilno Ilitltit Cureilla I'J
to : iO il.iy * . No imy till Care J.
In : J. brsi-HK.vs. Lenauuu. Oulo.
if. A. JVEIIMAXX. Solicit
or ot 1'aients. Washington ,
' 1) . C. bend for Circular.
here anil earn
- - uumliMy. Situation * fur-
H niibod. Write Valentine Bros. , JanasYille.AYU.
" "
\7."N. U. . Omaha - 3-13-1.
A conference of Labor Editors will occur
in Jnnuarv.
Christiauity was introduced into Japan
in 1549.
"My time is up. " said the Doctor to tho
patient , whom he found using Dr. Bull's
Cough Syrup , and he waa correct , for that
rough was soon a thing of the past. Price
25 cents.
Omnibuses were first introduced in X
York in 1830.
Sal loir Skin mid I'l tuple * on tlio Pnco
25 cts.
The first almanac was printed by George
von Furbach in 1-1CO.
Excursions to the Winter ICesort * ot
tlio Soutli.
The Wabash. St. Louis & Pacific Ry. are
now selling round-trip tickets , good until
June 1st , 1887 , at greatly reduced rates ,
to Mobile , New Orleans , PeiiHacola , Jack
sonville , Cedar Keys , and all the principal
points in the south. For further informa
tion and tickets , call on or write F. E.
Moorep , Ticket Agent , or G. N. Clayton ,
Northwestern Passenger Agent , 150Far -
nani Street , Omaha , Neb.
Tho first saw-makcr'tf anvil was brought
to America in 1810.
The Omaha Typa foundry ran furnish
new newspaper outfits on short notice ,
Prices same as iu Chicago and freight
already paid to Omaha.
| 1 - -
jffejiAHo OTHCI Ec.uuarancic'.TKEy.raics
f s IJ It has ctccd ths Test of Years ,
"uringall BictS35 of ths
alC&rri ELS.&c. ' ItPuriflesths
S vV / * g Blood , Invigorates and
Clsaascs the Systcai.
disappear atoncanader
KIBHEYS its beneficial influence.
STOMACH Itis purely a Llediciao
AND as its cathartic proper-1
tics forbids its use as a
BOWELS ] oeverccc. It is pleas-
. ant to the taste , and as
'f ' easily taken by child-
Iren pi adt ts.
Sole Prcpristore ,
" s.rAS Crrr
The most practical , large sized
Oil Can in the market. Lampsare
tilled direct by the pump Trillion t
lifting can. No drip UK oil on
Floor or Table. No raucet to
leak and waste contents or ccusc
explosions. Closes perfectly ai
tisht. Xo J..eiUicc-Xo Evap
oration Abr.olHtcly naTe.
Don't be Ilumbupgetl with
worthless imitations. Buy the
"Good Cnonsli. "
MFIELD iffiFO. CO. ,
Warren , Jhio.
Oold by rir t-Cliss Uealers Everywhere'
-50UBEKS. .
And c.tliers'suTcrin from
nervous debility .eihanjtira
t-hi-onio rtisea.- , pipinatnr
scclinc or youns cr old ar
poMuvcly cuit I by lr
llon ' ' 3 famons F.lcilro
.Maynrllc Kelt. Thousand
in . . j - , . - . , . - State . . . the Union have been cum !
IIcslrlcl5Ns > Sty instantly felt. Patenlcclaiul wildll
jears. Whoio family can wear ranii ; bolt. Elcctrl
Su peiorc free with in jleb-lts. Avoid worthless im
Itations and bosus nimpinSc * Electric Trui c fo
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