THURSDAY , DEC. 30 , 1886. I Indicates that your subscription to this X puper HAS EXi'iUKi ) , and that n cordia invitation is extended to call and renew the same. Subscription , Sper year. Local Intelligence. Sweet cider at the City Bakery. IST" Noble & Brickey , the leading grocers. S5 ° Jor fit and style , try J. F. Ganschow. Bargains in stoves and tinware at C. D. Palmer's. Silverware 10 cents on the dollar , at McCracken's. Anything in the line of hardware or tinware at C. D. Palmer's. B5P" Lemons , Oranges and Saucr Kraut at WILCOX & FOWLER'S. Try that delicious sweet cider at Probst Bros' , bakery. A full line of hardware , stoves and tinware at C. D. Palmer's. The best Boots and Shoes for the least money , at J. F. Ganschow's. Go to J. F. Ganschow's Boot and Shoe Emporium for ladies' fine shoes. Go to McCracken's for Watches and Jewelry. He can surprise you all on prices. Brewer & Wilcox will buy your fat hogs. Call at their market , Main Avenue. It will pay you to call at C. D. Pal mer's hardware store before purchasing elsewhere. J. F. Ganschow makes a specialty of fine shoes. All widths and styles , from a B to EE last. A farm for rent , One-half mile northwest of the city. Inquire at the McCook Liquor Store. A well selected assortment of fresh candies at' Noble & Brickey's. Their stock is fresh and clean. One good residence lot for sale. De sirable location. Inquire of Samuel Scott at Scott's jewelry store. Buy your baking powder at Noble & Brickley's new grocery store , and se cure one of those handsome pictures. Miller takes every imaginable kind in the most life-like and iof pictures - ar- ( L Itistic .style , at the old Marble gallery. Elegant chamber setts and an exten sive line of glassware and queensware for the holiday trade , at Noble & Brickey's. Remember that Noble & Brickey are headquarters for everything fresh and clean in thestaple and fancy grocery , / line. G. B. Nettleton is agent for a horse power feed grinder , with attachment for shelling corn or any other kind of rotary work. Geared feed grinders , with four or six horse power and sheller attach ments. Just the thing to make fat hogs , at Rinker's. Scissors , pen knives , carving knives and forks , all kinds of cutlery , as low as the lowest , at C. D. Palmer's oppo site McEntee Hotel. A rare chance to get an organ or a piano by taking it on the rent plan. Get terms at once at Scott's jewelry store on Main Avenue. Another car of the best wind mills on earth just received by C. P. Rinker. Also in car , 5,000 pounds of pump fit tings of every stylo imaginable. A good piece of land for srfle within the incorporation of McCook. Fine lo cation for small fruit and garden. In quire at Scott's jewelry store. Wiley & Bede are loaning money on farms at the lowest rates. Also have special bargains in real estate , at McCooic LAND OFFICE. They are very busy at Miller's gal lery , just now , but if you desire your picture taken in an artistic manner , call and they will find the time to ac commodate you. Probst Bros , of the City Bakery , still lead in the fine candy trade and the excellent assortment they have yv just received , sustains their already widely known reputation for handling the freshest , purest and best candies in the city. If you want a real toothsome article , Probst Bros , have it. We have just received the best as sortment of blank books , composition books , correspondence tablets , counter books , drawing books , exercise books , , .invoice books , ladies' shopping , books , ladies' visiting lists , letter copying books , manilla blanks , memorandums , such as butcher books , desk flexible American morocco , flexible American Russia , flexible Persian Russia , press board and "sheep , also notes , drafts , re ceipts , writing pads , vest pocket , press board and printed press board pass books , students note books , time books , etc. , ever brought to this city. Call and examine them. We have the line and our prices will catch you. At THE TRIBUNE Stationery Department. Try the Commercial House , when in HcCook , just once ! \ , - * - , AND IT CAME TO PASS THAT McCRACKEN SELLS AT COST ALSO. Probst Bros. ' parlors for oysters. A new residence in South McCook , this week. EES ? " Best Mince Meat in the market at Wilcox & Fowler's. Only 12 cents per pound. The firemen's hall and banquet prom ises to be "a grand affair. Don't fail to attend it. Ladies are always proud of a nice shoe and a good fit. J. F. Ganschow can please you ail. A line of very handsome library hanging lamps at Noble & Brickey's. Call.and see them. Don't wait till IMcCracken sells ou before buying your presents the fines assortment you ever saw. * The Y. P A. Song Service will be held in the public school building next Sabbath evening , at 6 o'clock. A specialty of groceries , provisions , queensware , and in fact everything h the grocery line , at Noble & Brickey's To see an electric light plant in this city , 'ere another year is added to her age , would not come entirely unex pected. We are informed that Messrs. Le- Hcw , Bittenhouse & O'Donncll have dissolved partnership , Mr. llittenhouse retiring. Venerable Saint Nicholas remem bered Mr. and Mrs. Frank Warren , Christmas morning , with an infant daughter. An educational column will be a feat ure of this paper hereafter. It will be conducted by the scholars of the hijih school. The week of prayer will be observed in the Congregational church , begin ning next Sabbath evening. Preaching by the pastor. Stop paying big prices for organs and pianos and go to Scott's jewelry store and rent one , and thus save your money. Call and get terms. We understand that the W. W. Pal mer property on Main Avenue has been purchased by G. D. Ercanbrack. Con sideration , $2,500. Are you in search of an excellent dish of oysters , call at Probst Bros. ' oyster parlors , where you can get the best , cooked in any style. The elegant dressing case at Mc- Millcn & Weeks' Christmas drawing was won by Mrs. GA. . Noran , who held the lucky bit of paste board. Divine Service will be held in the Catholic church on New Year day , which is a holy-day of obligation , at the same hour as on Sunday. PASTOR. The annual meeting of the Congre gational church and society , will be iield next Monday , January 3d , at 2 P. M. , mountain time. A full attend ance desired. The ladies of the Congregational church announce that they will give a "Washington Supper" on the evening of the illustrious president's natal day February 22nd. It will be worthy of ihe occasion. The raffle fever is on. And now comes J. F. Kenyon , who offers the grandest speculation of the season ; wo residence lots , among the sightliest in the city. There are 100 shares at $4.00 each. We read a.good deal , in local con temporaries , about boards of trade. If they are such a desirable commodity to iiave in the family , let us organize one jy all means. Enterprising , energetic , in the van is our proper position. The Y. P. A. meeting at Supt. Campbell's residence , Saturday even ing , was another of the well attended and entertaining gatherings of the as sociation , which is doing good work in the social life of the young people of the city. The editor acknowledges the compli ments of the McEntec House manage ment and regrets his inability to par ticipate in the festivities of their Christ mas eve ball and banquet , which he as certains with satisfaction , was a bril- iant affair. Last Friday morning , Norman Forbes was elevated from his probationary po sition in the B. & M. telegraph head quarters at this place to the rank of a regular , full-fledged lightning manipu- ator. Ed. Sweeney is the message > oy at present. The Congregational church wagon will begin running next Sabbath morn- ng between West McCook and the church. Those who wish to avail them selves of the accommodation leave ; heir names at the residence of S. D. Hunt. The ball and banquet at the McEn- tee House , last Friday evening , we learn , was grandly successful in every feature which combines to make such affairs felicitous and notable. A large and gay company participated in the ball , which was enlivened and inspired by strains from the city's best orches tra. The banquet was elaborate , tooth some , a gastronomic feast indeed. All in all , it was one of the "happiest hits" of the season. Our reporter ascertains the name of the person who won the $500.00 in the Louisiana Lottery to be J. W. Mc- Kclvey , a young man who has been practising the homestead acton a claim a few miles south oi'town. He is cel ebrating his good fortune b } ' purchas ing a new suit , overcoat , etc. , and con templates making "his folks' ' a visit in Iowa , on the strength thereof. Pianos and Organs a McCracken's best place to buy in the world. The following were the fortunate ones in the Christmas drawing at Fish er's Distribution Cigar Store : C. F. Babcock , gent's gold watch ; C. H. Boyle , meerschaum cigar holder ; J. F. Forbes , meerschaum pipe. Ticket No. 410 also drew the lady's gold watch , the holder , at this writing , has not ap peared to claim the same , which will be held for the owner 30 days , after which it reverts to Mr. Fisher. Eggs wanted at Noble & Brickey's. The highest market price paid. The attendance upon the Choral Un ion meetings is increasing in a manner tending to encourage those working in its behalf. We make this announce ment with pleasure. The Union wil bring about good results , beyond a per- adventure and it is to be hoped that al our singers and musicians will take ad vantage of the opportunity of improve ment in this direction. Meet with them at the Congregational church next Tuesday evening. llcmember that Probst Bros , arc headquarters for fine candies. Very complimentary success crowned the efforts of the ladies of the Congre gational church on the occasion of their Christmas dinner. Their exertions to prepare .1 repast worthy of the evenl were generously rewarded 'in a general patronage by the people of the city. The net gleanings of the dinner were $60 , a reward fairly commensurate with the work and means so willingly donated by the ladies and friends of the society. We congratulate the la dies upon the goodly measure of suc cess received. Take your hides , butter and eggs to Brewer & Wilcox , Main Avenue. The Congregational church was filled to overflowing , Friday evening , to wit ness the Christmas exercises by the children of the Sunday school. Not- withstaading the some what limited time of preparation the program was render ed to the evident satisfaction of the audience and to the amusement and entertainment of the little ones. The "Christmas Ship , " however , with is burden of presents , its decoration and illumination , was the distinctive fea ture of an evening fraught with pleas ure and tender memories which will go with the children , and adults perchance , throughout another j'ear. A fine lot of books at those popular prices , at McCracken's. As per announcement appearing else where in this issue , it will be seen that the old law and land firm of Cochran & Helm is by mutual censent dissolved. J. E. Cochran will hereafter be found in the suit of rooms over the Frees & Hocknell Lumber Co.'s office , occupied by Morlan & Cochran as a law office , where he will , in addition to his law practice , continue to do a general gov ernment land business for all who want assistance in that line. T. M. Helm continues in the land , loan and collec tion business in commodious and pleas ant quarters under the Citizens Bank , where he will accommodate customers , old and new , who have business in his line. line.J. J. F. Ganschow takes the lead in la dies' Fine Shoes. Try him. The Christmas exercises by the chil dren of the M. E. Sunday School oc curred in the church , Saturday after noon. The edifice was darkened , the lamps and candles lighted , the church presenting , with its handsome arch , ( from which the presents for the chil dren were suspended , ) covered with vari-colored muslin and trimmed with evergreen , all brilliantly illuminated , a scene joyous and gay which delighted the youthful hearts of the large company of children present , recalling similar delightful occasions to the minds of the older ones. The program of music , recitations and short addresses was well rendered , and added not a lit tle to the entertainment. A fresh lot of candies received at Noble & Brickey's , this week. The death of Mrs. L. N. Howe , which occurred at the farm of the sorrow strick- un husband , west of the city , Tuesday morning of this week , has called forth expressions of universal sorrow and sympathy in this city , where the de ceased was highly esteemed by a large circle of friends and acquaintances , to whom the announcement came with sud- ien and unexpected force. The deceas ed leaves an infant child of but three iveeks old. The deep , heartfelt sympa thy of this community goes out to the bereaved husband in this his profound- ast sorrow. The funeral occurred from the residence , this afternoon , at 1:30 , mountain time , Rev. Kelsey of the Congregational church , of which the departed was a faithful communicant , conducting the services. The remains trere interred at Longview Cemetery. Queensware in the latest styles , plain and ornamented , at the leading grocers Noble & Brickey's. I A GOVERNMENT TELEGRAM. 500,000 men wanted for actual service. KlcCracken has knocked down everything regardless. THE PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS. A goodly number ul physicians of Furnas , Red Willow , Hitchcock and Dundy counties , met at the office of Dr. Davis , last Thursday afternoon. The purpose of their coining1 together was to form au organization whose ob ject should be te discuss the subjects of most practical interest to the gener al practitioner of medicine and surgery , and thus aid him in his work. Dr. Shaw , of Indianola , "was chosen tempor ary President , and Dr. Davis , of Mc Cook , temporary Secretary. A com mittee consisting of Drs. Davis and Kay , of McCook , and Dr. Baker , of Bartley , was appointed to draft a Con stitution and By-Laws to be submitted at the next meeting. The question for discussion at the next meeting will be , "Membranous affections of the Throat. " Dr. Kurfman , of Indianola , will open the discussion with a paper. The next session of the society will be the fourth Tuesday in January , at the same place. SECRETARY. See Noble & Brickey's display of holiday goods. RESOLUTIONS. HEADQUAUTEIISJ. K. BAKXES TOST [ NO. 207 , Q. A. K. ) WIIEKEAS , This Post has heard with pro foinulest sorrow of t lie death of our distin gnished comrade , General John A Logan. Be it therefore RESOLVED , That we bow in humble sub- niission to the will of our Heavenly Father in this dispensation of his providence. Be it further RESOLVED , That in life we recognized in Gen. Logan the fearless patriot and able commander in the war , for tho perpetuity of this Union. In the councils of the country , an able statesman and strong advocate for the rights of the enlisted man. In civil and social life , an upright citizen. Be it further RESOLVED , That the charter of this Post be suitably draped in mourning , and that the members wear the usual badge of mourn ing for 30 days , and that these resolutions be spread upon the records of this Post , and the same oe published in our city papers and a copy thereof be forwarded to the family of the deceased comrade. A. J. WILEY , 31. D. , P. S. ) R. S. COOLEY , Sr. V. C. > Com. J. H. YAF.GEK , Adjutant. ) The foregoing resolutions were unanimous ly adopted. MCCOOK , Neb. , Dec. 27,1SSG. Selling out at cost at McCracken's. Now is the time to buy. G. A. R. OFFICERS. At a regular meeting of J. K. Barnes Post No. 207 , Department Nebraska , December 13th , 1SSG , the following officers were elected for the ensuing 3Tcar : Commander R. S. Cooley. Senior Vice Commander J. S. Holmes. Junior Vice Commander B. F. Olcott. Adjutant S. D. Hunt. Quarter Master J. A. Wilcox. Chaplain H. H. Berry. Surgeon A. J. Willey. Officer of the Day Oscar Hurd. Outside Guard Kcndrick Clark. Quarter Master Sergeant J. H. Yargcr. Sergeant Major W. M. Irwin. Delegate to Department Encampment S. D. Hunt. Alternate to Department Encampment W. M. Inviu. J. H. YARGEH , Adj't. McCook , Neb. , Dec. 27,1880. For a fine tailor made overcoat , call on L. Bernhcimcr. ATTENTION , A. 0. U. W. o Full attendance of membership is re quested at the meeting on Monday evening next , January 3 , 1887. In stallation of officers , conferring de grees , etc. Visitors from Stratton , Trenton , Culbertson , Indianola and Arapahoe lodges will be present. Organs and pianos for rent at Scott's jewelry store. CARD OF THANKS. The ladies of the Congregational Church tender their thanks to McMil- en & Weeks , Pade & Son , W. C. La- Tourette & Co. , Noble & Brickey , and all others who so kindly helped to make their Christmas dinner a success. A dandy line of gift books at Mc- Uracken's. parents on the Willow , December 23,18SO , Mr. Mather L. Brown to Miss Ida King , both of Red Willow county , Rev. Joel S. Kelsey ofliciating. The contracting parties are among the most estimable young people of that community. I'IIE TKIBUXE joins a large circle of friends n congratulations and best wishes. A new lot of Silverware just receiv ed at McCracken's. The editor hereof has been approach ed in regard to a certain disgraceful oc currence which transpired in this city , the close of last week , to the end that no reference be made thereto , in this paper ; t being suggested by way of argument ? ) that its notice would only make us an enemy. The petitioner fails to appreci ate that it is the province of the press to jresentthe news without respect of per sons. Relative position , or wealth , or what not , cannot interfere with the con sistent freedom of the press. It is not ; he fault of newspapers that breakers of aw and order come into publicity. The responsibility rests , with the individual who places himself in a position so un enviable. Immunity therefrom is se cured by observance of law and order. The new grocery store of Noble & 3rickey is the place to purchase your groceries and provisions. J33f Undci this head wo would bo pleased to have our friends throughout the city acquaint us of the arrival and departure ol'their visitors. R. M. Taylor , a former McCooic boy , was over from Oberlin , Sunday. Mrs. Carl Clark returned , Monday even ing , from her trip to California. John Stone and sou were down from Laird , Monday and Tuesday of this week. R. L. Pence of the Palisade Journal and II W. Powell of Palisade are In the city , to-day. Squire Cordeal and T. B. Babcock , of Ak ron , Colo. , were in the city , Christmas day , Supt F. D. Pitney , of CulbCrtson , was a passenger to this pointy Tuesday evening 01 : No. 40. Miss Carrie Smith of Pcoria , 111. , is visiting in the city , the guest of her sister , Mrs. C. II Meeker. K. D. Babcock spent Christmas at Iiomo with his family at Hastings. He went dowi : Friday evening. E. B. Wahlquist of the Democrat iniulo merry the Christnras holiday with his par ents in Hastings. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. U. Stewart , of Curtis were in the city , Sunday and Monday , guests at the Commercial. F. D. Hobbs of the Eldridgo Call is in the city , this morning. THE TBIBUNK acknowl edges a fraternal call. J. M. Furgeson came up to town , Friday noon , from Alma , where lie has been mak ing his son au extended visit. Editor Floyd of the Trenton Torpedo whiled away a little time at these newspa- porial headquarters , last eveniug. Mrs. E. S. Waite started for her old home in Wellsville , Mo. , yesterday , on ti visit. She will be absent two or three months. Receiver Jacob Steinmetz and his clerk , W. J. Kellar , went down to Sutton , Friday evening , to spend Christmas at their old home. Mr. and Mrs. James Kniflin , Mrs. A. F. Wilbon and W. M. Taylor , all of Curtis , were on tho Commercial's roll of guests , on Tuesday. Miss Mamie Pettee has again assumed her clerical duties in the city post-oflice. Her friends will be delighted to learn of her re covery. Julius Easmussen , a prominent grocer of Columbus , Platte county , this state , was in the city , Monday afternoon , on sonic matters of business. J. H. Hewitt , Eegister Hart's chief clerk , put in the Christmas holidays at Hastings , with old-time friends , going down on No. 40 , Friday even ing. Mr. and Mrs. F. Bert. Eisley of Ctilbertson were visitors in the metropolis , last evening , not forgetting these headquarters during their short stay. Frank Tore , lately of Danbury , has re turned to the city , and taken a position in the Famous Clothing Co.'s store. Frank has the reputation of being a first-class clerk. J. C. Wilson , Esq. , one of Oberlin's most prominent attorneys , and Judge Hayes of the same place were in the city , yesterday , taking depositions in an important case. Mrs. L. L. Hiilburd departed , this morning' , on an extended visit at her old home in Brownville , this state. She will also stay some time with friends in the capital city. Messrs. E. E. Lownian and S. L. Green , Mr. and Mrs. L J. Staibuck , Mrs. M. Y. Star- buck and Misses Ina and Louie Starbuck of this city participated in the Masonic social at ludianola , Monday evening. Leon F. Moss , Esq. . returned to the city , last Friday , to straighten up his business re lations hereabouts , preliminary to his re moval to California , where he expects to lo cate for the benefit of his wife's health. Senator J. P. Lindsay , wife and son of Beaver City , are spending the holiday season at Indianola , Iowa , their old home. The senator will return in time to enter upon the pursuit and discharge of his legislative du ties in the state senate. TOWN. 4 , RANGE 30. 0 S. McNeal of Centreville , Iowa , was look ing over this town. , last week , with a view of locating here. He expressed himself as being highly pleased with the country. F. Amend has completed ft well on his claim. It is 140 feet in depth and has 10 feet Df water. Frank is a very good democrat , and we would like if some old maid with good strone republican proclivities , would take pity on him and convert him to repub licanism , while helping him hold his claim down. M. II. ColeWm. . Epperly and Chas. Chil- cote butchered a fine beef and a fat hog for Wm. Coleman , on Christinas day. Although they had lived on a farm in Iowa for many years , and killed many hogs , they stated this was the fattest one they ever killed. Weather still continues fine , though some what colder. The frost has penetrated the ground on the sod to a depth of about four inches. Eoads smooth , dry and solid. Ground bare. The buffalo grass is exccllentfor slock , this winter , and cattle have required little or no other feed so far. We are sorry to announce the death of the infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Win. Blood , which occurred on December 2uthlSSG. We jxteiid to the bereaved parents our heartfelt sympathy in this their hour of affliction. Empty is the cradle , Baby's passed away , Angels came and took her On a Christmas day. Though we miss our darling' . We will cease to weep ; For we know that angels Vigils o'er her keep. Our precious , darling ono. Why did you go so soon ? You came in life's fair morn. And left us e'er 'twas noon. Her crown's a jewel rare. Her robe a spotless white , And when we greet her there , Wilfburs shino as bright ? -Original by M. H. and C. W. GUAXGER. SPECIAL NOTICE. In another column you will see an announcement of our Opening Jan uary 3rd. We regret the delay , ( whit-li you know was not our fault ) , and to make amends for the samo , and at tho same time clear our large stock of Winter Goods , bought for earlier trade , we will give a specisil discount of 10 per cent , on all bills of win ter goods that is on a bill amount ing to Ten Dollars , you got one dollar off ; on Twenty Dollars , two dollars off , and so on. This applies only to Win ter Clothing , Caps , Gloves , Muf flers and Underwear. Remember our goods are all marked in plain flg- lir S , and we sell at STRICTLY ONE PRICE to all. FAMOUS CLOTHINO CO. , JONAS ENGEL , Manager. McCook , Neb. , Dec. 29 , 1886. PUBLIC SALE. 0 I will sell at my residence , one-half mile west of McCook , on SATURDAY , FEB. 5-rn. 1887 , the following described property , to-wit : 75 High Grade Cows , 25 Common Cows , 2 Good Saddle Ponies , 1 Hay Frame , 1 Two-Horse Wagon , 1 Sett Double Harness , 1 Large Water Tank , With numerous other implements not mentioned. TERMS OP SALE. All sums under $10 , cash. Over $10 , 8 month's time , with good bankable security. All stock must be settled for before removing same from the yard. JOHN FARLEY. BEST BARGAINS YET ! WE SELL 13 Ibs. Granulated Sugar for - $1.00 14 Ibs. Extra C. Sugar for - $1.00 1C Ibs. Prunes for - - $1.00 G Cans Syrup Peaches , 3-lbs. full , $1.00 Also ALL Groceries , Clothing , Hats , Caps , Boots , Shoos , Dry Goods , and Notions , as cheap as any house in town. WILCOX & FOWLER. FARM LOANS. o Cash Down. No Delay. No need of waiting to send off appli cations. Money paid over as soon as papers are completed. Call on or ad dress , HED WILLOW Co. BANK , 43-tf Indianola , Neb. NOTICE. All parties indebted to us are re- tjuested to call at once and settle their accounts either by cash or bankable notes. All accounts not settled on or before December 31st , will be placed in the hands of a collector. WILCOX & FOWLER. Real Estate Loans. We have completed arrangements svhereby we can furnish those who want i loan , money on real estate , promptly ind without the usual disappointing lelays. Call and see us. We are al so prepared to make chattel mortgage oaus. CITIZENS BANK. DISSOLUTION NOTICE. The law and land firm of Cochran & flelm ia by mutual consent dissolved. tUl parties owing them please call and settle at once. J. E. COCIIIIAN , T. M. HELM. Money to Loan On improved farms. Money furnish- : d for final proofs without delay and at ow rate of interest. First door north > f the depo't. R. D. BABCOCK. FARM FOR RENT. 50 acres under cultivation. Good 'rame house. One mile from McCook. S. H. COLVIK. Rooms for Rent. Two furnished sleeping rooms for ent. Inquire of W. W. BROWX. HOGS and CATTLE For sale. Enquire of S. H. Colvin , McCook , Neb. FOR SALE. A set of heavy harness new. In- ] uire of "W. G. SUEPPARD. Try the Commercial House , when 'n KlcCook , just once ! Only three wagons left of last car. tViil sell cheap to make room for new oods. C. P. RINKER. When you want a sack of good lour , go to Harvey Bros. ' feed store. Ehey keep grades to suit everybody. Bring the babies to Millers's photo graph gallery now , while the weather s pleasant. The best fresh and salt meats in the narket at Brewer & Wilcox's meat uarket. Death claimed the infant child of \lr. \ and Mrs. James Kilpatrick , this norning. C. D. Palmer , opposite McEntee , ia he best place to buy your hardware. Pianos and organs for rent at Scott's ewelrv store. Oysters in all styles at Probst Bros. ' tyster parlors. Try the Commercial House , when n McCook , just once !