The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, December 23, 1886, Image 5

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    THURSDAY , DEC. 23 , 1886.
Indicates that your subscription to this
X paper HAS EXPIRED , and that a cordial
Invitation is extended to call and renew
tho eame. Subscription , 2 per year.
Local Intelligence.
Sweet cider at the City Bakery.
HP" Noble & Brickey , the leading
ElfFor fit and style , try J. F.
Silverware 10 cents on the dollar , at
Lemons , Oranges and Saue
Try that delicious sweet cider a
Probst Bros' , bakery.
Smallest steam engine in the city , a
Chenery & Anderson's.
A full line of hardware , stoves and
tinware at C. D. Palmer's.
The best Boots and Shoes for the
least money , at J. F. Ganschow's.
Go to McCracken's for Watches and
Jewelry. He can surprise you all on
Brewer & Wilcox will buy your fat
hogs. Call at their market , Main
J. F. Ganschow makes a specialty of
fine shoes. All widths and styles , from
a B to EE last.
A farm for rent. One-half mile
northwest of the city. Inquire at the
McCook Liquor Store.
"When looking for Christmas Pres
ents , don't fail to examine McMillen &
Weeks' fine assortment.
A well selected assortment of fresh
candies at Noble & Brickey's. Their
stock is fresh and clean.
One good residence lot for sale. De
sirable location. Inquire of Samuel
Scott at Scott's jewelry store.
L. Bernbeimer has just received a
fine line in French and English suit
ings. Also in pants patterns.
Buy your baking powder at Noble &
Brickley's new grocery store , and se
cure one of those handsome pictures.
Remember that Noble & Brickey are
headquarters for everything fresh and
clean in the staple and fancy grocery
GB. . Nettleton is agent for a horse
power feed grinder , with attachment
for shelling corn or any other kind of
rotary work.
Geared feed grinders , with four or
six horse power and sheller attach
ments. Just the thing to make fat
hogs , at Rinker's.
A rare chance to get an organ or a
piano by taking it on the rent plan.
Get terms at once at Scott's jewelry
store on Main Avenue.
A good piece of land for sale within
the incorporation of McCook. Fine lo
cation for small fruit and garden. In
quire at Scott's jewelry store.
Wiley & Bede are loaning money on
farms at the lowest rates. Also have
special bargains in real estate , at
Ludwick & Trowbridge have a fine line
of Rattan and Reed Rockers which they
will close out at a greatly reduced price.
Call and get a bargain for Christmas.
They are very busy at Miller's gal
lery , just now , but if you desire your
picture taken in an artistic manner ,
call and they will find the time to ac
commodate you.
We have a neck chain and charm at
this ofSce which the owner can have by
proving property and paying for this
notice. Also , a large pocket book , con
taining some papers.
Probst Bros , of the City Bakery ,
still lead in the fine candy trade and
the excellent assortment they have
just received , sustains their already
widely known reputation for handling
the freshest , purest and best candies in
the city. If you want a real toothsome
article , Probst Bros , have it.
Remember Neble & Brickey when
you come to make up your Christmas
presents. They have an extensive and
handsome line of hanging lamps , wa
ter setts , chamber setts , amber finger
bowls , children's tea setts , individual
cups and saucers , etc. , etc. , that can't
help but please you. Call and examine
before purchasing elsewhere.
We have just received the best as
sortment of blank books , composition
books , correspondence tablets , counter
books , drawing books , exercise books ,
invoice books , ladies' shopping books ,
ladies' visiting lists , letter copying
books , manilla blanks , memorandums ,
such as butcher books , desk flexible
American morocco , flexible American
Russia , flexible Persian Russia , press
board and sheep , also notes , drafts , re
ceipts , writing pads , vest pocket , press
board and printed press board pass
books , students note books , time books ,
etc. , ever brought to this city. Call
and examine them. We have the line
and our prices will cateh you. At THE
TRIBUNE Stationery Department.
Probst Bros. ' parlors for oysters.
Handkerchief parties are the rage in
the "effete cast. "
Read J. C. Allen & Co.'s bargain
column iti this Lssue.
The small boy with the large iron
hoop now has his day.
Men and brethren , how about that
grist mill ? Don't all speak at once.
The 0. R. C. held a meeting in the
city , Sunday , with a good attendance.
Dodgers announce a dance at the
Opera Hall , Saturday evening , Decem
ber 25th.
3F" Best Mince Meat in the market
at Wilcox & Fowler's. Only 12 cents
per pound.
The Y. P. A. meets at Supt. Camp
bell's residence , Saturday evening , De
cember 25th.
Ladies are always proud of a nice
shoe and a good fit. J. F. Ganschow
can please you all.
A line of very handsome librar
hanging lamps at Noble & Brickey's
Call and see them.
The law firm of Williams , Hulburc
& Lucas dissolved partnership , las
week , by mutual consent.
The Y. P. A. prayer service will be
held at the Methodist church next Sab
bath , at 6 P. M. , mountain time.
The Sabbath school of the Congrega
tional church , including West McCook
Mission , will resume next Sabbath.
A specialty of groceries , provisions ,
queensware , and in fact everything in
the grocery line , at Noble & Brickey's.
Our people will not be at a loss for
entertainments during the Christmas-
tide , as a summary of the "doings" of
the week will disclose.
Stop paying big prices for organs and
pianos and go to Scott's jewelry store
and rent one , and thus save your money.
Call and gel terms.
Rev. Joel S. Kelsey will speak next
Sabbath morning upon , "Swifter than a
post. " In the evening upon , " 1886
and its spiritual lessons. "
We all know how difficult it is to se
lect a Christmas present of value. Get
one of those cheap fine Hanging Lamps
at McMillen & Weeks. '
Are you in search of an excellent
dish of oysters , call at Probst Bros. '
oyster parlors , where you can get the
best , cooked in any style. !
The Choral Union needs the encour
agement aud support of every musician
in the city. It is worthy of the same
and ought not to feel its absence.
Now is the time to impress the bibical
proposition , "It is more blessed to give ,
than to receive , " upon the minds and
hearts of your relatives and friends.
Christmas Sermon at the school build
ing , next Sunday morning , and Old
Year sermon in the evening. All are
welcome. J. W. KIMMEL , Pastor.
Ludwick & Trowbridge have a fine line
of Rattan and Reed Rockers which they
will close out at a greatly reduced price. ,
Call and get a bargain for Christmas.
Last Thursday , A. E. Leach closed
his photograph gallery in this city , pre
paratory to removal to a new field of
operations. He is now absent looking
up a location.
Christmas dinner at the McNeely
building , up stairs , by the ladies of the
Congregational church. Don't forget.
Dinner served from 11 o'clock till 4 ,
mountain time.
Ladies generally experience difficul
ty in making selections of presents for
gentlemen. Chenery & Anderson cheer
fully volunteer their assistance to all
in this dilemma. ,
This has been a very busy week with
the gentler sex in this city , hunting
up their last year's Christmas and New
Year cards for presentation to their gen
tlemen friends , this year.
A train load of mixed cattle en route
From Culbertson to Arapahoe , passed
through this station , Monday. They
were consigned to the First National at
that place , by J. T. Wray.
We will take pleasure in publishing ;
the names of those ladies , if any there
ire , who will receive New Year callers.
Call or send in your names not later
than next "Wednesday evening.
We hear it stated that one of our
sitizens drew $500 lately in the Louisi-
inalottery. The fortunate one's name
sve learned not , however , which robs the
statement of its most interesting feature. .
The water motor , by which the ma-
shinery of this printing establishment
is propelled , is attracting considerable
ittention in this city , as well as by the
press of the state. In current lingo ,
'It is a daisy. "
Quarterly Meeting Services will be
field in the M. E. Church , Saturday and
Sunday next. Preaching , Saturday
night at 7:30 : o'clock. Quarterly Con
ference will convene at 8:30. All ser
vices conducted by Elder P. C. Johnson.
On Christmas eve , that fifteen dollar
Toilet Case will be given away by Mc-
Millen & Weeks. Until Friday even
ing , each dollar purchase entitles you to
a chance in the drawing.
A dandy line of gift books at Mc
The land and loan firm of Babcock
& O'Donnell has dissolved , Mr. Bab-
cock continuing the business at the old
stand , while Mr. O'Donnell becomes a
member of the firm of LeHcw , Ritten-
house & O'Donnell.
Organs and nianos for rent at Scott's
jewelry store.
On Monday morning , Messrs. Coch-
ran & Helm moved their land and loan
headquarters into the front basement
room under the new Citizens bank
building. When completed they will
have comfortable and convenient quar
For a fine tailor made overcoat , call
on L. Bernhcimer.
Since the first of the month , Messrs.
Brewer & Wilcox report having slaugh
tered over 300 hogs , some of them of
immense size and coming from as great
a distance as SO miles. They will
doubtless reap a golden harvest from
their enterprise.
Oysters in all styles at Probst Bros. '
oyster parlors.
Inquiry reveals the fact that the
Farmers and Merchants bank people
have purchased the Kucster property
on Main Avenue , and that they WILL
NOT build a brick bank building there
on as has been announced unauthorita-
A fine lot of books at those popular
prices , at McCracken's.
The ladies of the Congregational
church are making arrangements to
spread a grand Christmas dinner at the
McNeely building , to which all are cor
dially invited. Don't make any con
flicting appointments , but patronize the
dinner which the ladies will prepare
for the occasion.
A fresh lot of candies received at
Noble & Brickey's , this week.
A very large company of people in
dulged in the pleasures of the oyster
supper and dance held at the Opera
Hall , last Friday evening , by the la
dies of the Catholic church , who real
ized therefrom , we learn , the neat sum
af $100 , while old and young partici
pants received their money's worth in
i righl , royal good time.
J. F. Ganschow takes the lead in la-
lies' Fine Shoes. Try him.
The name of the new voting precinct
Formed out of Township 4 , Range 30 ,
s "Coleman , " in honor of William :
uoleman , the first , and for some time
; he only , settler in that township. Cole-
nan precinct will be true blue republi-
: an from the ground up. The voting
jlace is at the southeast corner of the
lortheast quarter of section 21. It
vill prove a great convenience to the
voters of that part of the county , who
lave heretofore voted in this city.
Take your hides , butter and eggs to
Brewer & Wilcox , Main Avenue.
With regard to the Choral Union re-
: ently organized in this city , we take
his occasion to state that all are cor-
lially invited to become members of
he same , and it is earnestly desired
md hoped that a large attendance will
; reet its next meeting at the Congre
gational church , Tuesday evening , De-
; ember 28th , at 7:30 : , central time. We
irge everyone desirous of improve-
nent in this respect to turn out.
Remember that Probst Bros , arc
icadquarlers for fine candies.
Cards are out announcing a grand
> all and banquet at the McEntee House ,
Christmas eve. Messrs. J. E. Kclley ,
I. F. Pade , J. A. Cordeal , Frank Mc-
jree and R. B. Wahlquist compose the
iommittee on invitation. The McEn-
ee people will spread an excellent ban-
juet , while the orchestra of this city
vill discourse entrancing music for the
iccasion. $1.50 covers the expense ,
) er couple , for ball and banquet.
Eggs wanted at Noble & Brickey's.
Hie highest market price paid.
A gentleman named J. F. Ellsworth ,
rho resides on the Beaver about 25 miles
outheast of this place , was in town ,
[ "uesday " , with three barrels of eggs ,
n the aggregate 268 dozens , for the
oarket. The entire load was purchas-
d by Mr. Johnston of the Commercial ,
tfr. Ellsworth states that he has 700
lens , and that the number marketed on
Tuesday were laid in a little over one
reek. This is the tallest hennery we
: now of in this part of the state.
Pianos and Organs a McCracken's
icst place to buy in the world.
It becomes our pleasure to report
.nother interesting and enjoyable so-
ial , under the management of the la- :
lies of the M. E. Mite Society , at the >
ihurch , last Saturday evening. The
irogram of the occasion was unique ,
mtertaining and well rendered. The
inancial outcome helped largely in
ringing about a more plethoric condi-
ion of the coal bin , besides aiding in
he liquidation of some minor obliga-
ions of the church , which the ladies
Go to J. F. Ganschow's Boot and
Shoe Emporium for ladies7 fine shoes.
500,000 men wanted for actual
service. McCrackew has knocked
down everything regardless.
! >
Asvc intimated some weeks since ,
extensive and costly improvements are
now being made in the City Water
Works plant , which our reporter took
the pains to look up as follows : He
found a large force 'of mechanics at
work on the new brick engine house ,
which is rapidly nearing completion.
The building is a large , substantial brick
structure , one-story (14 ( ft. high ) 34x26
feet in the main , with an addition 27 x
16 feet , specially built and adapted for
the two immense boilers , which produce
the motive power for the works. These
boilers are each of GO-horse power
capacity , 16 feet long and 54 inches in
diameter , and of the very best make.
The iron smoke stack is one of the very
largest of its kind being 70 feet high
and 3 feet in diameter. These im
provements will approximate $7,000 in
cost and should not lack appreciation
and encouragement on the part of our
people. It will be"seen that each year
more than the gross water tax receipts
are devoted to improving the efficiency
of the service. In the spring , the man
ager informs us , a 12-inch main will be
laid from the pump house up Main Ave
nue to the stand pipe , at another large
outlay. While a new and improved
duplex engine and a boiler iron stand
pipe of much greater capacity than the
present one , are under consideration.
Divine services will be held in the
Catholic church on Xmas day as fol
lows :
First mass ( low mass ) at 7 o'clock ,
A. M. , mountain time.
Second mass ( high mass ) at 9:30 , A.
M. , mountain time.
Third mass ( low mass ) immediately
after high mass.
The sermon will be preached after
the first gospel in high mass.
Confessions on Friday , from 2 to 6
olclock , P. M.
Confessions shall not be heard on
Christmas day , either before first mass ,
or between first and last masses.
.The news that diphtheria recently
prevailed to a limited extent , fortun-
itely , in this place , seems to have ,
reached staid , sleepy old Nebraska City ,
Dne of whose denizens , in response to
i suppositions Macedonian cry , offers
: he following specific. In order that
lone of its efficacy be lost in transla-
; ion , we give it literatim. In this con- ;
icction , we take pleasure in stating
hat there have been no new cases in
; he city for some time , and that all
jatients have recovered , or are in a fair
vay to recovery :
Nebraska City , Neb. , Dec. 15,1886.
DEAR SIR : I read in the Nebraska News
hat the Dipthere is so offel in Mecook , And I
ike to let you know if you speck of any of
hem folks if they want to try and use any of
ny Diptherc Hony. In time from 3 or 4 hours
11 go back again and about 21 hours ill' be
illright. If you want any of that Hony , 111
end you 2 or 3 giassas to try. one glass kost
3. an 111 send you the ussng ! paper along.
Ve told more peoples to do it and they done
t and it allways helpt. My Address is Mr. M.
fandar Nebraska City Neb Post box C17. op-
osite Court house.
See Noble & Brickcy's display of
lohday goods.
A proper , practical , manly , just in-
erpretation of law of the nation , state
ir municipality would result in the
) rotection of the citizen and the stran-
; er who is within the gates from the
mares and beguilements of evil-doers ,
lot in the fostering of those institu-
ions whose diabolical emissaries entice ,
sntrap and rob the unwary , the unso-
> histicated and the smart aleck alike ,
is the case is in this city every day and
light in the week. It should be under-
itood , too , that these iniquitous out
ages so transpire under the very eyes
if the authorities , unmolested and un-
estrained. A reform in this direction
s needed imperatively.
Selling out at cost at McCracken's.
tfow is the time to buy.
It is said that the diphtheria may be
irevented from spreading by the free
ise of sulphur among children. Rub
ogether an equal bulk of sulphur and ;
ruit jelly of any kind. Give each
oember of the family a caromel of this ;
oass three times a day with instruc-
ions to hold it upon the tongue until
lissolved , swallowing it as it melts. It
3 said that this simple practice has de-
ended whole families from the dread
isease when there was no escape from
C. D. Palmer , opposite McEntee , is
he best place to buy your hardware.
The failure of D. M. Tomblin of the
Cambridge and Akron banks is announc-
d. It is stated that bills of sale are '
eld by the cashiers of the respective
anks. Also that the state treasurer is
nterested in the sum of a cool uum-
er of thousands state funds loaned
Ir. Tomblin. In the absence of infor-
lation coming from authentic source ,
ittle is known of the status affairs.
A new lot of Silverware just receiv-
d at McCracken's.
- . si
The children of the Gonere-rational
Sunday School are preparing a program
f appropriate exercises for Christmas
ve , at the church.
head we would bo pleased to
bare our friends throughout the city acquaint
us of the arrival tind departure of their visitors.
Jud. Brush , the widely-known stockman ,
was here , 3Ibuday , on lantl business.
J. D. LaCourso , McCook , was a registered
guest at the Caniield , Omaha , Saturday.
Supt. F. D. Pitney of Culbertson was en
rolled at the Commercial , last Saturday.
Fred. Weed was down from Akron , Sim-
day evening , on business of importance.
William Fruin departed , last evening , for
Illinois , on a visit of some length at his home.
Mr. and Mrs. W. II. McCartney of the
county capital spent Monday afternoon in
Rev. Allen Uartley of Mallalieu Universt
ty was a business tourist to tho cftj * , Tues
day noon.
Chas. Fisher was down from Wauueta
Falls , Thursday and Friday last , on a littl
W. C. Ashwill of the llerald , Stratton , so
jounied in the city a few hours , Friday
evening last.
Attorneys Morlan of ArapaLoe and Daw
son of Alma were in the city on legal busl
ness , Tuesday.
J. A. Cordeal went up to Akron , Monday ,
on business connected with theTombliu bank
failure at that place.
Judge H. M. Abhmore was down from the
Frenchman ranch , Friday , eu route for the
county-seat , on business.
J. W. Tomblin , president of the First Na
tional , Arapahoe , was in this place on busi
ness , a few hours , Sunday.
Will S. Fisher and ( ! . L. McXaul of Wau-
neta Falls , Chase county , were visitors in
this principal city , Monday.
Fred. Harris and Ed. Laycock went down
to Atchison , Kansas , Saturday evening , re
turning , Tuesday noon on 39.
Deputy County Treasurer E. C. Ballew
was up from Indianola , Tuesday afternoon.
Also Major Criswell of the same place.
Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Cornutt and Mr. and
Mrs. E. E. Capps , of Culbertson , took in the
sights of tliis metropolis , Monday evening.
A. E. Touzalin , President of the C. B. &
S. , passed through this station , yesterday
noon , in his special car 999 , attached to No. 39.
Alex. Stewart of Wyniore , a B. & M. en
gineer who is interested in city property
liere , was in town , between trains , Monday
Jesse A. Morse , the handsome and talent-
id journalist of the Trenton Register , hon
ored these parts with his noble presence ,
Saturday last.
C. II. Meeker , manager of the city water
vorks , weut down to Omaha , Sunday , on
United States Court business. He returned
Uuesday noon.
G. W. Daniels was down from Culbertson ,
ast evening , meeting with thu K. of P. boys
) f this city , and shaking hands with his old-
ime friends hereabouts.
Rev. W. S. Wlrcaler of Bartley was iu
own , Tuesday , distributing University cata-
ogues and collecting yi .anichirtft due on the
James C. Drury was called to Chicago ,
esterday morning , by a telegram , which
lonveyed to him the sad intelligence of the
ierious illness of his wife , who lives in the
jreat metropolis of the west.
Capt. R. 0. Phillips , the energetic mana-
jerof the Lincoln Lund Co. , spent a few
lours in the city , Tuesday , hurriedly inspec
ts the improvements now under way on
he water works system of the city.
Yurua Sun : Mrs. M. E. Plunket , of Mc-
] ook , Neb. , was in town this week looking
> ver Yuma with a view of starting a restaur-
int. Mrs. Plunkett was favorably impress-
id with our towu , and thinks she will locate
icre soon.
Mr. and Mrs. 15. B. Duckworth were guests
it the Commercial , from Saturday until
L'uu&day of this week. Mr. Duckworth has
lot entirely recovered from his long illness
nit finds it necessary to use & cane in mov-
tiK around.
J. II. Howard of Denver and J. T. Burk-
lolder of McCook , have been making a tour
if inspection of the various branch yards of
L'he Howard Lumber Co. , located along the
nain and branch lines of the Burlington sys-
em at sundry stations between Denver and
Cowles Cor. Argus : Dr. AV. T. Johnson
nade a flying trip to McCook , Wednesday ,
ilaced a timber culture filing on a quarter
ection of Uncle Sam's vast domain and has
iccome in common with several of our citi-
ens a "bloated land holder. " Peter Hill
vas out to McCook , Wednesday , looking af-
ersome land.
Rev. J. N. Lenker , Western Secretary of
he Board of Church Extension of the Evan-
elical Lutheran Church , stopped over in the
ity , Tuesday and Wednesday , and was the
uest of Rev. and Mrs. J. W. Kimmel. He
fas delighted with McCook and the Luth-
ran church site. He is securing lots for the
hurch in all new towns in the west for the
uture use of the church.
ir'OODS STEWIGE At their residence in
West McCook , Tuesday evening , December
21st , 1880 , Mr. Harry D. Woods and Miss
Valona A. Sterrige. both of this city. Rev.
Joel S. Kelsey officiating.
The groom ia one of the B. & M.'s faithful
remen the bride a sister of Mrs. Frank Allen ,
'he newly married couple at once went to
ouse-keeping in their home iu West McCook ,
hich had been previously furnished for their
Eception. That the new slate upon which
icy have entered may be one of happiness is
evening , December 22d. 18S . Mr. Calvin E.
Throne and Miss Violet Spickelraier. both of
this city , Justice J. H. Bennett officiating.
Mr. Throne U favorably known as one of the
obcr , industrious "boss" carpenters of the
ity. The bride is the estimable daughter of
lr. L. J. Splckelmier of this city. The young
cople who have thus embarked upon the sea
f matrimony have our best wishes for a bon
13 Ibs. Granulated Sugar for - $1.00
14 Iba. Extra C. Sugar for - $1.00
16 Ibs. Prunes for - - $1.00
6 Cans Syrup Peaches , 3-lbs. full , $1.00
Also ALL Groceries , Clothing , Hats ,
Caps , Boots , Shoes , Dry Goods , and
Notions , as cheap as any bouse in town.
Cash Down. No Delay.
No need of waiting to send off appli
cations. Money paid over as soon as
papers are completed. Call on or ad
dress , RED WILLOW Co. BANK ,
43-tf Indianola , Neb
All parties indebted to us are re
quested to call at once and settle their
accounts either by cash or bankable
notes. All accounts not settled on or
before December 31st , will be placed
in the hands of a collector.
Real Estate Loans.
We have completed arrangements
whereby we can furnish those who want
a loan , money on real estate , promptly
and without the usual disappointing
delays. Call and see us. We are al
so prepared to make chattel mortgage
Attention Smokers !
With every 25 cents worth of goods
bought at the Distribution Cigar Store ,
a ticket in the grand drawing is given.
50 acres under cultivation. Good
frame house. One mile from McConk.
The basket social at the Opera Hall ,
Tuesday evening , by the Ladies' Aid
Society of the Lutheran congregation ,
was unqualifiedly successful from a
social standpoint considered , as well .as
in a financial way , $56 being the exact
not proceeds realized for the foundation
of the new brick church to be erected ,
next summer , on lots 17 and 18 in block
4 , in this city. The ladies are to be
congratulated upon the encouraging out
come of their first effort. They return
thanks to all helpers.
A movement is on foot to organize a
militia company in this city. Almost
sixty signatures have been secured. A
meeting was held last night , when a
temporary organization was effected.
Hugh W. Cole was elected captain , E.
K. Lowinan , first lieutenant , and C. W.
Stoddart , second lieutenant. The peti
tion and other papers were sent into
headquarters to-day. We hope the boys
will be successful. A good militia com
pany will prove a paying advertisement
for the city.
Cards are out announcing the ap
proaching nuptials of Mr. Fred. M.
Snow , of Akron , Colo. , and Miss Cora
B. Wilins , of Tuma , Colo. , next Friday
evening , December 31st , 1886 , at 8:30
o'clock , at residence of the bride's par
ents in Yuma.
The schools of the city resumed , Mon
day morning , with a fair attendance ,
which has been gradually increasing all
week. By reason of the closing of the
schools during the past two weeks , the
usual holiday vacation will not be given.
Some have one , some two , and per
chance a few three at a time , but
Chenery & Anderson have more than a
dozen. Call and see them before they
are all adopted.
Another car of the best wind mills
on earth just received by C. P. Rinker.
Also in car , 5,000 pounds of pump fit
tings of every style imaginable.
Elegant chamber setts and an exten
sive line of glassware and queensware for
the holiday trade , at Noble & Brickey's.
Miller takes every imaginable kind
of pictures in the most life-like and ar
tistic style , at the old Marble gallery.
A handsome line of hanging lamps
it Noble & Brickey's. They would
make an acceptable Christmas present.
When you Avant a sack of good
flour , go to Harvey Bros. ' feed store.
Ihey keep grades to suit everybody.
The U. S. Land Office is now located
in the Franklin building on the corner
jf Main Avenue and Dennison street.
Only three wagons left of last car.
Wnl sell cheap to make room for new
? oods. C. P. RINKER.
The new grocery store of Noble &
Brickey is the place to purchase your
groceries and provisions.
Don't wait till McCracken sells out
3efore buying your presents the finest
issortment you ever saw.
Queensware in the latest styles ,
[ lain and ornamented , at the leading
zrocera Xoble & Brickey's.
It will pay you to call on L. Bern-
icHiior for winter clothes before pur-
ihasinir elsewhere.
Bring the babies to Millers's photo-
rraph gallery now. while the weather
s pleasant.
Try the Commercial House , when
77 McCook , just ones !