"ANGLOPHOBIA. Some Ataasluc Specimens of Trench Peeling. It is envious to note" tho eagerness and skill with which Anglophobes on this side of the water turn even non- political events to account for an attack on England , writes a Paris correspond ent of The London Telegraph. This has just been exemplified by the comments which some of the French journalists are making on Fred Archer's death. Innocent people would have imagined that the untimely fate of the celebrated jockey would have excited nothing but pity and sympathy here. Vain de lusion ! All the bitterness of spirit which has been so distinguishing a feature of certain French writers for years past is once more evinced , and we find M. Henri Rochcfort ratling at the regret felt in England of the loss of a man who was a general favorite. He informs bis readers that London is preparing to give Archer a tuneral on a par with that with which Paris honor ed Victor Hugo nearly a year and a half ago. Here is a specimen of M. Henri Rochefort's observations : 4 < A great grief has befallen the country of Gladstone , liyrou , and Shakspeare. The jockey Fredrick Archer has just expired. And what renders the nation al mourning even more poignant lies in the fact that this homme do chevaP himself put an end to his days by blowr ing his brains out in an attack of delirium. Into what arms will henceforth fall the duchesses whoso heads his soft boots , his ticlit breeches , and his red , green or yellow caps had turned ? He was uglier than a monkey , with teeth which looked like the hoofs of the horses which ho rode. But they thought him handsome when he drove his spurs into the sides of a mare which Le brought iirst to the winning post. . . . It is for such glories as those that the English are now enthusiastic. In a country where money is every thing , it is the man who makes the most , without distinction of profession , who receives the largest tribute. Mil ton , poor and blind , would to-day be born to the cemetery b } ' two hospital attendants , who would throw his body into the 'fosse commune.1 A centaur who makes the round of a course in two minutes and three seconds , while his opponents take two minutes and four seconds to do the job , receives dur ing his life and after his death more honors than arc awarded to sovereigns. AVe must conclude from all this that if glory does not go for muoh in France , it is worth nothing at all in England. " A similar strain of thought is to be found in The Voltaire , which exclaims : " 'Archer is dying ! Archer is dead1 ! These were the only words with which people greeted each other in England. The children were sad , the men gloomy and the women wept People forgot Ireland , home rule , and Mr. Gladstone. The fog which hung over London wsis a crape veil. " The writer , however , unlike M. Henri llochcfort , decently abstains from any personal .strictures. "Although a jockey , " he remarks , "it is a man who has passed away , and he has a claim to our "respect. " Condensed Truth. What were crimes one hundred years ago are mere irregularities now. Half of mankind lies awake nights thinking how to outwit the other half. As man grows in wisdom he learns how independent the world is of him. For every family contention Satan puts an extra pound of fat on his ribs. , Religion and temperance will always agree. Both are the sprouts of reason. If it were not for the weaknesses of the niajoritv the success of the few would be a myth. When we do not understand other people it seems to be second nature to ridicule them. Profit by others' success and failure , and you get a reliable experience at less than club rates. Those who are honest from fear rath er than principle have no more to brag of than rascals. Always appear to agree with the world , aud you will get on smoothly without soaping the track. In itself lying is a base passion , but its tendency to injure others renders it also a dangerous one. It isn't always the man who knows the most that wins , but the man who Is can apply what he does know. n So long as a woman is on friendly terms with modesty , just so long is woman vindicated , and no longer. Decorum itself is simply good sense and good will , but society often ruins it by empty ceremonies. Do away with Christianity and its in fluences , and mankind would run itselt into the ground in a brief century. Of ten young men nine can be found who are vain of their line exterior , while the tenth one is proud of a weil stored mind. Most any man is willing to tell of f the good things he has done , but few tell of the goods things they m ght have done. Chicago Ledger. Old Bed Cloud's Philosophy. Red Cloud , the Sioux Chief , has the cunning of a "mean Yank1'under his copper-colored hide. He advises his people that there is a better way to get their living out of the white people than to quarrel with them. He tells them not .to send their children to .school or learn any of the ways of civil- jzed life , "for so long as "the Great 'Father knows that we cannot earn our own living he will give us rations and blankets , but if he thinks we know how tJ take care of ourselves we shall get nothing more from him. " Acting on this principle Red Cloud complained of the farmer sent to teach his people agriculture. "Our farmer is not of the right kind ; he expects warriors to work. ' What we want is white men to plant our corn , hoe it , harvest it and put it into the barns which they will build for us. Warriors don't work. " Portland Orcgonian. Emerson was immensely practical. His imitators should remember that be never thought so much of the Over-Soul o . 10 forget Uic over-shoe. Boston MARRIED IN JAIL. After tlie Ceremony tlie Happy Bride Goes Uaclc to Her Cell. "Whom God hath joined together let not man put asunder , " and then they locked the bride up. About thirty days ago , writes a Port land , Me. , correspondent of The Boston Globe , a young French girl of remarka ble beauty was arrested here on a charge of vagrancy , and was by Judge Gould sent to the jail for four months. Quite recently a young Swede called at the jail and asked to see her. Sheriff True granted the desired permission , and without loss of time the young man asked the girl an interesting question : "Will you marry me ? " "Yes , " whispered the girl , "when I get out of jail. " 4'Why not now ? " The girl thought it over , and finally consented. A license was obtained and the day lixed. While waiting the legal five days the girl was trying her poor best to make ready for her bridal , and despite her confinement she seemed to be perfectly happv. She talked con stantly of the bright days to come. The prospective bridegroom visited the jail quite often , the rigid rules resulating visits to prisoners by outside friends having been relaxed in his favor , but , of course , ho did his courting in the presence of others. Last Saturday the wedding took place , and was announced this afternoon , the notice reading as follows : "At Portland jail. Nov. 27 , by Jabez True. Esq. , Frank Everson and Laura Cliartrv , both of Portland.1 The bride entered the jail office es corted by tlie turnkey , Mr. Norman True. She was dressed nicely , having made an astonishing silccess of her bridal preparations. Tho groom is a very fine-looking man , and a hand somer couple is seldom seen than the pair who faced Justice True. At the close of the ceremony Mr. Everson saluted his bride and placed a riii2 on her linger , and Justice True , calling her by her new name , said that he trusted they would live long and happily together. Then , after a brief seasons of smiles and congratulations , the prisoner-bride was taken to the women's wing of the jail and locked up , and the bridegroom went to his home up town. Later he called aud brought liis bride presents of candy and flowers. All day yesterday she was en gaged in writing letters to her friends announcing her marriage. It is under stood that Miss Chartry was Mr. Ever- " son's first love , but "fate separated them , and he married another. His wife died , and after a season of mourn ing he crossed the ocean in search of his lost love , who had removed with her family to Canada. He found on arriving in Montreal that she had gone to Portland , and so came here. He was shocked to learn of her arrest , but found that she had been taken from evil associates , bur had only been imprud ent , ami resolved to marry her. Great interest is felt in ( he pair , and it is un derstood that Gov. Kobie will be asked to add to their happiness by letting the bride go free. Progress hi English Politics. Something startling lias just been proposed in relation to the system ol English political parties. It is pro posed that they shall adopt the plan of setting forth the principles of the party in a written platform , or , as they pre fer to call it , "programme. " "Plat form" is the English of Shakesp eare. but as it is also the English of the Americans it is perhaps thought that ; the use of this word would be prejudic ial and suggest too distinctly the adop tion of an American idea. Hitherto the sj-stem in England has followed in par ties the rule that applies in the nation al organization , not to have a written constitution. All that with our parties is presented in a platform was with them assumed to b included in the party name. Names were the only in dication of political purpose. In a rudimentary division of the people such broadly "Conser descriptive names as vative" and "Liberal" are in them selves short platforms , though it may sometimes happen that a Conservative party favors a Liberal purpose , and it is never true that Liberalism and de- strnotivfiioss are identical. But in England the indication of the names has always stood in the place of an an- thorixed declaration of party princi ples and intentions. It is a point of progress that the adoption of a plat form is called for. For a party name , however clearly it may indicate the general position of the party in the ag itations of the time , stops there ; where as the platform goes further aud pledges it not only to the support of a general range of ideas of one sort or another but to the agitation of specified subjects and the advocacy of defined reforms. It is proposed , by the way , that the first platform shall go very far , since the scheme given begins with lionie rule for Ireland and ends with the abolition of the House of Lords , taking by the way the disestablishment of the church and the confiscation of the vast uncultivated domains of great owners. Probably the Liberal party does not favor these extreme views , and it ought to have a platform in or der that it may be known what it does favor. New York Mail and Express. A Pathetic Incident Speaking of funerals , the pastor of a rustic parish once told the historian of a queer scene at a ceremony which he conducted. It was a child who was buried , and the mother was too ill to jo to the grave. She was also misera- ) ly poor , and could afford no mourning. And in order that things might be as nearly fitting as possible , the poor mother remained in beiTin the room in which the last prayers were offered , and lad a black shawl which was am on 2 jer belongings spread wide upon the jed , to serve as a symbol of grief ! She was "dressed in mourning , " ifter a fashion and those who saw her endeavor were touched both by her be reavement and by her pathetic"devotion to conventionality Boston Record. Mr. Ed. P. Wells , Thatis P. 0. , Stevens Co. , Wash. Terr. , was entirely cured of rheumatism by the use of St. Jacobs Oil. He says : "I consider it a wonderful rem edy aud will always speak a good word for it. " . "This beats me , " as the egg remarked when it saw the spoon. A sealskin sccque forthcBartholdi statue would cost $275,483. A patriot at Rochester , N. Y. , voted six teen times before his trickery was discov ered. Architect Edmund Legendre , 419 Butter street , San Francisco , Cal. , states that having suffered for a long time with a severe cough , and failing to obtain any re lief from doctors and thennmerous prepar ations he took , he became alarmed. Tried Red Star Cough Cure , and one bottle en tirely cured him. A TImld Woman. The most timid woman on record lives on the East Side , and her husband is now in Chicago on business. She refuses to sleep alone , and her younger sister gives the fol lowing account of the means employed to avert danger : "She shuts and locks the door , and then she bolts it at the top and puts a chair against the door knob. Then she puts Harry's revolver under her pillow , and a big dinner bell on a table alongside the bed. Then she opens the window so the neighbors can hear her scream , and keeps the gas on , full head , all nicht. Then she gets into bed and turns her face to the wall and sleeps like a top. I wish some thing would happen , just to see what she would do. I know she'd be afraid to touch the pistol , and it isn't loaded anyway , and [ believe she'd be too weak to riug the bell , much less scream. " The infant reason grows apace and calls for one more application of that good friend. Salvation Oil. which never disap points but always kills pain. Japan boats of a singing fish. It has musical scales , we suppose. "One Null Driven Out Another , " is a French saying that finds exemplifica tion in the wav one disease will substitute itself for another and graver one , in very many cases. Liverdieease for instancewill soon induce blood disorders , throat ail- mentH , skin affections and eventually , be cause of impoverished blood , consumption itself , unless , indeed , it be treated in its in- cipiency and early progress by Dr. Pierce's "Golden Medical Discovery" which acts as a specific in these ailments , accomplishing a rapid cure by its powerful alterative ac tion upon the great organs of the body. Wipgius snys New England will have its turn next when earthquakes appear. Young or middle-aged men , suffering from nervous debility and kindred weaknesses , should send ten cents in stamps for large treatise giving successful treatment. World's Dispensary Medical Association , Buffalo , X.Y. Pensions called for § 14,000,000 during November. Your Friend * Will Never Tell You , but perhaps somebody , ' who isn't your fiiend , will , that your presence is rendered offensive by the foul , fetid smell of your lireath. Every word you utter , though it be the very echo of wisdom and poetry , dis gusts your hearers , and your laugh is pro- [ luctive of anything but mirth to them. It is a duty you owe , nob only to yourself , but to f-ociety to remove this cause of offense. D. Bilge's Catarrh Uemedy will heal the dis eased mucous membrane , will bring relief to yourself and others. Do not hesitate to employ it. At the if mo nf the emancipation there were 4,000,000 negroes in the United States. JDo Not Forget That Carter' * Little LiVEit PILLS cure rick headache , often in two hours. Two hundied and sixty men have been discharged from the Brooklyn navy yard. " DON'T PAY A BIG PRICE ! " sr - /"l-v-j. Pays for a YEAR'S sub- DO L/eilUS Hcription to the Weekly AMKRICAN HUKAI , HOME , Rochester , N. Y. , \\ITIIOUT premium "the Cheapest and Best Weekly in the World.8 pages , 48 columns , 1C years old. For Oxn DOLLAK you have OXE choice from over 150 different Cloth- bound DOILAK VOLUMES , 300 to 000 pp. , and paper one year , post-paid. Book post age , 15c. Extra. 50.000 books given away. Among them are : Law Without Lawyers ; Family Cyclopedia ; Farm Cyclopedia ; Farmers' and Stockbreeders' Guide ; Com mon Sense in Poultry Yard ; World Cyclo pedia ; Danelson's ( Medical ) Counselor ; Boys' Useful Pastimes ; Five Years Before the Mast ; Peoples' History of United States ; Universal History of all Nations ; Popular History Civil War ( both sides ) . Any ONE book and paper , one year , all post-paid , for § 1.15 only. Paper alone , Goc. Satisfaction guaranteed on books and Weekly , or money refunded. Reference : Hon. C. R. PAUSOXS , Mayor Rochester. Sample papers , 2c. RURAL HOME Co. , Ltd. Without Pi-em. G5c a year. RochesterN.Y. Things are ours that we may use them for all , sometimes that we may sacrifice them. For restoring youthful freshness and color to gray hair , use Hall's Hair Renewer. A neglected cough often terminates fatal ly. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral affords speedy iclief. Austria has tabooed the'poker game. Did Francis Joseph get left on three aces ? A Mr. Johnston , student of Omaha Commercial College , is filling a lucrativo position as book-keeper for A. D. Morse , Omaha's leading merchant. F. J. Stimspn , "J. S. of Dale , " will make his home in New York this winter. "Consumption Can be Cured. " Dr. J. S. COMBS. OWENSVILLB , Ohio.says : "I have given SCOTT'S EMULSIO.V of Cod Liver Oil with Hypophosphites to four patients with better results than seemed possible with any remedy. All were hered itary cases of Lung diseases , and advanced to that stage when Coughs , pain in the chest , frequent breathing , frequent pulse , Fever and Emaciation. All these cases have increased in weight from 16 to 28 Ibs. , and are not now needing any medi- In the hands of lovely woman the COTT- iiide is mightier than the slipper. Excursions to the Winter Itesortn o the South. The Wabash , St. Louis & Pacific Ry. are now selling round-trip tickets , good until' June 1st , 1887 , at greatly reduced rates , to Mobile , New Orleans , Pensacola. Jack sonville , Cedar Heya , and all the principal points in the south. For further informa tion and tickets , call on or write F. E. Moore ? , Ticket Agent , or G. N. Clayton , Northwestern Passenger Agent , 1502 Far- nam Street , Omaha , Neb. It is only literary bees that visit the arch-hives. 2Tc.lUjBapalr of Lyon's Patent Heel Stlffencrs. iniikis a iKKji or thoe Uai twice as Ion ; ; . He is the greatest man who chooses the right with invincible resolution. A frowning face bespeaks a cloudy day for the soul. Mora than one hundred and twenty-five thousand bottles ol Dr. JJull'a Cough Syrup have been Bold by a single firm in Balti more. Messrs , Win. H. Brown & Bro. A good way to make children tell the truth is to tell it yourself. If nffllcted with Soro Eyes , use Dr. Isaac Thompson's Eye Water. Druggists sell it. 23o It doesn't require a carpenter to con struct a statistical table. Carter's Little Liver Pills mny well be termed "Perfection. " Their gentle action and good effect on the system , really make them a perfect little pill. They please those who use them. Two trains collided near Parker , Dakota. Both engineers and firemen were killed. Faithfulness is necessary in all kinds o work. Especially is it necessary , in treat- ins a cold , to procure the best remedy which is Allen's Lung Balsam , and take i fuithfully according to directions , and i will cure a cold every time and preven fatal results. Sold by all druggists at 25c 50c and $1.00 a bottle. Poor and aged , mournful Bill Nye can claim $100,000 as his own. Tlic Cost of Ignorance. Absence of knowledge of the fact tha physical and mental weakness , indigestion impure blood , and sick headache can b averted by Dr. Harter's Iron Tonic , costs millions of money annually for uncertaii and unsellable decoctions. 'The hoodlum who stands by a friond is as a lump-post , but lets useful to a city. Iron In Olio or the IJlood'x Constituents And the great tonic. Use CAKTEK'S FILLS. A good way io make childien tell th < truth is to tell it yourself. TESTID IIY TIMI : . For Tliront Diseases Colds and Coughs , BROWN'S BRONCHIAL Tiocins have proved their ellicucy by a test of ninny yesirs. Sold only in boxes Price 25e. It costs money to advertise , but it costs more money not to advertise. Among the people of to-day there are fc\v , indeed , who have not lieaid of the merits o Prickly Asli Bark and Berries , as a house liold remedy. Teas and drinks have beer made of tlicm for centuries , and in litin dreds of families have formed the sole roll nnce in rheumatic and kijney dibeases. Prickly Ash Bitters now taiJes the place o ! the old system and is more beneficial in all troubles of this nature. If we hope for what we are not likely to possess , we act and think in vain. More Kloiiey lor Your TVork. Improve the good opportunities that are offered you and youwill receive more money for your labor. Ilallett & Co. , Portland Maine , will mail you , free , full informa tion showing how * you can make from $5 to $25 and upwards a day and live al home , wherever you mny be located. You had better wiite to them at once. A num ber have made over $30 in a day. All is new. Capital not required ; Ilallett it Co. wil ! start you. Both sexes ; all ages. Grant success attends every worker. Send your address at once and see for yourself. An old school doctrine that the teacher is a tyrant. LTDIA E. PINKHA3TS Ic a Positive Cure Female CcapZaleU It trill cttro entirely theworst form of Female Com plaints , ell Ovarian , troubles , Inflammation and Ul- cer = .tion , railing end Displacements , nnd tho conce- quont Spinal v/saknca , end is particularly adapted to th.o Chanco of Life. It will dissolve end cipol tumors from the TJterus In an early st2co of development. Thotendcncytocanccr- ous humors thero in cliceied very speedily by it3 use. JTmoTe3 falntntta. flatulency , destroys all craTlrff r for stimulants , ami relieves weakness of ilie stomaclu cure'Bloating , JI * adache * .Neioiis Prostration Gen- S.i , ltT > SleeplessnciB. Pepression and Indigestion That feelin ot beanng downcau iiifrpainweaKlitand pacKacjieisalmiygpermftnently curedCvitsusc. It Will nt ? iViimes and unler oil clrcum tances'act in liariiiony * ith tho laws tliat go vein tlie i'emale system. Tor the cure of Kidney Complaints of either EOT thN Compound 13 unaurpaued. I'ncc 8L Six bottles lor 5. No famfly should bo Yrithout LTDIA X. PISSUAirs LITER PILLS. They euro constipation , biliousness and torpidity of the liver. 23 cents a bor at all druggists. OIL CAN. y The most practical , large sized Oi ! Can in the market. Lamps are flilcd direct by the pump without lifting can. No drip ng oil on Floor or Table. No Faucet to leak and waste contents or cause explosions. Closes perfectly air ticht. Kb I.enknce-XoEvnp- oratlon Abaulutely nfe. Don't be HumbuRged with worthless imitations. Buy tho "Good Enough. " Slan'f'd.by WINFIEID MMF'G. CO. , _ _ _ Warren , Ohio. 8old by Flmt-CIasn Healer * Everywhere. 1 1SY BIBTPBB85ET Ilelleved nml cured by Dr. J. Bw B B.I ffa l _ - * i > hcrnan'8 method. Those va Ba wll ( ) cnnnnt aa | [ thcintclves of personal attendanc can liave home treatment ap pliance and curative sent for * ' 0 onlv. Send utamii lor circulars234 Broadway. New York. Morphine liulilt Cured la la to todays. No pay till CureJ. Uu J. bTJtfuic j. Leliauuo. OUlo. ARCUTQ WAPJTCn r ° r theNc e tand ACCn I O nf 1(11 ( CU ing book ever published. Kor terms i circulars addres * NATIONAL 1'uu Co. Chicago -THE g BEST TONIC. ? This medicine , combining Iron with pure Vegetable tonics , quickly and completely Cures Dyspepsia , Indigestion , Weakness Impure Blood , IUiiIariaCUUI iuid Fevers , and Neurulsia. It is an unfailing remedy for Diseases of th Kidneys find Liver. It is Invaluable for Dlsen es peculiar to Women , and all who lead sedentary lives. It does not injure the teeth , cause headache.or produce constipation other Iran medicines do. It enriches and purifies the blood , stimulates the appetite , aids the assimilation of food , re lieves Heartburn and Belchlug , and strength ens the muscles and nerves. For Intermittent Fevers , Lassitude , Lack of Energy. &c. , it has no equal. J3&The genuine has above trade mark and crossed rod lines on wrapper. Take no other. XiJ..i h. RR01TK CIimCAL CO * BALTIHOXX. Ha The best and surest Remedy for Cure of all diseases caused by auy derangement of tho Liver , Kidneys , Stomach and Bowels. Dyspepsia , Sick Headache , Constipation , Bilious Complaints and Malaria of all kinds yield readily to the beucflcent influence of It is pleasant to the taste , tones np the system , restores and preserves health. It is purely Vegetable , and cannot fail to prove beneficial , both to old and young. As a Blood Purifier it is superior to all others. Sold everywhere at 81.00 a bottle. JONES PAYSthe FREIGHT 5 TonVueou .Scales , Iron Ijtter * , Steel Hearings , Brasi Tare Be&m &ud Bram Box for ETerr ize Scale. For frrr price list mcDtlcm thin piptr and addreit JONES OF BINGHAMTOM , BINGHAMTON. N. V. STEEL PENS Leading.Nos. : 14,048 , 130,135 , 333,161. For Sale by all Stationers. THE ESTERBROOK STEEL PEH CO. , tforka : Camden , N. J , 26 John St. , New York. SOLD IN ONE DAY IN NKW YORK CITY. Official Medal "LibertyKnllelitenliiK tlir World" Statue one side. I'.anln.ldl Medallion on therexerae : flnrat Medal eersold. . Size of Silver Doliur. I'.it- entert by American Commlticu and Jl. Itsrtholdl. Mailed to anv addres i on receipt of i > cents. Agents XVutitptl. ferhonl Uovs and others. STATUE OF LIBERTY UVF'G CO. . 81) Ueekman St. . Xew York. to - < ! ! AOVKI./1 Y l ll l AGENTS WANTED MAriSJ.NKS anl 1IUO PATTniJ.N.S for making Ku s. Tfdln. Hoods , Mittens , ere. Senc bv mail fnr SI. C1UCUI.AUS FRKK. E. KOSS .fc CO. , - TOLEDO , Oil 10. * a lire energetic man WAIMT YOU VOMIH B \J\Si orBoreaii needing profitable employment to rrprcscut ut Jn every county. Salary $75 per month and expense * , or arge commission on sales if preferred , ( ioodi staple , ivery one buys. Outfit and particulars Free. STAUDAHD SILVJSIiVTAIlE CO. , BObTOK , 3IASS. D-afneis nd NYisnl rntarrli EYE EAR permanently cured. Glai-e < , J fitted for all forms of defec- 11 ve rfft'on. KB * \ O E ? O. TPRJ l if * n ArtlnclaleyefWOSE & THROAT Inserted. Address Dr. IMFKY. Om lia. Krlt. HE-OPIUM Habit Painle-My J Cured at Home. Tri-atment it on trial and NO I'AV a ked until you are l cncnted. Terms JMW. I Humane Remedy Co. , I.aFayette , Ind. I Officer's I'av. R < ninly. la\vs. A. "NV. McCoKMicK it Sox. Washington. I ) . C. STUDY. Book-tcceplnjr. Buslnes * FormsPenmin ihIp.Aritliiiietf < % faliort mnd. etc. , tliorouehiv taught by mall. ClrruUn tree. KUYANT'3 COLLKCK. ICuHalo. X.V. Tumors and Ulcers cured w Ithonf HANGER \VrIteforpauiphlet. . DR. F. 15. GOLLKY. Milwaukee. WIs. j nt oncotxclu-ii\-Cf < mtrJl of the hc t . _ _ „ . Jaitkle invcntnl.Jioopno'itioii : < | UickSJlcS ; HJJ pro'lts ; address H. il. McDowell & Co..Omaha , 3 cli. < * J ? to 58 a day. Samples worth $1 JO FREtt Lines SBl not nmler the horso' feet. Writ ? Brewster iPV Safety Rein Holder Co. , Holly , Mich. F. A. JKIf MANX. Solicit- PATENTS or ot Patents. Washington , 1 > . C. Send for Circular. W. N. D. , Omaha 342-52. for ffio Youth's ' Companion Prize Soil To begin Jan. 1st In Eight Chapters Illustrated. BLIND BROTHER. " A T ! e of the Pennsylvania Minis. Two Millions of People Will Read It. Hie Companion is published weekly. Price , $1.75 a Tear. Specimen copies free. Please mention this paper. Address PERRY MASON & CO. , 37 Temple Place , Boston , Mast' m THS ONLY TROB Will purify the BLOOD reeulata tho LIVER and KIDNEYS mt HcsTonic tbo HEALTH and VIO- OK of YOUTH Drir P ia.W nt of Appctit * . InillECXtioa.Lackot Strength and Tired FeelinRnb- lolutelr cured : Bonea , mu - cl nad nerr i receive neir force. Enltien * the mind and napplles Brain Power , from complaint- LADIES ITDJT EEm5iB . - . - rONIOn afean < l upeady cure. GivMaclear.hoal- Ihj complexion. Frequent attempt * at counterfeit- inc only add to tho popularity of the critical. i 9 oot experiment cet tho OmarNil. AND BnsT. i Dr. HARTER'S LIVER PILLS Cure Constip tlon.IJver Complaint nd Sick He d che. Sample Doia and Dream Book inallsd on receipt of two cent ! In postage. n mew , KM CD , , st , ( m , MB , Hayo boen heartily enjoyed by the citizens of nearly ovory town and city in tho United Btatee. Marvelous Cores have been performed , and _ wit nessed by thousands of people , who can testify to THE WONDERFUL HEAUXO POWER OF Kamlin's Wizard Oil . IT HA8 NO XQUAIi FOR THE CURE OP RHEUMATISM , NEURALGIA.TOOTHACHE. EARACHE , HEADACHE. CATARRH. CROUP. SORE THROAT , LAME BACK. CONTRACTED CORDS. STIFF JOINTS. SPRAINS , BRUISES. BURNS. And Many Other Pains Caused by Accident or Disease. It is eafo and sure , does itawork quickly and gives univ ersal satisfaction. For nale by druggists. Price.50c. OnrSonRBook mailed free to every body. Address WIZARD OIL COMPANY , CHICAGO THE nca lull a m mat i on. Heals tho Soivs. Restores Senses of Tsisle , Smell , Ilearin . ' . A quick Kelicf A pnttU Ic K applied Suit pacli no trl ! a id K a r abli' ti > use. I'rice Vi cti liinnil r a itru-ui Sri'd for circular. ELY l N. Y NEWSPAPER C13TF5TS Esima * > lio I on S mii lit < ' Iffl-HAffl GOODS CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. OMAHA TYPE FOUNDRY , Omaha. Neb. , 12th and Howard. Mile tt try KS > CUIDK In issued Sept. and 3Iarci , each year. Jfa 31" ia r , : liC8)tvitIi over ' O,5O& lllustrntions a. % vliolc Picture Gnllfry. GIVBS "Wliolesale Price * direct to cait.inineri on all ooilii for personal or family use. IVlInJiow to order , and slret * = * * cost of ci try- thlng yon u e , eat , drink , vicar , or nave funvlth. . The e IJTVAiUAIJIi'E BOOKS contain Information gleaned from the markets of tile - Torld. "We ivill mall a. copy FRKE to any ad dress upon receipt of 10 cts. to defray expense of mailing. Xiet uj near from you. JUspectftilly , MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. 227 Jk 229 WabnjiU Avenue. Chicago. 111. CATARRH , HEADACHE. 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