The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, December 09, 1886, Suplplement, Image 9

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    Family Silver ftlelioil In tho Mint *
rPhlnd ! < [ r Ja Prcsx !
"In the spring of73 , " cnid Col. A.
Loudon . - nowdcn. ax-aupcrintendont oE
tho mint. "I received a collection of tho
most exquisite silverware , with instruc
tions to melt it down. It bad been tho
property of. Joseph tfcnaparte , nnd was
presented to him by his brother , the
emperor. Joseph left it to his private
secretary , and "it was the latter who ,
previous to his goiifg away , desired it to
be melted down. .Much of the plate
was mounted with gold and so skillfully
thatou might havo supposed that the
precious metal would weigh pounds ,
though , when it was all reduced , thero
was 'hard 'y ' any trold to speak of. Tho
regret , of my li e 13 that I was not rieh
enough to buy the piatc , though not
unlT ely the secretary would have been
too proud to > ell il. "
"In the old days , " continued Col.
Msowdcn , "heap ; , of family silver used
to come to the mint to bo melted
down from people who had met with
financial reversra. Daring tho last
days of my ineumlency of HIP oiace of
superintendent much less used to i-onty
than formerly , boauso plated ware had
come into general use. i remember
pneo that a gentleman very well known
in l-hiladelpliia society brought me a
splendid design in silver that ho dt .sired
to havo reduced. It was a gift to his
wife on their wedding and tho thought
of parting with it was very painful to
him. it had cost probably S'.UUO , but
there wzu not more than > : :00 : worth of
bullion instead of inciting it at onuo
1 advanced him tho money for six
months , and allowed tho design to re
main in the vaults. At tiio end of that
time I agreed to keep it intact for six
months more. At tho consummation
of thesecond period he saw me and sni 1
ho could not see daylight yc-t , and tho
bridal gift went iuio tho limiting pot.
Three weeks after that ho dropped in on
me to say that fortune had smiled on
him again and that he had made $ "i ( , -
000. He said ho would havo given half
of it to gei his silver back to its old
form. \ ain regrets , c course. Tho
man is now wealthy "
Tho 1 orc * ! of SHiorhi.
ov : HeraU.1
The Kussian Journal of tho finance
minister has published a long article on
tho forests of eastern Hberia , of which
the following : : ro the principal passages :
"The immense forests of pine , larches ,
firs , cedars. bir.-h.s , aspens and limes
which form almost the exclusive wealth
of this vast region belong for the greater
part to the state , i'liring a great num
ber ofeirs this source of wealth wad
almost entirely unproductive. It is
only sinco 1S > J that u more or less reg
ular ad uinistratiou of forests has beon
established , and at the present time the
extent of tho forests n eastern Siberia
is estimated at . ' . . ' , . ; ; jr > , ; { :50 : dociatines
( about eleven-square yards each ) . These
! arc divided between Tobolsk , Tomsk ,
\ . " -emipalatiusk and Akrcolinsk.
* " . - thesa forests * JlT , > .7 < jO dech-
tines have been accurately surveyed ,
and 50,070,570 have been valued ap-
pro.vimately. v. ne hundred and tivo
forests havo been < ouc-eded to tho peas
ants. and they have an extent of ; ,0 * , -
2iO deeiatines. In comparison with
their enormous extent , the forests oi
\eastern Siberia give at the present time
\ut an insignificant revenue. Tho
want of means or communication and an
insu.iicient population greatly hinder its
development. Mill , the revenue is in
creasing , for in isu it was only 40wiU
oubles , and in Itibo it was more than
111,000. Tho chie * ' cmter of tho trade
is the town of Tomsk , and thn Tumen.
which is the point of departure for the
river trallic. "
Concerning Clsar tto Smolcing.
[ London Lam-"f
In Kpite of the opposition encountered
by our protest against cigarette amok-
ing , which , it will Le reinem ! ered , first
raised the question about tbis form of
of the use of tobacco , it is now gener
ally admitted that we were right and
our opponents wrong in tho matter.
The rapid consumption of the Imely
shredded leaves very close to the mouth
has been proved to render the prac'ico
of smoking cigarettes peculiarly ob-
jectionat/le. Moreover , it has been
shown that , although the use of a tube
and the provision of a plug of cotton
will lessen the evil , they do not wholly
deprive th. cigarette of its objectionable
Wo are not , as is well known , advo
cates of the disuse of tobacco If moder
ately and wisely employed it is a v.ilua
ble sedative to"the nerves , r.nd has aa
espe ially soothing inriuence in the ma
jority of instances. There are , how-
over , certain properties of the tobacco
aa oke which ought to be moregenerally
understood. It is unquestionably in
some way a special sedative to the
heart's action.
Henry Wiinl IJeecliFr' . * Voice.
IDrtr-'it Fr-e I'r ' . '
Tho power of Mr. Heecher's voice
shows no diminution. A well-known
artist , who is a member of his congrega
tion , called on the Plymouth pastor one
evening and found him amid a circle of
friends in a happy mood and expres
sion Among other stories he told that
of tho poor young man with one lung.
which has been paraphrased tiy negro
minstrel companies for many years
past The consumptive Inys his han-1
on his left side and says in a hoarse
whisper , "This lung is all gone " Then
smiting the right side of his chest with
his clenched fist he adds in a stentorian
roar , "i tit here I'm all right Tho
artist descri ing ilr. Beechers energy
of utterance in pronouncing oa the
soundness of his right lung , says that
he gave him such a start as almost to
cause him to fall from his seat.
< ) M Oolcl Workings Kevivisl.
iTli ? Nu rget '
Mining was prospected within u few
miles of > ogales , i a ! . , : : o ; years ago.
ages before tho ground was disturbed
by the miner's pick in any of the so-
called older states or territories , and tho
present indications are that ere long the
most important mining field of that re
mote period of antiquity will become
tho most important of modern times.
Taper of proper thickness is. rendered
transparent ty sor.king ia copal varnish.
Wiie " dry it ia polished , rubbed with
pumice stone , and a layer of aolnbla
glass is applied and rubbed with salt.
It is stated that the surface i ? as perfeo'
& * glass.
= r rjl = = DEALERS
J ) R !
Sash , Doors , Blinds , Lime , Cement ,
( Successor ? 10 K. \Velsptor. . )
branded on left hip or left shoulder.
P. O. address , Estelle ,
Hayes county , and lioat- .
rlcu. Xeb. Range. Stink
ing Water and French j
man creeks , Chase Co. , j
Nebraska. i
Jirand as cut on side of I
some animals , on hip and :
sides of some , or any i
whereon the animal.
Urec'ler of iMritovno SHKEI-
Personal in-
sicction nnd
'correspon- '
dcnco solicit
Address him
at Hod Willow
J. D. WEMSOHN , Vico PrcsMciit and Supt.
P. O. c.tldrcss , ludiano-
hi , Nohraskn.
Vail o y , < ; a a t ol' Dry
Creek , nnd ncr.r henrt of
> priii - Crook , in Chase
county , Nebraska.
P. O. address , Carrico , |
Hayes county , Kel ) . J
Jfan.n-c : Kcd Willow
oivek. ul > oC'arrico. . I
Stock branded as nbovt j
Also run tinfollowing J
brands : S. J-T , U , X ,
Horse brand , lazy U ) . L |
P. O. address. .McCook ,
Nebraska. Kannv , nouth
if McCook.
Cattle branded on iel't
Iiip. Also , JO. 5 ? y anJ
11 brands on left hip-
Horsed branded the
same on left shoulder.
Up to the Times.
Eight Pages Fifty-Six Columns ,
With large Four Page Sunday
TOURNMI. ln-g leave to announce many great Improve-
im-nts In the paper for the comlnttj ear , larcrfy In-
rreasinn its vuluu a * a coinniercial and Hewn paper.
Arrangements are being perfected for increas 4
telegraph facilititM. which will plow THE Jociivu.
jec-ond to no paper in the west as a neral newspa
per , while our special telegraphic service throughout
Kebra-ska and the west generally will be raori than
The coming session of the state legislature promlM *
to be the most interestlnKOiie ever held inthcxtat * .
tnd Tin : JofRNAL each morning will present u co n-
plet < - report of the proceeilinKS In d tail. and will be
the ONL.V pn | > er In the state that win publish such a
report. With our new perfecting pre s. which will
bo In operation by the ttrst of January , printing
lS.t > XI complete copies of the paper an hour , we will
be enabled to ir.aJl to alt parts of the state OR all earlr
morning trains , reaching nine-teuths of thi > pottoi-
ficrs in the state from two to ten In/urs in dvcnw of
any other morning paper.
Tin ; STATK JOCKSAL belnx published at the capital
of thestat- enabled to give fuller report * of th
Nebraska Supreme Court , U. S. District and Circuit
Court proceedings , news from th state deportment *
und State University ttan all other papers In the etaW
The completion of the two larxe packing hous
and the htock yards will place Lincoln In the front
rank as an Important live stock market and Tur
JOI-KN * L will pay especial attention to givingaccurat *
end reliable local stock market reports , besidfu the !
latest teli-sraphic quotations In grate , stock and zner-
olmndlMj trom cverv market centre in the world.
Eight Pages Fifty-Six Columns.
THE WEEKLY STATE JOCBNAL contain * the creim of
the Ifx-al nnd telesraphlc news from the daily edition ,
carefullr oond * used , accurate market reports , pro-
ccedlcBS of i-onsrcbs and the state legislature and
choice mlfecllanyBilected especially for the fc-enernl
reader , embracing agricultural , horticultural and !
umtional news , matter * of Interest to the ladles per-
talniug to the household and the world of fMhlon ,
and Items of general interest to all.
Dally bv mall one vear $1000
" six months 5 Oa
" " thromonths 250
" " one month U
Weekly " ' oneyear 1 CO
" six months 50
" " tlir y ; months 4C
In orderins pniwrs ivrite name and address plainly.
enclose drafter money order foraraount of your sub
tcrlpilon , or money In registered letter at our risk.
AiIdrtnil orders and make draits payable to
j.lneoin ,
FQll 1S8G-87.
THE CKNTCUV is an illudti-ated nionthl.v
niuirazinc. having a regular circulation of two
hundred thousand copies , often reaching and
soinetinies ( xceedinff two hundred and twen-
i ty-llve thousand. Chief among its many at-
, traetioiiR for the corningyear is a seriul which
has been in active preparation for sixteen
years. It is a history of our own country in
its most critical time , as set forth in
t nv ins CONPIIMNTIAL SECitr.TAitius. JOHN u.
This great work , bejrtin with the sanction of
President Lincoln , and continued under the
authority of his son. the Hon. itoliert T. I.ln-
! eoln , is the only full and authoritative record
' of the life of Abraham Lincoln. Its authors
were friends of Lincoln before his presidency
and were most intimately associated with
him as private secretaries throughout hi >
term of ollice. and to them were transferred
upon Lincoln's death all his private papers.
Hen ; will be told the Inside history of the civ-
il war and of President Lin'"yn's administra
tion , important details of ich haveliither-
to Vmained unrevealcd , tluuilhey might first
appear in this authentic history. Ily reason
of the imblication of this work ,
which has been followed with unllatrKinir in
terest by a great audienceiwM occupy leas
spiiQO during the coming year , Gettysburg
will be described by Gen. Hunt ( Chief of the
I'nion Artillery ) , ( Jen. Longstreet , Gen. K. M.
Law , and others ; Chickamauga , by Gen D. M.
Hill ; Sherman's march to the sea , by Generals
Howard and Slociint. Generals Q. A. Gill-
more.Vm. . F. Smith , John Gibbon. Horace
Porter and John S. Mosby , will describe spec
ial battles and incidents. StorieBof naval en-
gageincnts , prison life. etc. . will appear.
"The Hundredth Man. " a novel by Frank It.
Stockton , author of "The Lady or the Tilery"
etc. , begins in November. Two novelettes by
George W. Cable , stories Ciy Mary Halloek
Foote. "I'ncle Itemus , " Julian Hawthorne ,
Edward Kgirlepton , and other T'rominent
American authors will be .printed during the
' "
( with illustrations ) include a series of articles
on alfairs in Itussiu and Siberia , by George
Konnan , author of "Tent Life iu Siberia , "
who 1ms just returned from a most eventful
visit to Siberian prisons : papers on the food
question , with reference to its bearing on the
Labor Problem : English Cathedrals : Dr. K -
gleston's Religions Life in the American Colo
nies : Men and Women of Queen Ann's Heign
bv Mrs. Oliplmnt : Clairvoyance. Spiritualism ,
Astrology , etc. , by the Rev. J. M. iluckley. I ) .
D. . editor of the Christain Advocate : astrono
mical papers : article throwing light on Bi
ble history , etc.
Subscription price , $1.00 a year , H5 cents a
number. Dealers , postmasters , and the pub
lisher. * take subscriptions. Send for our
beautiful illustrated 21-page eatalogul (1'reo ( ) .
containing full prospectus , etc. , including a
special oifer by which new readers can get
back numbers to the beginning of the War
series at a very low price. A specimen copy
( back number ) will be sent on request. Men
tion this paper.
Can vou all'ord to without The Century ?
for young yeoplf is what the papers call St.
Nicholas. Do you know about it how good
it is. how clean and pure and hopeful * ' If
there aro any boy ? or girls in your houso will
you not try it for n year , and see if it isn't
just the element you need in the household ?
The London Times hns said. "We have noth
ing like it on this side. " Here are some lead
ing features of
FOR 1886-87.
STOitiEShy Lons.v M. AI.COTT > md KKAXK
1C. STOCKTON ncveral by eneli author.
whose eharinitiK : "Little Lord Katintlcroy"
h s been a jnvat feature in thepa t year of St.
WAK STUHIF.S roil KOVS AXI > rnti.s. ( IEN.
n.\nn.\r. chiel-ot'-stnlV. liioirraplier and conll-
dential friend of General nrant. : iml oiie of
the ablest and most popularof living inilitary
writers , will contribute a number of papers
deseribin-j in clear and vivid style some of
the loading battles of the civil war. They
will be panoramic descriptions of sinjrle con
tests or short campaigns , presenting a sort of
litr-rnry pscture-pallery of the rand and he-
roie contests in which the parents of many a
boy and trirl of to-day took part.
THE SKittAi , STOIUES inelnde ' . 'Juan and
-Tmuiita , " an adminilily written story of Me.\-
iean Life , by Francis Courtenay Uaylor , au
thor of "On Uoth SichV : alno' "Jenny's
Hoarding1 House , " by James Otis , a story of
life in a trreat city.
SHOUT AHTICI.ES , ingtructive and entertain-
in > r. will nbonnd. Atnonir tluve are : "How a
fiivnt J'anoiama is Maile , " by Theodore 1C.
Davis , with profuse illustrations : "Winning
a Commission" < Xaval Aeademyi , and "I'eeol-
leetions of tho Naval Academy" ; "Horinjf for
Oil" and "Ainonir the Gas-Wells , " with a num
ber of strikingpictures : "Child-Sketches
from GeorpoKliol.- Julia Map-ruder : "Vic
tor Huyo'H Tales to his Grandchildren. " re-
eonnted by Hrander Matthews : "Historic
Girln. " by K. s1. Hrooks. Also interestiiif ; con-
tribnlions from Nora Perry. Harriet Prcgyott
? pollord. Jnaiiiin Miller , H. H. Hoyesen.
Washington Gladden. Alice Wellinsrton Hol-
liu . J. T. Trowbridge. Lieutenant Frederick
Schwatka. Noah Hrooks. Grace Denio Litch-
tieia. Ko f Hawthorne Lathrop , Mrs. S. M. IJ.
Piatt , Mary Mape ? Dodfe. and mamothers ,
etc. etc.
The subscription price of ST. NICHOLAS
is SIS.uO a year : 25 cents a number. Subscrip
tions are received by booksellers and news
dealers everywhere , or by the publishers.
\ evvolume hejjinjr with the November num-
hf > r. Send for our beautifully illustrated cat
alogue ( frc'Ci containing full prospectus , etc.
THK CENTrUV CO. . New York.
Cakes Made on Order.
In connection where you can KOI collee.sdan-
tvichcs , pie ? , etc. , at all hours.
Fire and Lightning , Tornado
and Cyclone , ' Life and Acci
dent , Endowment and Semi-
Endowment Furnished in the
Best Companies in the United
States. Applications Prompt
ly Attended to. Correspond
ence Solicited.
In Clr'ulalou tnd Political infltieuc * la th *
ea'linjr ' Republican Newspaper
THK INIriK OCiAl has from the begUialntf boen
the < J Ieud v of home institutions .n t Ajaericon
deaa. It inthe advocata ot equal rlshJ * for all be-
forn th laiw. of proteotiou to labor , and
of the idea t'ist Amerlcs. Is for A ratricancot n * c-
o.iBttrily AuiericutiK by birth , but true * citizens of tto
Ropu'urc. It bbltkvoa ia thr 'oat aadVef > tern
trfn. lioi " ti > - hMen tu t Ui future aeat of oaj-
P'-K will bo in tUv il ! sa = ! ppl ValJoy. acd is bold
and n fffrf scK e ! n its opposition to tho unholy alll-
anco between Uio money-chs-tiKera of NVw Yort
City tho dtnton lataly ! rebellion.
THE INTER OCEAN Is enrnnatly in f vor of th *
Kspubliren purt.v becfcusr it bellrvoe llie prlnciploii
or t'-rt rsrv cr * CO ! c * . &nd thnt. honestly car-
i.t--ur- .in'iy \ : iiirotoot the rights and d-
viirifu thc : nt- - - - : f-fft , " whole people. It i not ,
bo-.vt-.or. s 1. .iui 'v.'lowrr. bin i tUvftyn reaoj to
(2euoua-.Te KeiiublicnnvTonErdolag , oithur la hi h
or lov. places.
THK 1NTKH CCSAK SI M ftlv/Bya caaintalued that
thB Kntion in n < 1er an obli atlou to thf < soldiera of
th late T.-ar. v.ho ' .eoparcllzpd their lives to protect
It from armed treason , which it can never repay ,
andonrr - - ' - ! - . - . he i ndvocr.tucl thp nsts-blinh-
mcnt of Soli , rs"Ucu. . n nnd h nactnent or
VJCh pension , ' a , v tim vould Icavi * no Disabled v t-
' ' " ' * '
. - - TflB IXTKK OCKAN Is not x
celled in the Unitf d atrvtea. Asd ! f. om th service
of the Arnici t cl I'rssfi. In viich ; ' bolda meia-
V.IinS i-OKru-ctiKcr Ito Clilraeo Ci-r \ vhVASH ! -
INQTON fcid NEV , * YORK. In both of v-'hicli c-.le
' ' nsd
tliasi SPHI-IAI VH'A'S BUKHAfK ; -
rfhc Da LT I ter Quca :
Is published every day In tho yvar.
! ii.-ivr i.t Sndu. .N S.nii . -
. . - . - - . . | :
Inter Qoean
13 i > u'-i 'i ! ! l o-.i MONDAYS andTIIUUSDAVS. anrt
e-.outain th ? Xows condparod from thDnlly. .
Among other features. THK S .MI-V.'x.iKIjY ;
p-'Kts to J-Frr.ons ofl'ro' 3rrnfiR < ! oi r Ur.rt-
lM'.ui "i r < o * Chk-ayo
fhc VOecKljInter 0oean
prtp . - W * * * . * ol N'rTo'.i. .
In Itf'foe -ho rcr- 'i-n of PO IKC , ! t paid
> "or rOL'TA 'i OX C'IC.1 iT.ON ionf ov r
1 ' ! < , t > ! . > : > ptjVtir. .
E' 'ory effort 13 ! : < < " to inakTHIi V."IKICI.T !
INTJ5K OCKAN ft MODKIj 1'AMII.T ; .iJV"SPAP > : - : ,
orth : i- * . In'i'i any family with yo-lt to
eccli o ! : : - ni mbf.H > : ; Sto-les and > : " : cr llter-
fl - - * . frs. . ! -OT. * i-si pnns of th titiont Eiit !
: ao. < : a , ' , > l. fi 'v.IKArr.onjr tlinai t.rc 7-Z S.
isc- ! : . MS ? TH L.VH. MISS JSWXT. find
BO'f EKEN. 3IDNBT I.USKA. anil i : . P. ; * Qfc
All the i Adiny fonf.ras of thfpnper which have
made , it rO rOPfl.-A IN THE HOME CIRCLE will
. - . . nnd . ' - . will be
b - < < - : -.upd and improved , o.-tii'i-.K
If * : undone So ker > > ithe : ft-ont ! ) . . . A > OT"VD.
Ti'crn is n. srrxct domr.nd from ni ! pairta of th
country lo- . co ect L-u ! chep n' to > - jof the
UniTC'l States. JIOBt of snc'i boo"u rs no larjro
Hnd oxponnive as to be cut or tho rofich of most
f.uv.iSIeu. Yet vi'ry boy and ; i-rl oucht to b f < itnL. !
iiiritb ih - hi : ory of tbe'.r f-o'intry. It eta hRrrt-
ly * H * ! to Tr.iVr them betfr't. . enti. THE INT- ! ?
OOrJAV IIK.- < iuclB7ii > oil ! i.-ri-pffrrrntp by which
UroivnV liir-toryofiiit' I nit f l Suites
Can be c.Tnrtdvith THE WliEKIiV INTKIt OCKAN.
OE yc ' . at ih > r
UN ; : ; , ! ; . ! , \ : Axn rsFi'Y CENTS
our t-oujtrj. from tho
A i'lrK'-MUM TO AfiKNTS.
The prlc * . & ' T-IK V."KrKLT IKTKK OCKAN 1
Si OO pcryrnr. vc'l tnypaon i * en * ins four yearly
subscriptions 'or hr.t ol.-'cn. p.compan : . d by the
full subscrp-.f-a : . - > rc---i JirH DO" I.AHR---W * Brill
scr.rtthprr.A 'iPY or THE HlSrO.-JY rRBB. Al-
niOEt any l .y or eirlaii s"c ; re four ubucrlhrrT.
tr.d In this" - . ' r.j ohia'n aco.y of Ui'.i valuable book.
/ / . / ti a , ' , . / s.v-ii.-.vAV. J.v rs : : OI-KA .v
< ? . ! Vim li A" - . - / / f'.V J' ! ' ! lit : f.V ; / El' i"A T/ >
f -i ii' < in it. i . ; / : - i.\ ; > : isf.TY / " * ? > . > co.s ' of a-y edition o. THE INT-K
OCEAN v.-il ! h. - T : c. " ji'vljcatJon
Rfsiittncccc si y be " < 3 at our ri t. either by
draft. * - pr w . ponto Vo urdtr. xpresr. order * .
postal notes , or reafiat rod l * ttr iloney s nt iu
an > other \ is at th - ri k of tbt ; pr on n ndi = ;
St. Address
85 Msdiscn St. . Ghicairo.
School in this district commenced Monday ,
Nov. 'i'Jth , with Frank Albrcdit as teacher.
Mr.11. . F. l.eib lias ? gone on n % iIt to her
parents at Hoimeville. Iowa.
Mr. E. L.Vnlker , who has been quite
sick , is cm his feet again.
School in the Dodge district commences
on MoidaVw. . ISth. Mr. W. C. Kramp-
ton , who has been teaching in the Vincent
district , lias been engaged.
A. J. Pate las bought the tract of land re
cently owned by J. A. Hrewer , a few miles
north of here.
Harry Walker of McCook , has recently
moved his family upon his claim , four miles
west of ttanksville. Harry usually spends
the Sabbath with his famih.
The McCook schools being closed tempor
arily by reason of the prevalence of diph
theria , Mr.Vebstw Is sojourning upon hi *
Mr. Iteljih , brother of Win. Ilelpli. has re
cently come here from Iowa , and is pros
pectingithavicw of settling among us. Mr.
and Mrs. JohnV. . Relph , who were recently
married , have settled upon John's elaiui , two
miles east of this place.
Abram Williams' mother and bis wife ami
family , who have been expected from Eng
land , are detained by reason of the sick-
nt-S of A brain's little boy.
The following named farmers have pur
chased wind mills this season : U. F. I.eib ,
P.Vesch , Win. Helph. W. A. ( 'old , W. II.
Hcnjamin , Francis Cain , James Hill. Sidne\
Dodge , Amos Goodenbenror. John ( iooden-
Rev. Armstrong and wife started tor Chi
cago , last Thursday
II. H. Chrysler , of Hartley , was m our
streets Jast week.'J
Great cretli is due Daniel Clements for
sjenerons hospitality extended to those less
fortunate , during the late storjn.
Charges Anderson and Mr. Sjttngue , on the
South Side , have made final proof on their
respective claims.
( i. B. Xettlfton was shaking ; handslh \
old neighbors , ln-t week.
Mr. Bradley nnd family arrived from
Chri.-tian county , til. , last Friday , andiil
make Nebraska their future home.
The literary was started with favorable in
dications of success.
Cyrns Colvin , foreman of the Pern ranch ,
reports nil well ami doing well.
The. surprise party on the South Side , at
the residence of Mr. Spraguc , wa well rep
resented by old aud vomit ; .
Sulon McCroskie" boy isrejiortftd on the
bid ; list , we are sorry to leant. Hope he
will fpcedilv recover.
Frank Kins gave a "taffy pull" on Wed
nesday evening , theKb inst. , at which all
present seemed to enjoy themselves , espec
ially with the sweetness long drawn out.
Matt Brown hahi > new hou-c limShed ,
and on Monday evening , theOth m < l. . he
was favored with a genuine surprise or
house warming by the voting folks ui hi-
neighborhood. Pop corn and irames were
the principal nrauseiiumt1 : .
Many of our people are enjoying the priv
ilege of attending tha revival meetings at
l.ox Elder. We conclude that there must
be considerable interest , in the meetings b\
the way they are attended.
Wu understand that. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Kim-
ball , former re.sidenNxmonj : uhave re
turned to these parts , after wandering
around in search of > ome better location ,
and are ioing to take up their i evidence at
Mr-Cook. Welcome onck. Kix. :
Ontalia , Neb. . Nov. VI , 1 - - < J.
UIAU Silt :
I take pleasure in announcing that we have
arranged to run first-class California Kvcur-
? ions to San Franpisco and Los Angel- ? . >
follows :
TIiriCSDA V. UKCKmliKIC oOrti.
Leaving Omaha on if morning trtiin ait sIO
A. in. , and on trams connected therewith.
ICound trip raito for these occasions will be ,
Fo San Francisco ucd return SiiO.Ofl
I'o Lo = Angeles and return ( direct * iftJKi
I'o Lo > ; Angeles and return ( via San Fran
cisco , one way ' > l.)0 ( )
To Los Angeles and return < via Sati Fran-
cisrci , both ways > "XOO "
Tickets will l c liiu-.t-'d to sis ; mouths. Fur
ther information may he uSiiained from ny
Will , of the H. & M. 12. It. or from thit umler-
-Vonrs Truly.
P. S. KPSTI.- ? .
Gen'l Pasi.nnd Tk't Agt.
From my prpaiies. suuthoast oi" Mc-
L'ouk I M licifers hrainieil
, > two-veir-i ,
with a bar on each shoulder and hip.
* nd a cross on jaw. A liberal reward
will bo paid for their return or for infor
mation leafiinir t' tli ir rccavor .
; new U-seat. o-spring wajoitonf ;
> fcond-hand bugiiy. Also. onscat
severed carriage. seoond-Iuind. Wili
= ell the above article ? at decided bar
Lpain ? . Call and see me.
B. F. OLCOTT. Prop. ,
City Livery , iMcCook7 Xeb.
ol Their Conitrmrtlert lfrHf
s nemjwny Vpoo Xhvqp >
fC > SIKO Time * . ]
ftiva jm obsoner In thoto regions db-
scribing the Lnpp snowshoo , or " W , "
or "skidor : " 'There nra two rlba ol
birch or fir , six feet long , four to QTO
itichca broad , nnd about n half nn Inch
thick. In the middle , tm tha upper
side , ir a hollowed , smooth epot for tha
foot , nboTo which thorn ia a strap , tho
space allowing the insertion of tho point
of tho ahoc. On tho other sido a groovo
rnr.n along the cnliro center. Tho aki
it * pointed and slightly curved at on
en. 5 , and Iho edges rounded. " It might
bo addc'l thai tho "skidor" la a aolid
pit-re of wood. IIKO a weatherboard or
bittui. : tiir"- " ! up in front , and do-
I'.ruda for its Irai-ing snrfaco on tho
snow on its extreme length ilvo or six
feet - rath'T than oy a wide spread , oa
in the connnnii now-shut ; of bent form
and i : -weAving of ( honga. Tha
common tnoiv-shoea , Hko tho e used by
BoiiiO of our mountain Indiana , aro ,
however , nse < l in a Tew parts of arctic
Europe , hrt mostly nuiong tha Nor-
Wi ians and I-inns.
Tho i app runs on theso "akidora" aa
the snowshoes are used , hut mostly
assisting him are two short birch poles
or with which he ahoves himself
riloii'4. like an Indian poling his canoe
through shallow water , but tho Lapp
has one po o in fwh hand. When a
Lapp KCOS dov.-n-hiil en ins skidors ho
uses one as r. slcd o on uhieh to slide
and steer , while With the other he turns
his foot imd .scrapes tho skidor , thus
regulating his gait. Says tho snuio au
thority 1 quoted once p.hovo : "Iho
Lnpp begins to run on ski when a mero
child , and attains great skill in this
sport. He runsviih tho greatest ease
up or down hid , jumps tho steepest in
clines , and sp.-o i across lakes and
inarshcn , through forest and field ;
hunts the wolf and tho I ear , or follows
the runaway reindeer , and undertakes
extremely long . ourn ys , following his
herd cr visiting distant parts. "
.Mr. ( Jsoar Diukson , ono of ordensk-
; : old's p.itrons , beiti ! iji Lapland at
Quiuk ok , thought he would get up a
series ot'races among the Lapps oa
skidora to test thoir capabilities of mak
ing the speed they claimed. Tho dia-
tanci ) wliich they tiio'ight they had
traveled over the interior ico or mer do
glace of Creenl.-nd was 143 mil.'a in
lifty-scvon hours 1 1 wo duys nino hour1 * )
going and coming. Mr. I-ickson planned
his races so as tu havo about an equal
length of conrae , and it really was 141
miles long. Tho competition for tho
high pri ea oJere-t took placo
lat : April , and O'cnpied a wholo
week. Three hundred and fifty francs
was' the highest , or tlrst prize , and was
won by a Lapp who had been with Nor-
denskold n hia Greenland ialand es-
pedition. lie got over his 141 milea ia
,1 hours and 2i minutes , including all
his rests and stoppages , or about 7 milea
an hour kept up steadily for nearly a
whole day.
The second prie was secured by R
Lapp who goot in only half a minute
after tho Two "others got iu
within 2:2 hoars , j nd four more within
2. day. All of them were apparently
unexhausted , and joined heartily in tho
festivities thnt ended this singular con
test , many of the contestants returning
at "noi to their homcj , fifty to seventy -
tive miles distant , from which they had
come to joiu in tho races.
The Oilrich'rt Cl ! rictcriitic < .
fAnahe.m u"u ! > ! . 't-"r.J
The sight of a dog is sufficient to
frighten an ostrich iiadly. At such
vision , if perm.tted , ih- iriches in the
corrais would immediately lo speeding
over t lift .sandy plain , Through a waste of
tall , wild , sunflowers , at a gait which
would astonish it horse-trainer. JT.
sketehley has three dog.s on his farm ,
but they are all kept behind the build
ings out of sight of the ostrk-hes.
When a. keeper approaches them to
annoy them , they emit a hissing sound.
like a goose , and try to bite the intru
der. llu-y have no strength in their
lulls , however , and are harmless unless
they get a chance to kiek. t'nlike the
emu , v.hidi is exhibited often as an
African ostrich , tiiey have but one ton
on each foot. This is a terrible weapon.
The bird kicks forward. Tho forco is
shown in the explo.t of one bird ,
whit-h kicked a .stout 1 oard on the side
of its corral , and broke it in two at one
blow. The toe ia pointed , and will cut.
like a knife. Thu bird which was killed
at one kick had its breast laid open
with an ugly wound. < jf the young
birds all aro perfectly shaped except
one , which has a club-loot , and which
walks on tho back of tho clubbed foot ,
the toe turning up. The gait of even
this bird is elastic. All the birds walk
precisely after the fashion adopted by
many young la < iies is San Francisco ot
late , whoso gait may , therefore , per
haps , be correctly described inth
future as the "ostrich walk. ' ' It is as
if the birds stopped on hot gridirons.
The fe-'t are taken briskly tip and raised
high , and the body and"head oscillate.
This style was learned iu > onth Africa
and not iu San Francisco , and is as old
as the race of desert , birds.
Iravfluii ; K'isl' ; I < J iboiH i .
'J.i : . ! > .i ! ' a- i < o Arpcon.i-if.i ,
I often observe that Englishmen trav
eling in .Aineric ? and aecntitins enter
tainments of all kinds from the best peo
ple are described as " /.ir. > oando. . of
i.oudon. " or "EnglandAn English
gentleman of any position at all wilt
have ione certain dutinito abode. If he
is wortli feting an-i f' ; ritig be will bo
"Mr.mith , of soir ; : bouse , park or
mauor in the ronntiy. or some raspect-
able street , place cr a iare in London , "
ami ho will have it HO printvju oa his
visiting cards. Tl.ese things may seem
small , but they mean a great deal , and
if Americansociety attended to them
more thero would be Ie ? . imposter- ? ,
intentional and tactic , eating ir.s .linners.
spooning with its day ? hter.i and a cept-
ing attentions and invors at its hands
which they have ne'ther the intention
nor the means to retnn. .
the L tpr.iry Initlnct.
' ; - ' - i t'nti- " . :
People road so much in these days ot
multiplied presses that they arc ic
great danger of losing t lie literary in
stinct ent-irely , tho sense of style be
comes dulled to a d.'groe which "make *
it incapable of discerning wint is htera-
tnre and what is mere reading matter ,
cood for the moment perhaps , but
lot the amount only.