Don' urry > XB ) WE HATE GAS ENOUGH TOgTALK LW ; FJUCES TO ALL ! WE DON'T BELIEVE IX GIV1XG PEOPLE GAB , BUT WE HAVE TO BO IT , YOU KXOW. LISTEN ! DON'T BE DECK IV ! rH- We have not had 25 YEAR'S EXPERIENCE in tlie Jewelry business , but we have learned OUR TRADE and know the business THOROUGHLY. Some people work 10 to 15 years and learn considera ble. Some work 20 years and longer and don't know anything. HOW TRUE ! We don't know more than any one else , but what we say we mean. Having ; done business in McCook for 3 years to the satisfaction of EVERY one , arid we thank the people for their liberal patronage , WILLBLOW HTTP T TTTT 17 U LlllJLc UUK r. "We Haye flie Largest Stock erer slrown In tbe West of WATCHES , JEWELRY , CLOCKS , AND SILVERWARE. ggjTSoHd Gold Grdocfe and Diamonds we are offering at Specially Low Prices. EAEBLEM CHAIOIS of all kinds , KINGS , " "CHAINS , SLEYE BUTTONS. Pins , Ear Kings , Thimbles , in fact everything in the Jewelry Line. NOW here is where we hit you , on WATCHES : In Solid. Gold and Filled Cases at prices lower than any white mife ever reached before , $10 , up. NicMe Watches , $ & &dto $10. CLOCKS , a fine new line just received in Marble , Iron , Bronze. Brass , Cherry and Walnut. Prices way down. Bound to sell. MUSIC I MUSIC ! MUSIC ! PIANOS & OR.QAN © ! ONLY THE VERY BEST ! Be careful where you take your watch work , in fact any kind of work. LET NONE but reliable and responsible hands do your wbftk. Remember the place , at F. L McCRACKEN'S Jewelry and Music Store , 2 DOORS NORTH OF POSTOFFICE , MAIN AVE. , - - MeCOOK , NEB. . * * if f P. S. Any one that never saw a pure white ) < DIAMOND , call and see one. They are a beautiful Y sight , Costs nothing to look , ) ( , /ttew / McCOOK'S PROTEST. ur MIIS. c. w. DAVIS. I'm such a youngand modest town , I shrink from sclf-nsscrtlon , And would not vent rar wronys. but for A little mild coercion. I hfirdly know how to begin. 1 hato recrimiimtlriK , And yet I really feel quite like Gently expostulating. For if you knew how oft the Jokes That you have perpetrated , Hnro caused my tender heart to be Most deeply lacerated , l'think before you made a ain , Some caustic witticism , Tou'd stop and think how you ngr 1 aui. For Puch sharp criticism. It hurts me so , to have you Ketlections on my river ; 1 think if ? beautiful to see It's ripples break and i I know Its not as deep as some , Nor wide. It's verr true , Ilut don't you think If it were gone , You'd miss that glimpse of blue ? Why should you smile because yoa see A bell without a steeple ? I'm sure it would be worse to have A cirurch without a people. Ton cavil at my streets , because They are not paved and ffi'mled , And estimate ! how many leet Of dust you iniiy have waded. And when my gentle breezes blow , You fret , and scold , and shiver , And vow you know the houses will Co dashed into tho river. You even snub my.littlc trees , That cost so much exertion , Comparing them to mullein stalks t Contemptible assertion ! Again I beg that you will not He constantly comparing Me with that charming town you left , It's really very wearing : . You know how Lot's wife would insist Upon tho satisfaction " v Of lookingback to Sodom's charms , Result a petrifaction. * So don't , like Mrs. Lot , indulge In retrospective glances , But know tho beauty of a scene Sometimes distance enhances. And though my etreots arc rat her dark , Whene'er tho moon is missing , And you reluctantly should find Yourselves the brown earth kissing , Just brush the dust from off your clothes , When I'hojnlx-like arising , Nor wish tho city fathers were "A little enterprising : . " Perhaps you thought an infant town Of scarcely four short summers , Would be prepared to show to you , Most critical newcomers Electric lights and horse car lines , Cathedrals vast and stately , With asphalt pavements ou the streets , Where until very lately Tho buffalo and antelope , Chased by the dusky rover , The only monarch of the plains , Bounded these prairies over. You can't expect me to excel That old and classic city , Which was not built in one short day , O , captious friends and witty. But do not think mo destitute Of any aspiration , For in my heart ot hearts I keep , In sweet anticipation , Proud dreams of what the future holds , And with prophetic vision , I read my destiny to-day , But not for your derision. Volume IV of Aldan's Cyclopedia of Universal Literafure. This certainly is u work of extraordinary popular interest , and it would be very strange if at its low price it should not receive an im mense circulation. Though itis to extend probably to 13 volumes , and will include rep resentative selections ( with biographical sketches ) from nearly 2,000 of tho most fa mous authoTH of the world , of all ages and all nations , yet it is easily within the reach of any one aole to invest so small a bum as 10 cents a week. "The fourth volume of this excellent eyclo- Sedia is the richest , so far. It goes from 'Ca- le" to 'Clarke. ' For borne reason , known only to Gallon and other curious writers , the letter C is apparently favorable to genius. Here we find such pools as Crcdmon , Caldcron Cullimachus , Camoens , Campbell and Chat- terton ; we listen to such preachers as Clal- mers , Chrysostom and Chapin : Carlyle and Clarendon dispute for the honors of history ; Calvin wears the laurels of the incomparable theologian ; although Chcever , Chillingworth Clianning and Freeman Clarke are hi < ? near neighbors , and Cicero bears off tho palm for oratory , while Caxton sets up his printiiijr- prcss in Westminister , and , a few pages after Cervantes launches the immortal 'Don Quix ote. ' This Is is a delightful volume , with something in it to auit overy taste. National Baptist , Phihi. "The general excellence of this valuable work is Jtully maintained in the volume just received. The marvelous cheapness of this edition has placed it within the roach of many who are overjoyed to call such a work their own. " Oregonian , Portland , Oregon. "Tho present volume has eighty subjects of wnora twenty are American , which shows the attention given to American literature. The undertaking should receive the support of every one having occasion for references to authors ; and tho favor of the great public , that by moans of it can secure its best general view of the world's literature. " The Globe , Boston , Mass. Tho above aro examples of the good opin ions expressed on every hand. Further de scription , also the publisher's large descrip tive catalogue of standard book , may bo had free on opplication to JOHN B ALDBN , Pub lisher , 3S3 Pearl Street , New York. Dr. A. J. Thomas and family , left on Mon day morning , for McCook , Neb. , where tho Dr. will practice his protcasion this winter. The Dr. will be missed by our people , for he was a genial , good natured , gentleman , al ways meeting one with a smile , and with a hearty hand shake and kind word for every one. Wo hope he will find plenty of profita ble employment in his new home. We heart ily congratulate the people of McCook on hav ing secured such a valuable acquisition to their number. Bird City ( Kas. ) New * . Beggs' Cherry Cough Syrup Will relieve that cough almost instantly and make expectoration easy. Acts simul taneously on the bowels , kidneys and liver , thereby relleviiiR the lungs of that soreness and pain and also stopping that tickling sensation in the throat by removing the cause. One trial of it will convince any one that it has no equal on earth for coughs and colds. McMillen & Weeks have secured the sale of it and will guarantee every bottle to giro satisfaction , ; Ludwick&Trowbridge McCOOK , NEB. BUSJi RECTORY. W. S. MOULAX. J. K. COClfKAX. MOKLAN & COCiniAN , ATTORNEYS - : AT - : - LAW , McCOOK , NEBRASKA. THOS. COI.FKI : . J. A. COH1JK VL. GOLFER & COHDEAL , ATTORNEYS - = - AT - : - LAW , AND NOTARIES PUBLIC. Itciil Estate Bought and Sold and Collections Made. Money loaned on real ehtate and flual proof. Thop. Golfer agent Lincoln Land Co. OHiee , over Firnt National Hank. McCook. SNAYELY & STARE , ATTORNEYS AT LAW , IND1ANOLA , NEHHASKA. Will practice in all the State and [ Inited States Courts. Also , before the Land Ollice at McCook and the department at Washington. neon . COLE. LKOM e. MOSS. COLE & iMOSS , LAWYERS , McCOOK NKBHASKA. Will practice in all the Courts of Nebraska , Kansas and Colorado , and in tho Federal Courts of the Eighth Circuit , direful atten tion given to contests and land business before thcIJ. S. Land Offices at McCook. Oberlin and Denver , and the Interior Department at Wash ington. Commercial and corporation law a specialty. Money to loan , itooms 4 and 5 , First National Bank Building. H. f. WILLIAMS. L. L. HULDURD. J. N. LUCAS. WILLIAMS , HULBURD & LUCAS , LAWYERS , McCOOK. - NEBRASKA. A. W. AGEK. JOHN W1LEV. AGEE & WILEY , ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Will practice in the State and United State Courts , and before tinL7. . S. Land Offices. Careful attention given to ColIrctloiiR. Ollice Opp. Commercial Hotel. Main St. , McCook. C. W. DAVIS. .1. D. TCKSKft. DAVIS & TURNER , LAND ATTORNEYS , McCOOK XEBIUSKA. AH cases nriFiny under tne public land laws a specialty. gSTOUK YEAR'S EXPER IENCE IN GENERAL LAND OFFICE lit Washington , D. C. Contests entrusted to our care will receive personal attention before the Interior Department. For this purpose shall visit Washington twice annually. If you want to amend or change your entry you will do well to call and sco us. COCHRAN & HELM , Attofneys-at-Law& Gen'l Agents , McCOOK , : NEBRASKA. Prompt and careful attention sivcn to Law C&tet la all the Court * of the State and nil clatPM of C. S. Land Business transacted before the local ofilce at McCook. Xel > rapka , and the Interior Department at Washington , 1) . C. Contest * a specialty. Will prog- ecutc claims for Pensions and claims for lncrea e of Penelone. Notarial business done and lands bought and sold on reuHonable terms. J3 ? OBlee. Sd door 8outli of the U. 8. Land Office. 3.29 DR. A. J. WILLEY , SURGEON B.&M. RAILROAD. ( OFFICE AT B. & M. PHAl'.MACr , ] McCOOK , - . NEBRASKA. B. B. DAVIS , M. D. , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON , McCOOK NEBRASKA. Z3T Office atChenery & Anderson'a drug-Store. DR. Z. L. KAY , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON , McCOOK. - - NEBRASKA. y Oflice : Hopm No. 1. McCook Banking Company'8 Building. .Residence , 1st door oast of Receiver Hnbcock'H residence. L. J. SPIOKELMIER , M. D. , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Sjucijl AitsaUea Gites is Teaslt KSJISJS. Oflice first door cast of TOE TKIHUNE ofHco. Office hours , from 0 to 11 A. M. . and 2 to 4 1 > . JI. . mountain time. McCUOK. NEIl. A. J. THOMAS , DENTIST. Administers Gas if dc-Mred. $3S Offlce over Kendall's. 3--T H. G. DIXON , Real Estate and Loan Broker , McCOOK , NEBRASKA. Special attention { riven to the Bale of city property. Houses rented and collections mado. Oflice opposite Commercial Hotel. W. M. SANDERSON , DECOKATIVE ARTIST - : , SCENIC PAINTER , Calsorainin ? , Graining , Paper Hanging ; etc. with neatness and dispatch. HOBERT DBYSDALE , MERCHANT TAILOR , MAIN STREET , JTcCOOK NEBRASKA SPOTT8 & STIMSON , FASHIONABLE BARBERS & HAIR CUTTERS. OppoMte Cblcago Lumber Yard , MAIK STP.EET , - McCOOK. NEBRASKA. TBIBUJSTE JOB OFFICE - : - - : - , N THOU Y J. F. GANSCHOW LU Q. CS ? DC CD EE DC LLJ QC m X m 03 C/D 3 = 3m CO som McCOOK , Main St. , NEBRASKA. McMILLEN & WEEKS , SUCCESSORS TO M. A. SPALDING. AND DEALERS IN Stationery , Blank Books , Wall Paper , Fine Perfumes and Toilet Goods , J Paints , Oils , Glass and all Painters1 Supplies , f Prescriptions a Specialty HF"MAiL ORDERS SOLICITED AND PROMPTLY FILLKD. TH ( INCORPORATED UNDER STAT LAVTS. ) Paid up Capital , $50OOO.OQ , DOES A ! General Banking Business , v " y Collections made on all accessible points. Drafts drawn directly o Va cities of Europe. Taxes paid for Non-Residents.k Money to Io a a 1 lands , Tillage and personal property. Fire inaursmca 3 sjesfcfif : Tickets For Sale to and from Europo , CORFIESPONDENTS : \ \ , Presld at Firet National Baulc , Lincoln , Nebraska. . > JOHN B. doxx , Ti- ? , Tb Chemical National Bank. Now Yort. ) A.0. Mill , Superior to auy on the market , belas IT aTir , S rouz < KBnlJt. . and therefore a morn Durable Mill. It I * tk * t/alj ahsolutelj cafe Mil ! ball ! ; Ki4 ant of Thousands Erected During 12 Years pan. not one has ver blown away and loft tb * Tower ktandinp. A record mi other Mill can stiotr. "We eff r to put ap any of our PUMPING MILL * ON THIRTY DAYS TRIAL , And If they don't five m ! faetlon , will re r Mill at on own eipente. AUo Manufacturer * of the Celobratod Challenge Feed Mills , rora Sheilen. Iran TSMJJ with liraf i cyllneeri. Iron Pijs. T st . For estimate * , cstalognea snd jirleen , apply t J. B. NETTLETON , McCook , Neb. , Avent for Soutlnrcstarn rbrasta aa < Xerthwaitera ! ii1,2smt ! St. O. P. AGENT FOR' MPLEMENTS , WAGONS , BUGGIES , WIHD MILLS AtiD PUMPS. DEERING MACHINES A SPECIALTY. CORNER MAIN AND RAILROAD STREETS , McCOOK , NEB. OF McCOOK , NEBRASKA. Makes First Mortgage Loans on Farm Property , OFFICE IN FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILD1RS. A. CAMPBELL , PRESIDENT. S. M. FREES , 1ST VlCfi PBOiiaCJiT QEO. HOCKNELL , SECRETARY. R. O. PHILLIPS , 2HD VJCJR PftCMBCBT F , u BROWN-TREASURER. '