fie THURSDAY , DEC. 9 , 188C. Indicates that your subscription to this X paper HAS EXPIRED , and that a cordial invitation Is extended to call and renew the same. Subscription , $2 per year. Local Intelligence. Scale books for sale here. Sweet cider at the City Bakery. The "Golden Anchor" at City Bakery. Noble & Brickey , the leading grocers. fit and style , try J. F. Ganschow. Lemons , Oranges and Sauer Kraut at WILCOX & FOWLER'S. Blank school district order books in stock at this office. Try that delicious sweet cider at Probst Bros' , bakery. The American Settler's Guide for sale at this office. Stoves blacked and "sec up on short Notice. W. C. LaTouiiETTC & Co. IST'Two quarts of Cranberries for 25 cents at WILCOX & FOWLER'S. The best. Boots and Shoes for the least money , at J. F. Ganschow's. The most complete line of heating stoves in McCook at W. C. LaTourette & Go's. Do you want new mica in your heat ing stoves ? W. C. LaTourette & Co. , have all izes. Six cans Baltimore all-yellow peaches , in heavy syrup , 90 cents , at J. C. Al len & Co.'s. J. F. Ganschow makes a specialty of f. ' fine shoes. All widths and styles , from a B to EE last A fine lot of new and popular Sheet Music , Song Books , etc. , at McCrack- en's Music Store. The "Golden Anchor" is the best , fastest selling nickel cigar in the city. Probst Bros , sell it. A farm for rent. One half mile northwest of the citInquire at the McCook Liquor Store. A well selected assortment of fresh candies at Noble & Brickey's. Their stock is fresh and clean. One good residence lot for sale. De sirable location. Inquire of Samuel Scott at Scott's jewelry store. . . -Queensware in the latest styles , plain and ornamented , at the leading grocers Noble & Brickey's. Pocket state maps at this office. These maps are just from the press and are accurate and complete to date. Buy your baking powder at Noble & Brickley's new grocery store , and se cure one of those handsome pictures. Another new departure. We will have in a few days a full line of sheet at McCracken's Music Store. i 1 Elegant chamber setts and an exten sive line of glassware and queensware for the holiday trade , at Noble & Brickey's. A lot of California dried apples , 30 pounds for $1.00. J. C. ALLEN & Co. -V A handsome line of hanging lamps at Noble & Brickey's. They would make an acceptable Christmas present. Remember that Noble & Brickey are headquarters for everything fresh and clean in the staple and fancy grocery line. G. B. Nettleton is agent for a horse power feed grinder , with attachment for shelling corn or any other kind of rotary work. A rare chance to get an organ or a piano by taking it on the rent plan. Get terms at once at Scott's jewelry store on Main Avenue. J We have just received a nice line of calling cards of the latest styles. Also have'in stock an assortment of fraterni ty cards. Call and see them. A good piece of land for sale within the incorporation of McCook. Fine lo cation for small fruit and garden. In quire at Scott's jewelry store. Wiley & Bede are loaning money on farms at the lowest rales. Also have special bargains in real estate , at 3IcCooK LAND OFFICE. Ludwick & Trowbridge have a fine line of Rattan and Reed Rockers which they will close out at a greatly reduced price. Call and get a bargain for Christmas. The ladies of the Congregational So ciety are prepared to make comforts and bedding. 'Orders left with Mrs. Lowman will receive prompt attention. jgiTRead the Famous Clothing Co.'s advertisement , meantime we advise those'who buy goods for boy's and men's wear , to await the opening of this establishment before purchasing. Probst Bros , of the City Bakery , still lead in the fine candy trade and the excellent assortment they have just received , sustains their already widely known reputation for handling the freshest , purest and best candies in the city. If you want a real toothsome article , Probst Bros , have it. Probst Bros. ' parlors for oyster * . Reports indicate that charity may be worthily bestowed in various homes in the city. Remember , kind people , the poor and afflicted of the city in their dire distress. Best Mince Meat in the market at Wilcox & Fowler's. Only 12 cents per pound. We learn authoritatively that work on the B. & M. branch up the Beaver has commenced. , Oyster supper and dance at the Opera Hall , Dec. 10th , by the ladies of the Catholic church. A line of very handsome library hanging lamps at Noble & Brickey's. Call and sec them. A lot of new Michigan 188G crop Dried Apples at " 20 pounds for $1.00 at J. C. Allen & Co.'s. We present an interesting poetic ef fusion from the graceful pen of Mrs. C. W. Davis , in this issue. Read it. The Congregational Sunday School is preparing for an entertainment of an appropriate character for Christmas eve. A specialty of groceries , provisions , queensware , and inact everything in the grocery line , afcNoblc & Brickey's. In this issue , McMillen & Weeks greet the holiday trade with a full page announcement. They .have the goods , too. Every enterprising merchant in the city should plant an attractive adver tisement in these columns for the holi day trade. On Monday , C. T. Brewer purchased the Michael Cary quarter in township 1 , range 30 , about 16 miles southwest of the city. Stop paying big prices for organs and pianos and go to Scott's jewelry store and rent one , and thus save your money. Call and get terms. Commissions as notaries were , last week , issued to Eugene L. Spearman and Joseph S. LeHew of this city , by Governor Dawes. The Y. P. A. meets a F. L. Brown's residence , to-morrow evening , a 7:30. : mountain time , sharp. Observe the place and the time. Prices will tell , and people know a rood thing when they see it. Four of the Western Cottage Organs sold in one week by McCracken. Are you in search of an excellent dish of oysters , call at Probst Bros. ' oyster parlors , where you can get the best , 'cooked in any style. Ludwick & Trowbridge have a fine line of Rattan and Reed Rockers which they will close out at a greatly reduced price. Call and get a bargain for-Christmas. Among real estate transactions we notice the sale of the south 20 feet of lot 15 , block 27 , original town , to E. R. Banks , by H. G. Dixon , real estate broker. The new firm of McMillen & Weeks liad their name and business emblazon ed on the outer wall , this week , in large characters , so that he who runs may read. "Look out for paint , " is the import of a sign generously displayed , but sparingly observed at the Commercial House , this week. Such is the frailty of human nature. A few friends gathered 'at the resi- dence of Mr. McAdams in Wrest Mc Conk , last Saturday evening , and en joyed a social time with dancing , sing ing , instrumental music , etc. Norman Forbes has been elevated to the dignity and perquisites of a teleg rapher in the company's office at this place. Freddie Etner is performing the duties of message boy temporarily. A number of communications have failed to appear in our columns because the writers neglected to attach their proper names , as well as their nom de plumes , to the manuscripts. The patrons ot school district num- be one , Red Willow , are making prep arations for a Christmas tree and prop er exercises , Christinas Eve. They promise an entertaining and interest ing time for old and young. Through Messrs. Johnston and Wil cox of this place , Henry Collumburg , ofLeRoy , 111. , purchased the north east quarter of section 27 , township 4 , range 31 , Hitchcock county , the first of the week. Consideration , $1.000. Last week. Messrs. Wiley & Bede and WThite & Seago , moved into new quarters in the old Metropolitan drug store building on South Main Avenue , recently overhauled and re-arranged for their reception. They have large and convenient quarters. The hand of the grim destroyer has been laid most grievously upon the Carl family of West McCook , in the death of four children to date.The rest of the family are convalescing. We under stand that here is an opportunity to render assistance most worthily. A very exciting runaway occurred on South Main Avenue , Tuesday after noon , in which four horses and two wagons loaded with baled hay figured most prominently. Part of the hay was scattered along the street , but other wise no material damage was caused. \ I Rev. Joel S. Kelscy will preach next Sabbath morning , upon - ' 'Religion Failure , " and in the evening , upon "Music and Its Mission. " Remember that Probst Bros , are headquarters for fine candies. All members of McConk Legion No. 7 , S. K. , A. 0. U. W. are requested to attend meeting , Tuesday evening , Dec. 14th , at 7 P. M. , sharp , for the nomin ation of officers for 1887 , and other im portant buf-incss. Pianos and organs for rent at Scott's jewelry store. Monday and Wednesday evenings , December 13th and 15th , Miss Nellie Tlubbard of New York , assisted by the musical talent of McCook , will give a drawing room entertainment in the Op era Hall. See small bills for particulars. J. F. Ganschow takes the lead in la dies' Fine Shoes. Try him. The y. P. A. of the city is preparing to hold a concert for the benefit of the needy of the city. A meeting will be held at the residence of F. L. Brown , to-morrow evening , to perfect arrange ments. The object is a most worthy and laudable one and should be encour aged. aged.C. C. D. Palmer , opposite McEntee , is the best place to buy your hardware. On Tuesday of this week , A. W. Corey moved his stock , numbering some 2f)0 head , from his ranch on the river a few miles southeast of the city , down onto the Beaver , near Danbury , where he has purchased a large supply of feed from S. W. Stilgebouer with which to winter his herd. See Noble & Brickey's display of holiday goods. Invitations are out announcing the second annual ball of Neighbor Lodge No. 255 , B. of L. F. , at the Opera Hall , on Friday evening , December 31st. Music for the occasion will be furnished hy the McCook Orchestra. The committee on invitation are , J. H. McManiga ) . C. G. Potter and V. T. Thoman. A grand time may be expeced. aDon't pay big prices for Organs , but call on McCracken and save money. The ladies of the Catholic church are preparing for an oyster supper and social dance at the Opera Hall , next Thursday evening , December 16th. The energy with which the ladies are prosecuting the work promises to make the affair a grand success. Good mu sic has been secured for the occasion. A general and hearty invitation is ex tended. Take your hides , butter and eggs to Brewer & Wilcox , Main Avenue. A petition has been numerously sign ed by our business men , asking the city council to pass an ordinance prohibit ing auction and bankrupt sales , ( except those provided by statute , ) in the city limits. The object is the protection of home merchants against traveling out fits. It is just , and will doubtless re ceive favorable consideration on the part of the council. A fresh lot of candies received at Noble & Brickey's , this week. The Board of Education held a meet ing , Monday evening , at which the va cancy made in the board by the resig nation of Hon. G. L. Laws , was filled by the election of J. B. Meserve to that position. An auditing committee was appointed by the president , at the suggestion and with the consent of the board. A number of bills were audit ed , allowed and orders issued , after which adjournment. For a fine tailor made overcoat , call on L. Bernheimer. There is now on exhibition at Low- man's store a handsome hand embroid ered banner , the handiwork of Mrs. F. L. Robinson of this city , whose repu tation as an artist is more than local , she having received the first prize at the late Omaha Exposition , a superb silver water set. This beautiful piece of work will be raffled off at the ex ceedingly low price per ticket of 25 cents. Qrgans and pianos for rent at Scott's jewelry store. The financial affairs of D. Kendall .assumed an unpleasant aspect , this week , resulting in a bill of sale in favor of John W. Davis , of Utica , Neb. , to secure an indebtedness of some $2,300 , money borrowed by Mr. Kendall in the erection of his brick building. As soon as this condition of affairs became known , a number of attachments in small sums were served , and goods ta ken. These goods were afterwards re- plevied , and an inventory of the stock is now being taken. Go to J. F. Ganschow's Boot and Shoe Emporium for ladies' fine shoes. This city in times past has been re markably .free of the very common epidemic in western communities the railroad fever. This state of quietude "past all understanding" has in these "latter days * ' been dissipated by that great and knowing one , "Madame Ru mor , " and the inhabitants hereof are now fairly agog over the expected early advent of the U. P.the Hock Island , or some other of the great trunk lines. We hope nothing is holding them. v - i / * A full line of hardware , stoves and tinware at C. D. Palmer's. V f In another place we publish the in corporation notice of the McCook In vestment Coinpariy , recently formed in this city , and which commences busi- nes * , January 1st , 1887. The capital of the company is $25,000 , divided in- to 250 shares of $100 each. The shares are payable in easy monthly install ments , making it pcsMliV for persons of limited means to bi-enme share hold ers. General banking is the object of the corporation , whose officers com prise the following prominent citizens : C. F. Babcock , president ; Dr. Z. L. Kay , vice president ; H. T. Anderson , secretary and treasurer ; with H. Trow- bridge , Dr. B. B. Davis and F. S. Wil cox as a Board of Directors. The Mc Cook Investment Company fs founded upon-a popular plan and is in the hands and under the control of thor ough business men. and we see nothing in the way of its becoming one of the substantial institutions of the city , and a source of profit to its share holders. 12 cans lima beans , string beans , or pens for $1 at J. C. Allen & Co.'s. We hear it stated that the removal of the United States Land Office from its present location to the Franklin build ing has been definitely settled upon , although every effort has been made to the end that it remain in the old quar ters and in the event of their being objectionable , an offer was made to build a brick structure on the lot adjoining , immediately. It appears that all the objections have been waived and the offer of new quarters refused. That this alleged action is a grave mistake , and in contrariety to the best interests of this city , is the firm a'nd pronounced conviction of most of our prominent business men , who feel that its future progress and prosperity will be seriously handicapped thereby , and that the geu- eral welfare should always be paramount to the individual interest. Oysters in all styles at Probst Bros. ' oyster parlors. The free concert at the Congregational church , last evening , by the It.B.George Chicago Convention and Concert Com pany , was largely attended and thor oughly enjoyed. After the concert a convention class of 35 members was formed , which meets at the Congrega tional church , this evening , when ic is confidently expected that the member ship will be increased to 50 or GO. The indications are that the convention will do good work , although the time is somewhat limited for as great thorough ness as is desirable. The work will be under the direction of Prof. Sturgis , a pupil of the Boston Conservatory. Eggs wanted at Noble & Brickey's. The highest market price paid. 'Thesecond installment of books for the Co-operative Library Association , to the number of some 75 volumes , is expected in a few days. In this con nection , and in order that the Associa tion may have funds to meet the ex pense incurred in the purchase of these books , we are requested to announce that Mr. Anderson , treasurer of the Association , will be pleased to have the delinquent subscribers come forward promptly and pay their subscriptions. Don't wait to be called upon personal ly , but step in and liquidate at once. Funds are necessary and needed. Don't fail to see that line of. elegant heaters ac W. C. LaTourette & Go's. We are authorized to state that T. E. McCracken is now prepared to write your fire insurance to any amount in the staunchest companies in America. Office at F. L.McCracken's jewelry store. Give him a call. He is an old insurance man and will write you up a policy that will hold. Ladies , a word with you ! Please don't buy any Holiday Presents for your gentlemen friends , until the Famous Clothing House opens , and you will be surprised with the display and low prices. You won't be disappointed. Now don't' forget. We learn that the rest of Norman Van Auken's family are doing nicety. The bereaved parents , however , labor under the shadow of two vacant chairs in their late happy household. If you want to keep the chilly breezes out of your homes , use those weather strips that C. D. Palmer keeps in stock , for both windows and doors. They are the best in the market. We have a neck chain and charm at this office which the owner can have by proving praperty and paying for this notice. Also , a large pocket book , con taining some papers. We are sorry to learn of the financial embarrassment of Contractor Collins. We are not fully advised as to the con dition of affairs , but hope Mr. Collins will be able to see his way through the difficulty. The First National Bank would be a good place to deposit the money you can save by buying your groceries at J. C. Allen & Co.'s. L. Bernheimer has just received a fine line in French and English suit ings. Also in pants patterns. Ladies are always proud of a nice shoe and a good fit. J. F. Ganschow can please you ail. Brewer & Wilcox will buy jour fat hogs. Call at their market , Main Avenue. Ten pages , this week. this bead wo would be pleased to have our friends throughout tho city acquaint us of the arrival and departure of their visitors. Frank Yore wns up from Daiibury , yes terday , on a business trip. Miss Widgeon , of the Driftwood , is the guest of the Misses Menard. 3Ir. and 3Ii > % J. E. Kelley entertained friends , the first of theweek. , SheriiF Welborn of Imlianola was called to tins-place , Monday , on bushier. Mr. and Mrs. A. II. Steele , of Hayes Centre , are registered at the Commercial. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Hiirney , of Stratum , were guests of the city , Tuesday morning. Sylvester Cordcal , Esq. , of Akron , Colo. , and sou John , were visitors in the city , Fri day. Major Criswell of the county-seat was a stalwart ligiue on our sticet.s , Tuesday after noon. Inspector Cleo. B. Cobuni arrived in the city , Tuesday , in the pursuit of his oflieial duties. Miv > Alice Murphy of the city schools , lias been spending the week at home , near In- tlhmola. W. K. Starr , of Snavely & Starr , Indian- ola , was one of the legal luminaries in the city , Monday. Senator Dolan , of Indianolu , transacted some mattere of business in the city , yester day afternoon. A. J. J'ate nud J. Not ton of this city weie registered guests at the Trouiont House , Lincoln , Friday. JesseVelborn , one of the county-seat's worthy denizens , sojourned in the city , Fri day , on business. Kev. and Mrs. "W. S. Wheeler were up from Hartley , yesterday afternoon , on a business-pleasuie tiip. Mrs. W. O. Moody of Stratton was the guest of Mrs. J. B. Meserve , Friday evening and Saturday morning. Mrs. Geo. Hocknell accompanied Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Knights to Cambridge , Sunday evening , on a short visit. Mr. and Mrs. C.V. . Knights of Cambridge were guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Hock nell , Saturday and Sunday. R. A. McCracken of the Centre , was in the chief city a few hours , Monday morning , re turning home , via Culbertson , on Xo. : > 9. Chas' . Anderson , late of the West Denni- son street feed store , has gone to Oilcans to engage in the real estate and loan business. Fred Lytle , of the Benkelman branch of Lytle Bros. & Co. . had business in these parts , Monday evening , returning home on Xo. 1. T. A. Feagan , of the law and loan firm of Feagan & Morrison , returned to the city , Saturday night , after quite an extended ab sence. Miss Lellew , of the city schools , went up to Trenton. Sunday noon , on a visit to old Surton friends , returning here , Tuesday even ing ou Xo. 40. Dr. B. B. Davis was called to Sherman Centre , Kas. , CO miles south of Haigler , Mon day , on a difficult case of surgery. He re turned home yesterday. W. J. Kellar went down to Sntton , yester day evening , to attend the funeral of Cap tain Young of that place , who died , yester day , from injuries icceived in a pile driver accident. A. J. Kenney , of lied Cloud , representa tive-elect from Webster county , was in tho city , Tuesday , on a visit , making these head quarters a pleasant call during his short utay. Mr. Kenney was formerly one of the craft. E. M. Bi ickey , who is now located at Sco tia , this state , in the drug business , arrived in the city , yesterday noon , on a short visit here , where he is also interested , being jun ior partner in the giocery firm of Xoble & Brickey. John Boardman of Peoria , 111. , is in the city , to-day. Mr. Boardman represents a syndicate of young men of Peoria who are looking after investments in this western country. He 1ms been spending some time in northwestern Kansas previous to his ar- ri\al here. Mr. Boardmau has al < o been making some botanical researches during his hunt for land , notably in the line of "prairie beans. " Gastronomically speaking they are not a success. Mr. Boardnuin is an old friend of Thos. Colter , Esq. STEWART WEYGIXT At the residence of bride's parents , on the Willow , Wednes day evening , December 8th. 18SG , Mr. Mat thew Stewart and Miss Mattie Weygint , both of Red Willow , Rev.Chapin ofliciating. Among the guests were the bride's sisters from Lincoln , Mrs. Werner and Campbell , and a number from this city. A largo num ber of handsome presentsere received. THE TRIBUNE extends hearty congratula tions and well wishes. J. C. Allen Co. have received a lot of Maple syrup in Aand 1 gallon cans , this week , direct from St. Johns- bury , Vermont. Call and get a can before its all gone. This beautiful weather should be especially appreciated by contractors and builders , whose operations have been greatly expedited thereby. This week , C. S. McCammon again assumed control and management of the old stand familiarly known as "Mac's Chop House. " A prayer and praise service of the " Y. P. A. will"be held next Sabbath , at 6 P. M. , mountain time , at the school house. We have 50 boxes more of thoae nice new Valencia Raisins to sell at 10 cts. per pound. J. C. ALLEN & Co. The new grocery store of Noble & Brickey is the place to purchase your groceries and provisions. McCook is to have a Catholic con vent in the spring , so report has it. 1 The best fresh and salt meats in th'e market at Brewer & Wilcox's meat market. It will pay you to call on L. Bern heimer for winter clothes before pur chasing elsewhere. Baskets Ash satchel , covered mar ket , mandee and hampers , at J. C. ALLEN & Co.'s. When you want a sack of good flour , go to Harvey Bros. ' feed store. They keep grades to suit everybody. We have a more complete stock of groceries than any house west of Oma ha. When you can't get what you want , call at the Cash Bargain House of J. C. Allen & Co. Our sales , last month , are a guaran tee that the cash system will be a suc cess. Already the people are realizing that the } ' can save big money if they buy their goods at the Cash Bargain House of J. C. Allen & Co. Seeing is believing. Call on us and you will find out in your own mind that we advertise facts. With our far reaching facilities and accumulated ad vantages , we are sure our prices are lower than any house in Western Neb raska. J. C. ALLEN & Co. Remember Neble & Brickey when you come to make up your Christmas presents. They have an extensive and ! handsome line of hanging lamps , wa- j ter setts , chamber setts , amber finger bowls , children's tea setts , individual cups and saucers , etc. , etc. , that can't help but please you. Call and examine before purchasing elsewhere. The Scientific American , referred to in another column , under the heading of "Patents , " is the very best publica tion in this country for those interested in science , engineering , mechanics , in ventions , etc. A copy of the Scientific American may be seen at the office of this paper , where subscriptions will be received. Our cigar trade is booming , because we only carry first-class cigars and sell them at a low price. We have just re ceived a lot of "Tobies. " These cigara are made of carefully selected Havana , Pennsylvania and Ohio seed leaf , from which a large proportion of the nico tine has been removed by re-sweating. We are selling them at the low price of 2 for 5 cents , or 5 for 10 cents. J. C. ALLEN & Co. NOTICE. All parties knowing themselves indebted to us must call at our of fice and settle before December 31st , either with cash or bankable paper. We will sell only for CASH during December. Persons having accounts against us will please present them at once for payment. The Frees & Hocknell Lumber Co. Try the Commercial House , when in McCook , just once ! LOA.NS1 LOANS OX REAL ESTATE P R 0 31P T L Y FURNISHED AND 3IONEY ADVANCED FOR FINAL PROOFS BY COLE & MOSS. Try the Commercial House , when in McCook , just once ! BEST BARGAINS YET ! WE SELL 13 Ibs. Granulated Sugar for - $1.00 14 Ibs. Extra C. Sugar for - $1.00 1C Ibs. Prunes for - - ยง 1.00 6 Cans Syrup Peaches , 3-lbs. full , $1.00 Also ALL Groceries , Clothing , Hats , Caps , Boots , Shoes , Dry Goods , and Notions , as cheap as any house in town. WILCOX & FOWLER. Real Estate Loans. We have completed arrangements whereby we can furnibh those who want a loan , money on real estate , promptly and without the usual disappointing delays. Call and see us. We are al so prepared to make chattel mortgage loans. CITIZENS BANK. SPECIAL NOTICE. I can adjust , repair , readjust , and rebuild as good as new , any sewing machine ever made. Call at my shop on West Dennison street , opposite Pade & Son. J. G. MECIIAM. 00H'T BE AFRAID If you see Deputy Sheriff Bennett coming after you. Dr. Kay has placed his accounts in the hands of the depu ty , who is rustling after the doctor's creditors in dead earnest , that's all. MONEY TO LOAN On farms. Applications filled at once. Funds plenty. No delay. Call at Com mercial hotel. L T. BENJAMIN , McCook , Neb. WANTED. A good , competent girl to do general house work. Inquire at FIRST NATIONAL BANK. Rooms for Rent. Two furnished sleeping rooms for rent. Inquire of W. W. BROWN.