f * F. M. AND E. M. KIM3IELL , Editors and Publishers. THE next session of the Legislature convenes in Lincoln , Tuesday , January 4tb , 1887. IT is again hinted in railroad circles that Superintendent Thompson of the east end may come under the official axe before many moons. THE senatorial question continues an absorbing problem. It cannot be as serted that the "old man's" chances are becoming more roseate. t SAYS the Philadelphia Enquirer : "The country is settling down to the conviction that the president will earn estly support civil sfervice reform next tnrrn. " JUST seven lines of the president's message arc devoted to the question of inter-state . This ia - commerce. proba bly one to the president's extensive ( ? ) travel rf. EVERY weak-kneed republican in the land seems to be putting in his spare time nbw-a-days , upon his narrow bones in supplianuu be'nt , in an unprofitable attempt at propitiating the democratic deities. . SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY MAX- NINO is a pronounced opponent to the free coinage of silver. But Manning is a product of the effete east , you know. It is a question of simple geog raphy. The west favors free coinage , New York and Boston money-bags do not for obvivious reasons. "Is HE perniciously active , Daniel ? ' ' "Made only three speeches and gave $20 to your campaign fund , sir. " "That can hardly be called pernicious in a postmaster of the iourth class , llad it been four speeches and $25 the case would have presented a different as pect. "Shall we Bentonize him , sir ? " "Bentonize is a good word , Daniel. " ON Monday , the Lincoln Daily Democrat made its appearance in a neat , new "bib and tucker" as it were. Calhoun is making a jewel of the Dem ocrat , upon which fact the fraternity of the state , irrespective of political creed , vie in their expressions of felicitations and congratulations. The Democrat is clean , sparkling , dignified and manly. Success attend it. AMONG a few of the newspapers of the state we have noticed some specula tion , and in one or two instances unwar ranted insinuations' , as to the deputy secretary of atateship. It were wasted effort on the part of these journalists. In due course of time , Secretary Laws will doubtless make his choice known , and the qualifications and efficiency of his appointment may be vouched for. THE presidential mountain , after la borious travail , has brought forth. It is a most voluminous paper devoid of any intimation of wit and a curiously suggestive and characteristic produc tion , touching on revenue ; silver coin age , civil service reform , pensions , the Indian question , harbor defenses , pub lic land legislation , Mexican reciproc- rity treaty and the Cutting case , the Chinese outrages , the fishery question , etc. , etc. ON the list of the prominent ones .mentioned for the speakership of the next house is George G. Bowman , Esq. , of Columbus , Platte county. The Judge is a man of marked and pecul iar ability and fitness for the place , with encouraging prospects of success. Being a gentleman of decision and firm ness , and withal an efficient parliamen tarian , he has the salient qualities of an able presiding officer , than whom a worse speaker might easily be selected a better" one , hardly. THIS seems to be the age of all ages sinee the deluge the largest pool , probably on record when the iniquit ous pool doth spread itself like the green bay tree. Never have matters and things and people been so utterly at the mercy of these menacing combi nations , as they now obtain in the land controling with a hand of iron , every channel of trade , every business activ ity , being especially felt in the ave nues effecting what are recognized as the necessaries of life , as in this year of grace , 1886. Pools , be it under stood , are by no means new influences in the world , but are , on the contrary , coexistent with the .history of man ; but at no period in their existance of op pression has their almost unlimited power been felt by so large a number of people , nor so grievously. Who shall deliver us ? TOWN. 4 , RANGE 30. . Conrad lias purchased n new wind mill. M. il. Witter traded his team for a tree claim. Thanksgiving ha * come and gone , and the gobbler too. W. W. Sellers of South Betid , Indiana , is visiting friends here. C. Angel bought-a new wind mill. He in tends utilizing the wind to draw water. Fanners are very busy these finis warm days. Some picking corn and some plowing. Sabbath .school every Sabbath at Prairie Centre school house and preaching two Sab baths in three. Mr. Kydc'r ia layirig up a two foot wall around his board hojise , which will greatly add to the comfort of its occupants. To be had in "everlasting remembrance , ' ' and to occupy a warm , nook on the south side of our affections , fu's't tome at as with an item. W. II. Epperly dn'd C'las. Chilcote , recent ly from Iowa , arc redeeming the time trying to lill W. Coleman's corn crib. About two more days will doxit. . Mrs. A. Severns , of Musc'atine , Iowa , is visiting witli ye granger. She says this is as linejand as she has seen , and she has travel ed in seven of the westeni states. G. F. WorsteSr , of Adel , Dallas county , la. , was looking over this town , last week. lie expressed himself as being highly pleased with the country , and thinks of making his home among us in the hear future. On Tuesday , while J. W. Corner was down in the timber after a load of wood , his team ran away. After running about two miles , they stopped , and when Mr. Corner caught up to them , they were quietly stand ing facing flic wagon , 'he wood was O. K. but the tongue and reach were broken. Will Blood catrite over , Monday morning bright and early , with a beaming counte nance and a heait almost too full for utter ance. Reason why : lie had just come in possession of a 81,000 we believe girl babies are valued at ยง 1,000 each. Will was so tickled over his fortune , that lie hardly knew which mule worked the best on the near side , when he came to hook up. SPRING CffEEK ITEMSr Mr. Newton Nettletou makes a very stiff bow lately. Miss Lelia Widgeon-is enjoying herself in McCook for a few days. Mr. Coolcy talks of buying a new single buggy. Wonder what it means ? Gossip declares the "wedding cards" will be out soon. How is it , George ? We understand the "surprise" at R. M. Williams' was a pleasant affair. Mrs. Joseph Williams expects to return to Iowa soon. Shall be sorry to see her go. Frank Fleming was visitiug among neigh- bora and friends , last week. Come again. We saw the nicest lot of fruit trees deliver ed by E. L. Walker , agent for the Kearney nursery , that we have seen in this country. Wesley Widgeon's New Foundland dog has strayed away. lie says any one giving information of his whereabouts , will be paid for his trouble. , We notice an aiticle in the Gazette from "Justice , " which , we learn , was written by tha Haul Armstrong's wife at his dictation. Suflice to say "self praise goes but little way. " The same principle which has actua ted them from the first was apparent all through the article that of falsehood and self-boast. Some think that had justice done , he would have been treated to a coat of tarandfuaf&ers. CLO E OIJSEKVER. THEY say that a woman can not keep a secret , but just the same a commercial traveler is under arrest in Washington charged with marrying a whole family of sisters without letting one know his relations to the others. It is , however , too bad that the keeping of this secret by the sisters should have brought all this trouble upon them. It may have a tendency to discourage other women in the keeping of secrets. RUSSIA and Australia have both been shipping much 'less wheat this year than in 1SS5 , and the European de mand is greater than last year. These facts afford something of a solid foun dation for the improved tone of the wheat market jn the United States. Attention , Comrades ! All members of J. K. Barnes Post No. 207 , G. A. K. , Jfrc earnestly re quested to attend the regular meeting , Monday evening , Dec. 13 , 1S8G , as matters of the utmost importance to each member will come up. J. A. WILCOX , J. II. TAROER , Commander. Adjutant. FARM LOANS. Cash Down. No Delay. No need of waiting to send off appli cations. Money paid over as soon as papers are completed. Call on or ad dress , RED WILLOW Co. BANK , 43-tf Indianola , Neb PAY UP. All parties knowing themselves to be indebted to G. T. Brewer , will greatly oblige him by settling the same within 30 days , either by cash or note. Make no mistake , this means business. C. T. BREWER. Attention Smokers ! With every 25 cents worth of goods bought at the Distribution Cigar Store , a ticket in the errand drawing is given. FOR SALE. A set of heavy harness new. In quire of W. G. SHBITAHD. MENARD'S OPERA HALL E2TTWO NIGHTS ONLY.-ffi3 Monday and Wednesday DECEMBER 13 and 15. Miss Nellie Hubbard of N.Y. , assisted by the MUSICAL TALENT of McCOOK , in their grand DRAWING ROOM ENTERTAINMENT. General Admission , 50 cts. Children , 25 cts. Tickets on sulc at Menard's. Curtain rises at 8 o'clock , mountain time. Notice of Co-partnership. The undersigned have associated themselves as co-partners for three years from this date , in the wholesale and retail butcher and packing busi ness. C. T. BREWER , * F. S. WILCOX. McCook , Ncli , Nov. 27,1886. NOTICE. All parties indebted to us are re quested to call at once and settle their accounts cither by cash or bankable notes. All accounts not settled on or before December 31st , will be placed in the hands of a collector. WILCOX & FOWLER. At THE TKIBUXE stationery department may be found the following line of fraterni- tv cards in stock : (5. A. 3t. , B. of L. V. , B. of L. F. , O. R. C. , B. of R. B. . A. O. of U. W. , 1. 0. O. F. , K. P. , A. F. & A. 31. , Teleg raphers , etc. Call and inspect them , if you desire anything in that line. Sa/t Rheum or Eczema , Old sores and ulcers , Scaldliead and ringworm , Pain in the back and spine , Swelling in the knee joints , Sprains and bruises , Neuralgia and toothache , Tender feet caused by bunions , corns und chilblains , I wan-ant Bnoos' TBOPICAI. OIL to relieve any and all of the above. iIcMn.iEX & WKEKS. Dr. A. J. Thomas and family left , Monday , for McCook , Neb. , where the Dr. will follow hia profession 1'or the winter. We are sorry to lose him as he is an excellent workman , and a gentleman of "true blue. " McCook will nave , in the person of Dr. Thomas , one of the best dentists in the state of Nebraska. Bird City ( Kas. ) Frontiersman. Purify Your Blood. o If your tongue is coated , If your skin is yellow and dry , If you have boils , If you have fever , If you are thin and nervous , If you are bilious , If you are constipated , If your bones ache , If your head aches , If you have no appetite , If you have no ambition , one bottle of BKGGS' BLOOD PuiuFinn AXIT BLOOD MAKKit will relieve any and all of the above complaints. Sold and warranted by McMillen b Weeks. Itch , Mange , and Scratches of every kind cured in 30 Minutes by Woolford's Sanitary Lotion. A sure cure and perfectly harmless. Warranted by S. L. Green , Iruggist , McCook. Try the Commercial Housewhen in McCook , just once ! Notice : of Incorporation. In compliance with the law , we hereby give notice that wo have ionncd a corporation un der the name of The McCook Investment Co. The principal place tor the transaction of its business shall be at McCook , Nebraska. The nature of the business to be transacted shall be General Banking : . The capital stock shall be Twenty-five Thousand Dollars , payable In monthly installments. This corporation shall commence business January 1st , 1887 , and continue until 1986. The highest amount of indebtedness to which said corporation shall subject itself , shall be $12,000 ( with the excep tion of indebtedness to depositors ) . The af fairs of this corporation shall be conducted by a President , Vice President , Secretary and Treasurer , and three Directors. C. F. BABCOCK , President , 2. L. KAY , Vice President , H. T. ANDEHSON , Sec'y andTreas. H. TitoWBitiunn , 1 B. B. DAVISDirectors. . F. S. WILCOX. ) ESTRAY NOTICE. 0 Came to my premises , section 2o , township 4. range 29 , about December 1st , 1880 , one roan mare , nbeut 3 years old , and branded M on left shoulder. Owner can secure same by paying charges. ' 'fteb. FINAL PROOF NOTICES. LAND OFFICE AT MCCOOK , NEB. , i December 8th. I8SC. \ Notice is hereby given that the fpllowing- imtned settler has filed notice of his intention to mako final proof in support of his claim , and that said proof will be mado before Reg ister or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Satur day. January 22.1887 , viz : Robert Drysdalo , on Homestead No. 3343 , for the south Yi north west Ji. nnd north Yi southwest J. , section 13 , town. 5 , north range 30 , west. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon , and cultivation of , said hind , viz : R. Y. Brown , of Osburn. Neb. , and M. L. Brown , Clay Sheppard , Taylor Sheppard. of Box Elder , KTeb. S. P. HART , Register. LAND OFFICB AT McCooK. NEB. , | October 4th , 1886. f Notice is hereby given that the following- named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim , aud that said proof will be made before Iteg- ister or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Friday , January 21st , 1887 , viDaniel S. Morris , on Pre. D. S. 1145 , for the east Y3 southeast i and south Yt uortheast ; t , section 6 , town. 2 , north range 28 , west. He names the following wit nesses to prove his continuous residence up on , and cultivation of , said land , viz : Joseph Downs , Nicholas Whitcsell , Augustus Bough- ton , of Bondville , Neb. , and John Furr , of McCook , Neb. S. P. HART , Register. LAND OFFICE AT McCooK , NEB. , I November 22 1880. f Notice is hereby giren that the foilowing- namcd settler has filed notice ot his intention to make final proof in support of his claim , and that said proof will be made before Regis ter or Receiver at McCook. Neb. , on Friday , December 31st , J880 , viz : John Moriarty , D. S. 3571. for the northwest li section 18 , town. 5 north , range 29 westCth P.M. He muues the following witnesses to prove his continu ous residence upon , aud cultivation of , said land , viz : A. C. Harlan. Osburn , Neb. ; A. P. Larsen. McCook. Neb. ; W. A. Glasscock , Box Elder , Neb. ; L. H. Stenson , McCook , Neb. 20 S. P. HART , Kegister. LAND OFFICE AT McCooK. NEB. , ( . November 24th , 18bG. Notice is herebv given that the following- named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim , and that Said proof will be made before Regis ter or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Monday , January 3d,1887 , viz : Lemon Cross.on Home stead Entry 3792 , for the S. W. H N. W. Ji. N. H S. W. Ji and S. K. } * S. W. U section 34 , town ship 1 north , range 30 west. He names the following witnesses to prpvc his continuous residence upon , and eultivatiou of. said land , viz : James Hell and J.TV. Whittaker of Traer , Kansas. Peter Creager of Cedar Bluffs , Kans. , and Bud Richardson of McCook. Neb. & S , P , HART , Yt ; and Silver Mine DISCOVERED ! \ - A PLAGE WHERE YOU CAN BUY GOLD CHEAPER THAN YOU CAN DIG IT. THAT IS THE EXPRESSION OF EVERY OXE WHO * VISITS SCOTT'S NEW ELRT STOKE We have come to McCook to stay. Have built a brick building on Main street and have no rents to pay , and can sell goods for less money than any one west of Chicago. We keep the Largest Stock cf Diamonds , Watches , Jewelry and Silverware in the West , and every one is surprised at the ex tremely low prices we are selling them for. We keep everything usually found in a first-class store. We want your trade and will mako it to your interest to buy of us. A full line of oger & Bro. Knives , Forks , Spoons and Table Ware at Chicago prices. AND PIANOS ! FOR RENT AND SALE , VERY LOW. J A\.OU su aora sTJ apuui pm ? A.Il9JU.8f * PIO A'JtQALQf pTLB SniIIUCte.1 III 90119119(1X9 SXU9A" SEIJ ; oiAv ' 11191 $ juBd9.i oq. oog MJAJ Aq noi o si ssip PIOATJ MJAJpuu LAND OFFICE AT MCCOOK , NEB. , I November 22 , 13SB. f Notice is hereby given that the following- nameil pettier has filed notice ot his intention to inuke final proof in support of his claim , and that said proof will be made before Regis ter or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Friday , December 31st , lfc6. viz : Edward S. Fewell , on Pre. D. S. No. 3G39 , for the south Yi of north west H and west Yt of southwest J4 , section 13 , town. 2 , range 30 , west. He names the fol lowing witnesses to prove his continuous res idence upon , and cultivation of , said hind , viz : W. O. Russell , Perry Stone , R. Hileman and George Frederick , all of McCook , Neb. S. P. HAIIT , Register. LAND OFFICE AT McCooK , NED. , ( . November 9th , I860. i Notice is hereby given that the following- named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim , and that said proof will bo made before Reg- ister or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Friday , December 17th , 18bt > , viz : Arthur B. Goodlier , I ) . S. 3095 , for the southwest } i section 34 , town 1. N.range 29 west Gth P. M He names the fol lowing witnesses to prove his continuous res idence upon , and cultivation of , said land , viz : E. L. Macy , C. C. Smith , Frank Spicer , Christ Ely , fill of Cedar Blufls , Kan. 24 S. P. HART , Register. LAND OFFICE AT MCCOOK , NEB. , I November 8 , 188U. f Notice is hereby given that the following- named settler bus filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support ol his claim , and that said proof will be made before Regis ter or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Tuesday , December 21st. 18S6 , viz : Harry L. Rosecrans. D. S. 2505 , for the west Yi southeast U and east yt southwest J4 section 13 , townt north , range 30 west. He mimes the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence , upon , and cultivation of , said land , viz : Michael C. Rider. Samuel McClain. Charles W. Angel and John S. Modrel , all of McCook , Neb. 24 S. P. HART Register. LAND OFFICE AT MCCOOK. NEB. , " ) November 1 , ISSfi. J Notice is hereby priven that the following- named settler has filed notice of hie intention to make final proof in support of his claim , and that said proofwill be made before Regis ter or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Saturday December llth , 18SG , viz : Charles E. Stiles , Homestead oti'.H ) , for the east } southwest li , and east "Ji northwest J * section 2 , town 4 , north range 29 , we&t. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon , and cultivation of. said lund , viz : Rich ard E. Moore , Henry Winans , Thomas Cow ard and Fred Cosrsrcr , all of Box Elder , Neb. 2J S. T' . HART , Register. LAND OFFICE AT McCooK , NEB. , i October 29th , l. fcO. f Notice is hcrcbv given that the following ' named settler has'flled notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim , and that Faid proof will bo made before Regis ter or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Friday , December 10th , 1686 , viz : John H. Evert , Homestead 3012. for the southt northwest } i and north Y southwest , section 27 , town. 3 north , range 29 west. He names the follow ing witnesses to prove his continuous resi dence upon , and cultivation of said hind , viz : W. H. Hamilton. William Doyle. Richard Johnston and W. H. Smith , all of McCook , Neb. 23 G. L. LAWS , Register. LAND OFFICE AT MCCOOK , NEB. , I October 30th. 1S86. f Notice is hereby given that the following- named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim , and that said proof will be made before Regis ter or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Saturday. December llth , 1880 , viz : James Blossom Farnsworth , Homestead 212S , for the south east ii section 17 , town. 1 north , range 29 west , Oth P. M. He names the following wit nesses to'prove his continuous residence up- ou , and cultivation of , said land , viz : Sidney Dodge , John Goodenbcrger. Saxton B. Colt- rain , Amos Goodenberzer , all of McCook , Neb. 23 G. L. LAWS. Register. LAND OFFICE AT McCooK , Neb. , J November 1st , 1880. f Notice is hereby given that the following- named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim , and that said proof will be made before Regis ter or Receiver atMcCook , Neb. , on Thursday , Dec. 10th1880 : Amos H. Reynolds , Home stead r 19 , for the south & southeast Ji sec tion 11 , aud north Yi northeast J4 section 14 , town. 4 , north range 29 , west. He names the followinsr witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon , and cultivation of , said land , viz : Josiah Moore , Alex. W. Campbell , Valen tine Bogle and Jacob Long , all of Box Elder , Neb. S3 B. P. HART , Resistor , THIS SPACE IS RESERVED FOR i' mi Ui = = JONAS EXGEL , MANAGER. { = WHO WILL OCCUPY THE FRANKLIN BRICK , ON THE S. W. COR. OF MAIN AND DENNISON STS : , McCOOK. NEW BUILDING NOT 8EING READY WE REGRET THE NECESSITY OF DEFERRING OUR OPENING , OF WHICH WE SHALL GIVE FURTHER NOTICE.