The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, December 02, 1886, Image 7

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Luck of a Portuguese from Fayal.
NE\V BEDFORD , Nov. 15. [ Special. ]
A Portuguese from Fayal bought a
ticket of the Lousiana State lottery ,
and after carrying it in his pocket for
fourteen months , gave it to a fellow
countryman who has been in America/
only a few weeks. The latter investi
gated , and found.that the ticket had
drawn $15,000. The money arrived
inthisclry to-day , and the Portu
guese will sail in a few days for Fayal.
New York Tribune's special , Nov.
A young man from Payal , who has
been in San Francisco five weeks , has
drawn $15,000 in a lottery , and will
go home in the barkentine "Moses B.
Tower , " to sail this week. The ticket
"had been purchased for-$1.10 , and
-held fifteen months by a Portuguese
. in California , who got tired of it and
presented it to the fortunate man.
The money has arrived in this city ,
and Messrs. Loum , Snow & Son ,
agents of the barkentine , have de
posited , } in a bank for safety. The
owner of it takes it very coolly , and
does not wish to have his nanle
printed. New Bedford ( Mass. ) Stand
ard , Nov. 10. 4-
"Mr. Gladstone publishes a letter inviting
" the liberals to reunite.
A Deceived Woman
is the lady who uses cosmetics , facelptions ,
white lead , bismuth , powders , arsenic , etc. ,
in the belief of enriching and beautifying
the complexion. It is but temporary , and
ultimately destroys the skin beyond the
power of nature to restore. Stop it ! Stop
it now , and use only Dr. Harter's Iron Tonic ,
which imparts tho vigor and loveliness of
The first strike on record was made by
Excursions to the Winter Kcson * ol
tlio South.
The Wabash. St. Louis & Pacific Ry. aro
now selling round-trip tickets , good until
June 1st , 1887 , at greatly reduced rates ,
to Mobile , New Orleans , Pensacola. Jack
sonville , Cedar Keys , and nil the principal
points in the south. For further informa
tion and tickets , call on or write R E.
Moore ? , Ticket Agent , or G. N. Clayton ,
Northwestern Passenger Agent , 1502 Far-
nam Street , Omaha , Neb.
Joel Chandler Harris. ( Uncle Remus ) is
aid to bo worth § 100,000.
"When getting1 your boot or shoe straightened use
Xyon's Heel StlQeucis ; they keep them btraight.
The earth loses a second every century.
The Omaha Typj foundry can furnish
new newspaper outfits on short notice.
Prices same as in Chicago and freight
already paid to Omaha.e
iSJ < S
Is a Positive Curo
ALL of those Painful
Delicato Complaints and
Complicated troubles and
Weaknesses so corrmon
among our Wives , Mothers ,
and Daughters.
It trill cure enffrelj
t rou&Ies , Ir-fla mma-
tton and Ulcera-
tion , Falling and
Displacements ; &
csnuegvcnt spinal
Tf ( al.-ncss , iind is
- _ . . . . ' _ _ . 'adapted to the
The Woman's Sure Friend .nf
Of uf
wun > unjEviamuzsrss of TUB sroncn. CUBES L = u-
Price SI. per bottle.
The best and surest Remedy for Core of
all diseases caused by any derangement of
the Liver , Kidneys , Stomach and Bowels.
Dyspepsia , Sick Headache , Constipation ,
Bilious Complaints and Malaria of all kinds
yield readily to the beneficent influence of
It is pleasant to the taste , tones np the
system , restores and preserves health.
Jt Is purely Vegetable , and cannot faU to
prove beneficial , both to old and "young.
As a Blood Purifier it is superior to. all
others. everywhere at Sl.OO a bottle.
Have beea heartilr enjoyed by the citizens ol
nearly every town and city in the United Statea ,
Marvelous Cares have been nerformedand Kit.
nossed by thousands of peoplewho can testify to
Hamlin's Wizard Oil.
And Many Other Pains Caused by Accident or Disease
It is safe and sure , docs its work quickly and
gives universal satisfaction. Forsale by druggists
Prlce-SOc. OarSongBookinailedfroo to everybody.
The most practical , largo sized
Oil Can In themarket.Lampsare
Blled direct by the pump without
lifting can. Ko drip nc oil o =
Floor or Table. No Faucet to
leak and waste contents or cause
explosions. Closes perfectly ail
tlcht. Jio J.cnlinct-Ko Evap
oration A.b olutely cafe.
Don't be Hambngged with
worthless imitations. Buy the
"Good Enouch. "
Warren , Ohio.
Flr t-Cla Dealers ETcryvkcr .
Tho Increase In Tholr Consumption
in tho Xiast 'J en Years A
Groat Industry. ,
There aro probably but few persons
who arc aware of the magnitude of
the peanut industry and the increase in
the consumption of that article in the
past ten years. Although to many the
peanut is an extremely "disagreeable
product and an object of aversion , yet
it is safe to say that the majority of
those whose digestive organs are in a
normally healthful state , especially the
younger portion of the race , are fond
of peanuts , and instances could be cit
ed where they aro eaten regularly in
great quantities. Whatever may have
been the origin of the peanut this be
ing a disputed point the peanut plant
has gradually made its way over an ex
tended area of the warmer p.irts of
both the old and new world , and in
North America has gained a perma
nent foothold , in the soil of the south
Atlantic and gulf states. Nor has it
yet reached 5ts"ultimate limits , for cul
tivation and. acclimation will inure it
to a sterner climate , untill it becomes
an important crop in latitudes consider
ably further nortli than Virginia.
This is indicated by its rapid speed
within tho past few years. Remaining
long in comparative obscurity , it was *
not untill a recent period that the pea
nut gained prominence an agri
cultural and commercial staple , but
since it fairly started its progress has
been rapid and sure. The peanut will
/thrive on any suitable soil within the
limits of the 'United States as far north
as a line extending castwardly from
the northern limits of Iowa to tho
south of the great lakes and thence to
the vicinity of Cape Cod. The cultiva
tion of thexpeanut , in short , is possible
in by far the greater portion of the en
tire country. Any section having a
growing season of live months exempt
from ft-o3t may raise the peanut.
Planted in June , cultivated until Au
gust or a little later , and harvested the
last of September , it can be perfected
in four months , though the Virginian
planter takes live months for it. Any
good calcareous soil that is not too ele
vated will grow the peanut.
Some idea of the magnitude of the
industry may be gained from the fact
that the total consumption of .this
country for the year 1885-6 from Oct ,
1. 1885 , to Oct. 1 , 1886) was 2,715,003
bushels as compared with 1,187,000 for
the year 1875-6 an increase of over 100
per cent in tne last ten years. The
supply available for consumption dur
ing the ensiling year , from Oct. 1.
1886. to Sept. 3U , 1887 , is estimated at
nearly 3,480.000 bushels. Peanuts are
cultivated also in Europe , Asia , and
Africa. Among many of the negro
tribes of' Africa peanuts constitute an
important article of lood. They are
grown in. large quantities for tlie
manufacture of"an essential oil which
is largely used in adulterating olive oil.
Peanut oil is regarded by many equal
in all respects to sweet or olive oil , and
may be employed for every purpose to
which that is applied. A bushel of
neanuts , itjs estimated , will y eld one
gallon of oil.For burning it is highly
esteemed , but the chief consumption of
the oil is in making soap. For the pro
duction of oil for soap makinghere
were imported into Marseilles. France ,
from thewest coast of Africa , in one
year , peanuts to the valun of over live
millions of dollars. The residuum , or
oil-cake , may be sold for cattle-feed.
Almost eveVy person residing in this
locality must nec'essarily know some
thing of the value of roasted peanuts.
One can not pass along the streets cf
any citv without encountering at every
turn the peanutstandswhere roasted
peanuts aro sold by the pint. They
are retailed in numerous stores , are
peddled on the railroad cars , sold to
the loungers in every depot , are eaten
on the streets , at home , in the oflic ,
and , greatly to the annoyance of some
individuals , in public halls. Even
ladies are fond of them and frequently
have them at their parties. Peanuts
are healthful and fatten ng. From a
pig to a school-boy no diet will fatten
sooner than roasted peanuts. A per
son , it is said , can Jive on them alone
for an indefinite period , if eaten regu
larly and with moderation. Wherever
they have been introduced they can
hot well be dispensed with. Peanut
candy is another article in the manu
facture of which tiiey play an import
ant part. The peanut tills a useful end
in peanut coffee. It makes quite a
good and palatable beverage. Even
bread can be made of peanuts. If
first mashed or ground into a pulp and
then worked into the dough in the
process of kneading no lard will be re
quired to make good biscuit , which will
have an agreeable flavor. The skin of
the kernel must first be removed or it
will impart a bitterish and nutty taste.
Good soap can be made from the pea
nut , but whether the manufacture of
such an article would be profitable at
present prices is another question.
For the higher grades of toilet soap it
might be. As feed for stock it is yery
useful. Every kind of stock , horses ,
cows , sheep , hogs , and poultry , are ex
ceedingly fond of the peanut , and will
leave any other food to partake of it.
Cows , horses , and sheep eat the whole
pod , hull , and kernel together. Hogs
and poultry reject the hull , eating the
kernel only. Turkeys , however , as a
rule , swallow the pod whole. All
stoet fatten on them. The hog will
lay on flesh very rapidly on a diet of
peanuts. The peanut vine makes very
good provender for all stock , and most
planters make it an object to save the
vines for hay. The foregoing are the
most importantises of the peanutand
in the course of .time , as new d scover-
ies are made , it is not improbable that
it may subserve other valuable ends.
Providence Journal.
Manners are an art Some are com
mendable , some faulty ; but there are
none that are of no moment How
comes itthat we have no precepts bv
which to teach them , or at least no
rule whereby to judge them"as we
judge sculpture and music ? - A science
of manners woukT be more important
to the virtue and happiness of men
than one would suppose.
fir-lug Your Chair Alon .
A tourist , vrlio lias made his tu/ith trip
across the Atlantic , begins to think that
the steamship companies might us well ex-
p.ect H passenger to take his own table over
with him as to compel him to take chairs
with him. He observes : "Hero are several
lines of magnificent new steamers , perfect
floating palaces , with every improvement
and comfort that ingenuity and science
can suggest large promenade decks , i-pa-
cious Hiiiokin rooms , ladies' parlors , a fine
dining saloon , electric lights and bells in
every bedroom , etc. but for the most
primitive article ol furniture , which maybe
found in the poorest laborer's hut , you
look in vain on the deck or that part of.
the steamer where , in good weather , nine-
tenths ol the passengers spend the wliolo
day. 'Rring your chair along if you want
a seat , ' is the motto of all the European
steamship companies. Surely it is time to
put an end to this idiotic custom. "
The small'boy who plays circus with the
"trick'goat , " in his back yard should see
that the St. Jacobs Oil bottle isnot.empty.
TVIiattlio Rarber Wanted.
Drummer "Barber , like to
try some of my patent bay rum ? "
Barber "I've got nil I want at present. "
Drummer "But , barber , this is a new
kind. "
Barber "Isn't it the same as the'last ? "
Drummer "Oh , no. Every man you
shave , wash his face with this bay rum and
I'll guarantee that he'll have a beard an
inch long in two days. "
Earber "Send me a barrel at once. "
Mr. G. C. Staler , while playing tlie lead
ing pnrt in "Michael Strogoff , " at Oakland ,
Cat. , became BO hoarse from a severe cold
that he despaired of being able to continue
his part. Two bottles of Reel Star Cough
Cure entirely cured him. Does iiot nauso-
A Wild Woman.
It was on a Madison street-car. The
driver was fat , red in the lace , and solemn.
Looking around to the solitary smoker
who stood there" tie said :
"I see that they have found a wild woman
down in Pennsylvania. "
"Yes , " replied the smoker , who (3id not
propose to have any ancient gaj played on
The driver riveted his eyes on the lioraes
and maintained profound silence until he
had crossed the hridge , when he observed :
'But that ain't nothing , mister. You
can see wild women any day on the West
Side when the car don't stop in the middle
of the block. Gic on there , now , will ye ? "
Chicago Herald.
The healing und purifying qualities of
Salvation Oil render it the best article for
1 he speedy and safe cure of ulcerated sores.
Price only 25 cents.
Eli Perkins is said to have accumulated
§ 150,000 by strict attention to the truth.
Important to nil WIio Worlt
for a living. Write to Ilallutt it Co. , Port
land , Maine , find they will send yon full in
formation , free , showing you how you can
make from-$5 to 5-5 iind tipwards a day
and live at home , whereveryou are located.
Some have made over $50 in a dny. Capi
tal not required ; yon are started free. All
ages ; bol" : exes. AH is new. Greatin
comes . ; ' . from the start Fortunesawait
all workers who begin a-t once.
Mayor Grace , of New York , has appoint-
d two women as school commissioners.
Never Open
except to put something to eat into it , is
an excellent motto for the gossip and the
sufferer from catarrh. But while the'gos-
sip is practically incurable , there is no ex
cuse for anyone's Htiffferiii ! ; longer from ca
tarrh. Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy is an un
failing cure for that offensive disease. It
lieala the diseased membrane , and removes
the dull nnd depressed sensations which
always attend catarrh. A short trial of
this valuable preparation will make the
sufferer feel like a new being.
There are 305 colleges in the United
Don't take that "cocktail in the morn-
itiL' . " If .you have a "swelled head , " nnuss-
ated stomach , and unstrung nerves result
ing from the "convivial parly last ; night. "
The sure and safe way to clear the cob-
webs from the brain , recover zest for food ,
and tone up the nervous system , is to use
Dr. Pierce's "Pleasant Purgative Pellets. "
Sold by all druggists.
A queer specimen of human nature the
'uman " ' "
English cockney "H'er.
The only reliable cure for catarrh ia Dr.
Sage's Catarrh Remedy.
Why is a planing mill likfe a barber shop ?
Because both are ' shaving" places.
All disorders caused by a bilious state of
the system can be cured by using Carter's
Little Liver Pil's. No pain , griping or dis
comfort attending their use' . Try them.
The candidate is known by the election
cigars he keeps.
Be merciful to dumb animals. Heal
all open sores and cuts with Stewart's
Healing Powder , 15 and 50 cent * a box.
Not exactly a square thing the "cart
wheel" silver dollar.
"I WISH I conld find something at would
cnre galls and prevent the hair coming in white , "
Is nn expression frequently heard. \ etei Inarjr
CnrbolisaU * u ill always do it. Sold by Drag
Cists at 50 cents mid Sl.OO.
People who want the earth do not cry to
have it blown in their faces by wind.
PATENTS obtained by lonls Ragger&Co.4 At
tcimj * . " \\fsliintttn , 1).t. K fdlEC4. Ad\Icefree
Mrs. Palmer , wife of the Michigan sena
tor , will spend the winter abroad.
quickly relieved by BROWN'S BRONCHIAL
TROCHES. A simple and effectual remedy ,
superior to.all other articles for the same
purpose. Sold only in boxes.
Charles Jonal , of Racine , Wis. , boa been ,
appointed consul at Prague.
A superior preparationjor all diseases of
the hair or seal ; ) . IlallVllair Renewer.
May alwavs be relied upon for curing
colds or coughs. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral.
The Charleston earthquake is no great ?
shakes after all.
To Iemulate tlie Stonnicli , Liver end
one pill a dose.
The poejb , Walt Whitman , is regaining
his health. He is now able to go out
They Never Fall to Cure Slolc IIend-
tLe first dose.
Spirife-wrappings jugs and bottles.
The Omaha Typs foundry can furnish
ew newspaper outfits on short notice.
Prices on me ns in Chicago arid freight
already paid to Omaha.
"Won't Have It So.
The paragraph saying that Geronlmo Is
pronounced "Heeronimo" has reached San
Angela , where they ought to know how to
pronounce'the name , and leads tho Stand
ard to exclaim : "Hood hracious ! what is
he hiving us ? What a liny and a hnddy
style of talk this hentlcman would het us
into. By hash , we won't have if. Ho to !
Ho to ! " Boston .Globe.
joss of Life. Thousands sink into an
early grave by not givin'g immediate nt-
tention to d slight cough which could have
ber-n stopped by a 25 cent bottle of Dr.
Bull's Cough Syrup.
Robert J. Burdette has save about $50.-
000 out of hia lectures and newspaper
"I am a merchant and planter , " writes
Mr. T. N. Humphrey , of Tonn. , "and it
gives me great pleasure to say that for se
vere coughs and colds Allen's Lung Balsam
is the best remedy now offered for sale. * I
have induced many to try itwith , the best
of results. " At Druggists , Hoc , 50c , and
$1.00 a ijottre.
The official census of Prussia shows a
population of 28,318,458 persons.
Among the people of to-day there are few ,
indeed , who have not fyeard of the merits of
Prickly A'sh Bark and Berries , as a house
hold remedy. Teas and drinks have been
made of them for centuries , and in hun
dreds of families have formed the sole reli
ance in .rheumatic and kidney diseases.
Prickly Ash Bitters now takes the place ol
the old system and is more beneficial in all
troubles of this nature.
Geo. W. Peck , of Peck's Sun , can estimate
his wealth at $150,000.
Browns Iron
Ths question hao probably been asked thoassndj
of times , "Hovr can Brown's Iron Bitters cure every
thing ? " Well , it doesn't. But it does curetny diseasa
for which a reputable physician would preRnbe IKOX
Physicians recognize Iron aa tho beat restorative
furent known to the profession , and inquiry of any
leading chemical firm will substantiate the assertion
that there we i oro preparations of iron th n of any
other substance used in medicine This shows con-
tlusively that iron is acknowledcod to be the most
'nportant factor in successful medical practice , it is ,
However , a remarkable fact , thatprior to the discoT-
fry of KROWN'SJlItONBITTEnSno perfect ,
t satisfactory iron combination had ever been found.
headaclle , or produce constipation all other iron
medicines do. HKOWN'S IRON BITTEUS
cares Indigestion , Biliousness , Weakness ,
Dyspepsia , Malaria , Chills and Fevers ,
Tired FceUnjrGcncralDebintyPain in the
Side , Back orIiimbsvHcadache andNenrn !
gin , f or all these ailments Iron is prescribed daily.
minute. Vka all other thorough medicines , it acts
slowly. "When taken by mn the first symptom of
benefit is renewed energy. The muscles then become
firmer , the digestion improves , the bowels are active.
In icomen the effect is usually jnnro rapid and marked.
Tha eyes begin at once to brighten : the skin clean
up ; healthy color comes to the cheeks ; nervousness
disappears ; functional derangements become regu
lar , and if a nursing mother , abundant sustenance
J5 supplied for the child. Remember Brown's Iron
Bitters is the ONJVY iron medicine that is not in
jurious. 1'hyticiant and Druggist ! recommend it.
The Genuine has Trade Mark and crnsiod rod lines
on wrapper. TAKE NO OTHER.
Will purify the BLOOD regulate
tho LIVER and KIDNEYS and
OR of TOUTS. Dyspepsio.Wnnt
of Appetite , lndice tionLHck of
Strength and Tired Feeling ab-
Bolutely cured : Bones , mns-
clos and nerves receive new
forre. Enlivens the mind
V. and supplies Broin Power.
Sufferinc from complaints"
peculiar to their f PI will find
Hns-aewaiBi * in DR. HARTEB'S IBON
IONZ3aitifeand speedrcnrn. Givesnclearheal
thy complexion. Frequent attempts at counterfeit
ing only add to the popularity of the oricmal. Do
not experiment cet the OniortfAl. AND BFET.
flCnre Constipation.Livpr Comolalnt and Sick a
Hetdache. Sample Dose and Dream BookU
mailed on receipt of two cents in postage , jf
Issued Sept. and March ,
L each year. JJ3" 312 page * ,
' acllJ < inciteswith over
35OO Illustrations u
xvlirole Picture Gallery.
GIVES Wholesale Prices
direct to consumers oil all goods for
personal or family use. Tells how to
order , and gives exact cost of every
thing yon use , eat , drink , ivear , or
have fan with. These INVAIiTJABIiE
BOOKS contain , information glcaneot
from the markets of the world.Vc
will mail a copy FREE to any ad
dress upon receipt of 10 cts. to defray
expense of mailing. Let ua hear from
you. Respectfully ,
2HT fe 22O Wnhfwb Avenue. Chicago. III.
PATTERNS , for making RUM.
Tidies Hoods. Mittens , etc. Sent
br mail for JS1. C1UCULAR3
FUEE. E. KOSS dfc CO. ,
WANT YOU ! alivc > setlciman
" * Wi '
or woman needing'
' profitable employment to represent us in every
county. Salary $7 $ per month and expenses , or *
o commission on sales If preferred. Goods staple.
Every one buys. Outfit and particulars Free.
C VC ? A 0 D-afnras and JIasal rntarrh
tit , CAB ,
VrtTSeJ'l"eJBe.NOSE | ' & THROAT
Inserted. Addreti Dr. IMPEY. Om h , 'eh.
energetic worker ; fousinessiahlseection. Salary STu.
References. Am. MTg House. 15 Barclay St. . N. Y
A WOMAN TO1111 * * In every town , to EeU
ifUIYlnrl latest and best book. Weekly
salary guaranteed. Arcade Publishing Co. Chicago.
BUNIOXS. UniEClsIs sell It. or br mall
25c. of AV. K. PEN1CK. St. Joseph. Mo.
Sef.u e f * once "elusive control of the best
HUCI1\t \ Oai
tide inventednoopno itionquick sales-
big proHta ; adcrj : a K. M. McDowSl & Co. . Omaha Neb-
I nlshed. Write Valentine Bro . ,
F. A. I.EHMANX. Solicit
PATENTS or ot Patents. Washington ,
D. C. Send for Circular.
Morphine Habit Curadla 10
to OtUyi. No pay till Cared.
UB J. Sncruicss. Leiidaoa. ualo.
OFFICERS' Pay , Bounty , EtcT
Write for drculirj and law . JFree.
W. McCORMIQK &SON , Cincinnati , O.
Tumors and Ulcers cured without
, , , write for pamphlet. DR.
F. B. GOLLEY. Milwaukee. Wis.
A P'l'ltiro cure. o Knlrc.
> "opl : er. XoJ'aln. W C.
Payne. Uarsb Jltoirn.Iow .
to S8 a Clay. Sxmples worth SIJM FUEE. Lines
nut nnder the horse' < feet. Wnte Brewster
Safety Rein Holder Co. , Holly , Mich.
STU1 > V. Secure a Business Education br
mall.fromIlnrAXT'8Coi.i.EOit Uuffalo.N.r.
fllllllU "d Morphine U bltCurd in 10to
111 * HIM ? 0daji. nefertoluOOpatlenucureJ
Wl IVIn Intdparta. Dr.Marsh , Qniney.IDct. i
W. N. U 6maha - 839-491
Copica ready Dec. f , of tha
of th3.
Colored CoTer , Twenty Pages , Profusely Illustrate !
Hailed to any address for Ten. Cents.
New Subscriptions sent nt oner ,
,1 with § 1.73 , will include the COMPANION-
, , FREE from the time the subscrip
tion is received to Jan. 1 , 1887 , and a full year from that date. This
offer includes the Christmas Double Number.
Please mention this Paper.
Address PERRY MASON & CO. , 37 Temple Placo , Boston , Mass.
? fIk t I SCRIRTURES f I IV * kail
An Easy Chance for a Big Reward.
To the 500 persons first answering correctly , on or beforp January 'J7,1887 , our simple lllhle question ,
Whim In the nihlf Is FirstFouiid the Word KNOW. " we will cive the followinc rewards :
1-Cosh Present In Oold _ $2fOO
2 Cash Present In Gold „ 2.000
3 Cash Present In Oold 1,500
4 Cash Present In Oold 1,200
5-Canh Present In Gold 1,000
tt-Cash Present In Gold WO
7 Cash Present In Gold . . . . 500
8 Cash Present In Oold „ . . . . . . . . . 400
-Cash Present in Gold . „ . 'J
10 Cash Present in Gold. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
To the next 20 , each a solid Gold Watch , worth $100 each.
To the next 50. each a solid Silver Watch , wonh 3 each.
To the next 100 , each an Kleffant Photograph Album , worth < jcach.
To the next 11) , each a Solid Gold Klnr. worth $2 each ;
To the next 1M , an JJlejjant Book , worth < 1.0 each.
If a competitor should fail on the first he will .stand a chance for one of our
To the l-r 3 persons whose names come In the middle , counting from number one to the last re
ceived , w e will give the following rewards :
First Cash Present In Gold
Second Cash Present in Gold. . . . . . . .
Third Cash Present In Gold 23J >
MrMgefl Dictionary.
A Dictionary
118,000 Words , 3080 Engravings ,
Gazetteer of the World
of 25,000 Titles , and a
Biographical IMctionary
of nearly 10,000 Noted Persons ,
nrwfdJ All in one Book.
1. & C. MERRIAM & CO. , Pub'rs , Springfield , Mass.
Att German Aithmu Cnre ntrtr fattito ctrel
immfdiate relttfla the womt c i. Insures cora-l
l p ; eCects enminhne all other * fait. J.I
trial caimincel lite nttt tttpticol. I'rlc Sli ct and
$1.00 , of DrazI ts erbrmtlL Sample F for
Ump. -
NE-OPIUM Habit Painlessly j
Cured at Borne. Treatment I
sent on trial and NO PAV nfcpd >
nntll yon are beneflted. Terms Low.
medjr Co. , JLaFayette , Ind.
11 Ono Upright Piano , valued. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ? 50C
12 One > "me Top Bujrgy 3W
IS One Cabinet Orcnn . ISC
H One Diamond Breastpin IOC
15-Onc Set Furniture .J . 1
Ifi-Onc Solitalro Diamond Kins _ IOC
17 One IJreech-loadiiiK Shotsuii. . . . . . . < C
18-One Ladies' Gold Watch M
19-One Ladies' I'air Bracelets ' *
20-One Sewing Machine „ . . . . . . . - . . - K
Tlftli Cash Present in OoUl
Sixth Ciish Present in Cold. . . . . . . . . . _ . . .
Seventh CnPresent ] in ( JoIJ . . . . . .
Vi lith CnMli f'rr put In Hnll ]
To the next SO. each $10 in cn h. To the nest a ) , each fcj In cash. To the next S ) , each $ i50 in
cash. To the nest 73 , each p ! in cash.
To those who are too late for any of the above rewards , a special chance still remains. To the
J53 persons whose names come in last we will give the following rewards : . . . .
To th last name on the list we will give SoOO.OO in cash. To the next to HIP last name we wl'l
Cive $300.00 in cash. To the third name from thelast we will give fJOO.OO in cash , lo the i.ext 50 , each
J10.00 in cash. To the ne.\t ICO , each fi.OO in cash. To the next a , each Ji50 in cash.
fiSTEach competitor mnst In every case send § 3 for one rear's subscription to
THE KANSAS MAGAZINE with their answer. KS Xo answer will be rocordec ! unles.3
accompanied by the cash , for which we win send , post-paid , our splendid Magazine. Present sub
scribers can compete by paying for another year or for a friend. The regular subscription price of our
elegant Magazine is only $2 a year , so
for the above presents. The gifts will be sent to the successful ones , and their names published in our
'February issue of THE KANSAS MAGAZINE" Don't delay. The Magazine Is wortli much more
than the monev , and bv answering qnicklv you may secure one of the larger prizes. This Is the four
teenth Competition of THE KANSAS MA < iAZINK , all of which have given the utmost satisfaction
to the successful ones. The receiving of your magazine will lie your receipt.
Evenparent should encourage children to enter this contest. llesMes familiarizing themselves
with the llible they secure a liighlv-deserving family Magazine , and also a chance for one of the
rewards. AVe refer to over 28,00u subscribers.Ve enter every letter in the order and on the day re-
reived , and number the names as recorded in our subscription books ; hence there ran be no mistakes.
We can not mnke correction * in answers after letter * nrc cufcrcil. If youjlo not get one
Send mone1 by new postal note , monev order or registered letter , express , or draft on Kansas
. , . . . ' ! ' ' local banks. Canada blllsarcwor Ii only 90 cents
City , v.wiS"0'rS'ew York. Do not s'end checks on
on the dollar. We pay no attention to Answrrt in Letter * , without the Subscription to
the illusazine , on Postals or Telezram i. The following receipts speak for themselves :
\ VASliixmo.sKAS. . . Oct. 22. IS& < > .
Itecelved from THK KANSAS MAGAZINE , of Kansas City , Mo. , the sum of ( 'i.VO twenty-five
hundred dollars for answering their Bible Question where the-word "Silver" was first mentioned In
the Bible , my answer being 13th Chapter and 2d verse of Genesis , The monev " was this day duly paid
me hi full. S. K. FAKBO\V.
AROKNTA. AKK. . Nov. 6. Iff6.
I have this day received from THE KANSAS MAGAZINE two thousand dollars ( * 2l)00) ) ) as my
premium for answ ering correctly their Bible Question " Where was Silver tirst found in the Bible ? "
Genesis , 13th Chapter , id verse. f'KCII. NOBLE.
The following are a partial list of the names of those who were awarded presents in our Dscem-
ber , 1835 , and March. ISSd , Bible Competition : Mrs. Maria Craw ley. AVest Mnrkham Street. Little
.Rock. Ark. , fJ.500 ; Miss Maggie Itinehold. Corner Fifth and Chestnut , bt. Louis , Mo. . 4V < X : Chas. M.
Hill. Topeka , Kas. , $2,500 ; * U.&f ) . William Crawford , Atlanta f Tux. , $ iCUO : B. Martin. Frog Level. La. .
f 1,200 ; BenJ. W. A very , Louisville , Ark. , $300 ; Thomas lIeardTexarkana.Tcx.ti > U : 11. Dixon. Mag
nolia , Ark. , $1,000 ; Miss Dora Crawford , Atlanta , Tex. , $1,230. Write to any oftheie pat ties if you want
anyjttrthrr nt oof.
THE KANSAS MAGAZINE is an old-established Family Jfagazine , lialidsorr.ely printed.finely
illustrated , pure and elevating in tone , and a favorite in thousands of homes. To satisfy alias to Its
merits , we mail .sample copies for 10 cents , their cost , we cannot send them free.
Present of 10 Books to Every New Sotafoer
" which will he mailed free of postage on rpreipt of their subscription.
"We refer to the following prominent citizens , all of Kansas City , Mo. : Major B. F. Jones , Sec-
retary _ , and Treasurer Kansas'Cit v Water Works ; Charles D. Lucas. Recorder of Deeds ; First Xatio
BankjThe Kansas City Bank .ote Co.and any responsible house of Kansas City.
® Mention this paper , and address all letters to
Kansas City ,
Tie Best
Coul ,
The PISH BRA7JD SLICKER t xrirranted Wifrproflf , ad will fcfp >
the h rde t norm. Tho n w POMMEL SUCKER f a frrtrct riJii totl. >
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