-JS THURSDAY , DEC 2 , 1886. Indicates that your subscription to th X paper HAS KXPIRKD , find thut a cordl invitation is extended to call and rcnc the same. Subscription , $2 per ycur. r Local Intelligence. Scale books for sale here. Sweet cider at the City Bakery. The 'Golden Anchor' at City Baker 'Noble & Brickey , the leadir grocers. fit and style , tryJ. . I Ganschow. Lemons , Oranges and Sau < Kraut at WILCOX & FOWLER'S. Pianosand organs for rent at Scott jewelry store. Oysters in all styles at Probst Rros oyster parlors. ' Blank school district order books i stock at this office. J. C. Allen & Co. sell the celebrate Key West Cigars. Try that delicious sweet cider z Probst Bros' , bakery. The American Settler's Guide fc sale at this office. Smoking Tobacco at 20 cents pc pound at J. C. Allen & Co.'s. Remember that Probst Bros , ar headquarters for fine candies. The best Boots and Shoes for th least money , at J. F. Ganschow's. Don't pay.big prices for Organs , bu call on McCracken and save money. C. D. Palmer , opposite McEntee , i the best place" to buy your hardware. Stoves blacked and set up on shor notice. W. C. LaTouiiETTE & Co. 03FiaTwo quarts of Cranberries for 2i . cents at WILCOX & FOWLER'S. Go to J. F. Ganschow's Boot am Shoe Emporium for ladies' fine shoes The most complete line of hcatinj stoves in McCook at W. C. LaTourett & Go's. Evaporated Apricots , Peaches , Ap pies and Blackberries , at J. C. Allei & Co.'s. ' J. T ? . Ganschow makes a specialty o fine shoes. All widths and styles , fron a'B to EE last \ Do you want new mica in your heat ing stoves ? W. C. LaTourette & Co. have all sizes. A fine lot of new and popular She'e JMusic , Song Books , etc. , at McCrack en's Music Store. Valencia , Loose Muscatel , Sultana London Layers and Ondora Raisins , ai J. C.'Allen & Co.'s. A farm for rent. One half northwest of the1 city. Inquire at the McCook Liquor Store. A well selected assortment of fresl candies at Noble & Brickey's. Theii stock is fresh and clean. Bede & Wiley have some special bargains in real estate. Office , 1st dooi south of THE TRIBUNE office. One good residence lot for sale. De sirable location. Inquire of Samuel Scott at Scott's jewelry store. Queensware in the latest styles plain and ornamented , at the leading grocers Noble & Brickey's. Pocket state maps at this office , These maps are ju&t from the press and are accurate and complete to date. Buy your baking powder at Noble & Brickley's new grocery store , and se cure one of those handsome pictures. Another new departure. We will have in a few days a full line of sheet music at McCracken's Music Store. We guarantee our prices to be 10 to 15 per cent , lower than any house west of Omaha. J. C. ALLEN & Co. Remember that Noble & Brickey are headquarters for everything fresh and clean in the staple and fancy grocery line. G. -Nettleton is agent for a horse power feed grinder , with attachment for shelling corn or any other kind of rotary work. A rare chance to get an organ or a piano by taking it on the rent plan. Get terms at once at Scott's jewelry store on Main Avenue. to Harvey Bros , for chop feed , new corn meal , rye , graham , and all the best brands of flour. New car load just received. V We have just received a nice line of calling cards of the latest styles. Also have in stock an assortment of fraterni ty cards. Call and see them. A good piece of land 'for sale within the incorporation of McCook. Fiue lo cation for small fruit and garden. In quire at Scott's jewelry store. We sell for cash and make no losses. Come and buy where you can have a big assortment to select from. J. C. ALLEN & Co. Read J. F. Ganschow's adv. . Probst Bros. ' parlors for oysters. Organs and pianos for rent at Scott1 jewelry store. wanted at Noble & Brickey 'a The highest market price paid. The young people indulged in a socia hop at the McNeely building , last night Tho Marble photograph gallery ha been purchased by an artist namei Miller. _ _ _ ! HF ° Best Minrc Meat in the marke at Wilcox & Fowler's. Only 12 cent per pound. Ladies are always proud of a nic shoe and a good fit. J. F. Ganschov can please you ail. A line of very handsome librar ; hanging lamps at Noble & Brickey's Call and see them. The new grocery store of Noble & Brickey is the place to purchase you groceries and provisions. * Bunker Hill pickles , plain , mixec and chow chow in glass , plain pickles in bulk , at J. C. Allen & Co.'s. . A specialty of groceries , provisions queensware , and in fact everything ii the grocery line , at Noble & Brickey's The Lutheran brethren enjoyed : social occasion at the residence of UK Ider Mr. Pade in West McCook , lasl night. Stop paying big prices for organs anc pianos and go to Scott'.s jewelry store and rent one. and thus save your money Call and get terms. Prices will tell , and people know s jrood thing when they see it. Four oi the Western Cottage Organs sold in one week by MsCracken. Are you in search of an excellent dish of oysters , call at Probst Bros. ' oyster parlors , where you can get the best , cooked in any style. The ladies of the Congregational So ciety are prepared to make comforts and bedding. Orders left with Mrs , Lowman will receive prompt attention. On the eighth page of this paper will be found an inteiesting , double column communication from .F. L. McCracken on the absorbing topic of jewelry , etc. Read it. We are one of those houses that ob literate fictitious values under the never- changing rule of cash on receipt of goods. J. C. ALLEN & Co. , Dry Goods , Boots and Shoes , Hats and Caps , Gro ceries , etc. We this week devote considerable space to the reproduction of Rev. Kim- rnel's thanksgiving address on the occas ion of the union services at the Metho dist church. We direct especial atten tion to this excellent and carefully prepared effort , to the end that all may read and enjoy it. Probst Bros , of the City Bakery , still lead in the fine candy trade and the excellent assortment they have just received , sustains their already widely known reputation for handling the freshest , purest and best candies in the city. If you want a real toothsome article , Probst Bros , have it. The Jesse Welborn property , which adjoins the town site of Indianola , was purchased , last week , from Geo. Hock nell. who came into its possession some month's since , by Ex-Treasurer J. H. Goodrich , who has already platted an addition to the county-seat and placed lots on the market. A sedate appearing gentleman , claim ing to be "a scientific phrenologist , " was in town ; the fore part of the week , discovering unto the inquisitive and credulous McCookite his peculiar and particular penchant for wine , women and cards , or what-not. All for the simple sum of twenty-five cents. The Scientific American , referred to in anothefcolumn , under the heading Df "Patents , " is the very best publica tion in this country for those interested in science , engineering , mechanics , in dentions , etc ! A copy o'f the Scientific American may be seen at the office of this paper , where subscriptions will be received. The suit brought by J. B. Jennings , Esq. , against the City Water Works Co. , tvhich occupied the attention and time if Justice Bennett , almost all day Mon- lay , resulted in a verdict for the com pany. JMr. Jennings gave notice that lie would appeal the case. We will not larass our readers with the details of a * : ase , with which they are doubtless ilready conversant. An aged gentleman named Richard- ion'of Benkelman , had the misfortune o fall into the excavation in front of ; he Franklin building , Monday night , ibrtunately without serious injury. The esson should not be forgotten. There las been too great carelessness in this egard in the past , and it has been more ; ood fortune than ought else that some me has not been more seriously injured. THE TRIBUNE has it from A. J. Pate hat , in conjunction with C. J. Ryan of Jrafton. this state , an old Illinois ele- rator man , he contemplates building an " ilevator at this station , at "once , if sat- sfactory transportation rates can be secured , of which they entertain no erious question. Combining experience md ample means and business tact , the inn will make the best of this new field. " " " JHy. * "fe" . ? Y ' j'L.f ! * ! ! * - - - * ' * ' . V' * J-i' . _ . - . _ . . " * " * * Ar c # * ? lj # " A " tS 'tS ' . " " Divine services will be held in th Catholic church , next Sunday. A friibli lot oi candies received n Noble & Biickey's , this week. A Christinas dinner by the ladies o the Congregational society will be i holiday featuie. * f The leading grocers. Noble & Brick ey , will have an iiuinensc stock c Christmas goods on hand , this week. An inspection of flues by the fir warden might prove a sensible precau tionary measure against possible con flagration. We regret to state that Samuel Plun kett , the West Side grocer , has foun < it necessary to assign for the benefit o his creditors. The schools of the city have been dis missed until further notice by reason o : the diphtheria which prevails in the cit ] to some extent. The Beaver lot adjoining LaTour ette's hardware store on South Mail Avenue , was purchased , last Friday , bj V. Franklin of the Citizens bank. All members are earnestly requested to attendhc December ( Jth meeting o : the A. 0. U. W. , for the nomination oi officers for 1887 , and other business oi importance. Increasing interest and membership are features of the library association pleasing to announce. .Every readei should put himself in the way of reap ing the benefits thereof. A very gratifying improvement is no ticeable in the architecture of build ings now going up all over the city , over the older designs and buildings. It is a matter of pardonable pride. The first of the week , J. M. Hender son bought W. O. Mobdy's papers on a tree claim , lying four miles north of the city , and adjoining the former's farm ; the consideration being $760. We take pleasure in making the an nouncement that the ladies of the Con gregational church will spread a Christ mas Dinner , this year. So make your arrangements accordingly. We will give particulars later. A bible reading and song service of the Y. P. A. will'be held at the Meth odist church , nest Sabbath evening , at o'clock , mountain time. All mem bers and friends of the association are invited to attend. Bring bibles * and gospel hymns. The young woman named. Carl , of West McCook , .whose illness was men tioned in our last issue , passed over the river of death , Friday , and was buried an the day following in Longview , by sorrowing parents and sympathizing Friends. A South McCook Mission Sabbath School of the Congregational church , ivill be organized next Sabbath , at 2 P. M. , mountain time , at the house of Mrs. Rose , in South McCook. ' Christ ian workers are much needed and earn- jstly requested to be present. We are requested by the Manager , Tonas Engelto announce that , on ac- : ount of failureto have the building inished , The Famous Clothins Co. were mable to open their store , December 1st , as advertised , and that it will be ; wo or three weeks before the opening. Always alert in the acquisition of real sstate , A. J. Pate has purchased the J. 1. Brewer half-section , located about line miles southwest at'the city. In he deal Mr. Brewer becomes the owner f Bonnie Scotland , the well-known Clydesdale shipped here from Illinois , lome two years ago. The meeting of the Y. P. A. , last Fri- lay evening , at the residence of Con- luctor William Coy , was largely attend- id by the young people of the city , md as largely enjoyed by them. THE TRIBUNE desires particularly to encour- ; ge the young people in continued and ncreased attendance upon and a hearty ( anticipation in these occasions. They lave a large feature of pleasure of a icalthful social character and are no sss profitable. A number of new dwelling houses re now in course of erection , with aore contemplated and upon which es- imates are being made : This week , rork was commenced on W. W. Jossel- pn's residence in the noitheastern part f the city , and the same is now pro- ressing favorably. Its dimensions are , lain building 26 feet square , with a 4x16 addition. It will occupy the orner lots directly west of 11. 11. Poods' property. F. D. Hess is the ontractor. Also , on Frank H. Spear- lan's dwelling in the same locality , auth of F. L. McCracken's residence. Ir. S.'s dwelling will be built after a de ign from "Shoppell's Modern Houses , " ith a frontage 284feet and a like epth , will be two stories high , 9 and feet , respectively , having a cellar 64- : et high. It will be a neat specimen F architecture , commodious and with IB advantage of an excellent site. The is J. W. jntractor Lewis of the asso- iation. Carfof Thanks. Will our old friends of McCook and icinity , who so generously and thought- illy remembered us for thanksgiving me of this good year of grace , 1886 , lease accept the heartiest thanks of ME. AND MRS. GEO. DONGAX. itis , Colo. , Nov.29,1886. On Wednesday of this week theladic ' of the M. E. church forwarded to th manufacturers the hist payment ou tin seats and furniture of the church , tin payment of which they fearlessly assum ed and faithfully performed , be it sai < to their credit , and in which they taki conscious pride. All honor to the ladies J. F. Gaiischuw t.ikv the lead in la dies' Fine Shoes. Try him. RAPIDLY IMPROVING--On. Tuesday R. H. Williams' little daughter had s < far recovered from the operation oi tracheotomy recently performed on hei by Drs. Kay and Davis , that it was fount advisable to-rcmove the tube from tlu little girl's trachea , and she is now doing remarkably well and may be declaret out of danger. The operation was : delicate , hazardous one , scarcely evei resorted to even in extremest cases , and its result has been watched with greal interest by this entire community , whc will congratulate the family and sur geons upon what bids fair to be a favor able termination. A full line of hardware , stoves and tinware at C. D. Palmer's. Yesterday morning , the fractious , high-spirited quadruped that supplies the motive power to Kendall's bread wagon , became altogether too fleet and unmanageable , while being driven up West Dennison street , in the course of the customary bread delivery , and en in another neith gaged go-as-you-please , er interesting nor entertaining to the driver , Em. Kendall , who was thrown out of the vehicle and fortunately but slightly injured , while the wagon was inverted and otherwise misused during the short , but exciting chase. That steed's recent escapades doubtless fit it for the cumbersome dray wagon , where it will behave with greater "safety to driver and profit to owner. J. C. Allen & Co. are just receiving a car load of groceries , this week. At a meeting of the members of the Congregational church , last Sunday morning , the resignation of the pastor , Rev. Joel S. Kelsey , tendered a short time since , was NOT accepted by a unan imous vote. We take excusable pleas ure in this connection in stating that admiring friends have taken the matter of pastor's salary in hand , and that the required amount , ( lacking a small sum , which will doubtless be covered through nther agencies , ) has been subscribed , and that Rev. Kelsey will remain in this field of labor , where his efforts give promise af such glad fruition. The congregation [ ire to be congratulated. C.F. Babcock was also elected to the trusteeship made vacant by resignation of E. M. Brickey , who lately removed from our midst. Don't fail to see that line of elegant beaters at W. C. LaTourette & Go's. From an announcement appearing slsewhere in this issue , our readers will learn of another enterprise to be added io the city's industries , in the co-partner ship lately entered into between C. T. Brewer and F. S. Wilcox in the buteher md packing business. These gentlemen iiave secured the cellar under McMillen S : Weeks' drug store for the packing > ranch of their business , which will be : arried on as extensively during the iviuter as their present slaughter house iccommodations and the disposal of r'waste' ' will allow. They contemplate lacking a thousand porkers , this season. Both members of the firm are shrewd tnd enterprising business men , with iniple means to carry the project to a iuccessful issue , and the flattering re mits can hardly be questioned. J. C. Allen & Co. carry the re- lowned California Honey in stock. Under the familiar caption , "He Was iBank Cashier , " yesterday's Tribune- lepublican gives currence to a highly ensational and absolutely false and mreliable article involving a well-known haracter named G. R. Wynkoop , who pent some time in this locality months go. It appears that a tin horn gambler lamed Collins and a faro dealer named ? hompson engaged in a quarrel , in which Jollins was severely stabbed , and that Vynkoop was witness to the affray , and ras held in custody for that purpose , lo far the account seems to be correct , 'resently the cute reporter imagines he iscovers a "brilliant mare's nest , " in rhich Wynkoop is "a crooked cashier f the First National bank of this city , tc. " Among the veracious ( ? ) state ments being that , a "former cashier of fie bank , owing to some slight discrep- ncies , decided to locate in Canada. " Pe have not space to devote to the latter further than to suggest the un- jrtunate circumstance that the worth- ; ss trio did not succeed in the work of tter annihilation. However , every llusion made to the First National bank f this city is false in toto and without ) undation in fact. A bandage of ice lould allay that reporter's feverish nagination. SOCIAL 'Last Saturday evening , Mr. and Mrs. - . R. Woods entertained a circle of iends at their attractive home in the ortheastern part of the city , in their sual felicitous manner. Cards , the rt terpsichorean , with the convention- l admixture of social sauce , complet- 1 the circle of enjoyment of the occas- n. The following guests were present : Mn. AND Mns. S. L. Green. A. J. Pate. W. J. Ills , Charles Noble. F. L. McCrackcn. Ins. L. Kay and J. F. KTenyon. MISSES Maggie nughn , Ainie Avery , Dell ilcnard , Josie Men- ird and Lindner. M Essns. A. C. Ebert E. E. jwraan , A. P. Bonnot , J. F. Forbes and Thqg. lasscott ; . f& UnAn tlifs beutt we would be pleased have our trieiidsthroujrhtmtthe city ticqimi us of thoarrlvul and departure ol'thclrvishoi Major H.F. Williams went to Denver , Tut duy. on legal business Captain Lee of Oxford was a stalwart flgui In tbo city , Saturday afternoon * . W. O. .Moody of Stratton was a pilgrim this commercial centre , Monday. Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Colo returned from the Kansas visit on No. i , this morning. County Clerk Hatch , of Hayes Centre , e journcd hereabouts , last Friday and Saturda , on hind business. SpeciaUAgent F. D. Hobbs.cf the Interii Department , is in the city , this week , H headquarters arc at tho Commercial. ' Mr. and Mrs. Frank Harris returned. Sntu day night , from their Gulvu , Illinois , visit. "delightful trip , " is tho way they speak of ii lUsley of tho Culbcrtson Reveille , Ashwl of tho Stratton Herald , and Lee of the Elwoe Citi/en , represented the craft in this chit port , Monday. R. M.Snn\olyaml C. S. Quick , two of th County-Seat's prominent citizens , were ni tracted hero on business , Monday. J. G. Hamilton , formerly of this place , no1 doing the genial host act in Curtis , attendc to some business interests in tho city , Monday A. W. Agee , of Aurora , was attracted hitl eron matters of business , Friday losl. H took the east-bound passenger , Saturda morning , I. T. Benjamin of Crete , a real estate loa broker , is in the city , taking the lay of th land in his business. He is holding forth u the Commercial , and e.\pects to remain abou two weeks. Will A. Clute went down to Red Cloud , Fr ; flay evening , to enter upon the discharge o the duties of depot policeman at that place , ; position less dangerous and more congcniti than manipulating draw-bars , eto. Squire Fisher , Charlie Fisher and S. W rannehill , all of Wauncta Falls , Chase count ; came down to the city , Tuesday evening , Inni business being the object of their pilgrimage They started on their homeward Nay , thi noon. H. A. Frederick of Independence , Iowa , ai rived in the ity , Wednesday of last week , re turuing homo on Monday evening , the : J9tl inst. Thereby hangs a tale which we hope t < m\e the pleasure of unfolding to the jtnblic Jre long. Jonas Engel and family arrived , this week fiom Kendalville , Ind. , and have gone t < louse-keeping in the Ai buckle dwelling 01 ( forth Madison Avenue. Mr. Ungcl will b ( recognized as tho Manager of the FIIIHOU ; Nothing Co. . which will occupy the Franklir juilding in a few weeks. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Babcock. after a lonj md pleasant visit with their children at this > hice and McCook , took the train , Tuesdaj ivening , for 1'ontiac , Illinois , w here they wil itop a short timewith another son , attei vhich they will Jeavo for their home in New fork. Cambridge Kaleidoscope. 25th uit. A. J.Patw went down to Omaha , this morn ng , to inteiview General Freight Agent Mil er , on the profound mysteries of freishl ransportation , preliminary to. the ercctiot in partnership with C. J. Rjnn , of Grnfton fob. , ) of an elevator at this place. He was net at Grafton by Mr. Ryan , who accompan- od him on the mission. Hon. G. L. Laws departed , Monday morning , or Lincoln , to prepare their residence in tht Capital City for occupancy by the family , ir-ho preceded him one day , going as far as Jrleans and Itcbublican City , where they will nake suort visits before continuing thcii ourney to Lincoln. Miss Gertie returned tc icrstudies in the University , Sunday morning. The many friends ot Albert McMillen ic interested in learning that he has engaged n the drug business at McCook , Neb. Mc- : ook is a growing town on the Burlington oad , and Mack is much pleased with the pros- iccta there. The citizens of McCook are to bo ongratulated upon the acquisition of Me- Illlen to their number , for he is a good busi- ; css man and of the best character. Canon lity ( Colo. ) Kecord. TOKE3 FITZGEUALI ) . On Wednesday , December 1st , ifefi , MJJames W. Stokes ol MeCook , and Miss Katie Fitxgerald of Ov- lord , Father Cullcn officiating. ! ALLARD-PECK-At Indianola. Iowa. Nov. 25th , IMG. Mr. C. W. Bailard ol the Akron , ( Colo. ) Star , and Miss Ella M. Peck , of In- diatiola , Iowa. The happy couple spent Tuesday morning i this city , where the groom is well and fav- rably known , receiving the congratulations f friends , leaving for their home at Akron , n the noon train. Tun TIUBCNE adds its earty congratulations and best wishes. ISK CAIN On Sunday cening , Nov. JiSth , J& > 8 , at the icsidence of Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Burgess , Mr. Samuel Fisk , and Miss Ida Cain , both of McCook , Neb. . Rev. J. W. Kimmel officiating. iEE GAINES On Monday evening. Nov. 29 , 3S8G , at the same place , and by the same clergyman. Clarence B. LeeofElwood , Neb. , and editor of the Gospcr Co. Citizen , to Miss CoraE. Gaines , of HJjrhland , Gospcr county Nebraska. Mr. and Mrs. Burgess pioved themselves jual to the occasion of two weddings In tw o lys at their pleasant home. A most exeel- nt repast was served on each occasion , and IB favored guests did ample justice to the )0d things provided , and extended most : arty congratulation and best wishes to the ippy partners for life. The bride and groom ill at once take up their residence at Elwood id unite in making the Citizen succeed. Mr. id Mrs. Fisk will reside in McCook. HELP WANTED. A. girl to do general housework. In- lire at once at Scott's Jewelry Store , cCook , Neb. WANTED. A good , competent girl to do general mse work. Inquire at FIRST NATIONAL BANK. FOR SALE. A set of heavy harness new. tn- lire of W. CS The "Golden Anchor" is the best , stest selling nickel cigar in the city , robst Bros , sell it. Try the Commercial House , when McCook , jpst once ! SUPERB QUARTERS. Monday < f this week , The Frees & Hocknell Lumber Co. moved into their new quarters in the brick structure just completed for their reception , on the site of their old and humbler quarters on South Main Avenue. We will-not again enter into a lengthy description of tho building , epitomizing into the incontrovertible statement , after a thor ough inspection , that they have the most & \ convenient , comfortable and tho best equipped lumber office in Nebraska. The lower story is sub-divided into three compartments , each fully furnished with. reference to its particular purpose , the * , rear one , from which the spacious , fire- J proof vault is-entered , bein ; * the private office ot President Hocknell. The up- , \j ? ' per floor contains office rooms en suite , v- the rear ones being now occupied by ' Morlan & Cochran , for whom they wtre J specially designed. The firm have fur- | nished them handsomely and elegantly j and can safely claim appointments un surpassed in this part of the state. The * ) entire building is heated by steam , it ! being perhaps the first and only steam heating apparatus in the Valley. It is fl. great economizer of fuel , needs little attention , works like a charm , and Mr. Hocknell -highly pleased therewith. C. IT. Meeker put the same in. The building is the handy work of Contrac tor Collins. The company and city are i to be congratulated in the completion of the Hocknell brick. NOTICE. All parties knowing themselves indebted to us must call at our of fice and sett/e before December 31st , either with cash or bankable paper. We will sell only for CASH during December. Persons having accounts against us will please present them at once for payment. The Frees & Hocknell Lumber Co. Try the Commercial House , when in McCook , just once ! LOANS ! LOANS ON REAL ESTATE PROMPTLY FURNISHED ANT ) MONEY ADVANCED FOR FINAL PROOFS BY COLE & MOSS. Try the Commercial House , when in mcCook , just once ! BEST BARGAINS YET ! WE SELL 13 Ibs. Granulated Sugar for - $1.00 14 Ibs. Extra C. Sugar for - § 1.00 1C Ibs. Prunes for - - $1.00 6 Cans Syrup Peaches , n-lbs. full , $1.00 Also ALL Groceries , Clothing , Hats , Caps , Boots , Shoes , Dry Goods , and Notions , as cheap as any house in town. WILCOX & FOWLER. Real Estate Loans. We have completed arrangements whereby we can furnish those who want a loan , money on real estate , promptly and without the usual disappointing delays. Call and see us. * We are al so prepared to make chattel mortgage loans. CITIZENS BANK. Notice of Co-partnership. The undersigned have associated themselves as co-partners for three years from this date , in the wholesale und retail butcher and packing busi ness. C. T. BREWER , F. S. WILCOX. McCook , Neb , Nov. 27,1SSG. FARM LOANS. Cash Down. No Delay. No need of waiting to send off appli- jations. Money paid over as soon as papers are completed. Call on or ad- Iress , RED WILLOW Co. BANK , 43-tf Tndianola , Neb SPECIAL NOTICE. I can adjust , repair , readjust , and ebuild as good as new , any sewing uachine ever made. Call at my shop > n West Dennison street , opposite ? ade & Son. J. G. MECHAM. DON'T BE AFRAID If you see Deputy Sheriff Bennett ioming after you. Dr. Kay has placed lis accounts in the hands of the depu- y , who is rustling after the doctor's ; reditors in dead earnest , that's all. PAY UP. All parties knowing themselves to be ndebted to C. T. Brewer , will greatly iblige him by settling the same within 10 day ? , either by cash or note. Make o mistake , this means business. C. T. BREWER. . MONEY TO LOAN o On farms. Applications filled at once. ! unds plenty. No delay. Call at Com- icrcial hotel. I. T. BENJAMIN , McCook , Neb. Attention Smokers ! With every 25 cents worth of goods ought at the Distribution Cigar Store , ticket in the grand drawing is given. Rooms for Rent. Two furnished sleeping rooms for 5nt. Inquire of W. W. BROWN.