The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, November 25, 1886, Image 5

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Thursday , November 25,1886.
Indicates thut your subscription to till
iwpcr UAH KXh-iitKU , and thut it conli :
invitation Is extended to cull ami rcnoi
tlie Bame. Subscription , ? 2 per year.
Local Intelligence.
\C Scale books for sale here.
Sweet cider at the City Bakery.
The "Golden Anchor" City Bakery
" * Noble & Brickey , tlic leadinj
grocer * .
< \
23 ? For fit and style , try J. F ,
" Lemons , Oranges and Sane ;
Kraut at Wn.cox & FOWI.KR'S.
Pianos and organs for rent at Scott's
jewelry store.
Oysters in all .styles at Probst Bros ,
oyster parlors.
Blank school district order books ii ;
stock at this office.
Try that delicious sweet cider al
Probst Bros1 , bakery.
The American Settler's Guide foi
sale at this office.
Frank Siddall's famous soap for sale
at J. C. Allen & Co.'s.
A full line of hardware , stoves and
tinware at C. D. Palmer's.
J. F. Ganschow takes the lead in la
dies' Fine Shoes. Try him.
Itemember that Probst Bros. arr.
headquarters for fine candies.
The best Boots and Shoes for the
least money , at .J. F. Ganschow's.
Don't pay big prices for Organs , but
call on McCrackcn and save money.
C. D. Palmer , opposite McEntce , is
the best place to buy your hardware.
Stoves blacked and sec up on short
notice. W. C. LaToCRETTB & Co.
25y Two quarts of Cranberries for 2" )
cents at Wu.cox & FOWMCR'S.
Go to J. F. Ganschow's Boot and
Shoe Emporium for ladies' fine shoes.
The most complete line of heating
stoves in McCook at W. C. LaTourctte
& Go's.
J. F. Ganschow makes a specialty of
fine shoes. All widths and styles , from
a B to EE Isist
Do you want new mica in your heat
ing stoves ? W. C. LaTourctte & Co. ,
have all sizes.
A farm for rent. One-half mile
northwest of the city. Inquire at the
McCook Liquor Store.
A well selected assortment of fresh
candies at Noble & Brickey's. Their
stock is fresh and clean.
Bcde & Wiley have some special
bargains in real estate. Office , 1st door
south of THE TRIBUNE office.
One good residence lot for sale. De
sirable location. Inquire of Samuel
Scott at Scott's jewelry store.
Queensware in the latest styles ,
plain and ornamented , at the leading
grocer ? Noble & Brickey's.
Pocket state maps at this offlce.
These maps are just from the press and
are accurate and complete to date.
Buy your baking powder at Noble &
Bricklcy's new grocery store , and se
cure one of those handsome pictures.
Another new departure. We will
have in a few days u full line of sheet
music at McGracketi's Music Store.
Dry goods , clothing , and everything
in the general merchandise line , at
Ilayden's old stand , J. C. Allen & Co.
licniciubcT that Noble & Briekcy are
headquarters for everything fresh and
clean in the staple and fancy grocery
The new firm of J. C. Allen & Co. ,
successors to Hoyden & Co. , make a
specialty of fresh , staple and fancy
G. B. Nettleton is age.nt for a horse ;
po\ver feed grinder , with attachment
for shelling corn or any other kind of
rotary work.
A rare chance to get an organ or a
piano by taking it on the rent plan.
Get terms at once at Scott's jewelry
store on Main Avenue.
o to Ilarvcy Bros , for chop
feed , new corn meal , rye , graham , and
all the best brands of flour. New car
ir " load just received.
= - Prices will tell , and people know a
good thing when they sec it. Four of
the Western Cottage Organs sold in
C - *
one week by McCraekcn.
We have just received a nice line of
calling cards of the latest styles. Also
have in stock an assortment of fraterni
ty cards. Call and see them.
A good piece of land for sale within
the incorporation of McCook. Fine lo
cation for small fruit and garden. In
quire at Scott's jewelry store.
The ladies of the Congregational So
ciety are prepared to make comforts
and bedding. Orders left with Mrs.
Lowman will receive prompt attention.
Snug November weather , this.
Probst Bros. " parlors for oysters.
See Ludwick & Trowbridge's new ad
Organs and pianos for rent at Scott' ;
jewelry store.
y. 1' . A. at William Coy's residence
to-morrow evening.
Chocolate Cream Coffee at J. C. Al
len & Co.'s new store. '
Both , ChrSstmasand Nc.w Year conn
on Saturday , this year ;
A social dance is advertised at the
Opera Hall , the evening.
Diphtheria is uncomfortably preval
ent in our city , in a virulent form.
Don't fail to see that line of elegant
heaters atV. . C. LaTourctte &CVs.
The family of Charles Ilinman are
recovering from an attack of diphtheria ,
This week , J. F. Ganschow says his
little speech on the boot and shoe ques
Patroni/.e and . .support home enter-
prize by buying your blanks at thia
In this issue will be found a few
bargain annoutKtinients by Wilcox &
The new boilers for the water works ,
arrived , this week , and are being placed
in position.
H ? Best Mince Meat in the market
at Wilcox & Fowler's. Only 12 cents
per pound.
The City Drug Storehas provided a
night bell for the assistance of their
nocturnal visitors.
Ladies arc always proud of a nice
shoe and a good fit. J. F. Ganschow
can please you ail.
A fine lot of new and popular Sheet
Music , Song Books , etc. , at McCrack-
en's Music Store.
The ' 'Golden Anchor' ' is the best ,
fastest selling nickel cigar in the city.
Probst Bros , sell it.
The new grocerstore of Noble &
Brickey is the place to purchase your
groceries and provisions.
We undersand that local talent will ,
are long , place som'c play on the boards
for our amusement-seeking people.
The. first of next week , J. C. Allen
S : < V will receive a fine large stock oi
aoots and shoes , hats and caps , etc.
The holiday season is approaching ,
ind every merchant should advertise in
n-der to > ccure his share of the trade.
a new suit of Clothes , an
Jvercoat. a Fur Cap , or Woolen Goods
For a November zephyr , come to re-
riew the matter , last Tuesday's was a
; error even to the "oldest citizen ! "
A specialty of groceries , provisions ,
jueensware , and in fact everything In
he grocery line , at Noble & Brickey's.
A young lady named Carl , residing
n West McCook , is seriously ill with
liphtheria. Her recovery is hardly ex
The cold hand ol death has been
aid heavily upon West McCook , this
veek , leaving sad hearts and desolate
Stop paying big prices for organs and
) ianos and go to Scott's jewelry store
, nd rent one. and thus save your money.
] all and gel terms.
Arc you in search of an excellent
lish of oysters , call at Probst Bros. '
ystcr parlors , where you can get the
icst , cooked in any style.
The school banking system grows in
avor. The children of our public
chools now have over $100 in the bank ,
r in exact figures , § 100.35.
The young people of Brush Creek
iidulged in a pleasant party at the resi-
cnce of II. 11. Pickens wf the South
iidc , the latter of the week past.
The first of the week , H. G. Dixon ,
cal estate agent , effected the sale of
Irs. McGill's house and lots 7 and S
i block 3 , South McCook , to John S.
Disease of some nature , probably the
errible cholera , is making some in-
oads upon swine , in this county. Al-
eady we learn of considerable losses in
ome localities.
Brawn and muscle are evidently at a
igh premium , concluding from the
rugal use made thereof by some of our
itizens in removing "the beautiful"
rom their sidewalks.
Let's see. This is the mild winter
used to hear somewhat about , is it
ot ? We observe , however , that it is
oing desperate execution on the coal
ml wood piles , just the same.
The young people will remember the
looting of the Y. P. A. at William
'oy's ' , to-morrow evening. They are
lost entertaining and instructive as
ell. Don't fail to be present.
Probst Bros , of the City Bakery ,
till lead in the fine candy trade and
id excellent assortment they have
ist received , sustains their already
idely known reputation for handling
ic freshest , purest and best candies in
city. If you want a real toothsome
Probst Bros , hare it.
We understand that a gcntlcmat
from Illinois has been looking over tin
rity and surrounding country , and thai
he has decided to put in a large clcva
tor at this point.
From a member of the late firmvc
learn that the co-partnership heretofore
existing between'Messrs. Jennings and
Starbnck in the practice , of law , haj
been dissolved by mutual consent.
Toiling farmer , give us your ear. Do
you propose to crib your corn on the
ground , this season , and lose a propor
tion of your crop , or are you doing the
part of wisdom and putting up good
cribs ?
Another monthand ; it will be time
to hang up your stockings. If you
want to see old Santa Claus come down
flic chimney , get one of those elegant
new library lamps , at McMillen &
Weeks' , McXecly Block.
A restaurant has been opened by
Philip Weick on South Main Avenue.
Mr. Weick will be remembered as the
unfortunate man who lost his right
hand in a railroad accident in the city
yards , some months since.
The Young Peoples' Association will
hold a song sen ice at the Congrega
tional church , next Sabbath evening ,
at G o'clock , mountain time. All mem
bers are expected to attend. An earn
est invitation is given to all others.
The front rooms in the McNeely
brick , ovor McMillen & Weeks' drug
store , have been rented by Dr. T. B.
Stutzman , who will occupy the same on
nr about December 1st. The doctor
will have handsome and convenient
quarters. _
It is the universal verdict of the
profession that the longer one conducts
i newspaper business and moralizes up-
Dii people and events , the more deeply
impressed does he become of the im
possibility of the feat of scratching
jvery man just where that genus homo
itches the most acutely.
The Scientific American , referred to
n another column , under the heading
) f "Patents , " is the very best publica
tion in this country for those interested
n science , engineering , mechanics , in
; entions , etc. A copy of the Scicntifii
: \.merican may be scon at the office o
; his paper , where subscriptions will bi
GATHERED HOMK Major and Mrs ,
tl. F. Williams mourn the ttntimcl
Icalh of their infant boy , whose re
nains were tenderly laid away in Long
iew Cemetery. Saturday afternoon
DUE TKIISUNE hastens to tender the
lympathy of this people to the bereav
id ones , and to offer such consolation
is may be under the circumstances.
It might be a good idea to pctitior
Fudge Gaslin to call a grand jury for
he next term of the district court ,
lascala generally have a wholesome
[ read of the grand jury. It will do ef-
ectivcly what the city government docs
lot have the inclination or back-bone
o do rid the community to a birgc
ixtentof its super-abundance of disrep-
So numerous have been the inquiries
irectcd to Rev. Kelscy concerning the
ystem of school banking , now in vogue
n this city , that he has been compelled
o have some circulars struck , expiain-
iig its working ? , in order to facilitate
orrespondeiice * and economize time ,
'he system is destined to prevail
hroughout tho state and nation , when
roperly understood and appreciated.
Having secured an ample subscrip-
ion from our business men , John
Ihurchfield will enter upon the duties
f night watchman. If Johnnie makes
s faithful a watchman over the inter-
sts of the BUSINESS MEN , as he made
rustling street sprinkler , he will give
rpt-class satisfaction. The business
icn want their interests protected , and
lis the now watchman promises to do.
The game" don't require it.
The gamblers and pimps in general
ublicly parade and announce their dc-
H-mination "to run THE TRIUI'NK out
f the city. " The task may be easy of
ccomplishincnt. But in the mean-
mc , while continuing on in the even
; nor of our course , we promise the de-
ictable gang of toughs to digress suf-
cicntly to occasionally bruah the pes-
y flies off their carcasses , as they pro-
jcd in their missionary work.
From good authority we learn that
jcncies are now at work in Frontier
ninty which are expected to result in
county-seat "racket , " "when the
iring time comes , gentle Annie. " As
icre are some seven or eight hundred
tilroad construction hands in the coun-
* , the wisdom and unfairness of the
leged movement is apparent. But
jservation teaches that the latter ele-
cnt will not seriously interfere with
ic desired result. Hitchcock county
ill doubtless send greetings and com-
The oyster supper at the M. E.
hurch , last Friday evening , under the
ispices of the ladies of the Mite S6
ety of that church , was a most satis-
ictory affair , socially , as las % in its
lancial results , the net proceeds be-
g over thirty dollars , which goes to-
ard liquidating the debt incurred by
ic ladies in the purchase of the church
irniture seats , etc. , an obligation
avely assumed , which the society
mdly hopes to meet fully with another
their felicitous socials. THE TRIH-
* wishes all such'agencies God-speed.
Monday , Drs. Kay and Davis perform
ed the delicate operation , known ii
medical parlance as tracheotomy , upoi
11. II. Williams' youngest daughter ,
who was at death's door with tha
dreadful disease , membraneous croup
The operation was skillfully and satis
factorily handled , ay ! M > e patient , uj
to the time of our giving to press , ha :
been doing as well as can be expectei
under the inauspicious circumstances ,
although she remains weak and is not
yet out of dangei' * Tracheotomy , it is
perhaps unnecessary for us to state , is
the operation of making an opening in
to the trachea , the wind pipe ; it is .1
most difficult and hazardous one , ami
has been performed but few times in
deed in the history of medical science
in Nebraska. THE TRIIJUNE joins the
distressed ones , and this entir'j com
munity , in the hope that the little suf
ferer may again be restored to health.
The doctors remain with her alway ,
day and night , and everything possible
is beitii : done.
Diphtheria , which prevails in the city
to some extent , last Sunday , claimed the
five-year-old daughter of Norman Van
Awken of West McCook. as its victim.
The funeral took place from the resi-
lence of the bereaved parents , Monday
morning , the remains beiii'j interred in
the cemetery in the northwestern part of
the city. AVc learn that the mother and
mother child arc also down with the
> auie disease. We feel the insufficiency
) f words in such cases , but extend this
sympathy and consolation on the part of
Jiis community , knowing and realizing
; hc necessity of looking to Him , who
ilonc can meet the wants of the broken
icarted. Mr. Van Awkcn is employed
n the B. & M. shops , and came to this
sity , some months since , from Saline
: ounty.
People do learn the stern lessons of
ixpcricncc , hut they are sometimes
; low about profiting thereby. It has
ieen demonstrated , be believe , that
lock fare better on food and protcc-
ion during our rigorous winters than
hey do on the vaunted pure air of this
ection. Nevertheless many n foolish
nan has been theorizing and cxperi-
nnnting on the pure air and iiO'shelter
iroposition , again this winter , to his
orrow and loss severe. Farmers and
tockmcn , and every farmer in Bed
Villow county ought to be a stockman
o the fullest extent of his means , your
uty to your stock is clear , wholesome
ood , pure water and good shelter ,
'hcse produce prime animals , for which
he demand is never met.
The first of next month , T. E. Mc-
Jracken , who has until just recently
een employed in the U. S. Land Of-
cc , will embark in the fire insurance
usiness in this city. Mr. McGracken
as had considerable experience in the
usiness , and as he has already secured
lie agency of a number of the best
ompanies in the land , and will give
lie matter his undivided attention , he
ill doubtless build up a-very satisfac-
jry business. He will make his head-
uartcrs at F. L. McCracken's jewelry
Some time next week , lion. G. L.
taws and family expect to establish
icir residence in the city of Lincoln ,
'hat ' their departure will be a matter
F general regret in this city , is put-
tig it mildly , and that this people joins
HE TRIBUNE in wishing them all man-
cr of pleasant things during their so-
> urn in our gay Capital City is an
Dually tender and truthful sentiment ,
fe say sojourn , because , in the full-
3ss of time , we hope to number them
inong our citizens again.
Protests Against Final Proof.
Those who imagine that the protests very
iccntly filed at the McCook Land Oflice
institute a new feature in the land practice
this district , arc respectfully referred to
e records of that office , which show that
itwcen twenty-live and thirty such protests
ivebecn filed since January 1st , 1SSG.
Furthermore , it will be seen that no one
in has monopolized this important branch
the land practice , but that a large number
the leading attorneys of JloCook have ap-
iared as counsel for the protestants.
Instead of keeping the matter quiet and
lowing purchasers of real estate to "go it
ind. " it would be far better to caution
cry purchaser of laud for which final
oof has been made , but upon which patent
is not been issued , to at least make some
rjuiry with a view to ascertaining whether
e original cntryman procured his final
rtilicatc by submitting false and fraitdu-
it proof. Such a warning may prove time-
, for unless the history of the McCook
id district shall prove very unlike other
Uriels in this and other states , the number
such protects will greatly increase during
e next two or three years.
R. W. C. T. A.
Fhe lied Willow County Teachers' Asso-
ition , at its last session , requested that the
: retary publish sentences in tho county
pens requesting specimens of penmanship ,
said sentences , from pupils of all grades ,
be presented at its next session , to be held
Indianola , Xeb. , on the lirst Friday and
turday after the first Monday in February.
In compliance with the above request , the
lowing sentences have been selected , viz :
Jnward and upward.
L'ruth crushed to earth will rise again.
tVe earnestly request all teachers in the
.mty to encourage their pupils in this work
much as possible.
LVK CHRYSLER , Secretary.
UTim TniRL'.VE stationery department
ly be found the following Hue of fniterni-
cartls in stock : G. A. Jl. , U. of L. E. , B.
L. F. , 0.11. C. , U. of R. B. , A. O. of U.
„ I. O. O. F. , K. P. , A.'F. & A. 31. . Teleg-
> hers. etc. Call and inspect them , if
u dwiro anything in that line ,
C ? tJndei thl * head we would lu > \
liavo our friends throughout the city i .
us of thunrrivnt and dcimrturuol'thvlrvislioi
Mrs. W.r. . llockwood left , Friday eve :
ing on Xo. 40 , for Norton , Kan.
C. F. Babcock returned , the first of tl
week , from his short visit east.
I. J. Starbuck left for Iowa , Sunday , w
understand , for some line horses.
15. C. Whitney of this city was registers
at the Windsor , Liifcoln , Tuesday.
1) . J. Smith came down from Wnno , Kan
Friday evening , on a little matter of busines
Co. Supt. Wheeler of the 'Varsity towi
made a Hying visit to the metropolisTue.sdai
Secretary Laws went down to Omaha an
'Lincoln , Sunday morning , returning , to-da }
Ex-County Clerk We.stgate of Curtis , wa
before the U. S. Land Oflice , Tuesday , o
H. H. Wahlquist has been absent a numbc
of days visiting in Hastings , Lincoln am
It. O. Phillips of the Lincoln Land Cc
was looking after the company's interest
hereabouts , Monday.
Alex. Stewart of Wymore , the well knowi
B. & M. "king of the road , " was in the city
Monday , on business.
I ) . Kendall was about again , ihn tirst o
this week , though still weak from his injuric :
and long confinement.
W. C. AMiwill and W. J. McGHlen o
Stratum came down to town , Saturday even
ing , on business matters.
D. It. Bell , general agent Crete Nurseries
is in town , this week , looking after the Inter
ts of that establishment.
Leonard Meserve went up to Dundy conn
ty's capital , Saturday evening , on a tendei
pilgrimage , returning Monday.
These newspaper headquarters duly ac-
cnowledgea fraternal call , last Friday , from
: he editor of the Hastings Nebraskan.
Edgar W. Lewis , Esq. , and Frank Sdby ,
Esq. , of Cambridge , had home business
.ransactions"in the city , Friday trftcmod
E. C. Ballew , Oscar Shaw and J. H. Good
ich of the county capital , soj-uirned in the
: hicf city , yesterday afternoi"-- - . few hours.
Mrs. Carl Clark left , Satin Iny night , foi
jan Diego , Cal. , in response to a terrain ,
o minister to a sick relative in that far'I
Page Francis and Fred Snow came down
rom the west , this moniini : . ' . < < spend the
hanksgiving season inthccit. , . .vith family
mil friends.
Mr. and Mr * . Frank Harris and the baby
Icpartcd , Friday morning , for Galva , HI. ,
"rank's old home , where they will visit a
vcck or ten days.
Misses Theo. Laws and Edna Meserve
vent down to Cambridge , Friday evening ,
in a short visit to Miss Lutie Babcock , re-
urning homo , Sunday noon.
A. J. Thomas and family arrived in the
ity , Tuesday , and are at present Commcr-
ial I louse guests. Mr. Thomas will prac-
ice his profession dentistry.
Dr. T. B. Stutzman returned homo , Friday
lorning. from Kansas , where he "had been
etained , 25 miles from railroad coinmnni-
ations , since the first of the week , by the
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh W. Cole departed ,
'riday evening last , via Denver , on a bnsi-
css-pleasure trip to Oroat Bend and Lyons ,
[ an. They expect to be absent a week or
? n days.
The following Calvert. Dundy county peo-
le , werctregistered at the Commercial , Fri-
ay : Itobert Schcrmerhorn , II. E. Wells.
I. S. Corey , Mrs. S. Corey , Cal. Storey and
oseph Zeigman.
Mr. and Mrs. F. O. Newman arrived in the
ity , last Thursday , and are at present quar-
jred at the Commercial. Mr. Newman has
iken a position in the Frees & Hoi-knell
.unibw Co.'s ofliee.
District Attorney Morlau was in the city ,
londay , on legal business. He is preparing
) move his law library , etc. , up from Arapa-
ne , to new quarters in the Frees & Hock-
ell Lumber Co.'s brick building.
Mrs. J. E. Berger and Miss Flora Shaw
cut down to Indianola , Tuesday evening.
> witness the marriage of their sister. Miss
'cttie Shaw and Mr. Will McKhmey. which
anspired on Wednesday evening.
C. A. Nettletou left , this morning , on n
anting expedition to tho northwestern part
[ thestate. lie will be absent until the
rst of the year , and expects to make North
lattc the base from which to operate.
Mr. and Mrs. C. W. OiU-H of Brooklyn , la. ,
irents of Mrs. B. F. Olrott and E. B ] Odell.
rived in the city , Tuesday noon , on a visit
some length. Miss Vinnie Olcott , who
is been visiting in Iowa , accompanied them.
C. II. Meeker of the city waterworks went
nvn to Lincoln , this morning , on important
isiuess in connection with some recent
ents which have transpired in the service ,
he probabilities seem to be bright that some-
ing will drop.
J. A. Hudd. manager for the FreestIlock -
; 11 Lumber Co. at Trenton , camcS down to
e city , last evening , to spend thanksgiving ,
id to help Mr. ami Mrs. 11. Trowbridgo
spose of the conventional turkey and cran-
trrics , for which .John is rated as having a
rge mouth.
Mrs. Dora Archibald and Miss Gertie
rchibald , of Chicago , mother and sister of
aster Mechanic 15. B. Archibald of this
[ y , arrived here on last Thursday evening's
tin , the first through passenger , up to that
ne , since the storm , fortunately for { he
: liesThey remained here , the guests of
r. and Mrs. H. M. Tyler , until Monday ,
lien they went down to "Xeighbors"ranch
utheast of this city , w here they expect to
; it four or live weeks.
A girl to do general housework. Tn-
lire at once at Scott's Jewelry Store ,
cCook , Neb.
Try the Commercial House , when
McCook , just once !
. . . . . \ . . . , _ .
- . \
Accused of Conspiracy. , , 4 ,
H. H. Criswell , a notary of Indianola , ICed
.Willow county , Neb. , was brought into the
city , Monday , in charge of United States
DeputyMarshal Hastings. Criswell is
charged witli conspiracy in certifying falsely
in land entry cases. Omaha Herald.
THE TIUUUNE is sorry to hear of the
above , and feels sure that the Major
was not himself , in the event of his
committing any illegal act , and hope
the matter may be settled as so exon
erating him.
All parties knowing themselves
indebted to us must call at our of
fice and settle before December
31st , either with cash or bankable
paper. We will sell only for CASH
during December. Persons having
accounts against us will please
present them at once for payment.
The Frees & Hocknoll Lumber Co.
Try the Commercial House , when
in McCook , just once !
Try the Commercial House , when
in McCook , just once !
As agent , I will ofl'er on Saturday ,
Nov. 27tb , 1880 , commencing at 10
o'clock A. M. , atlndianola , Xeb. , to the
highest bidder , at Public Auction , as
follows : GO head of cows , calves , heif
ers and steers ; 1 fine yearling Hereford
bull ; ( i head of fine young mares ; 1
icliling ; (51) ( to 75 head of hogs ; 40
head oi'she" ] ) 'J fin V.TUIO bucks ; 1
sulky nik i rnowh.t 'MIIC ; 1 stil ;
ley and i--- vul walking . ; 2 Acme
and 1 Disc harrow ; 1 t. . . --igon ; 2
double set oi' harness : 1 n- , 'ottage
organ ; some househoM goods , . .toth \
er tools and useful things too numerous
to mention.
TERMS : Three months without in
terest , if paid when due , or one year
at 10 percent , given on bankable notes.
10 percent , discount for cash on sums
over $10. All sums under § 10 , cash.
If you see Deputy Sheriff Bennett
coming after you. Dr. Kay has placed
his accounts in the hands of the depu
ty , who is rustling after the doctor's
creditors in dead earnest , that's all.
Real Estate Loans.
We have completed arrangements
whereby we can furnish those who want
ii loan , money on real estate , promptly
and without tlm usual disappointing
ielays. Call and see us. We are al-
io prepared to make chattel mortgage
| O
One new 3-scat , 3-spring wagon : one
second-hand buggy. Also , one 2-seat
covered carriage , second-hand. Will
-ell the above articles at decided bar
gains. Call and see me.
B. F. OLCOTT , Prop. ,
City Livery , McCook , Neb.
From my premises , southeast of Mc-
Uook , 3 two-year-old heifers , branded
vith a bar on each shoulder and hip ,
ind a cross on jaw. A liberal reward
vill be paid for their return or for infor-
nation leading to thyir recovery.
Cash Down. No Delay.
No need of waiting to send off appli-
; ations. Money paid over as soon as
tapers are completed. Call on or ad-
4I--tf Indianola , Neb
I can adjust , repair , readjust , and
ebuild as 'good as new , any sewing
iiacbinc ever made. Call at my shop
in West Dennison street , opposite
'ade & Son. J. G. MECHAM.
Fine location. Tf sold at once. 20
r 32 feet business lot on Main street ,
cxt to LaTourette's hardware store.
\pply \ to II. G. DIXON.
Attention Smokers !
Witb every 23 cents worth of goods
ought at the Distribution Cigar Store ,
ticket in the grand drawing is grven.
Rooms for Rent.
Two furnished sleeping rooms for
2nt. Inquire of W. W. BROWN.
A set of heavy harness new. In-
uire of W. G. SHEPI'ARU.
Tin : TRIBUNE stationer } ' department
as in stock some congress cap writing
a per that will be sold at half-price to
ose out. Tins is a good quality of
. * : i *