The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, November 18, 1886, Image 7

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    Only n Tramp.
A dark December night the snow whirl
ing fiercely round bleak corners mid drilt-
ing in long mounds into the streets.
At n corner , where the liglit from a lump
Tnllu upon him , standu a ragged , niotion-
lefls figure bciirinj : tho outlineH o [ a man.
His rugs flutter in tlie icy blusls , tlie HIIOW-
flnkes eddy around him. drifting about hii
feet as ho stands gazing into the uncur
tained windows of a great house , whence
come sweet strains of music.
Within , a grate glowing with wnrmth
nnd light , rich upholstered furniture , soft
lights , and the group around tho piano.
White lingers fljt acrops the keys and glad
voices attumo themselves to full , rich
I f chords not the cliinsic harmonies of
Handel or Bnch , but the simple , .touch-
ing "Rock of Ages. ' ,
The figure moves nearer , find as a simper
blafit su cops round him shivers and draws
his rags more closely nbout.Yiim. Out in
the night , homeless in the pitiless storm ,
but he is heedless of it all as memory car
ries him backward. Childhood , purity and
love , the strains of music , acd he forgets
what bo has been.
"Hock of Age cleft for me ,
Let me hide myself In Tlice , "
And out from the warmth and splendor tho
words float to tho liHtcner in the wild
storm. He leans wearily against the lamp
post , tho wind rises into a shriek and dies
away in a hollow moan , tho snowflakes
whirling by , for a moment flash diamond
fires , but his senses seem sunk in oblivion.
Suddenly , from out the brouze throat of'
a great clock , jarringand discordant , comes
the stroke of 10.
Housing from his .reverie , he draws his
worn hat over his eyes , and turns into the
dark street going where ?
A tramp. Only a retched outcast , sick
at heart Avitli buffeting the storms of life ,
weary of disappointments and heartaches ,
drifting out toward the great shores of
Eternity , unknown , till at the sound of the
last trump ho answers at the roll-call of the
Eesurrection. [ Detroit Free Press.
Thirteen at Table.
"None of my patrons ever order a din
ner or lunch for thirteen , " said a well-
known caterer. "Perhaps it is out of re-
Bpect for the guests as it is very hard to
Beat a company of thirteen. There IB al
ways one who prefers to wait , and usually
Bonie member of the family retires. At a
recent lunch party in one of our beat fam
ilies , a yjoung lady insisted upon eating at
a side table rather than make a thirteener.
She said she knew ttho would die before the
year was out if she sat nt the table. "
' Do educated , sensible people believe
5 X there is anything in this superstition ? "
"Perhaps not , butit mnkes them uncom
fortable. I served a dinner last year where
thirteen sat at table , and one of the gentle
men took down all the names with the
date. "
' "And have any of them died. "
"I haven't heard of it. But thentho
year isn't out yet. "
"Do you believe there's a fate in it your
self ? "
i "N-o-o ; not exactly , but strange things
do happen. A thirteen-platc dinner never
turns out welJL" _ '
i carrying Debt.
"No , eir ; he did not die of pneumonia ;
ho died of bill brokers , sir. He projected
an unwise improvement of a piece of real
estate , made loans , covered himself with
bonds and mortgages , and finally incurred
a street debt of § 2,000 , which rapidly
rolled up to § 8,000 and crushed tho life
out ? of him. He borrowed money on call ,
got paper discounted , and he worked , lived
and died for the bill brokers. Yes , sir , he
died of a street debt , upon which he ex
pended his strength every week , throwing
it ahead from one day to seven. " [ Dry
Goods Chronicle.
\ YlijISo JBou < ; l t.
\ ; A young man in Cleveland who invested
several thousand dollars in an undevel
oped silver mine was taken to task by a
former business friend of his father's , who
said : "I can't see what on earth possessed
yon to make such an investment. " "Well ,
Y I started out with a determination never
to invest in any stocks which could shrink. "
"But this stock - " "Can't possibly go
lower ; I bought it for 3 cents on the § 1 ,
nnd the seals on the certifica'to are
d cents each for tags on plug tobacco. "
Mr. Charles F. Powell , postmaster ,
Haute. 0. , writes that two of his very Qu
est chickens were recently affected with
roup. He saturated a piece of bread half
an inch square with St. Jacobs oil and fed
it to them. Next day ho examined them
nnd there was no trace of tho dueuse re
, Ho Knew tlio AVcnltucss oftlio Sex- .
"Gracious ! Here comes that Miss FlygFi
who eloped with old Smith sometime ago , '
said Mrs. Brown , nudging 'her husband ; "I
have heard so much about her thafc I want
to get a good look at her face , but I don't
wish to appear rude by staring directly at
her. " "As you have your new bonnet on ,
my dear , " returned Brown , "all you need
do is turn around nssoon as she has passed
nnd you will be sure to get a good view ol
her face. " [ The Judge.
Mr. E. R. Wilson , Grand Eapida. J
reports the case of Mr. H. T. Sheldon , of
Lansing , Mich. , who for several weeks suf
fered from a frightful cough and cold , which
was cured by one bottle of Red Star Cough
Tlio Doctor's Fee.
During the cholera epidemic in Nashville ,
Tenn. , the late Dr. Bowling attended an old
blind nego , who eked out an existence by
playing the flute at the street corners. He
recovered , and with a heart overflowing
with gratitude he took his flute and sat
under the doctor's bedroom window and
played it the whole nightlong. Of all the
large fees he ever received the doctor said
this was the largest. [ Medical Record.
Tlio Duty of State Legislatures.
Legislation should be effected in every
state regulating the sale and use of the
many poisons resorted to by vVomen in
their desperation to obtain beautiful com
plexions , wliile there exists in Dr. Barter's
Iron Tonic every requisite necessary to ac
complish the object without injuring the
health or endangering life.
The first strike on record was made by
Will not soilthe clothing nor stain the
skin. Hall's Hair Renewer. JTry it.
"Ayer's Pills cured me of stomach and
liver troubles. " D. W. Baine , New Berne ,
Regarding : tbc Functions of an Impor
tant Organ ,
Of Which tlio Public Know * but Little ,
Worthy Careful Consideration.
To the Editor of the Scientific American :
Will you permit UH to make known to
the public the facts we have learned during
the past 8 years , concerning disorders of
the Immnn Xidneyn and the organs which
diseased Kidneys so easily break down ?
You are conducting a Scientific paper , and
are unprejudiced except in favor of TRUTH.
It is needless to Kay , no medical Journal of
"CODE" standing would admit these facts ,
for very obvious reasons.
H. H. WARNER & CO. ,
Proprietors of "Warner's Safe Cure. "
That mo may emphasize nnd clearly ex-
plnin the relation the kidneys sustain to
the general health , and how much is de
pendent upon them , we propose , metaphor
ically speaking , to take one from tlie hum an
body , place in the wash-bowl before us ,
and examine it for the public benefit.
You will imagine that wo have before us
a body shaped like a bean , smooth and
glistening , about four inches in length , two
in width , and one in thickness. It ordi
narily weighs in the adult male , about five
ounces , but is somewhat larger in the
female. A small organ ? you say. But un
derstand , the body of the average size man
contains about ten quarts of blood , of
which every drop passes through these
filters or sewers , as they may bo called ,
many times a day , as often as through the
hearr , making a complete revolution in
three minutes. From the blood they
separate the waste material , working away
steadily night and day , sleeping or waking ,
tireless as the heart itself , and fully of as
much importance ; removing impurities from
sixty-five gallons of blood each hour , or
about forty-nine barrels each day , or
9,125 hogshead a year ! What a wonder
that the kidneys can last any length of
time under this prodigious strain , treated
and neglected as they are ?
We slice this delicate organ open length
wise with our knife , and will roughly de
scribe its interior.
We find it to be of a reddish-brown color ,
soft and easily torn ; filled with hundreds of
little tubes , short and thread-like , starting
from' the arteries , ending in a little tuft
about midway from the outside opening
into a cavity of considerable size , which is
called the pelvis or , roughly speaking , a
sac , which is for the purpose of holding the
water to further undergo purification be
fore it passes down from here into the
ureters , and so on to the outsidb of the
body. These little tubes are the filters
which do their work automatically , and
right here is where the disease of the kidney
first begins.
Doing the vast amount of work which
they are Obliged to , from the slightest irreg
ularity in our habits , from cold , from high
living , from stimulants or a thousand and
one other causes which occur every day ,
they become somewhat weakened in their
nerve force.
What is the result ? Congestion or stop
page of the current of blood in the small
blood vessels surrounding them , which be
come blocked ; these delicate membrane
are irritated ; inflammation is set up , then
pus is formed , which collects in the pelvis
or sac ; the tubes are at first partially , and
soon are totally , unable to do their work.
The pelvic sac goes 011 distending with this
corruption , pressing upon the blood ves
sels. All this time , remember , the blood ,
which is entering the kidneys to be filtered ,
is passing through this terrible , disgusting
pus , for it cannot take any other route !
Stop and think of it fora moment. Do
you realize the importance , nay the vital
necessity , of having the kidneys in order ?
Can you expect when they are diseased or
obstructed , no matter how little , that
you can have pure blood and escape dis
ease ? It would be just as reasonable to
expect , if a pest house were set across
Broadway and countless thousands were
compelled to go through its pestilential
doors , an escape from contagion and dis
ease , as for one to expect the blood to es
cape pollution when constantly running
through a diseased kidney.
Now , what is the result ? .Why , that the
blood takes up and deposits this poison as
it sweeps along into every organinto
every inch of muscle , tissue , flesh and bone ,
from your head to .your feet. And when
ever from hereditary influence or other
wise , some part of the body is weaker than
another , a countless train of diseases is
established , such as consumption in weak
lungs , dyspepsia , where there is n delicate
stomach ; nervousness , insanity , paralysis
or heart disease in those who have weak
The heart must soon feel the effects of the
poison , as it requires pure blood to keep it
in right action. It increases its stroke in
number and force to compensate for the
natural stimulus wanting , in its endeavor
to crowd tho impure blood through this
obstruction , causing pain , palpitation , or
an outofbreathfeeling. . Unnatural as
this orced labor is , the heart must soon
falter , becoming weaker and weaker until
one day it suddenly stops , and death from
apparent "heart disease" is the verdict.
But the medical profession , learned and
dignified , call these diseases by high sound
ing names , treat them alone , nnd patients
die , for the arteries are carrying slow death
to the affected part , constantly adding fuel
brought from these suppurating , pus-laden
kidneys which here in our wash-bowl are
very putrefaction itself , and which should
have been cured first.
But this is not all the kidneys have to
do ; for you must remember that each
adult takes about seven pounds of nourish- '
ment every twenty-four hours to supply
the waste of the body which is constantly
going on , a waste equal to the quantity
taken. This , too , the kidneys have to
separate from the blood with all other de
composing matter.
But .you say , "My kidneys are all right.
I have no pain in the back. " Mistaken
manl People die of kidney disease of so
bad n character that the organs arc rotten ,
and yet they have never there had a pain
nor an ache !
Why ? Because the disease begins , as we
have shown , in the interior of the kidney ,
where there are few nerves of feeling to con
vey the sensation of pain. Why this is so
we may never know.
When you consider their great work , tlie
delicacy of their structure , the ease with
which they are deranged , can you wonder
nt tho ill-health of our men and women ?
Health nnd long life cannot be expech-d
when so vital an organ is impaired. No
wonder some writers Hiiy we are dpgem-r-
nting. Don't you see the great , tlie ex
treme importance of keeping this machin
ery working order ? Could the finest en
gine do even a fractional part of this work
without attention from the enginer ? Don't
you see how dangerous this hidden disease
is ? It is lurking about us constantly , with
out giving any indication of its presence.
The most skillful physicians cannot de
tect it nt times , for the kidneys themselves
cannot be examined by any means which
we Have at our command. Even an analy
sis of tho water , chemically and microscop
ically , reveals nothing definite in many
cases , even when tho kidneys aro fairly
broken down.
Then look out for them , as disease , no
matter where situated , to 93 per cent , as
shown by nfter death examinations , lies
its origin in tho breaking down of these se
creting tubes in the interior of the kidney.
As you value health , as you desire long
life free from sickness and suffering , give
hese organs sora e attention. Keep them
in good condition and thus prevent ( as is
easily done ) all disease.
Warner's Safe Cure , as it becomes year
after year better known for its wonderful
cures and its power over the kidneys , has
done and is doing more to increase the
average duration of life than nil the phj-si-
cians and medicines known. Warner's Sufe
Cure is a true specific , mild but certain ,
harmless butenergetic and agreeable to the
Take it when sick as a cure , and never let
a month go by if you need it , without tak
ing a few bottles as a preventive , that the
kidneys may be kept in proper order , the
blood pure , that health and long life may
be your blessing.
, 'licro GciiiiiH Is Admired.
A stranger who had just arrived at a
country hotel in Arkansaw became in
volved in a discussion with tho clerk.
Finally the stranger , striking the rough
pine counter with his fist , exclaimed : "You
are the bigge-st liar in Arkansaw ! " The
clerkinstead of becoming offended , said :
"Let me see you a minute , please. " He
drew tho stranger asido and remarked :
"Who told you ? " "Who told me what ? "
"That I am the biggest liar in the state. "
"No one. " "Then how did you find out ? "
"I knew it at a ghince. " "My friend , " said
the clerk , affectionately placing one hand
on the stranger's shoulder , "you are the
sharpest man I ever saw ; it took me some
time to find it out , but I am the biggest *
liar in the state ; if you were as good a
judge of a hoes as you are of a man you
could soon get rich in this country ; slay at
our house as long as you please , and your
board shall not cost you a cent ; you will
not find a place in this country where
genius is admired so much as it is at this
hotel. "
The matter for wonder and astonishment
is-this : When Remus jumped over his
brother's little city wall , how were his
sprains and bruises Qured without Salva
tion Oil ?
Metaphor I. Chase is the name of a Ilav-
crhill , Mass. . citizen.
Bo merciful to dumb animals. Heal
all open sores and cuts with. Stewart's
Healing Po.wder , 15 and 50 cents a boz.
The hiickmen of M > ntreal decided not to
work any more on Sunday.
Larson , of Kirkman , la. , in expressing his
gratitude to the proprietors of Allen's
Lun Balsam , writes : ' 'I firmly believe my
wife would have died of consumption , if
not for the timely use of your balsam. "
Buy the § 1 bottle for Lung Diseases.
Bicyclist Stevens , now in China , expects
to reach home by Christmas.
PATENTS obtained by Louis Badger &Co. , At
torneys , Washington , I ) . C. Esfd 1EC1. Advice free
A high school girl at Bay City , Mich. ,
quotes Shakespeare in her sleep.
( iMDTUAL. )
IT is HEREBY CERTIFIED , That the Plieiiix
Live Stock ( Mutual ) Insurance Company
of Omaha , in the State of Nebraska , has
complied with the insurance law of this
State , and is authorized to transact the
business of Live Stock Insurance in the
State for the current year.
, > Witness my hand and the seal
SEAI. , . of said office , the day and year
' ' first above written.
Auditor Public Accounts.
Swine are not treated fairly. They are
hung first and tried afterward.
How to Ulalto Ittouey.
No matter in what part you are located ,
you should write to' Hallett & Co. , Port
land. Maine , and receive , free , information
about work you can do and live at home ,
at a proXit of from § 5 to § 25 and upwards
daily. Some have madeover § 50 in a day.
All is new. Capital not needed ; Hallett &
Co. , will start you. Either sex ; all ages.
Those who commence at once will make
sure of snug little fortunes. Write and see
for yourselves.
Nellie Grant will visit her mother again ,
leaving Liverpool some time in December.
Small Size , Small Dose , Small Price ,
Strong points in favor of CARTER'S LITTLE
Even the worm will turn , and so will the
oyster , if you keep it too long.
etc. , should try "Brown's Brochial Tro
ches. " a simple but sure remedy.
There are 365 colleges in the United
Shoe nnil hardware dealers sell Lyoii's Heel Still-
encrs ; they keep boots and shoes straight.
Spirit wrappings Jugs and bottles.
The most practical , large sized
Oil Can in the market. Lames are
filled direct by the pump without
lilting can. No drip KB oil on
Floor or Table. No Faucet to
leak and waste contents or cause
explosions. Closes perfectly air
tight. 3fo teatace-Xo Evap-
orutlon Abnolutcly nfe.
Don't bo Humbugged Tfith
worthless imitations. Bay tho
"Good Enough. "
_ _ Warren , Ohio.
Sold by First-Clau Dealers everywhere.
Two viMltors from 7VIu kcgoii , Illicit.
New Orleans has been complimented by
n visit from two dis'inguished citizens of
Muskegon , ifich. ifessrH. William H.
Brown and Charles J. Herrmann.
The cause of this unexpected visit was
n Louisiana State Lottery ticket bearing
tho numbers 20,442 , which , in the Drawing
of Oct. 12 , drew the capital prize of § 75-
Mr. Herrmann , the holder of one-fifth of
tlio prize ticket , and his employer , Mr. Wm.
H. Brown , President of the Lewis L. Arms'
Shingle and Lumber Company , at Muskc-
1:011. concluded to make n pleasure trip to
the Crescent City.
On their arrival they registered at the
St. Charles Hotel , where they still remain ,
and on Thursday morning visited the head
quarters of the Lottery Company , on St.
Charles street. They were politely received
and requested to call nt noon , when a
check for § 15,000 would be ready for them.
Promptly- the hour both gentlemen
returned , and , being introduced to the
'writer , the following facts were elicited :
Mr. Herrmann , a young man , for many
years in the employ of the shingle and lum
ber company named above , has played but
once before in the lottery. Last month he
wrote to a friend residing in Plaquemine ,
Ln. , for n fractional pirt ; of a ticket , and
that friend very kindly sent him the win
ner of the capital prize.
Unaccustomed to travel , and being more
of a workingman than a financier , he in
vited Mr. Brown to make tho trip with
him , and , under the circumstances , it is
presumed that their first impressions of
New Orleans are favorable.
A check for § 15,000 having been given
them in exchange for the ticket they held ,
they departed for the New Orleans National
Bank and converted it into sight en New
Messrs. Brown and Herrmann are intelli
gent business men , representatives of one
of tho largest interests in their State , con
trolling a mill which turns out annually
80,000,000 shingles , to siy nothing of
dressed lumber. They will depart for the
West on Sunday. New Orleans ( La. ) Picay
une , Oct. 23.
Secretary Lamar rides an old brown nag
that stands without hitching.
IT WILL PAY all our readers to peruse very
carefully the article elsewhere copied from
the Scientific American , addressed to that
dispassionate paper , and reproduced herein
because it is of very great value to every
one , containing some important scientific
facts very plainly put.
Lehigh university has a "Mustard nnd
Cheese Dramatic club. "
Tliey Brine ; Natural Color
to chrsek and lips , CARTER'S IROX PILLS.
Lcvi P. Morton paid § 80,000 for the es
tate of Hon. William Kelly at llhinebeck.
3 months' treatment for 50c. Tlso'a Remedy for
Catarrh. Sold by druggists.
The Charleston earthquake is no great
shakes , after all.
Every person is interested in their own
affairs , nnd if this meets the eye of anyone
who is suffering from the effects of a torpid
liver , we will admit that he is interested in
getting well. Get a bottle of Prickly Ash
Bitters , use it as directed , and you will al
ways be glad you read this item.
The "Mrs. Cleveland Chrysanthemum" is
a this year's seedling , white and very fine.
Tho Omaha Typj foundry can furnish
new newspaper outfitH on short notice.
Prices same as in Chicago and freight
already paid to Omahn.
Thousands who have been troubled with tliatdl >
asrccnble flow from the nose , offensive breath , piin :
OMT and between the eyes , rinslns and Irarsilu , ;
r.o'ses in th'j cars , nn-1 other disagreeable symptoms
of catanh , ha\ebeen entirely cure , ! by Hood's Sar-
sapnrllla , tl.e best bloccl-purif } ins medicine. It ei-
pcls evtry taint of impurity from the blood , vitalizes
and enriches itand also Improves theKcner.iN.ea'.th.
If 5011 fuGerlrom catanh , try Hood'sSarsaprllla.
"I hae Lccn troubled with catarrh about a year ,
ransiiiK Rrcat sorcnogs of the bronclal tubes and ter-
I'blc headache. I w the advertisement of Hood's
Saisapcrllla as a cure for catarrh , and after taking
only one bottle I am much better. Jly tatarrli is
cuieJ , my throat is entirely well , and my headache
has all disappeared. " I ! . Giunoxs , Hamilton , Butler
county , O ,
"HooTs Earsaparilla 1ms helped me more for
crt in li nnd Impure bleed than anything else I ever
used. " A. BALL. Sjratuse , X. 1" .
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Sold by all druggists. SI ; six for S3. Prepared
byC. 1.1IOOD& CO. , Apothecaries , Lowell ,
IOO Doses One Dollar
energetic worker ; buKinesslnhissection. Salary 5 > 7tt
References. Am. ai'f 'a House. 3 5 Barclay St. . N. Y.
- - * } ' " " " T'"f
i nnmT it
KIDDER'S PA8TILLE8,5S l5&ffi5 :
Jlsstown , Atass.
I JJ Wanted in every town , to sell
_ _ _ ISa latest and best book. Weekly
salary guaranteed. Arcade Publishing Co. Chicago.
Jay Gould hns a superstition In tho mat
ter of elevators. Ho always climbs the
Epitaph on an actor Here lies one who
never died before.
Do not throw away your hard-earned
money for every new cough syrup adver
tised ; when you can procure that Htnmlard
remedy lor coughs , Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup.
25 cents.
The Pullman Palace Car company will
fight against paying its taxes in Iowa.
Harsh purgative remedies aro fast giving
way to the gentlenctioii and mild effects of
Carter's Little Liver Pills. If you try
them , they will certainly please you.
The buzz-saw hns an off-hand way with
new acquaintances.
MANGE , Oalte. Scratches , Cracked Heel ,
Thrush' " JmT'all diseases of the feet and irrita
tions of the skin of horses and cattle quickly
and permanently cured by the use of Veterinary
CarbolUal ve. 50c. and $1 at Druggists.
The reassembling of parliament has been
postponed until Friday.
One Novel Free by ITI all.
We will send either "Jasper Dane's Se
cret , " a stirring novel , "Widow Bedott Pa
pers. " or "Robinson Crusoe , " all complete.
to those who send for our now catalogue of
SOO books , and enclose 4c. postage. Men
tion this paper , and address , WESTERN
PUD. Co. , Box 500 , Omaha. Neb.
Oscar Wilde is again wearing his hair
The Omaha Type foundry can furnish
new newspaper outfits 0:1 short notice.
Prices same : is in Chicago and freight
already paid to Omaha.
It haantood tho Test of Years ,
in Curing nil Diseases of tho
ELS.&c. It Purifies tho
Blood , Invigorates and
Cleanses tho System.
disappear at onca under
KIDNEY'S its beneficial influence.
STOMACH It is purely a Medicine
AND as its cathartic proper
ties forbids its use as a
beverage. It is pleas
ant to the taste , and as
easily taken by cMld-
ren as adults.
.PRICElDOLLAR Solo Proprietorc.
. ST-Louis and KANSAS Crr ?
German A thiim Cure never fa\ltta glre
i immediate relief in the worst cuei. insures com-
Sfortable sleep ; effects cure * where all other * fail. A
itrial canrinow the mitt ilrpdrat. Price CO ot and
191.00 , of Drozgl' " or by mail. Sample FHKK for
Jstamp. DR. It. 8CIIIPFUAN , M. I'.iul. illnn.
1 WARS' ? VfMSV a live energetic man
. _ j V3.ia I S Wi or pennon needing
' profitable employment to n-prt-seut us in every
county. Salary $ ? 3 per month and expenses , or
lai e commission on soles if preferred. Goods btaple.
Every one buys. Ontflt anil particulars Froe.
D 'afnrss anil Xaal ratarrh
5 permanent ourcil. Gl < i sei
85 fitted for all forms of defoc-
Inserted. ' Adilresa Dr. IMPEg. Omaha. Xuli.
, - . , JM la'nliit Painlessly
Cured at Home. Treatment
i s > cnt on trial and NO PAY asked
. until you are benefited. Terms Low.
] 2Iumano Kcmeily Co. , X.vFayettc , lud.
A piultiva cnr < - . No Knlrc.
No PlJ ter. No Pln.V C.
Payne. UarsliaUtowa.IoiTa.
iTiiniora and Ulcers cured without
Jpalnorknlfc. "Write for pninpnlet
> Pr. F. II. liolley , Milwaukee. AVIs
1 to S8 a day. Samples worth S1.SO FREE. Lines
1 not under the hon > e'feet. . Write Brewster
'Safety ' Rein Holder Co. , Holly , Mich.
PP\TPyVJJP [ I OFFICERS'Pay , Bounty. Etc.
IljWUiUIlU 1 Write for circuHrs and lawFree. .
A. W. McCORMIClt &SOM , Cincinnati , O.
Ilil > lt Curedlu U )
A'ou.iy till Cured ,
uxa. Leliaauu. Uulo.
and Morphine Iluhlt Cured in 10 to
SO days. Iteferto 1OOO patients nired
in all parts. Dr. Harsh , Otuincy.Mich.
I.carn here and care
-J _ KUidP < y. Situation fnr-
B ntshed. Wnte Valentine Hro . , JaneavilleWis.
STUD V. Secure a Business Educa' m hr
HOME mail , from BRYANT'S COLLEGE Buffalo N.V.
\V. N. U. Oavihj. 337-47.
Copies ready Nov. I0th of tha
of tho
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