\ F. M. AND E. M. KDDIELL , Editors and Publishers , i THAHKSGIVING DAY. The following i& the text of the annual Thanksgiving Proclamation , which was is sued by the president on Monday , 2fov. 1st : 'It has long been tiie custom of the peo ple of the United States , on a day in eacli year especially set apart for that purpose by their chief executive , to acknowledge the goodness'and mercy of (3od , and to invoke Ifis.continued care and protection. In ob servance of such custom , I , Grover Cleve land , president to the United States , do here by designate and set apart Thursday , the 25th day of November , instant , to be ooserv- ed and Kept as"a day of thanksgiving and prayer , on that day let all our people fore go their accustomed employments and as semble in their usual places of worship to give thanks to the Ruler of the Universe for our continued enjoynients of the blessings of a free government , for a renewal of busi ness prosperity throughout our land , for the return which has rewarded the labor of those who till the soil , and for our progress as a people in all that makes a nation great ; and while we contemplate the infinite power of God iu earthquakes , Hood and storm , let the grateful hearts of those who have been shielded from harm through His mercy be turned iu sympathy and kindness toward those who have suffered through His visita tion. Let us also , in the midst of our thanks giving , remember the poor and needy with cheerful gifts and uttermost deeds of charity so that our service may be made acceptable in the sight of the Lord. "In witness whereof have hereunto set my hand and cause the seal of the United States to be affixed. "Done at the City of Washington , this 1st day of November , in the year of pur Lord , one thousand eight hundred and eighty-six , and of the independence of the United States of America the one hundred and eleventh. ( tllOVBK "By the president. T. F. UAYAIJD , "Secretary ot State. GOD bless all good women. To their soft hands and pitying hearts we must I . all come at last. Holmes. THE matter with Grover Cleveland is egotism. lie is an immense egotist. Grover Cleveland is his ever prevailing and pervading sentiment. X. Y. Sun ( Dem. ) THE strike just declared off in Chi cago , cost the Knights of Labor $50- 000 per day. $50,000 represents- good many beef-steaks , not taking into account luxuries. i : ELECTION day should be made a hoi- * jJ ji j i idayin Nebraska. Workingmen find it I difficult to vote on their way to and irom their work. With the day a holi- . day. there would be no difficulty found in securing a full vote. THE Holdrege Republican has some what severe to remark concerning the "fool friends of prohibition. " Milt forgets his personal use for just that "fool thing" prohibition , in the sharp ness of his strictures there against. LORD CHIEF JUSTICE COLEUIDOE of England , ia quoted as sayingJudges are weary with calling attention to drink as the principal cause of crime , but I cannot refrain from saying that if they could make England sober they would shut up nine-tenths of the pris ons. ' SHREWD a lawyer as Mr. TSlden was supposed to be he seems to have made a will so loose that some ten or twelve million dollars he desired for the pub lic use will eventually be divided among his relatives. By a provision of his will he devised the bulk of his property to the. ' 'building and endowing a li brary and an educational institution in New York. " But the will then goes on to declare that if the trustees "shall deein it inexpedient" to apply the prop erty or any part of it to "the said in stitution , ' ' they are authorized to apply it "to such charitable , educational and scientific purposes as in the judgment of my said executors and trustees will render" the fund "most widely and substantially beneficial to the interests of mankind. " The supreme court has declared that a man cannot delegate such a power to a trustee. WHETHER the work of anarchist , . communist , or madman , the discovery * of dynamite bombs under a car in which . innocent passengers had sat and per haps slept for many hours is an addi tional warning of the necessity of anti- dynamite legislation by congress and by all the states. And it is also a no- * V f ticc to the public that it is time to summarily squelch the Celtic dynami tic shriekefs. .Murder by dynamite is just murder by dynamite. No sympa thy , for oppressed Ireland or oppressed labor or oppressed capital or oppressed anything else can make it otherwise. If we hold that it is right to purchase dy namite to kill Englishmen with , some Pole or Hungarian may makelthe de- * } , duction that it is not wrong to buy it * 1to kill Americans with. The use , pur chase , or possession of dynamite should be conceded only to persons who are licensed by state or municipal authori ty. The possession of it without li cense should be made a misdemeanor. , Chicago Inter-Ocean. EVIDENCES 'continue to accumulate that the year's corn crop is heavier than at first reported. Last month's government report placed the total yield at 1,650,000,000 bushels , in ad dition there remains from last year's harvest some 350,000,000 bushels. There is evidently to be no scarcity this winter of our great western staple , in spite of the predictions of bulls and the reports of speculators. A feature of the crop which has an important bearing on prices is the unusually prime condition in which corn is coming into the market. Chicago dealers report that much of this year's crop is already grading No. 2. Fine weather has al lowed the kernel to ripen and dry , and it is reaching the sea-board in competi tion with that of last year's crop. Weak ening prices are the natural result. The prospect of stiffening value in corn this winter are not brilliant. There will be an ample supply for all domestic wants and a full exportable surplus. This means cheap food in the cities and small returns on the farm. The rail roads will as usual lose nothing. In moving the crop the extortionate trans portation middleman will see that the lion's share of the difference between prices at the country elevator and the lakes shall fail into his capacious maw. But the best prospect for corn in Ne braska is that a larger amount than ever befare will be turned into Jjeef , pork and mutton within the limits of our own state. The number of cattle , hogs and sheep , which will be fed in Nebraska during the present season , will exceed by many thousands the rec ords of the best years of the past. The ranges have been moved west but the range cattle will winter among us , fur nishing at a score of large feeding es tablishments a ready home market for our staple crop. Corn on the hoof dis counts corn-on ear. It pays double the profit of corn at the elevator. The economic' problem of the day for farm ers is condensation of product. The experiment cannot be more profitably tried than with corn and stock feeding. Omaha Bee. THE railroad commission has for several months been corresponding with some of the corporations of the state in the matter of the transportation of sheep. It has been the custom to charge regular stock prices for car loads of sheep , whilenone but single decked cars were used. The commissioners have insisted upon the substitution of double decked cars as soon as practica ble , or a reduction of the charges , to correspond with the charges made in those states and by those lines where double decked cars were in use. The companies have complied with the re quest of the commissioners , and new schedules have been issued making a double decked carload the standard , and where they are not furnished , reducing the chargesoncha'lf. This will be of great service to the sheep growers and will increase the sheep culture of Ne braska. State Journal. HARD coal at Lincoln has gone up $11.50vper ton. The Democrat of that city feels constrained to the opin ion that the entrance of another big railroad or two into the state capital would probably raise the price to $ K- > . Pleasant are the ways of competition wherein is no competition. ONE of the greatest difficulties which the speaker of the next house of repre sentatives will encounter will be the se lection of-capable men for committee chairmanships. More than half of those occupying these positions in the present congress , were retired by their constituents. IT there is to be a county in the state without a railroad twelve months from now. all signs fail. Nebraska will see more railroad building in 1887 than she bas witnessed in any one year of her liistory. Beggs' Cherry Cough Syrup Will relieve that cough almost instantly and make expectoration easy. Acts simul taneously on the bowels , kidneys and liver , thereby relieving the lungs of that soreness and pain and also stopping that tickling sensation in'the throat by removing the cause. One trial of it will convince any one that it has no equal on earth for coughs and colds. McMillen & Weeks have secured the sale of. it and will guarantee every bottle to give satisfaction. GOVERNOR DA WES "has issued the usual thanksgiving day proclamation. Salt Rheum or Eczema , Old sores and ulcers , Scaldhead and ringworm , . Pain in the back and spine , Swelling in the knee joints , Sprains and bruises , Neuralgia and toothache , render feet caused by bunions , corns and chilblains , I warrant linens' TKOIMCAJ , OIL to relieve any and all of the above. fc WEEKS. EDUCATIONAL , The substantial brick building for the Citi zens bank is nearing completion. The pupils of this school will he glad to learn that May O'Brien is convalescent. On Monday , the 2oth of this month , the new nfusic books were tried and gave greai satisfaction. . We think gambling should be preventei on the school grounds at least as much as on the streets. Monday of this week , schpol opened ii the new building recently finished for tha purpose , with Mrs. Smith installed as teacher On the 20th of this month , nine pupils ii the high school department were examined in spelling. Great excitement prevailed , as the successful ones would give up the study. Although the words were long and difficult all but nine passed , and we offer them our hearty congratulations. On last Saturday afternoon , one of the most exciting foot races ever witnessed bj the reporter , took place on-the farm of Mr John Everts , one mile east of town. It was between two well known champion hunters , and owner ofsaid farm. For further partic ulars inquire of Wilcox , Clyde or Helm. Last Friday morning , the Ladies' Aid So ciety of the M. E. church gave a New Eng land supper , which proved to be the mos pleasant social event of the season. At ai early hour the guests began to arrive am partake.of an excellent and substantial re past. Handsome cakes , chickens , pies , the old fashioned pumpkin pie of our grand mothers , and other delicacies too numerou ; to mention , loadedthe tables , and all tin fault the guests could find was that thej could not eat enough. The southwest cor ner of the church was tastily fitted up as a bazar for the display and sale of fancy am" useful articles prepared for the occasion Excellent music Avas furnished by the choi with Rev. E. J. Hall presiding at the organ We noticed several of the High School pu pils present , who seemed to enjoy them selves very much : we especially .noticed Lev Sanderson and some of the other most prom Inent school boys , paying particular attcn tion to the girls. After an evening of unlim ited pleasure , the guests departed for home and the weary workers gathered around i table to compare notes and count the shekle. ' and were pleased to find their efforts hat been generously rewarded , and we hay just ly so. The affair was a grand success. Thanksgiving. Exercises. M'COOK PUBLIC .SCHOOL. Chorus . . - . School. Declamation . Dick Jarvis. 1 leading . Amy Avery. Piano duette. . .Eva Hurd and Anna Collins. Jtecitation , . ( The Creeds of the Hells , Grace Martin. Music. . Dialogue. . .Elmer Helm and Edwin Wilcox. Quartette . Anna Dixon , Elva Hunt , Elmer Helm and Edwin J. Wilcox. Recitation , . "Miltiade's Peterkin Paul , ' ' Bertha Boyle. Reading of the paper , . Independent. Thanksgiving selections. Singing . School. Wednesday , November 24th , 1SSO. t Nc The following was the attendance at to nam m school , Friday : and terc High school department Dect MibS Murphy's room . 20 Hou Miss MoNamara's room . 9 and Eastward . ir > nort West Ward . 1:5 : ing i ilenc W. ] Total . IS Tohr The amount of money now on depos Neb. it to the credit of our city schools , in the name of Principal Webster , as trus No tee. is $87.01. nam to m and 1 tor o Nov ( 2fi2i : , 2.to the 1 nous and , I5rov After Forty years 20 experience in the preparation of more than One Hundred Thon. and application ! ) for patents in No the United States and Foreicii coun tries , the publishers of the hcientific IIUIII American continue to act as solicitor ! : o m for patents , caveats , trade-marks , copy mil t rights , etc. , for the United States , and er > to obtain patents in Canada. England. France , Dec. Germany , and all other countries. Their experi ence is une'iualcd and their facilities are unsur steur passed. .ion Drawings and specifications prepared and filed own in the Patent Office on short notice. Terms very folio reasonable. No charge for examination of modeld esicl or drawinRs. Advicn by mail free. Patents obtaiiipdtlirousrhMiinnACo.are noticed viinn Inthe SCIEXTIFIC AMEKICAX.uhich Ha * inn the largest circulation and is the most influential Neb. newspaper of its kind published in the world. Tha adrantagaa of ttuch a notice every patontes understands. 9 This large and splrmlidl v illustrated newspaper Is published 'WEEKLY at $3.00 a year , and id No admitted to ha the best paper devoted to science , nmu < mechanics , inventions , engineering works , and o in : other departments of industrial progress , pnb- ind I listiod in any country. It contains tho names of all patentees and title of every invention patented stcr each week. Try it four months for one dollar. Novc Sold by all newsdealers. lorn If jou have an invention to patent write to , tc Mnnn .t Co. , miblishpn of Scientific American , mini Kl Rroadway. > 'e\v York. Handbook about patents mailed fret. conti Of , SJ Robi ill ol FINAL PEOOF NOTICES. 20 LAND OFFICE AT MCCOOK. NEB. , I November Oth , 1880. ( Notice is hereby given that the following- No named settler has filed notice of his intention nam < to make final proof in support of his claim , 0 n and that said proof will be made before Reg- ind t isterorReceiver at McCook , Neb. , on Friday , eroi December 17th. 18815 , viz : Arthur B. Goodner , Novc I ) . S. o)95 ( ) , for the southwest K section IM.town D. S. 1 , N.range 29 west Oth P. M He names the fol 1 nor lowing witnesses to prove his continuous res hef idence upon , and cultivation of , said land , viz : ousr E."L. Macy.C.C. Smith , Frank Spicer , Christ and , Ely , all ot Cedar Blufls , Kan. .Trim 24 S. P. HART , Register. Veb. LAND OFFICE AT MCCOOK , NEB. , I November 8. IBfcO. f Notice is hereby given that the following- Noi named settler has filed notice of his intention name to make final proof in support of his claim , o mi and that said proof will be made before Regis and t ter or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Tuesday , eroi December 21ht , 1886 , viz : Harrv L. Rosecrans , ? e.ce D. S.2505 , for the west J southeast k and east 5. t )7 5i southwest J section Jo , town.4north , range no 150 west. He names the following witnesses to hefi prove his continuous residence upon , and ous r cultivation of. said land , viz : Michael C. and. Rider. Samuel McClain , Charles W. Augel and John S. Modrel , all of McCook. Neb. Eldei 24 S. P. HART Register. 23 LAND OFFICE AT MCCOOK , NEB. , \ November 1,1880. j Notice is hereby given that the following- Noi named settler has filed notice of his intention name to make final proof in support of his claim , o m : and that sad | proof will be made before Regis nd t ter or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Saturday eroi December llth. 18SO , viz : Charles E. Stiles , Dece : Homestead 5609 , for the cast } J southwest h , 'ani ' ! and east } northwest Ji section 2 , town 4 , TlSt north range 29 , west. He names the following vest , witnesses to prove his continuous residencn icsse upon , and cultivation of. said land , viz : Rich n , 111 ard E. Moore , Henry Winaus , Thomas Cow Dodg ard and Fred Coggor , nil of Box Elder , Neb. nin , ; 8 , P , HART , Register. 23 Silver Mine DISCOVERED ! A FLAGS WHERE YOU CAN BUY GOLD CHEAPER THAN YOU CAN DIG IT. THAT'TS THE EXPRESSION OF EVERY ONE WHO VISITS SCOTT'S NEW We have come to McCook to stciy. Have built a brick building on Main street and have 110 rents to pay , and can sell goods for less money than any one west of Chicago. We keep the Largest Stock of Diamonds , Watches , Jewelry and Silverware in the West , and every one is surprised at the ex tremely low prices we are selling them for. We keep everything usually found in a first-class store. We want your trade and will mako it to your r i interest to buy of us. A full line of Roger & Bro. Knives , Forks , Spoons and Table Ware at Chicago prices. ' * AN I IANOS ! FOR RENT AND SALE , VERY LOW. AV8U SU 90111 ST ? Vl pill ? pm ? Stir.iiixIo.T HI puq oogijr \ li ? pirc pa.irucI0.i t 03 o ; sjpojQ pin ? 3npTq. LAND OFFICE AT MCCOOK , NEIL , t October 2Uth , 188G. f lice is hereby given that the following eil settler has filed notice of his intentjon uke Until proof in support ol'his claim , : lmt faid proof will be made before Kesris Heceiver : it McCook , Neb. , on Friday , nnber 10th , 1881 ! . viJohn II. Evert , icstcad 301 : . ' . for the south > . northwest Jj north li southwest 14 , section 27 , town. U Ii , range 29 west. Ho names the follow- vitnesses to prove his continuous resi- c upon , and cultivation of suid land , vi/ : i. Hamilton , William Doyle. Richard stoii and W. H. Smith , all of McCook , 23 G. L. LAWS , Register. LAND OFFICE AT MCCOOK , NEIL , I October 12th , I8Mi. f tice is hereby given that thefollowing - 2rt settler has filed notice of her intention ake final proof in support of her claim , : hat said proof will be made before Roiris- r Receiver at McCook. Neb. , on Friday , jmber 10th , 188fi , viNettie C. Kast , I ) . S. for the southeast1 ! southwest 5t section wnship 4 north , range ; W west. She names 'ollowing witnesses to prove her contin- residenee upon , and cultivation of , said viH. . H. Berry , H. L. Berry , F. L. n and C. M. Collins , all of McCook , Ncbr. G. L. LAWS , Kegibtcr. LAND OFFICE AT MrCooic , Neb. , I November 1st , ISM ! . f lice is hereby given that the following- id settler has filed notice of his intention ; ike final proof in support of his claim , hut said proof will be made before Regis- r Receiver at McCook. Nob. , on Thursday , Jiith. Jf8 < 5 : Amos II. Reynolds , Home- "il'.i , for the south ' < j southeast ' 4 sec- II , and north ' northeast 1i section 14 , . 4 , north range 29 , west. He names the iving witnesses to prove his continuous encc upon , and cultivation of. said land , , lo < iah Moore , Alex. W. Campbell , Valen- lioxlc and Jacob Long , all of Box Elder , 22 S. P. HART , Register. LAND OFFICK AT MCCOOK. NKIS. , i October Uth , 18SC. f tice is hereby given that the following- ; d tettler has filed notice of his intention ike final proof in support of his claim , hat said proof will be made before Rcg- or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Monday inber 2th ! ) , 1880 , viz : John Henderson estead 292 , for tho northwest h section wn. 4 north , range 29 west , ( ith f. M. He jsthe following witnesses to prove his nuous residence upon , and cultivation lid land , viz : Hiram K. Bixler , James uson , John Modrcll and Alfred Carter. 1 McCook , Neb. G. L. LAWS. Register. LAND OFKICI : AT MCCOOK , NEB. , | October 12th , IbtMJ. f tice is hereby given that the following- . d settler has filed notice of his intention ake final proof in support of his claim , hat said proof will be made before Rcgis- Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Monday , inber 22nd , ISSli , viMatthew Stewart , 1782 , for the northeast J.t section UT , town th , range 2 ! ) west , fith P. M. He names ollowiug witnesses to prove his continu- L'sidence upon , and cultivation of. said viz : J. H. Stephens , J. Ii. Piper , W. I ) , me and Win. Weygint , nil of Box Elder. 20 G. L. LAWS , Register. LAND OFFICE AT McCoou , Nin. , October SOth. 18SIJ. f : ico is hereby giren that the following- id t-ettlerhas filed notice of his intention ike final proof in support of his claim , hat said proof will be made before Re is- Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Monday , mber 13th , 1880 , viJohn Moriarty , U. 1. for the northwest J section IS , town , -th , range 20 west , fith P. M. He names jllowing witnesses to prove his continu- esideneo upon , and cultivation of , said viz : A. C. Harlan. Osburn , Neb. ; A. P. sn. McCook. Neb. : W. A. Glasscock. Box , Neb. ; L. H. Stenson , McCook. Neb. G. L. LAWS , Register. LAND OFFICE AT MCCOOK , NEB. , i October SOth , ISSfi. f ice is hereby given that the following- d settler has filed notice of his intention ike final proof in support of his claim , hat said proof will be made before Kegis- Receiver nt McCook , Neb. , on Saturday , : ijbcr llth , 1880 , viz : James Blossom worth. Homestead 2128. for the south- U section 17 , town. 1 north , range 20 ( ith P. M. He names the following wit- s to prove his continuous residence up- id cultivation of , said land , viz : Sidney e , John Goodenberger. Saxton B. Colt- Amos Goodenberjjer , nil of McCook , Xeb. G. L , LAWS , Register. THIS SPACE IS RESERVED fg Lri = - i .IOXAS EN EL , MANAGER. WHO WILL OCCUPY THE FRANKLIN BRICK , ON THE S. W. COR' OF MAIN AND DENNISON STS. , McCOOK , ECEMBER T. . , PM i. . . , . -i , ( ' - .f & r. 43tA < * ? '