The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, November 11, 1886, Image 7

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How to Control ICacctually All Sncli
Horrible llablU.
lTbclie tcr. N. T. , Post-Express.
A gentleman who has spent the summor
nbroadBuid to our reporter , that the thing
that impressed him most o ! all was the
number of holidays ona encounters abroad
and tho littto anxiety the people display In
the conduct of business affairs. "Men
boast here , " he said , "that they work for
years without a day off ; in Europe that
would be considered a crime. "
Mr. H. H. Warner , who was present at
the time , naid , "This is the first summer in
years that I have not spent on the water.
Been too busy. " '
"Then , I suppose you have been adver
tising extensively ? "
"Not at all. We have always heretofore
closed our laboratory during July , August
and September , but , this summer wo have
kept it running day and night to supply
, the demand , which has been three times
greater than ever before in our history
at this season. "
"How do you account for this ? "
"Tho increase * has come from tho uni-
Tersal recognition of the excellence of our
preparations. We have been nearly ten
years before the public and the sales are
constantly increasing while our newspaper
advertising is constantly diminishing.
Why , high scientific and medical authori-
ities , now publicly concede that our War
ner's safe cure is tho only scientific specific
for kidney tuid liver diseases and for all the
many diseases caused by them. "
I "Have you evidence of this ? "
"Abundance ! Only a few weeks ago Dr.
J. II. Stephens , of Lebanon , Ohio , aspecial-
ist for the cure of narcotic , etc. , habits told
me that a number of eminent scientific
medical men had been experimenting for
. years , testing and analyzing all known
remedies for the kidneys and liver , for , as
you may be aware , the excessive uso of all
narcotics and stimulants destroys those
organs , nnd until they can be restored to
health the habits cannot be broken up !
Among the investigators were such men as
J. M. Hall , M. D. , President of the State
Board of Health of Iowa , nnd Alexnn-
nnder Neil , M. D. , Professor of Surgery
PE - in the college of Physicians and Surgeons
E and president of the Academy of Medicine
afc Columbus , who , after exhaustive in
quiry , reported that there was no remedy
known to schools or to scientific inquiry
equal to Warner's safe cure ! "
"Are many persons addicted to the use
of deadly drugs ? "
"There are forty millions of people in the
world who use opium alone , and there are
many hundreds of thousands in this coun
try who are victims ol morphine , opium ,
quinine and cocoain6. They think they
havo no such habit about .them so many
people are unconscious victims of these
habits. They have pains mid symptoms
uf what they call malaria and other dis
eases , when in reality itis the demand in the
system for these terrible dru s , a demand
that is called largely by physicians' pre
scriptions which contain so many danger
ous drugs , and strong spirits , and ono that
must bo answered or silenced in the kid
neys and liver by what DrStephens says
is the only kidney and liver specific. He
also says that moderate opium and other
drug eaters , if they sustain the kidnoy and
liver vigor with that great remedy , can
keep up these habits in moderation. "
"Well , does not this discovery give you
revelation of safe ? "
a new thepower-ol cuio
"No , sir ; for ye.ira I have tried to con
vince the public that nearly all the diseases
o ! the human system originate in some dis
order of the kidneys orjliver , hence I have
logically declared that if our. specific were
used , over ninety per cent , of these ail-
ments would disappear. The liver and kid
neys seem to absorb these poisons from the
blood and become depraved and diseased. "
"When these eminent authorities thus
publicly admit that there is no remedy like
ours to enable the kidneys and liver to
throw off the frightful effects of all deadly
drugs and excessive use of stimulants it is
an admission of its power as great a'a any
one could desire ; for if through its influence
alone tho opium , morphine , quinine , cocaine
and liquor habits can be overcome , what
higher , testimonial of its specific power
could be asked for ? "
"You really believe , then , Mr. Warner ,
that-the majority of diseases come from
kidney and liver complaints ? "
"I do ! When you see a person moping
I- and groveling about , half dead and halt
- alive , year after year , you may surely put
him down as having some kidney and liver
trouble. "
"The other day I was talking with Dr.
Fowler , the eminent oculist of this city ,
who said that half the patients who came
to him for eye treatment were affected by
advanced kidney disease. Now many peo
ple wonder whyinmiddle life their eye-sight |
become so poor. A thorough course of
treatment with Warner's safe cure is what
they need more than a pair of eye-glasses.
The kidney poison in the blood always at
tacks the weakest part of the body ; with
some it affects the eyes ; with others the
head ; with others the stomach or the lungs ,
or rneumatie disorder follows and neural
gia tears them to pieces , or they lose the
powers of taste , smell , or bedome impotent
'in other functions of the body. What man
would not give his all to have the vigor of
youth at command ? "
"The intelligent physician knows that
these complaints are but symptoms ; they
are not the disorder , and they are sym-
toms not of disease of the head , the eye or
stomach , or of virility , necessarily , but of
the kidney poison in the blood and they
may prevail and no pain occur in the kid
neys. "
It is not strange that the enthusiasm
which Mr. Warner displays in his appre
ciation of his own remedy , which restored
him to health when the doctors said he
could not live six months , should become
infectious and that the entire world should
f. v pay tribute to its power. For as Mr. War
ner says , the sales are constantly increas
ing , while the newspaper advertising is con
stantly diminishing. This speaks volumes
in praise of the extraordinary merits of his
Grape juice looks nothing like mother's
milk , but chemical analysis reveals a strik
ing analogy iu the amounts of albuminous
matter , sugar , mineral , salts and water.
Grape juice is considered a perfect food , a
nutritive and nerve tonic , and.its use is one
method of the "grape-cure. " [ From Dr.
Foote's Health Monthly.
"Liberty's mouth is just a yard wide. "
Views of a Hebrew Dlylne Tlpon tlie
Subject A Difference of Opinion
Among Rabbis.
"Did you-ever notice how mnnv Jew
ish young men marry Christian girls ? "
rcmarke'd a young Hebrew divine to
a reporter for T/ie Cincinnati Su < i.
The two snt pleasantly chatting in
tlie comfortable pews of a West-end-
cathcdral , which the large congrega
tion had "just deserted after the morn
ing service , and the newsman replied interest :
"And how many Jewesses take unto
themselves Christian husbands ? Yes ,
I have noticed it Is the custom of in
termarriage growing ? "
"Tncleeu it is sir , " said the reverend
gentleman. "The fact is that to-day
more than ever do Jews marry Chris
tians and Christians Jews. But less
excitemunt and commentare now
maile about such wedlocks than in for
mer times. A few years ago tlie mar
riage of a Jew to a Christ an would
create quite a sensation. The papers
would regard such a bit of news as
very entertaining reading matter , and
journals of other cities would nvaria-
bly copy such reports , even though , the
parties interested were neither known
to them nor enjoyed celebrity in then-
own city. To-day things have changed.
Intermarriages are of frequent occur
rence , and no more is said about a
union between a Jew and gentile than
between gentile and gentile.
"How do the Jews and Jewish di
vines regard such marriages ? " the
wr.ter asked.
"There are two answers to the ques
tion , " was the reply. "First comes the
real orthodox good Jew. The old-fash
ioned believer in the letter of the law ,
and not in the spirit of the law. These ,
without considering the.matter . , regard
intermarriage as a crime , and as a very
great crime at that The more enlight
ened Hebrew thinks it no sin to looic at
thequestion from both sides. The re
formed Israelite looks more at the spir
it of the law than the letter of the law.
The verse on which the prohibition of
intermarriage is based is found in Deu
teronomy , the fifth book of Moses ,
where it is said in the seventh chapter
that with certain seven notions , the
Hittites , the Canaanites , etc. , 'Thou
shalt make no marriages with them ,
thy daughter thou shalt not not give
unto his son , nor his daughter shalt
thou take unto thy son. For they will
turn away thy sons from following Me ,
that they may serve other gods. " This
verse again admits of two explana
tions : Looking at the letter of the law
the Jew was prohibited from marrving
these .seven nations.No other nation
was ever mentioned but these seven ,
and hence it is no sin to intermarry
with others than these. The ancient
rabbis , however , went further and took
into consideration the spirit of such a
commandment 'For they will turn
away thy sons from following Me , that
they may serve other _ gods ? . Hence
they said , by analogical conclusion , as
these seven will turn away thy sons
from following God , so will other idola
trous nations turn them away from
serving the true God.
"In later generations , when the
Christian relig on had been established ,
the question was raised among the
learned sages whether Christianity was
another form of Juda sm or whether it
was a pagan belief. While some held
that the church of Christ was. but a
branch of the Jew'sli faith , with but
one God and immortal soul , others
held that the theory of farther , Son
and Holy Ghost implied more than one
God , and refused to' look at Chrisfaini-
ty or a monotheism. As in ancient
limes to-day the Hebrew , divines are
divided in their views on intermarriage.
D.vided as they are and have beun , 'in
termarriages have occurred from time
to time. Even in the days of Ezra
and Nehemiah there are records of in
termarriages , as found in Ezra , chap-
.ter ix. , and Nehemiah , chapter xiii.
King Solomon married strange women ,
and even the great-giver , Moses , took
unto himself the dauther of Yethro , a
heathen. Although it may be argued
that this occurred before the giving of
the law , still it is claimed that Moses
knew the' law before it was given to
the children of Israel.
"Speaking of the giving of the law , "
the entertaining divine continued , "a
prettylegend is recorded in the rabin-
nical writings. It is this : A disciple
once asked his teacher whether the
heathen would be punished in the fu
ture world for not observing the law ;
for , ' said the pupil , 'the law was giv
en to tlie children of Israel and not to
the heathen , hence the latter ought to
be exempt from pun shment for not
keeping it' To this the learned teach
er replied : 'When the law was given
we iind that'there was thunder and
lightening in heaven and the mountain
was all in smoke. 'I.his was done for the
purpose of communicating to all nat'ons
and tribes that God was about to hand
down His law. There was thunder
for 'those ' who could not see , so that
they could at least hear , and lightning
and smoke for those who could not
hear , so that they could at least see.
It was publicly announced to all that
all who wished to accept "the law
should come and receive it. The na-
t.ons of the earth will , therefore , have
no excuse when they appear before the
great tribunal , for the law was offered
them and refused. '
"Most of the modern rabbis of re
formed congregations are very reluct
ant in expressing their views publicly
on intermarriage. Some hold that al
though they see no objection against
such unions , they would nevertheless
refuse to unite the couple in their offi
cial capacity. The Jewish m'uister
can hardly perform the ceremony , they
say , according to the Jewish rite and
custom when one of * the contracting
parties does not believe in it Those
more liberal do not hesitate in officiat
ing at such a marriage , for , sav thev ,
two loving hearts when refused to be
united by a divine w 11 find their way
to a justice of the peace and become
husband and wife. "
The cranberry crop for this year , it
is estimated , will reach nearly six hun
dred thousand bushels. Owing to
frosts in June , fires , and worms , the
crop in Wisconsin will not be much
over one-fourth what was expected.
A Luxury A'bout AVhlch Opinions
There is much difference of opinion
concerning the desirability of an after-
dinner nap. * Those who advocate it
cite the examole of animals , but these
gorge themselves with food whenever
opportunity offers , and are heavy and
drowsy in consequence. A short rest
is. however different from lethargic
sleep , and often appears to do good.
Brain work should certainly bo for
bidden after d nner ; the intervals be
tween it and bedtime should be dovoted
to recreation and amusement. In the
case of elderly people a short nap after a
late dinner often aids digestion , but as
a general rule it is better for such
persons to make their principal meal at
2 P. M. The digestive powers of most
elderly people are at a low ebb in the
evening. When sleeplessness is trouble
some-relief should b sought for in the
discovery and removal of the cause
whenever possible. The condition is
often due to indigestion , and when
this is the case the ordinary remedies
for. inducing sleep are worse than use
less. Tho nervous relations between
the brain and the stomach are so inti
mate that disorder of the one organ is
almost certain to affect the other. Ex
citementworry , and anxiety , which
have their seat in the brain , interfere
with the functions of the stomach , and
in like manner anything that unduly
taxes tlie power of or irritates the
stomach disorders the circulation and
nutrition of the brain. The sleepless
ness often complained of by gouty
persons is due to the poisonous effect
of the morbid material upon the nerv
ous system. Excessive smoking , too
much alcohol , tea , and coffee , often re
sorted to by over-worked persons , are
frequent causes of sleeplessness. In
all these cases the cause is removable ,
while tlie eilect may be counteracted
by appropriate treatment Nothing is
more mischievous , however , than to
continue the habits and to have re
course to drugs to combat the effects.
A due amount of exercise tends to in
duce normal sleep , and such exercise
need not be of a violent character. A
walk of two or three mires daily is
sufficient , and is , perhaps , as muck as
a busy man can find time for. A ride
on horseback , the Palmerstonian cure
for gout , is probably the best form of
exercise for those whose minds are
constantly at work. It has been well
srudthata man must come out of him
self when in the saddle ; he is forced to
attend to his horse and to notice the
objects he meets. Walking may be a
merely automatic process , and afford
little , if any , relief to the mind , and
carriage exercise may be practical7 !
valueless if the mind is not" diverted
from what had previously occupied it.
Fortnightly fieview :
She Wasn't That Kind.
"TVe are wedded pow , my darling , "
Said the hushand to his bride ,
' And henceforth we'll
{ io together
On life's journey side by bide.
"We must bear each other's burdens ,
Help each other when we can ,
And to make life happier , brighter , _
Each must for the other plan.
"Let's this
begin very morning
To start right Is nay desire
You just cet up noumy precious ,
And construct the Kitchen fire. "
Sad , ah ! sad his disappointment !
Courage oozqd from everpore
When his sweet young bride responded ,
"Say ! What do you lake me for' "
Somerville Journal ,
Experiments 3radc In Paris by Dr.
The question whether water is fatten
ing or otherwise has been much dis
cussed. Formerly it was generally as
serted that the victims of obesitj' should
mortify the flesh and reduce the fat by
abstaining as much as possible from
1.quids and remaining in a continual
state of thirst Latterly the opposite
has been affirmed , 'and I am told that
a reduction of weight is one ofthe re
sults claimed by "the hot-water cure , "
provided always that the water is taken
as hot as possible , painfully hot and
in great quantities.
Experiments have been made in Par
is by Dr. Debove which controvert
both these doctrines. These experi
ments indicate that , provided the same
amount of solid food is taken , large
quantities of water-make a man neither
thinner nor fatter. They were care
fully made on a friend who took
weighed quantities of food daily , and
while these remained equal d'oubling
the quantity of water had no nieasura"
ble eilect on the weight of the body.
Still ic is quite possible that the old
therorv of thirst cure and the new the
ory of hot-water cure may both be
correct. Both violate the natural con-
dit.ons of health. Scalding hot water ,
like lea or cofl'ee or grog of similar
temperature , unquestionably injures
the teeth , the stomach , and other or
gans concerned in the early stages of
the digestion , and it is very probable
that deficiency of liquid impedes the
latter stages , whereby the chyme , by
the aid of the digesting fluids , becomes
converted into chyle and blood.
A fat man may easily become thinner
by injuring his health. Banting is dan-
gerpus , as many who have fairly tried
can prove. The difficult problem is to
reduce the fat without reducing the
atrength at thesame , time. A skillful
trainer will undertake to bring any man
down to his "ligting weight , " i. e. , in
the best condition for violent exertion ;
but as soon as the discipline of the
trainer is relaxed the obesity , when
constitutional , returns , and a long con-
binuance of high training is murderous.
Perhaps the oldest perscription , "Keep
your mouth shut and _ vonr eyes open , "
when followed with judicious limita
tions , is the best. Eat less , sleep less ,
and walk more are safe injunctions ,
provided they are obeyed in modera
Dr. Debove's conclusions apply to
water only , not to other beverages.
The fat man who uses malt liquor as a
da ly beverage deserves to be buried
under cross-roads at midnigt , accord
ing to the ancient modes of degrading
the willful perpetrators of feto de se.
Gentleman's Magazine.
Mr. J.T3. BOHSH ! . Xcw-BlnomOeld. I'M. ,
clerk of the several courts of Perry Co. ,
PH. , was afflicted with rlieiitnutiHin for
more than thirty ycnrs. After spending
hundreds of dollars with different phyui-
uiuiH , nnd trying exery known remedy
uilhout benefit , lie used St. Jacobs Oil
which effected nn entire cure.
The largest room iu the world room for
Mr. _ _ Geo. W. Walts , General Agent ,
Freight Department , Union Pacific Rail
way , Siin Francico , Cal. , says : "I have de
rived much benefit from tho use of Eed
Star Cough Cure in cases of coughs and
colds. " No opiates.
A Force of Habit.
A beggar called at the clothing emporium
of Hose Scbaumburg and said to the pro
prietor :
' 'Please assist a poor man. "
"Go avoy rait yer , or I calls dot bolice. "
"Goodbye , " said the mendicant , as he
moved off.
"Recommend me to your friends ven dey
vonts somedings in my line , " said Moses ,
out of pure force of habit , that being his
usual parting salutation to his customers.
Keep it in the house and it will save you
many an anxious moment during the
changes of season and weather ; we refer to
Pr. Bull's CoughSyrup. _
Hotel waiters are all believers in the
much-discussed Aiidover doctrine.
400,000 SUKSUlCIBEItS.
' If we gave a column to the YOUTH'S COM
PANION announcement , we could scarcely
enumerate the attractions it promises for
its sixty-first volumeWe are not
prised that THE COMPANION has nearly
400,000 subscribers , when we see how it
provides something of interest for every
member of the family. Tin : COMPANION fa
published weekly , and fully HKigtrated. Its
subscription price is $1.75 a year , which , if
sent now , will pay for the paper to Janu
ary , 1888.
Labor to the laborer "You Knighted we
Stand. "
Every person is interested in their own
affairs , and if this meets the eye of anyone
who is Buffering from the effects of a torpid
liver , we will admit that he is interested in
getting well. Get a bottle of Prickly Ash
Bitters , use it as directed , and you will al
ways be glad you read this item.
A sole stirring subject a nail iu your
is what E. W. Fairman , a druggist at Day
ton , Ind. , writes about the sale of Allen's
Lung Balsam. He has sold it for eight
years , and it gives satisfaction. Sold by
all druggists at25c.,50.and$1.00abottle.
The age that all women de&ire to ap
proach is marriage.
A Fearful Leap
into the abyss of poverty , over the preci- '
pice of shortsightedness is taken by thou
sands who might become wealthy , if Ihey
availed themselves of their opportunities.
Those who write to Hallettct Co. , Portland.
Maine , will be informed , free , hew they can
make from § 3 to § 25 a day and upwards.
Some have m de over § 50 in a day. You
can do the work and live at home wherever
you are located. Both pcxes ; all ages. All
is new. You are started free. Capital not
needed. Now is the time. Better not de
lay. Every worker can se cure a snug lit
tle fortune. '
A woman's beauty is most perfect when
it is backed up by intelligence-
Xo OPIUM In Plso's Cure for Consumption. Cares
where other rcine.lles fall. 15c.
For Cuts , Galls , Old Soros , Scratch-
on , Thrush , etc. , use Stewart's Heal
ing Powder , 15 and 50 cents & bos.
11 aillicted with Sore Eyes , use Dr. Isanc
Thompson's Eye Water. Druggists sell It. 25o
A Mr. Johnston , student of Omaha
Commercial College , is filling a lucrative
position as book-keeper for A. D. Morse ,
Omaha's leading mei chant.
Motto ' for bar-rooms There's always
room at'the tap. , _
Mr. John Hews , our neighbor , was very
bad with rheumatism last winter , and was
not able to work or even to get out of his
room. One bottle of Athlophoros cured
him almost entirely of the disease. Rev.
Samuel Porter , Crete , Illinois.
The ocean is like a good housewife very
tidy. ,
A superior hair dressing. Always safe
and beneficial to use. Hall's Hair Renewer.
The dangers of croup may be aveitcd by
using AVer's Cherry Pectoral.
There are ninety-eight varieties of chrys-
antliemuins cultivated this season.
/ - er / l - Pays for a YEAR'S snb-
DO UeiTGS Kcription to the Weekly
AMERICAN RURAL , HOME , Rochester , N. Y. ,
WITHOUT premium "the Cheapest and Best
Weekly in the World8 pages. 48 columns ,
16 years old. For ONE DOLLAR you have
ONE choice from over 150 different Cloth-
bound DOLLAR VOLUMES , 300 to 900 pp. ,
and paper one year , post-paid. Book post
age , 15c. Extra. 50,000 books given away.
Among them are : Law Without Lawyers ;
Family Cyclopedia ; Farm Cyclopedia ;
Farmers' and Stockbreeders' Guide ; Com
mon Sense in Poultry Yard ; World Cyclo
pedia ; Danelson's ( Medical ) Counselor ;
Boys' Useful Pastimes ; Five Years Before
the Mast ; Peoples' History of United
States ; Universal History of all Nations ;
Popular History Civil War ( both sides ) .
Any ONE book and paper , one year , all
post-paid , for § 1.15. only. Paper alone ,
G5c. Satisfaction iguaranteed on books
and Weekly , .pr money refunded. Reference :
Hon. C. It. PARSONS , Mayor Rochester.
Sample papers , 2c. Kim u. . HOME Co. , Ltd.
Without Prem. 65c a year. Rochester.N.Y.
Prizes for Best Siorics , gleet di
es and Poetry. Address , with stamp , THE
CULTIVATOR , Omaha , Neb. Mention this
Tlie old chaps who wore armor were first
mail carriers.
were introduced , and their success as a cure
for Colds , Coughs , Asthma and Bronchitis
has been.unparalleled. Price 25 cts.
A recent comic song is called "Soap. " It
comes in bars.
Dyspeptic Sufferers Find
PILLS. 25c. *
The most practical , large sized
filled direct by the pump without
lifting can. Ko drip ncollon
Floor or Table. Ko Faucet to
leak and waste contents or cause
explosions' . Closes perfectly air
ticht. Xo Lcakncc-Xo Evap
oration Absolutely safe.
Don't be Humbugged with
worthless imitations. Buy the
'Good Enough. "
Warren , Ohio.
Sold by Flrtt-Clasi Healer * Everywhere.
rNTTJ , Omaha -
Civil Sorviro Commissioner Oberly nlways
dri' in black.
The fortuno of rra. Marl : Hopkins iaes
timutetl ut $40.000,000. _
Some of our most prominent citizens
have been cured ol rhcu mutism of years
standing by tluib wonderful pnin-buiiislier ,
Salvation Oil. Sold by all druggists.
The dead want nothing , yet they get the
Don't Rend This
Unless you want a free sample ol Smith *
Bile Beans , the great liver remedy , and a
beautiful card taken from real life.sentyou
free of charge. Send us your name and P. 0.
address. J. F. SMITH & Co. , St. Louis Mo.
( Name this paper. )
Some Americans are too proud to beg
and too honest to stsul , so they get trusted.
The Itlood Is Enriched
And improved by tlie use of CAKXER'S IRON
A hotel is known by the company it
If you once try Carter's Little LiverPills
for sick headache , biliousness or constipa
tion you will never be without them. They
are purely vegetable. Small and easy to
take. All druggists sell them.
The Omaha Typa foundry can furnish
new newspaper outfits on short notice.
Prices same as in Chicago and freight
already paid to Omaha.
Catarrh Is an exceedingly disagreeable disease. Ita
varied symptoms. dl-charge at the nose , bad breath ,
pain between the cjcs , cou&hlii ? . choking sensation ,
ringing noises In the tars , etc. , being not only trou
blesome to the suffcier , but ofltnshe to others.
Catarrh is also dnnfrcrou" , because It may lead to
bronchitis or consumption. Beluga blood dticase.
the true method of cure.Is to purify the blood by lak-
Ing Hood'a Sareaparllla , which has cured many severe
cases cf catarrh.
"Forse\eralyeni8 Ihndbcen troubled with a kind
of asthma or catarrh In my throat , and had tried sev
eral kinds of medicines but could flr.d nothlngto help
me. My wife wanted me to try a bottle of Hood's
Barsararllla. I told the druggist of whom I bought It
that I had no faith In It. but would give It a trial ,
which I did. I must say I was very much benefited
by using It'and would recommend it very highly to
any one having asthma or catarrh. " ELIAI P. Dzv-
KIES , flrm of Jjcvrles & Peterson , Omaha , Neb.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Bolt by all druggists , tl ; six for 3. Prenared by
C. I. HOOD & CO. , Apothecaries , Lowell Mass.
IOO Doses One Dollar.
It has stood tho Test of Years ,
" Curing all Diseases of the
ELS.&c. It Purifies tlio
Blood , Invigorates and
BTTTEfe Cleanses the System. *
disappear at once
KIDNEY'S its beneficial influence.
STOMACH It is purely a Medicine
AND as its cathartic proper- j
ties forbids its use as a
Leverage. It is pleas
ant to the taste , and as
easily taken , fcy child
ren a ?
PRICElDOLLARJ Solo Proprietors.
Mode from Fawn Skin Kid. a very durable and hand
somematerial , unknown east. Prices from SI to
Sl.SOfor ommonLpncth : S2.5O for Button Cuff
Driving Gauntlets made to order for Ladles or Gents ,
every stitch silk. Pcstase paid. AISD Indian
Tanned Gloves , Murcinin * , Buckskin
Clothing ( frinui-'il and plain ) , Leggins , Money
Uelts , Ac. Buckskin for sale. Samples of
I < c < ttlier irith stttcliing free. Also Cati- ;
logueof hundred' of styles of Gloves and Leather
ICoveltles , and directions for measurement. Dis-
countto agents. Keferencc. Union Bank. Denver.
A. AVEIIY . Denver , Colorado.
a poiitira remeUy lortue above alien * . ; bjr JWrnj *
tnonsands of cages or the worst kind and of lone BtaB&ar
b been cared. Indeed. BOKtronrlirar faith In i's cdracr ,
that I will lend TWO BOTTLES FREE , toce tier with a VAL-
CABLE TREATISE on this any inBerer. OlvoEi-
pnu and P. O. address. DR. T. A. SLOCUU , 111 Pearl St. , N.Y.
and nil thelrimpcrfection < ! , inclndirs Fa
cial Development , llairanu Scalp , Super
fluous Hair , Kirth JIarls Moles vart-s
Moth , Krcckles. Ketl ? > o < , Acc , ISIack
IleacLi. Scar = , Pittinff and their tr ilment.
'Send lOc for book ocSO paces , 4th "dition.
Best Cough Syrup. Tastes good. Use
In time , fcold by druggists.
U/flfJTCn to sell AOV.EI.1 * tCUO
j PATTEKXS , for making Rugs.
= J Tiilic-i , Hood * . Mittens , etc. Sent
bv mail for SI. CIRCULARS
a live energetic man
orwoman needing
profitable employment to represent us In every
county. Salary $75 per month and expenses , or 3
largo commission on sales it preferred , lioods staple.
Every one buys. Outfit and particulars Free.
Hnhit Painlessly
Cured at Ilomu. Treatment
sent on trial and NO PAY asked
until you are bcneHted. Terms I ) w.
I Humane ilcmcdy Co. , Z.arnyelte , Ind.
STUDY. Book-keeping. Business
Forms.PenmansbIpAritlimetlc , Short
hand , etc. , thorough v taught by mail. Circulars
free. KKYAJs'T'S COCHiGK , BulIUlo , X.Y.
: lcstown.Ma ,
flfi HT WfiHTFfl For the Newest ami Be tfell-
ing boot ever published. For
terms & circulars address NATIONAL PCB Co. Chicago
fcTumors and Ulcers cured without
f pain or knife. Write for pampnlet
I Or. F. U. Gollcy , Milwaukee , WIs
Wanted m every town , to fell
l latest and best book. Weekly
salary guaranteed. Arcade Co. Chicago.
1 to S3 a daySamples worth SIM FREE. Lines
I not under tfie horse's feet. Write Brewster
I Safety Rein Holder Co. , Holly , Mich.
OFFICERS' Pny.Konnty. Etc.
Write fur circulars and Iaw < . Free.
A. W. McCORMICK &SON , Cincinnati , O.
Morphine liubit Caredlala
to 'to tlaya. > "o p < ijr till CureU.
LIE J. STKI-UKMS. Leu-mua. Oalo.
Ererj strain or cold arUelu that ire k back
and nearly prostrates joa.
= *
Strcnctbena tho Mueclcs ,
Steadies tbc Nerre t
Enriches the Blood , Gives New Vlior.
MB. JOHN W. KENT. Starkville. Col. , saysFar
the put twelve yeira I havo Ballrod with pains in
my back. I used Brown's Iron Bitters with great
benefit. I feel better now then I havo for twelve
years. "
MIES LIZZIE BasNNAJf. 3GIS Cooko Are. . St. Louis ,
Mo. , B.IVS ; "I buffered with spinalweaknesspnina m
my bact.and uleoplasa nights. I tried every conceiv-
bla remedy without ) inucn l > eneQt. Four bottleu of
BM\TU'S Iron Bitters have relieved ino , and I cheer
fully recommend it. "
Genninahaa above Trado Mark and crossed red tinea
on wrapper. Tnlte no otiicr. Mndo only by
* " ' * " " "
nuo\VN nif Tisiour
I was cwrerf 6/bw
e second bottle of
Ely's Cream Ua.'m
was acJiaiuttaJ. Ticax
troubled vrtth chronic
catarrh , gathering i
7tead , difficulty i
breathing and dis-
chargesfrom myears.
C. J. Cortiti ,
chestnut at ,
A particle U applied Into each nos'rll and Is nirrce-
alilp to use. 1'rlcc HI cts nir mil' or at drujrplata.
Send for circular. ELY BROTHERS. Druggists ,
Oweeo. N. Y.
Furnished on Short Notice From
Omaha , at Chicago fi rices.
Omaha , Neb. , 12th and Howard.
Aiio A > oiJLiii ' CSUliXfcJ la
issued Sept. ami
cecH year. 3 313
Illustrations a ,
\vllole Picture Gallery.
_ GIVES "XVlioleialc Prices
direct to eonininrf.t on all goods for
personal or family use. Tells jiow to.
order , and gives exact cost of every-
tliln-r you use , eat , drink , ivcnr , or-
havc fan with. Tlicse IXVAI.UAIZUS
BOOKS contain information glennea
from the markets of tl -world. . We
will maU a copy FRKE to any ad
dress upon receipt of 10 eta. to defray
expense of mailing. Jxt : us licar from
yon. Respectfully ,
227 fc 229Vnbn.ih Avenue. Chicaso. III.
Leading Nos. : 14 , 048 , 130 , 135 , 333 , 16 ! .
For Sale by all Stationers.
Works : Camden , N. J. 26 John St. , New York.
5 Ton AYason Scales ,
Iron Invert , V cl Keirinti , Briu
Tire Beam d Bfatn Boz for
Ererj rize Scale. For frre price Iht
mention thi * piper and Lidress
Quickly relicfcd by nMnfr Cunlimnn'e Menthol
Inhaler and hv continued n > e effect a cure. Satis
faction guarantied or money refund . It last * from
six me nth ? to one year. Trice M ceuti ; by mail orat
siiat. Circulars mailed on application.
H. D. CU3HMAN , Three Rivers , Mich.
Official JlcdalLiberty Enllehtenlnff the World "
Statue one side , barthuldl Medallion on the reverse :
finest : Medal eversjld. Size of Silver Dollar. Pat
ented by American Con-iiluee and M. Bartholdl.
Mailed to any address on receipt of > cent * .
Agents Wanted , School Boys and others.
_ 60 Beekmaa Sr. . New York.
D sfnc-n and XMM Ouarrh
permanent r cured. GIaa si
° t' d for all forms of defec-
Inserted. Addreti Dr. I31FEY. Omttm. Sea.
, - . D 0000 MAP'
energetic'worker ; bnclnessin Us section. Salary s ;
.References. Am. MTc House. 15 Barclay St , Jf. '
Is Tiie Best
, Wale rprc of Co at
Eyer Hale.
Noro r nnin cnlwi Don'twastayourinoneTonsgumorrnfcbercoat. Ths FISH TRASD SUCKEr
p dwith the iboTt
TKADK . naDsoimeiyirniTanawinrfrBOor. ana will neep you < jrv in lie hardest storm
- MARX. Ask Jor tlie "FISH BRAKD" SUCCZB and take no other tt jour torekeeperdoe--
inot liava the "n n BRian " , send for de crintira citaloruft to A. J.TO\VER.aSlnunon < St. FoMon. Va
r =