t i-3 * * " * . v l < s V Ht . tt Mm P. M. AND E. 3L KIMMELTj , . ditors and Publishers. THANKSGIVING DAY. The following is the text of the annual Thanksgiving Proclamation , which was is sued by the president on Atomlay , Xov. 1st : "It has long been the custom of the peo ple of the United States , on a day in each year especially set apait for that purpose by their chief executive , to acknowledge the $ * ' - - goodness and mercy of God , and to invoke His continued care and protection. In ob servance of such'custom , I , Grover Cleve land , president to. the United States , do here by designate and set apart Thursday , the 2oth day of November , instant to be observ ed and kept as a day of thanksgiving and , praytuOn that day let all our people fore go their accustomed employments and as semble Jn their usual places o worship * to give thanks to the liuler of the Universe foi ; our continued enjoyments of the blessings of a free government , for a renewal of busi- iicss prosperity-throughout pur land , for the return which has rewarded the labor of those who til { the soil , and for our progress as a people in all that makes a nation gieat ; and while we contemplate the infinite power of G.od in earthquakes , flood and storm , let the grateful hearts of tho'-e who have been .shielded from harm through His mercy be turned in sympathy and kindness toward those who have suffered through His visita tion. Let us also , in the midst of our thanks giving , lemember the poor ami. needy wit ! cheerful gilts and uttermost deeds of charitj f-o that our hervice may be made acceptabl in the sight of the Lord. ' In witness whereof , I have hereunto se my hand and cause the seal of the Unite States to be affixed. "Done at the City of Washington , this If day of November , in the year .of our Lord onethousand eight hundred anil eighty-six ami of the independence Of the United State of America * > .c one hundred and eleventh. GliOVKK "By the president , T. F. 'Secretary ot State. "HORIZONTAL BrwMORRISON wa lost in the shuffle. THE labor and temperance question will , continue to agitate the land un , til solved justly and equitably. AN election full of "surprises'7 wa ik that of last week. The omens for 'SS * arc most favorable and encouraging. THE editors of the Valley convene a Orleans , to-morrow. In our inability " 'to participateTiiE TRIBUNE send greetings. THEY have been having a jolh Hughes time up in old Hayes county , e , but when the returns canie in it was as certaincd that the sly old Coon ( s ) hat carried the day for Commissioner. THE fact that Henry George , the la bor candidate for mayor of New Fork City , received 68,000 votes is a most portentous one. Such a following can not fail of accomplishing much good nor of being recognized. FOR the first time in Nebraska eventful history , she will be misrepre sented in the next House of Represen tatives by a bourbon , "Honest John' McShane , more easily and readily rec ognised under the name and style of "Boodle John , " probably. Now that the election is over , the active Bee goeth forth in search other game , and"railroads seem to be its meat , this time , particularly the B. & JM. Roscwater charges an assump tion of political dictation , and so on , which in all probability are not with out shadow of fact. THE average Omahog , says Sam Jones , who is now afflicting the people of the metropolis with his pious slang and vulgarity , would give more for a back lot in that city than he'would for a front street corner lot in heaven. Sam must remember that there are none but corner lots up there. ELSEWHERE , perhaps , we may have briefly alluded to the uncomfortable ten dency of the weather , last Tuesday , for prominent free-traders , in various sec tions of the country : It may be noted that among these whose constituency thought proper and best for them to re main at home were Morrison and Hurd , while speaker Carlisle and Mr. Spring er were elected by the scantiest majori ties. THE Omaha World has the following word concerning Secretary-elect , G. L. Laws : Gilbert L. Laws , newly elected secretary of state , is a man of about fifty yea.it , , very affable and possessed of many friends. lie came to Nebraska from Wisconsin , was in the Union army and wears a wooden leg as rememberance. He lived at Orleans for > ev- eral years , until appointed icgister of tho newly created land office at McCook , where he remained until .succeeded. He is a very popular man. THE labor party made an unexpected showing of strength , last Tuesday. The signs of the times are most favorable to the improvement of the condition of the laboring classes , in the near future , " by equitable and just legislation in their behalf. A few more such victories will place the working men of this na tion where they can successfully demand reasonable consideration , to the end' ' thatthey may be fairly compensated for their labors and nftt unduly dis criminated against. , Ir- " ; 3 * i 4k "On- - " * " * , ' " / * * * x ' f „ " , 'V ' , \-s" , - - " , 'c-1 THIS SPACE IS RESERVED FOR rl OS JONAS ENGEL , MANAGER. WHO WILL OCCUPY THE FRANKLIN BRICK , ON THE S. W. COR. O'F MAIN AND DENNISON STS. , McCOOK , ABOUT DECEMBER BUSINESS DIRECTORY. W. S. MORL-VX. J. K. COCIIKAX MORLAN & COCHRAX , ATTORNEYS AT LAW - : - - : - , IMcCOOK , NEBRASKA. TITOS. COI.FKU. J. A. CORDEAL GOLFER & CORDEAL , ATTORNEYS AT LAW , AND NOTAHIES PUBLIC. Real Estate Bought and Sold and Collections Made. Money loaned on real estate and final proof. Thos. Colfer agent Lincoln Land Co. Office , over First National Bank , JlcCook. SNAYELY & STARR , ATTORNEYS AT LAW , INDIANOLA , NEBRASKA. Will practice in all the State and United States Courts. Also , before the Land Ollicc at McCook and the department at Washington. HUGH AV. COLE. I.KOX F. MOSS. COLE & MOSS , LAWYERS , McCOOK NEBRASKA. Will practice in all the Courts of Nebraska , Kansas and Colorado , and in the Federal Courts of the Eighth Circuit. Careful atten tion fjiven to contests and lan'd business before : heU. S. Land Offices at McCook , Oberliu and Denver , and the Interior Department at Wash ington. Commercial and corporation law a specialty. Money to loan. Rooms 4 and 5 , First National Bank Building. H.F.WILLIAMS. L. L. HULBURD. J.N.LUCAS. WILLIAMS. HULBURD & LUCAS , LAWYERS , McCOOK. - NEBRASKA. V. W. A KK. .1OIIS WILEV. AGEE & WILEY , ATTORNEYS AT LAW. # Will practice"in'the State and United State Joints , and before tb < - U. S. iand Olfices. Sarelul attention given to Collections. Ollicc 3pp. Commercial Hotel , Main St. , McCook. 3. AV. DAVIS. .1. D. TCUXEH. DAYIS & TURNER , LAND ATTORNEYS , McCOOK XEBICASKA. . All casrs arisingunder the public land laws i spocialry. Z3ST FOUR-YEAR'S EXl'EK- ENCE IN GENERAL LAND OFFICE at VtiQhinKton , D. C. Contests entrusted to our % are will receive personal attention before he Interior Department. For this purpose hall visit Washington twice annually. If you vant to amend or change j our entry you will lo well to call and sec us. COCELRAN & HELM , \ Law Gen'l \ttorneys-at- Agents , McCOOK , : NEBRASKA. Prompt and careful attention given to Law Cases In 11 the Courts of the State nnd all classes of TJ. S. -and Business transacted before the local office at IcCook. Nebraska , and the Interior Department at Vaslilngton , D. C. Contests a specialty. AV111 pros- cute claims for Pensions and claims for Increase of 'enslons. Notarial business done i > nd lands bought nd sold on reasonable terms. S5gr 0fflce. 3d door onth of the TJ. S. Land Oflice. 3.29 DR. A. J. WILLEY , SURGEON B.&M. RAILROAD. [ OFFICE AT B. & M. PHARMACY" , ] McCOOK , . - NEBRASKA. ' T. B. STUTZMAN 'M. D. . . , . . , Eclectic Physician and Surgeon OCULIST AND AUEIST. McCOOK , NEBRASKA e in Pate's Brick , Main St. B. B. DAVIS , M. D. , . PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON McCOOK NEBRASKA. * 39 0flice at Chenery & Anderson's drug store DR. Z. L. KAY , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON McCOOK. - - NEBRASKA. : Room No. 1. McCook Bankinj Company's Building. Residence , 1st door eas of Receiver Babcock's residence. L. J. SPICKELMTER , M. D. , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON , Special Attcatics Givsa t : ? esile Liuio : . OHice first door east of Tin : Tamura oflice. OiHce hours , from 0 to 11 A. M. , and 2 to 4 P. M. . mountain time. McCOOK. NEH. TRIBUNEJOB : : - OFFICE I5iST KQUIPPKI ) IX TIIE VAI.l.KY. FINAL PROOF NOTICES. LAND OFFICE AT McCooit , Nin. , { November Oth , 1850. | Notice is hereby given that the tollowing- named bcttlur has filed notice of his intention to make linal proof in support ot his claim , and that said proof will be made betore Reg ister or Receiver at McCook. Neb. , on Friday , December 17th. IShS , viArthur B. Goodner , D. S. 3095 , for the southwest ii section 34 , town 1. N.range 29.west 6th P. M He names the lol- lowing witnesses to prove his continuous res idence upon , and cultivation of , said land , vi/ : E. L. Macy , C. 0.Smith , Frank Spicer , Christ Ely , all ot Cedar Blutts , Kan. 24 v S. P. HART , Register. LAXD OFFICE AT MCCOOK , NEB. , I . November 8. 188U. f Notice is hereby given that the tollowing- immcd bottler has tiled notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim , and that said proof will benmde befoio Regis , ter or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Tuesday , December 21st , IS&S , viz : Harry L. Rosecrans. D. S. 2505 , for the west 'A southeast ii and east 1A southwest ! i section 13 , town. 4 north , range 30 webt. He names the lollowingwitnesses to prove his continuous residence upon , and cultivation of. sitid land , \ iMichael C. Rider , Samuel McCluin. Charles WAngel and John S. Modrel , all ol McCook , Neb. . 24 S.P. HART , Register. LAND OFFICE AT McCooic. NEB. , i October 2Uth , 18itf. f Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has Hied notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim , and that said proot will be made before Regis ter or Receiver ut McCook , Neb. , on Friday , December 10th , IbSii. viJohn H. Evert , Homestead 3013. for the south } i northwest Ji and north bouthwcst Ji , section 27 , town. 3 north , range2 ! ) west. He names the follow ing witnesses to prove his continuous resi dence upon , and cultivation of said land , viz : W. H. Hamilton , William Doyle. Richard Johnston and W. H. Smith , all of McCook , Neb. 2S G.L. LAWS , Register. LAND OITICK AT McConic , NEB. , " | November 1,1880. J Notice is hereby given that the following- named settler hits filed notice of his Intention n to make final proof in support of his claim , t < and that said proof will be made before Regis- er or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Saturday t < TlppfMiihnr lltli. 1KRH. , vizdiaries E. Stilns , Homestead 58W ! , for the cast Ji southwest ' , mil east } northwest ii section 2. town 4 , north range 2l > , west. Ho names the fpllowiiig vltnesses to prove his continuous res'donco Upon , and cultivation ot. said land , viz : Rich- ird E. Moore , Henry Winans , Thomas Cow- ird and Fred Cogger , all of Box Elder , Neb. S3 S , P , HART , Register. ilver Mine II A PLAGE WHERE YOU CAN BUY GOLD CHEAPER THAN YOU CAN DIG IT. THAT TS THE EXPRESSION OF EVERY ONE WHO VISITS SCOTT'S NEW We have come to McCook to stay. Have built a brick building on Main street and have no rents to pay , and can sell goods for less money than any one west of Chicago : We keep the Largest Stock of Diamonds , Watches , Jewelry and Silverware in the West , and every one is surprised at the ex tremely low prices we are selling them for. We keep everything usually found in a first-class store. We want your trade and will mako it to your interest to buy of us. A full line of Roger & Bro. Knives , Forks , Spoons and Table Ware at Chicago prices. IANOS ! FOB BENT AND SALE , VEBT LOW. su Qora su puu p8.rrccl9.T Sm.irecfe.T ui suit ou > si ' .T o . oog MJ\T Suites uoi oi3jsi.Tssip ! ] PIOATJ pui3 p9.Tred9.i o . sjpojQ puu Of the election held in Red Willow County , Nebraska , on the 2d day of November , 1886- : LAND OFFICE AT McCooic , NEIL , i October llth. ISSi. f Notice is heieby gien that tho lollowmg- itinicd settler hufiled notice of his intention o make final proof in support of his chum , nd that said proof will be mndo befoie Ucg- = ter or Receiver at McCook. Neb. , on Monday November 2'th ) , Ifctfi , viJohn Hvudeison lomestead 292 , lor the northui"st Ji section 2 , town. 4 north , range : . " . > west , Gih P. M. He lamestho lollowing witnesscb to ] irove _ his ontimious lesideneo iion. and cultivation f , said land , viz : Hiram K. Bixler , James : Eobinson. John Modrell and Allred Carter. ' .11 of McCook , Neb. I 20 G. L. LAWS. Jlegister. I ' LAND OFFICE AT McCooic. NEB. , I October 12th. Ifctli. j i Notice is hereby givcn that the lollowiirj- \ lamed settler has filed notice of his intention o make final proof in support ot his claim , i nd t hat said proof wjll be made betore Regis- cror lecei\er at McCook. Neb. , on Monday , rovember 22nd , ISWi. viMatthew Stewart. > . S. 1782 , for the northeast J4 section 35 , town north , lange 29 vest. tth ! P. M. He n.-.mes lie following witnesses to prove his contmu- us residence upon , and cultivation of. said ind , viz : J. H. Stephens J. IJ. Piper , W. D. 'rinque and Wm. Wevgint , all ot Box Elder , [ eb. 20 G.L. LAWS , Register. LAND OFFICE AT MCCOOK , NEB. , i October Cth , ISbU. Notice is hereby given that the lollowing- inned settler bus filed notice of her intention ) muke final proof in support ol her claim , nd that said prool will be made before Regis- . iror Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Saturday. ' ovember 13th. 18Ni , vu : Gertrude A. Cole-i lan. Homestead 3050. for the southeast h t i iction 12 , town. 4 north , range 31 west. She . ames the following witnesses to prove her ( 3Utinuous residence upon , and cultivation f , said land , viz : Archibald B. Davis , Bax- r J. Davis , John N. Smith and Esroui Rotii- rmel , all of McCook , Nebraska. J'j G.L , LAWS , Register. LAND OFFICE AT McCooir , NEB. , i October 12th , Ibtii. f Notice is hereby gi\en that the lollowing- naincd settler has filed notice of her intention to make final proof in support .of her claim , i and that said pioof will be made before ttcgi- i tor or Receiver at McCook. Neb. , on Fridiiy , November 19th , 1 0 , viz : Nettie C. East , D. ft. 2CI3 , lor the southeast S southuest Ji section , 25 , township 4 north , range 5(1 ( west. She names the following witnesses to prove her contin- | nous residence upon , and cultivation of. said ! land , MII. . H. Berry , H. L. B rry , F. L. 1 Brown and C.M. Collins , all of McCook , Nebr. I 20 G. L. LAWS , Register. j LAND OFFICE AT McCooic. NEK. , i 1 October 4th. JNfi. f I Notice i * hereby given th.it the tollowing- named settler his hied notice ot his intention [ to make final jiroul in support ot his claim. and tii.it said moot"will be m.ide Ijefoie Reg ister or Keccherat McCook , Neb. , on FrHav , November 12sh , IbMi , viHeinrich .V.e\eV. Homestead 3lCi. ! tor the south ' 5 of southwest > i section 14. and north 5ol northwest J4 section ; . town. 5. north range 30 , westdth P. M. He names tho following witnesses to prove his continuous icsideuce upon , and cultivation of , said hind , viz : I'cter Bern- heiuier. Phillipp Schmidt. FrankTsimmer and Jacob Tsimmer , all of Osburn , Neb. 10 G. L. LAWS , Register. LAND OFFICE AT McCooic. NEB. , l October " th. If-Sti. f Notice is hereby given that the lollowing- named settler has uled notice ot hi * intention to make final proof iu support ol his claim , and that said pi oof will be made befoie Regis- ' -1 tion3J. I0ivuship5 north , ranged , west Cth P. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon , and cul tivation of , said land , viz : H. C. Shepherd. A. C. Harlan , J. C. Morford and F. Brown , all of Osburn , Neb. 10 G. L. LAWS , Register. LAM > OFFICE AT McCooic. Neb. , > . - . . . , o\ember 1st , 18W5. f Notice is hereby given that the followln"- named settler has filed notice of his Intention to make final proof in support of hi" claim and that said proof v ill be made befo e llc'-fs- ter or Receiver at McCook. Neb. , on Thu rsdii v Dec. Kith. IbStJ Kl : Amos H. Reynold * ; Hon stead 51'J. for the south J * southeast i"s tionll.and north ' 2 northeast 't section 11 tow n. 4 , north range 2' ) , west. He names the tollowing witnesses to prove his conHnuous LAND Oi KICK AT MCCOOK. NEB. i ' October 30th 18SG. 'f Notice is hereby jnren that the foHowin"- { kcTnafm 'l * ' " . iu iii.ihc iiiuii prooi in biipport oC his claim and that sail ! proof will be made * before It ! i < ? * ter or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Momiliv December 13th , lt ii. viz : John Moriartr D' . . , S.8.,71. for the northwest section . > north , i-anjje 20 west , fith P. M. He names town the following witnesses to I > rove his conthiu ous residence upon , and cultivation of. sami land , viA. . C. Ifarlan. Osburn , Neb A P Larseu A cCook Neb. ; W. A. Glasscock. Boi Elder , Neb. ; L. H. Stenson , McCook. Neb * * G. L. LAWS , Register. L.\.NDOFKXCKATMcCOOK.NEn . ' I v - October 30th. lbS6. * f Notice is hereby iven that the followin"- niuncd settler has filed notice of bis intenUon to make final ptoof in support of his clainT and that said proof will be made before lleir& ter or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Satunmr Deeember llth. 18S6. viz : James Blo Farnsworth. Homestead 2128. for the SSSt east h CtMn 17 , towt" 1 vnorthrange io vPthrh , v . M . He names the following wit nesses to prove his continuous residence un on and cultivation of. said land , viz : Sidne Dodge John Goodenbergcr. Saxton B. CoU. rain , Amos Goodeuberger , all of McCook , Neb % > G. L. LAWS , Register.