i Coinage. In the second northern gallery nt tho British museum has been arranged in chronological order a scries of English coins in gold , silver and copper. It hceins that the coinage ol tho English had no di rect connection with the earlier Dritish coinage , nor with tiio short-lived currency which the Romans introduced. It was Henry VII. , in 1504 , who. placed , lor tho Brat time , an authentic portrn.it'in English coins. Ho also made addition to the gold coins by striking "sovereigns , " so called because they bore tho figure ol the sover eign seated on his throne. It was during and after the reign ol Charles II. that the English coinage declined very greatly in in terest and variety. Tho first guineas were in this reign from gold brought from the Guinea coast. In the reign of Queen Anne there was some coins bearing tho name of "Vigo , " because they were made from bul lion captured in Vigo bay. Boarding : House Never order eggs. Never ask to be served twice if you owe any back board. Steer clear of the young widows who arc boarding in the house. Sec what kind of a game the boarders piny before you buy any chips. Never appear to be deeply interested in the man who is full of schemes. Beware of the boarder who never has any change when the washwoman calls. [ The Judge. V \ * The editor of the Corsicana , Tcxns , Ob- Berver , Mr. G. P. Miller , had a severe at tack ol rheumatism in * his lelt knee , which became so swollen and painful that he could not walk up the stairs. He writes that after a few applications of St. Jacobs Oil , the paiti entirely disappeared , and the knee assumed its normal proportions. HopelcBS. Sir Astley Cooper relates the following anecdote of an Irish candidate before the examining board of the London college : "What is a simpleand what is a compound fracture ? " asked the examiner. The reply was : "A simple fracture is when a bone is broke , ami a compound fracture when it's all broke. " Sir Astlev asked him what he meant by "all broke. " ' 'I mean , " he re plied , "broke into smithereens , to be'sure. " L ventured to ask him what was "smith ereens. " He turned upon me with an in tense expression of sympathy upon his countenance. "You don't know what is smithereens ? Then I give you up. " [ Sir Charles A. Cameron in Dublin Journal of Medical Science. Summer coughs and colds generally come to stay , but the use of Red Star Cough Cure invariably drives them away. Safe , prompt , sura. Had Cause to Grumble. Old Bob Brayson , just after putting en a pair of new brogan shoes , went out to chop wood. While standing on a log , chopping , his axe glanced and cut his left foot nearly off. His son came out and asked : "Pap , whutfe the matter ? " "I've dun ruint iny new shoe , " the old man replied. " "It beats anything I ver seed. Benchoppin1 wood for a month in my old shoes an' never touched "em , btt now that I've lammed down § 2 fur a new pa'r , I hevto cut an' slash "em aU "to pieces. " Arkansaw Traveler. About Coal. According to the calculations made by a scientific writer lately ft requires a prodig ious amount of vegetable matter to forma , layer of coal , the estimate 'being that it would really take 1,000,000 years to form a coal bed 100 feet thick. The United States has an area of between 300,000 and 400,000 square miles of coal fields , 100- 000,000 tons of coal being mined from these fields in one year , or enough to ran a ring around the earth at the equator 5J feet wide and 5Jj thick , the quantity being sufficient to supply the whole world for a period of 1,500 to 2,000 years. What would our Forefathers have snid if they had imagined that a cough could be cured for 25 cents as by that icliable rem edy Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup. . Tito Art or "The art of spoiling , " George Eliotmakes Theophrastus Such say , "is within the reach of the dullest faculty. The coarsest clown with a hammer in his hand might chip the nose of every statue and bust in the Vatican and stand grinningafc the effect of his work. " This thought may have been forced upon others besides the writer of this note by certain trophies displayed by returned tourists of the globe trotting season just about closing. Vandalism has been just a little bit rampant , it would ap pear by the fragments proudly exhibited as evidences of travel and research. [ Buffalo Courier. The Omaha Type foundry can furnish new neuspaper outfits on short notice. Prices same as in Chicago and freight already paid to Omaha. Justin McCarthy has made $35,000 from his "History of Our Own Times. " ITCHING and irritations of the skin and icalp , burns , scalds , piles , ulcers , poisons , tite * of insects and all skin diseases , quickly- cured by Cole's Carbollialve , the great Udn remedy. 25 and 50c cents , at Druggists. Civil Service Commissioner Oberly always dresses in black. You Can Learn How to Get Rich By sending your address to Hallet & Co. , Portland , Me. ; they will send you full in formation about work that you can do and live at home whereveryou are located. Work adapted to all ages and both sexes. $5 to $25 a day and upwards easily earned. Some have earned over $50 in a day. AH succeed grandly. All is new. You are started free. Capital not required. Delay not. All of the above will be proved to you , and you will find yourself on the road to a handsome fortune , with a large and absolutely sure income from the very start. The German empress , it is "recalled , was in her girlhood a pupil of Goethe. PATENTS obtained by Louis Bagger & Co-At torncys , Washington , I ) . C. Est'd isu. Ad > ice free Fred Douglas and wife are attracting much attention iniiverpool. No Shotgun Practice About CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER Puxs ; mild and gentle. Henn ought to lay the Galatea up for the winter in Egg Harbor. The. Omaha Typj ? foundry can furnish new newspaper outfits on short notice. Prices same as in Chicago and freight- Already paid to Omaha. A CRISIS IN ICELAND. IMinscs of nn Interesting Strujrele foi Homo Jtulc KlKors of Danish Itulc. The extmordiry session of the Ice landic diet , convoked in accordance with the sixty-first clause of the consti tution of 187-1 for the purpose of con sidering the revision of the constitution of last year , terminated on the 27th oJ August last * the revision scheme hav ing been passed by an overwhelming majority , writes a correspondent oi The London Times. In a high-worded proclamation oi November 2 , last year , the king an nounced to his "faithful Icelanders" that the proposed revision could re ceive royal sanction under no circum stances. Its only effect has been to consolidate the whole people into one compact patriotic party , determined not to rest until Iceland has obtained what for half a century it has been striving for namely , full autonomy in home affairs. Never before has such fervid interest been taken in a general election as this year. Never before has the language of the diet sounded such : v clear note of menace as at this time. Emigration en masse and a complete depopulation of the country are hinted at as a by no means improb able contingency "should the present state of political tension endure much longer and no prospect open to a sen sible solution. The fact is that the state of the country is hopeless in al most every direction. The fishing pop ulation is in an actual state of starva tion , and distress in various stages ol acuteness is the general condition oJ tho whole land. Knowing .that the main reason of this is simply misrule , the government is sending quietly ship loads of relief to the worst affected parts of the country , of course , at the expense of the Icelanders themselves. The commercial treaty with Spain , which terminated in 1883 , and the re newal of which on the basis of the most-favored nation clause , was nego tiated successfully in the same year , was thrown out in the Danish rigsdag , merely by way of retaliaf on , the re sult being that the staple export of Iceland , codfish , has been practically excluded from tho Spanish market , and the loss sustained by the poor popula tion who earn their living by fishing has amounted yearly to nearly 100,000 kroner. Reasons pf state forbid a separate treaty being negotiated on behalf of Iceland , because it might bo construed as an acknowledgment on the part of the government of Denmark of Iceland as a separate unit in tho Danish monarchy. Then the truck-system all over the land is exercising the most grinding op pression over the people. Icelandic trade is carried on altogether with Dan ish capital. At an interest of at least 18 per cent , the impecunious Icelandic trader obtains his loan from the Danish capitalist , which the former's starving customers , of course , have to refund him. The customer sinks deeper and deeper in debt , and so serious has this state of things now become that multi tudes of debtors have been forced bj the merchants to pledge all theii earthly possessions , and prospective earnings , moreover , until their debts shall be liquidated. Yieldinjr to the clamor of the coun try for a bank , the government has just established one" this year. But. in order that it should be powerless to give any relief to the oppressed trade of the country , only 500,000 kroner of incon vertible paper currency were issued ; it is made a legal tender , and the conse quence is that-customs and dutiesAvirich hitherto have been paid in specie will henceforth be paid in paper , and what specie imports were formerly required for the payment of customs , etc. , will now cease. Practically this means withdrawing from the treasury at least 300.000 kroner of specie yearly , and in volves ultimately the absolute financial ruin of the island. Uy such a denom ination of currency as the bank has at its disposal no assistance can be afford ed or impetus given to the trade of the country. Starting without any capital and unable to undertake .any money transactions except in inconvertible paper , contracts and negotiations with foreign banks will become all but im possible. If it were not for the excel lently conducted Scotch trade with the island , which is extending every year , the condition of Iceland would now be one of unparalleled misery. Perhaps , however , the worst feature of the situ ation % is the unscrupulous selfishness and rare incapacity of the higher rulers of the people , to whom such a thing as study of national interests seems to be something infra dignitaltim. Bureau cratic superciliousness thrives appar ently well in the midst of misery. The feeling in the country under these cir cumstances is anything but reassuring , and what the upshot will be if the king should veto the revised constitution no one can foretell. Tell Yonr Wife. I think it is safe for a man to tell his wife all he knows. And it is unsafe to keep her in ignorance of his financial affairs , or in ignorance of anything bearing directly upon her domestic af fairs. The judgement of most true wives and mothers is often remarkably 2Ood ; better in many cases than that o f their husbands. "Tell your wife. " should be the husband's motto. No need to ask wives to tell their husbands all they know. They do it anyhow. And this is no slur on them , for they lave a right to. Zcnas Dane , in Good Housekeeping. Provided For. "There is my wife , " said the duelist to his second , in a voice broken with emotion , "if I am killed she will be .eft alone in this cold , cold world ; but thank Heaven I am rich , and if the worst comes to the worst , she will be provided for. " "You.ought to write her a letter , " suggested tfie second. "I will , and in case I fall , will you deliver it ? " "Certainly , " responded the second , endeavoring to keep the tears back , "and by the way , old fellow , just say a good word for me. " Life. V" , > r v-- ANEW YIEW OF CONSUMPTION. _ _ _ * * And Oiioriitfli , % i > ! > ealn to Common Seiixe. JTIuny < urablo Cane . Medical Stilus. "Many pTHons die of Consumption who could easily be cured , " says Dr. S. C. Clark , 'of ' Wttterto.vn. N. Y. , "if they would go nt it right. I have a new view of the disease. Consumption is not always of lung ori gin. " "How so ? What is it then ? " " of second "Many cnses consumption aro ary. Tho disense itself prevails every where , but the best practitioners refuse to attribute it entirely to inheritance or to the weather. If a person lives in the most favorable climate in tho world and has any tendency to lung weakness , if certain con ditions exist in tho system , tl.at climate , however favorable , will not prevent de velopment of the disense. The disorder in such cases is only a secondary symptom in the lungs of some other ailment , and can > never Le. cured until approached through" its source. " "Yes , doctor ; but wliat is the method of approach ? " "If you dip your finger in acid you burn it ; do you not ? " "Yes. " "If you wash this burnt finger every sec ond with the acid , what is the result ? " "Why , constant inflammation , festering and eventual destruction of the finger. " "Precisely ! Now then for my method , which commends itself to the icason and judgment of every skillful practitioner. You know certain acids are developed in the body. Well , if the system is all rjght these acids are neutralized or utilized and carried out. If the system is run down by excesses , anxiety , continual ex posure , or overwork , these acids accumu late in the blood. If there is any natural weakness in the lung , this acid attacks it , having a natural affinity lor it , and if the acid is not neutralized or passed out of the flyntem , it burns , ulcerate" and finally destroys the lung. Is this clear ? " "Peifectly ! But how do you prevent the accumulation of theseacidsin the system ? " "Ii regularities of tho liver and kidneys create this excess of acid and the supply can be cut off only by correcting the wrong action of these organs. The kidneys alone bhould carry out in quantity , in solution , enough of this acid daily , which , if lefc in the blood , would kill four men. When the stomach , the liver and the kidneys are all conspiring to increase the acid , the wonder is that weak lungs resist death as long as they do ! " 'iBut you have not told us how you would treat &uch cases. " "No , but I will. The lungs are only dis eased as an effect of this acid or kidney poison in the blood. After having ex hausted all authorized remedies to jorrect this acid condition , I was compelled , in justice to my patients , to use Warner's safe cure ; though a proprietary remedy , it is now recognized , I see , by leading physi cians , by Presidents of State Boards of Health and by insurance physicians , as a scientific and the only specific for those great organs in which over ninety per cent of dis eases originate or are sustained. " "Is this form ol treatment successful ? " "It is wonderfully so , and for that reason I am on'y ' too willing that you should an nounce it to the world of consumptives. " Note by the Publishers : We have re ceived the above interview from 11. H. Warner & Co. , Rochester , N. Y. , with the request that we publish it lor the good of suffering people. la a foot note to their letter they say : "The experience of Dr. Gark is not strange to us. In our correspondence we have found that many thousands of people are suffering from what they think is Con sumption , whereas the real difficulty is with the liver and kidneys , proven by the fact that when these organs are restored to health by the use of Warner's safe cure , the consumption disappears , and so does nremic or kidney poisoning , which causes so many symptoms of diseases that the human syst.eru is subject to. The same may be said of rheumatism , caused by an acid condition of the system. We insist upon what we always have claimed , if you remove the cause , the system will soon per fect thevork aheady begun. Mrs. Eev. Dr. Theodore Wolf , of Gettysburg , Pa. , wife of the editor of the Lutheran Quarterly , said her friends thought her 'far gone \ \ ith Con sumption , " but after a. thorough treatment with Warner's safe cure , she says : 'I am perfectly well. ' We can cite thousands of such cases , but one is enough. If you pub lish the above article , kindly send us a , marked copy. " We gladly give place to the article , for if we can in any way stay the ravages of Con sumption , * which carries away so many millions yearly , it is our bounden duty so to do. ] PDB. Simon Cameron is the only survivor of the senate of Polk's administration. A uniform and natural result is produced y using Buckingham's Dye for the Whis- iers. iers.For For a slight cold , a hacking cough or ung troubles , take Ayer'a Cherry Pec- : oral. . The wind is always bloAving about some thing ; but there is nothing in it. The youngest school teacher in Alabama is HltleMury Duke , of Clanton , six years old. As a horse and cattle lotion , Salvation Oil has proven itnulf an infallible remedy , it has received the hearty indorsements of many old and well-known horsemen. Grand Master Workman Powdeily is a devout Roman Catholic. If sick headache is misery , what are Car ter's LittleLiver Pills if they will positively cure it ? People who have used them speak frankly of their worth. They are small and easy to take. Ex-Empress Eugene thinks tho Napoleon ic outlook in France is hopeless. Lyon's Patent Heel Stlffcner la the only invention that makes old boots straight as new. If we were all of one opinion thero would be no betting. It is a pleasure and satisfaction to many to learn that Allen's Lung Balsam , that standard family medicine forcoughs , croup and all lung diseases , can no w be procured at 25c. , GOc. , and § 1.00 a bottle at any drug store. A Pittsburger has taken out a patent for a machine to crimp flour bags. Women Easily Starred or Alarmed , Grieved or vexed , should use CAKTER'SIKON PILLS. A phrenologist says that "fullness under the eye denotes language. " Prizes for SScst Stories , Sltcicli- cs and Poetry. Address , with stamp , TUB CULTIVATOR , Omaha , Neb. Mention this paper. Lady Churchill's fathergives her § 15,000 a year. Every person is interested in their own affairs , and if this meets the eye of anyone who is suffering from the effects of a torpid liver , we will admit that he is interested in getting well. Get a bottle of Prickly Ash Bitters , use it as directed , and you will al ways bo glad you read this item. Jules Simon thinks the weak point of the French republic is its universal suffer- ago. Be merciful to dumb animals. Heal all open sores and cuts with Stewart's Healing Powder , 15 and 50 cent * a box. The fortune of Mrs. Mark Hopkins is es timated at § 40,000,000. Best , eaMest to use and cheapest. Piso's Remedy forCatairh. Ly dnissistu. SOc. Sam Jones is attempting to found a col lege at Cartersville , Ga. At this season nearly every one needs to use soma sort of tonio. IRON enters into almost very phy- acian's prescription for those who need building up. THE BEST TONIC For Wcakneu. , linjisltnde. I > ack of Energy , etc. , it HAS NO .EQUAL , and la tho only Iron medicine that is not injurious. It Enriches the Blood , Invigorates the System , Restores Appetite , Aid * Digestion It does not blacken or injure the teath , cause head- tche orproduco constipation or * er/ron mtd icinei do MHH.MTBA MAZFIELDNorfolk , , Neb. , says : "I hare used Brown's Iron Bitters us a tonic with most happy results. " MB. OKAS WAOJTEH. 811 Eighth St. , Omaha , Neb. , says : " I used Brown's Iron Bitters for General Debility and it made almost a new man of me. I cheerfully recommend it. " MR. J. F. MAGUIBE , Wilson , Neb. , says : " I have CBed Brown's Iron Bitters for General Debility and gladly recommend it to like sufferers. It has made A new man or mo. " Genuine has above Trade Mark and crossed red lines on wrapper. Take no other. Hade only by BUOV/X CJICMICAL CO. , BALTIMOEK , MD. IT IS A P URELY VEGETABLE PREPARATION PRICKtf 5ENNA-MANDRAKE-BUCHU AKD OTHER E UAllYEFFICIENT REMEDIES It has stood the Test of Years , " in Curing all Diseases of the BLOOD , LIVEE , STOM ACH , ZIDNEYS.BOW- ELS , &c. It Purifies the Blood , Invigorates and Cleanses the System. BITTERS DYSPEPSIA.CONSTI- CURES PATION , JAUNDICE , flAlLQISEASESOFTHEl SICKHEADACHE.BEL- LIVER IOT7S COMPLAINTS&c disappear atonce tinder IKIDNETS its beneficial influence. STOMACH It is purely a Medicine AND as its cathartic proper ties forbids its nae as a i BOWELS beverage. It is pleas ant to tne taste , and as easily taken by child ren asaduUs. ALLDRUGGiSTS | PRICKLY ASH BITTERS CO Sola Proprietors ; SxXonis and KANSAS Cm Catarrh is Oaosed By scrofulous tilat In the blood. Thcr jrc. to euro catarrh , purify tha blood. Thousandvio ! hat c been troubled with the illsngrcctblu synp om * at catnrrli. bare boon entirely cured Ly Ilo > 1's Sarjapirllla , tho best blood-purifying mcdlclao bcfjro thj public. It expels every ta'nt of Impurity from the blooJ. aal vitalizes nnd enriches It. If you suffer from catarrh , give Hood's Sanapnrilla a trial. "I have suffered with catarrh In my head for years , and paid out hundred * of dolla-s for medicines , but have heretofore received only temporary rellcl. I began to take Hood's Sirsaparllla and it helped me so much that I decided to keep on. Xow my catarrh is nearly cured , the weakness of my body Is all cone , my Appetite is good Infect , I feel like another p cr- son. HooJ's Sarsaparllla is the best medicine I lnu o ever taken , and the only one tha : has done me per manent irood. " MBS. A. CCXXIXOIIAM. Provi dence , It. I. Hood's Sarsapariila Sold by all druggists. i : six for $3. Prepared by C. I. HOOU & CO. , Lowell. Ma > s. IOO Doses One Dollar ENOUGH FAMILY OIL CAN. Tho most practical , large sized Oil Can In tho market. Lamps arc filled direct by thepump without lifting can. No dripi ng oil on Floor or Table. No Faucet to leak and waste contents or cause explosions. Closes perfectly air tisht. So Iicnknce-Tfo Evap oration Absolutely sure. Don't be Humbugged with worthless imitations. Buy tho GooUEnouch. " ManTd.by WINFIELD MASF'G. CO. , Warren , Ohio. Sold by First-Clans Dealer * Everywhere. SUPPLIED 1SY JUISBEBS. HOME STUDY. Secure a Business Education bv mail , from BRYANT'S COLLEGK Buffalo , Jf.Y. A U/fRftfJ Wanted in every town , to sell M SB IP 5Bl fi ! latest and best book. Weekly salary guaranteed. Arcade Publishing Co. Chicago. Fff ? A QMV T'Cnrn here and earn Ct.lyr&lirri _ poodpny. Situation * fur nished. Y/riloVuIeiiUne ISros. , Janesyille.Wls. to S8 O daySamples worth SI 50 FREE. Lines not under the lioi > oN feet. Write Bre wster ' Safety Rein Holder Co. , Holly , Mich. jfSk a EVB 'ETO Tumors and Ulcers cured. Private 1 54 \5OSlSlk Hospital for Patients. Write foe \50pamphlet. \ DR. P. B. GO LLEY , Miln auLee.Wia. Morphine Ilallt Curedla 10 toliocl.iya. Nop.iy till Cured. uu j. bi-Ki'iiK.N-s. ieutmoa. Ohio. OFFlCKHSTny , Bounty. Etc. Write for circulars and laws. Free. W. McCORMICK &SON , Cincinnati , O. and Morplitno Ilnhlt Cured inlOto SO days. Kefir to { OOO patients curcJ ! in all pans. Dr. Marsh , Quincy.Micii. A pntltlra cure. No Knife. No Plaster. No P ln. W.C. Payne , UarabaUtoirn.lovra. Sure relief . ( jmrjun Price35 s.aiJlllJlU bymail. Stowell&Co. 'harJcstowij , Mass , energetic worker ; I > uslncjlntil3soctcn. Salary S7D. References. . ' ' . . Y. Am. M'f'n House. 15 Barclay St. , N. Deafness and Sa il Cntarrh permanently cured. Glosses I fitted for all forms of defcc- & THROAT inserted. Address Dr. IMPET. Omalia. Neb. TOTATERBUR1T WWATCH : Stem winder. Warranted Kellable. uiven to any oiie who will get 8 subscribers for the best SO - cents - a - year cancr in the world. Sample conies anil new premium list Address ACRlCULTURISTRaclneWl8. UfAUTCn to soil AOV.KI/I Y ictl nAlflCD MACHINES and 1CUO PATTEK.NS , for making RUK3. Tidies , Hoods , Mittens , etc. feer.c bv mail for SI. ( HltCUI.ARS FRUU. E. KOSS Az. CO. , - TOLEDO , OHIO. Piso's Ramwly for Catsjrh Is the Best , Easiest to Use , and Cheapest. Also eood for Cold in the Head , Headache , Hay Fever , &c. SO cents. CURED ! Geriran Anthinu Cure ncrer fait * to .give L immediate relief in the worst cases. Insures com * Ifortable sleep ; effects rure * where all others fall. A Rfrml convince * the most skeptical. J'rlce J ( > otn and Ml * 1.00 , of Drneguts or bv mail. Sample 1'UKI * for EsUmp. JK. H. niIII * PlI.VX-St- , l. Minn , . N. TL. Omaha 333 45. PSY ! TREATED FHEE ! Dr. H. H. Green & Sons 4. SpcclnlUt * roi-Thlrteea "Veitrt Pu U HRIO treated Dropsy nnd It * complication * with ths most wonderful tncccw : me > eretabo ! remodle * . en tirely lmrmle > . Itemoro all vjinptontt of dropsy la ripht to twenty d y . Cure pntirnta pronounced hopeless by the best ol phvstclaut. rrom tne flnt doio the symptom * rapidly disap pear , and in ten daya at least two-thirds of all symp toms are remote 1. Some maT cry humbug without knowing anything about it. Remember it doei not cost you anything to realize th mcritx of our treatment for yonntelt In ten dsyt the difficulty of breathing- rollered. the pulte regular , the unnirjr organs made to dincharsr * their fuil duty , sleep I * restored , the swelling nil or nearly rone , the trerjrth Increa-wd and appetite mula iroo 1. We are constantly cuiin ? caes of Ion ? Btand- in ra es thit haTe been tapped a nnmbor of times , and the patient declared unable to lira a week. Glr full history of caec. Name. ox. hoir lone afflicted. how baillr swollen and where , aro bowelco ttvehava lejs burbled nnd ilrlf ped water. Send for free pam- ihlet containing testimonials , question * , etc. Ten days trratment furnUheu free by mall. If you order trial , > > end 1O cents in stamps to pay * ' POM.C'ir. OKKEJ- SOX * . M. I > ' . . F SSO'f SIm-cltii Street , Atlnntu , Go. DlIeu yFlt ( ) Positively Cured. i NEWSPAPER OUTFITS on Sliort IVoticc From Out all 11 tit Chicago 1'rice.s. NE OR SECOH1-HA1 GOODS CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. OMAHA TYPE FOUNDRY , Omaha , Neb. , 12th and Howard. 1'Jic UUiKilS' GUZDK la Issued liept. mid lUarcli , , cncli year. JKf 313 pages , sv Hliovcr Illustrations a wliole Picture Gullcry. GIVES IVliolesale Pi ices direct to coniniitrrs on all goods for personal or fainily use. Tells lio\v to order , and gives exact cost of ci cry- tiling you use , eat , drink , wear , or have fan wltli. These INVAM7ABI/E BOOKS contain information gleaned from tlie markets of theu arid. XVc will mail a copy FREE to any ad dress upon receipt of 10 cts. to defray expense of mailing. Iict no hear from you. Respectfully , MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. E27 fc 229 Wiitioah Avenue. CUicajro. III. Best In the World. Made only by the Trarcr Lubrica tor Co. at Chicago , X. V. < L fat. Louis. Sold ereryuhcrt- When I say cure i do not mesn merely to stop ttiem lur a time and then bars them return again. I mean a radi cal cure. I hnvo innjo tho ( license of FITS. UI'II.EFSr or FALLING SICKNESS * Ufa InngMudy. J warrantmr remedy to euro tho itorst cas Because others baTa failed is no reason for not novr receiving a cure. SendaS once for a troBtlso and a Free Boulo of my Infallibla remedy. Glvo Express and Foac Office. It costs you nothing for a trial , and I will care you. Sddress Dr. IL C. BOOT. 183 Pearl St. , Kow Tort. ISEPHGlLLOm GOLD MEDAL PARIS EXPOSITION-IS78. THE MOST PERFECT OF PENS ' or aron < an in every school district lo po to work for us Immediate y on unuw , novel , honorable , and luera- ti\e enterprise. Only pushero. who can nmkiroin * . > to ? 1U : i dav , wanted. Address David W. vlucid , T51 Broadway. New York. WE ? "W&A1T VQ'IJT ' . aliveencrfretlc or wouau neetl'nc man profitable employment to repic-eut us in cvtry county. Salary $75 ner month and eipon co , or a larjre commission on sales if preferred. Goods Etaple. Every one buys. Outfit and particulars Frer. SIAKDAKD SILVEUWAIU : CO. , BOblON , MASS. Cured nt Hume. Treatment sent on trial and XO PAY asked until you aro l > enctltcd. Terms Low. I ISumnno Iteraecly Co. . JC-aFaj cttc , Ind. THE CHICAGO T.EUGKR i < Illustrated l-'amily htory 1'apcr in tho United States , and costs subscribers onlv S l.r.o For sale by i year. We invite the public to compare it vritli Sub-en p- .inySJ ! : Story Paper in the country. Try it and tion Accnts save money. Sample Co yKUEE. Addrc8 XVttE CTIJOAGt I KDGr-lOJS , dealers 371 i raiilclin 1st. , Clxlctiso , 111. generally. st Waterproof Coat , The FISH BIL1JTD SLICKER 1 warranted wat-rproof , and will k p jou dry In the hardest rtnrm. Tlie new POMMEL SUCKER Is a ptrlrct ildin ; coat , mml covers tba entire stdille. Beware of Imitations. Hone genuine vltnout tlia "Flaii Brand" traile-iMMt. Illustrated Catalogue free. A. J. Tower , Eciton , 1I 3. 7 < JO maAa pottfot a . BT. Pertaining : to a ThorouKh I5uiiiip < - : - . ! < Kdacatioii / / taught by Kxperienced and Practical Tcarhor-t. ( 1 Stuficnti * Fitted forPractical Work in trom 3 to G .Honths. ' . , renmanshlp. Book-lceepln ? . etc. For specimens of Penmanship and Collet ; KATHKDX JC li.vlf.KY. Omaiia. Neb. The Youth's Companion , PRIZE STORIES : $1,500 First Prize Story "Blind Brother" will begin Jan , 1st , Prize The other Prize Stories , eight in ail , will be published during 1887. To any one who subscribes now , and sends us $1.75 , we will send the Companion free from the time Free to Jan. 1,1887 the subscription is received to January 1st , 1887 , and a full year from that date. This offer includes , , the Double Thanksgiving and Christmas Numbers. 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