F. M. AND E. M. KDDIELL , * . Editors and Publishers. THANKSGIVING DAY. The following is the text of the aniuuv Thanksgiving Proclamation , which was is sued by the president on Monday , Xov. 1st "It lias long been the custom of the peo pie of the "United States , on a day in eacl year especially set apart for that purpose bj their chief executive , to acknowledge tin Siodness and mercy of God , and to invoke is continneel care and protection. In ob servanceof such custom , 1 , Grover Clevc land , president to the United States , elo here by designate tinel set apart Thursday , the 25th day of November , instant , to be observ ed mid kept as a day of thanksgiving and prayer. On that day let all our people fore go their accustomed employments and as semble in their usual places of worship tt give thanks to the Iluler of the Universe foi onr continued enjoyments of the blessing ; of a free government , for si renewal of busi ness prosperity throughont our land , for the return which has rewarded the labor of , those who till the soil , and for our progress as t , people in all that makes a nation great ; am ; while we contemplate , the infinite power ol God in earthquakes , Hood and storm , let tin grateful hearts of those who have beer shielded from harm through His mercy bt turned in sympathy and kindness toward those who have suifered through His visita tion. .Let us also , in the midst of our thanks giving , remember the poor and needy witli cheerful gifts and uttermost deeds of chaiitj M ) that pur .service may be made acceptable in the .sight of the Lord. "In witness whereof , i have hereunto sel my hand and cause the seal of the Unitcel Slates to be allixed. "Done at the City of Washington , this Ll day of November , in Urn year of our Lord , one thousand eight hundred and eighty-six , and of theindpppnch'nce of the United States of America ti.u one hundred and eleventh. "GKOVKR Cl.KVEL.VXI ) . "By the president , T. F. UAYAISD , "Secretary ot State. THE Republican Yalley renienibpred Secretary of State , G. L. Laws , hand somely. THE democrats retain their hold on Xew York City "boodle" by the elec tion of Hewitt to the mayoralty. THE latest advices state that Rose water has been defeated for float sena tor in the Omaha district , by Camp bell , democrat. THE Courier sprung its u ual supple ment , the day before the election , with its customary tissue of misrepresenta tions and falsehoods. Bravissimo ! THE democrats have made their usual large ( ? ) gains throughout the country. They are the kind of gains that the re publicans can stand ever } day in the week. THE semi-annual meeting of the ed itors and newspaper men of the Repub lican Yalley and tributary country , will be held on Friday , November 12th , next , at Orleans. THOUSANDS of business men and workingmen refused to vote at all yes terday. And to this complexion has the political pollution , perfidy and gen eral demoralization of Omaha come at last. Omaha Herald. THE eight hour disturbance has bro ken out afresh in Chicago , and tw6 packing houses , employing three thous and hands , have closed down. This time it is not Armour who pays the fid dler , but a general strike is threatened unless fifty cents a day is added to the pay of the hands for the extra two hours required to make up the ten. VAN WYCK refused to endorse Jlowe in Omaha. He said that he had done it in his own county and that was enough. In his own count-it became pretty nec essary to endorse Howe to save his own bacon , even after he had given it out repeatedly that Otoe's delegation to Beatrice had acted against his express orders in supporting Howe for the nomination. Journal. As YAK WYCIC calmly surveys the election returns he will find very minute crumbs of comfort therein contained. Some how the people don't enthuse over the "old man. " His vote falls far short of the ratification , by the pop ular will , that he desired so earnestly and for which he labored so persistent ly. His chances in the senatorial race , this winter , cannot be said to have been improved a particle by Tuesday's ver dict. THE result in the"Big First" con gressional district is not altogether un expected to many republicans , and goes to establish two primary facts , among others , namely , the stupid im becility of the party leaders in foisting Church Howe upon the republicans of the district , on the one hand ; and the effects of an outraged feeling of indig nation by the people , at this action of the party leaders , who are alone re sponsible for the unfortunajte result , on the other hand. Church Howe was the straw that broke the camel's back of party fealty and allegiance. While the defeat of Howe is a misfortune to the party , it will not be utterly devoid of salutary effect upon the party lead ers , who , in the case under considera tion , have purchased experience at the \ top of the market. The Battle of Ballots ! fiesu/fs in Victorits for fhe Republi cans all Along ihe Line ! NEBRASKA'S MAJORITY , 20,000 ! Large Gains Everywhere. Reports from all over the state are most encouraging and indicate the elec tion of the republican stale ticket by a rousing , old-time majority of 20,000. Laird is returned from the second con gressional districtDor.sey from the third , but the returns from the "big first" dis trict are chilly for Church Howe , and it is altogether probable that JMcShane , democrat , is elected. While Lindsay , for state senator , afl ! the entire repub lican county ticket are elected by fair majorities. At this time we are not in possession of sufficient" returns of an official character to warrant us to pre sent a tabular statement , which we hope to give in our next issue. But else where we give returns from 14 precincts ; these figures will assist the reader to a correct understanding of the situation although the K turns from two precincts are not found therein. COUNTY RETURNS. " Returns from a portion of this countj are in , showing majorities as follows : INDIANOLA PRECINCT State ticket 80 ( rep. ) ; Laird , ( rep. ) for congress , 52 Lindsay , ( rep. ) for state senator , 19 Green , ( rep. ) for member legislature , 9-t Snavely , ( rep. ) for county attorney. 50 Bolles , ( rep. ) for county commissioner , 195. There was no fight on republican candidate for surveyor or coroner am they ran ahead of the ticket. MISSOURI RIDGE State ticket , 1 ( rep. ) ; McKeighan , ( dem. ) for congress , G ; Stilgebouer , ( dem. ) state senator , G Green , ( rep. ) legislature , 10 : on count } attorney a stand off ; Bolles , ( rep. ) coun ty commissioner , 11. No fight on sur veyor or coroner. NORTH YALLEY State , 25 ( rep. ) Laird , congress , 9 ; Lindsay , state sena tor , 17 ; Green , legislature , 12 ; Grubb. ( dem. ) county attorney , 11 ; Bolles , coun ty commissioner , 11. No fight on repub lican candidates for surveyor or coroner GRANT State , ( rep. ) 11 : Laird , 11 Lindsay , 11 ; Green , 11 ; Snavely , 35 , Bolles , 9. BONDYILLE State , 3 ; congressman , a stand eff ; Stilgebouer. 18 ; Golfer , 17 : Snavely , 12 ; Bolles , 5. YALLEY GRANGE State , ( rep. ) 20 ; Laird , 14 ; Lindsay. 9 : ' Green , 15 : Snave ly , 29-Squires , 19. LEBANON Staterep. ( ) 4G ; Laird,4G ; Lindsay , 4G ; Green , 46 ; Snavely , 47 : Bolles , 47. / RED WILLOW State , ( rep. ) 4 ; Laird , 2 ; Lindsay , 1 ; Green , G ; Snavely , 30 : Bolles , 21. Box ELDER State , ( rep. ) 21 ; Laird , 8 ; Stilgebouer , ( dem. ) 29 ; Green , 10 : Suavely. 52 ; Bolles , 39. WILLOW GROVE State , 178 ( rep. ) ; Laird , 64 ; Lindsay , 37 ; Colfer , 59 ; Snavely , 81 : Squires , 09. DAXBURY State , 5 ( rep. ) ; Laird , 1 ; StilgebouerlG ( dem. ) ; Colfer. lGdem. ) ; Suavely , 38 ; Bolles , 4. BEAVER State , 25 ( rep. ) ; Laird , 20 ; Lindsay. 13 ; Green , 12 ; Snavely , 35 : Bolles , 29. EAST YALLEY State , 24 ( rep. ) ; Laird , 24 ; Lindsay , 19 ; Green , 23 : Snavely , 31 : Bolles. 31. TYRONE State. 21 ( rep. ) ; Laird , 21 ; Lindsay21 : Green , 21 ; Snavely , 27 ; Bolles , 28. TOTAL REPUBLICAN MAJORITIES. State ticket , 446 , Laird , Congress , 264. Lindsay. State Senator , 125. Green , Legislature , 178. Suavely , County Attorney , 457. Bolles , County Commissioner , 359. PRECINCT OFFICERS. WILLOW GROVE Assessor , S. H. Colvin : Justices , John Wiley and John H. Bennett ; Constables , Joseph Spotts and E. ' R. Banks ; Judges of Election , Barney llofer and D. Kendall ; Clerks of Election , Geo. W. Bede. . DRIFTWOOD Assessor , C. Boatman ; Road Overseer , Lewis F. Fauss ; Justice , H. Gale ; Constable , Jame ? Cain ; Judges of Election , B. A. Lincoln , W. S. Fitch and D. A. Clements ; Clerks of Election. C. H. Pate and Geo.-J. Fredericks. IN THE FIRST WARD. There were two contestants for the vacancy in the City Council made by the resignation of W. W. Palmer , council man for the first ward , namely. John F. [ venyon and Andrew J. Pate. The vote stood as follows : JOHN F. KEN YON 10 ! ) ANDREW J. PATE 50 RUSSIA has sent armed vessels to Yarna with orders to bombard the town in case the landing of the troops is op posed by the Bulgarians. The pretense s that it is necessary to send soldiers there for the protection of Russian citi zens. The pretense is very thin , as no Russians have been molested or are like- y to be if they keep the peace them selves. The powers have apparently abandoned Bulgaria to her fate , England lot being prepared for war. Germany ) cing afraid of France , and Austria not laving pluck enough to go in alone. A.S for Turkey she seems to have gone aver to the Czar , bag and baggage. Mr. Gladstone in Canvenatiaa. [ New York World. ] Mr. Gladstone , having given u t fci ! recent morning occupations of reading the lessons in church and cutting down a tree , is in splendid vigor on the old stumping ground and is personally re ceived with all the old enthusiasm , though Chamberlain's quick chariot wheels are leaving his political doctrine- : far behind. "While Radical opinions ripen everywhere , frost-nipped Whig- gery pines itself away * He is himself , however , admittedly in full fettle the voice clear and resonant , the wonderful face the same , strong , intense , full ol force , but withal tender , delicately lined and pensive. We htu e two portraits of him , one at o.l and one at 7 ; > , but no portrait gives you an idea of it. Kb portrait can , for it is a face in motion The late ilr. Samuel Ward , who was a guest with him at Dalmeny on his' first stumpinu pilgrimage , and for whom Mr. Glacf stone at once conceived that affection ate liking which that genial and accom plished American gentleman always inspired , was never weary of dwelling on that face. As he converses in pri vate , he used to say , it speaks as elo quently as his tongue. As he stood al the end of the piauo , sipping his after- dinner tea with us in the quaint olt Scottish drawing-room of Ualmeny. nothing but a series of instantaneous photographs could have given the face or rather score of Gladstonian faces of the ten minutes of conversation. The facial expression varies with e. cry thought of this mauy-thoughtec man. His thought was acted. Sur prise , pleasure , interestdisdain , pity called different features into play in his Protean countenance. Eyes , nose , chin , all spoke not only so , but the whole body , so that his conversation was like a , solo with an orchestral ac companiment. Hands , feet , the entire man , , accompanied the Uuto-lie ! voice in a conversation which was not epiSram- matic but sometimes involved ; 1'owiiif along at times like a level lowlam stream , with many serpentine windings , yet always forcible and clear. When his face is serious , the inner lights seem momentarily put out. He seemed then to apply a brake to the thought-train , antTevery feature was pulled up into a portrait-like repose. One of the aiNtalces of "Culture. " [ Cor. Kilt sus City Time * . ] I once knew intimately two violinists. One had a wrist like a steel spring in its strength and flexibility. His fingers were supple and strong. He could not produce a bad tone if he tried. He played easily and almost without effort , and to mo his playing was the most ex quisitely beautiful 1 remember to have heard. Still he had not taken the pains to study any particular school systematically and "he was never al lowed by professionals to possess any merit. The other had a stift wrist and clumsy lingers. He used his wrist , of course , but his bowing in rapid pass ages was never distinct and his execu tion while exactly according to' Spohr was more for the eye than the ear. Yet he was the pet and pride of pro fessionals and consequently of the critics. I have frequently sat through an opera near professionals. 1 heard noth ing about beauty , but much of how cer tain tones were "placed" and "ejected , " whether they came from the throat or the roof of the mouth or the chest. 1'erhaps 1 am. not up to the tension of culture required to understand art , but I cannot adn'it that means are greater than endsI can not forget that method which does achieTve beauty is less ad mirable than beauty without method. The fault is not confined to musicians. In painting , the drama , literature , re ligion and decorative art we hear more of schools than of essential beauty. All criticism is pervaded by this mechanical judgment. It strikes mo that we ought to be more concerned with results than with methods. Uuscl-ntiflj Chemistry. Many of the so-called applications of chemical science to the arts were lirst made by persons who were entirely ignorant of science and who did not know the meaning of the word chemis try , five hundred years ago tanners who did not know that a raw hide con tained gelatine and were ignorant of the fact that tannin would render it insolu ble produced better leather than is made " anywhere in the "world to-day. The stonemasons of the middle ages who did not understand the union made by silicious sand and quicklime made mor tar that is stronger now than the rocks it binds together. The ignorant Hindoos on the banks of the Gauges and the wild Arabs in eastern Asia made steel that is worth its weight in gold. Quite too much is claimed for science as a promoter of the useful and decora tive arts. It explains many processes , but it produces very few that are new. Medical science , if indeed there is any such science , is little more than a classi fication of the remedial discoveries made by empirics. The Good Spiel or * Do. IBcston Budget. ] Dr. C. Keller , of Zurich , claims that spiders perform an important part in the preservation of forests by defending the trees against the depreciations of aphides and insects. He has examined a great many spiders , boih in their viscera and by feeding them in captiv ity , and has found them to be voracious destroyers of these pests ; and he be lieves that the spiders in a particular forest do more effective work of this kind than all tho insect-eating birds that inhabit it. He has veri ed his views by observa tions on coniferous trees , a few broad- leaved trees and apple trees. An im portant feature of the spiders' opera tions is that they prefer dark spots , anil therefore work most in the places which vermin most infest , but whicli are likely Lo be passed by other destroying agents. White * of Alaska. K lilcajo Herald. ] Thero are 1,900 white people in oouth- eastern Alaska. Vegetation is abundant and luxurious , the cattle sleek and fat , find the mining industry assuming large proportions. Theso facts appear : n an o llcial report to Washington. A Ilnrdy Cotton Plant. A man in Jeffersosville , Ind. , who ias been experimenting with cotton for several years , claims to have originated i plant ; that can be suooessfially grown lii the northern states. AT the election , Tuesday , 318 con gressmen were chosen , all the states electing their delegations except Arizo na , Vermont and Maine , which elected theirs on the day of their state elections. Legislatures were also chosen in part or i entire in twenty states , which bodies will elect United States senators to succeed those whose terms expire March 4 , next. These states are" California , Connecticut , Delaware , Florida. Indiana , Maryland , Massachusetts , Michigan , Minnesota , Mississippi , Missouri , Nebraska. Nevada , New Jersey , New York , Pennsylvania , Tennessee , Texas , West YSrginia and Wisconsin. Seventeen states elected governors. These arc California , Colo rado , Connecticut , Delaware , Kansas , Massachusetts , Michigan , Minnesota , Nebraska , Nevada , New Hampshire , i New Jersey , Pennsylvania , South Caro lina , Tennessee , Texas and Wisconsin. Seven other states , Illinois , Indiana. New York North Caro Iowa , Missouri , , lina and Ohio , elected one or more minor state officers. * ACCORDINO to report. Lord Butler will take Miss Stager , daughter of the late Anson Stager , to Errglnrml as Lady Butler , while ; James Russell Lowell \ \ \ \ \ bring to the United States Dowa gcr. Lady Lyttleton , to be thereafter plain Mrs. Lowell. The American girl gains a title and the already twice mar ried English woman loses , one ; but it may transpire that the latter has made the better bargain. Beggs' Cherry Cough Syrup o Will relieve that cough almost instantly and make expectoration easy. Acts .simul taneously on the bowels , kidneys ami liver , thereby relieving the lungs of that soreness and pain and also stopping that tickling sensation in the throat by removing the cause. One trial of it will convince any one that it has jiq equal on earth for coughs and colds. McMillen & Weeks have secured the sale of it and will guarantee every bottle to give satisfaction. NOTIQEI. IF YOU DO NOT PAY YOUR ACCOUNT BEFORE NOV. 1st , IT WILL BE PLACED IN THE HANDS OF AN ATTORNEY FOR COLLECTION. M. A. SPALDING. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. W. S. MO1CI.AX. J. K. roCUKAX. MORLAN & COCHRAN , ATTORNEYS AT LAW - : - - : - , McCOOIv NEBRASKA. THOS. GOLFER. J. A. COUDE\T , . COLFER & CORDEAL. ATTORNEYS AT LAW , AND NOTARIES PUHLTC. Heal Estate Hou ht and Sold and Collections Made. Money loaned on real estate and Him ! proof. Thos. Colfer nirent Lincoln Land Co. Office , over First National Hank , McCook. SNAYELY & STARR , ATTORNEYS AT LAW 1NDIANOLA , XEBKASKA. Will practice in all the State and Uniter States Courts. Also , tiefore the Land Office at McCook and the department at Washington. HUGH Vf. COLE. I.KON K. JIOSS COLE & MOSS , LAWYERS , McCOOK XKBHASKA. Will practice in all the Courts ol Nebraska , Kansas and Colorado , and in the Federal Courts ot the Eighth Circuit. Cm of ul atten tion given to routers ami land business before tlicU. S. Land Offices at McCook. Oberlin and Dfiivcr , and the Interior Department at Wash ington. Commercial and corporation law a specialty. Money to loan. Kooms 4 and 5 , First National Bank Building- . H.F.WILLIAMS. L. L. HULBURD. J.N.LUCAS WILLIAMS. HULBURD & LUCAS , LAWYERS , MeCOOK. - NEBRASKA. \ . w. ACII : . .JOHN WII.EV. AGEE & WILEY , ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Will practice in the State and United State Courts , and lie-fore tho-U. S. Land Oliices. Careful attention given to Collections. OHice Opp. Commercial Hotel. Main St. . McCook. C. W. DAVIS. .1. I > . DAVIS & TURNER , LAND ATTORNEYS , McCOOK XEUKASKA. All cases arising ftndcr tne public land laws i specialty. fSTFOUK YEAR'S EXPEIt- : ENCE IN GENERAL LAND OFFICE at Washington , D. C. Contests entrusted to our care will receive personal attention before he Interior Department. For this purpose shall visit Washington twice annually. If you vant to amend or change your entry you will do well to call and see us. COCHHAN & HELM , Attorneys-at-Law $ Gen'l Agents , McCOOK , : NEBRASKA. Prompt and careful attention slen to Law Cases In 11 the Courts of the State and all classes of 17. S. .and Iiuslnes transacted liefur j the local office at IcCook. Xeor.iska , and the Interior Department at V.isliluinon , i ) . C. Contests a spccialtjAVill pros- cute claims for Pensions and claims for Increase of en'lons. Notarialliuslnc" ! ! done i.nd lands bought ml sold on ic.isonable terms. 2 ? Ofllce. 3d door outh of the O. S. Land Office. 3.39 DR. Z. L. KAY , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON , McCOOK. : Room No. 1. McCook Banking Company's Building. .Residence , 1st door east jf Receiver Babcock's residence. J , . J. SPtOKELMIEK , M. D. , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. CpccSil AttKtica'GiTSs ts resile : : : : : : . Office first door east of THE Titiurxi : oflice. } ftice hours , from 0 to 11 A. M. . and 2 to 4 P. tt. , mountain time. McCOOK , NED. " " * " * " - - -4V "i. - _ V } i J * * , - 1 A - * THIS SPACE IS RESERVED FOR | h C JONAS EXGKL , LVXAGE WHO WILL OCCUPY THE FRANKLIN BRICK , ON THE S. W. COR. OF MA'lN AND DENNISON STS. , McCOOK , ABOUT DECEMBER i. T. B. STUTZMAX M. D. . . , . . , Eclectic Physician and Surgeon , OCULIST AND AURIST. McCOOK . NEBRASKA in Pate's IJrick. Main St. B. 13. DAVIS , M. D. . PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON , McCOOK . NEBRASKA. JS Ofiice at Chenery& Anderson's drugstore. DR. A. J. WILLEY , SURGEON B. & M. RAILROAD. LOFFICE AT E. & M. PHAIMIACT , ] McCOOK , - - NEBRASKA. PINAL PROOF NOTICES. L\NII OFFICE AT McCOOK. NKH. , i October Slth , Ibgl ! . I Notice is hereby given that the following named settler hus filed notice of his intention to mAkc final proof in support of his claim , and that said proof will be made before Regis ter or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Friday , December 10th , ISMi. viJohn H. Evert. Homestead .T012. for the south ' 2 northwest ! 4 and north JJ southwest Ji , section 27 , town. 3 north , range 2 ! > west. He names the follow ing witnesses to prove his continuous resi dence upon , and cultivation of said land , viz : W. H. Hamilton. William Doyle. Richard Johnston and W. H. .Smith , all of McCook , Neb. Zl G.L. LAWS , Register. LAND OFFICE AT McCooK , NEI : . , 1 November 1 , ISfcO. ) Notice is hereby given that the following- named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final prool in support of his claim , and that said proof will be made before Regis ter or Receiver at McCook , Nebon Saturday Decembqr llth. IKSfi. viz : Charles E. Stiles , Homestead 5 .K > , lor the south ' .southwest ' * , and east ' northwest Ji section 2. town 1. north range 29 , west. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residencv uion. and cultivation ol. said land , viRich - urd E. Moore , Henry Winans , Thomas Cow- urd and Fred Cogger , all of McCook. Neb. 2. ; S. P. HART. Register. L VNI > OFFICE AT McCooK , Neb. , I November 1st , ISfcti. f Notice is hereby given that the following- named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim , ind that said proof will be made before Regis ter or Receiver atMcCook.Neb.onTluirsdny , Dee. Kith. 1S86 : Amos H. Reynolds , Home stead . " > ! ! > , for the south * . southeast U sec tion II , and north 'i northeast ' 4 section 14 , town. 4 , north range 2 ! ' , west. lie names the follow ing witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon , and cultivation of , said land , riJosiah Moore , Alex. W.Campbell , Valen tine Bogle and Jacob Long , till of Hox Elder , STeb. 22 S. P. HART , Register. LAND OFFICE AT McCooK. XEIJ. , ( October : suth 18b . t Notice is hereby given that the following- lamed settler has filed notice-of his intention : o make final proof in support of hi * claim , ind that said proof will be made before Re is- er or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Monday , December ith. : ; 18Ni. . .viJohn Morhirty , 1) . 5. 3571 , for the northwest ? i section IS , town. i north , range 2i wct. Cth P. M. He names he following witnesses to prove his continu- > us residence upon , and cultivation of , said and , viz : A. C. Harlan. Osburn. Neb. : A. P. Jarscn. McCook. Neb. : W. A. Glasscock. Box Slder , Neb. ; L. H. Stenson , McCook. Neb. 23 G. L. LAWS , Register. LAND OFFICE AT McCooK , NEH. , I October : jnth. 18SH. f Notice is hereby given that the followlng- uiined settler has filed notice of his intention o make final proof in support of his claim , md that s-aid proof will be madobefore Regis- er or Receiver tit McCook , Neb. , on Saturday. December llth , ISfeO , viz : James Blossom ' 'arnsworth. Homestead 2128. for the south- 'ast 1t section 17 , town. 1 north , range 29 rest , lith P. M. He names the following wit- icsses to prove his continuous residence up- in. and cultivation of. said land , viz : Sidney ) odgc , John Goodenbcrger. Saxton B. Colt- ain , Amos Goodcnberger , all of McCook , Neb. 23 G. L. LAWS , Register. : r LAND OFFICE AT MCCOOK , XEB. , i October llth. 1SSU. f Notice is hereby given that the following- mimed settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim , and that said proof will be made before Reg ister or Receiver at McCook. Neb. , on Monday November 2th. ! ) 1S8K , viJohn Henderson Homestead 292 , for the northwest U section 32 , town. 4 north , range 2 ! west , Oth P. M. He names tho following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon , and cultivation of , said land , viz : Hiram K. Bixler , James Robinson. John Modrell and Alfred Carter , all of McCook , Neb. -0 < ; . L. LAWS. Register. LANI > OFFICK AT MCCOOK. XEU. , I October 12th , ISfcti. f Notice is hereby given that the lollwving- named settler lias liled notice of his intention to make tinal proof in support of his claim , and that said proof will be made before Regis ter or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Monday. November 22iiil. lfc ! < ; , viMatthew Stewart. I ) . S. 17N. , for the northeast * section 33 , town . " > north , range 2 weSt. Cth 1' . M. He names the lollowing witnesses to prove his continu ous residence upon , and cultivation of. said land , viJ. . H. Stephens. J. 11 , Piper , W. D. Trimiuiand Win. Weygint , all of Box Elder. Neb. I'D G. L. LAWS , Register. LAMJ OFFICK AT MCCOOK. .NEU. , ( October lith , ISfctt. , " Notice is hereby given that the following- named .settler luu , filed notice of her intention to make nnal proof in support of her claim , and that said proof will be made before Regis ter or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Saturday. November iith : , iNMi , viGertrude A. Cole- man. Homesteml 3UT > 6. for thcbontheast U of section 12. town. I north , range 31 west. She names the lollowing witnesses to prove Iier continuous residence upon , and cultivation of , taid land , viz : Archibald IJ. Davis , Uux- tei-J. Davis..John N. Smith and Esroni Itoth- ermel , all of McCook , Nebraska. ! ' ' G. L. LAWS. Register. LAND OFFICE AT MCCOOK. XEB. , i September : J7th. l ! < i > t ! . j" Notice is hereby given that the folloving- I I named settler has filed notice of her intention to make Until proof in support of her claim , and that said proof will be made before Reg ister or Receiver atMcCook. Neb. , on Monday. November bth , IbNJ , viz : Roxie HilliutfS , D. S. IWfcJ , for the west > $ of northeast h. and east Yt of northwest't of section - " . . town. 2 north , range - ' > , . west fit h P.M. She names the tol- * lowmg witnesses , to prove her continuous res- dence upon , and cultivation of. said land viHenry Goodenbcrger. Isaiah Smith , Al- onzo DeMay and Fred Ui-njamin , nil of Mc I Cook , Neb. IS G. L. L.AWS. Register. LAND OFFICE AT MCCOOK. NEU . October K'th. 1S&J. f Notice is hereby given that the following- named fcettler has filed notice of her intention to make final proof in support of her claim . . . . , . . , . , , * . * ,1 1 11 * > fr cti t < 1 nt xrt f .1.411 Yt A ,1 * ft. r t 1 inaui.A i.'iu , it * * / , * y. , ) . lor the southeast southwest J4 section il , township 4 north , range 30 west. She names the following witnesses to prove her contin uous residence upon , and cultivation of. said land , viH. . H. Berry , H. L. Berry. F L Brown and C. M. Collins , all of McCook. Xebr" 20 G. L. LAWS. Register. ' LAND OFFICE AT MCCOOK. NEB. , i „ . . , , October 4th. IbiC. C Notice is hereby given that the following- named fccttler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of hi claim and that said proof will be made before Keir- isterorReceiverat McCook , Neb. , on Friday , November12th. IhiC. viHeinrich Meyer Homestead .il ! j. for the south " 5 of southwest i-i i-ection 14. and north J ot northwest ' , section 21. town. 5. north range 30. west Cth P M. He names the'following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon , and cultivation of , said land , viz : Peter Bern- lieimer. Phillipp Schmidt. FrankTsimmer and Jacob Tsimmer. all of Osburn , Nob W G. L. LAWS , Register. LAND OFFICE AT MCCOOK , XEU. > October 5th. ltft > 8. f Notice is hereby given that the followine- uamed settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim und that said proof will be made before Regis ter or Receiver at MqCook , Neb. , on Tuesday N'ovember lath. 1C. viz : Gideon Ritchey Homcstead.'KRt. for the northwest U of sec tion 30. township. i north , ranged ) . westBthP M. He names the following witnesses to [ irove his continuous residence upon , and cul tivation of , said land , viz : H. C. Shepherd. \ . C. Harlan. J. C. Morford and F. Brown , all 3f Osburn , Xeb. 19 G. L. LAWS , Register.