VOLUME V. McCOOK , RED WILLOW COUNTY , NEBRASKA , THURSDAY , NOVEMBER 4,1886. NUMBER . FALL AND WINTER OF i 7 OUR COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF Dry Goods , Clothin and pets ! . HAS ARRIVED AND WE WILL BE PLEASED TO HAVE YOU EXAMINE THEM. , WE GUARANTEE TO DUPLICATE MISSOURI RIVER PRICES , OR BETTER. Our Stock of Ladies' and Children's Cloaks is Immense. Come See Them. . . ' * Mail Orders Have Prompt Attention. L. LOWMAN to SON OK , NEB. HA ! HA ! HA ! ii K 0 ANOTHER CAR OF THAT HZ : WARRANTED BA WIRE ! WHICH WILL BE SOLD DURING NOVEMBER ONLY ! AT 4 % CENTS PER POUND ! Be sure and get as much as you want as it will not last long. r u F. L. McCRACKEN , THE RELIABLE JEWELER ! HONEST GOODS AND LOWEST PRICES. WSL tch es , Clo cks , Je welry , Silverware , Op tical - Goods , Pianos , Organs , Sewing Machines , Etc. Th e Only PI a c e in Me Co ok wh ere You Can Buy Straight Goods. WE DO FINE- vWATCH REPAIRING , JOBBING AND ENGRAVING. REMEMBER THE PUCE : WEST SIDE OF MAIN AVENUE , NORTH OF P. 0. Now , with the mugwump party on the Atlantic coast and the American party on the Pacific coast , do politics boom. THE American party is now attract ing some attention in California. Ameri ca for Americans and law-abiding aliens is the great burden of their platform. PAPER shoes are now manufactured in Paris , and are quite fashionable. Just imagine a dainty slipper made up of spring poetry and old love letters. OF the new silver certificate , a rogu ish writer saysThey will enable liberal people to drop a dollar into a church contribution box without at tracting attention by the ring of its fall. " Iv Commissioner Sparks can not de fine better than any living man the meaning of the word "overrule , " it' will not be because he has failed to have the lesson.driven into him by his instructors. Ax ancient papyrus Book of the Dead , 3,000 years old and some forty- two leet in length , has just been sent to this country. Henry Watterson will look it over for fresh chestnuts on free trade. THE trouble with these "faith cures" is that in a few weeks after the "com plete recovery" is reported , the pa tient's funeral takes place. This is calculated to make the faith cure un popular in some quarters. THE Trenton llegister , last week , bloomed into a full-fledged bourbon sheet under the suggestive caption of Democrat. The Democrat has all the evidences of spring time verdancy and freshness in make-up. All hail ! PUESIDENT CLEVELAND has made another contribution to the sufferers from the Charleston earthquake. This time he has extracted $10 from his Jacksonian jeans. 31 r. Cleveland evi dently believes in Jeff'ersonian economy -in donation to charity. A CIOT/EX of Holyoke , Mass. , was drinking at a bar the other day with three companions , when his wife came in , joine.d tho drinkers , and ordered drinks for all hands. It is said that no more effectual way of breaking up a drinking party was ever known in that section. W.E notice that some of our country conteuipoiaries throughout the state are advertising to receive subscriptions t3 the Police Gazette. Fie , for shame ! Xo reputable paper should be a party to the circulation of such villainous literature , to the dissemination of trash so vicious. CONGRESSMAN REAGAN thinks that congress will certainly pass an inter state commerce bill at the nest session , and he is sanguine that his measure will prevail. The recent decision of the supreme court , which greatly cir cumscribes the right of the states to legulate the charges of the railroads for transportation' , renders more imper ative the demand upon congress for legislation on this subject. 1 WHEN President Cleveland reviewed the great procession in honor of Liber ty , last Thursday , in New York , "the irreverent crowd commented upon his growing baldness since his marriage. " Evidently the crowd was democratic enough to take liberties with the Presi dent's personal appearance. ONE of the strongest of feminine in stincts is to spank. The little girl of G spanks her doll , even while the sym pathetic tears roll down her cheeks. She keeps up the practice when grown to young ladyhood upon her little sis ters and brothers , if she be fortunate enough to have any , and from then on her children and grand-children or somebody else's children and grand children receive the benefits , in a ma tured formof , an art learned in infan cy , until she. goes hence to a better land , and even then , perhaps , a wide field for the exercise of her powers is before her among the little angels in heaven. Toledo Blade. WHY am L a woman suffragist ? Be cause I am. Because a woman has more good , hard common sense than a man. Because she makes less bluster about her rights , and quietly maintains them better than a man. Because she she won't give $1.50 for an article that she knows very well she can get it for 75 cents. Because she does not stalk loftily away from the counter without her change if the robber behind it is a little reluctant about counting it out. Because she is too independent to pay the landlord $2 for her dinner and then pay the head waiter $1 to send her a waiter who will bring it to her for 50 cents. Because she will hold her money tightly in her own good little right hand for two hours until she first gets a receipt for it from the fellow who made her husband pay the same bill five times , last year. Xot any "just give you credit for it' ' for her. Because one.day a Pullman porter com plained to me , "No money this trip : too many women aboard. Don't never get nothin'out of a woman 'ceptin' just her regular fare. ' ' I had just paid him 25 cents for blacking one of my boots and losing the other. And when he said that , when I saw for myself the heroic firmness of those women , traveling alone , paying their fare and refusing to pay the salaries of the em ployes of a wealthy corporation , T saidThese women have a right to vote. To vote ? By all that is brave and self-reliant and sensible , they have a right to run the government. " Bob Burdett. Worse Than a Fire Alarm , One of the most dreadful alarms that can be sounded .in a mother's ear is produced by croup ; dreadful , because it is known to be dangerous : the more dreadful because the life of a loved one is in jeopardy. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is a never failing safeguard against this dangerous disease. Its reputation as a preventive and cure of croup is fully and firmly established. In fact , it is the only remedy which can always be relied upon. Sold * by Willey & Walker and McMillen & Weeks. LYTLE BROS. & CO , DEALERS IN GENERAL HH MAR : - WIRE , , . , IRON AND WOOD PUMPS ETC. McCOOK AND BENKELMAN , NEBRASKA. The First National Bank OF MCCOOK.SNEBRASKA. TJ ' 01O O o < h E o" - < o o o 9 o" ' & O ! O ' M T1 ff > JU tT7 i h ! D .OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS : GEO. HOCKNELL , PRESIDENT. B. M. FREES , VICE-PRESIDENT F. L. BROWN , CASHIER A.CAMPBELL. R. O. PHILLIPS.