llfflllPl1 Pfl jllllll U DEALERS IN = L Sash , Doors , Blinds , Lime , Cement , HAEB AND SOFT COAL , EMAIN OFFICE AT : McCOOK , NBJBRASKA. ( INCORPORATED UNDER STATE LAWS. ) Paid up Capital , $50,000,00 , Collections made on all accessible points. Drafts drawn directly on the principal cities of Europe. Taxes paid for Non-Residents. Money to loan on farming lands , Tillage and personal property. Fire insurance a specialty. Tickets For Sale to and from Europe , RESPONDENTS : \ V. FRANKLIN , President. First National Bunk , Lincoln , Nebraska. J. JOHN K. CLARK , Vice-Presldent. The Chemical National : Bnnk , New York. ) A. C. EBERT , Cashier. Superior to auy on the maiket , licins ; Heavier , Stronger Built , nml therefore a more Durable Mill. It Is the only absolutely safe Mill built ; anil out of Thousands Erected During 12 Years past , not one hr.s ever blown away and left the Tower standing. A record no other Mill can show. "NVe offer to put up any of our PUMP1XG MILLS ON THIRTY DAYS TRIAL , And If they don't give satisfaction , will remove Mill at on own expense. Also Manufaeturers of the Celebrated Challenge Feed Mills , CornShcllcrs , Iron Pumps with brass cylinders , Iron Pipe , Tanks. For estimates , catalogues and prices , apply to G. U. NETTLETON , McCook , Nel > . , Agent for Southwestern Xcbraskn and Northwestern Kansas. ce aid Silecrccn h the HeCeoi Feed Hill , Eailrcad St. OF MeCOOK , NEBRASKA. Makes First Mortgage Loans on Farm Property , OFFICE IN FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING. A. CAMPBELL , PRESIDENT. B. M. FREES , 1ST VICE PRESIDENT. GEO. HOCKNELL , SECRETARY. R. O. PHILLIPS , 2ND VICE PRESIDENT F. L. BROWN TREASURER. The Howard Lumber Co. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN MeCOOK , NEBRASKA. FOR SALE BY ; Tiie McCOOK , NEBRASKA. ILL C. A. NETTLETON , Prop. All Kinds GRAHAM FLOUR , FINE MEAL , AND ALL KINDS OF MEAL ON HAND AND FOR SALE. McCOOK NEBRASKA. THE TRIBUNE OFFICE. GLEHWOOD WOHDERS. Heavy frost , this morning. Mr. Ashley was in Glcmvood , Saturday. Fred. Benjamin attended the caucus Sat- unlay. Mr. Graham was seen in our vicinity , yes terday. Mr. Brewer was on our streets , one day last week. Our school is in session , with Mr. Allumas school-master. Miss Julia Joy visited her mother of this place , last week. Etl. Benjamin went to the Willow , yester day , on business. Mrs. Webster was the guest of Mrs. X. Burtless , last week. The Messrs. Smith were in Glenwood , last Tuesday , on business. The report that N. Burtless has sold his farm is a mistake. But it is for sale. Quite Ji number of our people attended the temperance meeting at Danbtiry , and report a good time. Little Arthur Joy has been quite sick , but under the treatment of Dr. Critser is now convalescent. Willie Critser seems to be quite elevated since he is the owner of a lovely little pony purchased of X. Burtless. Quite an exciting time in Glenwood , Oct. 15th , by lire. About fifteen people gathered to extinguish the llames. After about two hours of hard labor , they found it safe to return home. This should be another warn ing to be careful of fire. October 2Gth. COUNTRY Cousix. SOUTH SIDE LOCALS. Our school house progressive apace. Corn husking is on the tapis these times. Moses Golfer went up to Akron last week. A few showers on the program would liven up things somewhat. I j School commenced last Monday with Miss Lulu Nettleton as teacher. Tom Kelley is building a fine comerib. It will hold about 1,000 bushels. Miss Dessa llileman is building a new frame barn on her claim. Guess she don't intend that chap's horse shall stand the blasts of the chilly , wintry winds that meander across these raw prairies. John Whitakcr , our genial blacksmith of the South Side , is putting up : i shop about one mile south of town. To those wanting a job done in a workman-like manner , we would recommend them to John. At last school district No. 8 is going to have a school house ; if only ( he ) will not resign , as he is the "only man thar are in the deestrict that is capable of engineering the thing , " ( in his mind , ) and we certainly want thatcontinuance fund to build it diagliu , " you know. Uxo. LINCOLN'S CHILDHOOD. Of all these years of Abraham Lincoln's early childhood we know almost nothing , lie lived a solitary life in the woods , return ing from his lonesome little games to hi cheerless home. He'never talked of these days to his intimate friends. Once , whei asked what he remembered about the war with Great Britain , he replied : ' 'Nothing but this. I had been fishing one day and caught a little fish which I was taking home. I met a soldier in the road , and having always been told at home that we must be good to the soldiers , I gave him my fish. " This is only a faint glimpse , but what it shows is rather pleasant the generous child ami the patriotic household. But there is no question that these first years of his life had their last ing effect upon the temperament of this great mirthful and melancholy men. He had little schooling. He accompanied his sister Sarah to the only schools that existed in their neigh borhood , one kept by Zachariah Iliney , and another by Caleb Hazel , where he learned his alphabet and a little more. But of all those advantages for the cultivation of a young mind and spirit which every home now offers to its children , the books , toys , ingenious games , and daily devotion of parental love , he knew absolutely nothing. X-icolay and Hay , in the Xovember CEXTURY. Notice of Election. Xotice is hereby given , that on Tuesday , the 2nd day of Xovember , 1SSG , next , at the office of S. II. Colvin , in the city of McCook , I Jed Willow county , Xebraska , an election will be held for Councilman for the First Ward , to fill vacancy made by the resigna tion of W. W. Palmer , which election will be open at S o'clock in the morning , moun tain time , and will continue open until G o'clock in the afternoon , mountain time , of the same day. Dated , this (5th ( day of October , ISStt. JOHN KKI.LEY , City Clerk. Salt Rheum or Eczema , Old sores and ulcers , Scaldhead and ringworm , Pain in the back and spine , Swelling in the knee joints , Sprains and bruises , Neuralgia and toothache , Tender feet caused by bunions , corns and chilblains , I warrant BEG us' Tizoi'iCAr , OIL to relieve any and all of the above. . MCMII.I.EX & WEEJCS. Teachers' Reading Circle. o A meeting of the Teachers' Heading Circle ivill be held at Indianola on Saturday , Oct. ? 0th , commencing at 2 P. M. , at which all members are requested to be present. The following reading is recommended to be lone in the meantime : History Babylonia md Assyria ; Botany Chapter 1 ; Page Chapter IV ; Princess To part Hi. At THE TRIUUXE stationery department nay be found the following line of fraterni- v cards in stock : G. A. 1J. , B. of L. E. . B. > 'f L. F. , O. It. C. , B. of K. B. , A. O. of U. iV. , I. O. O. F. , K. P. . A. F. & A. M. , Teleg- aphers. etc. Call and inspect them , if ; ou desire anything in that line. Chamberlain's Eye and Skin Ointment is i safe and certain cure for sore nipples , skin ruptions scald head , tetter , piles , and all imartiiig , itching diseases of the skin , and is mi'iiualled fur chronic sore eves. Sold by iVIIIey & Walker and MeMilleu & Weeks , THE FOREIGN LAND. [ Coventry Patmore. ] A womin is a foreign land. Of which , though there ha settlo young , A man will ne'er quite understand Tuo custom * , politics and tongue. TUB fooli-ih hio thorn post-hasta throughl 6eo fashions odJ , and prospects fair. Laru o' tho language , "How d'ye do , " And go nn. ! bras ; that they've been ther-A Tho most for leave to trade apply , ( Fr oiiiia , at Empire's seat , her heart , j Then get whatknpvrleJfra ear and eyo I Gleam cbancawise in the life-long mart , j An I certain others tew and flt. Attach them fri the Court , and sea The Cou < itry' best , its accent hit. And partly sound ifc * polity. FUN IN THE BACKWOODS. Amateur Minstrel Shows lloforo the "War Scenery , Stage and Audience. IXew Yor'c Sun. ] One trouble with amateur theatricals , is that they do not run to burnt cork. Nothing is likelier to make a hit than a minstrel show , oven when tho actors arc I amateurs. When I was a boy amateur I theatrical entertainments in my section of tho country always included the per formances of the negro minstrel , and not unfrequently tho entire entertain- | ment was a minstrel show. In the big woods of northwestern Uhio and north eastern Indiana entertainments by pro fessional troupes of any kind were as rare as good crops o wheat , and to re lieve the tedium of the long winter even ings'tho youug men organized negro minstrel troupes from the home talent. Tvro good jig dancers , half a dozen men with good voices to sing and two rival wits for end men completed tho com- p-iny. Xo scenery was needed. The theatre was the old log school-house , or if in town the hall of justice in the big frame county court house. The stage was made of big plank from tho nearest saw-mill laid on wooden horses bor rowed from village carpenters. And the horses were placed very close to gether down by the footlights where the jig dancers "of ponderous frame and muscle were wont to show their skill. The footlights were candles , for that was before the war and the days of ker osene , and thoeyes of the "audience were shielded from tho footlight glare , on one occasion that 1 remember , by the old fashioned square tin oyster cans that had been imported full of oysters from Baltimore and emptied by hungry villagers. The curtain was always made of fancy calico and was looped back by a "puckering string. " Admission was free. The actors played for love of the fnn and there was no expense in presenting the play. The owner of the saw-mill loaned the boards for the stage , boys borrowed teams or took their own to transport the lumber to the court house , grocers contributed the candles , and other mer chants tho calico. The donors occupied the only reserved seats. The house was always crowded , and more enthusiastic audiences never greeted a troupe of any merit. A Hungarian Country House. Thilailelolua Reconl. ' An English sportsman , having been invited to a Hungarian country house for a month's shooting , gave this very frank description of it to a London newspaper : Jtisan enormous building of whitewashed brick , standing in a moat , and strongly resembling an old- fashioned work-house or county jail. ccupying three sides of a square , t e central court is of loose sandy shingle ; nor , for some acres round the house , is a tree higher than a fur o bush to bo seen. For protection against the for < . natur.u of of the count's vast hunting grounds the environs of the houses are "cleared" in a style which an American pioneer would have applauded. A walled garden , with a single small and ill-built forcing house , constitutes the grounds. Beyond , ail is plain and forest , forest and plain , interspersed with ham lets , inhabited principally by the keep ers and trackers of tho court. Within all is as barrick-like as with out. Ill-painted wainscot and ill- whitev/ashed walls , ornamented here and there with ill-proportioned bas- relief , whitewashed , or rather yell ow n-ashed , like the rest , pervade the vast mansion , with the exception of the state-rooms , which are hung with faded 3ama.sk and scantily filled with tho meager furniture of the last century , n enormous hall , on whose walls irophies of antlers and boars' heads are 3ivided by gun-racks and stacks of irms , occupies the central ground floor , ind admits the winds of heaven to the rast staircase and roomy corridors ibove. Except in the state apartments md in the countess' boudoir not a car pet is to be seen , and of the forty bed- jhambers there aro only eight in which ireplaces are to be found. Tho Jargon or the > "ort iwesf. [ For. Pioneer Pre-y.j A queer jargon is this Chinook. Once ipon a time , when there were very few ) eople of very many nations in that , \ist region dominated by the fur com panies , embracing Oregon and Washing- ion turriiories and all the country iying o the northward ( the French , perhaps , ) cing numerically the strongest ) , a sort if congress of national representatives , 'ormulated this universal language to iicilitato intercourse. The words in most common use were idopted , a few of them purely native lialect , but a very large proportion mstard French. The remainder are imply phonetic , expressing , when pro- lounced , the ideas conveyed by the ounds ; for instance , a steam engine is luff-puff , and ha-ha is laughter. There .re about : > oO words in all , and with his limited vocabulary and the use of igns , a man can travel the whole lorthwest over. In fact , Chinook has .Imost superseded the native dialects , 'f ' which there aro no less than ten ipon the const , and perhaps as many tipre in tho interior. The different ribes seldom attempt to converse in ach other's language. ISoncfits of "Grape Milk. " [ Cliicaeo Times. ] A gentleman living near Healdsburg , "al. , has for somo time been experi- icnting in. what is called "grape milk. " [ is efforts have at last been rewarded , [ e has now on hand about 400 bottles f the pure grape juice , which ho nos nly pronounces a good substitute for ja , coffee and other stimulants , but lore beneficial to health. He speaks rom experience , having discarded toa ud coffee and drank nothing tut grape milk" for several week * MeMILLEN & WEEKS , SUCCESSORS TO M. A. SPALD1NG. j AND DEALERS IN I Stationery , Blank Books , Wall Paper , Fine Perfumes and Toilet Goods , Paints , Oils , Glass and all Painters5 Supplies , Prescriptions a Specialty. ORDERS SOLICITED AND PROMPTLY FILLED. C. P. RINKER , AGENT FOR- T A m/r / Ti/mi / "pn/npAinno / JrARM IMPLEMnNlb , WAGONS , BUGGIES , WIND MILLS AND PUMPS. ' DEERING MACHINES A SPECIALTY. CORNER MAIN AND RAILROAD STREETS , McCOOK , NEB. CEO. VT. BEDE. H. M. TAYLOR. G. W. BEDE & CO. REAL ESTATE AGENTS , L . S. LAND ATTORNEYS. ESfClaim rclimiuislimonts for sale. Contest cases attended and a general land business transacted. Ollice. one block north of Post OHice , .McCook , Neb. 45-Cin H. G. DIXON , Real Estate and Loan Broker , JIcCOOK , NEBRASKA. Special attention given to the sale of city property. Houses rented and collections made. Office opposite Commercial Hotel. W. M. SANDERSON , DECORATIVE - : - ARTIST , SCENIC PAINTEK , Calsominin < r , Graining , Paper Hanjriiifr. etc. with neatness and dispatch. ROBERT DRYSDALE , MERCHANT TAILOR , MAIN STREET , .McCOOK NEFSKASKA M. A. LIBBEE , INSURANCE ! McCOOK , NEB. Fire and Lightning , Tornado and Cyclone , Life and Acci dent , Endowment and Semi- Endowment Furnished in the Best Companies in the United States. Applications Prompt ly Attended to. Correspond ence Solicited. CITY : - : BAKERY. A , PROPRIETORS. "WE KEEP ON HAND BREAD , PIES & CAKES. GRAHAM BREAD. Cakes Made on Order. ROOM [ n connection where you can get coHce.sdan- wichcs , pics , etc. , at all hours. ! fseaps High Rents aid the Ctat of Heating a Room by using . I 1 lT"T1.1 I i \eieri JL-C3 t ± -CTGVt3C3 Fnlding Tatls Bed. 7Sfi Stjki ) Sl3fo ° S30. i OPEN Full Bed. 6 ft 2 In. long. j ri/li , 5WcI 57 , Guaranteed the Best Ventilated Fold- Ing Bed made. Write for Catalogue. T * " j CLOSED With all Bidding Ins.dt , \ Ask Tour Furnltnro Dealer for it. FOREST CITY FURNITURE CO. i WHOLESALE MANUFACTURERS. I * . XMJI3TOIS. ' KILPATRICK BROTHERS. ( Successors to E. D. Webster. ) Horses branded on loft hip or left shoulde r P. O. address , Estellc , Hayes county , and tteat- 1 rice. Neb. Kan-re. Stink- ins Water and French- finan creeks , Chase Co. , ' Nebraska. Brand as cut on side of I some animals , on hip and sides of some , or any whereon the animal. JOHN F. BLACK. Itreeder of IMPROVED SHEEP MEKTNO -AND- SOUTIIDOWN -O- Personal in spection and correspon dence solicit ed. ed.Address Address him at Ked Willo Nebraska. SP11IXG CREEK CATTLE CO. .T. D. WEI.BOHNVice President anil Supt. P. O. address , Indiano la , Nebraska. Range : Republican Valley , east of Dry- Creek , aud near head of Spring Creek , in Chase county , Nebraska. STOKES & TROTH. P. O. address. Carrico , Hayes county. Neb. Kan-re : Ked Willow- creek , above Carrico. Stock branded as abovt Also run the following- brands : S , J-P , U , X Horse brand lazy CO.L EATON BROS. & CO. P. O. address , McCook , Nebraska. Kange , south fcof McCook. Cattle branded on left Ihip. Also , ] 0 ? 5 , ft and 11 brands on left hip. Horses branded the same on left shoulder. CHICAGO. APRIL 21st , J6S . This 15 to certify , that the Illinois Trust and Savings Hank has this day received from the Union Cigar Company of Chicago , to be held as a Special Deposit. U. S. 4 ° ! o Coupon Bonds , as follows : So. 22023 D. 8100. - , Market Value of which h " 41204 100. | _ _ " -nso ; 100. L 1019 " C2S70 1UO. f % DIVM . Sboo. ) ( S. ) ? . s. Cites. Cash. We offer the above as a FORFEIT , if our " FANCY GROCEIl" docs not prove to be a genuine Havana-filler Cigar.-Umon Cigar Co. { Our LV L03IA lOc. Cigar is strictly Hand ca = = . fcJesan : quality. Supenorworkmanhip. Sold by a ! ! Grocers. 75 X. CUnton St. , - CHICAGO % Detail by HAYDEN & COMPANY , vf. f.