( f WEAK , S AND OEB1LITATED MEH and Women seeking health , strength and energy , should avoid Drugs , Secret Medi cines , etc. , and send for "The Review , " or "Health and Strength Regained , " a large Illustrated Journal , publish ed entirely for their benefit. It treats on health , hygiene , physical culture , and meet * leal subjects , and Is n complete encyclopaedia of informa tion for suffering humanity afflicted with long-standing , chronic , nervous , exhausting and painful diseases. Every subject that bears on health nnd human happi ness receives attention In its paces ; and the many questions noted by ai'ing persons and invalids who have despaired of a euro arc answered , and valuable Informa tion is volunteered to all who are in need of medical advice. , \ No similar work ban ever been , published. Every side or ailing person should have it , YOUNG ATTI > MEDDLE AGED MEN. and otherswho snfler from nervous and consulting benefited by tlecllncTctc. , nre especially physical debility , exhausted vitality , premature Its content.Every thlnp such sufferers wish to know is fully clven in Us pages. If in need description of medical , " " Investing In medicine * ) or appliances of any mid or coum el , read it before doctoring or . If. medicine or medical treaoaentot any using and you will save time , money and disappointment. klnd.read Itnnd lo.irn the better-way. who profess to THE REVIEW exposes the frauds practiced by enacts and medical Impostors "practice medicine , " and points out the only safe , simple and effective road to health , vigorandbodily Electric Belts and all cnratlvo appliances are treated upon : all about them . which nre of genuine' dollars , Vflilch arc bogus. Belts on thirty days trial ( ? ) and other fallacies reviewed. Thousands iu Itsaintn saved nervous-debllitv sufferers and others by tho advice Riven. THE EEVIEW Is now year of publication. Complete specimen copies mailed FREE Address , naming this paper. . Publishers REVIEW , 1164 Broadway , New York. S" Apply oon'or preserve our address , as you may not ace this notice again * Tlic BUYERS' GUIDE is issnrd Sept. and lllarcli , cacliyear. JK3 313 pogco , illustration * a ivliole Picture Gallery. GIVES Wholesale Prices direct to consumers on nil goods for personal family use. .Tells liow to order , and gives exact cost of c-rcry- ttilnjjyou itsc , cat , drinkvrar , or toavo fan with. Tliese INVAI.UABLE BOOKS contain , information gleaned from tho markets of tnevorld. . \Ve will mall n copy FREE to any ad dress upon receipt of 10 cts. to defray expense of mailing. Iict us hear from you. Hespectfnlly , MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. B27 & 229 W abash Avcuuc , CUicaco. 111. The most practical , larco slzi Oil Can in the market. Lamps a flllcil direct by the pump witho lifting can. Nodrip nj ; oil < Floor or Table. No Faucet leak and waste contents or cau explosions. Closes perfectly a light. Xo I < cakiiRc-Xo Eva ] oration Absolutely f > af Don't be Uumuusgcd ivil worthless imitations. Buy tl "GoodEnoutfli. " ManTd.l WISFIELD fflHFU CO Warren , Ohio. Sold l y Flmt-Clnns Denier * ETeryrvhen SUPI I > IED 11Y JO11UEUS. If STEEL II Leadin Nos. : 14 , 048 , 130 , 135 , 333 , 161 For Sale by all Stationers. THE ESTERBROOK STEEL PEN CO. , Works ; Camdcn , N. J. 26 John St. , New Yor HEADACHE ASTHMA , HEURALCIfl relieved try nslnpr Cnnlimun' * Mentlu fulckly iibalcr and by continued use effect a cure. Sati faction Ruarantied or money refunded. It Ifuts fro ; six me nth ? lo one year. Price SO cents ; by mail or i drugsist. Circulars mailed on application. H. D. CUSHMAN , Three Rivers , Mich THIS STKXT : DAYS' TKIAL7 A Full Set of Attachments. WARRANTED Circular. C. A. WOOD & CO. , . 10 th ii t. . iMill.i. , Fa * 1 have a positive remedy lorlne above < Usrp ; bvltsui -tnouRanda of casts of lb worst Jtlnd and of Ion ? etandin have been cured. Indeed. ? Mronc U my faith la its efficar that I will Pend TWO BOTTLES FKCE , toce'her with a VA1 TJABLE TKKATJ K on this disease , to anrsufferen Give E : preii and f. O. address. DC. T. A. SLOCU&I , 181 PearlSt. , N.5 PACE , HANDS , FEET , . , flucras Hair , liirth Marks , Moles , AVart' Moth , Freckles , lied Kose , Acne , Blac ! Heads. Scars , 1'ittinjr nnd their treatment inc. for lK k of SO pncrps,4th editior ' ' ' W E WANT YO-U ! largo err ono buys. Outfit and particulars Free. STANDARD SILVZBWAEE CO. , BOSTON , HASS Di-afness and Nasn ] TaUrrl EYE ESR permanently cured. Glass * , , ntted for all forms of defec & THROAT tnterted. Addresa Dr. IMFEY , Omaha. Net WATERBURIT W WATCH Stem grinder. Vi arrantcd Itell&ble. oien to any oni who will gets ubscriber forthcbestSOcentayea ! paper In Slew Id. Sample copies and new premium lis Address ACRJCULTUFMST.RaclnejWIs , WAUTCn tosell AOVKl/l KM WARItU MACHINES and RUG PATTERNS , for making : Hugs " * Tldiej. Hoods , Mittens , etc. Sein bv mall for JS1. CIRCULARS FREE. E. JtOSS fc CO. , ' TOLEUO , OHIO. energetic worker ; buslncssinhissection. Salary ? 7U References. Am. MTs House. 15 Barclay St. , IJ. Y. OFFICERS' Pay , Bounty , Etc. jilu ' Write for circulars and laws. Free. A. W. McCORMICK &SON , Cincinnati , O. STUDY. Book-kecplnsr. Business Korms.l'enmansliIpArlthmctlc , Shorl hand , etc , tlioroaeh'v taught by mail. Circulars free. BKYAXT'S COt-lKCl ! ; . Buffalo. Jf.Y. larlcstown. Mass. to S8 a day. Samplesworth Sl-10 FREE. Lines $5 not nnder the horse's feet. Write Brewster Safety Rein Holder Co. , Holly , Mich. Tumors and "Ulcers cured. Private Hospital for Patients. Write foi pomphlet. DR. K. B. CO LL.EY , Milwaukee.Wli. AHCU7C WAMTCH For the Newest nd Destfell- AUhN IO n AH I CU inc book ever published. Foi terms & circulars address N ATIOXAI , PUB Co. Chicago Song of the collector "While the raging bill ohs roll. " The best cough medicine Is PIsco's Cure for Con sumption. Sold everywhere. 23c. I R. M. Doll , the Cincinnati defaulter , stole $00,000. To Succes fiilly Act Upon the Liver and Bile , take small doses of Carter's Little Liver Pills. When a fool enters the newspaper busi ness he leaves it a wise man. The habit of running over boots or shoes corrected irlth L } on's Patent Heel SUffencrs. The Omuha Tjrpj foundry can furnish new newspaper outfits on short notice. Prices same as in Chicago and freight already paid to Omaha. "DON'T PAY A BIG PRICE ! / [ - / , - ,4.Pays for a YEAR'S sul DO Ueil US Bcription to the Weekl ; AMBIIICAX UUKAI , HOME. Rochester , N. Y WITHOUT premium "the Cheapest and Bea Weekly in the World8 pages. 48 columns 1C years old. For ONE DOLLAR you hav ONE choice from over 150 different Clott bound DOLLAR VOLUMES , 300 to 900 pp and paper one year , post-paid. Book post age , lOc. Extra. 50,000 books given awaj Among them are : Law Without Lawyers Family Cyclopedia ; Farm Cyclopedia Farmers' and Stockbreeders' Guide ; Cora mon Sense in Poultry Yard ; World Cycla pedia ; Danclson's ( Medical ) Counseloi Boys' Useful Pastimes ; Five Years Befor the Mast ; Peoples' History of Dnitei States ; Universal History of all Nations Popular History Civil War ( both sides ) . Any oxr : book and paper , one year , al post-paid , for § 1.15 only. Paper alone G5c. Satisfaction guaranteed on book and Weekly , or money refunded. Reference Hon. C. 11. PARSONS , Mayor Rochester Sample papers , 2c. RURAL HOML : Co. , Ltd Without Prem. G5c a year. RochesterN.Y Montgomery , Ala. , has established quar antiuc against Biloxi , Miss. Two Lucky ITlcii. TYasMngton ( D. C. ) Star , Oct. 7. * John Connor of this citv held one-tentl of ticket No. 31.583 , that drew the firs capital prize of $150,000 at the drawiii ] of The Louisiana State Lottery Company September 14th. Mr. Connor worked ii Camma-ck & Decker's lime kilns on 28tl stret near K. He bought tho ticket foi himself and a colored man named Jaki Simms , each contributing fifty cents. Mr Connor's story , as told by him to a Stai reporter , is rather strange and interesting He has always been a hard-working , in dustriousman , but the demands of a grow ing family have made it difficult for him t ( keep his "head above water" in a financia sense. "This was my fifth ticket , " he sak to the Star reporter , "or rather one-fiftl ticket , for I have put in only half a dollar r month. Last month I had so much to pa } out , doctor's bills and other things , that ] thought I would drop tho lottery ticket Still I kept thinking of it. One night I was awakened , as I thought , by some one call ing my name. I rose , went to the window and looked around , but could see nor heai no one. All the time the lottery tickel was in my mind. I went tc the kiln next day , and asked om of my fellow workmen to gc in with me , telling him the ticket would surely win ; but he declined. Then Jake Simms gave me half a dollar , and I bought a ticket. I chalked the number ona board in the kiln , and said to my fellow workman , 'Chris , you have missed it ; that ticket will draw $15,000. ' Somehow I felt perfectly sure of it , and you know the rest. " Mr. Connor obtained the$15,000 through the Adams Express company , and at once deposited it in bank , half to his own credit and half to that "of Simms' . He has quit work at the kiln , and will soon move from his humble home near the kiln to a place he has bought for himself in South Wash ington , where he proposes to go into busi ness for himself. By this favor of fortune he has been raised from straightened cir cumstances to comparative independence. Mr. Connor speaks of his good luck in a tone of devout thankfulness. Simms , too , had a large family dependent upon him , and has made prudent and thrifty use o ! his good fortune. A candidate for a political office is too often judged by his cigars. A Great Reward will be secured by those who write to Hal- lett& Co. , Portland , Maine. Full infor mation will be sent you , free , about work that you can do and live at home wherever you are situated , that will pay you from So to $25 and upwards a day. A num ber have earned over $50 in a day. Capi tal not needed ; Hallett & Co. , will start j-oti. Both sexes ; all ages. The chance of i lifetime. All is new. Now is the time. Fortunes are absolutely sure for the workers. Kehr's New York desk factory was dam- iged $100,000 by fire. Carter's Little Liver Pills will be found m excellent remedy for sick-headache. Ehousands of letters from people who have ised them prove this fact. Ask your drug- list for them. Minnie Siegler died at Indianapolis from rounds inflicted by her husband. The Bcf > t Porous Plaster , Garter's smart Weed and Belladonna Backache Plasters. The humorist's labor is write funny , after ill. The Frazer Axle Grease is better and heaper than any other , at double the jrice. The latest authorativo estimate places he total human population on the earth it 1,450,000,000. For Cuts , Galls , Old Sores , Scratch- 8 , Thrush , etc. , use Stewart's Heal- og Powder , 15 and 50 cents a box. A Chicago judge refuses naturalization apers to a Chinaman. Again the Nebraska State Fair awarded he Business College , Lincoln , Neb. , the re miu m s for business college work. The isplay was the finest ever made. Informa- ion sent free. Montreal conservatives advise the pro- incial government to remain in power. If afflicted with Soro Eyes , use Dr. Isaac 'boinpson's Eye Water. Druggists sell It. 25c C. W. H. Clindott , of San Francisco , ewt crazy in New York. The Omaha Type foundry can furnish evr newspaper outfits on short notice , 'rices ' same as in Chicago and freight Iready paid to Omaha. . .VJT - PERPETUAL MOTION. A. Dream of Sciolism and Science A Hobby of Harmless C rnnlis. Science has nimlo jn-ogrcss chiefly1 cause the ranjorit } ' of men are so cc stituted as to be capable of realizi the force of demonstration , reinai Tne New York Tribune. Were nol tl perceptive faculty general the m > i migth still be disputing as to what fr and two make when added togetlu nnd there would have been no consc jus of opinion upon any of these gc 3ralizalions from experience which i jail natural laws. But while me nen are able to realize deraonstratio ; here are some always who do not pc ; ess this power , andthese peculiar pc ) le furnish the paradoxes , as Prof. I Morgan used to style them : t "cranks"as they are commonly ternie There are many who become convinc ; hat the circle can be squared , and w iro fascinated by the alurcments lerpctunl moton , or seek wi jhildlike faith the philosopher's ston L'o-day the quest of the last-named usion has nearly ceased , but the circl squarer still flourish and make li vcury for mulhematiciaus and the se claries of learned societies , while t mthusiasis who are sure they ha lolved the problem of perpetual moti < jontinuc to be numerous and conlidei ind say ami write bitter things abo ; ho hide-bound men of science who r use to hear of the d scovery of no aws of nature and mechanics. The last paradoxcr to discover pe > 3tual motion lias just been reveali n Springlield O. . bv The Globc-Rcpu is of that town. He is a Frenchman renerable years , but full of lire and soursc , quite certain that he has doi he trick. Unfortunately an accidei las happened to some part of the m ihinery , so that a conclusive demo itration can not yet be given. ! / ' 'jlobc-llcpublic amply sets forth the ii outer's belief in the genuineness of tl liscovery , and therewith ] ) rints tl ipinion of scicntiiic authorities upc he problem. It is hardly correct , ho\ : ver , to speak , as our esteemed coutei orary does , of perpetual motion as dream of science. " It is in truth ( ream of sciolism , not ot scienc icieuce knows and has long knowi hat the problem is insoluble in pra ice , and the reasons for this conclnsic re at once so simple and so conelush hat a remarkable degree of crank ; ess is needed for the creation ar naintenance of a belief in the possioi by of success. If a man should appei i-ho declared that he had solved tl iroblem of carrying himself in a basl t , it is doubtful whether the most coi rmed perpetual-motion crank wou' ive in his adhesion to the statemen nt perpetual motion is the ell'cct idei ical with carrying one's self in asket K"o doubt seeking perpetual motion n innocent way of wasting time , con aratively speaking. It is decidedly etter way than making dynamil ombs , for instance. The Springliel renchman certainly has not discoverc erpetual motion , for perpetual motio ; an impossibilitTo intimate that I : lay have done so is to assert that actio nd reaction may possibly not be equa ud so on , indefinitely ; and this is noi ; nse. No doubt the poor Frenchma as derived a great deal of pleasui nd satisfaction from his hobby , an o doubt he will go on tinkering wit to the end of the chapter , for pan oxers of his kind are utterly incapi le of being set right , as is obvioi hen one considers that their peculiti icntal condition disables them froi unking in straight lines. Probably me will never come when there wi 2 no cranks of this harmless ehara < ir , and they are interesting studies s nig as they are presented for wha icy really are. Four Great Realists. Four realistic novelists of geniu ; vo of our greatest painters of lowe fe , and several of our best writers ii liddle-class cornednourished alnios ) ntemporaneously. The coincidenc sufliciently striking to suggest an in resting topic of discussion. But , si r as the modern novel is concerned remarkable combination of circum ances favored its growth. Civiliza in was descending , and , as facilities communication increased , sprea < om town to the country ; the middli asses , who since the Revolution hat come social factors , were eager t < : ar about themselves ; in a peacefu mntry , where wealth rapidlaccumu ted , there grew up a miscellaneou : ading public ; a new mode of ex ession was required for a changec rm of society ; prose was most con nial to the taste of the age , and : iod prose style had been lately per 2ted. Ill success in other direction ; rned the attention of two men ofe us to the novel ; Fielding and Smol .t , Like Cervantes and Le Sage , failed dramatists before they exlored the ; sh field which was opened for the iplay of their powers. As the new sapon was perfected , its width of uge became more and more apparent fe every where at every period , human lure in its most varied aspects , well thin its sphere. With extraordinary [ ) idity novelists annexed field aftei Id ; to DeFoe's realism of fact was d Richardson's realism of character : the rich ami varied pictures of real 3 which Fielding and Smollett painted , re added Sterne's subtle analysis oi liter shades of feeling and Goldsmith's inestic idj'ls ; by her sketches of so ty Miss Burney opened out a sphere which women writers have peculiar- excelled ; lately , the romantic school cad out before the eyes of their iders an ever-widening range of his- ical fiction and novels of incident or passion. As painters of the man- : s , satirists of follies , or censors of the irals of mankind , novelists usurped t functions of the Addisonian essay- 5 and the Johnsonian moralist. Ex- ) t during the br.lliantreign of Foote , iy encroached upon the domain of the ima. More technical skill is required the stage , while dramatists are ex- ded from many sources of interest ich novelists may employ. Tht arterly Review. TTlodel ITIeii. "Papa , what is a model ? " inquired litl Johnny. "A model is a small likeness of an thing. " "And is a model man a small likeness a man ? " "A great many of them are , Johnny , " i plied his pa musingly. "A great mauy them are. " [ Merchant Traveler. The wide spread fame of Dr. Bull's Cou < Syrup is justly won by its own merits , an the reputation it has gained lias bee secured by its universal use. ounuay newspapers. Among mornin-r papers the Sunday issi has grown to be almost inevitable. Publis ers and editors who a few 3'cars ago we strenuously opposed to it have accepted itar become its warmest advocates. The Sund : issue has , in nearly every instance , proved r muncrative , more so than any other issue < the week , and this argument , on a businc ground , is unanswerable. The narrow the logic prejudice , entirely without cause , h ; beuu compelled measurably to give way. Ev ( Tlit Jlo\toii Advertiser , for more than sever J years an example of New England conserv tisrn In most things , has decided to publish c Sunday , aud within a few weeks , willcarrvoi its decision. This is an extraordinary chanf in sueh n journal. It has so long delighted i being ; diilerent from its contemporaries th ; one would think it would not have a Suudr paper because so many of them have it. The has been no objection on its part to a Sundu Issue on theological principles ; for it has a ways been liberal , reflecting the Uuitaria views of Boston intellect and culture. Bi the fact that many iheets which , in its jud < incut are vulgarly sensational , havepublishc on the first day of tbe week , has been suli cieut to deter It from doing likewise. Ti Adnrtixer has always represented Hnrvan Many of its writers have been graduates of tl university , and its students read it to a mai There may be some mysterious connection b tween the abolition of compulsory prayci there aid the publication of : i Sunday papi in AVashingtou street. It is whispered tin the paper is to be dashy and gossipy , too. Ca it be possible ? Verily , the world does inov and must move when"the hub of the univen is affected. 2few York Commercial Advertise , The most astonishingly beneficial result liave followed the use of Red Star Cong Cure by those affected with throat an lung troubles. Price , twenty-live cents. Music for the porter Tho "Song of Sh pence. " Always ready to set 'em up The coir positor. Lynchburg , Va. , is getting ready to cel ( jrate its centennial. _ A huge derrick-pole fell and severe ! injured the foob of Mechanical Engince E. R. Hoyt at the New Orleans Exposi tion , and after only three applications o 3t. Jacobs Oil , all the swelling and paii lisappeared. Tic Old According to a Paris paper the center irian , M. Chevreul , indulged in a delicat ind appropriate little pleasantry tin ) ther day. He was walking in the Jardii les Plantes when he met M. Dupin , who i himself. II inly a year younger than ; reeted him with : "Good afternoon , my dear Dupin ; wha ias become of you ? It seems a century lince I have seen you. " New York Gra > hic. The Doctor's Directions- Little Tommy had .a very perverse dispn ition a fact which the doctor , who wa ailed to prescribe a course of treatmeii or him recently , seems to have taken full ; nto account. When Ihe doctor called tw < reeks after he had told Tommy what to di 11 order to get well , he found the bo ; ilninly very much better. "Well , how ar on , Tommy ? " the doctor asked. "Oh 'tn all cured now , " said Tommy , with i rin. "That's very good , I'm sure. " "Yes iut I didn't do a single one of the thing ! ou told me to , doctor ! " "Of course yot idn't ! I know yon wouldn't , and that'i he reason I told you to do them , " sail lie doctor. Boston Record. In mining districts where men have beer urned or bruised by carelessness , Salva- ion Oil has been used to great advantage , t is now sold by all druggists at twenty- ve cents a bottle. Ten persons were poisoned by arsenic in ideriu Adrian , Mich. For producing a vigorous growth of hait pon bald heads , use Hall's Hair Renewer. Every druggist will recommend Ayer's , gue cure , for it is warranted to cuie. Tho enrth is supposed to lose time at lie rate of half a second in a century. A Mr. Johnston , student of Omaha omniercial College , is filling a lucrative osition as book-keeper for A. D. Morse , maha's leading merchant. Returns of the French census show the opulation to be 38,000,000. PRICKLY ASH BITTEKS warm up and invig. rate the stomach , improves nnd strength- is the digestive organs , opens the pores , remotes perspiration , and equalizes the rculation. As a correctorof a disordered stem there is nothing to equal it. The miners in theShnmokiu , Pa. , district : e still dissatisfied. No CUTKATESAIJOUTTIIIS. Only to answer le constant call for a good and low priced mgh and croup remedy do we now intro- ice our Allen's Lung Balsam in three MS , 25c , 50c and 51.00 a bottle at all uggists. Most women are clothes observers. Hood's Sarsaparilla prepared from Sarsaparilla , Dandelion. Mandrake , ick , Plpsissewa , Juniper Berries , and other TVC'I- ' ownand valuable vegetable remedies. The com- latlon , proportion , and preparation are peaullar to iod's Sajsaparllla , gtvlns It curative power not ? sessed by other medicines. It effccta remaricabe res where others fall. Purifies the Blood To other preparation has sncli a purifying effect oa the blood as Hood's Sarjaparilla. It eradicates : ry Impurity , and cures Scrofula , Salt Rheum. Us , Pimples , all Humors , Dyspepsia , Biliousness , k Headache , Indigestion , General Deolilty , ' a- rh. Rheumatism. Kidney and Liver Complaint's. jvcrcomcs that extreme tired feeling , and builds the system. Hood's Sarsapariila s met unparalleled success at home. Such hai : omc Its popularity In Low ell , llass. , vrhei e It Is ( le. that whole neighborhoods are taking It at the ac time. The same wonderful success Is extend- all over the country. Its positive merit makes r frlt'nds dally. Hood's Sarsaparilla by all dmsslsts. i : six for 3. Prepare . HOOD & CO. . Lowell , Ma . IOO Doses One Dollar Morphine Hil : > lt Cured la Ij P1UM to * > ! O il.iys. No pay till Uu J. SncniKxa. Leliaaou. Ualo. ' W. N. U. , Oinalia 33-1--44. E3TThls Advertisementwill Positively nit appsw aaln. Take Advantage of this Offer. If not prepared tj ilscriba to-day pasta this 'a your hat. AWAY BEFORE 6\SOV. \ 20 , ' 86. MO BLANKS Wo deslro to socuro Flftv Thousand Now Subscribers to THE WEEKLY NEWS tZTThe Greatest Offer Ever Made by responsible putlisiiers.jEJ " _ Josep'i. Wo. an-lttio only Newapnporln the World that pooltlvelv refuses „ to liscrt r an advertisement in its columns. Only SI.SO for our paper and a fine present. KKA.U THE LIST CAItEFCTIY. 1. Ci h present In ROM 3 300 13. Urn Uprieht Piano MO 2 , C < sh present in 2WI II. One Orjan S10 S. C.ish present In cold WI 15. OnaT.ip Bupnv ISO 4. Cull present in c > l < ! in. O. e Chamber Set 50 5. C.i'-h present in .cold IT. 1 Su.tof clotbci from ll.r.tiun'on 30 . Ujlcl\V'itch from Ctirlc .t Andrews 60 6. cah present ! n iroid 18. 1 7. cash present In ftold 19:0) Album * from Ern t.t Ilrlll 2oo S. c.is i prefnt in sold 2 > 202.o50 Siandarl KiRllsh Iloak * 2,0oo S. ILot m Kanapoli < . Kansas 2" > 0 21. 31) ) . EniSlshVorJ4iif Fiction .Soo 10. SLacKe,1 Gold Watches 120 2i 33 Weekly New * Sowing Machine. ] 900 11. 160 ncres of land in Southern Kansas l.-'OJ 23. 1 FarmVu uu 65 12. MUO splen-ld Watches LOW OurOcIo" erd'stribut'on was a imrvcllons success , four thousand person * taklnf ; adr.intntre of our liber al offer to Mitxcrlbo to tho best nwspr in thu west. Not t local bit a n itional paper. In Icnendu it in politic * , moral intonean interesting , r > ! iUbn : faintly n3Wspaper. The following letters spoak for themselves K03KRS. ARK. . Oct. S. Mv.D < lilu Seid Pub. ( , ' > . . . .S'Joseph , J/i ) . Gentlemen : It was with reclines of cle'Ulit and pleisure that 1 learned my ticket hai drawn tbo piano you offered. Am very much pleas . . S.va COUDKLU. ed with tho IfcetAVjc.f. . SUCAR LAKE , Mo. , Oct.6.1SS . nallij yewx Pub. Co. . St. Joseph. 3fa. Gentlemen : Am more than irrato- - . . Will do all I can for the ful to you for your promptness in informing me I had drnun an org-.in. PATTO.V. . Mr. GILKAD. O. , Oct. 7,1886. Dally Xeirs FtCa. . , St..Tncnh.3to. Gtnt\fmfn : Jii t received ynnrcheclc for S'-OO. You may expect a big Hot of kubscribcr * from liere. The Weekly 3etcy Is a bplemlld paper. MAlTbAND. JIo. . Oct. 5. IMS Dally Xtics Pub. O . , Sf. Joseph. } fn. ficntlemen : Yours enclo < inr check ? . hand thanks for prompt action. Am wrll 11 M e.l with t ic p iper. CHARLES DOVOVAW. for : ! 00 .it ; your WATIIE.VA , Ks. , Oct. 6. IMS Daily Xeics I'ub. < * > . . ST. JOSKI-II. Mo I -iitrvoibly nrpri-ol t learn I held tlie fortunate number that draw the top bussy. Tho Weekly Aieics is well worth the nri' e. E. M. STHEET. E. ! ToxMo. , Oct. 4 , 1888. DallyXeicit Pub. Cl. , Kt. Joseph. ( lentlrnien : Just receive 1 your check for anj , ik a ooJ word for the Weekly .Vcir. . remember promptness iro J73. I shall eer your E. DOS MCCRART. So many letters have been received from psrsoas drawing prestn ts that rte umounta given must suffice. Culver. Atchlson. Kan < . . suitorclothrs , S 30. Frank T IIrl&t. Joseph , rash Sl"0. Mnircio L ntr- Frank Millbrook , Kas. , chamher set , ? jO. Fred Schradcr. St. Lous , c .sh Sin. J. c. MacSnaiMen. Chlcapu.SlO. fonl John , Hill , St. Joseph , cash S20. Silllu R hirt. I.-ifirop , .Mo. , watch 5 l.Izzle Culf. Kinsafit v , rash 915. worksoT lU'tio'i worn also drawn. John Tea' . watches 150-Ubnms anil 3.003 standard En'rlish btiokauJ son. Skldmorc. T5 , Mo. - , watt-h , S5. JI. S. Huyett. St. Jo = enh , Mo. . ca h SJO. Mrs. C. H.Smith , Cralp. Mo. , cash J5. Birch Carpenter K.insia City , Ho. . ca h SCO. J. 11. Briiik.Mnniiil City. Mo. , ca > h 3W. Write to anv of tho ntiovinimo t pirtlei nnd heawhat tlity have to say. .TTJST A J-'C\VAVOK1 > S. Wecivoall proOt on subscription liy returniriRa larse portion of tho rc- : e'pts in inonoy nnd presents.This h done to obtain a larfre subscription list. We fesl sure that mice a sub scriber EVERY , voti SUBSCUIBEU 1 alwnvsrennlnwlth entitled to a us present. ! You pay nothing for the present , as the Weekly J > ews Is worth ' howwoareahle to mnko snch liberal offers' , V'5otOttx-3roiiiIitn ! To explain IlovrVo state that we pay formost ot these premiums with advcrtifiir-r In "The n.iily Nt-ws. " For in merely ive will elcsant 1'iano we offeris paid for In adver'isiii ' . So wi-h all tinother * . CXOPJ t Hit-cash premi stance . , This tl e is the reason we are enabled to offer such liberal piemiunis. Kvery ? ub-eril > rr run do tin great ums. Tavo'r byinforminRhisnel hboM ofthUattractlvo offer. 1'ostmastersaroauthorized to receive subscriptions. FOKU'ARD Sl-10 TO "THE NK\VS , ' ' - ' subscription ami a premium receipt num- Mo. and name will be entered f.ir one 3-ear's your Josenh , , 3t from our sub < cription boukswiil be snt to your address. Hlie vour full mime , town , aered n dnpMcito ' . Get club S'it > will bo sent to thoat mt 'iiliinrusr 0 paid up > ub < criptions. and sta'p. up ountv OUlt lJtE5I-U. S will bedistributed November - O.ls.SB. All that can be mulled will lie rent post paid to the subscriber's - addres * . Fn-'Isht charge J will be paid by the sub-criber. So attention ivill be paid to Letter * unless aiiioiuit orStiliMcrlptinii is l nvIoNcd. Saxton National Hint , StateSavinirs Hank nnd the liusln ss Men tifbt.-.s ph.orany of UEFFREXCES agencies. : Addiss all letters toThe News I'ub.Miintf C > . . " News liulMinir. St Joseph. Mo. ho CommercHl . ( ; . J. Six nc -roretarv and ofilcorsand directors of this company aieJ. . W. Spc.icer , president The M'-l'oiinld of tlio uhole ae house . I ' National Bank.W. A . of Saxton reasnrer ; Col. A. M. S.istou , president if 11 T Mnllnnilil .V Co .Tamps JI llnl ! nfthfl wnll-knrtwn firm of Itaill < ( Hull lluoi'loi < Is ft Best iterproofGoat Don't wa to your moner on a Rtun or rubber coat. Tho FISH BRAND SLICKEr is absolutely vnlrr and wind PROOF , and will keep vou drv in tho hardest Ftorm lor the "FISH BRAND" SLICKER and take no other. If j our storekeeper doe- _ lot have - L the _ - "nsn " " - _ BRAKP" AsJc . send for descriptive cataloguettyA J .TOWElt.ai' ' ' " " " ' ' 'i s > . . lioston. Mass The Lest and surest Remedy for Cnro of all diseases caused uy any derangement of the Liver , Kidneys , Stomach and Bowels. Dyspepsia , Sick Headache , Constipation , Bilious Complaints and3Ialariaof all kinds yield readily to the beneficent influence of It is pleasant to the taste , tones up the system , restores and preserves health. It is purely Vegetable , and cannot fail to prove beneficial , Loth to old and young. As a Blood Purifier it is superior to all others. Sold everywhere at Sl.OO a bottle. * 7" * - v YOU * xr9 RUUg HOW TO USE CREAM BALM. Place a particle of the Balm Into each nostril ind draw si rons breaths : hrough the nose. It will be absorbed and be-j ? In Its work of cleans- ng and heallnj ; the dls- : ased membrane. It illays luflamniatlon and > rcvents fresh colds. A LIQUID cr SNUFF. Ko poisonous drucs. fo offensive odor. A particle Is apnllcd Into each nostril and Is asree- [ Dle to use. Price M ) cts by mall or at drucplsta. yrculan ELT BROTDEKS , Druggists. ) wego X ASK FOR THE L. DOUGLAS - . - . ESI mat > vef Congress lutfon ipr the AV. I , . Douglas' $2.00 Shoe , bame styles as he $3 00 Shoe. If yon cannot : et these shoes from deal- rs , send address'on postal ard to W. L. Douglas. Irockton , llass. _ CORES WHERE AIL ELSE FAIIS. Best Coimb Syrup. Tastes good. Use In time. Sold by druggists. A GREAT ENTERPRISE. THE CENTURY MAGAZINE , with its enor mous circulation ( edition of November num ber is a quarter of a million ) and great resources , has never undertaken a greater work than the one which will be its important feature during the coming year. This is a history of our own country in its most critical time , as set forth in THE LSFE OF L8NCOLN , BY HIS CONFIDENTIAL SECRETARIES. JOHN C. HI CO LAY AND COL. JOHN HAY. This great work , begun with the sanction of President Lincoln , and con tinued under the authority of his son , the Hon. Robt. T. Lincoln , is the only full and au thoritative record of the life of Abraham Lincoln , Its authors were friends of Lincoln before his presidency ; they were j-imost intimately asso- 4\ciated with him as pri- vatesecretaries through out his term of office , and to them were trans ferred upon Lincoln's death all his private papers. Here will be told the inside history of the civil war and of President Lincoln's administration , important details of which have hitherto remained unrevealedthat _ they might first appear in this authentic history. By reason of the publication of this work , THE WAR SERIES , which has been followed with unflagging" interest by a great audience , will occupy less space during the coming year , but will by no means be entirely omitted. Stories of naval engagements , prison life , etc. . will appear. NOVELS AND STORIES include a novel by Frank R. Stockton , two novelettes by George W. Cable , stories by Mary Hallock Foote , " Uncle Remus , " Edward Zggleston , and other American authors. SPECIAL FEATURES ( with illustrations ) include a series of articles on affairs in Russia and Siberia , by George Kennan , author of " Tent Life in Siberia , " who has just returned from a most eventful visit to Siberian prisons ; papers on the Labor Problem ; English Cathedrals ; Dr. Eggleston's Religious Life in the American Colonies ; Men and Women of Queen Anne's Reign , by Mrs. Oliphant ; Clairvoyance , Spiritualism , Astrolo"v , etc. ; Astronomical papers ; articles on jle History , etc. PRICES. A FREE COPY. Subscription price , $4.00 a year , 35 cents a number. Dealers , postmasters , and the pub lishers take subscriptions. Send for our beautifullyillustrated 24-page catalogue ( free ) . A. specimen copy ( back number ) will be sent a request. Mention this paper. Canyon afford to -without THE CENTURY ? THE CENTURY CO. NEW-YORK. NEWSPAPER OUTF2TS F'urni.slicd OH SItoi-t rVotico I-Vom Omaiitt at Chicago I riccs. JEW OR SECOND-HAED GOODS CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. > MAHA TYPE FOUNDRY , Omaha , Neb. , 12th and Howard. 3EC33 PAYSthe FREIGHT 5 Ton AVacon Scales , Iron 1.7Trr * . Sitel Heiriaxi. Btiu Tire Beam and Rim Box for ETfrr size bctle. For frre prie llil mention thf pap r motl address JONES OF BINGHAMTOM , BINGIIAJITON , N. Y. wiiilahit i - - * r wiii - Painlessly Cured at Home. Treatment sent on trial and NO PAY asked until you arc beneflted. Terms Low. Humane Remedy Co. , J aFayotte , Ind.