VOLUME V. McCOOR , RED WILLOW COUNTY , NEBRASKA , THURSDAY , OCTOBER 28 , 1886. NUMBER 22. FALL AND WINTER OF e OUR COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF Dry Goods , Clothin an HAS ARRIVED AND WE WILL BE PLEASED TO HAVE YOU EXAMINE THEM. "WE GUARANTEE TO DUPLICATE MISSOURI RIVER PRICES , OR BETTER. Our Stock of Ladies' and Children's Cloaks is Immense. i Mail Orders Have Prompt Attention. L. LOWMAN < fe r , u. IDEALERS IN- SHELF AND HEAVY oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooo BARDWARE r oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooo \f \ I t\ TINWARE , oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooo BARBED WIRE. ETC. oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooo MAIN AVExNUEl , McCOOK , - NEBRASKA. F. L. McCRACKEN. THE RELIABLE J8E.W.E . LE R.1 HONEST GOODS AND LOWEST PRICES. Watches , Clocks , Je welry Silverware , Op tical 0 * Goods , Pianos , Organs , Sewing Machines , - Etc. The Only Place in McCook where You Can Buy Straight Goods. -WE DO FINE- WATCH REPAIRING , JOBBING AND ENGRAVING. REMEMBER THE PUCE : WEST SIDE OF MAIN AVENUE , NORTH OF P. 0. B. & M. TIME TABLE. EAST LEAVES : EAST LEAVES : Ko.3 ( J:40A.M. No. 40 5Iio. P. M , WEST LEAVES : WEST LEAVES : No. 39 12:50 , P.M. No.l 8:55 , P. M , J59 Eastbound trains run on Central Time , and westbound trains on Mountain Time. Freight trains do not carry passengers. R. It. WOODS , Agent. SOCIETY DIRECTORY. CONGREGATIONAL Preaching services every Sunday morning at 10:30 o'clock , and evening at 7 o'clock. Sunday School at 9:3(1 o'clock , A. M. , all mountain time. JOEL S. KELSEY , Pastor. METHODIST. Services every Sunday at 10 : 30 A. M. and 7 P. M. , mountain time. Sunday School at 0:30 A. M. All are cordially invited. Seats free. W. S. WIIEELEK , Pastor. LUTHERAN Services thesecondand fourth Sundays of each month at 10:30 , A. M. , and 8:00 , P. M. , central timo , sit the School House J. W. KIMMEL , Pastor. CATHOLIC Divine services will bo held as follows : Octobf-r 10 I November. . 7 I December..25 November. . 11 December..5 | Titos. CULLEN , Pastor. A. O. U. W. McCook Lodge No. 01 , will meet the first and thiid Mondays of each month in the Masonic Hall. Visiting brethren cordially invited. Du. B. U. DAVIS , M.V. . W. H. DAVIS , llecorder. McCooic LEGION No. 7 , SELECT KNIGHTS , A.O. OFU.W. Meets every second and touith Tuesday evenings of each month in Masonic Hall. All visiting comrades cordially invited to assemble with us. S. D. HUNT , A. H.DAVIS , Recorder. Commander. McCOOK LODGE A. F. & A. M. Regular meetings on the Jirst and third Tuesday evenings of each month. S. L. GREEN , W. M. W. S. WEBSTER , Secretary. McCOOK CHAPTER , U. D. Meets on the first and third Thursdays of each month , at Masonic Hall. Visiting companions cordially invited. W. W. FISIIEK , H. P. T. G. REES , Secretary. CONSTANTINO COMMANDEUY , U. D.- Mects every second and lourth Thursday nights in each month. Visiting Sir Knights courteously invited. E. E. LOWMAN , E. C. S. COHDEAL , Recorder. WILLOW G HOVE LODGE 1C. OP P. , No. a42. Meets every Wednesday evening t Masonic Hal\ \ . Hal3. 3. W. CAMPBELL , C. C. C.H. DOVLE , K.K.S. I. O. O. F. McCook Lodge No. 137,1. O. O. F. , meets every Friday evening , at 7 o'clock , in Masonic Hall. All visiting brothers are invit ed to meet with us. C. T. BREWER , N. G. R. C. FISHEH , Permanent Secretary. B. orL. E. Brotherhood of LocomotiveEn- gineers. Meet first and lourth Saturdays of each month. S. E. HOGE , Chief. J. C. ANDERSON , F. A. E. J. K. BAJIXES POST G. A. R. Regular meet ings second and fourth Monday evenings of each month at Masonic Hall. J. A. WILCOX , Commander. J. H. YAHGEH , Adjutant. BUSINESS DRECTORY. UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE McCOOK , NEBRASKA. 5.1. LAWS , 2egiter. C. P. BABOOCK , Seceiver. OFFICE Houns : From 9 A. M. to 12 M. , and 1 to1 P. M. , mountain time. THE COMMERCIAL HOTEL , GEO. E. JOHNSTON , PROP. McCOOK , : : NEBRASKA. This house has been completely renovated and refurnished throughout , and is flrst-class in every respect. Rates reasonable. 4-3(5 ( WILLIAM MoINTYBB , CONTRACTOR AND BUJLDER , CULBERTSON. NEBRASKA , All work warranted. All material furnished f desired. Work done on short notice. JOHN F. COLLINS , CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER , McCOOK. NEBRASKA. . - - . Jobbingnlll rccei\e prompt attention at my shop on Dennisou St. , opposite McCook House. Plans and specifications furnished If desired. SPOTTS & STIMSON , FASHIONABLE BARBERS & HAIR CUTTERS. Opposite Chicago Lumber Yard , MAKf STREET , - McCOOK. NEBRASKA. ( ft E FT Scnd 10 cents postage , and we I I L I wiu mail you FREE a royal , val- II S I i uablc' sample box ot goods VBB I that will put you in the way of making more money at once , than anything else in America. Both sexes ot all ages can iive at home and work in spare tinuor all the time. Capital notrcquired. We will start you. Immense pay sure for those who start at once. 4-25-lyr. STIKSON & Co. , Portland , Maine. frikp. QUEEN VICTORIA is about to returr to Balmoral , instead of staying in the outskirts. Boston Herald. AFTER a man has had turkey in sigh ) for a long time it is hard for him to eal crow. New Orleans Picayune. IT is very mortifying for a young man to ask for a girl's hand and receive hei father's foot. Lowell Citizen. IF Governor Pattison licks the coal ring in Pennsylvania he can have his name recorded even above the champion base ball nine of 1886. This seems to be the tallest thing in sight. IF the New York Democracy could open polls at the coming election in the penitentiary , the county jail , and Canada they would accommodate quite a large constituency that has been prominent in city politics. WITHOUT having any third party the city of Atlanta has made the best and mosfr successful fight for prohibition on record. A recent appeal to the Supreme Court by the saloons has just been de cided in favor of law and order. THE Chicago nine conferred more real happiness upon St. Louis on Tuesday than she has had since the Missouri troops captured Lexington in 1SG1. The natives are reported as all going upstairs and yelling out of the front windows. THE Americans residing in Canada keep up their native modesty. The Toronto Mail says : "The other Sunday the minister at St. Thomas invited those who had never done a mean action in business to rise and exhibit themselves. One man stood up. THE supreme court of the United States has rendered a decision to the effect that a state cannot control inter state commerce. The opinion was ren dered by Chief Justice Miller , Justice Bradley dissenting. The ruling of the supreme court of Illinois is thereby reversed. THE secretary of the interior has de cided that marriage , after an entry upon government lands has been made by a woman , is not a bar to perfecting title thereon. This decision will be received with favor in this part of the country , where it will have no little bearing on this feature of the land question. AFTER mature deliberation , Ella Wheeler Wilc'ox has come to the con clusion that "the east is a land of dead men's bones , laid tier on mouldering tier : and the danip malarial wind that moans is the breath of those dead men near. ' ' Ella has probably strayed into a democratic convention somewhere. THE sudden change of programme of the President , and his notice that Mrs. Cleveland would not accompany him to Richmond , will cause some loud talk south of Mason and Dixon's line. The reason Mrs. C. did not go is reported to be the announcement that "the daughter of Jefferson Davis would assist in the .Richmond reception. " The President don't care to butt his own train off the track. Watch for it ! The first symptom of true croup is hoai > eneb , and if Chamberlain's Cough lieinedy is freely given at ouee and the doses frequently repeated , thudread dis ease may be entirely prevented and all dan ger and anxiety avoided. Sold by Willey & \Valker and M. A. Spalding. LYTLE BROS. & CO. , DEALERS ! N GENERAL IRON AND WOOD PUMPS , ETC. , McCOOKAND BENKELMAN , NEBRASKA. The First National OF MCCOOK , NEBRASKA. d I a o o o o o H > r OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS : GEO. HOCKNELL , PRESIDENT. B M FREES , VICE-PRESIDENT F. L. BROWN , CASHIER A.CAMPBELL. R. O. PHILLIPS.