MRTROPOLITAN GC ? iiiSs .0. ; * . , -J McCOOK NEBRASKA. 5 n 3 < I , s-3 5 o 01 Q Z W z SEWING MACHINES. is 5 J. A. TAYLOR , Druggist. ( INCORPORATED UNDER STATE LA'WS. ) Paid up Capital , $50,000,00 , Collections made on all accessible points. Drafts drawn directly on the principal cities of Europe. Taxes paid for Non-Residents. Money to loan on fanning lands , Tillage and personal property. Fire insurance a specialty. Tickets For Sale to and from Europe , CORRESPONDENTS : > V. FRANKLIN , President. First National Bant , Lincoln , Nebraska. I JOHN R. CLARK , Vice-President. The Chemical National Banlr , New York. ) A. C. EBERT , Cashier. Superior to any on the market , being Heavier , Stronjer Built , and therefore ft more Durable Mill. It Is the only absolutely safe Mill built ; and out of Thousands Erected Ouring 12 Tears past , not one has ever hlo rn away and left the Tower standing. A record no other Mill can show. We offer to put up any of our PUMPING MILLS THIRTY DAYS TRIAL , And If they don't give satisfaction , will remove Mill at ou own expense. Also Manufacturers of the Celebrated Challenge Feed Mills , Corn Shellers. Iron Pumps with brass cylinders , Iron Pipe , Tanks. For estimates , catalogues and prices , apply to G. 15. NETTEETON , McCook , Neb. , Agcutfor Southwestern Nebraska and Northwestern Kansas. 127-02:2 4 Salesren is tto licCcoi Feed Mill , Ballrcad St. J..3. OF MeCOOK , NEBRASKA. Makes First Mortgage Loans on Farm Property , OFFICE IN FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING. A. CAMPBELL. PRESIDENT. B. M. FREES , 1ST VICE PRESIDENT. GEO. HOCKNELL , SECRETARY. R. O. PHILLIPS , 2ND VICE PRESIDENT F. L. BROWN TREASURER. nm TT IT i / B h/2k i I ATTTOTrl I 111/TinOT I A liic novVdrci LiiniDcr LO , \ WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN MeCOOK , NEBRASKA. FOR SALE BY ; Tti ! MeCOOK , NEBRASKA. C. A. NETTLETON , Prop. GRAHAM FLOUR , FINE MEAL , AND ALL KINDS OF MEAL ON HAND AND FOR SALE. McCOOK , - NEBRASKA. CALIFORNIA AND RETURN. FIRST CLASS , § 60.00. A first-class excursion , accompanied by a responsible agent of this company , will leave Omaha and Tacific Junction on the morning train , Thursday , October 23th , for California. RATE. The rate from all stations on the Burling ton and Missouri 1 { . I { . for FIKST CLASS KOUXD TIJIP TICKETS will be as follows : To San Francisco and return 60.00 To Los Angeles and return ( direct routeGO.OO ) To Los Angeles and return ( via San Francisco ) $65.00 Tickets will only be sold for the morning train of the 2Sth , from the Missouri Iliver , and all trains connecting with it. LIMIT OF TICKETS. Tickets will be good for return at anytime within six months from date of sale ; they are good thirty days westbound , and provide for stamping at return point on the day yon start home , after which they will be good for thirty days eastbound. Upon applica tion to General Passenger Agent of the Southern Pacific Company a further exten sion will be granted of sixty days , upon pay ment of twenty-five dollars additional. Tickets may be exchanged at San Francis co or Los Angeles for return by a different route upon payment of ten dollars. Stop over tickets will be allowed in accordance with the regulation.0 of each line within the limit of the ticket. The Burlington .Route , in connection with the Scenic Line of America ( the Denver and Kio Grande Uy. ) offers unrivalled opportun ity for sight-seeing on the trip , taking you through Denver , the Queen City of the 1 iockies , the Koyal Gorge or the Black Canon of the Arkansas , over the Marshall pass , 10- , 000 feet above the sea level , and through the Black Canon of the Gunnison. At Salt Lake City a day will be spent among the many points of interest of tin Mormon metropolis. Individual members need only accompany the main party as far as may suit their own convenience. Remem ber that this is the only route carrying you through Denver and Salt Lake City without tedious side trips , and enabling you to view the grandest scenery on this continent on the main line of travel. Parties should early advise the B. & M. Ji. It. agent , from whom they intend purchasing tickets , of the number required and Pullman berths desired , in order that ample accom modations may be furnished. P. S. EUSTIS , Gen. Pass. & Tk't Agt. Omaha , Xeb. , October 13. 1SSG. BOX ELDER BLOSSOMS. Autumn tints bedeck the Willow. Hello , Bro. "Sivart , " glad you have resur rected again. Mrs. Turner has commenced school in the Doyle district. Ilev. llox\vell preached in theM. E. church last Sunday evening. A niece of Mrs. Turner , is stopping for a while at the farm on Dry Creek. The boys around here have all quit going with the girls. What's the matter , boys ? Mat. Stewart has been riding around a good deal of late in a top buggy. What's up , Mat ? Itev. ( 'hapin will preach at Box Elder every first and third Sunday of the month at 11 A. M. , central time. Tommy Coward looks rather down-cast of late ; he says , however , that she lias only gone to Kansas on a visit. Joe Stephens has bought a fine young team af horses , and we expect Joe will turn out to church and Sunday school , pretty livelv now. a Stephen Bolles has gone on a hunting ex- Mirsion up the Stinking Water. He took Joe Miller and Tip Long with him , to haul .he game back. We enjoyed a call from Rev. Chapin , the ie\v M. E. preacher for this point , on Mou- lay. The reverend gentleman was around loingsome much needed pastoral work , and icenis to be making friends for himself and Jhristianity wherever he goes. SHLOXX. fJORTH DIVIDE DOTS. Mr. and Mrs. U. W. Johnson , of Newark , vearney county , are visiting at his father's , iVin. Johnson. This is the season of the year for making ip the year's ' -sweetings , " and the farmers icre arc busy cutting up their cane and muling it to the cane mill to be made into yrup. Frank Lytle gave a dance and supper at lis residence on Pilot Knob , on Friday even- ng , the Sth inst. We understand there was . good attendance and that all enjoyed them- elves. Couse & Wookey are boring a well for Yin. T. Johnson. We are anxiously wait- tig to see which will be the nearest to water , he bottom of the well , when it is finished , or he Red Willow creek , a mile distant. Rev. Berry , of McCook , preached at Win. olmson's on Sunday last , and will preach here again three weeks from that day at . " ' . M. Sunday school is also held there very Sunday at the same time. Everybody 5 cordially invited to botli services. Miss Ida King invited a few of her friends n to celebrate her 21st birth day , on the veiling of the 5th. The evening passed way quickly and pleasantly , and we think 11 enjoyed themselves. She received the allowing presents : Glass pickle dish , Mrs. sborne , Creston , Iowa ; glass bread plate , liss Maggie Osborne , Creston , Iowa ; toilet 2t , Mahlon Campbell and Ed. Powell , Box Ilder ; fruit dish , Miss Nellie Campbell , Box llder. J.vsox. Salt Rheum or Eczema , Old sores and ulcers , Scaldhead and ringworm. Pain in the back and spine , Swelling in the knee joints , Sprains and bruises , Neuralgia and toothache , Tender feet caused by bunions , corns and lilblains , I warrant' TROPICAL OIL > relieve any and all of the above. M. A. SPALDIXG. At THE TitiBVXE stationery department iay be found the following line of fraterni- cards in stock : G. A. R. , B. of L. E. , B. ' L. F. , O. R. C. , B. of R. B. , A. 0. of U. r. , 1. 0. 0. F. , K. P. , A. F. & A. M. , Teleg- iphers. etc. Call and inspect them , if ) u desire anything in that line. t Miss MAUD HOWE says c 'the fash ionable American family consists of one child. " This is a big boost for the lonely orphan child ; he can now start out "solitary and alone" and become a ' 'fashionable American family. ' ' THE ordinary American woman can form some idea of the social standing of her new neighbors when the furni ture wagons unload of course ; but she is never really certain about them until the * hired girl has hung out the first wash. . Miss CLEVELAND , it is said , is to retire from Literary Life. She should never have tried to edit. She cannot write. She is a school girl of mature year ? , and has lost by her presence be fore a larger public than a countryvil lage. Purify Your Blood. If your tongue is coated , If your skin is yellow and dry , If you have boils , If you have fever. If you are thin and nervous , If you are bilious. If you .ire constipated , If your bones ache , If your head aches. If you have no : nttvtite , If you have no a { l/.ition , one bottle of Br.ocPUIUFJEU AXD Br.oon MAKER will relieve any and all of the above complaints. Sold and warranted by M. A. Spalding. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. W. S. MORLAX. J. i : . COC1IKAX. MORLAN & COCHRAN , ATTORNEYS AT LAW - : - - : - , IMcCOOK , NEBRASKA. THOS. COLFEK. J. A. COKDEAL. GOLFER & CORDEAL , ATTORNEYS AT LAW , AITD NOTARIES PUBLIC. Heal Estate Bought and Sold and Collections Made. Money loaned on real estate arid 11 ual proof. Tlios. Golfer agent Lincoln Land Co. Oflice , over First National Bank , McCook. SNAVELY & STARR , ATTORNEYS AT LAW , INDIANOLA , NEBRASKA. Will practice in all the State and United States Courts. Also , before the Land Ollieeat McCook and the department at Washington. HUGH W. COI..E. I.EOJf F. MOSS. COLE & MOSS , LAWYERS , ' McCOOK NEBRASKA. Will practice in all the Courts of Nebraska , Kansas and Colorado , and in the Federal Courts of the Eighth Circuit. Careful atten tion given to contests and land business before theU. S. Land Oflices at McCook. Oberlin and Denver , and the Interior Department at Wash ington. Commercial and corporation law a. specialty. Money to loan. Rooms 4 and 5 , First National Bank Building- . H. F. WILLIAMS. L. L. HULBURD. J. N. LUCAS. WILLIAMS , HULBURD & LUCAS , LAWYERS , McCOOK. - NEBRASKA. A. W. AGEE. .JOHN WILEY. AGEE & WILEY , ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Will practice in the State and United State "ourts , and before the U. S. Land Offices. Dareful attention given to Collections. Ollice 3pp. Commercial Hotel. Main St. , McCook. 3. IV. DAVIS. J. D. TURNER. DAVIS & TURNER , LAND ATTORNEYS , McCOOK XEBUASKA. All cases arising under the public land laws i specialty. CXT FOUR YEAR'S EXPER IENCE IX GENERAL LAND OFFICE at rVashiiiKton , D. C. Contests entrusted to our ; are will receive personal attention before he Interior Department. For this purpose ihall visit Washington twice annually. If you rant to amend or change your entry you will lo well to call and see us. COCHRAN & HELM , \ \ttorneys-at- $ Gen'l Agents , McCOOK , : NEBRASKA. Trompt and careful attention given to Law Cnses In 11 the Courts of the State and all classes of U. S. .and JJusIncss transacted before the local oflice at IcCook. Nebraska , and the Interior Department at Vasuington , U. C. Contests a specialty. Will pros- cute claims for Pensions and claims for Increase of 'cnslons. Notarial business done : .nd lauds bought nd sold on reasonable terms. t Otlice. 3d door outh of the U. S. Land Oftice. 3.29 DR. Z. L. KAY , 'HYSICIAN AND SURGEON , ilcCOOK , - - NEBRASKA. : Room No. 1. McCook Banking lompany's Building. Residence , 1st door cast f Receiver Babcock's residence. DR. A. J. WILLBY , JURGEON B. & AI. RAILROAD. [ OFFICE AT B. & M. PHARMACY , ] McCOOK , - - NEBRASKA. T. B. STDTZMAN , M. D. , Eclectic Physician and Surgeon , OCULIST AND AURIST. IcCOOK XGBKASK.V Pate's Kr.'ck , Main St. B. B. DAVIS , M. D. , 'HYS1CIAN AND SURGEON , McCOOK NEBRASKA. ff OfficeatChenery& Anderson's drug-store. L. J. SPIOKELMTER , M. D. , 'HYSICIAN AND SURGEON. SpecSsl A'.tcstlK 5iT021 : roaals Ssic : . Olfice first door east of Tut : THIDUXE office , ( lice hours , from 0 to 11 A. M. . and 2 to 4 P. ' . , mountain time. McCOOK. NEB. 'RTBUNE - : - JOB - : - OFFICE , BEST EQUIPPED IX THE VALLEY , 1 ' ' if DEALERS IN ! ' i Sash , Doors , Blinds , Lime , Cement , P COAL. EMAIN OFFICE McCOOK , NELBRASKA. \ O. P. AGENT FOR- WAGONS , BUGGIES , WIND MILLS AND PUMPS. DEERING MACHINES A SPECIALTY. I ! / CORNER MAIN AND RAILROAD STREETS , McCOOK , NEB. G.V. . MINKLER , COUNTY SURVEYOB. Leave orders at his house northwest of School House , McCook. AH kinds of SUKVEV- INO , GRADING and civir , ENOINEEKIXO. Will work anywhere , especially in west half of lied Willow county. H. T. ANDERSON , Loan Broker and Accountant , McCOOK . . - . NEBRASKA. Books opened , written up and adjusted Of- flce over First National Bank. 32-fimos. CEO. VT. IIEDK. It. M. TAYLOR. G. W. BEDE & CO. REAL ESTATE AGENTS , U. S. LAND ATTOUNEVS. JSfClaim relinquishments for sale. Contest cases attended and a general land business transacted. Ollice. one block north of Post Olfice , McCook , Neb. H. G. DIXON , Real Estate and Loan Broker , McCOOK , NEBRASKA. Special attention { riven to the sale of city property. Houses rented and collections mode. Olfice opposite Commercial Hotel. W. AI. SANDERSON , DECORATIVE ARTIST - : - , SCENIC PAINTER , Culsonilningr , Graining1 , Paper Hangingetc. . with neatness and dispatch. ROBERT DRYSDALE , MERCHANT TAILOR , MAIN" STREET , McCOOK NEBRASKA JITY : - : BAKERY. -PROPRIETORS , WE KEEP ON HAND BREAD , PiES & CAKES. GRAHAM BREAD. Made on Order , ROOM ii connectionwhere you can get coffee.sdan- wiches , pics , etc. , at all hours. Escapa High fonts ar.d tlte Cost Heating a Keen b-J iaaj IKOSS Mdmg OPEN Full Bid. 6 it 2 In. long. 'ULL BED , SINGLE BED , CHILD'S BED. lu.iranteed the Best Ventilated Fold- ins Bed made. Write for Catalogue. CLOSED With all Bidding Inside. AakTour Furniture Dealer rorit. ' FOREST CITY FURNITURE CO. , WHOLESALE MAMIFACTUREHS. KILPATRICK BROTHERS. ( Successors to E. D. Webster. ) Horses branded on left hip or left shouldc r P. O. address , Estelle , Hayes county , and Bcat- cc Tebllange. . Stink- ! ? Water and Prench- mal1 creeks , Chase Co. , Nebraska. Brand as cut on side of some animals , on liip and sides of some , or any where on the animal. JOIIX F. BLACK. Breeder of IMPROVED SHEEP ME KINO -AND- SOUTIIDOAVX -O- Personal in spection and correspon dence solicit ed. ed.Address Address him at Ked Willow- Nebraska. SPRING CREEK CATTLE CO. J. I > - WELBORX , Vice President and Sunt. P. O. address , Indiano- ! a , Nebraska. Uan-e : Republican valley , east of Dry Creek , and near head of Spring' Creek , in Chase county , Nebraska. STOKES & THOTF. P. O. address. Carrico , Hayes county. Neb. Ranso : Red Willow reek , above Carrico. Stock branded as abovi Vlso run the follo\-infr jrands : s , J-P , U , X Horse brand , lazy ( a.L . EATON BROS. & CO. P. O. address. McCook , isebruska. Range , south fit McCook. Cattle branded on left hip. Also , 10,5 and , , , A 11 Immds on lef t hip. Horses branded the same on left shoulder. f j3PV. ) CHICAGO , Apr.rt.2Ist. 1SS6. This i > to ccrtiry , that the Illinois Trust and Savings Uank has this day received from the Union Cigar Company of Chicago , to be held as a Special Deposit , U. S. 4 ° .o Coupon Bonds , as follows : So. 22023 D. MOO. - > Market Value of which is iw > . I 41203 loo. j- 52&IO ISO f o. i ( S. ) yas. S. Gills , Cash. V.'e offer the above = 3 a FORFEIT , if our ' FAMi GIJOCEU" docs not prove to be a genuine Havsaa.finerCigar.-Umoa Cigar Co. Our LA LOJLV lOc. Cigar is strictly Hand njde. tlcsast quality. Superior wortmanhip. Sod ! by all Cs-ocsrs. UX10X CIGAR COMPANY 75 y. Clinton St. , - CHICAGO * detail by HAYDEtf & COMPANY.