I * . Thursday , October i < jth , 1886. Indicates that your subscription to this paper HAS KXPIUKII , and that a cordlul invitation Is extended to call and renew tho same. Subscription , S2 per year. Local Intelligence. Call at THE TRIBUNE office for cheap stationery , pen holders , pens. Wanted at this office cash. All new goods at McCracken's. No old stock. Try that delicious sweet cider at Probst Bros * , bakery. A full line of hardware , stoves and tinware at C. D. Palmer's. Sewing machines sold at cost at the Metropolitan Drug Store. Remember that Probst Bros , arc headquarters for fine candies. Mon2y to loan , 3 or 5 years time. Davis & Turner , McCook , Neb. Don't fail to see that line of elegant heaters atV. . C. LaTourette & Go's. Money to loan on final proof or deed ed land. Davis & Turner , McCook. Fresh oysters and celery every Sat- . urday afternoon , at Barney Ilofer's. C. D. Palmer , opposite McEntce , is the best place to buy your hardware. Stoves blacked and sec tip on short notice. W. C. LaTouiiKTTK & Co. Money to loan on annual or semi annual interest. DAVIS & TUKXER. If you want the best gasoline stove , go to C. D. Palmer'sopposite McEntee. The most complete line of heating stoves in McCook at W. C. LaTourette & Go's. If you want a nice buggy at reasona ble figures please call on Or. B. Nettle- ton , agent. Do you want new mica in your heat ing stoves ? W. G. LaTourette & Co. , have all sizes. Fine candies , fruit , cigars and to bacco at Barney Hofer's restaurant , next door to P. 0. Pianos and organs rented at the Met ropolitan Drug Store until the rent pays for the instrument. Bede & Wiley have some special bargains in real estate. Office , 1st door south of THE TRIBUXE office. Pocket state maps at this office. These maps are just from the press and are accurate and complete to date. All who hunger and thirst for a good square meal should go to Barney Ilof er's restaurant , next door to postoffice. McCracken's new jewelry store is the largest and finest there is in the west , and he always carries the finest assort ment of goods. School children will secure the most stationery for the least money at THE TRIBUNE stationery department. Call and see. G. B. Nettleton is agent for a horse power feed grinder , with attachment for shelling corn or any other kind of rotary work. Take all work to McCracken , the Jeweler. He turns out good work only and guarantees what he does. East side of Main Avenue. We have just received a nice line of 't calling cards of the lateststyles. Also 'tK have in stock an assortment of fraterni ty cards. Call and see them. Two car-loads of Sutton flour just received by Bel trap & Harvey. Em bracing the following popular brands : Eclipse , Western Rose and Magnolia. The ladies of the Congregational So ciety are prepared to make comforts and bedding. Orders left with Mrs. Lowman will receive prompt attention. THE TRIBUXE stationery department has in stock some congress cap writing paper that will be sold at half-price to ! close out. This is a good quality of paper. All parties knowing themselves in debted to the undersigned , are request ed to call and settle at once , or the ac counts will be placed in the hands of an officer for collection. CHARLES AXDERSOX. Parties wanting a piano , or arc think . ing of purchasing one sometime.be sure and call on F. L. McCraeken for prices first. I have a sample of one of the Will sell make low best make * any at i est prices and on terms to suit. Don't forget this. G. B. Nettleton has just received another car load of those celebrated i "Challenge Windmills. " By the way , I &tl of over 100 he has now running , i onlv 5 have ever made any trouble , which trouble was caused by quick sand in the well or lack of water. Probst Bros , of the City Bakery. 1 still lead in the fine candy trade and the excellent assortment they have just received , sustains their already widely known reputation for handling the freshest , purest and best candies in the city. If you want a real toothsome article , Probst Bros , have it. k Sweet cider at the City Bakery. One of the great needs of tho cit is street Remember the supper at the M. E. church , to-morrow night. A "butter famine" has been raginj , in the city , and still rageth. Everything in the grocery line at No ble & Brickey 's new store. These are rather snug mornings and nights for "prairie schooners. " . For fresh , clean groceries , go to No ble & Brickey 's new grocery store. The Bella Moore Co. will appear in our city , next Monday evening , in "A Mountain Pink. " The gentle housewife now goes on a butter hunting expedition , and conies home empty-handed. flic new bank , Farmers and Mer chants , expects to commence business , the first of next week. A farm for rent , One half mile northwest of the city. Inquire at the McCook Liquor Store. Last week , the state auditor regi tered $300 in bonds for school district number thirteen of this county. We are informed that the new U. S. land officials will likely take charge of the office at this place , November 1st. The ; Gazette is now the sole property of C. A. Fredericks , he having pur chased G. L. Bowman's interest therein. Last Friday marked the advent of a bouncing boy baby into the household of Mr. and Mrs ti. B. Odell. of our city. A fine ten pound daughter put in an appearance , Monday morning , at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Brew er , of the South Side. Elsewhere we publish a press com ment on the Bella Moore Co. , which will appear at the Opera Hall , Monday evening , October 25th , in "A Moun tain Pink.5' The bridge over the Republican , south of the city , hap been replanked. A few railings at the north approach are needed to make the structure safe at that end. The West Side school building has been completed by the contractor and accepted by the Board of Education. School will open as soon as the furni ture arrives. The store room in the McEntee Ho tel building is being shelved and coun ters are being put in , preparatory to its being occupied by II. Lawler with his stock of general merchandise. Rev. Joel S. Kelsey will speak next Sabbath morning upon ' 'Political Pro hibition"and in the evening will ad dress the young men of McCook. An especial invitation given to all. The building on East Dennison street , lately occupied by THE TRIBUNE office , is being fitted up by C. D. Phelps of Culbertson for u meat market , which he expects to open to the public , the first of next week. How about that sidewalk that was ordered built , months ago , along the west side of Main Avenue , from the U. S. Land Office to F. L. Brown's residence ? The time is fast approach ing when it will be badly needed. The Brickey residence on Marshall street has been purchased by Miss Sal- lie Dixon of Kansas City , who will in due time , we are so informed , remove to our city to reside in the future. Miss Dixon is a sister to II. G. Dixon of this place. This week , Messrs. Weeks & Mac- Millan , late of Douglas , Wyo. , become proprietors , by purchase , of M. A. Spaldinsr's drug store stock. Mr. Spalding retaining the building. The new proprietors arc both young men of experience in the business. We learn that I. J. Belnap retires , this week , from the flour and feed firm of Belnap & Harvey , and that Messrs. Harvey will conduct the business here after , at this place and at Yuma. Colo. It is also stated that ' : Jud. " will go on the railroad again in the old capacity of passenger conductor. Republicans , remember the mass meeting at the Opera Hall , next Tues- deay evening. Hon. J. B. Cessna and Hon. George H. Hastings , two well known political speakers , will address the meeting. Turn out and open the campaign with a rousing time. Don't forget the time and place. The lightning tooth extracting hum bug , "Doctor" Clark , who operated in this city , a week nr two since , dislocat ed a jaw bone for an economical fellow at Red Cloud , last week , while "extract ing a lang. " ' The "doctor's" work was gratuitous , but it cost the ninny $5.00 to have a physician replace the ja\v. Still suckers will bite. The Board of Education has elected Mrs. Zon ; > .Smith to take charge of the new school building on the West Side. Mrs. Smith is a sister to County Sur veyor Minkler , and comes well rccoui mended as a teacher of ability. It is hoped that she will be able to open school , Monday morning next. The building is now in readiness , but the furniture therefore has not arrived , which may delay some. The pupils of the high school de partment of our city schools will com mence the publication of a school pa per , , Friday. October 29th. The. fol lowing pupils will have charge of the paper : Editor , Edna Meserve ; as.sis- tand editor , Helen Davis ; general news , Elmer Helm ; local editor , Bertha Davis. Let us suggest to our citizens the advisability of canvassing the matter of Councilman to fill the vacancy made in the City Council by the resignation of W. W. Palmer. See to it that a good man of the proper qualifications is placed in nomination for that im portant office. Now is the time for ac tion , not after the wrong man is elected , Thursday afternoon of last week , Drs. Kay and Davis of our city , re moved a cancer from the right hip of Elias Conrad , who lives on a farm a few miles northwest of town , and at this writing the patient is getting along nicely. Mr. Conrad has been a terrible sufferer b } ' reason of the fearful , mal ady , which was of such a nature that he has been unable to lie. down for a number of years , or even to sit on a chair with any comfort. A son of Martin Martins living some S miles north of town attempted the de scent into a well on Saturday last and when down about ten feet the rope broke letting him fall 1C5 feet to the bottom of the well. When taken out young Martins was dead. The deceased was ab-jut 18 years old and the only one of the family who could speak English. The funeral took place from the M. E. church Sunday afternoon , Rev. Clover preaching the sermon. Courier. The young ladies and gentlemen of the city are requested to meet at the residence of L'Roy Allen , next Thurs day evening , October 2Sth , at 7 o'clock , mountain time , for the purpose of tak ing the initiatory steps toward perfect ing an organization of the young peo ple of the city , irrespective of creed or denomination , in Christian work , as well as in the line of social , literary and musical culture. Let all interested in the furtherance of these things be iresent. All are invited. Main Avenue , in front of Strasser's saloon , yesterday afternoon , was the scene of a short , sanguinary personal conflict between John S. Hughes of the Blackwood , Hayes countand , William Black , of Black & McKillip , of this city. The difficulty between the two men is one of long standing. The immediate cause of the trouble was a reflection upon Hughes' truthfulness by Black. The combatants were separated by spec tators , ( who rushed to the scene in scores. ) before either had received anj considerable punishment. Such affairs are to be regretted and condemned. Our reporter had the felicity of hear- ng one of those nightly serenades at McCracken's jewelry store , a few even- ngs since , by the cow-boy soloist. The repertoire embracedGo Tell Aunt jucy , " "Flower from my Angel Moth er's Grave , " and other classic music of the masters. All went as merrilv ns wedding bells until the chestnut rongs commenced to sound and rollic- ng rodents to run rampantly for fresh air , when Mac dropped into a deep swoon , from which he was with diffi culty resuscitated. "Still the villain mrsued her. " While delivering bread , last Sunday norning , D. Kendall met with an acci- lent , which resulted in breaking two ibs and otherwise injuring him. We understand that the horse he was driv- ng became unmanageable , ran awav , overturning the bread wagon and throw- ng Mr. Kendall to the ground , at the comer of J. A. Snyder's residence on Macfarland reet , with the result bove mentioned. At this writing , he s resting as comfortably as one at his idvanced age might expect under the circumstances. His was a fortunate escape from most serious consequences. The entertainment at the Opera Hall Monday evening , by the Blind Boone Jo. , was favored by a fair audience , w.ho largely appreciated the efforts of he musical prodigy that he is beyond [ uestion. His selections embraced the compositions of the masters , those of | aler date and less pretension , and his ' ownjall were well rendered. It was in fact one of the best entertainments of that haracter that our people have ever lad the opportunity of hearing. It af- orded relaxation and pleasure to the audience , without the nauseating feat ures of many of the amusements given n our city. G. E. McDonald , the architect who ocated in this city , has his hands full of business. He is called upon nearly very day to make plans and ppecifica- ions for new buildings , and by the vay , he has the reputation of being one of the most perfect architects in he state of Kansas. His designs are Iways perfectly and minutely drawn , nd The Chief can cheerfully recom mend him as a first-class gentleman who full ) * understands his business. The people up and down the Valley or elsewhere will do well to call on or ad dress him at Red Cloud , when in need of the services of an excellent archi tect. Red Cloud Chief. 21-2t. Those Gold Watches at McCracken's beat the record , in beauty of design and price. o to McCracken's New Jewelry Store. Call at THE TRIBUNE office for cheap stationery , pta holders , pens. MOVRP ! THE TRIBUNE is now comfortably located and settled in its new quarters on Main Avenue , north of the Commer cial Hotel , where itc > proprietors will be glad to welcome all old patrons , and many new ones. We now have one of the most commodious and betarrangec country newspaper and job offices it Nebraska , besides carrying an extensive and elegant line of stationery. NOW OPENi We take this means of informing the public that our new grocery store , in the building lately occupied by E. M. Brickey & Co , is now open. We are carrying a nice , fresh line of staple and fancy groceries , provisions , and in fact everything belonging to a first- class grocery establishment , and solicit your patronage. Our stock of queens- ware is on the road , and we hope in a few days to display upon our shelves the handsomest assortment of the latest styles in that department , ever brought to the city. You are cordially invited to call and inspect our stock. NOBLE & BRICKEY. A grand move in the right direction has been effected at Plum Creek , Daw- son county , Neb. , in the shape of farmers' Union Insurance Co. upon the cooperative plan. The question of high rates on farm property in Nebraska , the constant and enormous drain of § 2,000- )00 annually from our state , have been the source of much annoyance and finan cial embarrassment. The remedy lies if our own hands. Let us give the mat ter careful thought and join the Fann- rs' Union. Keep the money at home ; hat otherwise goes to enrich the stock- lolders of eastern company's and thus contribute to the growth and welfare of our own state. This Company is strict- y devoted to the protection of farm and detached property. Is conducted on a iberal yet conservative plan and guar antees protection to its patrons upon a safer and much cheaper plan. The fol- "owing are the officers ; PRESIDENT , C. L. Ervin , Ex-County Treasur er , Real Estate and Stock Dealer. VICE PUESIDENT , Goo. 13. Darr , Cashier lum Creek liank. GENEIIAI , MANAOEK , T. J. Brownflcld , Ex- General Dist. Agent State Ins. Co. SECRETARY , W. L. Willard , lato Editor Daw- son County Herald. ASS'T. SCCRETART. C. C. Miller. Landlord Grand Central Hotel. TREASURER , Dr. F. J. Rosenberg : . Physician and Stock Raiser. t SOLICITOR , Hon. II ; Jf * Sinclair , District Attorney. SEASONS WHY FARMERS SHOULD JOIN THC FARMER'S UNION. 1. Because It is a home organization , de- oted exclusively to the prelection of farm or detached property. 2. It is purely mutual and furnishes insur ance at net cost. 3. It has u Bourd of Representative Exam- ners , consisting : of ono member from each county , who examine tho books and accounts of the ollicers and publish reports of the same. 4. Mutual companies existed in England two hundred years before the Stock plan was ; thought of. The principal farm insurance in : the east is conducted on this plan. 5. It Is the only company of the kind or ganized under the Statutes of Nebraska. C. The assessments are less , the policy more liberal and plan more secure than any com pany in the United Sataes. SCHOOL SAVINGS BANK. The savings bank in connection with our city schools is an assured success. The amounts received are October 4th S 4.38 October llth ? 8.G2 October 18th ? 12.i ! Total $25.59 The names of the depositors are as fol lows : HIGH SCHOOL , . Ida Hurd , Lcvl Sanderson , Mary Suess , Louisa Sucss , Helen Davis , Bertha Davis , Sylvia Williams , Eva Dimmitt , Albert O'Neill , Grnco Martin , Anna Hunt , Nettie Cooley. Curtis Hogo , . MISS MURPHV'S ROOM. ' Vonnle Phelan , Willio Fowler , Dannie O'Brien , Edi Phelan , ; lessie Bowman , Frank Scott , Georpe Hunt. EmmaPlunkett , Gracio < ollina , Kittie Wetherald , Selma Noren , Bert Oswalt. George Cooler , Nettie Huddloston. " Florence Thompson , Laura Ferguson , Myrtle Carter. Grade Euton. Roy Patterson. Pearl Patterson. Clarence Ferguson , Walter Kawlings , Willie O'Neill. Stephen Eaton. Gertie Lewis , ) MISS MCXAMARA'6 ROOM. ' Monte Bolnap , Clayton Oswalt , Ena Evarts , Henry Evarts , Willie Sharp. Earl Ludwick , Mabel Jordan , Arthur Nettlcton , Emanuel Burton , Freddie Fowler , Elmer Kay. Bert Batchelor , Willie Plunkett , Willie Fowler , Hello Pliuikett , Andrew Eaton , Ella Snyder , Lula Pinncy. Myrtle Gorman , Rernnrd Gorman , Ella Williams. Jessie Jarvis , Elizabeth Kelsey , Albert Miller. Virginia McManignl. Mabel Rawlins , Willie Snydor , Gracio Vincent Chester Walker , Frankie Nicholson. MISS LE HEW'S ROOM. Louie Probst , Harry Troth , Clara Pholan , Gussie Miller. Walter Burton , Freddie Pate. Edith Ellis , Amy Strasser , Mabel Kendall , Clara Sharp. Floyd Berry , Rosa Williams. Katie Eaton. Essie Ferguson , Willie Bickford , Bertha Lewis. Laura Scott , Smoothly rendered and with every part admirably sustained , "A Mountain Pink" was given at Leach's Opera House , by the Bella Moore company , last evening. From the rise of the curtain until its final fall , Miss Moore was the favorite with all , and in ) the title roll personified to perfection the il : literate and uncultured chifd of the ' ' 'risto- cratie" moonshiners of the mountains of 2orth Carolina. Miss Moore is good look ing , vivacious and "right pert' ' in the many little incidents which add to the interest of the heroine as the plot approaches the cli max. The company is assuredly one of the best that has visited San Diego. San Diego C ( Cal. ) Daily Sun , b PERSONALS. i J2 ? Undei this bead we would he pleis > eil ti have our friends throughout the city acquaint us of the arrival and departure of their visitors. "Al. Morris and family lefc ou Xo. 40 , lasl evening , for Iowa. Judge Gaslin was in the city , a few hours , Monday , on business. Frank Vore of Danbury might have been seen on our streets , Wednesday. Miss Carrie Ashmore of Indianola was th < guest of Mrs. W.r. . Fisher , Tuesday. Fred. Snow came down , last evening , from Akron , Colo. , on a short visit in the city. Mrs. Ed. J. Scott and family left , Tuesday night ; for Apishapa , Colo. , on an extended visit. IJev. Allen Bartlcv , of the "Varsity town , was up hither on a business mission , last Friday. Dr. Loda of Hastings was in town , Tuep , day , in the interest of the Benevolent Union of that city. Clark Ward , the Indianola grain man , had business in town , yesterday , which called him hither. J. S. Lellew's family arrived in the city , last night , and are now registered at the Commercial. Frank II. Spearman and family will occu py the "llocknell house" in the northeastern part of the city. A representative of the Denver Tribune- Kepublican , was "taking notes" in the city. the first of the week. A. H. Mendenhall and Mr. Lippincott , of the State Journal Co. , Lincoln , were iii tlu ° city on business , Saturday. John Doner arrived in the city , Wednesday night , from Iowa , and will spend some time here looking after his interests. R. M. Suavely , Esq. , of Indianola , and Squire Shirey of the same burg , were in town , Friday , on land business. Dave Walker , of Willey & Walker , came down , Sunday , from his Colorado claim , to look after his business interests here. S. E. Stilgebouer , the democratic nominee for state senator , was in the city , Tuesday , looking after things political , and otherwise. R. A. McCracken of the Hayes Centre Xc\vs came down to the city , Wednesday afternoon , on busines , returning the following morning. W. II. Peck , the West End Hour and feed man , and family , moved into the Brickey residence on Marshal street , the first of the week. County Clerk A. A. Hatch and wife of Hayes Centre , were visitors in the chief city , Saturday. Mr. Hatch being attracted here by land business. Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Hunt returned from Atchison , Kan. , Monday noon. Miss Dora remained in Atchison , where she will spend the winter attending school. L. W. Wimberly , editor of the Curtis Rec ord , had land business in this metropolis , this week. These newspaper headquarters acknowledge a fraternal call. 11. II. Berry went down to Lincoln , Tues day evening , to attend the sessions of the grand lodge , I. O. 0. F. , he being the dele gate from McCook lodge thereto. T. J. Floyd , the business end of the Tren- on Torpedo , and the lusty county-seat agi tator of Hitchcock county , was a visitor at these headquarters , the first of the week. Prince Louis Napoleon , grand nephew of Napoleon I. and second son of Jerome Bona- part. 'Tlon Plon. * ' passed through this sta- ion , Monday , en route from San Francisco o Chicago , Washington , New York , etc. Mr. Wahlquist of the. Democrat has been confined to bed all week , with bilious fever , jut his condition is now much improved , and t is hoped that he will be able to be about in the discharge of his business in a few days. Conductor J. E. Saisborn and family depart ed for Salt Lake City , Utah , yesterday , on a risit of two weeks. Upon their return they ivill take up their residence at Holdrege , Mr. Sanborn having a passenger run on the Curtis branch. Miss Hattie West arrived in the city , last Saturday noon , from Monroe , Wisconsin. Miss Hattie is a. dressmaker by occupation , uid will probably follow that business in his place. She is at present the. guest of II. .1. Williams and sister , Miss Kate. Senator Van Wyck and his charming fouug wife were in the city a few minutes. 1'uesday afternoon , during S9s short wait at .his station. Tho Senior Senator was en 'oute to Stratton to confer with his friend Webster , who is handling "the old man's" oods in this part of the state. Miss Lillian Stockton , who has been Rcic- ster Laws' most efficient clerk in the U. S. . .and Office , for some months past , left on Monday of this week , for her homestead , vhere she will spend the winter. Mi-s Stockton's many friends will regret to learn f her departure , and will wish her joy 'holding down the claim" during the long vintry months. "To praise us when wo act aright , And when wo err to chide. " latest chestnut of them all : "I am omewhat of a liar mvelf. " * * # The Gazette is now running a serial on earning , by "One of Them. " * * # Where best known , least esteemed , in his city , S. L. Green is encountering difficulty n securing any one to "come over into Mace- Ionia and help him. " * -.It may seem preposterous to you , dear eader , but it is actually stated that S. L. 'reen has in these last days come to be a imon-purc prohibition . This flop is al.-o upposed to have been made in the special lope of receiving the prohibition vote. Ah. here , prohibs , do you take the bait. jovial wag is abroad in the land : ld straw hat on sidewalk. Small boy omes along , tripping gaily , merrily. True o instinct , gives o. s. h. a vigorous kick. Large brick in o. s. h. Small boy trips ilong not gaily , not merrily but somewhat viscr. Lookers-on titter tantalixingly. For sprains , swellings and lameness Chamberlain's Pain Balm has no equal. Sold y Willey & Walker and M. A. Spalding. PUBLIC SALE OF . HORSES AND CATTLE , At John W. Palmer's place on t/ie Driftwood , S&turd&y Ooi. 23 , at 10 A. M. , there v/ill be offered for sale a fine herd of cattle and a few choice horses. This ivi/l be a find opportunity for those wishing good milch cows to obtain them at reas onable terms. Do not forget tho day and place. JOHN CRUTS , Auctioneer. Republican fiJeotings. The Central Committee have made ar rangements for political speaking at the fol lowing places and dates : At Indiauola Hon. Get ) . II. Hastings and J. B. Cessna , on Monday evening , Oct. 25. At McCook same speakers' , on Tuesday evening , Oct. 2(5. ( Further dates will be arranged for , of hich due notice will be given. Good speak ers will be in attendance on all of these meetings and the voters are especially re- niested to be present. W. B. Si'Aix , Chairman. Headache , bilious disorders and constipa- : ion arc cured by St. Patrick's Pills. They ire the most pleasant and most effectual lihysic in use. bold by Willey & Walker tnd M. A. Spalding. Notice of Election. Notice is hereby given , that on Tuesday , he 2nd day of November , l&SO. next , nt the office of S. II. Colvin , in the city of McCook , led Willow countv , Nebraska , an election will be held for Councilman for the. First , \ ard , to fill vacancy made by the resigna- ion of W. W. rainier , which election will be open at S o'clock in the morning , mouii- : ain time , and will continue open until 6 /clock in the afternoon , mountain time , of he same day. Dated , this Gth day of October. 1SSO. JOHN Kiiu.r.Y , City Clerk. Chamberlain's Eye and Skin Ointment is i sate and cei tain cure lor M > re nipples , skin ruptions , scald head , tetter , piles , and all marting , itching diseases of the. skin , and H meqiiallcd for chronic sore eyes. Sold by Villey & Walker and M. A. Spalding. Teachers' Reading Circle. o A meeting of the Teachers" Reading Circle , vill be held at Indianoki on Saturday , Oct. JOth , commencing at 2 P.M. , at which all Members are requested to bo present. Tho 'ollowing reading is recommended to bo lone in the meantime : History Babylonia .nil Assyria ; Botany Chapter I ; Page- Chapter IV ; Princess To part III. ESTRAY NOTICE. Came to my farm , 4 miles southwest if McCook , on the Driftwood , on or bout September l. > th. 1SSG , one dark iruwii mare , about 5ears old ; lias two hite liind lect , weighs about 800 pounds , is branded on left hip ) ( ) w er can sceure the animal by identi- 3 ing same and paying charges. li-5t. ) PEURV STONE. FOR SALE-CHEAP. One new 3-seat. 3 spring wagon ; one ecinid-liand buggy. Also , one 2-seat overcd carriage , second-hand. Will ell the above article ? at decided bar- itains. Call and see me. B. F. OLCOTT , Prop. , City LiverMcCook , Neb. FARM LOANS. Cash Down. No Delay. o No need of waiting to send off appli cations. Money paid over as soon as papers are completed. Call on or ad dress , RED WILLOW Co. BANK , 4tf Indianola , Neb DON'T BE TFRAJD If you see .Deputy Sheriff Bennett coming after you. Dr. Kay has nlaced his accounts in the hands of the depu ty , who is rustling after the doctor's creditors in dead earnest , that's all. $200.00 REWARD. 1 will give $200 reward for informa tion leading to the conviction of the parties who have been stealing and maiming calves in my pasture south east of .McCook. A. W. COREV. FOR SALE. A business , paying $100.00 profit per month. Capital required , about $1,800. Satisfactory reasons given for selling. Enquire at this office. 50 HEAD STEERS FOR SALE. I have 50 head of two-year-old steers for sale CHIAP : at my ranch , three miles ea.-t of McCook. A. W. C'OUEV. For Sa/o or Rent. An improved farm of lb'0 acres. 5 miles Muith of McCook. > the Oberlin road. Address , P. S ClinssiXGTOX , 19-3t. McC-.ok , Neb. Attention Smokers ! With every 2. ) cents worth of goods bought at the Distribution Cigar Store , a ticket in tho trnind drawing is given. Rooms for Rent. Two furni > hed sleeping rooms for rent. Inquire of W. W. BROWN . FOR SALE-CHEAP. I v/ill sell my house and lot cheap , if sold in the next 30 days. Will take part payment in cattle if de sired. J. B. MESERVE.