The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, October 14, 1886, Image 7

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    k *
' "Wlinl an lown Hrecdcr Says "Who Has
Ilnd It On His urin.
Henry Wallace , of the Iowa Home
stead , who is an extensive breeder ,
writes : Last year , according to the
Government reports , we lost six mil-
lion hogs by that aggregation of dis
eases known as hog cholera. Some ol
the loss was really from bad treatment ,
too little feed , injudicious feeding ,
filth , etc. , but a large per cent , of it
especially in Iowa , Missouri , Kansas
and Nebraska , was from the genuine
swine plague , or hog cholera.
There is a possibility that the losses
this year will equal last and that it wili
extend into Illinois , Indiana and Ohio.
The farmers in Iowa who did not have
it last year will bo candidates for il
this year , as it is a very impartial visi
tor , and is at home alike with the just
and the unjust , the clean and the un
clean. It is no respecter of persons or
politics. Wo have , as our. readers
know , had a pretty thorough schooling
in it , and have given our readers the
full benefit of our dearly purchased ex
We-wish to guard our readers , first ,
against the delusion that the disease is
preventible by any kind of medicine or
diet , or at least against the delusion
that any real preventive has as yet been
found. The only preventive that is of
any avail is to hsep the disease-breeding
germs off the place. You can't do this
by lAedicine. Once they find a lodg
ment in one pig it will infect the entire
herd , and we know of no euro.
These germs are carried on the boots
of visitors , by peddlers of dead hogs ,
by dogs , wolves , etc. We do not believe
it is carried by the wind. It may enter
tho system by the stomach , or enter
the circulation through an abrasion of
the skin. We have been studying the
disease closely for a year , notii
specially its spread , and we know of no
new outbreak which cannot be account
ed for readily. A great man } ' new out
breaks are directly traceable to the pur
chase of hogs from an infected herd ;
many others to the visits of the owners
of the infected herds. Others occur on
the main public highways , where these
infected animals are hauled or driven.
Others again by the use of wagons on
the farm in which infected animals
were hauled.
First , the p g droops , holds its nose
near the ground , coat staring , forehead
often wrinkled ; when it lies down to
.seek a moist place and lies flat on the
belly , showing high fever. Bowels at
first constipated from the high fever ;
then follows violent purging ; vo dings
black and odor very offensive. The ap
petite is abnormal. The sick eat dirt ,
and are evidently hunting for some
nicdie ne. Some die at the very outsut ,
others linger for six weeks. These
probably die , not from the cholera it
self , but its results ; that is , in the weak
ened condition other diseases of lungs ,
liver and kidneys set in and complete
the work.
An examination may show lungs
sound or unsound , liver ditto , worms
or no worms. It will nearly always
show the spleen enlarged , dark colored
and very soft , and it will always show
the presence of ulcers in the smaller or
"sausage" intestines. These are from
the size of a pin head to a nickel , and
are tho real disease.
That depends mainly on the weather.
If the weather is fine"as in August and
September , hogs will linger longer and
have fewer complications ; if tiie wcath- *
er is bail , as in November and Decem
ber , there will be more lung complica
tions and a greater death rate. In
either case , those pigs will live that
have enough constitution to < ret well ,
und those that don't will die. Very few
young pigs survive , generally about 2i
per cent. It will bu seen at oncu that
it is not worth while dortorinjr these ;
the beat thing to do is to knock sick
pigs under six months in the head and
burn them at once.
Of the mature hogs , about fifty per
cent , usually survive. These should be
separated as much as possibly , and
kept on clean board floors , which
should be d.smfected every day with a
solution of sulphuric acid , one part to
forty of water , and the dead ones at
once removed and burned. The diet
should be 1 ght and easily digested , and
plenty of water should be given to
quench thirst. In preparing the disin
fectant , put the water in acid , not the
acid in the water. A solution of one
to two hundred may be used as a drink.
By killing off the pigs and di
viding tho other hogs , the disease may
be kept under control , and a great
accumulation of virus avo dcd. The
more disease-breeding germs accumu
late in any locality , the more virulent
the disease becomes. Division and dis
infection keep it under control. Nature
must do the curing.
When tke 'df hs have ceased , take
care of the res > Your brood sows ar
invaluable. T/ey are cholera proof
and it is but 'reasonable to suppose
their pigs , if from a sire that has re
covered , will have strong capacity to
resistthe disease. Some may"not
breed , but most of them will. All old
straw stackAJ around which the pigs
have lain , should be burned up. The
pens should 1 be disinfected. AH tho
manure should bo hauled out and no
strange pigs brought on the place for a
year. Jn this way the loss may be con-
lined to one year's operations.
We have not , in this , < rone into auv
scientific discussions , but have aimed to
give advice in a common-sense way to
common-sense men. We are quite sure
this will fall into the hands of a good
many farmers who , if they take our
advice , will make money by it. We
owe it to our readers to give them tho
results of our experience.
In conclusion , we advise farmers not
to go fooling around their neighbor's
pen when cholera , is around , and don't
allow even your mother-in law. or your
own relations , or wife's either to come
fooling around yours. If you have any i
pigs nearly-ready for market , get them
cff as soon as possible. In other
words , keep your affairs in the the best
poss ble shape , as tho sailor docs when
the barometer is low and there are sgns
of a storm.
1 ,
Tlicy Arc Very Intelligent Insects
ami Arc Also Good to Eat.
" - " saidafriund
"Dine-with me to-day.
"and I will promise you somethiu
new , a bonne bouche never dreamed o
in j'oitr philosophjI did not believe
it , but accepted"an invitation , with tl
understanding that the line was to b
drawn at mountain lion and magpie
and that Chinatown was not to be
drawn on.
The dinner was served , and , by way
of dessert , the mikado in attendanci
brought in a silver salver , upon whicl
rested some objects that I assumed to
be extraordinary large currants , of ricl
amber hue. My friend took one and
observed that it attempted to escape as
lie passed it to his mouth and bit off the
amber-hued globe as he would a cherry.
As he did so a look of extreme bliss
passed over his face , only to be follow
ed by another as he repeated the oper
Not to be outdone , I also took one o
the objects , whicli was a squirming ant
swal owed it , and became conscious o
having eaten a drop of hone } * , swee !
and agreeable , though the fact tha
each morsel was obtained only by the
sacrifice of a defenseless insect"was
somewhat of an objection. This
slaughter of the innocents continue
for a few moments , when my friend
scraped together a small monument ol
heads and , gazing at them reflectively ,
asked me how I felt.
"I brought these. " he continued ,
"from 'way down in southern Califor
nia , on the edge of Mexico , where they
live. They cost mo about a cent apiece ,
and I propose to introduce them among
my friends' . In Mexico they are con
sidered a great dainty. I first saw
them in old Mexico , where I was stop
ping , and one day , in lunching with a
friend , he ordered a plate of these , and.
to tell the truth , I would have given a
85 b.ll rather than to have eaten one.
but it would have seriouslj' offended my
Mexican friend to have refused , so
shut my eyes and went it blind , literal
ly , and aftor the first one I was well
contented to eat a dozen , as if you can
overcome the idea of eating a living
creature you are all right.
"My host observed my modesty and
laughed at me. "You Americans are
curious poople' he said. 'I have seen
you watch a man stab a delicate oyster ,
and while in its death-struggles mad
den it witli condiments , a process
as cruel as throwing a human being
upon burning coals , yet you object to a
single ant that is so surcharged with
honey , so replete the delights of
honey , that it is insensible to pain
In short , I became a convert , and after
that I could never get enough. You
see , we have a precedent in locusts and
wild honey , and the locust was and is an
extremely disagreeable-looking object ,
and the wild honev was not as sweet as
this. "
The ants thus served up by in'epicu
rean friend were the famous honey ants
found from Mexico to Colorado in
this country and In the east , and , wli le
all ants are remarkable for their seem
ing intelligence these present certain
features almost be\'ond belief , and
when their story was first told in scien
tific memoirs by Do Norman , Wusmaul ,
and others it was considered by many
as a huge hoax , invented by some fun-
loving naturalist as a take-off on the
growing interest in economics.
The honey ant is a small red insect ,
extremely demonstrative and active ,
and found particularly in Texas and and in considerable numbers in
Colorado. Their nests are prom.nent
mounds in somj cases and again are
low heaps , spread over an area twenty
or thirty feet , forming a commun.ty.
As a rule they are nocturnal , working
at night , though I have seen them at
work in the br.ght sunlight at 3 o'clock
in the afternoon , and marching in a line
perhaps seven feet wide and forty feet in
length , to a cottonwood tree , up which
they passed , long and slender , com
ing"down larger and full of white
It would strike even a casual observer
as curious that these ants were carry
ing home a liquid that could hardly be
stowed away , ants not having , as a
rule , storehouses for liquid provisions ;
but the honey ant overcomes this diili-
cultjin a novel manner. Certain of the
ants , cither by agreement or selection ,
are utilized as receptacles for the
and become liter
honey-food supply ,
ally honey bottles. They are kept by
the others in a separate apartment ,
about six inches long b } ' four in height ,
this is a storeroom. Here , if the nest
: s carefully opened , the ants or honey
settles will be seen hanging on the
wall , looking like ripe currants.
Francisco Call.
She Recognized the Buttons.
The m'nister's wife sat on the front
porch mending the clothes of one of
her numerous progeny. A neighbor
passing that way stopped in for a
riendly chat. A large work basket
lialf full of buttons set on the floor of
the porch. After various remarks of a
gossipy nature thu visitor said
"You seem to bo well supplied with
3uttons , Mrs. Goodman. "
"Yes , very well indeed. * '
"My gracious ; ! if there ain't two of
the same buttons that my husband had
on his last Winter's suit ! I'd know
em anywhere. "
"Indeed ? " said the minister's wife ,
calmly , "I am surprised to hear it , as
. * . ! ! these buttons werc-fonnd in the con
tribution box. I thought I might as
well put them to some use , so I what ,
must you go ? Well , be suro and call
again soon. " Merchant Traveler.
He Took tfo Chances.
"There's evidence of how
an an am
bitious American can climb up , " some
one remarked as a stylish equipage
rolled by on the drive at Saratoga.
'TTive that wasn't
years ago man worth
$5,000 ; to-day he can draw his check
for twenty times that sum. "
"Did he speculate ? "
"Well. no. He knew he had a dead i
sure thing. "
"On what ? ' '
"On his cook having the money , lie
mcrrlcd her. * ' Wall Street ATcws.
London Lead * tlio World.
London , with the single exception , possi
bly , of Rome , is the only capital in Europe
where the festivities of a court are to be
enjoyed. Berlin was never very guy , and
now that the emperor and empress have
become so very old the social elements of
court life have become extremely primitive ,
as well as formal and restricted. The
haughty aristocracy of Vienna decline to re
ceive at their entertainments any foreigner
below the rank of a prince , even the at
taches of the different legations having bub
a dismal time of it. Since France became a
republic the social prestige of Taris has
wholly vanished.
Spain and Portugal are too far out of
the beaten track , and especially the latter ,
and the stiff etiquette pervading at both
courts renders them anything but popular.
Since King Hubert ascended thu throne of
Italy he and his fair wife have done much
to make Home a brilliant and attractive
socia' center. But it is now an undoubted
fact that London , during the season , has
taken the place which was occupied under
the second empire by Paris in the affections
of society lovers on both sides of the At
A Now En si lull Dictionary.
One of the biggest undertakings ever en
tered upon by any 'American publishing
house ia that begun by the Century com
pany , of this city , which is putting 5300-
000 into the publication of a new diction
ary. Prof. Wm. B. Whitney , of Yale col
lege , is the editor of this great work , which ,
it is expected , will take the place of both
Webster's and Worcester's as the standard
national authority , and which will take
three years to complete. An army
of men and women are employed constant
ly gathering citations and references for the
work. Besides the regular vocabulary
there will be about 1,000 pages devoted to
special auxiliary departments. [ Baltimore
'JTouglienliis Wood.
It is claimed that by a new process Vliite
wood can be made so tough as to require a
cold-chisel to split it. This result is ob
tained by steaming the timber and submit
ting it to end pressure , technically "upset
ting it , " thus compressing the cells and
fibres into one compact mass. It is tin
opinion of those who have experimented
with the process that wood can be com
pressed seventy-five per cent , and tha ;
some timber which is now considered unfi
for use in such won : as carriage buildinj
could he made valuable by this means.
[ Iron Age.
The virtues of St. Jacobs Oil , as pro
claimed by millions of restored sufferers
should induceeverynne tosupplyhis house
hold with this great specific. It conquers
Carnegie' * Castle.
Andrew Cfirnegie is building on the sum
mit of the Alleghenies , ncarCresson Springs
a house , or castle , which will cost § 1,000 ,
000. The entire walls will be built up alto
gether of the undressed surface stone whicl
is to be found on the place , and they are
not to show in any place a single mark o
the chisel or hammer , ilr. Carnegie's or
ders are positive on this point , he having
expressed a wish to have s far as possible
even the moss on the rocks used in the
walls undisturbed.
"It is as harmless' itis effective , " is
what is said of Red Star Cough Cure by Dr.
S. K. Cox , D.D. , Analytical Chemist , Wash
ington , D. C. Price , twenty-five cents.
Too ITIenii to Swim.
Mark Twain and I were riding ncrop ?
Missouri once , when our horses broke
down. We stopped atllunnibal , and I gol
a lnrge horse , bub Mark could find nothing
better than a little mule. Well , we left
Hannibal and soon came to a creek much
swollen by late rains. Mark told me to go
in first , whicli I did. Ib deepened rapidly
and my big horse was soon suimming. ]
liad the reins of Mark's mule , and , looking
back , could barely see the mule's head , and
the water was well around Mark's shonl
tiers. After a little trouble we reached the
other side. Mark sab on his mule a nui-
menb , when , without a word , he dismount
ed and coming to my side laid his hand on
my knee and , looking earnestly into my
face , said : "George , I believe thab mean
ifctle mule waded every step across. "
[ George Ritshel , of St. Louis.
Nothing tries the patience of a man more
than to listen to a hacking cough , which he
jiiows could easily lie cured Ijy investing25
cents in a bottle of Dr. Ball's Cough Syrup
There are forty thousand cmpby flats in
Dr. Foote's Health Monthly : A young
man who suffered pretby regularly threi
; imes a week with severe attacks of neural-
; ic headache , was relieved by discontinuing
neats , or adopting a purely vegetable diet.
Meats when nob thoroughly digested as
they are apt nob to be in cases of torpid
stomach and liver , develop poisonous com
pounds which favor rheumatic and neural-
; ic affections.
* rr . _ , Pa3rs for a YEAR'S sub-
DO ? Bcription to the Weekly
AMERICAN RURAL HOME. Rochester , N. Y. ,
VITUOUT premium "the Cheapesb and Besb
iVtekly in the World , "S pages. 48 columns ,
L6 years old. For ONE DOLLAR you have
) NE choice from over 150 different Cloth
jound DOLLAR VOLUMES , 300 to 900 pp. .
and paper one year , Book post
age , 15c. Extra. 50.000 books given away.
imong them are : Law Withoub Lawyers ;
? amily Cyrlopedia ; Farm Cyclopedia ;
farmers' and Stockbreeders' Guide ; Com
mon Sense in Poultry Yard ; World Cyclo-
> edia ; Danelson's ( Medical ) Counselor ;
Boys' Useful Pastimes ; Five Years Before
he Mast ; Peoples' History of United
states ; Universal History of all Nations ;
? opular History Civil War ( bnth sides ) .
Any ONE book and paper , one year , all
lost-paid , for § 1.15 only. Paper alone ,
ioc. Satisfaction guaranteed on liooks
ind Weekly , or money refunded. Reference :
Ion. C. R. PAKSONS , Mayor Rochester.
sample papers , 2c. RURAL HOME Co. , Ltd.
Vithoub Prem. 65c a year. Rochester.N.Y.
Musk-rats damage theErie canal $50,000
worth every year.
To be free from sick-headnche , bilious-
ess , constipation , etc. , use Carter's Little
Liver Pills. Strictly vegetable. Thev gently
timnlnte tha liver and free the stomach
rom bile. _
It is reported thab thepresidenbwillmako
long tour in the west this fall.
A un'form and natural color of the whisk-
rs is produced by using Buckingham's Dye.
We have used Ayer's ' 'herry Pectoral in
ur family , for colds , ! * * tun-feet success.
A LiiieUy Student *
Boston ( Mass. ) Courier. Oct. 3.
Mr. Amaro Arango Bibeiro , who in the
last drawing of the Louisiana StateLob- _
tery , held in Noxv Orleans on the 14th inst. ,
drew one tenth of the capital prize of 5150-
000 , is a senior in Tuft' College mid resides
at 17 Wellington streeb in this ciby. When
visited by a Courier reporter lasb week Mr.
Bibciro was in a very happy frame of mind
and expressed himself as being much
pleased with his good fortune , as even to a
man in ivell-to-do circumstances the unex
pected receipb from the Adams Express
Company of § 15,000 was an event thatdid
not happen every day. Mr. Bibeiro is a
native of St. Peuulo , Brazil ; about twenty-
Bight or thirty years of age , and firsb camo
to the United States in 1879. Some ten or
eleven j-ears ago he , together with his
brother , inherited a small Brazilian coffee
plantation , but this they soon disposed
of and established themselves in thefr
present business , that of railroad and
commercial brokerage. His time _ in
this country has been passed at Lehigh
University , Penn. , in New York city , and
ab Tuft's college , where he is at present
making a specialty of civil engineering , and
from which he will graduate in June. He
lias always had great faith in the possibili
ties and fairness of the Louisiana Lottery ,
and when in Lehigh , with a number of other
students , was a constant purchaser of
tickets , and was rewarded on one occasion ,
while there , by receiving a prize of $750.
About ayear and a half ago he began in
vesting two or three dollars a month in
tickets again , as , he says , he thought be
might as well invest his money in that way
as in any other. A few months ago he
drew five dollars and finally , on the 14th ,
a tenth of the capital prize. Mr. Bibeiro
expresses himself as perfectly satisfied with
his experience and says the windfall Is just
what he needs to put into his business.
The new opera house in Dallas , Tex. , has
been condemned as unsafe.
Sufferers are not generally aware that
these diseases are contagious , or that they
are due to the presence of living parasites
in the lining membrane of thu nose and
eustachian tubes. Microscopic research ,
however , lias proved this to be a fact , and
the result is that a simple remedy has been
formulated whereby catarrh , catarrhal
deafness , and hay fever are cured in from
one to three simple applications made at
home. A pamphlet explaining this new
treatment is .sent free on receipt of stump ,
by A. H. Dixon & Son. , 315 King Street
West , Toronto , Canada. [ Christian Stan
Out in Idaho the chestnut bells are rung
when a widow is married.
Send 40 names of young men and women
to Omaha Commercial College , 1114 Far-
nam street , and receive College Journal
free one year.
Herbert Spencer has had to stop work ,
even letter writing.
GET Lyon' * Heel StlfTcners npplled to your boots
nud shoes before you run them over.
If you would be generous there is not time
enough to bo unjust.
If nfllicted witli Sore Ryes , use Dr. Isaac
Thompson's Eje Water. Druggists sell it. 2oc
Unless a man's got plenty of money or a
wife who can cook , eating's a nuisance.
Not a Purgative ; Carter's Little Idvcr
Pills ; their action is mild , pleasant and
The reluctanb corn is being taken by the
PRICKLY ASH BITTERS warm up and invig
orate the stomach , improves und strength
ens the digestive organs , opens the pores ,
promotes perspiration , and equalizes the
eircuhit'on. As a correctorof a disordered
system there is nothing to equal it.
Peter B. Sweeney is hack in New York ,
where he proposes to reside permanently.
"Buuxs AND SCALDS. " If you are so un
fortunate as to injure yourself in this way ,
we can suggest a remedy that will soon re
lieve you of all pain and quickli' heal the
wound ; it costs bub twenty-five cents and
is sold by nil druggists. Ask for PERKY
Take care of your character ; your repu
tation will take care of itself.
The Frazer axle granse is the standard
axle grease of the world. Ib saves your
horses and wagons.
Japan lias 1G8 Proleslanb churches , with
a membership of 11,678.
A New Wonder
Is not often rei-orded. but those who write
to Hiilletb it Co. , Portland , Maine , will
learn of a genuine one. You can earn from
§ 5 to § 25 and upwards aday. Youciindo
the work and live ab home , wherever you
are located. Full particulars will lie sc b
you free. Some have earned over § 50 in a
day. Capital nob needed. Yotiarestarted
in business free. Both sexes. All ages.
Immense profits sure for those who start
at once. Your firsb acb should be to writ. }
for particulais.
Lieut. Henn wants another chance with
the Mayflower.
The Omaha Typo foundry can furnish
new newspaper outfits on short notice.
Prices same as in Chicago and freight
already paid toOm.-ilin.
! t Is Economy
To bur Hood's Sarsaparilla , for In It you get mor
real value for the money than In any other mcdlclno-
Abottle of Hood's Sarsaparilla contains 'OODoses and
lasts a month , while othew will average to last not
over a week , and the superior curative powers of
Hood's Sarsaparllla are also well known. Hence for
economy , purtty. strenjth and health buy Hood' *
"All I ask of any one Is to try one bottle of Hood's
Eareapnrllla and see Its quick effect. It takes less
time and quantity to show Us effect than any other
preparation I ever board of. I would not be wllbout
It In the house. " JIss. C. A. M. HUBDAUD , North
Chill , N. V.
"I ba-i salt rheum over nearly my entire body. It
Is Impossible to describe my sufferingsWhen I be
gan to tuke Hood's Sarsaparilla the dlseac : began to
subside , th : watery pimples , with their asonUIn
Itch and pain , disappeared , and now I am cared. "
LVMAX ALLE.V , Xo. Chicago , 111.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
BoMby all druggist * . l ; six for 83. Prooaredonly
byC. I. HOOD 4 ( JO. , Apotbejarles , Lowell ,
IOO Doses One Dollar
Whatever you dislike in nnotlier person
take cure to correct in ymirself.
Women's milk is sold on the streets in
some Chinese cities for the sustenance of
I have found out a gift for my fair. It is
not a ring of gold , nor flowers for her hair ,
nor pearla Tor her white neck , but Salva
tion Oil for her sore throat. She's a sing
ing bird.
do wo live for , if it is not to make
life less diliicult to each other.
That Hearing Down Faiit
Is cured by CARTEU'S Inox PILLS. At drug
gists' .
President James B. Ansel ) , of Ann Arbor
university , has returned from Europe.
Again the Nebraska State Fair awarded
the Business College , Lincoln , JCeb. , the
premiums for business college work. The
display was the finest ever made. Informa
tion sent free.
Exactness in little duties is a wonderful
source of cheerfulness.
Bronchitis Is cured by ficrjuciil small doses of
Plso'a Cure for Consumption.
Learn glibly the titles of many books so
you can discuss literature intelligently.
For Cuts , Galls , Old Sores , Scratch-
es , Thrush , etc. , use Stewart's Hoal-
l&g Powder , 15 and 50 cents a box.
The Omaha Typi foundry can furnish
new newspaper outfits on short notice.
Prices same as in Chicago and freight
already paid to Omaha.
The test and surest Remedy for Caro of
all diseases caused by any derangement of
the Liver , Kidneys , Stomach and Bowels.
Dyspepsia , Sick Headache , Constipation ,
Bilious Complaints and Malariaof all kinds
yield readily to the beneficent influence of
It is pleasant to tlie taste , tones up tlie
system , restores and preserves health.
It is pnrely Vegetable , and cannot fail to
prove beneficial , both to old and young.
As a Blood Purifier it is jmperior to all
others. Sold everywhere at Sl.OO a bottle.
y The most practical , lartre sized
filled direct by the pump without
lifting can. No drip ncoilon
Floor or Table. No Faucet to
leak and waste contents or cause
explosions. Closes perfectly -
ti ht. Xo T.cnknce-Xo Evup-
oration Absolutely aafe.
Don't be Humbupcert with
worthless Imitations. Buy tho
"Good Enoucli. " Man'
Warren , Ohio.
Sold by FIrtCln Healers Everywhere.
Best Cotmh Syrup. Tastps good. Use
in time. Sold by druggists.
> a J33
aTe a poaitite remedy Jortu abore di0 A. * ; by Its u fc
t oii ! ncl oT met of tho worst kind anil of lone tundlnc
hi * teen curjit. Indeed , to itronr ii my faith In l'i efficacy ,
that I will sond TWO BOTTLIS FiJHE , tore W with a VAL
UABLE THEATISK on tlili di e .to anTiUiTerer. Give Ei-
preii and P. O. a JilrtBs. DE. T. A. SLOCDJI , 181 Pearl St. , N.Y.
W.&TCH :
Stem winder. Van-anted JteJiable. oiveu to any ons
\rho trill pret S subscribers for the best JO - cents - a - year
paper in the orld. Sample CODISS and new premium list
UCB. Address ACRlCULTUR3TaclneV/l8.
aiM nil tbtir imixrleclioni , including Fidil ,
Keveloi-mrul , Superrtaoui H ir , Birth Mr ,
MoVaris , Mum. freckle ; , ! : . ! .Note Atnv ,
Block limit. .Van. Pittinr and the'r iri-vmcnt ,
, A. . EtlVil Ul > . ben.l lUi.lortook.
tosc1 ! -
PAITEKSJ ? , for making UII
g ; Tidies , Hood , Mittens , etci
bv mail for SI. OIKCuJ.Al
D afncs ? and VauM
Peniianeutiy cured. Glae
Otttd for all forms of defec-
Inserted. Addree * Pr. IJII'JSr. Omaha. h.
STUDY. I5ook-Ueeplns. I- ,
Forms Penmanship. Aril hmetli-.S.iort
hand. etc. . thorough v tauglit by null. Circulars
free. BlcYAXT'S COLl.KU- ; . HuflViIu , .V.Y.
to SS a day. Sampler worth jl/fl FUEE.
| Lines not un-lcr tnc horse's feet. Wri'eHKKiv-
3Inr | > hino Iluliit C'uroilln 11
Ioo ; < lHy < . Noii.iy till UuraJ.
UK J. SrJti'iiexj. I.etianou. U lo.
T ni Cl"'el ' y Pi-nick' * Liver PiK ! 1'rlcr
t OlA ' r'c : druczisia sell ilicni. oov mail ol
AV. K. I'EXICK. ST. Joatni , II. .
Kor the Newrp. t And Bet wll-
injj bf * ik evfr piiblinhpd. Kor
terms & circulars address N ATIOX A I. Pru Co. Chcaj !
Tumor * and Uicencured. . Privat *
EHHospital for Patnts. Write foi
Jpampulet. DR. K. B. CO LLEY , MilwaukeeWL
W. N. U. . Omaha 332-42.
Smith's Bilo Bcana area positiro cnra for Bilin The original Photograph , pan-
Sick Headache , Constipation , and Indigestion. DOSE : ONE el size , of this picture ent on re
BEAK. They stimulate thel-iver ami act freely on theBovr- ceipt oflOc. In stamps. Addresi ,
cl : without zripinp. siekeuinjr tho Stomach , or weakening KILE 2SKAXS.
the system. Price 25c. per Bottle. For sale by all Druggists. St. I-ouis , 2Sai
Bite Best
'Wateroroof ' , Goat
Dnn'tTra < : tcyonrmoneronasnmorrnbbfrcoat Til'sFISF1 r.R
iab > olulely ! ' ( ; - / and i'7'jtiFBOOi'.and tviil keep you dry in tio ! h.inlcH torra
. . teorthe"M > H 1UA > > D ' SLicKEEnmltaUenootb'r. If vrur storekeeper doe-
yp" ' . enl lordg crl tivocatglntfitHtn A I-TOU'ER. D ) Simrnim St. . Hi ton Mn t
la a dtnrirous an well u distressing complaint. It
Deflected. It tends. b.r impairing nutritiou. and de-
h ton * of th crztcm , to prapu * tha was
-THE §
_ EifTONfiC ?
Quickly and completely t'nrrn Dyspepsia in * H
its forms. Ilenrthiirn , Belchinr , Tasting the
Food. eto. It enriches nd pariflei the blood.ttima-
Utes the appetita. and aids the aarimilation of food
MB. JOHN U.HoBART.603N,16thSt.OinahirNob.
tayi : " I Buffered noTerely for BIZ months with Indi
gestion. I received no benefit from doctors. ISrovm' *
Iron Bitten completely cured me. I recommend it. "
Miss N. LEWID. 1318 California St. . Omaha , Neb , ,
Bays : "Ibar * uxedBronn'n Iron Bitters toiDj -
pepsix. with excellent results. "
MB. O. D. THOMPSON. Dracsiit , Norfolk , Neb-
Bays : * ' I haro been cnred of Dyspepsia by the uso of
Brown's Iron Bitten and cheerfully recommend it. "
Genuine baa abOTvTrade Mark and crowed ml line *
on wrapper. Talio no other. Madoonljby
I Jiave nseil tico
lottles of'JHy's Cream
Uahu nitcl conxidtr
inyse'J'cured. . Ixnf-
fi-rtd S3 ytarfrom
catarrh and catarah-
alhrulaclie , and l/ii.i
it the jirst remetly ]
tlint afforded iMti
reliff. D. T. 7irg
//I'HMWJ , H'tLake St. ,
Chicago , III.
A particle Is npollcd Into cash nostril nnd Is asree
able to U'st * . Trice 50 cts for mil' or at
Semi foclrciiliir. . ELT BROTHERS.
Owcgo. X. Y.
/TO 1
del. IB K-Jar w * * " \
JFurnisIied OM SIioi-1 IVoficc H-'s-om
Omalm at Chicago I'ricc ; * .
Omaha , Neb. , 12th and Howard.
Best material , perfect fit , equals any 53 nr 6 hoe.
every p ir warranted. Tula * none unless stamped
"W. L.longlas' | 3 GO Shoe. Warranted. " Congrem.
Button and Lace. Hoys auk
for the TV. I , . Doiijslas'
82.OO Shoe , atnc stj irs s
theXbhoe. ( If yon cannot
get these shoes from deal
ers , send addrea 'on pontal
card to W. L. Douglas.
Brockton. Mass. A
Tlie UCV lilts. ' GUIOK la
Issued Sept. and DIarcli ,
. each year. C2" 312pagr * ,
8Kxll % indies , witU over
3-.5OO Illustration * a
Whole Picture Gallery.
GIVES V/liolcsale Prices
direct to ennxitmera on all goads for
personal or family use. Tells ! : ow to
order , anil gives ezact cost of every
thing yon use , eat , drink , vicar , or
have fun with. Tl-se IJTVAI.UAIII.E
BOOKS contain information gleaned
from the markets of the world.Ve
will mail a copy FKKE to any ad
dress upon receipt of 10 cts. to defray
expense of mailing. I > et 11 * hear from
yon. Respectfully ,
B37 & 229 Wnbnah Avrmir. CbJi-a-o , 1U.
_ _ _ _ NEURALGIA ,
y 7 rel.ered by u Ine Cnihmnn * * Menthol
Innnier ana hv continued u < e c.l c : a cure. Satis
faction euarantcej or money refundIt last' from
sixmrnth- one year. Prc iO cent-i. by mall or it
dinycist. Circulars ma'led on appl.ration.
H. D. CUSHMAK , Three Rivers , Mich.
5 Ton AVason Jjcalm.
Iron ltrr . Hire ! Heirlnr" . Brut
Tare Beaa and Ceiei Bnx fur
ze Scale. Kor frtr prlc- *
mention | M paper and a'tdtm
Leading Nos. 1 14 , 048 , 130 , 135 , 333 , 161.
For Sale by all Stationers.
frorks ; Camden , X. J. 26 Jchn St. . New YO.- & .
IKE-OPIUM Ifablt Painlessly
Cured at Home. Treatment
jcnt on trial and NO PAY asked
nntll you are benefited. Terras I.OTT.
I JIumnne Remedy Co. , JLaFayettc , Ind.
of cuersy for business In lier locality , fcalarr $30.
Befercuces. E. J. Johnson , JIangr , 15 Barclay "St.N.t