11 Thursday , October ; th , 1886. that your subscription to this ixi'iiiKi > , nii'l that u cordial is extended lo call and renew . Subscription , 2 per year. Local Intelligence. Call at THE TRIBUNE office for cheap stationery , pen holders , pens. ' 'Leader. " SSPSmoke "Splendid. " All new goods at MeCracken's. No old stock. A full line > ! ' hardware , stoves and tinware at C. \y Palmer's. Sewing machines sold at cost , at the Metropolitan Drug Store. Monay to loan , . ' { or f ) years time. Javis & Turner. McCook.T Tib. . Don't fail to pee that line of elegant heaters atV. . C. LaTourctte fc Co's. - Leador'1and ' 'Splended. " 10 cent cinars. sold at Fisher's for a nickel. Money to loan on final proof or deed ed land. Davis & Turner. McCook. Fresh oyster ? and celery every Sat urday afternoon , at Barney Ilofer's. C. D. Palmer , opposite McKntce , is the best place to buy your hardware. Stoves blacked and sec up on short notice. AY. U. LaToUKETTK cc Co. Mono } * to loan on annual or semi annual interest. DAVIS TURNEH. If you want the best gasoline stove , go to C. D. Palmer's , opposite McEntce. The most complete line of heating stoves in McCook at W. C. LaTourette & Co's. If you want a nice buggy at reasona ble figures please call on ( . ! . B. kettle- ton , agent. Fine candies , fruit , cigars and to bacco at Bainey Holer's restaurant , next door to P. 0. Pianos and organs rented at the Met ropolitan Drug Store until the rent pays for the instrument. Photos , card size. SI per dozen , cab inet size , $2 per dozen , at Marble's gallery-on Main Avenue. Pocket state maps at this office. These maps arc just from the press and are accurate and complete to date. . ! G. W. TJede & Co. have soine'speoial bargains in real estate. Office 4th door south of U. S. Land oilice. 27-tf. All who hunger and thirst for a good square meal should go to Barney Ilof er's restaurant , next door to postofiice. McCisicken's new jewelry store is the largest and finest there is in the west , and he always carries the finest assort ment of goods. School children will secure the most stationery.for the least money at THE TUIBUXE stationery department. Call and see. G. I > . Ncttleton is agent for a horse power feed grinder , with attachment for shelling corn or any other kind of lotaiv work. Take all work to McCracken , the Jeweler. He turns out good work only and guarantees what ho does. East side oi Main Avenue. Y\"e have just received a nice line of calling cards of the latest styles. Also have in stock an assortment of fraterni ty cards. Call and see them. Two car-loads of Suttou flour just jeceivcd by Belnap cc Harvey. Em bracing the following popular brands : Eclipse. Western I > oe and Magnolia. All parties knowing themselves in debted to the undersigned , are request ed to call and settle at once , or the ac counts will be placed in the hands of an officer for collection. CHARLES ANDERSON. G. 1 > . Xettleton has just received another car load of those celebrated ' Challenge Windmills. " By the way. out of over 100 he has now running , only 5 have ever made any trouble , which trouble was caused b } " quick sand in the well or lack of water. Probst Bros , of the City Bakery , still lead in the fine candy trade and the excellent assortment they have just received , sustains their already widely known reputation for handling the freshest , purest and best candies in the city. If you want a real toothsome li article. Probst Bros , have it. R. A. Cole , Merchant Tailor. To THE PEOPLE : I have received , complete in every line , iny new fall stock , and assure to all who call upon me , fine goods , elegant fits , at very rea sonable prices. Drop in and be convinc ed. R. A. Colo , first door west of Citizens Bank , Dennison street. TEMPERANCE MEETING. There will he a Union Gospel Tem perance meeting held in the Burtless1 i rove , on Dry Creek , Sunday , October 30th , 1SSG. Services to begin at 11 o'clock , A. M. All are cordially invit ed. Br OBDER OF COMMITTEE. S5F"Smoko "Splendid. " Wanted at this office cash. o to McCracken's New Jewelry Store. Bcmember that Probst Bros , arc headquailer-5 for fine candies. The savings bank of the city school ? started last Monday very auspiciously. Those Gold Watches at McCracken's beat the tecord. in beaut } ' of design and price. Do you want new mica in } * our heat ing stoves ? W. C. LaTourette & Co- have all size . Subscriptions for the sufferers at Charleston will be received at the First National Bank. Alviin E. Bcatty , well-known to many of our citizens , died at Greenfield , Iowa , September 'i' ( lfli. The train from the east , ycs'erdnv , was packed from end to end with visitors l i our fair. Lutheran services at the school build ing next Sunday at 10 A M. , and 7HO ! P. M . central time. I The Ziegier properly on the corner of Monroe and Dearborn streets , has been purchased by C. W. Davis. Brickey & Noble are having a cellar excavated under their store building , pieparatory to stocking up with gro ceries. Will not McCook make up a relief fund for Charleston ? The First Na tional Bank will receive and forward contributions. There nill be a dance at the house of A. Ilhcischiek. three miles west of town , Tuesday evening , October 12th. Everybody invited. The ladies of the 31. E. Church are preparing to give a supper , Friday evening , the 21st. The place has not as yet been decided upon. The ladies of the Congregational So ciety are prepared to make comforts and bedding. Orders left with Mrs. Lowman will receive prompt attention. The Graves & Ilalladay combination has been furnishing the people theatri cal amusement , this week. Large audiences have paid them tribute-cash. THE TuinrxE stationery department has in stock some congress cap writing paper that will be sold at half-price to close out. This is a good quality of paper. 11 ev. Joel S. Kelsey , next Sabbath morning , will-by request , repeat a ser mon upon " 'The difference between Di vine and human Government , " deliver ed some time since. We learn that Mr. Chas. Anderson , late of the West Dennison street feed store , lost $230 in a transaction with one of the light fingered fraternity. He has so far been unable to secure the money. Remember the New England Supper next Friday evening , the 21st , by the ladies Of the M. E. Church. The place will be announced later. The ladies will also offer some plain and fancy articles for sale. Tn explanation of the lack of local news in this issue , oin readers will ap preciate the reason therefor when they consider the fact that the editor's en tire time and attention has been taken up with the county fair. Parties wanting a piano , or are think ing of purchasing one sometimebe sure and call on F. L. McCracken for prices first. I have a sample of one of the best make. Will sell any make at low est prices and on terms to suit. Don't forget this. We i egret to state that the dance held in the McNeely building , Friday evening ol ! a.-t week , for the benefit and under the auspices of the band , was not a success as was desired. The lovers of the fascinating art terpsielio- rean did not turn out with their usual nninerousness. somehow. We learn that Rev. W. S. Wheeler of the M. E. church , has b. rti assigned to the Bartley charge , ami in it a Rev. Rodebauirh will fill the vacancy at this place. Wy are sorry to see Rev. Wheeler leave this immediate field , but welcome the new minister and family , who are expected to arrive next week , tn our midst. Rev. Wheeler , who is also county superintendent , still retains his residence in our city. POUNDED A large party of folks ' called on Rev. and Mrs. W.'S. Wheel er , last Friday evening , and adminis tered a pounding that the reverend gentleman and his estimable help-meet will have occasion to remember with pleasurable emotions long hereafter. A'pleasant evening hour was passed in social chat , when the company retired , leaving their pastor and bride richer in purse and spirit. A prominent feature of this holiday week was the speech by Congressman Laird of this district , at the Opera Rail , yo.-tcrday afternoon. "Our Jecms" has the reputation of being one of the most eloquent speakers in the state , a reputation he well sustained. He also addressed the multitude at the fair grounds at a later hour , in response to repeated calls from the people , when in a few well chosen , happy remarks , he further gained the esteem of the cit izens there assembled. THE COUHTY FAIR. O A Grand Success Magnificent Dis play and Large Crowds Su- perb Races. The fair which closed Friday at this place may be catalogued among the most .successful undertakings in which our people have ever engaged. Every department is well represented , the display of stock and farm products , and in plain and fancy needle work and fine arts are simply magnificent , and a pleasant surprise to all. Time forbids our entering into a special mention of the numerous meritorious exhibits to be seen : at this time we cannot at tempt to write but in general terms of a really magnificent fVir. deferring until a future time a more Icnjithy and spe cific report thereof. In fact tho fair if. , : ' credit and an honor to lied Willow county , n.d marks an epoch in her history of progress ? nd prosperity. Tin : HACKS So far have boon intensely .interest ing and exciting. Below v. < > give the i aces up to the time of < iir ; going to pres.s ; also the entries races and yet to come : VIUST DAY. CLASS 1 Trotting.Minute. : : . I'urpe , § 201) . Ettn H. . black mare t tJ 2 2 Little Arch , bay jreldin " 3 3 Tramp S. , sorrel stallion Time , 2.47 , 2.40,2.41Jj. CLASS 'i Pony Haco. Purse , 40. Nellie , black mare ' ! 3 Moonlbrlit.Kruyinaro 1 t JJHHu ! . . sorrel ffelrtinj * . 2 2 Time , . " > econds. CLASS 3 PacingItsice. . Pun-e , $175. Ella S. , roan marc 4 diet. Pilot , dun gcldiux 2111 Tim. biiygeldiiiff 3 2 ! i : i Hilly llution 1322 Time.2.37'U , 2. : i , 2.4'i , 2.45. SECOND DAY. LOT4 Itiiitnim ; Itacc. Puise , 4-100. Frank Cooper , bay { ifldinj- : 3 Willie C. . eorrel jruldmg1 2 Mound City Hello , torrel mure 1 Time. 51'i seconds. LOT G-i-County Trot. Purse , 6173. I.JnyS. , dark chestnut stallion 1 1 Fred Douglass , black stallion 2 2 Time , 3.18 , : ! .18. LOT 7 Trottinjr 2:30 Class. Purse , ? COO. Mnurt Cook , bay marc 2432 Ivate Ewintr , black nuiie It 1 2 4 Cliiifr , bay yeldinj , ' 5343 None Such , brown { rcldin-r 4 o 1 1 Friend Uoy , bay gelding 1 2 dis. Filth was a dead hent ; None Such Pent to the stable. Time. 2.3454 , ! ; , 2.32'i. THIRD DAY. LOT 7 Trotting. 2GO Class. Continued. Kate Giving , black marc 1 Maud Cook , bay mare 2 Clingbay guiding 3 7th heat : Kate Ewing , walk over. Time , 2.3'Ji,2.o < ; . LOT 5 Trotting 2:45 Class. Purse , $300. Macleod , chestnut stallion 41211 Maud D. , chestnut mare 1 5 4 2 .1 Ktta B. , black mare r dist. Obcrlin Jim , brown gelding 041 5 4 H. It. , brown fielding 2 3 3 3 3 Friend Bov , buy gelding 32542 Time , 2.3S , 2 3512.30. . LOT 9 Free-for-all-trot. Purse , ? 275. Tramp S. , chestnut stallion 1 1 Hello Douglas , bay inure 2 2 Time , 2.53 , 2.47JI. LOT S Ilunning llace Mile Heat. Purse , $125. Kcmus. bay gelding 11 l'cej O'Day , brown gohliug 2 2 linllieB. , buy nmro 3 drawn Mollie D. . sorrel mare 4 dist. Time , 1.51 , 1.55. EOUUTH DAY. Lot 1C Free-for-all Trot. Purse , ? o50. Xone Such , brown gelding. . . 42222 Macleod , chestnut stallion 3311 ; i 2 Maud Cook , bay mare Cling , 144443 Time , 2.'iti'i , 2 35.2.33'S , 2.30u' . 2.42 , 2.41. Lot 11 Uunning Hace Free-for-all. Purse 200 Mt. CitvlJelle , sorrel marc 3 2 3 Willie C. . sorrel gelding - John Redmond , bay stallion Idist2 2 Frank Cooper , bay gelding 2 dist 1 Time. 52. 575 : , Cil'i,52. Lot 12 Pacing. Free-for-all. Purse. ? 300. Hilly Button , griding 3 1 3 Klla S. , ronn niaro 434 Pilot 222 Cbiulsui : FAIR FAXCIKS. Pool .selling is the curse of the race tr.ick. The crowds have been large , though exceptionally sober and civil. Next week we hope to give a com plete list of the premiums awarded. Good people , the premiums will be paid at once commencing with Monday. Be patient. Vou ? i'vhtive observed the fact , but Billy tt.trstow is a "starter" from "u way back. Straight goods and no discount is he. Mercer of Burr Oak , Kansas , may be a good horseman , but his ideas of geographical distances are too liberal to be orthodox. The races up to the date of our go ing to press , this afternoon , have been "for blood , ' ' and exceedingly interest- ins and exutinsr. \ \ e have had the grandc.sk fair ever held in Southwestern Nebraska , the prophecies of the gambling fraternity , who have been entirelyshut out , " to the contrary , notwithstanding. In thorough bred and grade horses , cattle , sheep , pigs , etc. , the showing was large and splendid. No one sup posed that this section of the state could produce such specimens. The grand display of premium stock , Friday afternoon , elicited many com plimentary remarks. The fact is that Southwestern Nebraska is comiuf to the front rapidly and permauentlv. A few toughs from Cnlbertson tried to run things at the gate , Thursday af ternoon , but failed dismally. The boys at the gate knew their business , and promptly fired the fiffendcrs , after peeling a probiscis or two. The atmosphere at the fair grounds has been rather chilly for active oper ations in the fakir or tin-horn line , so they have confined their nefarious games to the city , a more congenial clime , where they have been unmolested. The agricultural exhibits in the prominent points of variety and excel lence are pronounced superior to the showing made at the state fair in Iowa , by parties who attended both fairs. And this 1ms been a dry season , you know ! The exhibit * of lmrf > = . rattle , ( thor oughbred and irnnle. ) farm products , plain and fancy neede-w ! irk , fine art , etc. , now to be seen upon the fail- grounds , is marvelous for a new coun try such as ours. They would do cred it to any county in the state. The school children attended the fair , this afternoon , in a body , while business generally was .suspended , the people turning out en masse to attend the exhibition , which has never been equalled in extent or excellence in Western Nebraska. That the free-for-all trot , race , Friday afternoonas , fiv.'d "is to be regie I tod and the parties connected therewith o"dcensured. . Howexi " . the judges ' < u < ! lir-r possible ttiMig nmler the . nu r.ii"t ! - . changing d : vers on Si'ne Such : ti ) > ! Macleod , and declaring all pool.off. . During the ! i:30 trot , Wednesday af ternoon , Cling and None Such fouled , resulting in a sma-h-np , for Cling f driver. Scott McCoy , who fortunately narrowly escaped serious injury. Tho affair was unfortunate , but we think unintentional. Mr. McCoy has beei doing his regular driving since , al though considerably bruised. Among the prominent drivers on the grounds areV. : . S. Edwards. Charli E. ; Charles Drakcly , None Such ; W. W. Con-oil , Ktta 1J. and Pilot ; Brock- Smith , Mat d Cook ; J. II. Penman , Kate Kwing and Tramp S. : L. M. Smith Billie Button : Ed. Davis , Maud B. J. W. Mercer , Friend Boy ; Scott Mc Coy , I. Jay S. and others. Excepting Omaha , the exhibitions made in the j.peed ring were superior in every consideration to any that have occurred in Nebraska , this season. Ex perienced horsemen so declare. The races for the most part were most hotly contested , and by reference to the re port above , it will be seen that the time in all the classes was not slow by any means. The probabilities are that the track at this place will be among the National Association speed courses by next year , the reputation made dur- thc present meeting and at last year's , having catalogued it among the FIRST in the west. May its luster never be dimmed. CITY SCHOOL REPORT. o The following is the report of our school for the month of September. No. boys enrolled 10S Xo.girls " 142 Whole number pupils enrolled 250 Number belonging 240 Average attendance 280 Cases ol tardiness 17 Time lost by turdinesa 2 hours. Number of new pupils 43 Visits of parents and patrons 14 The school savings banks went into operation on Jlonday last. We here with present the regulations concern ing its management. Deposits will be received every Mon day only , before the morning session by the teachers of the different depart ments. The amount will be delivered ro the principal , who will deposit it the same day in the First National Bank in the name of each depositor. One to fifty cents will be received by the teacher. When a pupil has a deposit of twenty-five cents or more , a bank book will be given free of charge by the bank. Deposits of three dollars and over will bear interest quarterly at six per cent. The bank books of the pu pils are kept by the principal a ? long as they attend school. If they leave school , the book will be given to them , and they can withdraw their money , but they will require the presence of their father or mother or guardian. During the summer vacation of the school , deposits may be made or money withdrawn from the bank direct , the cashier acting during that time for the teachers. The following pupils made deposits Monday morning , Oct. 4th : Ida Kurd , Eva Hurt ! , Levi tjatimleis , Mary Sness. Louisa Sness Helen Uavis , Bertha Davis , Eva Dimmitt. Albert O'Neill , Grace Martin Sylvia Williams , Ella Williams , Vonnie Phelan , Edith Phelan , Clara Phelan , Jesse Jarvis. Elizabeth Kelaey. Albert Miller. Mabel Kawlings , I Virginia McManigal Willie Snyiler. Grace Vincent. Chester Walker , Mabel Wilcox , Frankie Niekol-on , Alice Coehran. Walter Scott , Louie Probst , Harry Kimmel , I Lillie Smith , Bertie Irwin. ! Fret ! Irwin. The sum of four dollars and thirty- eight cents was received from the en tire school , and the amount placed in the First National B.ink. Doubtless the number of depositors will bo in creased every week. W. S WEBSTER. Principal. * * eln a gentle reference to S. L. Green , in last week'a Courier , its i.ngilistic editor reit erates its charges of ISSS. but intimates in extenuation of its present course , that the Ethiopian-.can change his skin , the leopard his spots. Whether the people of lied Wil low county can be convinced of the truthful ness of this violent assertion , November will the more clearly indicate. TirA7 ; lt tllis season of the year A J1- * ' * when any of us are liable to be taken with cramps , colic , diarrhoea or disen- tery : how essential it is that all families should keep a good colic and diarrhoea reme dy ut hand. We guarantee Ucggs * Diarrhoea Ilalsam to give perfect batisfactiou or money refunded. Out of 1,000,000 bottles sold last summer not one was returned. For sale by M. A. Spulding , druggist. PERSONALS. S5T"LTiidei thl heart we would be pleased t < have osir friends throughout the city acquaint us of the an ivalnud departure of tbrir visitors E. A. Eaton of the Akron Star , is down , to-day , taking in the fair. Mrs. S. L. Green returned , Sunday noon last , from her extended visit in the cast. Mrs. Jos. Spotts is still confined to bed , quite ill , with no improvement at this writ ingC. C. w. Jiallan ) ? senior editor of The Akron Star came down , this morning , to attend the fair. .Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Babcock. of Cam bridge , visited Receiver and Mrs. C. F. Hab- coek , of our city , last Sunday. Mr , Wahl < niist of the Democrat was ab sent , pint of the week , attending the demo cratic state convention at Hustings Cashier F. L. Brown , of the First Xation- : il , returned from his visit in the east. I.i-t Friday. His family will ivturn later. Hop. Douglas , wife and wife's mother , . ! . L. Wilson , and other prominent Oberlinite.s , have been attendimr the fair , this we il : . Mr. ami Mrs.V. . V. Price of Sandwich , Dandy county , were guests at the Commer cial , a number of da vs. the first of the week. Fred. Lytlc , Jerome Lewis Frank IMtno * , E. A. Murphy. E. E. Mnnger and Will Israel , represent Benkelman at the fair , to day. day.W. W. S. Kimmcil. brother to the publishers hereof , ws in town , a d.iy ortwo tb - Ihst of the week. He ion tilt ; ! ! . ifcM. engineer corps. Mr. and Mrs. .1. 11. Goodrich , SheriffVel - boin , Henry Crabtree , and a few other peo ple from the county-scat , attended the fair , Thursday. Mrs. T. S. Boslcy left , on Monday , for Fairmont on a % isit to her .sister , Mix J. O. Chase of that place. She will be nb-ent some time. Agent and Mrs. .John Gordon and the lat- ter's sister from Canada. Miss Maddox , were the guests of Mr. ami Mrs. Frank Harris , yesterday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Babcock , of Yuma , and Mr. and Mrs. i"ml. Weed , of Akron , are in the cityisiting re:1 lives and friends and attending the fair. Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Likes and i Ir. and Mrs.V. . Z. Taylor , of Culbertson. came down , la t evening , to take in the bet fair ever held in the Republican Yalli y. Miss Clam E. Dimmitt retunied to Den ver , last Sunday , where she has decided to locate in the pursuit of her profession , teach ing music. MisDimmitt has a bright fu ture before her. llev. and Mrs. Kimmel will start , next ' , Tuesday evening , for the state convention of ; the Women's Home and Foreiirn Missionary ' Society of the Lutheran church , of which ° Mr. . Kimmel is president. Mr > . E. M. Brickey started , last Thursday evening , on a visit to her home in Cameron , Mo. She will remain there until her hus band locate * in the eastern part of Nebraska when she will join him in their new home. Mr. and Mrs. Snyder , of Charlc-ton , 111. , irrived in the city , last Friday , on a visit to Squire Fisher , Mrs. Snyder's father. Later m they will move to Wauneta Falls on the Frenchman , where , we are informed , they A'ill reside in the future. Maf/alieu University. o The lirst term of Mallalien University > peued on schedule time. September "Oth , in BaitleyThis town h.i mown into exist- Tice since June Utli. and aheady contains mt k > v > thau fifty irood substantial buildings uul more in progre-s of erection , it i < to lie he "Athens of the West" if it continues ts present rate of progiess , and there is no : arthly reason why it should not. Several 'amilies areieady to take .student- low ates as boniders , the Dormitory , a commo tions buildincr. is in running order and ooms partly occupied , a large brick block is ised as school buildimr. with two or three tcceisoiies neatly ready , should the brick jecome too full : and now we are ready to ay to the youth of the Ilepublic.m Valley tome to Mall.ilieu Unhersity and educate our&elves. Chapel IJall in the brick block , was in- 'ormally dedicated. last hunday. An audi- : nce of nearh two hundred people was pres- int. rider P. C. Johnson preached r. very ippropriate sermon from the text.'Ve are he Light of the Woild. " A woid or two about our teacher.may be n order. Prof. Win. Teck , aethn : Chancellor and 'rofessorof modern language- a man of cholarly attainmentHis education is ex- eedingly broad , and he is a deep and pio- 'ound thinker. He will make it very inter esting for those desiiing the best instruction n German and Fiench. or in higher matiii- natics. Piof. Win. Smith has charge of the Nor- ual depaitment and Natural Sciencj * . Tin- formal cour.-e is a most excellent one , re- iuiiingtoeai s of study for a lir-t grade eititicate and al-o an advanced course of wo years more. Miss Blackburn , an excellent .scholar will lave chaise of Ancient I/anijH&irf-1. Prof. A mints , in charge of the Busings- , lepartni'jnt , has had niatked success in his ine. The Business course , designed to neet thevant of the young men and wo- nen of tlie west , embraces book-keeping , lenman-hip , a rapid practical business hand eing the thing desired and taught , business rithmetic and rapid calculations taught bv harp drills , commercial law. and forms for jtter writing and business corresj.ohdence. 'he Bu-iness and Normal cou- will be the uost popular in the institution tor supplying iresent needs. Prof. Worley was on hand. " last Sunday , nth an impromptu choir which did him redit at the dedication services of the Cha-- J. His assistant. Prof. Watt , is also hard t work witli the students taking instrumen- al music. The Professor lias been engaged nth classes invarious towns along the oad and is probably well known to the eiti- ens of the Valley. Miss Minnift Blackburn , the artist , lias ipened up a line display of her work , in oil. rayon and pastel , and is ready to instruct . ithers to do likewise. At present .she will " ie found tit the Dormitory. E. R. A. i COX Thursday , September M , l&sxj , m , - I East Valley precinct , this comity , Eber L. - Cox , aged X > years and 5 months , of dropsy. ' I The tlti'cascd was highly lespected by a " , - large circle of friends and neighbors andhis . . " 1 death is . The'esteemed ' greatly deplored. * 'fi family , wife and four children , have tho , - * deupfst sympathy of all. The funeral was * A attendtiil at the Congregational church in | Cambridge , sermon by Kev. Amos X. Dean. < * Kaleidoscope. . _ . J # Vl'lie intelligent voters of Kc-il Willow " F | county desire a representative in tho halls of > legislation who has nobler , manlier qualities than "smoothness" and "slyness , " and so on ad nauseum. The representative of u con stituency like this must have character' worth , to lecommend him for their biilfnxges. Republicans will have no other. Chamberlain's Eye and Skin Ointment is a safe and certain cure for sore nipples , skin j * eruptions , scald head , tetter , piles , and all . \t \ binaiting , itching discuses ol the skin , and h t unequalled for chronic sore ores. Sold by ,5 \Villey A : Walker and M. A. Spaldin < ; . > i As between Church Howe and Ed ward Ro ewster it seems like .splitting hairs to make a distinction. If both , or either tell the truth , the one is n superlative trickster and the other an unmitigated demagogue. (1oviuxoii ( : I'ATTISON'S .ittaek upon the IVnnsvlvania coal pool is uttraeting wi'ic attention .uni comment. The pre vailing imiire-sion among the legal t'ni- tt rnity bv-cms to he that he will succeed in worsting the pooi. It is admitted that the plucky governor will have a hard tussle , but that he has the advan tage of hi\hig the law on his side , which * will make the resistance of the pool an uphill business. AXIMKW LUCAS , the latest body servant of Andrew Jackson , has just clepaited this liN > at the patriarchal age oi'one hundred and twenty-fivt , in Bradford. Ontario. He was horn a slave in Tennessee , knew everybody in Hiblic life who ever amounted to any thing at all. and has gone the way of nil the other body servants of General Jackson , in older to keep the proces sion unbroken. In : t month or so he will be followed by another , and so the nervy march will go on. to A Presln lerhm church built from nt _ petrified wood in Allen's creek is one of the eiirio-ites of Mi.muml , N. Y. fas Leaf and moss fossils are to be plainly seen in the stone. cliof The following tci enotc was recently , of left behind by an eloping couple in ono for tt- of Hampshire's hill towns : "We've it , eloped. Forgive its if you can. and if ill. yon can't , what will you do about it ? " A fire broke out Sept. 10 in Bristol , \s \ . Xev. . and consumed the best port.on of it. * iw v fi. tbi > flames could be < jrot FOR SALE CHEAP. -o- One new 3-seat , 3-spring wagon ; one second-hand buggy. Also , one 2-seat covered carriage , second-hand. Will sell the above articles at decided bar gains. Call and see me. B. F. OLCOTT , Prop. . City Livery , McCook , Neb. FARM LOANS. o Cash Down. No Delay. j No need of waiting to send off appli cations. Money paid over as soon as papers are completed. Call on or ad- iress. RKD WILLOW Co. BANK , 4-lf Indiariola , Neb $200.00 REVt'ARD. I will ive $200 reward for informa tion leading to the conviction of tho parties who have been stealing and maiming calves in my pasture south east of McCook. A. W. COIIEV. DON'T BE AFRAID Ifou ? oe Deputy Sheriff Bennett Doming after you. Dr. Kay has placed Siis accounts in the hands of the depu ty , who is riiitlinj. ' after the doctor's creditors in dead earnest , that's all. rriouneana ImerOcean $2.5O. d 30 da-s all subscrib For the next } new ers who willquare their subscription to late and one year in advance will receive rilE TltmiTXE and the Chicago Inter Jccan for $2.50. $2.50.FOR FOR SALE. -o- A business , paying $100.00 profit icr month. Capital required , about = 1.800. Satisfactory reasons given for -elling. Enquire at this office. ' For Sale or Rent. An improved farm of I'JO acres , 5 uiies south of McCook , on the Oberlin oad. Address , P. S. CIIESSIXOTO.V , 10-3t. McCook. Neb. 50 HEAD STEERS FOR SALE. o I have 50 head of ste two-year-old ; r > 'or sale CHKAI1 at my usneh. three niles east of McCook. A. W. COKEV. FOR SALE. o One Western Cottage Organ. As : ood as new. Cheap for cash , or six nonths time with approved security. .J. 1' . MATHT.S. FOR RENT o To a lada pleasant room in quiet a mil } ' . Enquire of DAVIS & TniN'KU. HP SmokeLeader. . " FOR SALE CHEAP. I will sell my house and lot cheap , f sold in the next 30 days. Will ake part payment in cattle if de -irecf. J. B. MESERVE.