PRISON PHOTOGRAPHY. ITow Convicts' Pictures Arc Tnlccn and 1'rcserveil tit .lollct A Great Aid In KccHptiirlnc Escaped. Prisoners. In the center of the great prison yard , writes a Jolicl correspondent of The St. Louis U lobe-Democrat , i.tis ls a P'juil5arly-shipccl fr.aine building with : i white roof , an object of much curiosity to prison visitors , who usk to know what the placu is used for. This building contains two rooms , the Iront one being use : ! as u loafing place for extra guards while off duty. Its walls are completely covered with a mc-illey of illustrations , thousands of them , that have been cut from such papers and periodicals as Puck , The Judge , Harper's and Leslie's , and other journals. The clippings are neatly cut and pasted to the wall , by an ingenious little negro convict , who has charge of * O the place as "trust } ' . " A door in one corner leads to another room on the north this room has high , bare , white walls , excepting an immense sky-light , covers one-half of the ceiling. This is the prison photographic Itu- dio , wherein are registered the form and. features of every prisoner that is sent to the Joliet prison , no matter what b'j his degree of crime. In this room he must take his place before the camera of the prison artist. The room is iitteil up with screens and curtains for reflecting the 1-ght down upon a chair , which is fastened .solidly to the floor directly beneath the sky light. The rays of light arc so strong that , should a prisoner prove unruly during the operation of having his pict " ure taken , the artist , at a "favorable moment , can catch the truthful expres sion of a man's features in the hun- tlrcdth part of a second by simply pressing a button attached to the ca mera , which loosens the drop-shutter , causing it to Hash across the lens. The rc-iilt .s an instantaneous portrait. S. \V. Wettmore , a&Mstunt clerk of the prison , is the photographer , who takes the convict piclure&T and o far as san be ascertained he enjoys the distinction of being the only exclusive prison pho- lographer in the world. _ The aulnori- ties of several oilier prisons in this country have recently commenced pho tographing their prisoners , but call in an outside photographer to take the pictures. On Jan. 1. 1SS-1 , "Warden Mc- Claughry commenced having the pict ures of all new arrivals taken in order to make the prii > on records more com plete , and to furnish a reliable method tor the luture identification of profes sional criminals and escaped convicts. The process in use at the pr son is the be > t that science has yet invented in modern photography. The wet-plate process , is too slow and a thing of the past , and so are dry-plates , so far as prison photography is concerned. The Eastman paper negative and roller- holder process is used exclusively at the prison. The roll of paper" is prepared inthe _ same manner as u glass dry plate i. e. , the gelat no silver emulsion is spread on the paper. The roll is then placed in a holder , with a w.ndiug key at one end and an empty-spool to re - ceive the exposed paper at the other ? ud of the holder , the paper first pass ing behind the lens , and , as each pic ture is taken , --wound on the empty spool. In this way one roll of East man's paper answers the purpose of\--cight glass dry plates , 4x5 inches til size , for making cabinet pictures or , in other words the artist can make 5he negatives of ninety-eight people in succession without once leaving the aide of hs camera. The paper is then cut into the right lengths , developed , fixed , and printed from , just the same as a dry plate , but the paper is oiled after development , to render it trans parent The photographic dark room at the prison is situated in the warden's house , where the convict negatives are ? arefiilly filed away and indexed. Be fore filing two prints are made from sach negative. One copy is given to the receiving and discharging oflicer of 'he prison , for the purpose of identifi cation , and the other is placed in the holograph cabinet iu the warden's of fice , which already contains nearly two thousand convict's portraits. In case of an escape the negative of the fugi tive is at once hunted up and in a few flours' time several hundred copies of the man's photograph will be sent broadcast through the mails for his re capture. A quick way of duplicating the photo graphs now in use at the prison is by the bromide of silver paper process. No sunlight is needed the printing is done by a gas-jet in the dark room two seconds exposure is snflicient the print is then developed and fixed. In this manner five hundred copies can be made from a single negative in one day. It is a , fact that no escaped convict from Joliet has been able to retain his liberty when his negative was on the lie at the prison. His picture sent broadcast by the authorities has always been the means of his recapture. William Pile escaped from prison jWO years ago. lie kept in the coun try , shunning towns and highways antil he had been gone for several weeks , finally hiring out as a farm hand way down in central Illinois. One day soon after his employer sent him to town after a load of drain tile , giving him an order on the station agent for the tile. Pile went to the Station and presented his order , but the moment the station agent laid his eyes upon the man he thought of a photograph of an escaped convict he had received several weeks before. He took the picture from his pocket and it fitted him exactly. The agent had Pile arrested and returned to Joliet , receiving the reward oflered for his re capture. This was the first town Pile had entered since his fl ght from the prison. It was your correspondent's good fortune to "visit the prison on a recent date while tlve nrisou artist was engag ed iu taking the pictures of 152 new ar rival ? , convicts who had arrived dur- inir July and August , and of witness ing tl'e"modus operand ? of reproducing their "mugs" ' on paper. Everything was in readiness at 9:30 A. M. The Ertst handed a 1 st of names to a guard requested him to bring iu a gang of thirty or forty new convicts from the cliair-sliop. The oflicer soon had tho ri\v recniiLs in l > ne and marched them across llm yard to the gallery , where the } " wore bcatod on a bcfich along the wall in the wilor rooiu. Capt. Lukii , the receiving oilicur , then took the list of names , and entering the op erating-room where all was ready , the camera and chair in position called ' out the na'mti of the first man on the list , and tho gnard , picking out that man , hustled him into the room. "Sit right down here. What's yer name ? What's yer register number ? See that little red star on the wall ? Place yer eyes on that end don't move till I tell yer hold , up that head a lit tle. " While this volley was being fired into the ears of the trembling convict , the captain grabbed the man by the shoul ders squared him back in the chair , yanked his head around in the direction of the fatar on the wall , chucked him un der the chin to elevate his head , and then pulling around a wooden arm at tached to the head-rest , and containing a place in which to put some paste board figures to represent the prison number of theconvict , pushed it up against the man's chest , so that the number would show in the resulting picture. All these manipulations were gone through with in a moment's time , and then came the ominous "click of the instantaneous shutter on the came ra the exposure was completed. A second later and the captain veils : Xcxt ! " And in comes another victim. The } ' follow each other in rapid succession , like sheep coming to a shearing. The faces that came before the came ra during the few hours your correspon dent was present would"have been a study for the study of human nature , especially if he had a penchant for phys iognomy. Criminals of all ages from the boy of 15 to the gray-haired old offender of 80 ; the sly pickpocket , the dangerous bur glar , the sc eiitific safe-blower , the adroit sneak-thief , the clever confidence bilk , the embezzling clerk , the man with too many Wives , and the red-hand ed murderer , all were there , with sen tences ranging from one year to the life term. The } ' all had to face the ca mera though much against their will and leave their features recorded there. Try It Yourself Awhile. Nothing is easier than to borrow n newspaper from a friend , examine it with a jaundiced eye , and set it aside as a worthless thing that "doesn't pay. " To please , entertain , and enlarge the range of public thought at the same time is a diflicult task , yet it is demand ed by the reading world , and if the fas tidious claims are not fully mcr , the seal of condemnation is affixed , and the large expenditure of the hazardous trial falls upon him who has been so rash as to launch his all upon the perilous sea of popular opinion. Let those who criticise newspapers try the experiment of editing one before they pass a wholesale censure upon the shortcoming of such adventures. Let them empty their purses to the last available penny tax their brains night ly for the matter that is to ensure de feat or success plod daily the same monotonous , irksome round of duty , and after all this be denounced and ridi culed ; if this docs not cure the carping spirit , such disease is beyond the con trol of remedies. We say to all such grumblers , invest in a newspaper yourself if you desire sure gains , sound sleep , anti-dyspeptic tendencies , and a perfect exemption from invidious comment. In one twelve month you will learn more of th little worries of life more of the caprices of popular favor more of the treachery of the masses , and the pitiable lack of hu man generosity and charity than you would learn in a lifetime in another enterprise. Try it , and you'll wear the thorny crown of humility before you are a } -ear older ; and the starch will be ta ken out of your self-esteem to harmon ize with 3"our general surround ngs. We expect too much of our weeklies ; they must all the current news of the day social , political and. ecclesias- trcal and enlarge on every little item that may eiil st our svmpathy or elicit our interest. The original matter must be of the highest standard , and the selections such as the finest taste ap- jfove5 ? ; there must be nothing common place , hackneved or dull , and novelty and excitement must keep alive an un- llajrging interest , and all this pandering to the public palate is not to cost the paltry sum of live cents a week. Though our journalists are with a few exceptions , general benefactors , giving the largest amount of useful in formation at the smallest cost , counsel ling and admonishing when danger threatens , offering remedies for ev 1 , and guarding with ceaseless and faith ful vigilance every avenue where the pubLc happiness , prosperity or liberty is imperilled , they are. in the main , the most poorly recompensed of any class of publ c servants. Should u newspaper fail to meet your views and taste , lay it aside , repressing all denunciation , remember that your own performances are more faulty un der smaller extenuating circumstances. BaUimorean. A Grateful South. * We are one people , after all. We have had our differences and we fought them out. Jarring politics and coullictiug opious will always exist and cause more or less bickering. We must expect all that. But "one touch of nature makes all the world kin. " When genuine distress strikes one section , when a great ca lamity befalls it , then we realize how closely we are knit together3j the bonds of brotherhood and sympathy. ' Before the dust from Charles'ton's shattered buildings had -ased falling , Boston. New York , Philadelphia. Hart ford , and other northern cit es flashed their offers of aid to their stricken sis ter by the sea. This warm and spontaneous outburst of sympathy speaks for itself. It will never be forgotten and it w 11 find a ready response in the h arts of a grate ful people. Jt'.anta < onsttlution. Ilobcrt Taylor to the l > adle . Robert Tnylor. democratic cnndicljitefcr governor of Tennessee , spoke nt Memphis the other night , and concluded hia speech as folIow-H : "I want to thank the ladies for their presence hero to-night , and I ivnit to Bay to them that I nm their worshipper ; I want to say to them that Eden was lone some until God Almighty took from Adam a rib and made woman , and ever since that time , God bless her , she has been to man a ministering angel to wipe awny the tear o ! grief and sorrow , to smooth tho wrinkles from his brow , to scatter flowers in the pathway of his life ; she is the embodiment of all that is beautiful. In her presence is expressed the perfection of beauty it is painted upon her cheeks in heavenly smiles , lows in her ringlets , moves in her step , icharms in her voice , throbs in her breast and mingles and shines in the grace of her love , and I pray she will use her influence in tho political world in her own way and pleasure to place her humble servant in the gubernatorial chair. " Jfr. G. E. Heardon , Ualthnore , Md. , Com missioner of Deeds for all the States , suf fered for a long time with rheumatism , which yielded promptly to St. Jacobs Oil. Tall cut Cliinmey In the AVorld. At the Mechernich lead works in Ger many ( lie tallest chimney in the world has recently been completed. It is 4dO feet high , six feet more than the famous chim ney of the St. Rollox chemical works near Glasgow , Scotland , which , until the German one was built , was without a rival. The flue of the Mecliernicli chimney is cleen and one-half feet in diameter at the bot tom and ten feet at the top. Diphtheria is frequently the result of a neglected sore throat , which can be cured by a single bottle of Red Star Cough Cure. Price , twenty-five cents a bottle. Power Ijoonis vt , . 58aii l Weaving ; . The cotton goods industry offers , per haps , as striking an illustration as any of the apparent displacement of labor , a Del aware house considering that the displace ment has been seventeen per cent outside of motive power. By a hand loom a weaver usedto * weave from sixty to eighty picks per minute inweaving a cloth of good quality , with twenty threads of twist to each one-quarter scmarct inch. A power loom now weaves 180 picks ier minute of the same kind of cloth. Even in power machinery a weaver formerly tended but one loom. Now one weaver minds all the way from two to ten looms , according to the grade of goods. In a large establish ment in New Hampshire improved ma chinery , even within ten years , has reduced muscular labor fifty per cent in the produc tion of the same quality of goods. Ever since the Michigan Central Railroad was built it has been a favorite with the traveling public , because its roadbed was smooth , its cars elegant , and its service admirable , but since the road built a new bridge across the Niagara river below the falls , and a station called Falls Fiew , right beside the horse-bhoe falls , everybody wants to go that way. Many people cannot stop at Niagara Falls , from one train to another , and they never could see enough of the Falls from the old bridge to amount to anything , but now , by the new "Falls Route" of the Michigan Central , they can stand on a high bluff for ten minutes , right above the seething boiling cauldron , and see more of the falls in that time than the- could to stop over for a day. From ' 'Falls View" station the Michigan Central give ? its passengers the most beautiful view to be seen on this earth. There may be more beautiful views on some other earth , but no railroad runs there yet. Geo. W. Peck in Peck's Sun. Found. Ills. IIov- A curious incident with a touch ofpathos in it occurred yesterday morning at the corner of Clark and Washington streets. As Henry Howard stepped from the street car something in the voice of a bootblack who hailed him attracted him. Turning around , hewas both startled and delighted to recognize in the gamon his own son. who had run away from his home in Virginia City , Nev. , about a year ago. "Tom , my boy ! " lie exclaimed , as he advanced to em brace the youth. The latter , looking frightened , rushed through the crowd and has not been seen since. The father , who was on his way home from New York , will remain here , with the hope that with the aid of the police Tom may be found. He is known ' among his companions as Tommy McGinnis , and is 15 years of age. Chicago Tribune. \Voiidcrftil TalctitH of Gcroiiofm. Whatever his is not less true that Geronimo is one of the most remarka ble Indian commanders the nation has ever known. Gifted with the cunning and feroc ity of a savage beast , almost void of hu man instincts , and skilled ad a modern pro fessional in the use of arms , all combine to make him a most dreadful 01101113Added to these peculiar traits is his singular and almost unlimited influence over the people among whom lie has lived. lie has com mand of English. Spanish and several In dian dialects , and in military capacity and the power to use his resources he is more than a match for any of the trained sol diers who have been hunting him for years. [ San Francisco Chronicle. If the gentlemen whose lips pressed the lady's snowy brow nnd thus caught a severe cold had but used Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup , no doctor's bill would have been necessary. The mnjority of hired girls in Canada earn but § 3 a month. Oxn pair of boots can be faved yearly by nslm ; Lyon's Patent Metallic Heel Stiffencrs. The man who would rather bo right than president , is dead. You Can Secure Strength And refreshing sleep by using CARTER'S IRONPILLS. . Nilsson , it is announced , will sail for America shortly after her wedding. For preventing dandruff and falling of the hair. Hull's Hair Renewerisunequaled. Every family should be provided with Ayre's Cherry Pectorial. Cures Colds and hrrc and c.irr. H - K "W ! ' / - Situation * * fur- | nUbed. Write Valentine Bros. , JanesTiUe.WU. tTnmorg and Ulcers cured wlttiont Spain or knlff. Write for p-inir : < lct IPr. F. B. GollcMilwaukee. . Wl UflilC STDDY. Secure a Business Eilucatlo.i liv nUflt. mall.from BRTAi-r'sCoLLZGic. iiuff.ilo , > . ' .Y. W. N. DM Omaha - 331-4 = 1. An Aix'fill Doom > f any nature is usually avoided by those .vhoive ! foresight. Those who read this a ho hnve fore.siglit will lose no time in ft-iiting to Ilallett it Co. , Portland. Maine , ; o learn about work which they can do at i profit of from ? 5 to $25 and upwards jer day and live at home , wherever they re located. Some have earned over § 50 n a day. AH is new. Capital not required. 1'ou are started free. Both oexes. All igcs. Particulars free. A great reward iwaits every worker. It is 133 years since the opening of New i'ork's first theatre. PRICKLY ASH BITTEUS warm up and invig orate the stomach , improves mid strength- jus the digestive organs , opens tho pores , promotes perspiration , and equalizes the Circulation. As a corrector of a disordered system there is nothing to equal it. The best watch dog A terrier a terrier to evil doers. Cases oTVcnU Stomach , Indigestion , Dyspepsia , relieved by CARTER'S LITTLE N'ERVE PILLS. Blondin , the tight-rope walker , is living quietly in Peoria. DATAKKH , CATAUKHAL DEAFNESS AND HAY FEVEIS. Sufferers are not generally aware that these diseases are contuuious , or that they are due to the presence of living parasites in the lining membrane of the nose and suslacliiaii tubes. Microscopic research , however , has proved this to be a fact , and the result is that a simple remedy has been formulated whereby catarrh , catarrhal deafness , and hay fever are cured in from one to three simple applications made at home. A pamphlet explaining this new treatment is sent free on receipt of stamp , by A. II. Dixon it Son. , 315 King Street West , Toronto , Canada. [ Christian Stan dard. The reluctant corn is being taken by the = ar. _ SCRATCHES. J. II. Shaffer. Madison. [ Vis. , say * : " 1 cured n horse of the worst Kise of scratches thai I ever saw , with Vct- srinury Cni-lioIKal vc. Of all the reme- lies I ever saw thifc is the "boES. " 25 and Me. Martha Washington's portrait graces the new silver certificate. If a coiiRh disturbs your sleep , take 1'iso's Cure for Consumption and I est tt ell. _ It is reported that Prince Albert Victor is to marry an American lady. You hardly realize that it is medicine , when taking Carter's Little Liver Pills ; they are very small ; no bad effects ; all troubles from torpid liver are relieved by their use. A friend shoujd bear his friend's infirmi ties. _ The Omaha Typj foundry can furnish new newspaper outfits on short notice. Prices same as in Chicago and freight already paid to Omaha. Are brewers Sons of Malt , eh ? The best and surest Remedy for Cure of g all diseases caused Ly any derangsa-.ent of jj the Liver , Kidneys , Stomach anil Bowels. ] Dyspepsia , Sick Headache , Constipation , Bilious Complaints and Malaria of all kinds j yield readily to the Beneficent influence of g It is pleasant to the taste , tones up the system , restores and preserves health. It is purely Vegetable , and cannot fail to prove Beneficial , hoth to old and young. As a Blood Purifier it is superior to all others. Sold everywhere at $1.00 a bottle. Oil GAH. The most practical , larpe sired Oil Can in the market. Lamps arc filled direct by the pump without lifting can. No drip-fine oil on Floor or Table. No Faucet to leak and waste contents or cause explosions. Closes perfectly air tight , yn I < enks ( re-STo Evap oration .Absolutely safe. Don't be Humbugged with worthless imitations , Buy tho "GoodEuoufrb. . " fflXFIELD E1JFU CO. , Warren , Ohio. Sold uy First-Class Dealers Everj-where. UY JOIIUEIC9. OTATSRBURY ST ? Stem winder. arranteu Reliable , utveii to any one who vnll srst S subscnVcr for the best ; S- centsayear paner in the world. Simple rouies and new premium list ITEZE. Address ACRICUL7UR5STRaclncWis. D-afnesi Rnd Xa tl f.itarrh Permanent y cured. Gia sei fitted for ill forms of defcc- & THROAT Inserted. Addreei Pr. I3IPEY. Omiha. Xeh. until you arc henctitcd. Terms Low. Humuno Jtcmedy Co. , JLa aycttc , Ind. WANTED A WOMAN of energy for business in her localitv. Salary $20. Kefereuces. E. J. Johuson , Mangr , 13 Barclay St.N'.Y xlestowu. Mass. IIAAVKS. Davenport , Iowa. to S8 a tiny. Sample * worth * 1.50 FREE. Lines not unrtfrtnr horse's feet. Write BKZW- ? STEE SAFETY KEIN HOLDER Co. . IIolly.Micli 3Ior | > Iilne Hilit : Cured laid to'JO < liXo pay till Cared. DC J. artiniKN-s , Letiauon. uuio. I and Morphine Habit Cured In 10 to 80dnyy. Ittfer to IUOO pitientscurej i in all parts Dr. Slarsh , Qaiccy.Uich. i A ninn wlio wns cau lit stealing grain said lie wns miikins an extract of com. The n-catlicrcoclc is a vane bird. Salvation Oil kills jiain cvory time. For cuts , LrniseB.hpruins.strniiiH. burns , scalda and frost-bites , it is an infallible cure. Price only twenty-five cents a bottle. Jieratory birds are going south a month earlier than usual. "Bunxs AND SOALDS. " If you are so un fortunate as to injure yourself in this way , \\e can sugsrist a remedy that will soon re lieve yon of all jiain and quickly heal the wound ; it costs but twenty-five cents and ia sold by all druggists. Ask for PKUKY DAVIS' PAI.V-KlM.Klt. An old lady with fatee teeth wants some new way invented for putting on pillow slips. Again the Nebraska State Fair awarded the Business College , Lincoln , Neb. , the premiums for busmebS college work. The display was the finest ever made. Informa tion sent free. Oh , heat , where is thy sting ? Oh , ico , where is thy victory ? Be merciful to dumb animals. Heal all open sores and cuts with Stewart's Healing Powder , 15 and 50 cents a box. Lace is said to be driving out trillings in England. PATEN TS obtained by Louts liapgcr & Co. . At torncys , Wa thinpton. U. C. Ktt'd ltd. Ad\lce free A white swallow was shot near North Haven , Conn. , recently. The Omaha Typs foundry can furnish new newspaper outfits on short notice. Prices same as in Chicago and freight already paid to Omaha. If you have that extreme tlrcJ fecllnjr. weakness , loss of appetite , indigestion , heartburn , headache , ot other symptoms of dyspepsia , why don t you try Hood's Sarsaparllla ? It will overcome the tired fcellns. create an appe tlte , tone up the digestive organs and cure dyspep sia. It Is the only medicine of which can truly be f aid , " 103 Doses Ouc Iollar"whlch is an unanswerable argument as to strength and economy. If you suffer from scrofula , fcalt rheum , sores , bolls , pimples , humors of any kind , why don't jou try Hood's Sarsaparllla ? It Is purelyCKetable. . free from all Injurious In gredients , and Is undoubtedly the best Ujod purlncr and Is almost certain to do you gooJ. "I have taken Hood's Sarsipanlla for dyspepsia and as a tonic a terative , with the most beneficial re sults. I have also used It for rheumatism with the good effect. I regarl it as of the v < ry best fam ily medicines , and would not willingly be without it. " A. 15. Ct-r.uv , 1'rovldonce , IJ I. Hood's Sarsapanlla Sold by all drugshts. SI ; sit for $ j. PrepareJ byC. I. HOOD i CO. . Apothecaries , Lowell. Haas. IOO Doses One Dollar TREATED FREE ! Dr. H. H. Green & Sons Speclull t for Thirteen Vc ir I'siit. Ha-io treated Dropsy and IM complications with tvj mostwonderful silentuo % ecetal > e remedies , en tirely hnrmle-s Uunovu ml tyznptoms of dropsy in tiKht to twenty days. ( . "nre pautnts pronounced hopeles * by too b > st ot ph > sicians. rrom the first clo e the sjmptirns rar'dly Kip- pear. and in ten days at least two-thirds of all symp toms lire remot e 1. Some mav cry luimlmpwithout knowms anytum ? about it. iemember it does not cost you anything 1 1 realize the rceiits of our treatment for yout-M-if. In ten days the difficulty of breatlu-iir U relieve 1. tin pulte regular , the unn iry orsani mud * ; to dischinj their luil duty , sleep is restored , tio ! swelling all or nearly K nr , the trenpth increased and appetite mvlo Rood , V.'e are constantly curin ca-es of lon-r st n 1- inff cases tht have been tapped a number of tune * , nnd the patient deeJare.i unable to live a weet. ( Jivo full historv ofa -e. Name , f er. how lonjr afflicted. lio badly "swollen nnd where , are bowelsco-stive.liaro legs bursted and dripped water. Pend for free pam- rhlet contsL-ninste-timoniaK question * , etc. Ten cajs treatment furnished f res by mail. If you ordertrial , send 1O cents in itampj to pay 5O > sM < irIclii Street. Atlanta , Ga. nllcp y'FIt ) l'o Itively Cured. Tlie BUYERS' GUIDK ia Issued Sept. and ? Iarcli , , each year. S313 pages , SJ iiy incliesj-vvitliover 35OO ? ; Illustrations a \Yliole Picture Gallery. GIVES Wholesale Prices direct to consumers on all goods for personal or family use. Tells liovr to order , and gives eract cost of e-rcry- tlilng you use , cat , drink , wear , or have fun with. These iXVAUABIK : BOOKS contain information gleaned from the markets of thevorld. . AVe ivill mail a copy FREE to any ad dress upon receipt of 10 cts. to defray expense of mailing. L.ct us hear from yon. Respectfully , MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. 22T fc 229 AVnbash Avenue , Cbicaco , 111. IF YOU WANT TO KNOW 1,001 Importantthinffn you rjeverkncwor thought of about tho human body and its curious orjrans. HoicliJeisperpttucUahcalthiav < dtUseateindwf'l How to avoid pitfalls of ignorance and. indiscretio . , 7/oic to applii Home-Cure to all forms of disease , Jfoia to cure Croup.Old Eyes , Rupture , P/iimosis elf. happy imnarriegeiit-uepriebabirs SEND TilJSfnj.ItED ] , " " " FOH SvKHiSli ' WHIT OUn I'Hml/BLUE / IJlill. . Murray Hill Pub. Co. . 129 E. 2Stli St. , ftew Tort. oldest mcdic're l'i the world Is probablyB j OThe Dr. Isaac Thompson's fJs EI.E B ATJ-:5Jiff6JK : WAXDJol This article Is a carefully pr-psred Physician's pre- ecriptlon. and Sai bcrninconsnntuse nearly acentu- rv , and notwithstanding the manv other preparation- ) that havebeea introduced Into the market , the tale of this artf'les constantly Increasing. If the direc tions are followed It will ncvrr f tiLVe particularly Invite the attention of jjhj lcian % to Its ineri'- . JOHN L , THOMPSON , SONS & CO. , TIJOV. X Y. GOLD MEDAL PARIS EXPOS17ION-I378. THE MOST PERFECT OF PENS PIso's Remsdy for Catarrh Is Best , Easiest to Uae , and Also cood for Cold In the Head , Headache. Hay Fever , < tc. 50 cents. A pojltire cure. No Knlre. ; rroP In. W C. Payne. The Best faterpol Coat , ThoFISnBEASDSLlCSEEis-tr T ntejvc-at-iTroor , aai will keep ion < Jry la tho hardelt itorm. The n-w POMMEL SLICKER ll a p rl : ndinj cot , nd covers tbo entire saddle. Beware of IralUttoDt. Ncae jjennfnavrithout tljfl "Flail Branl" trzde-mark. lllcstritcd CaU3ccne free. A. J. Tower , licitoa , Mass. Everything prrtalnln- a Thoronsrh Business tu . , „ ! , , i , i. , „ „ ! _ _ . Education practlcalTrarlierh. : in from 3 to 6 Month * . Journal , JJAirjJY , Omaha. Neb. | Tu C IRON BITTERS WILL CURE HEADACHE INDIGESTION BILIOUSNESS DYSPEPSIA NERVOUS PROSTRATION MALARIA CHILLS AND FEVERS TIRED FEELING GENERAL DEBILITY PAIN IN THE BACK & SIDES IMPURE BLOOD CONSTIPATION FEMALE INFIRMITIES RHEUMATISM NEURALGIA KIDNEY AND LIVER TROUBLES FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS The Genuine lias Trade Mark and crossed Red Lines on wrapper. TAKE NO OTHER. ; 2TWE HAVE NOWi l "WE TVA.XT MAT.F A. MILLION ; JLKU Into every rurally la the land , we oBor tuo Eoiae Journal AND PRACTICAL HOUSEKEEPER From nowto January 1887 balonce of this year on receipt of _ Silver or Stamp * . Illustrated by list artists , printed on fine ere tm tinted paper , an-1 eirefully ed te.1 by Miu. 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CIVIAHA TYPE FOUNDRY , Omaha , Neb. , 12th and Hov.ard. Ben : In the World Maonly bf > he Frazer Luhrics- tor Co. at Chicago , Jv u. : . I.ou:3. Sti ! ner tciert- , - t rvt' ' J ' _ _ _ . . S3 CJKUfes7fl VTien 1 cay ccra i aa n : mean n.ercy ! ta seep icea lur atlzio sad then hare them return ajraln. I mean a radi cal cure. I have made the d.srasa of KITS. El'ILErSY' cr FALLING SICKSEASa life li > ns > tudy. I warraDtray re = cdy to cnre tho worst ca e Because others tavo f.-iiiaii [ g no reason for not now receiving a cere. Send a ; O3C3 for a treatls * and a Free Bottle of my Infellltila ranedr. Give Eiprto and rout OSc . It cam joa " " ae for * . trial , and I will care yon. tddrcu Dr. IL G. BOOT , in Feirl 2 , Ke\r York.