sv r ft : Thursday , September 30.1886. that your subscription to this X paper HAS KXPIIIED , and that n cordial invitation In extended to call and renew the same. Subscription , fa per year. Local Intelligence. Call at THE TRIBUNE office for cheap stationery , pen holders , pens. " ' ' "Leader. "Splendid. " All new goods at McCracken's. No old stock. Call at this office and get a premium list of the county fair. A full line 3f hardware , stoves and tinware at C. D. Palmer's. Sowing machines sold at cost at the Metropolitan Drug Store. Money to loan , 3 or 5 years time. Davis & Turner , McCook , Neb. All kinds of sheet-iron , tin and cop per work done at C. D. Palmer's. 'Leader" and ' 'Splcndcd , " 10 cent cigars , sold at Fisher's for a nickel. Money to loan on flnal proof or deed ed laud. Davis & Turner , McCook. Fresh oysters and celery every Sat urday afternoon , at Barney Hofer's. C. D. Palmer , opposite McEntee , is the best place to buy your hardware. Stoves blacked and sec up on short notice. W. C. LaTouRETlE & Co. Money to loan on annual or semi annual interest. DAVIS & TURNER. The most complete line of heating stoves in McCook at W. C. LaTourette & Go's. If you want a nice buggy at reasona ble figures please call on Gr. B. Nettle- ton , agent. Those Gold Watches at'McCracken's beat the record , in beauty of design and price. Do you want new mica in your heat ing stoves ? W. C. LaTourette & Co. , have all sizes. Fine candies , fruit , cigars and to- * bacco at Barney Hofer's restaurant , next door to P. 0. Pianos and organs rented at the Met ropolitan Drug Store until the rent pays for the instrument. Photos , card size , $1 per dozen , cab inet size , $2 per dozen , at Marble's gallery on Main Avenue. Pocket state maps at this office. These maps are just from the press and are accurate and complete to date. G. W. Bede & Co. have some special bargains in real estate. Office 4th door south of U. S. Land office. 27-tf. All who hunger and thirst for a good square meal should go to Barney Hof er's restaurant , next door to postoffice. McCracken's new jewelry store is the largest and finest there is in the west , and he always carries the finest assort ment of goods. School children will secure the most stationery for the least money at THE TRIBUNE stationery department. Call and see. G. B. Nettleton is agent for a horse power feed grinder , with attachment for shelling corn or any other kind of rotary work. Take all work to McCracken , the Jeweler. He turns out good work only and guarantees what he does. East side of Main Avenue. We have just received a nice line of calling cards of the latest styles. Also have in stock an assortment of fraterni ty cards. Call and see them. " -Two car-loads of Button flour just received by Belnap & Harvey. Em bracing the following popular brands : Eclipse , Western Kose and Magnolia. Probst Bros , of the City Bakery , still lead in the fine candy trade and . the excellent assortment they have just received , sustains their already widely known reputation for handling the freshest , purest and best candies in the city. If you want a real toothsome 1 article , Probst Bros , have it. . Parties wanting a piano , or are think ing of purchasing one sometimebe sure and call on F. L. McCracken for prices first. I have a sample of one of the best make. Will sell any make at low est prices and on terms to suit. Don't forget this. Gr. B. Nettleton has just received another car load of those celebrated "Challenge Windmills. " By the way , out of over 100 he has now running , only,5 have ever made any trouble , which trouble was caused by quick sand in the well or lack of water. Th'e Probst Bros , of the City Bakery desire to call particular attention to Fome/plain facts that may not be gener ally-known to the public. Firstly. They 'gply sell MORE (18) ( ) loaves of bread une Dollar , but.their ; loaves are other in the p * thfttf ny bakery & e2ondlyt "While they run their swaon but once a day , in the always fresh X J " Splendid. ' Wanted at this'ofSce cash. Prayer Meeting at the M. E. Church to night. Remember the fair and date Octo ber 5 , 6 , 7 and 8th. Remember that Probst Bros , are headquarters for fine candies. Services at the M. E. Church next Sunday at 10:30 : A. M. and 7 P. M. Don't fail to see that line of elegant heaters at W. C. LaTourette & Go's. The largest crowd ever assembled in the Valley , will be at the fair , next week. Quite a number of McCook people went down to attend court at Indianola , this morning. Subscriptions for the sufferers at Charleston will be received at the First National Bank. " * Rev. Joel S. Kelsey will preach next Sabbath evening upon the system of school banking. Remember the dance for the benefit of the band boys in theMcNeely build ing , to-morrow evening. The railroad company had a force of men laying a "coach track , " just west of the depot , the first of the week. The members of the McCook bar went down in force to Indianola , this morning , to be in attendance at court. The Methodist Episcopal Sunday- School will be held hereafter at 9:30 : A. M. , instead of 3 P. M. , as formerly. District Court convened at Indianola , to-day. There are some seventy civil and seven criminal cases on the docket. BORN Wednesday morning , Sept. 29th , to Mr. and Mrs. Martin Arinen- trout , twelve miles south , an 8i pound boy. The Citizens bank will be a very ornate structure indeed. It will rank among the handsome buildings of the The excavation for V. Franklin's new brick on the old Farley corner is progressing. John Farley is contract ing the work. There will be a dance at the house of A. Rheisclnck , three miles west of town , Tuesday evening , October 12th. Everybody invited. McCook is on the boom as is evi denced by the many fine new brick block' ' _ going up on Main Avenue. Hayes Centre News. The McCook Concert Band will give i public dance in the McNeely building Friday evening , October 1st. A large turn-out ishoped for. The ladies of the Congregational So ciety are prepared to make comforts ind bedding. Orders left with Mrs. Lowman will receive prompt attention. THE TRIBUNE stationery department has in stock some congress cap writing paper that will be sold at half-price to jlose out. This is a good quality of paper. They commenced the week up at J. E. Kelley's , Monday , with the addition jf a fine bouncing boy to the house hold , of which the fond parents are rery proud. The West Dennison street feed store of Charles Anderson has been purchas- 3d by W. H. Peck , of Oberlin , who bakes chare of the business on the irst of the month. That alleged farmers' convention the Courier speaks about , failed to mate rialize very extensively , as prophesied t > y THE TRIBUNE , two weeks since. Disinfect the bait ! The second timber claim proof ever made in Red Willow county was taken DJ the officers at this place , last Thurs- iay. The party who made the proof lives north of the county-seat. * The special delivery system , com mencing with October 1st , will be ex tended to ALL postoffices. The service is also greatly widened in its every feature and improved in its efficiency , [ t will doubtless be a great conven ience'to the public. The fact is that the Republican Val- iey is noc receiving her proportion of ihe present immigration into Nebraska. Who are the responsible parties for ibis condition of affairs ? Is the B. & M doing its duty in the premises ? Are ihe land men of this section alive to : hc necessity of the occasion ? The merchants of this city should lot lose sight of the local papers in the mportant consideration of advertising. Nothing shouldstand in the way of the lome journal , simply because nothing jlse can take its place. The local pa pers are eagerly read every week by mndreds of people , and are consequent ly the very best possible advertising nedium. Last week , Dave LeFevre , a B. & M. freight conductor , had two fingers ; ut off , while unloading a barrel of ivhisky at Haigler station. He in ; ouie manner got his hand under the jarrel , and in lowering it to the plat form , one finger was cut off by the sharp iron hoop , and another so badly nashed us to render amputation neces- t "We learn from a reliable source tbat a rumor is current in Oxford that the B. & M. and Rock Tfland havi > pooled ' in rt'pird to the matter of building any more miles of road at present. From the nature of all circumstances , we would not be surprised it the rumor should prove true. Orleans Sentinel. I. J. Starbuck has sold his great 3- year-old colt , Tramp S. , to Salt Lake City , Utah , parties. Tramp S. won the 3- ycar-old races at Omaha , Lincoln and Hastings , making a record of 2:45 ; al so took first premium as registered 3- ycar-old Stallion at Omaha and State ' 'Fair. He will trot at the McCook fair , next week. While playing with a number of young companions , last Saturday , Mrs. T. T. Belnap's little daughter lell down and sustained an ugly fracture of the collar bone. The broken bone was set at once , and the little girl is now play ing around as usual , seemingly suffer ing no particular pain or inconvenience and if nothing happens , the injured parts will be well in a very short time. The Publishers of THE TUIBUNK have commenced the erection of a com modious office building on Main Ave- into. The enterprise will absorb all the available means of the firm , and more too , and we take this means of gently suggesting to our subscribers our immediate need of funds , hoping that the } ' will come forward promptly and pay the small sum they are now owing us. The management of the fair would earnestfy request the ladies to bring all articles which they desire to enter in Class 12 , Fine Arts , and Class 13 , Needle Work , by Monday evening , so that proper space can be allotted to them. And would also request anyone who have fancy articles which can be used for decorative purposes , to bring them , even if they do not desire to compete for premiums. IN LOVE WITH THE COUNTRY. A. C. Monger , of Amboy , Illinois , was looking over this county , a few days , last week , and he was so well pleased with our city , that he contracted for the farm of J. F. Ganschow , which lays two miles from this place , the consider ation per acre being $15. Mr. Monger had visited other portions of the state , but found nothing in the likeness of land that struck his fancy like Red Willow county. He also purchased a quarter section in Hitchcock county. This city , we are informed , is the sixth in the United States to adopt the Public School savings bank system. It is a matter of considerable comment over the state. The Lincoln Journal makes the following observations : A penny school savings bank has been or ganized in connection with the McCook city schools. The deposits made by the children will be placed in the bank , and will draw in terest at the rate of 6 per cent , per annum. This is a good idea and Nebraska teachers generally should fall in with it. What is sadly needed is that the rising generation shall have better business sense than is com mon with the present one. Last Saturday evening , while enjoy ing horseback ride with a number of schoolmates , May O'Brien was thrown from her pony on West Dennison street , and as her foot remained in the stirrup , she was dragged a short dis tance on the ground before the horse could be stopped by a gentleman who was standing on the sidewalk at the time. Fortunately , however , the rider escaped injury , save a tew bruises and scratches , and a thorough scare. Ap ropos , this accident , very fortunate in its results as it happened , should warn the girls against too rapid riding , espec ially in the business portion of the city , where animals are far more liable to be frightened , and.accidents to occur. The democrats of this senatorial dis trict met in convention at the Opera Hall , last Saturday afternoon , and placed in nomination , S. W. Stilge- bouer of Danbury precinct , this county , by a unanimous vote. Mr. Stilgebouer is the most popular democrat , probably , in this county , and THE TRIBUNE feels constrained to add. a man of sterling character and excellent parts , the only objection we can advance is his politics. His home county will give him a very complimentary vote. The usual busi ness of such political bodies was also transacted , the details of which we have not the space to give , after which the august assembly dissolved , or tried to. Attention Farmers ! Next week is fair week. Don't for get to come to the fair. Bring some thing to show. Bring stock , corn on stalk and husked , wheat , oats , rye , al falfa , timothy , vegetables of all kinds , fruits , dairy products. There will be visitors here from other states. Let us show our friends in the states east , what the Great American Desert can do. WM. COLEJIAN. Charlie E. , Maud D. , McLeod , Bil ly Button and other noted "flyers , " have already entered for the races , next week. Erank Stack , who has been employ ed on Frees & Hocknell's new brick , under "Pa'J Hendricks , is laid off with a sore hand. Governor Dawes has issued a quar antine proclamation prohibiting the im portation of cattle from Illinois. < _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Graves & Halladay's Comedy Com pany will be at the Opera Hall all next week. B2F"Go to McCracken's New Jewelry Store. ATTENTIOH , EXHIBITORS. The attention of exhibitors at the County and District Fair , to be held at McCook , next week , is called to the following mistakes in the premium list , made by the printur and unnoticed by the management until said premium lists had been generally circulated. Premiums will be paid as follows : In Class 2 , the premiums offered in Lot 1 , will govern all Ihe other lots , and there will be but one grand sweep stakes open to all ages and breeds , same as in Class 1 , horses. In Class 3 , the-same rule will apply. Premiums offered on Lot 1 , cotswolds , will govern all the other lots in the Class , with one grand sweepstake. So also in Class 4 , hogs. Premiums offered in Lot 1 , will govern all other Lots itthe class , with but one grand sweepstake. Action of the Prohibition Committee. Pursuant to a call by the chairman , the Red Willow County Prohibition Committee met at the Court House in Indianola at 9 o'clock A.M. , Saturday , September 25th , for the purpose of nom inating a county ticket. The meeting was presided over by Rev. Norval of McCook. J. P. Squire of Driftwood was chosen secretary. After prayer by Rev. Ellis and some well chosen remarks by Mr. Norval in behalf of and in justi fication of the party , the meeting pro ceeded to nominations. I. T. Birdsali of Valley Grange precinct by a unani mous vote of the meeting was nominated for Representative. J. P. Squire , Inde pendent candidate for County Commis sioner , was then endorsed. After some remarks by a number of the members tending to advance the interests of the party the meeting adjourned. COM. THE COUNTY FAIR. Next-week our fair will be held , and we predict that it will be the best , one ever held in Western Nebraska. The grounds are being fitted up in excel lent shape. The fine Art Hall is fin ished and painted. The track is being put in excellent condition for speed nnd many of the speed horses are already , on the ground. The races will be hot ly contested by all the flyers in the west. Stables , stalls and pens will be furnished all exhibitors of stock. Hitch cock , Hayes , Dundy and Chase coun ties will make exhibits , and Red Wil lowmust look to her laurels , as the exhibits made by these , counties at the State Fair were fine , indeed. Akron and Yuma , Colo. , will also be here with fine exhibits of sod crops. No one should fail to attend and bring something for exhibition. City Schools. The following is the enrollment in the different departments of our city schools , to date : High School 52 Miss Murphy's room 59 Miss McNamara's room G7 Tully building- , Total 250 Teachers will commence receiving deposits for the school savings , bank on Monday next. W. S. WEBSTER. TEMPERANCE MEETING. There will be a Union Gospel Tem perance meeting held in the Burtless' grove , on Dry Creek , Sunday , October 10th , 1886. Services to begin at 11 o'clock , A. M. All are cordially invit ed. Br ORDER OP COMMITTEE. R. A. Cole , Merchant Tailor. To THE PEOPLE : I have received , complete in every line , my new fall stock , and assure to all who call upon me , fine goods , elegant fits , at very rea sonable prices. Drop in and be convinc ed. R. A. Coin , first door west ot Citizens Bank , Dennison street. $200.00 REWARD. I will give $200 reward for informa tion leading to the conviction of the parties who have been stealing and maiming calves in my pasture south- cast of McCook. A. W. COREY. DON'T BE AFRAID If you see Deputy Sheriff Bennett coming after you. Dr. Kay has placed his account ? , in the hands of the depu ty , who is ' rustling after the doctor's creditors in dead earnest , that's all. Tribune and Inter Ocean $2.5O. o r- For the next 30 days all new subscrib- erwho will square their subscription to : ilate and one year in advance will receive THE TRIBUNE and the Chicago Inter Ocean for $ U.50. FOR SALE. o One Western Cottage Organ. As good as new. Cheap for cash , or six months time with approved security. J. P. MATHES. All parties knowing themselves in debted to the undersigned , are request ed to call and settle at once , or the ac counts will be placed in the hands of an officer for collection. CHARLES ANDERSON. If you want the best gasoline stove , go to C. D. Palmer'sopposite McEntee. ° Smoke "Leader/ ' PERSONALS. t5y""Undei this heart we would bo ple sccl t hare our friends throiiKhout the city ncquaiu us of the arrival and departure of their riiiiorg Dr. Kay returned , Wednesday noon , from Illinois. Rev. W. R. Blackwell , of Illinois , was Ji town , Monday. * Prof. Smith of Mallalieu University , vis Ited the metropolis on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. A. II. Steele of Hayes Centre were guests at the Commercial , the first o the week. V. Franklin of the Citizens bank , made a visit to the state capital , last Saturday , on important business. E. C. Ballew , J. W. Maikcn and W. K Lynch , of the county-seat , were among the city's Friday visitors. W. J. McKiliip , Esq. , and R. C. Walker of Thornburg , were visitors in the city , Fri day and Saturday last. J.T.Morris and E. S. Dakan of Curtis transacted business before the local U. S. Land officers , Monday. J. E. Furr and family , moved in from Ash Creek , last week , and will follow his trade in the city , with Stanton Roley. Mrs. Scott , wife of E. J. Scott of the TRI BUNE force , arrived in the city from Clarks , this state , Thursday night last. C. A. Dorathy came back from McCook , Sunday. His family returned with him to that place this week. Exter Enterprise. George Sthnson , of Ashtabnla , Ohio , broth er of Charles Stimson of this city , arrived here , last Friday , on a visit of a few weeks. Capt. J. M. Lee , of Arapahoe , was taking note of things at the democratic senatorial pow-wow , Saturday afternoon. All , tiiere , Captain ! Mrs. R. M. Bowler , of San Diego , Cal , , ar rived in the city , Tuesday. She is visiting her daughter , Mrs. A. W. Corey , of the South Side. R. B. Wahlquist , of the Democrat , who has been at home in Hastings , sick , for some days past , returned to his arduous duties here , last Friday. Mr. Beecher of Illinois , a brother-in-law of J. E. Cochran , Esq. , was in this place , last Saturday. He Is looking up a business loca tion preparatory to moving west. Sir Knights E. E. Lowman and Samuel Scott returned , Monday night , from the St. Louis conclave. Both rcpoit a grand time , an occasion to be enjoyed not often in a life time , indeed. C. E. Reed , the stalwart faber manipula tor of the Arapahoe Mirror , was in town , Saturday , watching the movements of the wiry political feline at the bourbon senator ial convention. National Bank Examiner Griflith , of Wa- lioo , was here , Tuesday , in the line of duty. It is unnecessary to add that everything at our First National was found to be in its usual fine ship-shape condition. H. W. Cole and bride arrived in the city , their future home , last Friday evening , and they are now cosily established in their liandsome home on Marshall street. A bon voyage THE TRIBUNE wishes them. Two gentlemen from Stella , this state , Messrs. D. H. Hall and W. S. Ferguson , were in the city , the latter part of last week , looking up a location for a bank. Their de termination in the matter we have not learn ed. ed.A. A. E. Merritt , of Gilman , III. , was in the : ity , the first of the week. He started from Peoria , 111. , with a hundred land seekers , juite a few o them coining as far west as this point. Others going still farther toward the netting sun. Leon F. Moss left , Monday morning , for Fort Madison , Iowa , where he was married , yesterday , to Miss Effie F. Willard , of that 2ity. THE TRIBUNE extends hearty cou- s atulations and well wishes for a happy royage over the sea matrimonial. Will Jones , city editor of the Lincoln Journal came up to the city , Saturday night , 3n a short visit to his college chum , Dr. Davis , returning home , Monday evening. Mr. Jones is a graduate of the State Univer sity and a promising young journalist. R. A. McCracken , of the Hayes Centre Sews , Hayes county's delegate to the state convention , was in town , Tuesday , en route to Lincoln. He left on No. 40. Also , B. A. Parmleyof Imperial , Chase county's dele gate , who left on the same train for the seat 3f war. I. J. Starbuck and Scott McCoy returned , last Friday , from their trip through Iowa ind the eastern part of this state , wiiere they iiave been taking in the fall racing circuit ind the purses as well. Both regard the : hree-year-olds invincible , and such they lave proven themselves in many a hotly : ontested heat. Harvey division 95 , O. R. C. of this city , received a visit from G. C. C. , C. S. Wheaton , last Sunday. There was a large attendance jf the order , among the number being ex- : omluctors C. U. Harvey , of Yuma , Colo. , IV. H. Doggett , of Hyde , Colo. , Fred Weed , ) f Ytima , Colo. , and others , and a very en joyable meeting of the boys was had. Alter the races here , Mr. I. J. Starbuck of McCook , who had several horses here , sold iis three-year-old Tramp S. to Mr. John Fin nan , the owner of Kate Ewing , the consid eration being § 2,000. Tramp won the three- fear-old colt race , the winning heat being nade in 2:45 , and that without any crowding md it Is altogether probable that ere many fears have passed , he will be able to skip jver a mile in less than 2:25. Hastings Ga zette-Journal. At THE TRIBUNE stationery department may be found the following line of fraterni ty cards in stock : G. A. R. , B. of L. E. , B. af L. F. , O. R. C. , B. of R. B. , A. 0. of U. W. , I. 0. 0. F. , K P. , A. F. & A. M. , Teleg raphers , etc. Call and inspect them , if you desire anything in that line. Chamberlain's Eye and Skin Ointment is i safe and certain cure for sore nipplesskin eruptions , scald head , tetter , piles , and all smarting , itching diseases of the skin , and is unequalled for chronic sore eyes. Sold by Wiltey & Walker aud M. A. Spatting. ux. . - YOU UKE IT. V'Hew to tlio line , let th . chips fall where they may. " * * # 0rncle : Business strett3 ninke dan gerous speed courses. V'Parl3 by gaslight" b brilliant Mo- Cook by midnight is tough. * * # ConsIatency tbou art a chestnut vener able and rauk , and thy name Is Bishop. Tlng-a-llng ! . ' .Uuder the direction of Prof. Minkler , the band boys are improving and coming along in superb shape. * % That criticism of the Hastings Democrat in last week's McCook Democrat savors of the tail trying to wag the dog. What's wrong with the dog ? * * A truism : Some men , like pictures , are fitter for a corner , than the full light. A short nocturnal stroll about the city will aemonstrate its wisdom. # V'Tlie game with a hole in it" might liave worked all right ten years ago , in the liey day of border ruffianism , but the present : ivilization and intelligence of this city won't brook it. * * # 0ur esteemed West End contemporary , naughtily nick-named "The Harmonica" by ilie Democrat , seems to bo revelling in the lual ecstacy of booming Green and bucking : he tiger. Delectable , supernal. vV'Ours is a strong city government , " Imiclly suggested our "As You Like It" nan to a prominent citizen , the other day. Citizen : "True. But , after the similitude of i certain little carnivorous animal I might uention , its strength appeals most to the tense of smell. " * WH1 suspend. The "doctor" hasstop- ) ed ( ? ) THE TRIBUNE after we had drop- led liis name from our subscription list some wo weeks and we had about decided to iuspend further publication , when some riends placed TWO names on our list and mid the CASH , so we will run a week or so onger , deo volente. # * The Courier's pet the fanners' ( ? ) con- ention seems to have slipped a cog , last Saturday , and gone to pieces. The corpse is icing embalmed under the Courier's person- ,1 supervision and will be laid away among leorge's other honored dead , to be icsur- ected and spnmg as a "gentle boomlet" ome other year. Such is immortal fame , # * # Tlie person who published the state- nent of peddler , dog and other fines in last reek's Gazette , "begs the question" with lie evident intent to mislead the public. He oes not report one fine from tin-horn or eini-monde , ever turned into the city treas- ry during the present regime. Where do liey go ? They are collected monthly. Who as the self same collateral. Another voice ram the synagogue , please ? Vfhe senior editor went down to the tate convention at Lincoln , the first of the , 'eek , and whatsoever of an unusually bril- iantor erudite character perchance mean- ers into these columns , should be properly redited to the paste and scissors of the sanc- uiu sanctorum. The junior being slightly disposed , and withal rather indifferent to lie Muse who presides over the tripod jour- alistic , and our devil being too profoundly ngrossed with current political events of lie community , local laconics may fall short. ANOTHER WHACKER WHACKETH. ED. COURIER : I wish to say something bout commissioner. Mr. Green has been ccused of running a saloon in McCook , and lat , too , without a license. This accusation as never been denied , farther than to call ic saloon a drug store. Not long ago , a man by the name of Quig- ; y run a drug store in McCook. Quigley's rug store was called a saloon. Quigley al- j run his drug store without license. Quig- ; y was arrested , kicked out and fined one undred dollars ! Green is "boosted up" and ominated for commissioner by the Great : epublican Party of Red Willow county. Now , what is the difference between the , vo men ? Mr. Editor , this is the only dif- jrence : Green sells to a class of men who rink but little at a time , but drink that lit- Q often , and never get enough ! Quigley ild to a class of men who did not drink so ften , but drank more and got enough ! When I consider these things , the Muse tealeth o'er me , and I , too , can exclaim : "Oh Consistency , thou art a jewel ! " Oh Whiskey , thou art Consistency ! When a man is warm , thou cooleth him ; When u man is cool , thou warmeth him ! W hen a man is a democrat , thou imprisonoth [ him ; When a man is a republican , thou runneth [ him. TOR COCNTV COMMISSIONER. Chorus : "Oh , Consistency , thou art a jewel ! " OhVhi key. thou art Consistency ! The Republican party swalloweth thee ; The Republican party is swallowed by theo ! Alle samce ! If the temperance men of this county can ilmly take the dose of county commissioner rescribed by the republican convention , ten I say , God have mercy on the temper- uce men of this county ! for they are dead ! sad ! ! dead ! ! ! and suggest the following pitaph : "Here lie the Temperance men of Red Wil- w County who took a dose of "Green Pille , " nddied of indigestion. " Respectfully , DITTO. adianola Courier. Xov.Sth. 'S3. IAKXEY raDKICvA S. II. Colvin , on Tuesday evening , Septem ber 2Sth , ISbG , Clarence A. Barney 01 Blue Hill , and Minerva Pedigo of McCook. Justice Colvin , otliciating. VEED ALBERT. On Thursday. Septem ber 16th , at Atchison , Kansas. Mr. G. F. Weed and Miss Ida B. Allbert , both of Yuma , Colorado. ! ABCOCK-CHURCHILL.-On - - Thursday evening , by Rev. Marshall , T. B. Babcock and Ida Churchill , both oC Yuma , Colo. The best treatment for cuts , bruises lame- ess , sprains and swellings is to apply Chara erlnin's Pain Balm. Sold by Willey & Valker and M. A. Spalding. FOR SALE-CHEAP. I will sell my house and lot cheap , f sold in the next 30 days. will ake part payment in cattle if de- ired. J. B. MESERVE. Call at THE TRIBUNE office for heap stationery , pen holders , pens.