CLOSING ' OUT SALE ! * . - : - - - t - HAVING DECIDED TO GO OUT OF BUSINESS , WE WILL OFFER OUR Entire Stock of Clothing and Furnishing Goods 1 AT PRICES TO SELL THEM REGARDLESS OF COST , AS THE ENTIRE STOCK MUST BE SOLD IN THIRTY DAYS ! . ' i . , i" ; NOW IS THE TIME TO PROVIDE YOURSELF WITH WINTER CLOTHING AT A NOMINAL PRICE. WE MEAN BUSINESS. COME SOON WHILE THE ASSORTMENT IS GOOD. f ! E. BRICKEY & CO , THE CLOTHIERS MRTROFOLITAN uQ. a > ' ! 21 DRUG STORE ! * * fc- _ - -i : * ? j i 5 * s MeCOOK , NEBRASKA. S m f , M. A. SPALDING PROPRIETOR Io I 3 | . . , , S U ) z ? Pianos and Organs u I j , ? o So < 2 j SEWING MACHINES. a. i 5 J..A. TAYLOR , Druggist. 5 THE CITIZENS BANK OF McCOOK ( INCORPORATED UNDER STATE LA'WS. ) Paid up Capital , $50,000,00 , EDOES A = General Banking Business , Collections made on all accessible points. Drafts drawn directly on the principal cities of Europe. Taxes paid for Xon-Resiclents. Money to loan on fanning lands village and personal property. Fire insurance a specialty. Tickets For Sale to and from Europe , RESPONDENTS : > V. FKANKON , President. First National 1 Rank , Lincoln , Nebraska. > JOHN R. CLARK , Vice-President. The Chemical Xational : Bank , Xew York. ) A. C. EBERT , Cashier. Challenge Wind iHIII lii Superior to any on the market , helnp ; Heavier , Stronger Hullf , and therefore a more Durable Mill. It Is the only absolutely safe Mill built ; and out of Thousands Erected During 12 yo.inpast , not one ba.v ever Mown away and left the Tower standing.A record no other Mill can show. "We offer to put up any of our PUMPING MILLS ON THIRTY DAYS TRIAL , And If they don't give satisfaction , will remove Mill at our own expense. Also Manufacturers of the Celebrated Challenge Feed Mills. Cora Shellcrs. Iron Pumps with brass cylinders , Iron Pipe , Tanks. For estimates , catalogues and prices , apply to G. U. NETTLETON , McCook , Neb. , Agentfor Southwestern Nebraska and Northwestern Kansas. a = i Silccoa is its H:5i : feel Hill , BaSlread St. IFOR SALE BY ! The Frees & Hocknell Lumber Co , , MeCOOK , NEBRASKA. McCOOK FEED MILL , C. A. NETTLETON , Prop. All Kinds of Feed Ground. CORN SHELLED AND GROUND , BOLTED , ETC. 2 BLOCKS EAST OF RUSSELL'S BARN , McCOOK - - NEBRASKA , BOX ELDER BLOSSOMS. Verdurous prairies still greet the eve in . this part of the county. | IJcv. .1. B. Piper is filling the M. K. pulpit in the absence of the regular pastor. We note the arrival of Miss Pinkortou from Bennett , Xeb. We welcome her to the society of our young people. In company with our "Xasby , " ' we made the county seat a visit on Saturday and found things quite lively in that town. A large congregation attended church , last Sunday. The Sunday School was also large , and r-eenis to he on the increase. . At the bride's reMilence on Red Willow , Sept. 14th , 18SJ , by Justice Chrysler , Mr. Zinsi Norton , of Indianola , to Mrs. M. K. Ostrander , of Box Elder. Suc cess attend them through the remainder of their lives. James Doyle lias bought J ) . E. Moore's farm , and has moved from the J Brushy to this . Jim. is wide-a-wake place. a - - , well-to-do stock raiser , and a reliable business man , and no doubt lie will keep things moving on his part of the Willow. While enjoying this hospitality of J. II. Stephens , one day last week , we had the pleasure of sampling some of his line large White Russian melons. .Foe lias got a line farm , if it is in Frontier county , and can raise as good crops a * can he found any where. We should judge by the way some of the preachers on adjacent charges talk of the charge at Box Elder , that they consider the. Hock at this place about ready to receive an ! especially alloted portion of brimstone , freMi ! from the factory ; granting that Box Elder is { a bad place for bad preachers , the preacher | who comes here with the gospel of the Son ! of d'od on his lips , will find the people ready j and eager to help ; if , however , the present prosperity of this corner of the circuit ! > due to persecution , dip in brethren. A NEW Ft. R. ROUTE. - o - PAMSAIIB , Xeb. , Sept. 1 $ , isso. En. Tisinuxi : : It is seldom that anything is observed in the columns of THE TsmurxK of a charac- ' ter relating to this part of the mundane sphere. As it were , we are in a state of incognito , having no communication by rail or telegraph with the rest of the world. We are some twenty miles from the B. & M. II. j ] { . , which is very unhandy and unkind. But it "is a long lane that has no turn , " and ( tin- stock is running up at this time , as the B. & I M. is just surveying a route up the French- ; man , and it is stated negotiating for the right ] of way. The B. &M. has now -engineer corps of about 1X5 men with equipage , engag ed in a preliminary Mirvey up the French man , the starting point being at Culbertson. Your correspondent interviewed them as ' they passed near Palisade , on last Friday. The survey is made about one-eighth of a , mile south of Palisade and about the same i distance north of the 'writer's "homestid , " which is encouraging to old settlers. It is thought by many that the B. & M. are en deavoring to head off the Rode Island or the Mis > ouri Pacitic. as they are coming this way , and as the Frenchman Valley affords a natural and most enviable route for a rail road to Colorado. This route is beyond doubt a moht feasible one , and in case theB. & M. do not decide to build a road up this valley , > ome other corporation will seize upon the opportunity and accomplish the enterprise. The people of the French man have no reason to longer think they are consigned cfo remain in a mediterranean world. There are many railroads now in the eastern part of the state which are point ing this way , and , must go somewhere. We cannot see why a branch road forming a junction at Culbertsont will not pay with a proper western terminus. Very Respectfully. A. P. Li-ir-n. : : SOUTH SIDE LOCALS. u Marsh Phillippi is back again. George Hall of Thomas County , Kan. . N here on bii > ine > - . ] ) . JI. BabMtt is very low with typhoid fe ver , but is improving a little. Cutting corn and fall plowing are the or der of the day in this vicinity. Will Long is expecting his father and mother from Xonpariel. Ohio , on a visit soon. Mrs. Alice Leach , of Fort Scott , Kansas , is on a visit to her mother. Mrs. II. II. Pit-kens. Headache , bilious disorders and constipa tion are cured by St. Patrick's Tills. They are Urn most pleasant and most effectual physic in use. Sold by Willey & Walker" and 31. A. Spalding. at this season of the ycnr when any of us are liable to be taken with cramps , i-oiic , diarrhoea or discn- tery : how essential it is that all families should keep a tfood colic and diarrhoea reme dy lit hand. We guarantee Hexes' Diarrhoea linlsnm to rive perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Out of 1,01)0,000 ) bottles sold last summer not one was returned. For snle-by j M. A. Spacing , drnpsist. j F/JRMONT / PRINCE. A THOROUGH BRED I Holstein-Friesian Bull/ OWNED IJV I PATE & HINMAN. i C2 ? Tliose wishinjr to avnil themselves or his I services call at RIVERSIDE DAIRY. CITY : - : BAKERY. A , PROBST & BRO , -PROPRIETORS. WE KEEP ON HANI ) BREAD , PIES & CAKES. Gil A II AM BREAD. Cakes Made on Order , LUNCH ROOM In connection where you'can get cotree.sdnn- i wiclies. pies , etc. , at all hours. rtJOFV. ) CHICAGO. APRIL 21st.I8S8. This is to certify , that the Illinois Truit and Sn ings Bank ha * this day received from the Union Cijjar Company of Chicago , to be held as a Special Deposit , I U. S. 4 ° jo Coupon Bonds , ! as follows : ' 5t > . 2202S D. 3303. - Marfcet Value of which fe 41203 liol ' SIOI2. , > * iv i " a297O 1111) . ' ( S. ) fas. S. Ciits , Cash. We offer the above as a FORFEIT , if our " FANCY GROCKK" doc3 not prove to be a genuine Havana-fillerCisar.-Uriion CigarCo. GAR Our LA I.OMA JOc. CIsar is strictly Hand made. Elegant quality. Stij > eriorworknianhip. Solid by al ! Grocers. K.V/O.V CIGAK COJffAW. To X. Cliiituu St. , CHICAGO. tteUiil l > y HAYDEN GOiMPANY STOKES & TROTH. P.O. address. Carrico , Hayes county , Xeli. Range : Hed Willow creek , above Carrico. Stock branded as above Also run the following- brands : S , J-P , U , X Horse brand , lazy V ) . L EATON BROS. & CO. P. O. address. ilcCoolc , Nebraska. lanjesouth fcof McCook. Cattle branded on left [ hip. Also , 10. 5 , A iuul 11 brands on left hip. Horsos branded the ; same on left shoulder. Pn uu. ! DEALERS IN : I , UMBER ! Sash , Doors , Blinds , Lime , Cement , HARD AND SOFT COAL. - -MAIN OFFICE AT McCOOK , - NR.BRASKA. O. P. AGENT FOR- 'ARM IMPLEMENTS , . WAGONS , BUGGIES , WIND MILLS.AND . PUMPS. \ DEERING MACHINES A SPECIALTY. CORNER MAIN AND RAILROAD STREETS. McCOOK , NEB. The Howard Lumber Co. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN & Coal < I MeCOOK , NEBRASKA. L OF McCOOK , NEBRASKA. Makes First Mortgage Loans on Farm Property , OFFICE IN FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING. OIF'IF'T.CIBIRS . , . . . : A. CAMPBELL PRESIDENT. B. M. FREES , 1ST VICE PRESIDENT. . , . . . GEO. HOCKNELL SECRETARY. R. O. PHILLIPS , 2ND VICE PRESIDENT F. L. BROWN TREASURER. K1LFATRICK J5ROTEIKRS. ( Successors to K. I ) . Wobster. ) Horses braidc < l on left hip or left h P. O. address. Estellc. Huyes county , ainl Hoat- llHue , Xeb. Kansfe.Stmk- , -iniy Water ami French- r man ereeks , Chase Co. , ' Nebraska. ' liraiul as cut on < i < le of sotu > aniiaaN. on hi ] > ami sides of some , or anj- whereon the animal. JOIIX F. BLACK , Breeder of IMPKOVKII SIIKKI- Dclane. Meri no and South down. Person al inspection ami corres pondence so licited. Address him at Hed Willow Nebraska. j Etcafu High Ktntt and t.t Cott of Heating a Room 6y ojfrj i Fnlding Taile Bsd , 1 Tea i3fo ° $1o. Styles , $ $ . OPSK FuH B. < t. 6ft 2 la. lory. FULL BED. SINGLE BED. CHILD'S BED. Guaranteed the Hcst Ventilated Folil- Injr Bed made. Write for Catalogue. _ CiOSEDWitt , all BedJiny / „ , , . Ask Vcur Furniture Dealer for It FOREST CITY FURNITURE CO. WHOLESALE VASUFACTUHCRS SPJIIXCi CREEK CArrLECO. / . J. D. Wnuw ix. Vice President and Su I * . O. address , Indiano la. Nebraska. 1 ItJinKt : Kepubliean it alley , oast of rv Crepk. and noar o'f Sl > rin ' Creok , in Chase- county , Nebraska. iKftai f flfr * - rr- ' _ _ _ !