THE UPPER DEEP. Are thlijc eyes too dfrn to read Azure pages writ in gold ? * * " Mavbap , eyes Hkc tblne mav need Glosses , that they jnay behold All tbe star-writ revelation On the pages of creation , Glowing words of thrllHnjr thought , wonders so dkinelvwrought Place the glasses to"thine eyes , Read the onrters of the skfes , Poems of the Islands golden Glowing in the upper deep. Where each thought seems imaged , holder In the eves that never sleep : Ptst'rals o"f elysinn plains iicre the star-writ glory reisns. ( S. L.'Wilton , in the Current. A FATHER'S LETTER My Dear Son We are still pegging along here at home in the same old way , your mother and me. We are neither of us real well , and yet I sup pose we are as well as folks are at our time of life could expect to be. Your mother has a good deal of pain in her side all the while and I am off my feed more or less in the morning. Doc has fixed me some condition powders that he says will straighten me out right away. Perhaps so. Doc has straightened out a good many people in his time. I wish I had as many dol lars as he has straightened out our peo ple. ple.Most Most every spring I've had to take a little dandelion root , limbered up with gin , but this year that didn't seem to get there , as the boys say. I fixed up a dose of it day and night for a week till I wore that dandelion root clear down to skin and bone , but in ten days my appetite was worse than ever and T. had a head on me like a two-year-old colt. Dandelion root never served me that way before , and your mother thinks that the goodness is all out of it , may be. It's tbe same .old dandelion root that I've been using for twenty years , and I believe when you have tried a tiling and proved it's good , you orient to change ofi" I tried to geFi'our mother to take a dose of it last week for the pain in her side. Fixed up a two-quart jug of it for her , but she can't bear the smell of gin , so 1 had to take it myself. Dan- . delion is a great purifier of the blood , Henry. Some days after I have been taking this dandelion root for an hour or two I feel as if my blood was pretty near pure enough. I feel like a new man. man.You You know I wrote you last winter , Honry , that I was going to buy some new-fangled liens in the spring and go into the egg business. Well , I sent east in March lor a couple of fowls , one of each sect. They came at S9 per pair over and above railroad charges , which was some S3.45 on top of that. I thought that as soon as the hen got here and got her things off and got rested she would proceed to lay some of these high-priced eggs which "we read of in the Poultry Keepers' Guide and American Eggist. But she seemed pensive , and when I tried to get. ac quainted with her she would cluck in a croupy tone of voice and go away. The rooster was no doubt a fine-look ing brute when he was shipped , but when he got here he strolled around with a preoccupied air and seemed ta Jeel above us. He was a poker-dot Tooster , with gray mane and tail , and he was no doubt refined , but I did not think he should feel above his business , : for we are only plain people who are accustomed to the self-made American lien. He seemed bored all the time , and I could see by the way he acted that he pined to be back in Fremont , O. , having his picture taken for the Poultry Keepers' Guide and American Eggist. He sfrll A earned for approba tion. He was used to being made of. .as your mother says , and it galled him to enter into our plain , humdrum home life. life.I I never saw such a haughty rooster in my life. Actually , when i went out to feed him in the morning , he would give me a cold , arrogant look that hurt my feelings. I know I'm not what you call an educated man nor a polish ed man , though I chum to have a son that is both of such things , but I hate to have a rooster crow over me because he has had better breeding than 1 have. So there was no love lost between us , as you cnn see. Directly I noticed that the hen began to have spells of vertigo. She would have spells of standing on a corner of the hen retreat , reverting to her joyous childhood at Fremont. O. , when all at once she would fall senseless on the cart h and there lie prone upon the sward , to use these words of a great wr lor whose address has been mislaid. She would remain in this corny toes for be tween five minutes , perhaps. Then she would rally a little , slowly pry open her large , mournful e\-es , and seem to niurmer "Where am 1 ? " I could see that she was evading the eggsissue in every waand ignoring the great object of which she was cre ated. With the ability to lay eggs worth from S4 to § 4.75 per dozen de livered on the cars , I could plainly see that she proposed to roll up this great talent in a napkin and play the invalid act. I do not disguise the fact. Henry , that I was mad. I made a large rect angular affidavid in the inner temple of the horse-barn that the poker-dot hen should never live to say that Ihad sent her to the seashore for her health when she was eminently fitted by na ture to please the public with her lay I therefore gave her two weeks to decide on whether she should contri bute a few of her meritorious articles or insert herself into a chicken pie. She still continued haughty to the list moment. Sodidherpardner. We therefore treated ourselves to a $9 din ner in April. I then got some expensive eggs from the effete east. They were not robust e fs. They "were layed during a time Zgreat depression , I judge. So they were that way themselves also. They 'came by express , and were injured while being transferred at Chicago. K"o one has traveled over that line of railroad since. I do not say that the eggs were bad , but I say that their instincts and their inner life wasn't what they ought to have been. In early Mav I boujrht one of these inkybaters that does the work of ten setting hens. I hope to head off the hen so far as possible , simply purchasing her Lterary'eflbrts and editing them to suit myself. I cannot endure the so ciety of a low-bred hen , and a refined hen seems to look down on me , and so I thought 5 _ I could get one of these ot- trmntic inkyBaters 1 could have the whole process under my own control , and if the blooded hens wanted to go to the sanitarium and sit around there with their hands in their pockets while the great hungry world of traffic clam ored for more spring chickens fried in butter they might do so and be dog- goned. Thereupon I bought one of the me dium size , two-story hatchers and loaded it with eggs. In my dreams I could see a long procession of fuzzv lit tle chickens marching out of my little inkybater arm in arm , every day or two , while my bank account swelled up like a deceased horse. I was dreaming one of these dreams night before last at midnight's holy hour when I was rudely awakened by a gallon of cold water in one of my ears. I arose in the'darkness and received a squirt of cold water through the win dow from our over-watchful and cour ageous fire department. 1 opened the casement for the purpose of thanking them for this little demonstration , wholly unsolicited on my parf. when I discovered the hennery was in llames. I went down to assist the depart ment , forgetting to put on my panta loons as is m > custom out of deference to the uses of society. We saved the other buildings , but the hatchery is a mass of smouldering ruins. So am 1. It seems like the kerosene lamp which I kept burning in the inkybater for the purpose of maintaining an even temperature and also for the purpose of showing the ch'ckens the way to the elevator in case they should hatch out in the , night , had torched up and ig nited the hatchery , so to speak. I see by mv paper that we are import ing 200,003,000 of hens' egss from Europe every year. It'll be 30,000,000 next year so far as I'm concerned , Henrjand you can bet j'our little pleated jacket on it , too , if von want to. To-clav I send P. O. order No. 143.876 for S3.50. I agree with the Bible that "the fool and his money are soon parted. " Your father , BILI.NYE. Don't Be a Clam. Courage and "manliness are qualities that never go out of fashion. Whatever may be the final result of the Cutting case , the course of Gov. Ireland will be upheld by allthose whose approval is worth having. If we are not very much mistaken in the signs of the times , the sentiment that a great nation , like the United States , should maintain its dignity is a growing one. It is difficult to mention a foreign power great or small , that has not at some'time during the last twenty years insulted our llag with impunity. ! No other civilized nation on the face of the earth would have submitted to insults that have been heaped on American citizens. We have borne with complacency out rages to which the French Republic , for instance , would not submit to for an instant. In truth , the aversion of our government to protect its citizens abroad has become so generally un derstood that in Mexico and South America the mere fact of a man being an American is an invitation to murder and robbery. In Mexico the bare mention of the name of the United States is produc tive , of derision and scorn. If Mr. Sedgwick makes a through investigation of the grievances of Amercans in Mexico , he will astonish the world at the number'and malignit\r of the out rages against the lives and property of American citizens in Mexico. Encouraged by the British govern ment , the Canadians are in a small way aping the Mexicans in treating our citizens with the contempt which our government deserves. 2&e American people are in favor of calling a halt to our enemies , and this sentiment will increase until our coun trymen will be treated with respect the world over. Don't be a clam. Texas Siftings. India and the Czar. The English statesman who happens to be at the helm has a very hard time of it. His troubles increase daily. The British Empire is large and so far apart , so to speak , that it is very difficult to prevent encroachments at one point or another. It is pretty cold times for Johnny Bull just now. When he pulls the blanket over his head his feet were exposed , and when his feet are covered some other portion of his anatomy has to suffer. The Czar of Russia is assisting the Irish in their efforts to worrher Ma jesty. The British frontier commis sioner. Col. Ridgway , has resigned and gone home , as the Russian members of the commission were having every thing their own way in adjusting the boun dary. There is nothing now between Russia and India except the Ameer , and his position is continually becom ng more critical. Besides the Ameer does not amount to much anyhow. Like a gigantic anaconda. Russia is slowly but surely enveloping in his folds the Brit ish lion in India. Texas Sif tings. Steamers Propelled by Sound. Kerely's motor is finally a success. This time the motive power is sound. A few words uttered in an ordinary tone of voice will drive his GOO-horse- power engine at a rate of speed that causes the whole village of Philadelph a to vibrate. A group of passengers conversing near the engine room of an ocean steamer , armed of course with a Keel } ' motor , would drive the ship through the water about ninety knots an hour. The ladies cabin connected with the engine by an ordinary gas- pipe , will reduce the voyage from ten iays to three and one-half hours. Life. The Boston Journal of Commerce asics : ' What will be the fuel of the luturel" Such ot us as are living Christian lives have been taught to believe it will be brimstone. Lift. SOUTH AFRICAN POISONS. Subtllo "Fluids l-inployedfAmoDCrtlio. Busli J'eopJc. There are several poisons in uso among the aboriginal tribes of southern Africa , but that extracted from a cat- , erpillar , and designated by the natives "mangtie , " is the most fatal , jvjrtes Parker Gilmore in The Popular Science 1 Monthly. The pain which the victims suffer who have been inoculated with it must be fearful indeed ; but it is not long endured , for two or three hours generally puts an end to the stricken animal's existence. Of course , this time is more or less protracted by the size of the wound , the locality in which it is situated , and the quantity of the venom used ; for instance , one of tho tributaries of the Zambesi , a lioness that had been wounded at sundown , did not expire until the following day break , during all which time tho cries of anguish which sh kept repeating terribly told how fearfully the poor creature was suffering. On examina tion , this victim of the poisoned arrow only had a slight puncture beneath the skin close to the ilank. but the firmness of the hide had prevented the missile from falling from the wound. As the habits of semi-barbarous peo ple always possess great interest for me , I trust they do so for my readers , | and I will therefore describe the two other poisons in u * > e among the Bush people and the manner in which they are employed to serve their purpose. First , I will advert to the juice of the euphorbia. This is a family of plants all alike foreign to the European eye in nppearance. although not by any means strictly tropical. Some species possess much more poisonous matter than others , the most deadly being in , appearance like a crooked pole with a , bunch of long , hard , leaves decorating its summit. When employed by the natives for the purpose above spoken of , it is collected in quantities on the margin of a small vley or pondfof water , when it is beaten between the stones till tho necessary quantity of the juice impregnates the water. At night unconscious game , probably thirsting from the hours thehave passed in the sun-dried desert come to the valley to satisfy their craving for drink , but scarcely have they done so when they become intoxicated , and soon after lie down to sleep the sleep that knows no waking. In this death I do not think the victims suffer much pain , for all i that I have seen that have been killed ! n this manner were in the positions they would assume if they had lain down to take their usual sleep. Itjs strange that this poison is much more injurious to horses , zebras , and qiiMgirns than it is to the cloven-hoofed or horned animals. Why I btate this is that while the former will not pro ceed over a half a mile after they have imbibed the subtile fluid before being incapacitated from going further , the latter will travel many miles ere they drop , if drop they do , for I am con vinced that many escape death from this poison , although possibly brought very close to it. September Scenes. And now the hunter takes his pun The fields to ramble over , From morning dawn to set of sun , In search of snipe and plover. A gloomy , disappointed wight , A bandaged baud cares-ing , Returns be homenard mthcTnight , With several linger missing. Jloston Courier. Aii Ungenerous Widow. A good story is being told in Wash ington of a claim agent who recently lost SO , 000. As the story was told to a reporter , the client was a widow , of good family and fine presence. The claim was a just one for quartermaster stores furnished during the war to the amount of about $60.000 , and had been , pending for about twenty years. The attorney was an old acquaintance and friend of the family , and was promised ten per cent , or about $6,000 , for pro curing payment. He went to work in earnest He saw the Secretary of War and the Quartermaster General , and exerted his eloquence so persuasively that the claim was made the subject of special investigation. The attprnev watched the course of the claim through all -intricacies of the red- I tape of the department , saw that the evidence was forthcoming at the proper stages of the case , and finally , after nearly three months' labor , received notification to call at the Treasury De partment with his client to receive a warrant for tiie amount. They went and received tne warrant , but the cash- room was closed , so the amount could not Lo drawn. It-was Saturday. The attorney was coo gallant to manifest any distrust of his client by retaining possession of the warrant until his fee was secured , as he had A right to do , and besides , had he not known her for fifteen 3-ears ? The warrant was , therefore , left with her , and the lady promised to come to the office on Mon day at one o'clock , get the money and settle with the attorney. This was sat isfactory to him , and the prospect of having , on the next day but one , $6,000 of harcl cash in his pocket opened his heart. "Well , Mrs. Blank. " said he , " \ve have had a hard fight and have won it Let us eo to Losekam's and have lunch. " Tfieywent Money was no object to the attorney then , and an hour later , when the waiter brought him a check for $19.25 , he threw him a S20 bill and told him to keep the change. One o'clock on Monday came , but the bewitching widow failed to appear. Die attorney remained at his office mi- til six o'clock making plans for the ex pend ture of the § 6,000. Tuesday morning he received a telegram dated New York : "I sail to-day for Bremen. Will return and see you in the fall. " A. few days ago he received a letter from his client dated at Monaco. Among other details of her journeyinga it contained the following consoling news : "I have been trying tbe cards ? but with very poor luck. If fortune does not favor me soon I shall be as bankrupt nfi I was before my claim was allowed. " Washington Critic. In roar Heal 111. * 'Chicago Tiibifne : The health ot tbemale citizens oi Colorado Springs , Colo. , contin- .ues alarmingly feeble. At one drug etqre in that rity last month there were IJ90 ap plications for whiaky lor "medical pur poses. " Of these , all except ten were inado by men. Colorado Springs , wj believe , is a prohibition town ; but that , of course , has .nothing to do with the rase. The point in discussion is the wonderful preponderance of masculine invalids there. The great want of the place is u'pliysiciiinorlwo who know how to trent diseases of men. Will Protest. It is understood that the passenger agents of the roads running north from New York city will protest against the rat ification of the new extradition treaty with England as being detrimental to tbe Can adian passenger traffic. [ The Railroader. CATARItlf , CATAKKHAIj DEAFNESS ANIJ HAY FEVEB. Sufferers are not generally aware that these diseases are contagious , or that they are due to tbe presence of living parasites in tbe lining membrane of the nose and eustachinn tubes. Microscopic research , however , has proved this to be a fact , and the result is that a simple remedy has been formulated whereby catarrh , catarrlial deafness , and hay fever are cured in from one to three simple applications made at home. A pamphlet explaining this new treatment is sent free on receipt 61 stump , by A. II. Dixon & Son. , 315 King Street West , Toronto , Canada. [ Christian Stan dard. "Insteps arched at reasonable figures , " is a New York announcement. I/rox's Patent Metallic fctlffencrs preents boots and shoes from running over. The last Royal Academy dinner cost the British artists 60,000. That tired languid feeling and dull head ache is very disagreeable. Take two of Carter's Little Liver Pills before retiring , and you will find relief. They never fail to do good. Louisville has 40,000 colored people , many of whom are prosperous. PARADISE Positive cure for piles. $1.00 per bor. Mailed to any addiess on receipt of price. Manufactured and sold by F. S. Miller & Co. , 347 Kosckiusko btreefc , Brooklyn , N. Y. Never put olf a bill until to-morrow that you can put off until next month. Is not a dye. and will not stain or injure the shin. Hall's Hair Reneu er. Dumb ague can be speedily cured by tak ing Ayer's Ague Cure. Try it. A man mny read the worst signs of the times on the roadside fences. Miss Mamie Bratt , who has been at tending Elliott's Business College at Burlington , has just returned home. ' She speaks in the 'highest terms of this excellent school. The best way to train up a child in the way he is to go is to go that way yourself. THOSE who are trying to break up the baneful habit of intemperance will experi ence great benefit from the use of Prickly Ash Uitters. Liquors derange the sy&tem. Prickly Ash Bitter * will remedy the evil re sults and restore the brain , stomach and liver to healthy action , thereby strengthen ing the will power , thoroughly cleansing and toning up the system and remove taint of disease. It is purely , a medicine and while pleasant to the taste , it cannot be used as a beverage by reason of its cathartic properties. Mary Anderson will probably live in En gland hereafter. SURE COHK FOR Kunu.M VTISM. Cure s auteed in all cases. Use Perry Davis' Vege table Pain Killer according to directions , and it will cure ninety-nine cases out of every hundred. Try it , it surely will not hurt you. _ White blackbeiries grow near Bronsoa , Mich. A MOST LIBERAL OFFER ! THE VOLTAIC BELT Co. , Marshall , Mich , offer to send their Celebrated VOLTAIC BELTS jind Electric Appliances on thirty days' trial to any man afflicted with Nervous De bility , Loss of Vitality , Manhood , < tc. Il lustrated pamphlet IN SEILCD ENVELOPE with full particulars , mailed free. "Write them at once. Senator Edmunds makes it a rule never to think in the presence of young men. We did not kuoxv but that our daughter would die every minute from inflammatory rheumatism. I begun giving Athlophoros to her. In two days sh * was aiound and did not suffer a t ain. Mrs. C. W. Brown , 143 Sixth street , Milwaukee , Wis. Of the 137 counties in Georgia , 108 have absolute prohibition. Do-n't fail to see the BATTLE OF GTTTS- BUIIG when you visit Om ha. Special rates to excursion parties. D.H.Wheeler , Jr , Sec'y General Booth is coming over from Lon don to wake up the Salvation army. Bo merciful to dumb animals. Heal all open sores and cuts with Stewart's Healing Powder , loandoOcentaa box. The leading colors for autumn are blue , brown , green , dahlia , acajou and mulberry. PATENTS obtained by Louis RagccriCo. . At tornejs , Washington. 1) . C. E t'd 1SG1. Ad\Jce free Japan has 3GS Protestant churches , with a membership of 11,578. WN1. HANSCOm , Oshkq.h , Wi . . who af'ct d with thst he nas for se\en years s-o piles was tumble to attend to MiMtics * . i-1 entirely cared ty the nte of Cole's CarbolisaUe. Price 25 and 50 cents , at Druggists. The latest word for the Parisian swell ia copurchic. If EasIIjInHated or Vexed , Use CARTEL'S LITTLE XERVE PILL. 25 cents. Work of the mind makes play for the body. S months * treatment for Me. Piso's Ecmcdyfor Catarrh. Sold by arucgls.s. It cost the county of Cook § 40,000 to try the Giicago "anarchists. " The Omaha Type foundry can furnish new nenepsiper outfits on short notice. Prices name as in Chicago and freight already paid to Omaha. D * rne " nn < 1 $ SSm DST E & THROAT necrted. Addresi Dr. IMI'JEY. Omaii * . yeb. Center Fire. Double Karrel. Breech loading SliotGuns.ST.5O. Repeating Rifles. 13 Miots iew model. SP.O . Nickel Plated Ke oUen 5 cts. Write for illustrated . 1MJ.KU.CV ( JUX CO..O hkosli. 1VI HE-OPIUM Habit Painlessly Cured at llome. Treatment sent on trial and NO PAY asked until yon arc heneated. Terms I * > ir. I Humane ilcmcdy Co. , JLuFayette , Ind. WANTEDT WOMAN 3f energy for business In her locality. Salary S50. Reference * . E. J. Johnson , llangr , 15 Barclay St.N.t - - THE LUCKY MAN. Tlio Holder , of Ticket No. 57,375 Sinctjit a.s announced that ono-fiflh of the ticket N < . Sl.o7 "i won tincapital piizo in the hist drawing of the Ltiiiismiui Slate Lottery was b'-Id in mir ritj' , exeiU-iuent h s HIM high. The lucky man i * the young' book keeper in the wholesale grocery Fiousi : of Coiner Cc Tiapp.'and yesterday ho was met wiili" hundreds of congratulations. ' 'When I naw that I ns the possessor of the right siumbur my joy knew no bounds. I at ouco determined to go to New Orleaim myself , and get the money. This I did. I pre-ented my ticket to the Lottery \ > m- liany , received a check oil th New Orleans National Bank and secured my money and leturned home , via Montgomery. The money § 15,000 IB now on deposit in the bank of Cooper & Co. I am still with the house of Comer fc Trapp nd have n > t yet decided as to my course in future. Mr. Jones is an excellent young man , a first class business fellow and linn numerous friends who are gratified .at his good for tune. [ Anniaton ( Ala. ) Watchman , July The Vatican library contains 23,000 manuscripts , of which 2,174 are oriental. Itlndo Specially for Women , Yet good for all , CARTER'S IRON PILLS. A bad be to have around whisk-he. The Omaha Typ foundry can furnish new ueuspaper outfits on short notice. Prices same as in Chicago and height already paid to Omaha. All We Ask Of any one suffering from scrofula , ealt rhsnmdy - pepsin , headache , kidney and liver complaints , that tired feeling , or any disease caused or promoted by impure lilJod or low Hate of the system IK that j on S.\c Hoods Saiia.irlla ! a fair trial. We are confl- ccnt Dint the medicinal > alue of this peculiar prep- oration IT ! 1 toon make Itself felt through the sjs- tem in restorlug he.illli , ftrenstU and energy. Do not take other articles claimed to be "just as OOdV but be sure to get Hood's Sarsnpnrilli. "My wife had dyper * a. She could not keep her feed down , and had that oppressed , fcelinc after rating. She uad no appetite , and vr * tired all tho time. She trltd nuneous medicines without belns reliexcd. but the flt bo tie of Hood's Sirsaparllls. did htr a ereat deal of good. She has no-v taken two Lotties , and can cat an ) thine shenanu ullliiJt having that distress , an J hij no trojblo In retaining hcrfooiJ. " JOHN EATTEXFIXLLI , Marlon. Ohio. Hood's Sarsaparilla Sold by all drURSists. suclxfor ti Prepared only by C.I. 110OI ) i CO , Apothecaries. Lou ell , ( OO Doses One Dollar 5EI&AKAUDPKEBUCHU | AN3 OTHE3 E LUrTET 'IEN7REMEDIES It lias stood tho Test of Tears , in Caring all Diseases of tao BLOOD , LIVES , STOM ACH , KIDITEYS.EOW- ZLS.&c. It Purifies the Blcod , Invigorates and dASH Cleanses tlie System. STfEHS BTSPEPSIA.CONSTI- CURES PATIOH , JAUNDICE , AILDISEASESOFTHE SICKHEADACEE.BIL- LIVER IpUS COMPLAIlITS.&c disappear at once under KIDNEYS its beneficial influence. STOMACH It is pnrely a Hedicine AND EC its cathartic proper- tics forbids its pse as a BBOWELS beverage. It is pleas ant to tna taste , and as easily taken by child ren as ? nCKLY : ASH BITTERS CO Solorroprittors. ETiocisandKAXSASCrrr ilr. E. Foittr , S3) ilila street , Terre Han ! , Indljam , = of- fered fron Neuralgia and found BO relief till he ne ATHLOPHOP.OS. th n in onediT's tixe tiie ptia wn. 11 gone. It will jive prompt relief in ill cues of Neural- pi a. A ! c Tonrdru ; ? ! * : tor Atblupboro ; . If TGU cancer pet it of him do net try rocethic ; el e , bat or l r at on = e froni ns. We will tend it express j.iid on receipt of price , SI.00 pr bott ! : . ATHLOPHOROS CO. . 112 Wall St. . Net ? York. COLD MEDAL PARIS EXFOSITIO\-IS7a. THE &OST PERFECT OF PENS Plso'8 Tlemcfiy fnr Catarrh fi th Best. Easiest to Use. end Cheapest. pRTap RjfjTOJgg pood for Cold In thr Hoad Headache. Hay Fever. < tc. M centa Send „ cent f-tatnp f or our Handsome IIln trateu Catalogue of The ISost J" , > iv I'riced Stein- Hiiitlinjr Timekeeping Watches , irltk Ain- critMii movements , in the world. Jloxemciili with Mrcrp seconds , stop attaclirupnf , or plain UDU'A lilt MA.S2fl5fG & CO. . 47 St. , N > w York. German A tlimn Care Beyer fa\l to imm'tttate renef iu the worst cases in ure cczn fortableleep. . eST-cts curcn where ail other * fail. J ( lral connate * th' nast tktftiral Price w ( > ct and& $1.OOof Drniziiti orbvoiil Sample FICKK for > tamp. D ! ; . K. i > C irF % AX M. I'auU * Inn.n . Stnweli&Co. .V'JgCharieston g. S8 a darSample * worth tl.'O FREE not "n < letne horse' . Iff. Write lisiy HOLDER Co. . Holly. Mich . Ilubit Cureilln 10 to-iOjUy * . Xo pay till Cared * in : J. SrEfiiK-ss. Le.iJ.noa. Onig. TCI PfJPflDUY I.earn here aaj earn good i r - - " " ' par. Situation * furnished \aler.tine Bros. Janesrille. HRMF STVIDYSecure a Business Education by IIU Y1L. man. fronl HEX-ANT'S COLLEOK. BuffaloX V 3gH nnti Morphine Ilnblt Cureil in 1 Ota M daj-i. K = rertoooOnatient mrI ; ia in all parts 2r. arsh. Quincv.Hieh. A QUESTION - B'rowns Iron Bitters ANSWERED. 7h qn * < tion ha probably been inked of tune * "How c n in > tm'H Iron Hitters euro e t > ry- thinc ! " .Veil , it doewn't. But it does core any diseAio for which n repatab'o physician would ptr scnb thit there * re iiore pn > piriU < m ofirua ti' n of any other substance used ia luidutaa Tiu huirs con- elj that iron w aci .no.tlt > ; ii : d l I * the > If Bitufactory iron combination hid over been f aauii. BROWN'S IRON BinERSSKJSSSS headache , or produce constipation all otlipr Iron ineaiclncfldo.iitO\VN-SIKONniTTEItS cares IrnlIccBtJon , Biliousness < jnkne , Dyspepaia , JIalnriu , Chills and Fever * , TiredKcelinjr.Gencrnl DebHltyPain in th bide , Backer .Limbs , H > a lacuo and Xrnrnl- jIa for all thcbe ailments Iron ia prescribed daily. BROWN'S IRON BITTERS.5srstf5 minnta. loVa all other thnmceh medicines , it act * Blowly. "VThen tken by rt n the first vrnptom of benefit i * renewed n rgy. Tho mnimlwithen becnma nrmer. the diswti.m imprTM. the bowel * are actiro. In tfomrntheeffectisunuMlymim rapid and marled. The eje * Iwgin at onco to brighten : the akin clears up ; healthy color corns * to the chsflui : nerrouiineas disappears ; fanctioml ilnrangementji Iwcomo Tffa- lar. and if a nurons mother , abundant sast n nco M iiupplieJ for tho child. Remember Brown * * Iron Bitters is the ON1YV iron medicine that U not in- ariocs. 2'hytic 1111 * and Vrvyyittt rrromnen 1 it The Genuine hs Trade Mark and cr > ed red lines ra wrapper. TAKE NO OTHER. TREATED FREE ! Dr. H. H. Green & Sons QltcciullitB for Thirteen Tear * Iat. Hare treated Drop y and IN loinplicatioru with till mott wonderful uccr ; use rccetib o remedies , rn- tiiel > hannlr s Krmov * alt vynipuiiiis ) ofdroj y in eight to t cnty day * . Cme j-Rtitnu pronounced hopeless by the b s : ot I roiu the flrst do e the fymptom npMlv disap pear , and In ten days at t o-third * of all tyitip- tomsare remodel. boine nmv try hnmlniR without knowingitiTtliin ? bout it. Ueiiirinl Itiioea not eo t you anythingn > le.ilixe tho m iita cf our treatment for you "If. In tea il ya the tlittirulty of bretliiiir H reiinvxi t-ia pnlre rf tnilar. the urinary organs in tile to rti ch nt > ibeir iu 1 dutr , * Irr ] > i * reitoreJ. the wellintr all r nearly KI ar. tlieHrtrsthlncreaHtf-lBiuIaiipatit jroulo Krai. > \ * conntnutly curing c c < irf lon'st nl- inp cnj th't luY Iji PU tappe < I a n iraber o timi * < . and the pntif nt iletlarBi unable to lite a iree tiv full hi tory orca'c. Xirn . it . how Ion ? Cict4. how Laill * swollen and where , are bov el co-tre.uu lee1lturHMl an > l dripped at-r. Sen 1 for freo pam- Ten (1-Ai trcatiren * furni'hed fre bi m-til. If you older trial. enJ 1O tents la tt.-iapj to pay l iinif 1 letl Street. All.tntn , Ca. > llcu v'l"lt < ) io Iiely Cured. NEWSPAPER OOTFSTS on SljorJ rVolice E-Vom : : ii ! : : Jit CJl B SEC08M4BD GOODS CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. OEViAKA TYPE FOUNDRY , Omaha , Neb. , 12th and Howard. - the Jticro-Aud ho . ' ! hearins : secured bjthe - S'e - t'hcaliy ci > nsruwiet ! . Accuiateiy perform * * 1 funct.ons ct 1 irin . Sound collected , rrfiectni. conducted and intensi fied. S.isfacnm jrinranterd Patented in all cutx.yne' . Illustrat'-l ci'cular an t f--inonisli sent f c. & MiCROUDiHor. . = - , 7 W. ; . J S _ . " . i Cii VT111 be scat on V\ty davtrial upon rcceip : of costof diliverv St-nd f riis ructloiid mentofeais. . JIC.NTIO.N : > a f * 37AMPT3 I.H.BHDTTEHDEH & 3D. THIS sTTrr.33f /f t M&EEi DAYS' TK1AL. FuI Set of S" Sew : ror Circular. < ' A.7OC > I > iCO. . . 1 ? . lOttftt. , i'liila. . i'c Be < t in the World Mmle only br tl.e Frtzer Lubrica tor Co at Cluca u , X V ifet. Loui bill ntryirhert 1,001 Im portanttljinprtj-oanerpr know or tlinccht of alioiit the human bmly mlit-.cunom orjr r. . jraiclifei3pcrpftuaUdliealtintaced.ilitraeinduffil Jloie to anoiii pit falls of ignorance and indiscretion , jrow to apply Jfomr.Cure to allfcnr.t tt ( dictate. Jfoi" to care Crmtp.Olci Eyes , Rupterc. I'll iino-sl * ( if. . Xurrajmil PL ! ) . Co. . I'JO E. 2Sfa St. . Scw Tort oldestmcdlelce It the world Is profoatlri OThe Dr. Isaac Thomnson's KB. ? : Z2ATEi > KY23 WA _ This article I n cvefnllr prepired I'irIaa' ! p-e- scriptlon. snd has Iieen lncon : .intue -nu rr. and no" Ith tnndiriB the nianv oth pre ; ara-iim that haliren Introduced into the murker , 'i."il < 5 of this srt < lr } cons'amljr increasing. If ti drec- ticn' arc fcLoired Itwill net er fa'l. V.'e pirricuUrly thr atirntion of nhyMcians toltsrner't- . iy L , THOMPSON , SDKS & CO. . 1KOY. X. Y. ' E 3 _ - _ When 1 : ST cure i < - > nut m9an luarely to uip mem i r a time and tnen car * mem return ; ain. I nieaa s radi cal cure. J hava m-ula the dlstasa of PITS. EPILEPsY or FALLING SICX.Sh.3-Sn life Inngstsdy. Ir-arrantny remeijT to cnre tho wo-st ca-es Eecaase others fc t-j failed Is no raoscn for l.ot new recelrln a cnr * . Send at once for 2 iroat'.sa and a Fre Bottle of my Inf-Jllf.n rsmecljGira Eiprt i and Pent Office. l casts yo * CCtois' for a trial , and I trill cure jon. r. U. G. HOOT. IK Pearl Si. Keif Tori. A po'tlre car- . Knt'e. Vo Pla r-r N , , [ a'- \V P. W. N. U. TSeTISHBItlKD SLICKERli warranted trst-rriroor. aminm k * p jsn dry In tho hardest Horn. The 'wrOJIME : . SI.ICEiSIi a i rtt e eo t. - ' oreratberatirezwldl * . l > war ofmUatfa5 . 2Gnor ne V KranJ" t-ade-mart. Illustrated Citao-j free. JL J. Tower , E aoa Education / " iral'JVaclior * . Work in from 3 to G.lionth *