* * * . VOLUME V. McCOOK , RED WILLOW COUNTY , NEBRASKA , THURSDAY , SEPTEMBER 23 , 1886 : NUMBER 17. THE SEASON APPROACH t WHEN YOU WANT A CHANGE. WE ARE HERE TO ASSIST YOU. ' PALxlA STOCK MEN'S , BOYS' AND CHILDREN'S HATS AND CP Has Arrived Come and Inspect Our Handsome Assortment. Will you send the Boys to school ? If so we are receiving a full and complete line of Serviceable School Suits and odd pants. Anything f Everything in Dry Goods , Clothing f Furnishings. C . , _ - = DEALERS IN SHELF AND HEAVY ooooooooooooooocO ( > oo < > oooooonoooonocKooiiO ( > < > ni > ooo < ) ooooooo < ioooooooo HARDWARE ! 7 O < ) OllOOOOOOOOOO ) OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHOOOOlMOOOUOOCKOOOOOOOO TINWARR , BARBED WIRE , ETC OO < ) OOOOOOOOl > OOOOO < O ( > OHOOOOMJOOOOOOOK > 0 < ) OOXKOOOtOOOOOOOOOOOOllOOO ) MAIN 'AVENUE ! , McCOOK , - NEBRASKA , r- I * fs F. L. McCRACKEN , THE RELIABLE- JEWELER ! , I' HONEST GOODS AND LOWEST PRICES. Watches , Clocks , -welry Silvei'wai e , Op tic&l Goods , Pianos , Organs , Sewing Machines , Etc. The Only Place in McCook where You Can Buy Straight Goods. WE DO FINE- WATCH REPAIRING , JOBBING AND ENGRAVING. REMEMBER THE PUCE : WEST SIDE OF MAIN AVENUE , NORTH OF P. 0. \ I si B &M. TIMETABLE. K.VVT I.UAVKS : KAST LiKAVI'.S : No. ! ! ti:40 , A.M. No.40 .1 : : . ' . - > . P.M. WEST I.KAVKS : WEST I.EAVKS : Xo.l : . " > , P.M. trains nn on Central Time , and westbound trains on Mountain Time. Freight trains do not carry passengers. K. H. WOODS , Agent. SOCIETY DIRECTORY. j COxTjKKUATIONAL Preac-hing services I every Sunday morning' at II o'clock , and oven- ing at 7oO o'clock. Sunday School at 10 o'clock , | A.I. . , all mountain time. | JOKI. S. ItKL hr , 1'aMor. METHODIST. Services every Sunday at 10 : 30 A. M. and 7:150 P. M. . mountain time. Sun day School at : > P. M. All are cordially invited , j Seats free. \V. S. WHEELEH , Pastor. U'THEKAX-Servieesthet-econd and fourth I Sundays of each month at 10oO , A. M. . and I 8:00,1' . M. , central time , at the School House J. W. KIMMEI. , Pastor. CATHOLIC Divine services will be held as j October HI j November. . 7 I "December.3 I Xovember. . 11 December. . . 5 | ' Tuns. CUI.I.KN , Pastor. , A. O. U. W. McCnok Lodge Xo. 01 , will meet the first and third Mondaiys ot each month in the Masonic Hall. Visiting brethren cordially invited. DK. U. JJ. DAVIS , M. W. \V. H. DA vis , Keeordcr. McCooK Lixuox No. 7 , SELECT KXHJHTS , A. O. OF U. W. Meets ecry second and fourth Tuesday evenings of each month in Masonic Hall. All visiting comrades cordially invited | to assemble with us. S. D. HUNT , A. H.DAVJS , Recorder. Commander. McCOOK LOIMJH A. F. fc A.M. Regular meeting * on the first and third Tuebdav " evenings of each month. S. L. GitEEX.Y. . M. \V. S. WKUSTEK , Secretary. MCCOOK CHAPTEll , U. D.-Meets on the ' first and third Thursdajs of each month , at Masonic Hall. Visiting companions cordinlly invited. W. W. FI.SHEK , Jl. P. T. G. IlhhS , Secretary. COXSTANTIXh COMMAXDEHV , U. D. Meets every bocond and lourth Thursday nights in rach month. Visiting Sir Knights courteous ! } im ited. B. E. LOW.MAX , B. C. S. COUDKAI. , Ucconlcr. ILLOW Ouovi : Loom : 1C. OF I1. . Xo. f & 4' . Meets everv Wednesday evening > Masonic Hall. . .1. \ \ ' . \MIMIELL , C. C. ' C. H. < n LI : , K. Ji. ? . T. O. O. F. McCook Lodge Xo. ] : J7,1. O. O. F. , meets CMT.V Friday evening , at 7 o'clock , in Masonic Hall. All visiting brothers are invit ed to meet w itn us. H. II. FIKUKY. X. (5. II. TKOWHIUUGK , Permanent Secretary. B. ot'Tj. K. Urotherhood of LoeoinotivoKii- gineeis. Meet first and lourth Saturdays of each month. S. E. Hoci : , Chief. .1. C. ANUEHSON , F. A. T3. J. K. IU NES POST G. A. H. Hegular meet ings second and fourth Monday evenings of each month at Masonic Hall. .1. A. WILCOX , Commander. J. H. YAKGEU , Adjutant. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. UNffEDSTATES'LAND OFFICE McCOOK , NEBRASKA. Q. L. LAWS , SeEistsr. C. P. 3ABCOCZ , Eeceirer. OFFICE Houns : From ft A. .to 12 . , and J to 4 P. , mountain time. THK COMMERCIALHOTHI , GKO. K. .JOHXSTOX , I'RIP. .McCOOK , : : XEBBASKA. This houo has bren completely it-uovuted and rofurnishcd throughout , and is first-class in every respect. Hates reasonable. 4-3tj WILLTAM3 CONTRACTOR AM ) BUILDER , CULBERTSON. NEBRASKA , All work warranted. All material furnished if desired. Work done on short notice. JOHN F. COU.TXS. * i CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. McCOOK. - - NEBRASKA. .lobliinc will rwl\e pnnupt nticntlnn ntmyMiop on DtnniMju 6r. . oppti li Mi co.il : Iton-f. I'lans anil cd ! f tlv > > ln > il. S POTTS & STIMSOX. KASHIOXAULB BARBERS & HAIR CU'ITERS. Oppo > lte Chicago Lumber Vanl. MAIX bTREET. - McCOOK. XKBHASKA. Send 10 cents posture , anil we I ! A GIFT will m.iilyou FKKE a ro3 ul.vnl- , n ! uable , sample box ot goods ' VJ I I that will put you in the w ny of i maklnsr more money at once , thun unythin-r f elso in America , lloth se.\es of nil ngcs can ' live at home and work in spare tirai. % or all the ' time. Capital notrcfjuired. AVewill start you. ! < I nniensepnysuvcrorthosewhostartatoncc. 4-25-lyr. STINSOJT Is Co. , Portland. Maine. it STOKMY .JoiiDAX , " the famous rinse painter of Ottuinwa , it is saiil. will soon go to Chicago ami open , up a studio there. Iowa seems to have too chilly an atmosphere for .Mr. .Ionian's .esthetic temperament. TIIK man who can look upon the magnificent array at the state fair grounds and not feel his heart j-well with honest and manly pride , is a stick whom it were fluttering elevation to drive into the gretind and hitch a mule to. Lincoln Democrat. ' TKMPKKANCK , " said the great and wise and good Benjamin Franklin , a hundred years ago , "puts wood on-the fire , meat in the barrel , flour in the tub , monoin the purse , credit in the countiy , clothes on the bairns , intelli gence in the brain , and spirit in the constitution. ' " JAMKS ( I. BLAI.XK'S youngest son. a lad ] of eighteen , was married the other day to a girl not too old to be spanked and sent to bed. The Democrat is minded to recall a suggestion from its fa\oiite work to the effect that the eat ing of sour grapes by the father sets the children's teeth on edge. Lincoln Democrat. TllK attempts of some of the demo cratic leaders to twist the Maine elec tion t in Mine way so as to make "em feel that they had got something for the monoy they lavished on St. John and the other prohibition stumper ? , are somewhat ludicrous. The total vote is reported at (50.6 ( : $ ; " ) for the Republican candidate i'or governor and fio.251 for the democratic candidate , givinir a plurality of 1,359. At the last state election not held in a presidential year , which was in 1852 , the republicans polled ( JD.514 votes and the democrats fiO.tOO. If that is a democratic gain it is perfectly satisfactory to the republi cans of Maine , and they will pray for more of the same .sort. The prohibi tion vote was a little over . ' 5.000. Journal. Do not be afraid of a little fun at home , good people. Do not shut , up \our house , lest the sun should fade your carpet1and your hearts , lest a laugh .should shako ! O\MI a few of the musty old cobwebs thut are hanging thoio. Young people must have fun and lulaxation Miinewhere. If they do not find it at their own hearth-tones they will seek it at other and less prof itable places. Therefore , let the fire burn brightly at night in the winter , and let the doors and windows be cheerfully thrown open in summer , and make the homestead delightful with all tlunc little art.parent so well understand. Half ait hour of merri ment within doors , and merriment of a home blots out the remembrance of ms ny a core and annoyance during the day and the best safeguard they can take with them into the world , i the un een influences of the bright little sanctum. Kxchance. \Vatchforit ! The lir > t.symptom of true ' croup N lioaixMiess , JUKI 'if CliamlH-'rlain's roiijth Heinwlyis trecly yiu-n at once and the ilose-s freiiiieiitly repeated , the dreail dis ease may be entirely ] > re\enteil and all rtan- jrcr and anxieh molded. Sold hv Willev & NValker and 3f. A. Spaldinc. LYTLE BROS. & CO. , DEALERS IN GENERAL HA WARE. - : - WIRE. IRON AND WOOD PUMPS , ETC. , McCOOK AND BENKELMAN , NEBRASKA. ! ' The First National Ban ! 3 ! OF MCCOOK , NEBRASKA. h E dO 0C ! < O O o O " ° i Q O 0 2 a : O n o - E e h P OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS : GEO. HOCKNELL , PRESIDENT. B. M. FREES , VICE-PRESIDENT. F. L. BROWN , CASHIER. A.CAMPBELL. R. O. PHILLIPS ,