EGGS FULL OF SNAKES. Xliey Arc Sold ILnreely In the Pr - lil Dillon States of Maine and * Rhode Island. Very distinct trails of tho serpent that biteth like an adder have been ob served in Maine , Rhode Island , anc t < other states where prohibitory laws are 18 supposed to be in force , says The Dos- ' ton Olobe , and the people who believe * * in no rum except for medicinal anc mechanical purposes have wonderec how the bad stulF came there , when so \ many paid officials are on hand to pre vent it In Maine it is a criminal of fense to sell anything harder than soda water , jet drunken men aro seen on .the streets of the larger towns every day , and the local judges are kept busy lining people for being intoxicated" The same results are noticed in Ehode Island , only to a larger degree. All these symptoms lead a philosophical mind to ask : "Where do they get their liquor ? Tho boats , cars , stages , ant express companies are all watched , nnd everything of a suspicious nature is overhauled and inspected daily where does the liquor come from ? " It comes from many sources. There are many holes in the legal skimmer , and every one leaks a little. A Hood is caused brain falling drop by drop. Given drops enough , and there would be another dclu eT In the first place , a great deal of liquor , particularly beer and ale , is shipped in barrels to grocers and marked "Bermuda onions" or ' Cincinnati hams , " or something oi that kind. Then there are plenty oJ coasters that como to Boston loaded with lumber and go back to Maine with a goodly supply of warming fluids stored away in sly places and delivered to those who want it in boats that land on the river banks at the side of lonely- woodland roads , and turn over their freight to innocent-looking farmers with faces as guileless as cherubs. In order to enumerate all the methods oJ supplying the thirsty in-tows where drunkenness is an abomination and liquor-selling a crime would require book ; and , as most everybody knows about it already , a repetition would be folly. Every move of the prohibition ists has been met by a counter-move by the men who want their toddy , and in spite of heavy fines and imprisonment , of constitutional amendments , and moral suasion the man who wants his morning cocktail can get it in any state in the union , provided he wants it bad enough. There is a little back office on Con gress street , near Franklin street , that looks very much like a small grocery store , kept by a neat old maid. On the counter is a pair of scales , a show case , brown paper , thread , and all the fixings of a country store. On the shelves against the wall are red tin boxes full of tea and jars and bottles innumerable. In front of the counter on the floor is a wooden egg-case , capa ble of holding forty-nine dozens when full , while near by is a small paste board-box , partitioned off into twelve compartments , in every one of which lies a big egg , white and clean as chalk. In fact , they are so very white that a man well acquainted withhen fruit" would at once suspect them of being nest eggs , such as unskilled pullets use for patterns when they begin to lay. Such , at least was the impression of a newspaper man who entered the place last week in search of fresh eggs. "There are some there , said the proprietor , pointing to the box , "that are as fresh as any in the city. I'll warrant them every time. " "How much are they a dozen ? " "One dollar. Don't be in a hurry , " continued the proprietor , with a smile. "Just take one of these and try it , and if you say you ever saw such eggs be fore I'll buy you a dozen at any mar ket in Boston. " Saying this he took np an egg. loosened the wax that ad hered to the small end , drew out a wooden plug , inserted a straw , pushed it over the counter , and said : "Xow she's all ready. Suck away. " The artist complied , and instead of tasting egg , he found his tongue as sailed by first-class sherry. The egg was no egg at all , but just a glass shell filled with wine and stopped up. A reliable hen or a twenty horse-power incubator might sit on one of these eggs for all eternity and not get a chicken. "It was one of my ideas , " remarked the grocer. "I got ifc up to sell in Maine and other places where such stuff is forbidden. The egg holds two- thirds of a gill , or two-thirds of a com mon whisky glass ; so you see , one will furnish a good square drink to any man who isn't a hog. "The eggs are made of common glass. At first I put on cemented cloth , but that leaked , and I had to plug the hole with wood and cover it with white wax. That works first rate. "As yet I have filled them with but three kinds of liquor whisky , sherry , and claret ; but I am going to make Borne brandy eggs soon. I sell my eggs for $1 a dozen and they retail for 15 cents each , though I shall have to ask a little more for those that have brandy. I studied up the idea about a month ago , and have applied for a patent on it , which I think 1 shall get. " "How many have you sold ? " "Oh , I haven'tpushed them much on account of not getting glass eggs fast enough. I have sold two hundred or three hundred dozen in Maine , and have about as many more ready to ship. As for Rhode Island , I haven't tried the market any to speak of. I find my eggs sell very well here. People want them as curiosities. If a man is on a train he can just reach down into his gripsay , take out an egg in his hand kerchief , put in his straw and pull away without attracting notice. Drum- r- mers and others who have used my l\Yf eggs say it is much better than to drink ou ? of a bottle. It don't draw any at tention. "When the glass factory with which I have a contract starts up again , I shall push my business for all it is worth. It is not illegal. The fact that I sell thSm for Si a dozen is enough to show they are not'eggs. . So far I have not sold them as eggs to anyone. A man orders so many dozens of me and tells me to ship them in egg cases. I send them as he directs to his address , and that is all there is to it So long us I have got a license to sell liquors at wholesale I don'I sec what they are go ing to do about it , If an ofiicer in Maine or Rhode Island finds they are not eggs , but liquor , he can seize the property , just the same as if it were in barrels or bottles. But that don't trouble me any. I sell my liquor in Boston , where I have a license. If they can iind any tiling wrong about it I have yet to learn where it is. " VANDERBILT'S NEW BOAT. Tho Most Elecnnt and Costly Private Steam Yaclit In tho "World. The new steam pleasure-yacht Alva , which is being built by the Harlan & Hollingsworth company , of this city , for Willian K. Vanderbilt , is rapidly approaching completion , writes a Wil mington ( Del. ) correspondent of The Philadelphia Press , and the hull will be ready for launching about the middle of next month. Meanwhile her ma chinery and fittings arc well advanced in the shops. The vessel will be the largest and probably the most elegant and costly private steam yacht in the world , surpassing Jay Gould's Atalan- ta , James Gordon Bennett's Nourmahal , or the late Mr. Tilden's Yoscmite. The vessel is built entirely of the best quality of steel both ribs and sheathing. She is 285 feet long over all , 252 feet on the load line , 32 feet 3 inches beam , aud 21 feet G inches depth of hold. She is built for classification in the highest class of the English Lloyds. She will be rigged as a three- masted schooner , with 'square topsail on the foremast. The propelling ma chinery will consist of and inverted double-action three- - surface-condensing - cylinder compound engine , the high- pressure cylinder being placed in tho center and "the low-pressure cylinders at each end. The high-pressure cylin der is thirty-two inches iu diameter , and the low-pressure cylinders each forty-five inches ; the stroke is forty- two inches. Besides this engine there will be reversing engines , pumping engines , turnover engines , for working the steam steering gear , windlasses , and electric-light machines , and for numerous other purposes in handling the ship. The propeller is a solid casting of manganese bronze made in Scotland , and arrived at the yard a few days ago. It has four blades , and is about ten feet in diameter. There are two boilers of the circular single end , horizontal tubular pattern , with four patent cur- rugated furnaces in each. They are made of the finest steel plates , one inch thick , and are seventeen feet in diam eter and ten feet long. They will stand back to back , with a lire-room at each end. The } ' are built to stand a work ing pressure at one hundred pounds to the square inch. Besides these there is a donkey boiler of steel for working the donkey and hoisting engines when steam is not on in the main boiler. The deck-houses of the vessel are of steel , bolted and framed into the main deck. The accommodations for the owner and his friends will be forward of the machinery , and will be of the most luxurious description. The cabins will be fitted up in chaste and elegant de signs , but without an overdisplay ol elaborate carving in hard-woods. There will be much pine used in the joinery work , that being considered by the builders as one of the best kinds o"f lumber for sea-going service. This will be finished mainly in white , with gold relief. ' The cabins will be lilted with mantels , fireplaces , electric incan descent lights , eleetrie bells , and every convenience to be found in the rooms of the most elegant mansions. There will be more than a dozen bath-rooms and closets , the plumbing of which will be of the very best character , aud air pressure will be kept on the water- tanks so that water will run from the faucets with a strong head without re quiring pumping. The carpets , up holstery , bedding , furniture , and all the fittings and furnishings will be of the most luxurious character. The accommodations for officers and crew will be aft the machinery. The officers' quarters will be fitted up ele gantly and with every appliance for comfort and convenience , while the sailors will have such quarters as will make the old-fashioned forcastle seem like the memory of a nightmare. This splendid pleasure-boat is not built especially for speed. As one of the builders said , "She is not intended for a harbor racer , but for a safe , strong , comfortable cruiser , in which lier owner and his friends may go in comfort and security around the world if they choose. She will probably de velop about fourteen knots per hour in ordinary weather. " The builders , by instruction of Mr. Vanderbilt , are not to make public the cost of this magnificent pleasure craft. The Bibliomaniac. They call him a crank. And yet I iave a very kindly regard for the Dibliomaniac. There is nothing modern about him. He lives in an atmosphere of musty unrealism that gets its ro mance from the years. The great world moves on next door to him , and ret for the life of him he couldn't tell rou what his bustling neighbor is doing , le has nothing in common with the resent. To him the nineteenth cen- ; ury is but the shadow of a substance gone before ; the poetry of the past is udissoluble from the realism of the jreseut ; the "good old days" arc a lung of reality and the coming j'ears a nightmare of "to-be's" that threaten the sanctity of the "has been. " He is i crank , but God bless him he has a icart , and impractical as he is the world is better for him. SI. Louis Chronicle. All Work anil Jfo Play. "An ordinary pianist , " says an emi nent baud loader , "can't play a bass drum , because he has no idea of time. Very few pianists have. " We don't cnre a cent because the ordinary pianist can't play the bass drum. Indeed. w ire rather glad that he can't. What worries its and the rest of the neighbor- jood is that he can't play the piano - either. Brooklyn Davl nnd the Lawyer * . A railroad 1ms been surveyed through Vermilion county. III. , Home time before and had taken a deed for an innocent old chap's farm , giving him in payment for it a lot of stock which was represented to be of par value. The farmer ultcrwnrd found that the stock was almost , if not quite , valueless , and brought suit in the Federal court to have the deed set aside nnd his farm returned to him. The case came up before Judge Davis. The railroad company had two or three of the shrewdest attor neys to be had , while the plaintiff was rep resented by a green country lawyer. It tvai evident Jroni the start that the defend ant's lawyers would outgeneral tho coun tryman at every turn , and so they did un til the evidence was all in and the case sub mitted for decision. "Gentlemen , " said Judge Davis , "I am familiar with the laws governing this rase and with all tho statutes touching such cases , but I know of no law to prevent a railroad company from stealing a man's farm. " The agentof thedefendant amannamed Griggs whispered to one of his attorneys that it was allright. The attorneys looked it each other with confident winks and settled back to hear the decision in their favor. "I know of no law 1o prevent a railroad company from stealing a man's farm , " re peated JudxoDavis , "but so long as I eiton this bench I will not permit them to keep it. Dpcision for plaintiff. [ Chicago News. BloivlUaudS. 'IVait Well-NIgli Ruined. "It Is not generally known , " said Mr. Hill , of the National Humane Society , "that the greatest trotting horso in the world came near being ruined by cruel treatment. When George Stone , of Cincin nati , found that a Kentucky mare which he had purchasedns a very speedy animal , he hired a man to train her. This man was cruel to the mare , and ho made but little headway in developing her speed. She be came obstinate and ugly , and not only re fused to work right in the sulky , but was vicious in her stable. Luckily this blunder ing , cruel trainer was discharged , and Wil liam Bair employed in his stead. Like the true horseman that he is , Bair is utterly unable to treat a horse cruelly. Heat once reversed the tactics of his predecessor , and began to treat the mare with kindness. She quickly responded with better behav ior , and in a short time became affection ate and obedient. Whereas , her former master was afraid to go into the stall un less she was securely tired , Bair taught her to pick apples out of his coat pocket. As soon as the man and beast had established these unpleasant relations , good results be gan to appear. The mare's speed devel oped rapidly , and she was soon able to make the famous record of 2:10J.J. : A year or so more of cruel treatment and Aland S. would have been ruined. [ Chicago Herald. Common sense will indicate the certain tendency of a neglected cold to the lungs ; prevent such a termination by using Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup for that cough. Price 25 cents. _ _ _ _ _ Dr. Franklin' * Gallantry. Dr. Franklin was one of the most gallant of men , even after he was well advanced in years. I remember to have seen in the government library at Pario the original , in bad French , of a note written by him to Mme. Helvetius , wife of the illustrious phil osopher. "Mr. Franklin never forgets any party where Mme. Ilelvetins is to be. He even believes that if he were engaged to go to paradise this morning he would make application to be permitted to remain on earth till 1:30 o'clock to receive the em brace which she has been pleased to prom ise him upon meeting at the house of Mr. Turgot. " [ Ben : Perley Poore in Boston Budget. TIio Best Sent in a Car. The old question of which is the best seat in the car was up for discussion. The man in a duster said there wasn't any choice. One seat was as good as another. The passenger with a pink and saffron carpet bag said he preferred the ' 'eendseatnearest the engine. " The old gentleman with the wabbly eye and a smell of bad liquor on his breath said he had hoard that the middle of a car was safest. "That's all right , " put in the drummer with the gay suit , white hat , and patent leather shoes , "but you don't any of you seem to know the best seat in a car. There's a vastdifferenceintheseats every body knows that but it's not so much in the seats themselves as in who's sitting in them. Now , for instance , if I go into a car and there's a seat only half occupied , and that by a pretty g " "Peanuts , apples , cigars' ' " cried tho train boy in locomotive-like voice , and the grate ful passengers purchased his whole stock and told him to tell the conductor to keep an eye on the crazy man wearing the white hat and patent-leather shoes. [ Chicago Herald. Salvation Oil , the celebrated Am erican remedy , is guaranteed to cure rheumatism , sore throat , swellings , bruises , bums and frost-bites Price only twenty-five cents a bottle. The law compels no one to do impossi bilities. The Omaha Typs foundry can furnish new newspaper outfits on short notice. Prices same as in Chicago and freight already paid to Omaha. What great thing soever a man proposed to do in his life , he should think of achiev ing it by fifty. No one knows better than those who have used Carter's Little Liver Pills what relief they have given when taken for dys pepsia , dizziness , pain in the side , constipa tion , disordered stomach , &c. Try them. Signatures made with a pencil are good in law. Send 40 names of young men and women to Omaha Commercial College , lll-i Far- iiam street , and receive College Journal 'ree one year. The New York aqueduct has killed fifty- iwo persons. For removing dandruff and curins all scalp diseases , use Hall's Hair Kenewer. Ayer's Ague Cure is acknowledged to be he standard remedy for fever and ague. Every man is the maker of his own for- une , and must be , in some measure , the trumpet otjiis fame. Tho Omaha Typ * foundry can furnish lew newspaper outfits on short notice. Prices same as in Chicago nnd freight already paid to Omaha. Constant dropping wears away stones , -ind by diligenceuiul patience the worm ate 11 two cable. EDUCATE YOUR SONS. them with a legacy that cannot bo squandered and send them to the UNIVEKSITY 01NOTUE DAME , an institution now in its forty-third year , and unsurpassed for its advantages to im part to your sons and wards a thorough and finished education , cithcrin a thorough commercial ( business ) course , which is a distinguishing feature of Notre Dame uni versity , or in a full course , which comprises classics , law , science , mathematics and music. Special advantages are offered to students ol the LAW DEPARTMENT. THE MINIM Dl a separate institution ( St. Edward's hall ) for boys under 12 yeara of age , who aro taught by SISTKHS OP THE HOLY CROS3 , under whose maternal care they pass nearly tho entire day in receiving instruc tion iu all the elementary branches of an English education together with a funda mental knowledge of Latin , French. Ger man , vocal music , violin , piano and draw ing , preparatory to enter either the junior or senior classes of the university. Board , washing , mending , tuition and entrance fee for session of five months in Minim department , 5130. The eighty-fifth session will open on Tues day , September 7 , 1SSO. Before concluding where to place yourson or ward send for a catalogue , which will be sent free , giving you full information of the University of Notre Dame. Address , Rev. T. E. WALSH. C. S. U. , President University , Notre Dame , Ind. A ITEOST LIBERAL OFFER ! THE VOLTAIC BELT Co. , Marshall , Mich , offer to send their Celebrated VOLTAIC BELTS and Electric Appliances on thirty days' trial to any man afflicted with Nervous De bility , Loss of Vitality , Manhood , &c. Il lustrated pamphlet i.v SEALED with full particulars , mailed free. Write them at once. Two brothers are running for governor in Tennessee. A JPafii in tliu Side Often Comes from theLiver , and is relieved by UAHTCH'S LITTLE LIVEH PILLS. A receipt lor money is not always conclu sive. Don't fail to see the BATTLE OP GETTYS- Buito when you visit Om Jia. Special ratea to excursion parties. D.H. Wheeler , Jr , Sac'y It is very unfair in any writer to employ ignorance and malico together. THOSE who are trying to break up the baneful habit of intemperance will experi ence great benefit from the use of Prickly Ash Bitters. Liquors derange the system. Prickly Ash Bitters will remedy the evil re sults and restore the brain , stomach and liver to healthy action , thereby strengthen ing the will power , thoroughly cleansing and toning up the system and remove taint of disease. It is purely a medicine and while pleasant to the taste , it cannot be used as a beverage by reason.of its cathartic properties. Ridicule dishonors more than dishonor. The boys who recenty ! went to Bur lington , Iowa , to attend Elliott's Bus iness College , are well pleased and commend the school highly. "Well , I'll bs hanged ! " exclaimed the as tonished Chicago Anarchist. Sane CURE FOR RHEUMATISM. Cure guar anteed in all cases. Use Perry Davis' Vege table Pain Killer according to directions , and it will cure ninety-nine cases out ol every hundred. Try it , it surely will not hurt you. Cleveland has taken to the woods. Reduced from § 1.50 to 75c per year , Weekly State Journal and Lincoln Month ly. Best news and educational papers in Nebraska. Send money at once to Lin coln business college , Lincoln , Neb. Wrnr EO HinnlcR around with yourboo's ran over ? Lyoa'g Jlecl StlHeucrs will keep them straight. The old Sunday-school teacher was a striking switchman. For Cuts , Galls , Old Sores , Scratch es , Thrush , etc. , use Stewart's Heal ing Powder , 15 and 50 cents a box. If j ou cannot get a ride , take a walk. Young people all over the country are preparing to attend ( he Iowa City Com mercial College , one of the oldest and best schools in the west. Pride is seldom delicate ; it will please itself with very mean advantages. The Frazcr Axle Grease lasts four times as long as any other. Uso it , and save your horses and wagons. The Denver & Rio Grande western rail way's receiver has been discharged. 'So Regulate the Stomucli , Liver And bowels , take CARTEII'S LITTLE LIVEI : PILLS. 25c. Principals are responsible for the acts 01 their agents. The best coush medicine Is riso's Cure for Con sumption. Sold everywhere. 2jc. What Is the Use Of your dragging yourself aronnd , day after day. without auy life or acthlty , feeling all tired out ami miserable , when you might he as quick and lively and strong as ever ? Take care of yourself at once , or In the depleted condition of your system , a com plaint otherwise trivial , may fasten upon yon with serious or fatal result. Hood's Sarsaparilla is jn- the medicine you need to bulk ! up your entire RJS tern , to purify and quicken your hlood. and to pl\c you appetite and strength. "Hood's Sarsaparilla as a hleo'J purlfler has B- equal. It tones the system , strengthens and InrU orates , giving new life. I have taken It for ki Ine/ ' complaint vUth the be t results. " D. II. SxrxDEn . 81 Tcarl Street , Cincinnati , Ohio. "I had salt rl.cum over nearly my entire body. It Is impossible to describe my sufferings. When I began to take Hood's Sarsapariila the disease bezan to subside , the watery pimples , with their agonizing Itch and rain , disappeared , and now I am cured. * ' LYJIAN ALLKX , Xo. Chicago , 111. Hood's Sarsapariila Sold by all druggists. t > l ; sis for * 5. Prepared by C. I. HOOD & CO. , Apothecaries. Lowell , Mass. , IOO Doses One Dollar A Total Eclipse of nil other medicines by Dr. R. V. Pierco's "Golden Medical Discovery" i. " npproucli ing. Unrivalled in bilious disorders , impure blood , nnd consumption , which is t-crofu lous disease o ( the Inn ; : * . Tho waiters ol Tnris have struck for higher wages. Ocllcnto of either ser , however induced , promptly , thoroughly tint ) permanently cured. Sent 10 ccnta in stumps for large illustrated treatise. AVorld's Dispensary Medical As sociation. CCI5 Main Street , .Buffalo , N. Y The Cutting case Cutting rates on the trans-Atlantic lines. Yenra Teach Jflore Tlinii ISooItM. . Among other valuable lessons impartcc by this teaelier id tlie fact that for n very longtime Dr. Tierce's "Golden Medical Dis coverhas been the princo of liver correc tives and blood purifiers , being the house hold physician of the poor man , and tho able consulting physician to the rich pi : tieufc , ami praised by all for its magnificent service and eflicacy in all diseases of i chronic nature , ns malarial poisoning , ail merits of the respiratory and digestive sys tema , liver disease nnd in all cases where tho use of an alterative remedy is indicated Tho slowest sailing craft may easily be mado faBb to its moorings. If afflicted with Sore Eyes , nso Dr. Isaac Thoinpson'8 Kje Water. Druggists sell II. > The days are shortening at both ends. Eyery strain or csld attacks that ireak back and nearly prostrates yon. THE FSJY Tgjsaic * , & 3a u & i"ilcCia isiiB the Eliwcles , Stefi < ! ic3 tuo Nerves , Enricuctf the Blood , ( Jives NOTT Vigor. Ms. JOHN W. KEKT. Stirtrillo. Col. , aaj-s : "For tho pabt twelve years I heve Butferoil with pains iu my back. I omd Brotvn's Iron Bittern with great benefit. I feel bolter now than I have for twol o yearn. " Miss Lizzm BREXIUX. &M5 Cooko AT * . . St. Loni' , JIo. . g ra ; " I suffered with f pitnl wsaknesn. pains in mT baclcand rlo-pka * nights. I tried evnry conceiv able muody without much benefit. Four bottltn of Brown's Iron ttitters have relieved mo , and I cheer- folly recommend it. " Genuine ha * abora Trade Mark and crogstd red linos on wrapper. Take no other. Made only by BROWN C1IEMIOA.I , CO. . HALT I MOKE. MIX ITlSAPUaEQ'VEBETAai.EPREPARAIICH PRICKC 5ENNA-MANDRAKE-BUCHU Mia OTHER C3UAUyCfriClEHr REMEDIES It has stood the Tost of Years , " in Curing all Diseases of the BLOOD , LIVE3 , STOM ACH , EIS.&c. ItPurifieatha Bleed , Invigorates and Cloanses the System. BFTTEHS DYSFEPSIA.CONSTI- CURES PATION , JAUNDICE , A1LDISEASESDFTHE SICXEEADACHE.BIL- UVER IOUSCOMPLAINTS&c under disappear at once KIDMSYS its beneficial influence. STOMACH Itiapurely a Medicine AND as its cathartic proper ties forbids its pso as a BOWELS , beverage. It is pleas ant to tne taste , and as easily taken by child ren a P31GKLV ASH BITTERS CO jjPRlCElDOLLAR Solo Proprietors , , ; Sxiouis cud KANSAS CITT or pirn in tbe Rheumatic line bare I had tlnce uilyg ATHLOPHOROS two jein 150. It mide & tfcoroush core in jay cut. " 31r5. Ella Smith , (1 : , " . 5oiter Street , SpringCeM , O. Alhloptoros is abfolutely cafe , containing co opium , morphine orotber Injurious Ingredient , and is a sure cure for Khcnrnctism. Ask jour druggiit for .Uhlo- pboros. If you caunot get it of him do not tiy something else > * ut order a : occe fronin : . Ve will tend It exprcsi pilion rtcsirt ofpnct , 31.00 pfr bottle. ATHLOPHORCS CO. . 112Wall St. JTewYork. FACE , HAXDS , FE 1T1.J ill Ilieir impcrfKtioni. including 7aeV , Derelep citDt , Superncom Hair. Birth Mfti , Ald'ei , W rti , Mutti , Frecfcln , Red Suit , Anir , Blx-k ll * di. Scan , Pittinz nd ln r treatment , Dr. JOHN H. WOODBURY , Jlll > 3n/\.T. EuVJ ! 7v > . b.ncilCc.lorLo D-afnea ? anl Xa < M Catarrh permanintly cured. Gla-nse * J ntted for all form * of dcfec- insartcd. Aijdreeg Pr. IMPJEY. Omtlia. > 'eh. NE-OPIUM Kablt Painlessly CurcU at Home. Treatment sent on trial and NO PAY asked until you arc benefited. Terms Low. I Hurnnno Kedcdy Co. , JLaFaycttc , Int ! . STUDY. Boolc-kcepln ? . Duslnes' Furms renmanslilp.Arilhnietic- 'land. ' etc. . thorou h'v ' taught by mall. Circulars nee. BKYA ? fS CJOL.LKGUulTalo , K.Y. CS3332 ! ? 3SZ2SSK5vaiSS Snre rolicf t pmnw A ir } < nP5'O { QSeTJ ! I CO rnceX > cts.flMilMa \5bJJIhbjJib iiLLcb.bymail. Stowell&CO. j AVEKPORT BUSINESS COLLEGE SHH J -ATAUXUE TO UCXCASTjS l > ni uport , Io : > . & Board . for 3 lire | Vonof Men or Ladies in each connty P.W. 2LEGLEK 4 CO. Cnicaco. lit KNICKS coisx EXTRACTOU cure * BUNIOXS. Drucctits sell It. or br mall 2oc. of W. K. PKNICK , St. Jns-ph. Mo. Morphine Habit Curedln 10 lo--iO Uy . Xoway till Cared. Uc J. bTxrux.vs. Lelmnoa. 01:13. > < W. X. U. . Omaha 32G--3G. I § ij | i VTSCVEKI A SLY KISS 16 SOS AEET , ATSEIEVTZEN : THsvnE NICER STILL , * * ATCEVENTY : TO STEAL ONE NOW * * THEN'S A TE T TMEYCTHL K EEPU ? TH O LO , UIO GAM ? . Smith's liilc .Keiiis nr < - s. poeitiTe cure for Biliomnecs , Tla orieinnl Paotojrranh .pan- ' Sick Headache , Constii'stloa , and Indigestion. DOSE : OHE el size , of this picture sent oa re- BEAN. They stimulate the Liter and act freely on thcKotr- ceiptoHPc in'stampa. Address. els without griping , sickening tho Stomach , > * r weakening BILE .BKANS , the system. Pric 2Ec. per Bottle. For saU bjr all Druggists. SI. .Louis , . Is Tte Best ? WaleprooiGoat [ 5 Eer Hale. Kane rtnalna onlen Dcn't wa < 5te yoar moner on a frcm cr rntber coat. The FISH BRAND SLICKEH [ stamped wlUi the . above h absolutely vnfor and vt-wtrsoor. and will kcfi ) you drv in tlio hardest storm _ _ _ TRAIIE _ Mine. _ _ Aclorthe"KISH.KRAKD" LcKiitandtakenoother. _ _ 1f jourstoreke'pcrdoe- not liae the " Satlio groat Blood I'lirlflorandLUs-s.Miic Principle ; a Gentle I'nrgathoam ! Tonic ; a ; A-rect Kenovutor and Inv orutor of tha system. In Yincffur Ktlttora theru In vitiHir bui no alcoholieor mineral poison. Diseases of tlto Skill , of whatever aami or natim > , nro literally dnjr up and carried ois of thosypteminasliorttlracbyuiou3co tlioi3i'i0i-a. Vluf sfHr BUior.s allays Ieverislinesa. lu re- Hovea , cud iu time cures Kbeumntism , Nesirat Ia. Gout , and similar painful diseases. Vinegar 13 liter * cures Constipation and prevents Diarracsa. Pfovcr before has a medidtio bca com pounded postfesiins the power oC VurcaAR UIT- TEKS to heal the eiclr. Sond for either of our valuable reference books for ladies , for farmers , for niercliauta , our Medical Treatise on Diseases , cr our C'atcchlfpi on Intemperancs and Tobacco , which last should be road by every child and youth in tho Ian J. Any two of the above books mallet ! ireo on receipt of four cents for registration face , B.n. MeDonaldDrug Co. . B33 VTaghinRtonSt. , K.Y EIHAUSTELfffllTY. ILLUSTRATED SA3IM.E mm THYSELF , A Great Mertlo 1 Work on > : .iuhoo < l , NerTOUn snJ Physical Debility. Premature Di-cllns In JIftii. Kx- aauiteil Vitality. Ac. , ie _ and the utUulil inlsorlea resulting from InJUcretlou cr evcessen ; SOU pa/ej. inbstamUlly bound In gilt , muslin. ConUliu mor > tbau 12 Invaluable prcucrlplluni. embracing every vegetable retnpilr In the pbaruiActrpla for oil acute nd chronic illiea e . It Is en.phatlcallr a boob for every man. Price only II by mall pontpald , concealed Iu plain wrapper.- ILLUSTRATIVE SAMPLE FREE TO AI.1 , voune and middle nzed men fur the next ninety days , brntl now , or cut tuu out. ai you rnuy never ler It tc-iln. Address DR. W. II. PARKEU.4 Bulflnch St. , Bust in. K. B. Pr. Purser can ba confidentially ccnsulted an all diseases nf man. hl BpecUltle NEWSPAPER OUTFITS ou Sliort IVoiicc From Oiualia at < Ciiciso ; Prices. SECOHD-EiHD GOODS CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. OMAHA TYPE FOUNDRY , Omaha , Neb. , 12th and Howard. ASK FOR THE Button and Lace. 078 ask for th MV. I Douglas' 83.00 Shoe. Same styles 3 the 13 00 Shoe. If yon cannot cet these shoes from deal- era , lend addreas'on postal card to W. L. Douglas. Brockton , Mass. LeadingNos. ! : 14,048,130,135 , 333,161. For Sale by all Stationers. THE ESTEREROOK STEEL PEN CO. , flTorks : Camden , N. J. 26 John St. , Hew Yorffc PAYStheFRESGHT 5 Ton Wncon Scales , Iron LtTtrs , St'tl Hcirinjj , J2rui Tare Beasi end Er m Bor for ETcrr IiSc ! e. for fr'f pr'ee list mention thtw paper ml lubir'ci J3MES OF B1HGMAMTQ- ? . JJINGHAJITON , N. Y. ffl fr BT Ji.n.unuii HiJij.n ocuu. | fefiiii&l : Guaranteed Strictly Pure. Best Lead Made. M by US , 607 , and Leafc RaHIs H. T. CLABKE DRTJG CO. , Aeiit , Omaha aud Lincoln * a positive remedy forth * abora ui ea.i * ; byitsnsi Inociandl of cac of th wont kind aj of lone CUndlcs lavt been cured. Ind6 4. * stronc I * my faith In ! IJ eCcacy. Jiatlwlll t.nj TWOBOTTLS3 TREE , tozst&er trlth a TAL- UBLE TREATISE oa tlil < rnny sufferer. 6rra x > irua ni f. O. address. D8. T.A. . SIjOCCU , 111 fearl St. , N.Y. CURES WHi. . . Beat Couch Syrup in imc. Soli Survival of the Fittest A FAMILY MEDICIXE THAT HAS HE HEM MILLIONS UttU.VG 35 TEARS ! Mill ! j A BAMI roir HVCBY 2IAIV AIVI > SEASTI The Oldest & Best Liniment ! EVER HADE Itf AilEEJCA. SALES LARGER THAITSVEB. Tho Jlorican Mustang Liniment been known for more than thirty- 3years as tlic best of all Liaimrnts. 5Man an < l IJeast. Its Bales to-rtav giarger thaii ever. It cuies wli.n Bothers fail , and penetrates skin . Jancl muscle , to the very bone. 5old