VOLUME V. McCOOK , RED WILLOW COUNTY , NEBRASKA , THURSDAY , AUGUST 26 , 1886. NUMBER 13. THE SEAS APPROA WHEN YOU WANT A CHANGE. WE ARE HERE TO ASSIST YOU. . OUR STOGK OF ; MEN'S , BOYS' AND CHILDREN'S HATS AND CAPS ; ' Has Arrived Come and Inspect Our Handsome Assortment. ll you send the Boys to school ? If s'o we are receiving a full and complete line of Serviceable School Suits and odd pants. Anything f Everything in Dry Goods , ClothingFurnishings. . HARD TIMES ! FIRST QUALITY WARRANTED STEEL Barbed Wire AT 4 % CENTS F > RR POUND. These Prices are for Spot Cash AND DURING AUGUST ONLY. r- W. C. LaTOURETTE & CO. EVERYTHING NEW ! McCracken's Jewelry Store WHEN YOU WANT A Watch , Clock , Jewelry , OR . Always go to McCracken's first and. save time and money and you will invariably find just what you are looking for. Beware of buying from those outside the regular jewelry busi ness. There is no advantage of dealing with uuprincipled trad ers , deceiving they care not who. McCracken. is a square dealer . and guarantees satisfaction. Only first-class work done and . warranted. EAST SIDE MAIN AVENUE , McCOOK , NEBRASKA. B. & M. TIME TABLE. EAST LEAVES : KAST LEAVES : No.2 0:40 , A. M. 1 No. 40 3:2Tj , P. M. "WEST LEAVES : WEST LEAVES : No. 39 12:50. P. M. I No.l 8:35 , P.M. E Eastbound trains run on Central Time , and westbound trains on Mountain Time. Freight trains do not carry passengers. It. R. WOODS , Agent. SOCIETY DIRECTORY. CONGREGATIONAL Preaching services every Sunday morning at 11 o'clock , andeven- ingat 7:30 o'clock. Sunday School at 10 o'clock , A. M. , all mountain time. JOEL S. KELSET , Pastor. METHODIST. Services every Sunday at 10 : 30 A. M. and 7:30 P. M. . mountain time. Sun day School at 3 P. M. All are cordially invited. Seats free. W. S. WHEKLEK , Pastor. LUTHER AX Services the second and fourth Sundays of each month at 130 : ! , A. M. , and 8:00 , P. M. , cenrail time , at the School House J. W. KIMMEL , Pastor. CATHOLIC. Services will be held in the church once every fouryeeks. . THOMAS CULLEX ; Pastor. A. O. TJ. W. McCook Lodge No. 61 , will meet the first and third Mondays of each month in the Masonic Hall. Visiting brethren cordially invited. DK. D. B. DAVIS , M.V. . W. H. DAVIS. Recorder. McCooK LEGION No. 7 , SELECT KNIGHTS , A.O. or U.W. Meets every second and fourth Tuesday evenings of each month in Masonic Hall. All visiting comrades cordially invited to assemble with us. S. D. HUNT , A. H.DAVIS , Recorder. Commander. McCOOK LODGE A. F. & A. M. Regular meetings on the first and third Tuesday evenings of each month. S. L. GHEE * , W. M. W. S. WEBSTEK , Secretary. McCOOK CHAPTER , U. D. Meets on the first and third Thursdays of each month , at Masonic Hall. Visiting companions cordially invited. W. W. FISHEK , H. P. T. G. REES , Secretary. CONSTANTINb COMMANDERY. U. D.- Meets every second and fourth Thursday nights in each month. Visiting Sir Knighta courteously invited. E. E. LOVTMAN , E. C. S. COKDEAL , Recorder. "WILLOW GHOVE LODGE K. or P. , No. 42. Meets every Wednesday evening .t Masonic Hall. Hall.J. J. W. CAMPBELL , C. C. C. H. BOYLE , K. R. S. I. O. O. F. McCook Lodge No. 137 , T. O. O. F. , meets every Friday evening , at 7 o'clock , in Masonic Hall. All visiting brothers are invit ed to meet witn us. H. H. BERRY , N. G. H. TKOWBKIDGE , Permanent Secretary. B. OF L. E. Brotherhood of Locomotive En gineers. Meet first and fourth Saturdays of each month. S. E. HOGE , Chief. J. C. AXDEIISOX , F. A. E. J. K. BARNES POST G. A. R. Regular moet- ings second and fourth Monday evenings of each month at Masonic Hall. J. A. WILCOX , Commander. J. H. YAHGEU , Adjutant. UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE McCOOK , NEBRASKA. 0. L. LA7TS , Sestitsr. 5. P. BiBCCCS , 2eei7ir. OFFICE Hoons : From 9 A. M. to 12 M. , and 1 to 4 P. M. , mountain time. THE COMMERCIAL HOTEL , Gm E. JOHNSTON , PROP. McCOOK , : : 2TEBBASKA. This house has been completely renovated and refurnished throughout , and is first-class in every respect. Kates reasonable. 4-36 WILLIAM McINTYRE , CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER , CULBERTSON. NEBRASKA. All work warranted. All material furnished if desired. Work done on short notice. JOHN F. COLLINS , CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. McCOOK. - - NEBRASKA. ll reeehe prompt attention at my shop on Uennbon St. , opposite McCoot Koue. Plans and specificationfurnished If de rert. SPOTTS FASHIONABLE BARBERS & HAIR CUTTERS. Oppo-ite Chicago Lumber Yard , MAIN STREET. - JIcCOOK. SEBKASKA. A I PT Send 10 cents postage , and. we A ML I willmailyouviuiEaroyal.val- ll 11 I uable , sample box of goods VII I that will put you in the way of making more money at once , than anything ( I else in. America. Both sexes of all ages can t i live at home and work in spare timiv or all the time. Capital not required. "We will start you. Immensepaysure for those who start at once. j 4-25-lyr. Smfsojf & Co. , Portland , Maiae. | t WE see by the dispatches from Ari zona that old Geroniino is in a tnip. "We are sorry for the bait. IT may be that civil service reform will have to be abolished , simply to save this administration from becoming chronic liars. THE indications are that Secretary Bayard's brain is getting too heavy for , his backbone in the Cutting affair. Providence Journal. THE president remarked to a visitor at one of his receptions the other day : "It is very warm todayand a Boy in the crowd rang a chestnut bell. UP in Dakota they are utilizing the tramn to do the crow-act. That is , for food , aitd a small remuneration , the tramp consents to act as a scarecrow in the wheat fields. "PLEASE , sir , how will you have your steak ? " shyly asked the pretty waiter girl. "Well done , good and faithful servant , " ' said the dignified young stu dent , impressively. THE people of Trenton are preparing to have a grand harvest home jubilee pic-nic , next Saturday , August 28th. If you want to enjoy such an occasion be sure to participate with them. AUDACITY is the chief weapon of Muscovite diplomancy. While other powers were shedding gallons of ink in correspondence Russia stepped in and tore the crown from the head of the Bulgarian prince. M. De Geirs acts first and explains afterward. JEFFERSON DAVIS , in addressing a Democratic t convention , said , "Fellow Mississippians , I can not address you as fellow citizens. " But he would only have had to have hinted that he wanted it different to the present Congress. The fellow citizens he marched with are in the saddle and call the roll. THE Lincoln Daily Democrat shows the happy , enlivening inspiration of the "Genial Topics Man's' ' facile , graceful quill. Calhoun has the rare faculty of stating matters with the greatest pun gency and incisiveness , yet withal in the most apparent good humor. His bitterest medicine is administered on the sweetest couvevance. CHICAGO puts her foot , and our read ers will appreciate what that signifies , down on anarchists in a most emphatic manner. Seven of the ring-leaders have been sentenced to death , and one to 15 years imprisonment , for their share in the Hay-market affair. The wholesome lesson will be applauded and supported by every law-abiding citizen in the nation. A NEWSPAPER published in Illinois recently brought suit against 43 men who would not pay their subscription , and obtained in each case a judgment for the full amount of the claim. Of these , 23 made affidavit that they owned no property in excess of what the law allowed them , thus preventing an at tachment. Tlrtjn under the new law of congress making the taking of a news paper from a post-office , without paying for it , theft.they were arrested for petit larceny and were bound over in the sum of $300 each. All but six gave bail , and the others went to jail. LYTLE BROS. & CO , DEALERS IN GENERAL HARDWARE. MARSHALLTOWi iRIEDi WIRE , IRON AND WOOD PUMPS , ETC. , McCOOK AND BENKELMAN , NEBRASKA. . . . 3VCTU. - - ! m $ The First National Banl OF MCCOOK , NEBRASKA. j < h e-- d 01 d < : o o u o o " f-\ Q O" ยง & o o x e h D OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS : GEO. HOCKNELL , PRESIDENT B. M. FREES , VICE-PRESIDENT , F. L , BROWN , CASHIER. A.CAMPBELL. R. O. PHILLIPS. .