Thursday. August igth , 1886. Indicates that your subscription'to this X paper HAB EXPIRED , and that n cordial Invitation Is extended to call and renew the sarno. . Subscription , $2 per year. Local Intelligence. at THE TRIBUNE office for cfiyap stationery , pen holders , pens. J = gTGo to W. W. Palmer for your harness. 32-tf. and cold-baths at the Com mercial Hotel. N * @fl , 000 , 000.00 to loan on farms Agee & Wiley. Money to loan on improved farms Agee & Wiley. Money loaned to persons to make final L * proof. Agee & Wijey. A full line of hardware , stoves and tinware at C. D. Palmer's. Sewing machines sold at cost at the Metropolitan Drug Store. Money to loan , 3 or 5 years time. J. D. Turner , McCook , Neb. B2 ? Baths , both hot and cold , at Johnston's Commercial Hotel. All kinds of sheet-iron , tin and cop per work done at C. D. Palmer's. Money to loan on final proof or deed ed land. J. D. Turner , McCook. C. D. Palmer , opposite McEntee , is the best place to buy your hardware. E = S ( The Commercial Hotel baths , hot and cold , finest in Western Nebrako. If you want the best gasoline stove , go to C. D. Palmer's , opposite McEntee. Money to loan on annual or semi annual interest. J.D. Turner , McCook. The hungry man's paradise is at Barney Holer's restaurant , next door to P. 0. Proof was made on the Hayes Centre townsite , Monday , by Judge Tate and others. If you want a nice buggy at reasona ble figures please call on G. B. Nettle- ton , agent. The City Bakery's bread is known all along the B. & M. west of here for its excellence. Fine candies , fruit , cigars and to bacco at Barney Hofer's restaurant , nest door to P. 0. Pianos and organs rented at the Met- ropolitan Drug Store until the rent pays 4for the instrument. Please do not forget to call and settle your account with me at once , and oblige , W. W. PALMER. G. W. Bede & Co. have some special bargains in real estate. Office 4th door south of TJ. S. Land office. 27-tf. All who hunger and thirst for a good square meal should go to Barn/jy Hof er's restaurant , next door to postoffice. G. B. Nettleton is agent for a horse power feed grinder , with attachment for shelling corn or any other kind of rotary work. FOR SALE 50 head of young mares and 20 head of mules. Lindner & Er- man , Hotel.Neb. . Barn west of Commercial Hotel. Take all work to McCracken , the Jeweler. He turns out good work only and guarantees what he does. East side of Main Avenue. I now offer my store room on Main street , as good a location as in the city , for sale cheap for cash , from now to September 1st. W. W. PALMER. Two car-loads of Sutton flour just received by Belnap & Harvey. Em bracing the following popular brands : Eclipse , Western Rose and Magnolia. A bargain for some one in purchasing the stock and fixtures of a well-estab lished harness business in McCook. Being obliged to go east , I will sell at a sacrifice. W. W. PALMER. The City Bakery has just received a large and fine assortment of fresh can dies. If you want something tooth some in the candy line , the City Bakery is the place to get it. Probst Bros. ' are selling more of their excellent bread than ever , and shipping immense quantities west daily. Their well earned reputation has secured for them a custom that keeps them as busy as bees to fill. Parties wanting a piano , or arc think ing of purchasing one sometimebe sure and call on F. L. McCracken for prices first. I have a sample of one of the .vbest make. Will sell any make at low- ' * est prices and on terms to suit. Don't forget this. vr G. B. Nettleton has just received another car "load of * those celebrated "Challenge Windmills. " By the way , out of over 100 he has now running , only 5 have ever made any trouble , which trouble was caused by quick sand in the well or lack of water. NOTICE. Parties owing ma on account will please call and settle the same at . once , and avoid further trouble and 9xpns9. W > E. FRY , - " S"Commercial Hotel Baths. An ice famine is likely to come upon us. Hymen i& preparing for some active work , this fall. Indianola was largely represented in the city , Tuesday. Our city churches are not so well at tended as they might be , with profit. An immense amount of money is. be ing loaned in this county , just now , on real estate security. The Republican County Convention will be held at Indianolzr , Saturday , Aug. 21st , at 1 o'clock , P. M. The extra edition of THE TRIBUNE , last week , was exhausted in less than 24 hours , and still the demand continues. * Our west end hardware man , C. D. Palmer , has disposed of his branch store at Akron to E. Duenwig of that place. Akronin , common with all live towns , is pestered with those barnacles bums possessing the usual superabundant gall. Rev. Joel S. Kelsey will speak next Sunday evening at the Congregational church uponThe Value of a Public Library. " To "hew to the line , let the chips fall where they will , " is occasionally the necessary , though frequently unpleasant ! province of the journalist. A 10-months old child of J. J. Odem of South McCook was buried , Tuesday , another victim of cholera infantum. Mr. Odem is an employe of the B. & M Divine services will be held in the Catholic church as follows : September 12th ; October 10th ; November 1st ; No vember 7th ; December 5th ; December 25th. 25th.The The First National people have pur chased the corner lot west of the Com mercial House. Consideration$800. It is one of the most valuable business lots in the city. It is reported that the store room in the brick to be erected by Y. Franklin , on the corner opposite the Citizens Bank , will be occupied by "The Famous Clothing Company. " The residence of Stanton Rollain , the eastern part of the city , was struck by lightning , Monday night , though with out damage , except putting the light ning rods out of shape. After a lingering illness , Thos. Coifer's infant son died , Tuesday evening. The funeral took place , yesterday afternoon. The parents have the sympathy of the community in their bereavement. It just costs the distingue , frenchi- fied appearing gambler in the rear of Saylor's saloon , $20 per month to carry on his illegal game. It costs the "suckers" considerably more , it is unnecessary to state. state.We We understand that Frank McGee of the McEntee House has purchased the Commercial Hotel at Hastings Tvhich he will conduct in person. Mr. Jordan it is stated will manage the McEntee of this city. * Our Main avenue merchant tailor , R. Drysdale , has purchased the second lot north of the Commercial Hotel where he will , next week , commence the erection of a frame building 16x30 feet. Collins has the contract. The gamblers purchase indulgence at a $20 per month rate. The unfortunate women at half rate , $10. At the end of this term , the people will give the > resent Mayor a free indulgence in a est from further public service. THE TRIBUNE entertains no regard or unlawful practices , evasion of or non-compliance with the statutes. We shall criticise such a course , such meas ures , fearlessly , though we hope fairly , although unpleasant the task may be. "The right is the right come praise or blame what may. The right will iroduce more right and be its own re- vard in the end a reward altogether ndefinite , for God will meet it with what is deeper than all right ; namely lerfect love. " Encourage every movement that has 'or its ultimate aim the social , literary or intellectual improvement and ad- rancement of our city and community , 'n these important features let us keep ibreast the material progress and pros- icrity of the community. he possess- on of all are necessaiy for the fullest success and enjoyment. FIRST THIS SUMMER Thomas Whit- uer received a letter from his son at ' Dallas Iowa last Satur- r'erry , county , , - lay , in which the son stated that they were then having a rain , which promised o be light , "the first rain this summer. " Joor Iowa. Come to the "Great Ameri can Desert , ' ' properly equipped with licker and guiu boots , and take point ers on rain , crops , etc. The nest time Mr. Coleman , of Red Willow county , sends the Bee samples of Republican valley corn we trust he will kindly forward an extension ladder along with the stalks. It is difficult to examine fourteen-feet specimens in any other way. Our plan of carrying them out in the back yard and making the inspection from a second story window will pass occasional muster , but it is not as convenient as we could wish. Omaha Bee , Call at THE TRfBVHE offce for cheap stationery , pen holders , pens. The concert given by the Mallalieu University quartette , last evening , was fairly well attended. The entertain ment is well spoken of by those who had the pleasure of hearing it. A lot of black-guards are in the , habit of bathing in the river , at the bridge , right in sight of people driving and riding along over that structure. So unmindful of any manly instincts have some of them been as to fail to submerge their carcasses even when ladies pass along. Shcol is populated with greater decency. Saturday night of this week , J. A. Mathers , D. D. G. M. W. of this dis trict , will organize a lodge of A. 0. of TJ. W. at Trenton. The following mem bers of McCook lodge will assist him : J. R. Phelan , A. H. Davis , C. S. Mc- Cammon , J. E. Fancher , R. S. Cooley , S. D. Hunt , Dr. B. B. Davis , L. B. Stiles and W. M. Anderson. We wish to direct special attention to the call , elsewhere appearing in this issue , for a meeting of those interested in forming a public library association. Its importance and benefits are recog nized by all our people , and we hope that all will feel sufficiently enthused over this matter to turn out and give evidence of their disposition with regard thereto. The sermons delivered by Rev. Joel Kelsey in the Congregational church , last Sunday morning and evening , were instructive and interesting , and snowed study and thought. Presiding-Elder Johnson occupied the M.E.pulpitmorn- ing and evening , with the usual happy effect that his forcible , terse and prac tical remarks always have. Lightning struck M. A. Spalding's residence , Monday night , during the rain , demolishing the , chimney , tearing quite a hole in the roofahd , splintering things generally in other parts of the structure. The soot and rain ruined two carpets and made everything else present quite a homely aspect. M. A. is to be congratu lated upon a fortunate escape from bodily harm and more extensive damage to property. The dignifiedgenteel appearing gam bler , who seeius to be doing business in the rear of Saylor's saloon , thinks THE TRIBUNE'S canonization of his gang of toughs "wasted sweetness on the desert air , " etc. This same pompous corpor- osity is the same tin-horn , who was re cently , fired out of Hastings for sundry and scandalous crookedness , in the which he was shot a number of times by a fellow-tough. That he is allowed to operate in this city , openly , is not an honor to the Mayor , who made such fair promises before his election , none of which has he ever kept. The Board of Education held a special meeting , Saturday evening , to take initiatory steps in some important matters of difference existing between the city council and the Board , etc. Miss Jennie Jamison presented her res ignation to the board which was accept ed. Miss Sweet was elected to the vacancy. Miss McNamara was also elected to succeed Miss Rhatigan in case the latter does not qualify. The board has retained able counsel and proposes to make an effort to secure the $2,500 deposit money and the fines which legally belong to the school fund , but which have of late been un lawfully diverted therefrom. A coon story "as is a coon story" is told by W. J. Evans of the Hat- field ranch. It appears that their corn crib has been repeatedly molested by some animal , and hearing a great racket in that direction the other night Mr. Evans and two boys repaired thither , armed with gun , pitchforks , etc. Upon arriving on the scene of the dis turbance a peculiar state of affairs met their gaze there were 15 or 20 sly old coons raising perfect old Ned in that corn crib. Mr. Evans and sons boldly waded in and in a short time succeeded in killing 10 of the noisy little thieves. Mr. Evans reports the Republican em blem as being very numerous in his vicinage. Two wrongs never make a right. THE TRIBUNE would suggest to the city coun cil this means , legal means , out of their present financial distress : Donate all salaries , except those of the clerk and treasurer ; hire but one police ; ( if our business men want a night watchman , let them do so at their own expense ; ) buy a statute , and be your own legal adviser. The above suggestion will save the city an unnecessary expense , by the way , that the city cannot stand. i Such measures as we have above men tioned will ease up the strained condi tion of our city finances , and make such performances as it became our duty to refer to , last week , unnecessary. As will be seen as per change in busi ness card , Messrs. C. W. Davis and J.D. Turner have formed a co-partnership in the land business , with headquarters at the old stand. Mr. Davis comes with a ripe experience of four years in the general land office \YashingtonD.C. . . tvhich has thoroughly prepared him for his specialty difficult contest cases be- Fore the local office and the department , n addition , Mr. Davis is an attorney of year's experience , having served in the capacity of district attorney in New Fork state , with credit and ability. The new firm will take rank among the fore most of our land , loan and law firms , and will doubtless secure their share in the : business in that line in this community. i JSTTJnder this head we would bo pleased to have our friends throughout the city acquaint UR of the arrival and departure of their visitors. j Will Fisher was down from the raucli , last j Friday. Harry Clarl : made a pleasure trip to Omaha , Saturday. Scott McCoy left for the east , last Friday evening. Dr. L. J. Spickelmier returned , yesterday noon , from his Blue liill trip. W. E. Fry went up to Denver , Friday , on a short visit , retnrning , Tuesday morning. Sheriff Welborn's benign countenance was a prominent feature on our streets , Saturday. Mrs. F. L. Brown and family came in from the Colorado homestead , Monday morning. W. S. Caldwell , late of the West End drug store , left for the west , last Thursday night. Patrick McKillip of Cambridge was circu lating around this metropolitan city , Satur day. John A. Forbes and Lou Armacost of Bea trice were guests at the Commercial , yester day. day.U. U. S. District Attorney Lambertson was in the city , Friday , on some government laud matters. Dr. Thomas and J. A. Kudd of the munici pality of Trenton were guests of the metrop olis , Sunday. C. Clothier and Mrs. 11. U. Troth drove down from the ranch , yesterday , returning , this morning. Mrs. L. Lowman went down to Lincoln , yesterday morning , on a visit of a week or two to relatives. Miss Nellie Stockton went down to Indian ola , Tuesday evening , on a week's visit to relatives and friends. Fred Hack , a prominent German citizen of Cullom , 111. , was visiting old Illinois friends of this city , last week. Revs. C. S. Harrison and W. S. Hampton of Franklin Academy were in the city , on a short visit , the first of the week. L. B. Stiles went down tp Omaha , Satur day , returning , accompanied by Mrs. Stiles and the baby , Tuesday noon , on 89. Mr. Clark , of Clark & Benedict , Hayes Centre , lias disposed of his interests in the Centre , and is for the present located in our city. Judge Tate , B. F. Yates , A.L. West , Mar tin Hicks , G. J. Galloway and other Hayes Centre-ites were in the city , Monday , making proof on the town-site. J. A. Wilcox left for Gihnan and other points in Illinois , Saturday , on 40. He will be gone a week or two. Mrs. Wilcox will accompany him on his return. R. M. Suavely , Esq. , of Indianola , was looking after his political prospects here abouts , Saturday. The Colonel feels assured of success , next Saturday , and at the polls. Fowler Wilcox left , this morning , for Phil adelphia , to receive treatment for his hearing , , which has been failing for some time. He will visit relatives in Illinois and Xew York states during his absence. R. M. SnavelyEsq.and Editor G. S. Bishop of the Courier , Indianola , became members of the Constantino Commander- our city , last Thursday night. The Knights indulged in a banquet after the initiation. A. C. Ebert returned , Monday noon , from his visit home in Wisconsin. lie reports the condition of his mother somewhat improved , upon his arrival home , but hopes are not en = tertained of her ultimate recovery. Mrs. L. F. Britton , sister of W. D. Paine , of our city , and daughter , returned to their home in Elgin , III. , Friday'of last week , after a most enjoyable visit here of a mouth. They were botli delighted with our little city. Mr. and Mrs Frank Han-is and the infant Harris , and Miss Laura Harris left on No. 1 , Monday night , for Denver and the mountains. They will be absent en joying the invigorating air and the sublime scenery of the Rockies , the remainder of this week. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Babcock , father and mother of Eeceiver Babcock , Mrs. I. D. M. Lobdell of Chicago , and Mrs. Col. Babcock of Exeter , JTeb. , arrived in the city Saturday , the former on an extended visit Mrs. Lobdell and Mrs. Babcock returned home , Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Goodrich , E. C.Ballew , H. M. Ashmore , J. W. Welborn , A. J. John son , Frank Bishop , and quite a number of other county-seat folks were in the city , Tuesday , making final proof , and attending to other business and political affairs , as the case was. t ; tf f Rev. Fulforth of Red Cloud was in the city , the first of the week , moving in the line ; of securing funds to build an Episcopal chapel. THE Tnmuxn would not interpose a single objection to such a laudable enter prise further than to observe the indisposition or inability of the people to too well support the present gospel force in our city. Supt. Alexander Campbell of the western ilivision of the Burlington , between McCook and Denver , was in the city this morning , going west at noon. He states that business k is good on his line. Crops are excellent , much better than in this section of the state. There had been no hot winds up to Saturday. The country is settled all the way up to Akron , Colo. , quite solidly and the people are abundantly satisfied with the present and full of confidence for the future. 3Ir. Camp bell is a careful and conservative man and Ins statements may be relied on. Lincoln Democrat of Monday. CARD OF THANKS. To those kind friends who proffered their sympathy and aid in the hour of our deep sorrow and affliction , we take this means of returning our smccrest thanks. Mil. A > D Mits. J. F. GAKSCHOW. DIED Thomas Nealis , the aged father of Mrs. T. jSealis , died at the residence of the latter , yesterday noon. Mr. Nealis has been feeble for years , and was 75 years of age at tiis death. The funeral takes place , this af ternoon , at2 o'clock. His" remains will be interred on J. F. Collin's timber claim , near the city. j The finest , largest line of Knight Templar ards ever brought to Western Nebraska , at FHE TRIBUNE stationery department. WE - : - WANT IT DISTINCTLY UNDERSTOOD THAT WE PROPOSE TO LEAD ALL IN LOW PRICES ON CLOTHING AND FURNISHING GOODS , NOTWITHSTANDING BANKRUPT SALES. OUR GOODS ARE BOUGHT IN LARGE QUANTITIES AND AT LOWEST PRICES AND WE CAN AND WILL SELL CHEAPER THAN COST OF THE 0 OLD - : - RAGS USUALLY FOUND IN BANKRUPT STOCKS. WE STILL CONTINUE TO BE THE LOW EST PRICED HOUSE INT THE VALLEY. E , M , BRIGKEY & GO , , THE CLOTHIERS , PATEHTS. UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE , I McCook , Neb. , August IGth , 1880. f Patents for the following-named persons have been received at this ofiice , and can be had upon surrender of Duplicate Ueceiveis Ueceiptswitli claimant's name written across the back of said receipt : Hobert Brown , James W.Seville , Neheunali Burtlcss , John W. Adanison. Charles Volbrecut , Charles Colling. Nathan O. Wickwlre , William H. Smith , William Kelph. David Devery. .Tames Kilpatrick , William It. Glandon , Auron Colvin , Charles M. Ostrander , Isaac N. Fowler. James G. Hamilton , Ephriam Green , Henry S. West , Abram Hammonu. Otto Webber , Henry C. Jacobs , Charles B. Hoag , Nicholas Sevenker , John P. Iteiter , Joseph B. Moore , A. C. Bartholomew , Joseph T. Irish , P. M. Remington. Michael H. Cavunagh , C. T. Blackmail. Nicholas WyckolT , J. B. dimming * , Lucinda Hovey , Elmore Devoe. Elizabeth Pollock , Peter B. Garrett , Wilhelm Colling , Frank W. IJirkimm , Jacob C. Touts. Nicholas Multnn , Noah Sawyer , Lewis F. Moore , Samuel T. Miller , Timothy N. Owen , Samuel J. Stockton , James Casey , George If. Gregg , Samuel Elder , Charles Barber , Joseph S. Selby. Lewis Castin , William Latham , George N. Snyder , 7. . T. McCollum , Andrew Barber , Miss E. U. Remington , Robert W. Hume , G. A. Kemington , William H. Newkirk , Heirs of Enoch Moore , Mitchel W. Young , deceased. Joseph E.Ohlson , < G. L.LAWS , Register. PUBLIC LIBRARY ASSOCIATION. We , the undersigncdresidents of Mc Cook. Neb. , believing that a n organiza tion having for its object the advance ment of popular intelligence by means of a public library , hereby extend to all la dies and gentlemen a cordial invitation to attend a mass meeting for the organi zation of a Public Library Association , on August 24th , 18SG , at 8 o'clock P. M. , M. T. at Menard's Opera Hall : G.L. Laws , V. Franklin. J. Byron Jennings , Justin A. Wilcox , T. M. Helm , Sarah Roberts , Bowman & Frederick , Moore & Herbert , C. F. Bubcock , M.E.Walters , I. J. Hollister , J. E. Cochran , L.J. Stockton , Chcnery & Anderson , C. H. Boyle. H. Trowbridge , J. E. Kelley , B.B.Davis , J. D. Turner , Geo. Hocknell. C. W. Davis , A. Campbell , H. F. Williams , Joel S. Kelsey , L. L. Hulburd , J. B. Meserve. F. L. Brown , Colter &Cordeal , Cole & Moss , F.M. Kimmell , S. L. Green , W. C. LaTourette , S. Strasser , A. M. Kelly. THE COMMISSIONERSHIP. In the pursuit of less important mat ters , locally considered , let us not fail to give the county commissionership the Attention , ( in order that the proper man for the position may be secured. ) that that office requires at ourhands. . The uommercial importance of the city of McCook is such as to suggest the neces sity of the commissioner for the second iistrict coming therefrom. Not only should he be chosen from this city , but tie should be selected with reference to his qualifications and fitness for the position a position , in our opinion , of the greatest moment at this stage of jur growth and material advancement jf every character. Let not this para mount consideration be forgotten or neg lected. lected.To To My Friends and Patrons. o On account of the failure of my fath er's health in the east.I am in duty bound o be near at hand with hiniand , I there- ore offer you special bargains from now o September lstin , harness goods. And also ask those knowing themselves to 30 indebted to me to call between this md September 1st and settle up their iccounts. Yours Respectfully , W. W. PALMER. UNITED IN MARRIAGE. , Q r One of those pleasant occasions wherein two young and fond hearts are united occur red at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Cronk- hite , yesterday afternoon , the contractinc parties bcin ; ; their clmnnhiff daughter Jennie and Mr. JamesII. Burns. The beautiful cere mony and the mystic words making them man and wife were pronounced by Rev. W. F. Ringland , president of the college. There were no guests present , only the relatives of both parties.The bride lias been a resident of Hastings for several years , ever since her father took charge of the B. & M. eating house , and has in that tfitfo inado for herself- many warm friends , and was a recognized belle in her bet , and . well worthy tliB man of her choice. Mr. Bums , the groom , is an eflicient employe of the B. & M. company , and is one of the most steadfast and valuable conductors. 1 le has steadily worked his way upward and now enjoys the respect and con fidence of his employers. Among his person al friends he numbers most of our people , who admire him for his .sterling qualities. The Gazette-Journal joins their many friends in extendingcongratnlationsandgood wishes fora future life of much joy and happiness , ' and that no cloud may obscure the sky of their married life. The happy couple will hike a wedding trip after which they will ettle down in Hastings. Gazette-Journal. Two or A KIND. On last Friday morning , while Saint Peter was no doubt enjoying the sleep of the righteous , in the gentle embrace of soothing Morphe us , two "little darlings" of Mother Eve's adored genderstrayed without the pear ly gates , ben ton a terrestrial tour , so the record hath it. We have just received information from a less celestial source which goeth to the effect that the "young ladies" are now being carefully nurtured after the similitude of man , at the resi dence of our sterling young friend Law- son , whose surname is Will. Since the above was put in type we are pained to learn that one of the infants , too frail for earth , Sunday night , returned to the Father. The young people have the sincerest sympathy of friends in this their first sorrow. Another gambling outfit operatedun der license , on our street , one evening the first of the week. Fortunately for the suckers , the Chief of Police , at the nstigation of citizens , closed the fellow up before he had secured much money , [ t does not reflect great credit upon the ) resent city administration to license such notoriously illegal skin games. Although it is quite evident where the Mayor's sympathies are. it is rather as tonishing to what length of unlawful procedure he will go. I. P. OLIVE of Dodge City , Kansas , well known in Nebraska for his part in he Custer county tragedy , one of the bloodiest andmost sensational crimes ever committed in this state , was killed at Trail City , Colo. , yesterday , by Joe Sparrows of that place , an equally noto rious ruffian. Thus after many inter vening years is the murder of Mitchell and Ketchuni avenged , and another bor der villain is gone where his wealth will not avail , before the grim old judge. Quite a number of persons are spoken of in connection with the commissioner- ship. Let the matter be thoroughly canvassed and the most capable candi date be decided upon. The people are interested in having an active , energetic business man to look after their interests. TAT T TOTV vTl T 011 i DRUGiSTORE CHENERY & ANDERSON. 3PPOSITE THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK , A - IFULL - > LINEI IOF Di B TOILET ARTICLES , STATIONERY , ETC. Pure Wines and Liquors FOR MEDICINAL USE ONLY ,