SETTLED THE BILL. kn Old PcllowVIio Xrcarnccl to Ad mire a Circuit nidcr. A circuit rider , in a neighborhood Jrith which he was unacquainted , stop ped nm n in 'tlie road and asked : "My friend , can you tell me of a place where a preacher can stay all light without money and without price ? " Pi'Yas , in the woods. " .Of course , but can you not tell me if soine house ? " "Yes ( pointing ; , that one up on yon lill. " "Will it cost me anything ? " "Not a cent. " "Who lives there ? " "Nobody. " "I don't want to stay in a vacant house. Come , now , mygood * man , tell ine of a place. " "Wall , I will. Go about two miles 3own this road , then turn to the left , The fust house you strike will be old 3am Totter's. He'll take yon in. " "But will he charge anything ? " , "Not a cent. " "Treat me well , of course ? " "Like er jedge give you the best in She house. " "Will he feed my horse ? " "He'll founder him , if you say so. " "I arn a thousand times obliged to rou. " "Say , " the man called , as thfipreach- jr started off , "he's a sorter curis fel ler , an1 if you ask him how much he tharges he'll git mad. Jest act like pou was at home , an' it'll be all right tvith him. "Thank you , I'll do so. " The preacher found old Potter to be i tall , gaunt man , with a harsh voice ind grizzled beard. Just before bed time the minister aksed Mr. Potter if he would join him in praver. "Not jest yit , " Potter replied. "Jest ; it down an" pray when yer feel like it Don't wait on me , ftir I've got to Feed the hogs afore I go to bed. " After breakfast the next morning , ' when the preacher's horse'had been saddled , the reverend gentleman turn- sd lo Potter , and said : "When I leave a place I always feel that I am forgetting something. " "Wall , ain't yer ? " "No , I think not , " the preacher re plied as he began to fumble in his sad . "No I haven't dle-bags. , forgotten mything.1 "I'm putty certain that you have. Tou've forgot to pay me. " "What ! I didn't know you charged anything. " "Yer know it now. " "But , my dear sir , I am a. poor preacher. " "Never beam yon preach , "but jedjjin' by the way you talk , I reckiu' 3-011 air 3r po' preacher. " "I mean that I haven't any money. " "Not my fault. " "ThatVall very well , but I can't pav rou. " "Then I'll have to take it outcu your hide. " Look here , mv friend ' " "Oh , I'm looking' . Coin' to keep my eyes on you. " . "I'say that a man told me I could stay here without charge. " "Yas , but I wau't the man. " "I really can't pay you. " "What , after eatin' as much as you have ? W'y , parson , you can make a table look the delicatest an' puniest , uv any man I ever seen. The very first pass 3'ou made the hind leg of a shoat aisappeared an' then 3-011 made a mo tion at the last pound uv butter we had an' it wau't no longer fur this here arlli. " " 1 admit that I was hungry , but " " "Oh. 3011 needn't admit it"fur I soon aiskivered that fack. " ' "This is surely a very awkward posi tion. I really do not know what to do. " "Settle up , is the 01113advice I've jot to offer. " "But I really cannot. " "Then some uvour hide must come off. ' ' "I wish 3-011 had more soul. " 4'Yas , an' I wush yon had more money. " "You certainly would not commit an act of violence merelvfor afew dimes ? " "Yas , b'"leve I would. " "My friend , I am on the way to feed m3r Hock and " "I reckon 3-011 think mo' erbout feed- in' yourself. Why , that dish uv cab bage turned pale every time 3-011 looked nt it. I ken stand er good deal but when a vidults cyclone comes along it breaks me up. " ' 1 am occupying a terribly awkward position. " "Better squat , then. " "Jf you'll let ma off I'll send you the tnone- . " "No. I'm erfeerd that after you begin to feed your Hock you won't think uv a sinner like me. " "Well , I declare , I am in an awkward position. " "Yas , so Pve hearn. " "Is there no way by which we can settle this affair ? " "Oh , yes , pay up. " "But I tell 3-0111 have no money. " "Yas. so I've hearn. " "Well , as yon have driven me to the wall I suppose I must fight vou ? " "That's my ticket Skin yourself. " ' "The preacher took off his alapaca coat folded it and put it on a bench , then , after deliberately rolling up his shirt sleeves , he said : "Just step this way , please. " Mr. Potter stepped that way and was promptly knocked down. He got up just in time to be knocked down again. The next time he got up cautiously and tried to seize the preacher but was knocked flat of his back. "Hold on , parson , " he said , getting np. "The bill's paid. Look here , " he r continued , brushing himself , "you've < - . * TT S got to eat dinner with me before you go. At first I didn't think 3-011 had much re ligion but now I know that you are one of the elect. John , take the par son's horse back to the stable , kain't afford to let you go , sir. Best man I ever saw. It was old Bill Simons that told you to come over here an' he has been dodgin' round all the mornin' to see you whupped. Say , what bus'ness was'you in before3-011 'gunter preach ? " " 1 was a prize fighter , " the. preacher replied as he sealed himself and smoothed back \m\r.-Arkansaw \ Traveler. HOW THE SPOTTERS SPOT. TheTan \vltli the Iteans and 32vun- Kclliie7itli Ifcr Pincushion. "I took notice " Cam to-day , began a bridge horse-car conductor fast even ing , "that a number of conductors on the Middlesex road have been pulled oil for knocking down fares. I am surprised at their doing anything of that kind after that ' getting 'extra quar ter. ' I don't believe there is a conduc tor on Cambridge road who knocks down fares now. The boys use the road well and the road uses us well. As far as I know , no spotters are riding about in the cars now. " "Then you generally know who they are , do you ? " "Yes , those who have been on the road a long time can generally tell one after seeing the man or woman , which ever it may be , a few times , and par ticularly in an open car. In a closed car they can look around without its being noticed , but in an open car they have to look back , and whqn we are on the rear platform we see what tho racket is very soon. Speaking of spotters , there used to be an elderly man , finely dressed , wear ing a tall hat , and carrying a gold-head ed cane , who always rode into town with me on my 10 o'clock trip in the forenoon. After riding with me sever al weeks with great regularity he stop ped , and I haven't seen him since. He was always reading a morning pa per , and tried to make conductors think he was deeply interested. Some times he had that morning's paper and soinet'mes he had one a month old. Ho was always reading apparently never really. He carries a little book in his left hand , and would keep track of the number of passengers who got on and off the car. He would , I sup- nose , pass the number in to the com pany and they would compare his fig ures with mine. Then I remember a young man , who tried to appear and this is true of them all very dignified. He carried about one hundred small beans with him. When a passenger got on he would put a bean in his left vest pocket , and when a passenger got off the bean would find its way to an other pocket , and vice versa. He would get oft"at Scollay square and count up the beans and see how many passengers there were. By riding on car after car , counting beans by the thousand , till he could almost identify each bean , and keeping the conductor's numbers he would earn his living. Talk about con ductors' pay , money wouldn't hire rue to lake that man's place. " "Now and then I hear of them on va rious roads. I remember some years ago a well-dressed woman , who always carried in her left hand a small , blue pin-cushion. It had long rows of pins. When a passenger got off she would put a pin in the side of the cushion. When one got on she would put a pin in tho top of the cushion. The num ber of pins used on top and on the side would correspond if she had paid at tention to business. The cushion was very small , and unless you noticed par ticularly , 3rou wouldn't see it. She was very much interested in Longfellow's Evangeliuc , ' and so much did she carry it about that the conductors be gan to call her 'Evaugeline. ' She must have counted enough pins to keep Jordan , Marsh & Co. supplied a month. She probabl3 * got married , but if she watches her husband as close ly as she did the conductors , the Lord deliver him. " Boston Globe. Don't Undervalue tlie Boy. The following sound find in the American Agriculturist. It would be a benefit to both fathers and sous if its precepts were more often regarded : Too many men make their boys feel that they are of little or no account while they are bojs. Lay a responsi bility on a boy , and lie will meet it in : i manful spirit. On no account ignore their disposition to investigate. Help them to understand things. Encour age them to know what they are about. We are too apt to treat a boy's seeking after knowledge as mere idle curiosit } ' . "Don't ask questions" is poor advice to boys. If you do not exalain puzzlinp things to them , 3-011 oblige them to make many experiments before they iind out ; and though experimental knowledge is best , in one sense , in an other it is not , for that which can be explained clearly does not need experi menting with. If the principle in volved is understood , there is no further trouble , and the boy can go ahead intelligently. Do not wait for the boy to grow up before yon begin to treat him as an equal. A proper amount of confidence , and words of encouragement and ad vice , and giving him to understand that yon trust him in many ways , helps to make a man of him long before he is a man in either stature or years. The Boston Journal of Commerce also makes a good suggestion to parents apropos to the above. Give him tools , says the writer , and let him find out for himself whether he lias got any mechanical taste or not. Do not discourage him , as parents are apt to do , by saying : "Oh , it is no use for you to try to do anything with tools. 1 never have any taste that wajand of course you have not" If a boy finds he can make a few articles with his hand , it tends to make him rely on him self. And tlie planning that is neces- eary for the execution of the work is a discipline and an education of great value to him. The future welfare and happiness of the boy depend on the surroundings of his youth. When lie arrives at that period "in his life when he is obliged to choose what profession or what fine of business to follow , it is highly important that lie take no false step. And in his youth he has culti vated a taste for any particular branch , the choice of a profession or business will be made more easy. Chief Pouudmaker's death is said tc have been caused by strangulation. He was eating berry soup and bunch grass beef. The soup went down the wrong way , and in coughing he burs ! a blood vessel , from which he died. ComfortnbJo Suicide * . Ono Italian resident of San Francisco made a unique record by smoking himself to death with a blanketed peanut roaster , but liis stylo was not considered good be cause some of the charcoal fumes from the deadly weapon escaped and nearly wafted his wife , mother-in-law and three children into the harp-players' paradise along with him. The Chinese and French , the doctor observed , perform their last task in the easiest manner of most nationalities , tho latter with their little charcoal loaded braziers , and tho former with opium. Tho stnartCliinaman , who wants to begathered to Confucius without any foolishness , usually has some knowledge of chemistry , and rams his opium pill homo with a drink of vinegar. Vinegar dissolves the drug , forming an active tincture , in medical par lance , and sets to work in more of a hurry than tlie lazy drug exhibits when it is not driven by other agents. [ San Francisco Alta. He Smoked and Prayed. The most absent-minded man in the world has been found , and lie lives in Buf falo. He tells the story himself , as follows : "You know I am not awfully religious , but when a child I was taught to say my pray ers at night. I am glad to say I have stuck to it ever since and generally manage to put in a few anyhow nearly every time I go to bed. A short time ago I went to my room as usual smoking a cigar , and con tinued right along puffing while I was un dressing. Just before getting into bed I knelt down as usual , and when through suddenly discovered that I had been taking my smoke as comfortable as you please while offering up my devotions. It struck me as being a little/off color. " [ Buffalo Courier. American Naval Engineers. Men who remember forty years back can recall tho time when in both the British and American r.avies the engineer was con sidered as but littlo above a common Bailor , a sort of blacksmith afloat , to bo kept in Coventry by the officers. But that tate of affairs vanished with the progress of steam and tho realization on tho part of the government and the service that there was as great a demand for skill , pluck and trained intelligence in the engine room as on the quarter deck. Americans woke up to this truth before it dawned on the Eng lish mind , and to-day there is no class in the service more intelligent , more deserving or more respected than the engineers , who are as thorough gentlemen and as agreea ble men of the world as the most learned and traveled admirals. [ Boston Tran script. How About the Fiji Senators ? Early last week a member of the British house of lords bad a fist fight with a candi date for the house of commons. On Friday a member of the United States congress knocked another member down with his fist. On Saturday a member of theFrench senate fought a duel with the minister of war. Having heard the reports from the three leading nations of the civilized side of tho world , we should now bo pleased to know what the statesmen of tho Fiji Islands and tho Hottentot country did to distin guish themselves last week. [ Pittsbur , Post. Dentist-made teeth go well with a false- set-oli voice. Don't fail to see the BATTLE or Girrrvs- BUKG when you visit OKI .lia. Special rates to excursion parties. D.H.Wheeler , Jr , Sec'y The Niagara whirlpool is a great whirl fool place. TETTER. Amcmbcrof the Pioneer Press staff , troubled for eleven years with obstinsHu Tetter on his hands , has completely cured it in les than a month , by the use of Cole's Carbol- Isalve. [ Pioneer Press , St. Paul. When you bear a bee buzzing on the win dow pane , let it bee. THE MOST OBSTI.VATE CASES of Catarrh are cured by the use of Ely's Cream Balm , the only agreeable remedy. It is not a liquid or snuff and is easily applied. For cold in the head it is magical. It gives relief at once. All druggists sell it. Price 50 cents. BLEEDING NOSIKILS. It has done me so much good. I want you to cend me two more bottles immediately. I have been afllicted w ith Catarrh for over ten years frequently my nose would bleed and le.ive the nostrils in a dry. inflamed condition , with constant soreness. I experienced re lief after thefirst trial of Ely's Cream Balm. It is the best of a great many remedies I have tried , and I can fully recommend it. E. Gill , Madison , 0. , Editor of the Index. ELY'S CREAM BALM is the most effective , convenient and agreeable catarrh remedy I ever usod , and I have tried them all. C. B. Cook , Henning , Landerdale Co. , Tenn. Tho horse-chestnut is the handsomest tree. GET Lyon's Heel StlfTcners applied to your boots audahoes before you run them over. Truth is flighty and don't prevail. PATENTS obtained by .Louis bagger & Co. , At torneys , "WashingtonD.C. Est'd 1864. Advice free. To dream of eating cabbage signifies sad ness and sorrow. The Omaha Typd foundry can furnish new newspaper outfits on short notice. Prices same as in Chicago and freight already paid to Omaha. Hill , and just as naturally life , energy and strength are sained by taking Hood's Sarsiparttla. The pe culiar tonlnp. purifying , and vitalizing qualities ot this successful medicine are felt throughout the en tire system , expelling disease , and giving quick , healthy action to every organ. If you suffer from any disease of the blood , stomach disorder , or diffi culty with the liver and kldaeys , try the peculiar medicine. Hood's Sarsaparllla. Be sure to get Hood's. Take no other. "I hat e taken Hood's Saraparlla ! for dyspepsia and ai a tonic alterative , with the most beneficial results. I have also used It for rheumatism with the good effect. I regard It as one of the very best f am- lly medicines , and would not willingly be without It. " A. B. CUBET , Providence , B. I. "I hare been uslns Hood's Sarsapartlla for Indl- estlon and liver trouble. It has greatly benefited me , and I think It Is fully as good a medicine as claimed. " E. S. CnrsEBEO , chief engineer flre de" partment , Stoatngton. Ct , Hood's Sarsaparilla Bold by all druggists. $1 ; slxior * 5. Prepared only byC. I. HOOD& CO. , Apothecaries , Lowell , Mass. IOO Doses One Dollar I Sure relief i nrnrnr i ' Price35cts.diSlllM. IfinnPR'fi DACTIII CC RIUUtK O PAO I ILLhO.bymail. StowelliCo. Jlestown , J : , Iowa. PEKICK'S T CORK EXTRACTOR c BUNIONS. " " 25c. of W. 1 Dulniqne Daily Telegraph : VARcnUeman connerteil with the Telegraph has tested Chaniberhxiri'H colic , clioler.i and diiirrliaitt medicine , and declares that it in all that its inanuracttner clniuiR it to be. A few days ago ho W B attacked with a severe colic ami prociirinx' it buttlu took one doso. The effect was instantaneous. A gentle , pleas ing heat was diffused throughout the Htom- nch , the cramps and diarrhmadisappeared , and in a few hours the suffcier was as wel as ever. He is enthusiastic in his praises of the medicine and heartily recommends il to all who may l > e afflicted an lie was. A bottle should be in every household , for no one can tell when he or she may need it. " To know who is matin money , read the names of advertisers. PCMOUB Sufrorlntr from Files will find Relief b v using CAUIKK'S LITTLE LIVEH PILLS. 25c.One swallow does not make a summer , neither will it support a beer saloon. AH departments of Drake University open Sept. 1-1 , except theLaw and-Medical , which open a few weeks later. The school has 35 able instructors , and last year en rolled 305 students , with 51 graduates. Industry without wit is simply brutal. The Business College at Lincoln , Neb. , has the best penmen in the west. The business and short-hand courses are complete. Send for specimen penmanship ifeCollesc Journal. A baker sells what ho kneads himself. AH disorders caused by a bilious sbate of the system can be cured by using Carter's Little Liver Pills. No pain , griping or dis comfort attending their use. Try them. The fisheries question Why is it always tlie biggest fish that gets away ? Baldness and dandruff can be prevented by using Hall's Hair Ilenewer. Quinine relieves only temporarily in fever and ague. Ayer's Ague Cure cures perma nently. That Chicago bomb proves to have been of the boomerang variety. SAFE , permanent and complete are tho cures of bilious and intermittent diseases , made by Prickly Ash Kitters. Dyspepsia , general debility , habitual constipation , liver and kidney complaints are speedily eradicated from tho system. It disinfects , cleanses and eliminates'all malaria. Health and vigor arc obtained more rapidly and permanently by the use of this great natural antidote than by any other remedy heretofore known. As a blood purifier and tonic it brings health , re newed energy and vitality to a worn and diseased body. Mexico should have a Cutting reply about Editor Cutting. " ' ' is excel PHUKY DAVIS" I'AiN'-KiLLEit an lent regulator of the stomach and bowels , and should always be kept on hand , espe cially at this season of the year , when so many suffer from bowel Howard."I is nothing so quick to relieve in attacks of cholera. Ono must needs go to the sea shore to sea-shells. A MOST LIBERAL OFFER ! THE VOLTAIC BKLT Co. , Marshall , Mich , offer to send their Celeb rated VOLTAIC BELTS r.nd Electric Appliances on thirty days' trial to any man afflicted with Nervous De bility , Loss of Vitality , Manhood , ifcc. Il lustrated pamphlet IN SEALED ENVELOPE with full particulars , mailed free. Write them at once. The Omaha Type foundry can furnish new newspaper outfits on short notice. Prices same as in Chicago and freight already paid to Omaha. The heated fat woman with her little girl is a hot-and-tot. Bronchitis Is cured br frequent small doses of F-iso's Cure for Consumption. Bob Ingersoll next season will lecture on Shakespeare. If You Uso Tobacco or Stimulants You certainly should use Carter's Little Nerve Pills. Mrs. Senator Dolph is said to be the most finely-formed woman in Washington. Our young people who attend Elli ott's Business College , Burlington , Iowa , receive a thorough preparation 'or life's work hence , are very success ful. Send for a catalogue free. To , it is not proper to speak of the judi ciary as a bench show. Be merciful to dumb animals. Heal nil open sores and cuts with Stewart's Healing Powder , 15 and 50 cents a box. Love is deformed when it is all on one side. NEWSPAPER OUTFITS IFurzsislted on ยง Iort Notice From Omalin , at CIiicapj Prices. mmm GG-ODS CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. OJV3AHA TYPE FOUNDRY , Omaha , Neb. , iztli and Howard. "I Don't TVaut Keller , Rut Cure , " is tlio exclamation ot thontmmls Kuflering from catarrh. To nil stuh we sny : Catarrh can bo ctiretl by Dr : Sii u'n Catnrrh Rcino- dy. It has been done in thncKiitultj pt cusep ; why not in yours ? Yourtlnnjjer is in delay. Enclose a stamp to World's Din- pcnsiiry .Medicnl An ocintion. Uulfulo , N. Y. , for pamphlut on this disease. The tusk of a mnstudon of immense size was unearthed nt Dallas , W. T. Ate Important Arrest. The arrest of n suspicious character upon his general appearance , movements or com panionship , without waiting until he has robbed a traveler , fired a house , or mur dered a fellow-man , is nn important func tion of a shrewd detective. Even more important is the arrest of a disease which , if not checked , will blight and destroy a human life. Tho frequent cough , loss of appetite , general languor or debility , pallid skin , and bodily aches nnd pains , announce the approach of pulmonary consumption , which is promptly arrested and permanent ly cured by Dr. Pierce's "Golden Medical Discovery. " Sold by druggists. Politeness is real kindness kindly er- pressed. Weak lungs , spitting of blood , consump tion and kindred affections , cured without physician. Address for treatise , with 10 cents in stamps , World's Dispensary Medi cal Association , GCa Main Street , Buffalo , N.Y. A frigid smile iced champagne. At this season nearly every one needs to nso soma eort of tonic. IRON enters into almost every phj- Bicun'a prescription forthoso who need building DO. THE BEST TONIC For Wenkncns , l.awHitudc , I.nck of Knerjnr , etc. , it HAS. NO JiQUAJ , , and is the only Iron medicine that w not injurious. It Enriches tho Blood. Invigorates tho feystem , IteatorcH Appetite , Aids DlgfNtiou It does not blacken onnjuro tho teeth , cause head ache or produce constipation other Iran medicine * do JlRS.SIrnA MATFIELD , Norfolk , Neb. , nays : "I hare used Brown's Iron Bitters tsa tonic with most happy results. " ME. CHAS WAGNER. 811 Etehth St. , Omaha. , " ' Iron Bitters for General Neb. says : "I used Brown's Debility and it made almost a iie.vnian of mo. I cheerfully recommend it. " Jin. J. F. MxauinE. Wilson , Neb. , says : " I have used Brown's Iron Bitters for General Debility and gladly recommend it to like Butlercra. It has mado a new mnof me. " _ _ _ Gennine has above Trade Hark and crossed red lines \rrapper. . Take no other. Made only by BltOWX CHEMICAL. CO. , BAI/TIilOIIE , MD. Tlio lest and snrcst Remedy for Cnro of all diseases caused by any derangement of the Liver , Kidneys , Stomach and Bowels. Dyspepsia , Sick Headache , Constipation , Bilious Complaints and 3Ialariaof all kinds yield readily to tlio Leneflcent influence of It is pleasant to the taste , tones up the system , restores and preserves health. It is purely Vegetable , and cannot fail to prove beneficial , both to old and youny ; . As a Blood Purifier it is superior to all others. Sold everywhere at $1.00 a bottle. GOLD MEDAL PARIS EXPOSITIOH-1878. THE MOST PERFECT OF PENS Habit. Qnlckly and Pnlnleu * lycuredathome. Correspondence solicited and free trial ot cure tent honestlnvcaticators. TiiKlIUMAxa . Lafayette , inii. here anil earn pood TELEGRAPHY furuUbed Valentine Bros. anesvIIIe. AVls. MAKE UNIVERSITY. S2. address , G. T. CAEPENTZE. DES MOU.KS. Ix AHA Races , September 6th to nth Purses , ; : $10,000 , Premiums for Stock and Products , : : $10,000 , For Best 50 Ears of Corn , : S50.00-BRING IT ! mm - STATE EXPO ; -TO BE HELD IN CITY OF- OMAHA , SEPTEMBER 4th TO 13th. For Premium List or Information , Address : D. W. WHEELER , Sec'y , Omaha. The Best LICKER faterpof Coat , Tho FISH B HAND SLICKER Is iramnted vnt-rproof , * nd vOl kerp jou &rj in the hinleit tona. The new POMMEL SUCKER ii a perfect riding eoit , and the entire laddie. Beware . -without the "Fiah core oflmlUIIons. Kon eennlnwithout Brand" trade-mark. Illtntrated CaUlocaa free. JJ. . Tower , Boiton , TREATED FREE ! Dr. B-2. H. Green & Song roi-TUIrl M n Ycjir 1'iiit. treated Dropsy ami lt cuini > lleiloin with th most wonderful un' s , u--e vcsotablu rumelifs. era tlrely harnile-s. Krinoru all ityintUoms of Uroswy la eight to twenty day * . Curs patients pronounced hopeless by tho b > * ol physician * . Irom tho Hrst doso tho ymptom * ripullr illnap pear , and In ten days at Icaat two-thirds ot .ill iymp loins arc removeJ. Some may iry Immbnp without knowlnsr nn/'thlni about it. Itcinrmber It does not cot yoil am tii'n t leAlIze th ineiits of our treatment for v > urjelf In ten dayi tli dirtlrnlty of breathing I * relUvo 1 t'ai pulru regular , tho urinary organs nmde to -.thirzi their lull duty , sh-ep U restored , the swelli ir > 'l ' > M nearly ircnc , tlie > trerRthliicreaiedHiiilapi U < R.VenreconstaniIy uirinc i inir casei thit IUTJ brn tapped a mini1 t-r of tunes and tinpatient declare 1 unable to live a weo * Oln full hMory of ca-T. Name.ex. . how lonieittlietea ho badly swollen anil where , nro bo-v < ! l co tiveh T | lejs bnrsted anil dripped wuter. Sen-I for fre iiam rhtct ron'aliilinrtestimunlulx. ijiiest , n * , ec. Ten daj treatment fuini-hecl freaby mall. If j on order trial , end 1O cents in t-umpi to paj . ii. K. oit JEX t SCOKUarlrttii Street. Atlunta , Co. EpUei yFlU ) Io ltlvely Curetl. EIHAUSTEJLflTALITY. H.I.UST1CATUD SAMl'LH VllEC. A Great Mcilletl Wcrk oa Manhood , Nervous and Plijslcul IJebllliy. Premature Ui-cllce In Man , Kx- Haunted Vitality. Ac. , & .C. , and tlie untuld inherit ! resuitlnjtfroin indiscretion or excesses. 7 > J paiea , substantially IK nail In Kilt , muMln. Contains mor than 123 ln\alnaUlc prescriptions embracing e\ery vegetable remedy In the pliarmacceplafnr a I acute anachronic .I en c3. U U emphatically a bjok for ecry man. 1'rltc only $1 by mall past paidonccaled (11 ( plain wrapper. ILLUSTKATIVES AMPLEFKEH TO ALIj fpumand mldule a ed nvn for thenrxl'ilydays Enid now. or cut this our , aiyn'i miiy m-v setI : again. Address UK. W. II. PAKKEP. I I5rifim-i : 8U Huston. N. 1 ! . Dr Parlcer can be cnnfldrntlally ( . ngiiltcd an all dlseaaea of man , hla gpcclaltlcs IF YOU WANT 1,001 Tmportantthlup ynariovprUnnTrort1 vr of nluiiit the hnm.-in body nnd its cunc'm > : . : , . , How to avoid pitfalls of ignorance anil inducrt. ji , Jlow to apply Jlonte-Gitre lo all forms ofilhca-r , Jlow to cure Croup.Old dies , Rupture , J'lt i motu elf. . sy Dill Pub. Co. , 129 E. 2Mb M. . Hew York. SEKDSTBHPTQ ! P fl.H.BHDTTEHDEH &SD. T0 Ue t in thp World. Slade only by the Trazpr Lubrica tor Co. at Chicago , X. V i 5t Louis i < , W cicryithcrt. _ _ _ duE a a B r * y& a When I say euro i do n c mean merely tono. . . . n t ir ntlma and then L.ive them retarn apiin. I r - . an 1. cal cure. 1 hiva mail's tho UUcitso of I IT Wr CI' Y or FALLING SICKNESS.i llfo longstudy. . \ - : - aciy remedy to euro tho worst c ucs ISccau r ! > Lava failed is no roason for not now receiving a < r. K ? ac onca for r. trcotlso and a Krco Bo'tle of t ; In' . j ( j remedy. Clra Exprfi and Post Onlco. It c < a y.s notnlni ; for a trial , and I will euro you. tddrcas Dr. 1L Q. KOOT. laaFearl S . : . . - The oldzst medicine IT the world i- - > r , > Dr. Isaac Thomnsori' ThI * article Is a carefully prepared Pli - in' * pre- pcrlptlon. and has been Inconstant u en1 icentn- rv. and notwithstanding the many other -paratlonj that liaic been Introduced Into the market , rhe " > ale of this art ! ' le : con tamly lncrea lnr. If thi" direc tions arc fallowed It will net rr fail.Ve particularly Imitc the attention of nhyMcians to Itsmerlf. JOHN L. THOMPSON. SONS & CO. . TKUV XT. D-afnrs and Xa al Catarrli B" i"q C'i -rtnani'nt'y cured & a'.ses 'f Sa Diig flttffdfor all forma of defec- A ScffSc-NOSE & THROAT Inserted. Addreat Dr. I.M PEY. Oraa ja. Neb. e Fittest. FAMILY MEDICINE THAT HAS HE.UEDJ MILLIO.NS DIT.IXG 33 1EARS ! A BAZ,3I FOR KVEKY AVOCA'D OF AA'IJ IJCASTI flhe Oldest & Best Liniment EVEU MADE IN AMEPJC.v. 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