Thursday , July 2901,1886. Indicates that your subscription to this X paper HAS EXPIRED , and that u. cordial invitation Is extended to call and renew tho same. Subscription , $2 per ycur. Local Intelligence. candy at the City Bakery. ESTGo to W. W. Palmer for your harness. 32-tf. , 000 , 000.00 to loan on farms. Agce & Wiley. Call and inspect our line of Knight Templar cards. Money to loan on improved farms. Agee & Wiley. _ Money loaned to persons to make final proof. Agee & Wiley. A full line of hardware , stoves and tinware at C. D. Palmer's. A number of affairs matrimonial are on tapis for early fall. All kinds of sheet-iron , tin and cop per work done at C. D. Palmer's. ! 2F"Sweet Michigan Cider of excel- ' , lent quality at the City Bakery. Money to loan on final proof or deed ed land. J. D. Turner , McCook. C. D. Palmer , opposite McEntee , is j the best place to buy your hardware. Some 250 feet of new sidewalk have been laid on Mcfarland street , this week. If you want the best gasoline stove , go to C. D. Palmer's , opposite McEntee Money to loan on annual or semi annual interest. J.D. Turner , McCook. The Hayden failure continues to fur nish our legal lights with considerable work. . i The City Bakery's bread is known all j along the B. & M. west of here for its excellence. Everybody come running , and get j your flv " nets and lap dusters at cost of ; W. W. Palmer. 9-2ts. \ We notice that John A. Walters has : blossomed out into a full-fledged immi gration agent. Don't forget Private Warner's enter tainment at the Opera Hall , this and to morrow evening. The Metropolitan Drucr Store is in re ceipt of a fine assortment of wall papers. Call and examine them. GW. . Bede & Co. have some special bargains in real estate. Office 4th door south of U. S. Land office. 27-tf. Pocket state maps at this ofHce. These maps are just from the press and are accurate and complete to date. Last evening's ' 'gentle shower" was a gilt-edged affair to be sure , and of im mense value to the crops hereabouts. As Low AS TIIE LOWEST G. B. Nettleton will sell Wind Mills and Pumps as low as the lowest , Feed Mills especialy. The city is not suffering for lack of tonsorial parlors. With a quintette of shops we are reasonably well provided for in that line. FOR SALE 50 head of young mares and 20 head of mules. Lindner & Er man , McCook , Neb. Barn west of Commercial Hotel. Take all work to McCracken , the Jeweler. He turns out good work only and guarantees what he does , East ! side of Main Avenue. Any one wishing to trade a first-class residence or a store building for a nice clean stock oharness will call on W.W. Palmer , McCook , Neb. 9-2 .s. We have just received a nice line of calling cards of the latest styles. Also have in stock an assortment of fraterni ty cards. Call and see them. Two car-loads of Button flour just re ceived by W. E. Fry. Emb.-acing the following popular brands : Eclipse , Western Rose and Magnolia. THE TRIBUNE force enjoyedsome fine apples and plums , from the Crete Nurseries , last week , through the cour tesy of their local agent , D. R. Bell. Probst Bros. ' are selling more of their excellent bread than ever , and shipping immense quantities west daily. Their > well earned reputation has secured for them a custom that keeps them as busy as beos to fill. Reports of some infamous exhibitions by the soiled doves of South McCook are current. Are the good citizens of that locality not entitled to some protection by the authorities ? Parties wanting a piano , or are think ing of purchasing one sometimebe sure ( and call on F. L. McCracken for prices j first. I have a sample of one of the best make. Will sell any make at low est prices and on terms to suit. Don't forget this : Tribune and Inter Ocean $2.SO. For the next 30 days all new subscrib ers who will square their subscription to date and one year in advance will receive THE TRIBUNE and the Chicago Inter Ocean for $2.50. ' Yesterday , H. Gr. Dixon , one .of our reaj'estate men , sold lot 10 in Klock 16 to Miss Northrop. iw We would intimate for the benefit of our "smooth" contcnip. , that soft soap can now be sent by mail. A Culbertson barrister , Phil. Likes , Esq. , by name , was brutally assaulted by a brick-layer and son , last week , and quite seriously injured. We are credibly informed that V. Franklin of the Citizen's bank will build a two-story brick on the meat market corner , before the snow flies. Next Monday , Ludwick & Trowbridge will vacate their store on West Denni- son street , and consolidate their stock with their Main Avenue store. The individual who harbors gamblers puts himself in the same catalogue with those violators of law and public morals. Both are equally reprehensible. The total amount realized out of the sheriff's sale , yesterday afternoon , is $94.21. The judgments and costs against the stock will aggregate nearly $125. Another "tall corn'1 report , this week. The measurements were made in a field of one hundred acres , and the average height is given us as being fully ten feot. Come again. By the Courier we see that Represen tative Hocknell has purchased the resi dence of Jesse Welborn in the west part of Indianola , with the seventy acres adjoining , for $5,000. Now , let us have a rest on such pro ceedings as those of yesterday. Let us all adopt the motto , "Pay as you go or don't go , " and our city will have less use lor the sheriff's hammer. The wet goods organ's article on the city finances was again crowded out , last week , "through lack of space. " The people might be enlightened ( ? ) through a supplement , you know. The Frees & Hocknell Lumber Co. have moved their office from its present location , farther south in the yard , pre paratory to the erection of a fine two- story brick ofiice on the lot vacated. An interesting justice court case was nipped in the" bud , yesterday , by the parties , Germans from the Beaver , sen sibly compromising and settling their little differences. A very proper caper , j "At the Front" by Private Warner at the Opera Hall , this and to-morrow evening. Remember the time , place and subject. The private promises to give an interesting lecture , and the subject is dear to all. A small company of our young peo ple indulged in the mazy waltz , last evening , at the skating rink , to their hearts' content. 1 he evening was de lightfully cool and bracing , just the right temperature to enjoy the terpsi- chorean art. SOLD AND SHIPPED J. ( > . Eaton of the South Side sold his bunch of ponies , last week , to J. A. Brewer , who ship ped them to Hastings , Friday evening. Mr. Eaton , we regret to state , is pre paring to remove from our midst to the far west somewhere. We understand that Mr. R. C. Fisher , who has been managing The Howard Lumber Co.'s interests in this city for a number of months past , will retire from the employ of the company , the first of the month , and that he will probably engage in business per se in our city. Work on the foundation of the Mc- Neely brick was commenced , Monday j afternoon. It is being built of brick , laid in cement , which will be used to a considerable extent throughout the en tire structure , insuring a permanence and substantiality that ordinary mortar cannot. | SOD TO FRAME H. H. Mitchell , the ' ' i owner of a beautiful quarter section just northeast of the corporate limits , ' is excavating for a new frame residence to replace his old sod house. The frame ' structure is to be two stories high , the j main part 16x24 , with a kitchen addij j tion , 12x10. | We are always pleased to have our' friends call upon us at the office , and we endeavor to greet all callers with true gentlemanly courtesy , but an edi tor's sanctum is a busy den and no place for people to sit hour after hour and day after day , however interested they may \ be in our welfare , for we feel that is best promoted by hard work and strict attention to business. Drop in often and give us the news and your opinion on the events of the day and other mat ters that may conduce to the interest and development of the country , but don't take up a homestead. The old settlers' meeting at Carrico , Hayes county , has been postponed or changed to September 1st. Further particulars will be given in proper time. The office lately occupied by A. P. Leech in the rear of the Citizens Bank has been handsomely renovated and is now occupied by J. W. Smith as a bar ber shop and the neatest little shop in the city is it. II. R. N. is now doing the great act at his old quarters , lately occupied by Air. Smith. The stock of W. S. Caldwell , the West End druggist , was sold under the hammer , yesterday afternoon , at the Citizen's bank corner , as advertised. Almost everything went at a song , with but slow bidding. Joe Spotts cried the sale and furnished considerable merri ment for the sun-pelted spectators. Notwithstanding the other attractions of the same evening , the basket socia ble hefd at the rink , Friday evening last , by the ladies of the Congregational church , was well attended and thorough ly enjoyed. Socially and financially , the two great elements by which we measure such events , it was a success. An interesting communication from Box Elder fails to appear , this week , be cause the writer has failed to sign his or her name thereto a very essential matter to the editor. We desire to im press this upon the minds of our cor- respondents. No communications are , printed without the writer's names are ] known. The Arion Bell Ringers appeared be fore our people , upon three different oc casions , Friday and Saturday of last week. The company was greatly crip pled by the absence of Field , the lead ing member , and the entertainments given were much inferior to those given last season. They played to crowded houses as usual. On Tuesday evening , Rev. P. C. Johnson , P. E. , delivered an excellent lecture at the M. E. church , before the members of the county institute and others. We are sorry that a larger aud ience did not greet the Elder , whose vigorous , terse and practical remarks on any subject are listened to with pleasure and profit by our poople. It is vrith pleasure and no small pride that AVC announce thatRed Willow coun ty helps to supply the Lincoln public school with teachers , this coming term , Miss Ada P. Buck having recently been elected to one of the departments. Miss Buck has requisite points of merit for a successful teacher , and she will fill the position with credit to herself and profit the scholars. IT is with feelings of sadness and re gret that we publish elsewhere in this issue an account of the trailing in the dust and filth of the metropolis' gutters , of the judicial ermine , by a western judgewho is well known in this country. The humiliating and disgusting specta cle therein delineated cannot be lost sight of by the people of this district. The dignity of the law and the self-re spect of the people must rectify this matter at the earliest opportunity. THE TRIBUNE rises to remark that real estate on the South Side is looking up. At a late session of the county commissioners , a resident of that part of the county , so are information has it , appeared before the honorable board with a bill of damages of $492 , for four acres of land used in a road recently established along side of his quarter. What think ye of ยง 123 per acre for Red Willow county soil ? Of a truth does the mantel of Eli rest upon this land. We do not entertain a shadow of a suspicion as to the morale and efficiency of our police force. It is just possible that they and the Mayor are ignorant of the existence of the gambling dens on West Dennison street and South Main Avenue ; not to speak of the numerous dens of infamy , whose inmates are so disgustingly prominent upon our streets. If it is ignorance , it is inexcusable. If these matters are allowed to exist through culpable negligence , it is scarce ly less than criminal. A special G. A. R. excursion train train passed through the city , Monday night , for California. Considerable in terest was manifested when it was first and incorrectly reported that General Logan was one of the distinguished travelers aboard , all of which ended in disgust when the truth became known. Preparations were on foot to receive "Black Jack" with our superb band , etc. , in the hope that he might vouchsafe his presence and peradventure a short speech. But our hopes were necessarily blasted by his taking the U. P. route. this hcud we would bo pleased to have our f fiends throughout the city acquaint UH of the arrival and departure of their visitors I Mrs. J. I\I. \ Ferguson is again seriously ill. Mr. Berry , late with Lawler & Magner , is in the city again. Receiver Babcock indulged in a short trip to Cambridge , Sunday. I Mrs. Thos. Colfer returned , to-day noon , from her trip to the east. Squire McKillip of Thornburg made this city , Monday , on business. i Rev. J. A. Fulforth of Red Cloud was a visitor in the city , Tuesday. Moses Erman returned , Tuesday night , , f i om his extended visit east. W. C. Bullard came down from Culbeit- son , Tuesday evening , on a short visit. M. J. Abbott of Hayes Centre spent a few days in the city , the first of the week. W. C. Ashwill , editor of the Stratton Her ald , was a visitor at this port , Saturday. C. S. Quick and A. P. Day of the county- seat wen ; among the city's guests , Friday. J. F. Fancher , late of the Gazette force , is now holding a position in the Democrat office. W. A. Clutfi and Charlie Ashmore have bee'n down from the west , the past two days. Editor Martin of the Orleans Sentinel was a Sunday tourist to this commercial metropo lis. II. W. Cole leaves for Gencseo , 111. , this evening. He will also visit Omaha and Chi cago. cago.Mrs. Mrs. S. L. Green lelt for New York state , Tuesday morning , on an extended visit to relatives. 11.0. Phillips and Attorney Deweese of Lincoln were in town , Friday , u short time on business. Rev. and Mrs. W. S. Wheeler were visitors to the county-seat , Monday erening , return ing Tuesday noon. T. J. Floyd of the Trenton Torpedo made Tin : TmncNK sanctum a short call , while in the city , Monday. Rev. Joel S. Kelsey of the Congregational church has been absent from the city on some business matters all week. Alex. Stewart of Wymore , one of the B. & M.'s old reliable "king's of the road , " was here , Monday , between"trains. Register Laws made a Hying visit to Den ver , Saturday evening , on a short recication , leturning home , Monday afternoon. W. O. Moody of Stratton was here , Mon day , on business connected with the rental of his residence property in this city. John A. Rudd , manager for The Frees & Hocknell Lumber Co. at Trenton , was down from the west , Friday , on a short visit. Andy Palmer , an old and popular B. & M. ex-conductor , visited amongst his old ac quaintances in the city , Friday of last week. Ralph McCracken of the Hayes Centre News was called to the metropolis , Fiiday , on business. He letumed home , the follow ing day. Mr. and Mrs. A. McG. Robb departed , last Friday moining , for Omaha , their future home. The best wishes of THE TKIBUXE attend them. W. K. Lynch of indianola enjoyed the freedom of the chief city , Monday afternoon. Mr. L. is also enjoying a badly sprained arm , the result of a friendly tussel. Mrs. Justin Wilcox took the train for Washington , Thursday , where she will visit until the arrival of her husband from Mc- Cook , Neb. Gilinan (111. ( ) Star. J. E. Cochran , Esq. , took No. 2 , last Fiiday moining , for Yoik , this .state , his former home , where Mrs. Cochran is now visiting. He returned home , the first of the week. Harry Ellison of Arapahoe spent Monday and Tuesday in the city. He was on his way to his uncle's ranch on the Willow , where he expects to enjoy a vacation of some days. B. F. Marshall , the genial editor of the Lincoln Capita ] , was in the city , the first of the week , on a business-pleasure trip. Mr. Marshall was an old University friend of Dr. Davis. Mr. and Mrs. G. G. Burton of Orleans ar rived in the city , Monday on 39 , and were the guests of Register and Mrs. G. L. Laws , until Tuesday noon , when they left for the moun tains. Mrs. A. J. Welch , wife of Agent Welch of Red Cloud , is in the city , guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Hills. Mrs. Welch arrived in the city , Thursday noon last , and will remain two or three weeks. Editor Leonard of the Record , Curtis , fra- ternalized at these headquarters , Monday afternoon. We are pleased to note thatBro. Leonard is making a success of the Record. He is in every way worthy of it. W. W. Palmer returned from his visit to his old home at Kendallville , Indiana , last Thursday evening on No. 1. Mi's. Palmer ac companied him as far as Palmyra , this state , where she has since been visiting a sister. Mrs. Palmer is expected home to-aay. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Tate of Cairico , Hayes county , spent part of Thursday and Friday of last week in the city , the guests of their daughter , Mrs. W. C. LaTourette. Mr. Tate reports crops as looking exceptionally well , a statement from one of the oldest set tlers in Southwestern Nebraska , which indi cates much. Mr. W. W. Palmer , of McCook , Neb. , form- eily of this place , and who still owns some property here , called upon us Tuesday , and informs us he was called trom his home by telegraph to visit his sick father at Kendle- ville , Intl. , and as he had to come to east , he would make a general visit to old scenes of the days long since gone by. Mr. Palmer seems to think he is located in one of God's countries , where live business men live and reign supreme ; though McCook is only three summers old it contains 2,000 people , and possesses water works and a half mile more water mains than Lincoln does ; pays out 522,000 a month to employes , that being the head of the chief division of the B. fc M. R. H. , where the machine shops and storehouse are located , as well as head centre for cattle kinffs. The government land ollice is locat ed there , and to clap the climax the crops in that country are in a prosperous condition , rain having been plentiful there. Hamburg ( Iowa ) News. r WE - : - WANT IT DISTINCTLY UNDERSTOOD THAT WE PROPOSE TO LEAD ALL IN LOW PRICES ON CLOTHING AND FURNISHING GOODS , NOTWITHSTANDING BANKRUPT SALES. OUR GOODS ARE BOUGHT IN LARGE QUANTITIES AND AT LOWEST PRICES AND WE CAN AND WILL SELL CHEAPER THAN COST OF THE OLD - : - RAGS USUALLY FOUND IN BANKRUPT STOCKS. WE STILL CONTINUE TO BE THE LOW EST PRICED HOUSE IN THE VALLEY. INSTITUTE ITEMS. The sessions of the county institute , this week , have been more and more in teresting and instructive , with a largely increased attendance , there being some fifty teachers registered Tuesday eveningRev. Johnson gave the teachers a characteristic and excellent lecture , which did not lack appreciation Prof. Barber of the University delivered a lecture on the "Mission of Literature , " Wednesday evening , which though only heard by a small audience , by reason of the rain storm , was highly spoken of by those who did brave the inclemency of the weather and the mud G. W. Minkler's efforts in the line of his pro fession surveying , are described as being interesting and instructive Examinations for teachers' certificates have been conducted at the close of each session by Prof. Webster. It is expect ed to finish up the examination work , to-morrow afternoon , or by Saturday morning at the latest The institute will close with the session , to-morrow afternoon , and a sociable for the teach ers , will be held at the rink in the even ing. There will be toasts , refreshment ? and a jolly goc d time in general. A general invitation is extended. . . .The efforts of Profs. Hubbell and Webster and Mr. H. T. Anderson to make the institute most profitable to the teachers have been crowned witli gratifying suc cess , for success we believe is the proper term to use in connection with the endeavors of these instructors and the work of the institute This evening State Superintendent Jone ? will speak to the members of the institute and to as many more as caii find it convenient to go to hear him. The place that once knew William Hildebrand. the individual under bonds for attempting to rape a German girl in Elaycs county , some few weeks since , will in all human probability not know rim again for some time , unless some minion of the law peradventure'pounces upon his carcass , happily. The wilcy William is supposed to have left thi immediate part of the moral vineyard ibout Monday night , since when no one : ias discerned hide or hair of him. It may be a coincidence , but a horse bcloHg- iug to 3Ir. I. Hover is supposed to have perambulated away about the same time that Hildebrand became a fugitive from justice. Ilildebrand's family , we believe , ! s still in the city , persinnably not in affluent circumstances. Two persons from the Willow indulg ed in a ' 'gentle racket" before llayden's old stand , Tuesday evening , during which one of the participants' drew a knife and made a savage lunge at the other , fortunately without result. The i combatant ? were separate' ! before either had damaged the others appear- ! ance to any extent. > During the stormlast evening , James E. Carney , a former employe in the B. & M. yard at this place , but now resid ing upon a claim six miles south of town , was killed by a stroke of lightning. At the time of going to press we are unable to gather any of the particulars. A son of the deceased was struck , and serious ly injured , but will recover. His team was also killed. The deceased was about 35 years of age , and leaves a large family to mourn his sudden and untime ly demise. The case is a sad reminder of the uncertainty of life. In the prime of manhood without a moment's premonition he was cut off. The Constantino Coinmandery ot this city entertained quite a company of visitors at their meeting , last Thursday evening. Among the Sir Knights from abroad were : Messrs. Robt. Oliver , J. B. lieartwell , M. L. and C. L. Alex ander , Jacob Fisher , Dr. Morrill , B. F. ll-iwaltj Wm. Buchanan , A. Yeitb , J. J. Wemple and C. K. Lawson , all of Hastings. A banquet was served at a late hour. An unmarried man named Lampman was killed , yesterday , while digging a well for some party about 14 miles northwest from the city. It appears that a stone which was being drawn up dropped out iol the bucket , falling to the bottom of the well , which was 00 feet deep , killing the unfortunate man below instantly. Two plain drunks , Harry Hoffman and James Ilannon , were up before Police Judge Fisheryesterday morning. Both were fined $2 and costs , the former liquidating , the latter going to the base burner for a short vacation. The firm of Ludwick & Trowbridge are putting up an addition to the rear of their store to accommodate their largely increased stock of furniture by the closing up of the West Dennison street branch. "The Kid' ' base ball club went down to Indianola , and dished up defeat to the unsophisticated at the county-seat to the tune of 28 to 22 , with an inning to spare in favor of our youngsters. An operation was performed upon Mrs. J. M. Ferguson , yesterday , without affording much relief. Mr. Ferguson is down from his claim taking care of his wife during her illness. Please remember that I am giving splendid bargains in harness goods , and now is the time to purchase. 9-2ts. W. W. PAUIER. The family of contractor J. F. Col lins received another addition , yesterday. Money to loan , 3 or 5 years time. J. D. Turner. McCook , Neb. RESIDENCE FOR SALE. I am offering my residence on Madi son street for salo. J. B. MESERVE. I H OHENERY & ANDERSON. OPPOSITE THE FiRST NATIONAL BANK. A - IFULL - ILINE - : - OF Iff pnrrn II 9 .1 Hi TOILET ARTICLES , STATIONERY , ETC. Pure Wines and Liquors FOR MEDICINAL USE ONLY.