The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, July 29, 1886, Image 4

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    F. M. AND E. HI. KDOIELL ,
Editors and Publishers.
Sfate Republican Convention.
The republican electors of tbo state of Ne
braska are Invited to send delegates from the
several counties to meet in convention at
Lincoln , Wednesday , September U9,1880 , at 7
P. M. , for the purpose of placing in nomination
candidates for the following state offices :
Secretary of State.
State Treasurer.
Auditor of Public Accounts.
Commis'ion'rof Public Lands and Buildings
Superintendent of Public Instruction.
Attorney--G eneral.
And for the transaction of such other busi
ness as may properly be presented to the
The several counties are entitled to repre
sentation as follows being based upon the
votd cast for Leavitt Burnbam , in 18S3 , for Ke-
gent of the University , with one delegate from
each county for every one hundred and fifty
votes and the major fraction thereof , and one
delegate at large from each county :
County CentraCommittee Meeting.
There will be a meeting of tbe Repubb'can
County Central Committee at the Court House ,
Indianola , Neb. , August 7th , 18SG , at 1 o'clock ,
P. M. A full attendance is urgently requested.
Secretary. Chairman.
THE Democrats are making extensive
preparations to get left this fall.
CONGRESSMAN LAIRD will return to
the house with less opposition than ever.
SENATOR PAUL of Howard county
aeema to be the coming man for guber
natorial honorsj with General Thayer
and H. T. Clarke well in sight.
WE see it stated that Hon. E. K.
Valentine will not be * a candidate for
governor , but that he is earnestly sup
porting Senator Paul ior that position.
THE TRIBUNE is prepared to announce
the Republican candidates for the va
rious offices at the usual rate $5 per
announcement. Don't all rush in at
THIS issue contains the call for a
meeting of the Republican County Cen
tral Committee at Indianola , August 7th.
There should be a full attendance of the
committee. Let every precinct be rep
resented without fail.
THE TRIBUNE expresses the opinion
of Congressman Laird's constituents ,
when it says that Bully Cobb received
his just deserts. There is a limit to
the amount of insult that any man
should endure , and when that limit is
over-reached , the punishment should
come and with emphasis.
THERE are many candidates for State
Senator now in the field from this dis
trict , and a warm fight is anticipated.
Among the candidates is the present
Senator , J. "W. Dolan , of Indianola.
Senator Dolan has a fair , clean record
and is recognized as one of the best and
most honest legislators from western
Nebraska. Gosper County Citizen.
THE prospects are becoming brighter
for G. L. Laws to receive the nomina
tion for Secretary of State. Mr. Laws
is receiving the enthusiastic support of
the whole Republican Valley , and will
receive the votes of Lincoln county in
addition. We hope Phelps county will
give him a handsome indorsement and
work for him in the convention.
Holdrege Republican.
A RINGING set of resolutions come
wafted upon the western wind from Mc
Cook. Right in the shadow of the land
office from which no rascal has yet been
bounced the democrats assemble in sol
emn conclave and heartily endorse what
the President has donealso his manner
of doing it. This is indeed refreshing.
If the democrats like the situation we
see no reason why it may not be pro-
Jonged indefinitely. Topics.
A well-known western judge has been
in the city for the past day or two , hav
ing a good time. He has succeedec
excellently in this and has "seen the
I elephant" from trunk to tail. To-day he
was staggering about the streets weil
I nigh helplessly intoxicated. All the
policemen happened to know who he
was , and consequently he has so far
avoided arrest. "Dammet , boy , " he sai (
to a reporter , "bin having sush-h goo
time hie. Been paintin' zhish town
red hie an' don' 3rou fer hie gi
it. Got plenny money , yes hie lesl
go 'an git er drink. " At this he rattlcc
the silver in his pocket , and made a
desperate attempt to brace up an iroi
railing against which he was leaning.
The one unfortunate part of this spree
is that the judge has , while here , lost a
neighbor's boy , who came down with hin
to see the sights. His name is Frank
Schaeffer ; he is nine years old , and his
parents live at Alma , Neb. The police
are looking for the boy , but so far have
discovered no trace of him. His drunk
en guardian seems to foci but little un
concerned about the matter. "Dauimc
fTm goan back home till zhat boysh
foun''he , ' declared to a reporter. "Zhe
people might hie try 'er mob law'n
me. Ain' goan to hie run any risks ,
ye know. " Omaha Bee , July 27th.
THE Lincoln Daily Democrat , poor
attenuated old cadaver , has been pur
chased by J. D. Calhoun , the versatile
"Topics Man" of the Lincoln State
.Journal. If there is any man in the
commonwealth that can resuscitate am
breathe the breath of life into the an
cient corpse , Calhoun is the man , but
it will test his lung and brain , capacity
to the utmost ; for verily it hath beer
mortuus est so long that it stinketh.
bus is placed in nomination for Gover
nor by Moses Turner of the Columbus
Journal , in the most eulogistic language
All this is very nice. We like to see
Moses spread himself , so to speak met
aphorically , but Leander can't reach
the persimmons.
THE nation is Safe. At the late meet
ing of the "great unwashed" in this
city , we observe that resolutions were
"unanimously" passed ratifying and
commending Grover's administration.
The Fighting Congressmen.
[ From tho New York Sun. ]
Give ear to a poor but honest little ditty
Of a fight that was fought in Washington city
Between two congressmen , more's the pity.
Says Laird , M. C. , to Cobb , M. C. ,
"You're everything that's rank ,
You crank , you ! "
Says Cobb , M. C. , right violently ,
"You're everything that's blank ,
Blank blank you ! "
Says Laird , M. C. , to Cobb. M. C. ,
"I'm aching for to pulverize you ! "
"Blood , fury andflrel"
Says Cobb , M. C. , "Come out with me ,
And I'll put crape over your eves , you
Sanguineous liar ! "
So Laird , M. C. , and Cobb , M. C. ,
Those shrill and snorting foes.
In martial manner
Went into the lobby angrilee.
And Laird , 11. C. , let out on the nose
Of Cobb of Injianner.
Cobb , M. C. , weighs sixteen stone ;
He collapsed down into a chair ,
All gory ,
And emitted a faint and hollow groan :
"Oh , give me arnica , give me air"
Gone was his gloiy.
Cobb , M. C.'s taken the chip off his shoulder.
Laird of Nebraska is bolder and bolder.
And both'll cool off when the weather gets
Miss Mary Wickwire has a fine organ.
Mrs. Doll had three lambs caught by
Mr. Allum is building a cyclone proof man
Mr. Ihle is building a cottage of brick-
pure Nebraska soil.
Ed. Duffey and family have returned from
their visit to Kansas.
llarry Wade uses a base ball instead of a
handkerchief , sometimes.
Mr. McGermau uses a little wind and a
good deal of hot weather to pump water.
Harry Wade had a S3 bridle taken from
his horse , and an old pony bridle put on in
exchange , at Mr. Dodge's dance.
The man that claims he talks face to face
with God visits the widows. One played ,
"The Sole of the Golden Slipper. " He thinks
she is not a good Christian. N. O. W.
Tim Hanan is home again.
Oats harvest is in full blast in this vicinity.
Our drought is broken and it rains easy now
Bob Mundal sold his antelope. Considera
tion , § 7.
Fred Stone of the Medicine is down visiting
lis grand parents.
W. T. Stone is trying his new harness
Breaking colts now a days.
Don't say this is a dry country. A letter
"rom Michigan informs us that they have had
jut one rain since May 15th. Uxo.
COLEMAN Thursday afternoon , July 22d ,
1SSO , a son , to Mr. and Mrs. C , K. Coleuwn.
EDITOR TIUJJUNE : On July 13th , I
was on the farm of H. T. Church and
visited his corn field , and while thcrn I
cut a stalk of corn from his patch and
brought it to McCook , and it was no
ticed in THE TRIBUNE. Tt was not in
tended as a challenge for tall corn , but
as my friend , Royal Buck , has ac
cepted it as such , I return to him my
compliments with the following report :
Measurement taken of corn on the farm
of H. T. Church , July 27th , 1886 : First
stalk measured gave a height of 12 feet
3 inches ; second , 12 feet 4 inches ;
third , 12 feet 5 inches ; fourth , 12 feet
7 inches ; fifth , 13 feat Hinches ; sixth ,
13 feet 8 inches , seventh , 13 feet 94-
inches ; eighth , 14 feet , with three ears ,
the top ear 9 feet 6 inches from the
ground. One stalk measured 7 inches
in circumference , three feet from the
ground. I sat down in the shade of a
tree and meditated , but could not com
prehend how we could have gathered
the corn , had the drouth not come to
shorten the stalks , and also wondered
what kind of a crop we could raise in a
good season. WM. COLEMAN.
Made by the McCook Loan and
Trust Co. on deeded landor , on final re
ceipts , when proof is unquestionable ,
without sending east for funds. No in
terest is payable in advance , but ten
per cent , straight. Money paid a ? soon
as abstract can be obtained. Office in
First National Bank.
Cash Down. No Delay.
No need of waiting to send off appli
cations. Money paid over as soon as
papers are completed. Call on or ad
dress , RED WILLOW Co. BANK ,
43-tf Indianola , Neb.
R. A. Cole , Merchant Tailor.
To THE PEOPLE : I have received ,
complete in every line , my new fall
stock , and assure to all who call upon
me , fine goods , elegant fits , at very rea
sonable prices. Drop in and be convinc
ed. R. A. Cole , three doors west ot
Citizens Bank , Dennison street.
B. F. Olcotthastwo second-hand top
buggies for sale , or will trade for horses.
Also remember that Olcott has the fin
est road stallion in the west , and farm
ers and stockmen should see him before
breeding elsewhere.
Parties wishing to purchase or trade
for a first-class hotel property should
inquire at this office. 5-tf.
A second-hand organ , in good condi
tion , will be sold cheap. Inqure of
I have a house or unfurnished rooms
to rent. 8-tf. C. N. BATCHELOR.
A Western Cottage organ , good as
new. Will sell cheap. Inquire at my
office. S. H. COLTIN.
Garden City Dairy Company , a
corporation duly organized and
doing business under and by Before S.
virtue of the laws of the State H.Colvin ,
of Illinois , Plaintiff , a Justice of
vs. the Poace ,
William H. Hayden ( and Richard in and for
Roe and John Doe whoso right Red Willow
and true names are unknown ) Co .State of
partners , doing business under Nebraska.
firm name and style of Hayden
& Company , Defendants.
William H. Hayden ( and Richard Roe and
John Doc , whose right and true names are
unknown. ) partners , doing business under the
firm name and style of Hayden & Co. . defend
ants , will take notice that on the 23d day of
July , 1886 , the plaintiff herein. ( Garden City
Dairy Co. . ) commenced its action and filed its
Bill of Particulars in the Justice Court of S. H.
3olvin , a Justice of the Peace in and for Red
Willow county. State of Nebraska , against
said defendants , tho object and prayer of
which is to recover judgment for the sum of
Sixty-Five Dollars and Twenty-Eight Cents
? G3.28)for ) goods , wares and merchandise sold
and delivered to defendants at their own re
quest , and that the necessary affidavits for
attachment and garnishment were filed and
undertaking given and certain parties owing
iefendantsgarnisheed to answer in court , and
: hat the amounts due from them to defendants
be applied to pay debt of defendants to plain
You are required to answer tho said petition
und bill of particulars on or before the 31st day
of August , 1880. GAUDEN Cm DAIIIV Co.
Dated July 24th , 1886. By
9 LEON F. Moss , Atfy.
Abel , Bach & Fitzgerald , a firm" !
organized for the purpose of Before W.
trade in tho State of WisconW. . Fisher , a
sin , Plaintiffs , Justice of
vs. J-the Peace in
Hayden & Company , a firm orand for Red
ganizcd for the purpose of Willow Co. ,
trade in the State of NebrasNebraska. .
ka , Defendants.
William H. Hayden ( and Richard Roe and
fohn Doe , whose right and true names are
mknown. ) partners , doing business under the
Irm name and style of Hayden & Co. , dcfend-
nts , will take notice that on the 23d day of
luly , 18SG , the plaintifis herein , Abel , Bach &
itzgerald , commenced their action and filed
heir Bill of Particulars in the Justice Court of
V. W.Fishera Justice"of the Peace in and for
led AVillow county. State of Nebraska , against
aid defendants , the object and prayer of
vhich is to recover judgment for the sum of
3ne Hundred and Forty-One Dollars and Elev-
jn Cents < 5141.11) ) . and interest from March
,8th , 1SSG , for goods , wares and merchandise
old and delivered to defendants at their own
equest , and that the necessary affidavits for
ittacbment and garnishment were filed and
indertaking given and certain parties owing
iefendants garnisheed to answer in court , and
hat the amounts due from them to defcnd-
ints be applied to pay debt of defendants to
) laintiffs.
You are required to answer the said petition
md bill of particulars on or before the 31st
lay of August , 1886.
By HUGH W. COLE , Att'y.
Patcd July 29th , 1B8C.
Notice is hereby given that the co-partner
ship heretofore existing between G M.'Chen-
cry and L. B. Stiles , doing business under the
firm name of Chenery & Stiles , is this day
dissolved by mutual consent , Mr. Stiles retir
ing. Mr. Chenery has associated H. T. Ander
son with him in the business , which will be
continued at tlio old stand under the stylo ol
Chenery & Anderson , who will collect all bills
due tho old firm and pay nil tho indebtedness.
Dated McCook , Nob. , July 20 , 1680.
| o
Notice is hereby given that tho partnership
heretofore existing betweenV. . E. Fry and
F. M. Snow , doing business under the firm
name of Fry < fc Snow at McCook , Neb. , and
Akron and Yuma , Colo. , is this day dissolved
by mutual consent , Mr. Snow retiring. Mr.
Fry will continue the businpss at McCook.
Neb. , and will collectall outstanding accounts
and pay all indebtedness of the late firm.
Dated , McCook , Neb , July 12 , Ib86. 7
Notice is hereby given that the late firm ot
Brewer Bros. , doing business in the City of
McCook , has this day been dissolved by the
mutual consent of the members thereof.
Charles T. Brewer will continue the business
of the late firm at the old stands and will as
sume and discharge all the indebtedness of
said firm and collect all debts due the same.
All persons knowing themselves indebted to
said partnership are hereby speciallyrcqucsl-
cd to call at once and settle the same.
Dated this 7th day of July , 188G.
G-3t. J. A. BUKWER.
ln tlle County Court ,
P r > p VFIIH \CU-A I
l.rnrn Tlonft' uaxter ,
roeiorc Jieiiij
\ vmocounti. . J county Judge.
In the matter of Lawler & Magncr , Assignors.
NOTICE is hereby given that a meeting of
said creditors of said assignors will be held at
theonieeof the County Judge , in Indianoln ,
Mod Willow county. Neb. , at 9 o'clock A. M. .
on Monday , the 16th day of August , 18S6 , for
the purpose of showing cause , if any exist ,
why F. S. Wileox , said assignee , should not bo
discharged , he having made the distribution
of tT per cent , and fliuil distribution of 15 per
cent , of all the funds received by him Irom the
sale of the said assigned property.
9 HEXRV BAXTER , County Judge.
At my ranch , 4 miles southwest of McCook ,
on or about July Gth. 188U , one large dark
brown mare mule. Has a halter , with short
rope attached. Is harness marked. Has also
a. few white spots.
July 28th , l&Sli. f
Notice is hereby given that the following-
named settler has filed notice of his intention
to make final proof in support of his claim ,
and that said proof will be made before Reg
ister or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Friday ,
September 3d , 18bC , viz : Martin M. Witter , I ) .
S. 2710 , tor the north V northeast M and north
l/z northwest } i of section 17 , township 4 north ,
range 30 , west Gth P. M. He names the follow
ing witnesses to prove his continuous resi
dence noon , and cultivation of , said land , viz :
James Patterson , Robert Smith , Itaxter Davis
and John Smith , all of McCook. Neb.
9 G. L. LAWS , Register.
July 2Gth , 18SG. f
Notice is hereby given that the following-
named settler has filed notice of his intention
to make final proof in support of his claim ,
and that said proof will be made before Rcgis-
teror Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Friday ,
September 3d. 18SG. viz : George W. Clark ,
Homestead Entry 5317 , for the cast } j north
east J4 and east 14 southeast * * of section 11.
township 5 north , range 30 , west Gth P. M. He
names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon , and cultivation of ,
said land , viz : James L. Campbell , William
Smith , David Smith and Samuel Cinnamon all
of Osburn , Neb. G. L. LAWS , Register.
July 2 th , 18SG. f
Notice is hereby given that the following-
named settler has filed notice of his intention
to make final proof in support of his claim ,
and that said proof will be made before Regis
ter or Receiver at JIcCooU , No ! ) . , on Friday ,
September 3d , 188G , viz : OshcaG. Fox , I ) . S.
2873 , for the west y southeast ii of section 10 ,
township 3 north , range 29 , west Gth P. M. H e
names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon , and cultivation
of , said land , viz : George Wookey , Edward
Couse. John Williamson and James Bagley all
of JlcCook , Neb. G. L. LAWS , Register.
July 24th. 188G. f
Notice is hereby given that the following-
named settler has filed notice of his intention
to make final proof in support of his claim ,
and that said proof will be made before Regis
ter or Receiver at McCook. Neb. , on Friday ,
September 3d. 1SSG , viz : Eli Wallace , D. S.
2313 , for the east H northwest J and north V2
northeast } of section 13 , township 2. north
range 29 west , Gth P. M. He names the follow
ing witnesses to prove his continuous resi
dence upon , and cultivation of , said land , viz :
Richard Johnston. Robert Johnston , Charles
Winge and W. II. Smith all of McCook , Neb.
9 G. L. LAWS , Register.
July 2'Jth. 18S3. f
Notice is hereby given that the following-
named settler has filed notice of his intention
to make final proof in support of his claim ,
and that said proof will be made before Regis
ter or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Saturday ,
August 28,1SSG , viz : Lcander StarbuckHome
stead Entry 2001 , for the north southeast 1A
and south y northeast & of section 3 , town. 2
north , range 30 west Gth P. M. He names the
following witnesses to prove his continuous
residence upon , and cultivation of , said land , ' i
viz : George J.Frederick , J. P. Squire , Henry
Small and Robert Squire , all of McCook , Neb.
8 G. L. LAWS , Register.
July 17tli , ISbti. (
Notice is hereby given that the following-
named settler has tiled notice of his intention
to make final proof in support of his claim ,
and that said proof will be made before Regis
ter or Receiver at McCook , Neb.on Thursday ,
August 20th , 188G , viz : Paul Egger , Homestead
Entry 293 , for the southwest quarter of section
20 , township 2 north , range 2S west Gth P. M.
He names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon , and cultivation
of , said land , viz : Charles Ebert , Herman Bey.
Herman Shoemaker and Nelson Dowens , all '
of Indianola , Nebraska.
8 G. L. LAWS. Register.
July 14th , 1SS6. f
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has filed notice of her intention j
to make final proof in support of her claim , I
ind that said proof will be made before Reg- ,
ister or Receiver at McCook. Neb. , on Friday , !
August 20th , 110 , viz : Nettie E. Parks , D. S. i
1418. for the west2 southeast of section 20 ,
town. 2 north , range 30 , west Gth P. M. She
names the following witnesses to prove "her
continuous residence upon , and cultivation
3f , said land , viz : John P. Swanson , Louis
Fauss. J. F. Megrew and Enoch M. Matsoii , all
jfVailton , Nebraska. |
7 * G. L. LAWS , Register. I
July 10th , ISSti. ) i
Notice is hereby given that the following-
iamed settler has filed notice of his intention ,
: o make final proof in support of his claim ,
md that said proof will be made before Regis-
er or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Saturday ,
August 21st , 18S , viz : Saxton B. Coltrain ,
Soiuestcad Entry 218 , for the northwest
) f section 9 , township 1 north , range 29 , west
ithP. M. Ho names the following witnesses
o prove his continuous residence upon , and
: ultivationof.said laud , viz : James kawthcrs ,
iamuel Ellis , J. B. Farnsworth and John Relph
ill of McCook , Nebraska.
J * G. L. LAWS , Register. I
July 10th , lga . f
Notice is hereby given that the following-
mmed settler has filed notice of his intention
o make final proof in support of his claim ,
ind that said proof will be made before Regis-
eror Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Monday ,
Vugust 23 , 18SG , viz : Edwin M. Farnsworth ,
lomeatead Entry 1073 , for the northwest M of
ection 21 , township 1 north , range 29 , west
th P. M. He names the following witnesses
o prove his continuous residence upon , and
mltivation of , said land , viz : Sidney Dodge ,
ohn Goodenberger , Amos Goodenberger and
ohn M. Ford all of McCook , Nebraska.
7t G. L. LAWS , Register.
f .
Grade Hereford Bulls ,
Grade Shorthorn Gows f Calves ,
Grade Shorthorn and Hereford
Yearling Heifers ,
In bunches to suit at low
prices , on 5 years time , at IQ
per cent , interest , real estate
security. This is the best
chance you will ever have to
buy Good Cattle Cheap. In
quire of
: JESSE 0 , WELBOBN , Indianola ,
'BBS I Lomber Go , ,
Li IIvlJjUlNJc
July 12th , 1SSG. f
Notice is hereby given that the following-
named settler has filed notice of his intention
to make final proof in support of his claim ,
and that said proof will be made before Regis
ter or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Monday ,
August 23d , 188G , viz : Henry T. Stelfy , D.jj.
1997 , for the northeast } 4 of section G. township
I north , range29 , west Gth P.M. He names
the following witnesses to prove his continu
ous residence upon , and cultivation of , said
and , viz : Fred Benjamin , Samuel Ellis , Ed.
Benjamin and Nehemiah Burtlessall of Mc
Cook , Nebraska.
7 * G.L. LAWS , Register.
July 10th , IBbO. f
Notice is hereby given that the following-
named settler has filed notice of her intention
to make final proof in support of her claim ,
and that said proof will be made before Reg
ister or Receiver at McCook , Neb , on Satur
day , August 21 , 1S8G , viz : Launi E. Graves ,
D. S. 2120 , for the east X northeast H of sec
tion 32 , and northwest h northwest } 4 of sec
tion 33. township 3 north , range 30 , west Gth
P. M. She names the following witnesses to
prove her continuous residence upon , and
cultivation ot , said land , viz : Matthew H.
Johnson , Edgar F. Turner , Alfred C. Nettle-
ton and John Whittaker all of McCook , Neb.
7"- ! G.L. LAWS , Register.
July Gth , 18fc . f
Notice is hereby gi-en that the following-
named settler has filed notice of his intention
to make final proof in support of his claim ,
and that said proof will be made before Reg
ister or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Tues
day , August 24th , IfcSC. viz : Thomas Rowland ,
H.E.387 , forthesouthwestquarterof section
9 , township 1 north , range 28 , west Gth P.M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon , and cultiva
tion of , said land , viz : Henry Standard. John
Harbor , Ira McClung and Charles Sollurs all
of Danbury , Nebraska ,
7t G.L.LAWS , Register.
July 7th , 18SG. f
Notice is hereby given that the following-
named settler has filed notice of his intention
to make final proof in support of his claim ,
and that said _ proof will be made before Reg
ister or Receiver at McCook. Neb. , on Monday ,
August 23d , 188G. viz : Lyinan Miller , home
stead entry 295 , for the southwest quarter of
section 9 , township 3 north , range 29 , west Gth
P.M. He names the following witnesses to
prove his continuous residence upon , and cul
tivation of , said land , viz : Walter Hickling ,
Edward Couse , John Shaw and Thos. Buckles ,
all of McCook , Neb.
G G. L. LAWS , Register.
JuncSjth , 18SG. i
Notice is hereby given that the following-
named settler has filed notice of his intention
to make final proof in support of his claim ,
and that said proof will be made before Regis
ter or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Friday.
AuuustGth , 18SG , viz : Thomas Whitmer , Home
stead Entry , CIS , for the southeast quarter of
section 31 , township 5 north , range 30 west.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon , and cultivation [
of said land , viz : George Brown , E. R. Har- i
mon , Jacob Betz , McCook , Neb. , and Edward
Hamilton of Osburn , Neb.
5 G. L. LAWS , Register.
June 23d. 18SG. f
Notice Is hereby given that the following-
named settler has flied notice of his intention
to make final proof in support of his claim ,
and that said proof will be made before Reg
ister or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Friday ,
July SOth , 1SSO , viz : Almond Gustin , D. S. G'J7 ,
for the northeast quarter of section 2s' , town.
2 north , range 80 west Gth P. M. He names the
following witnesses to prove his continnous
residence upon , and cultivation of , said land ,
viz : Daniel A.Clements. Frank Schwartz , John
M. Gambelle and Joseph B. Armentrout.all of
Vailton , Nebraska.
i G. L. LAWS , Register.
Juneiilth , 188G. f
Notice is hereby given that the following-
named settlor has Hied notice of his intention
to make ilnal proof in support of his claim , ,
and that said proof will be made before Iteg-
ister or Receiver at McCook. Neb. , on Friday , i <
July BOth , 188(5 ( , vte : Edward Kanouse , D. S.
7r : ' , for the southeast northwest } * &Lots3 ,
4 and 5 , section G , township I north , range 28
west , Gth P.M. He names the following wit
nesses to prove his continuous residence upon ,
and cultivation of , said land , viz : John Cal
kins. Franklin W. Weaver , Eugene G. Dunham
and Thomas H. Fowler all of McCook , Neb.
4 G. L. LAWS , Register
June21. l&bG. f
Notice is hereby given that the following1-
named settler ha& filed notice of his intention
to make final proof in support of his claim , i
and that said proof will be made before Regis- |
ter or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Friday.
July 30.18a'J , viz : James E.Eaton , Homestead
Entrv3. " > ! 8 , for the southwest quarter of sec
tion 10 , township 4 north , range 30 west , Gth
P. M. He nnincs the following witnesses to '
prove Ins continuous residence upon , and
cultivation of , said land , viz : Robert Moore ,
William Colernan , Edward Patterson and Levi
Brown , all of McCook , Nebraska.
4 G. L. LAWS , Register.
Junuftlth , 18SG. f
Notice is hereby given that the following-
named settler has tiled notice of his intention
to make final proof in support of his claim ,
and that said proof will be made before Reg
ister or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Friday ,
August Gth , IMti , viz : James L. Campbell , D. S.
4G9 , for the east " 4 southwest ii , northwest Ji
southwest } * and southwest U northwest J-j of
section 2G , townchip 5 north , range 30 west.
He names the tollowing witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon , and cultiva
tion of. said land , viz : Austin A. Clark ,
George W. Clark , Joseph Allen and William
Smith all of Osborn , Nebraska.
3 G. L. LAWS , Register.
June 19th , 18sG. f
Notice is hereby given that the following-
named settler has filed notice of his intention j
to make Umil proof in support of his claim , ]
of section 14 and east yt southeast fiof sectio'n
15. township 3 north , range 30 west , Gth P. M. .
He names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous rcsidenceupon , and cultivation of
said land , viz : Adolph Rieschick. Charles
Vollhrecht , Jacob II. Evans and Frederick
Vollbrccht all of McCook. Nebraska.
l G.L.LAWS , Register.
Juue22d , 18eC. f
J otice is hereby given that the following-
named settler has filed notice of his intention
to make final proof in support of his claim
and that said proof will be made before Regis
ter or Receiver at McCook. Neb. , on July 3uth
Ibt-fi. viz : Joseph F. Megrue , D. S. 268. lor the
southwest , northeast andsoutheast . north
west J * and northeast & southwest J , , and
northwesth southeast Li. section 19 , township
2 north , rang * 30 west , 6 P. M. He names the
following witnesses to prove his continuous 1
residence upon , and cultivation of , said land fc '
viz : Louis iauss , McCook , Neb. . Geonre MPV !
ers , Richard Williams. Joseph Smith Dritt-
wood , Nebraska. G. L. LAWS , Register.
„ . , JuneSOth.lSSG. f
I otice is hereby given that the foliowintr-
namcd settler has tiled notice of his intention
to make final proof in support of his claim
and that said proof will be made before Reg !
ter or Receiver at McCook , Neb on Frid v
August Gth , IfciC , viz : Austin V Clark D S * '
575 lor the south yt southeast Ji. northwest i i
southeast h and southeast J-i southwest
section 23 , townbhip 5 north , range 30 west'
He names the following witnesses to prove"
- Lisr
- SSSffi
LAWS , Register.