, i. , , * . * , . . . / ( . . - > . . i - . - s --jf - * - IK i-ti. - > - - r /s e 1 A V' V. McCOOK , RED WILLOW COUNTY , NEBRASKA , THURSDAY , JULY 29 , 1886. NUMBER 9. EVERYTHING HAS GONE 1 Our Entire Stock to be Closed IWE HAVE NO OLD SHOP WORN GOODS , . BUT. EVERY' NG IS NEW , CLEAN # STYLISH ! We Guarantee to Sell Goods for Less Money Than Any Dare To. OUR STOCK MUST BE SOLD. - : - COME AND GET OUR PRICES. EVERYTHING NEW McCRAGKEN'S JEWELRY STORE \VHEN YOU WANT A iiUulV flftf , Jlmliliill TFTUFl T1V OR SIKVE.R.WAR.EI. Always go to McCracken's first and save time and money and you will invariably find just what you are looking for. Beware of buying from those outside the regular jewelry busi ness. There is no advantage of dealing with uuprincipled trad ers , deceiving they care not who. McCracken is a square dealer and guarantees satisfaction. Only first-class work done and warranted. EAST SIDE MAIN AVENUE , McCOOK , NEBRASKA. THE CITIZENS BANK OF ( INCORPORATED UNDER STATE LAWS. ) Paid up Capital , $50,000,00 , : DOES General Banking Business , Collections made on all accessible points. Drafts drawn directly on the principal cities of Europe. Taxes paid for Xon-Eesidents. Money to loan on farming lands , village and personal property. Fire insurance a specialty. Tickets For Sale to and from Europe , CORRESPONDENTS : % V. FflASKMNPresident. First National Bank , Lincoln , Nebraska. I JOHN 11. CLARK , Vice-President. The Chemical National Bank , New York. ) A. C. EBEHT , Cashier , Superior to any on the nmrkct , being Heai Icr , Stronser Unlit , and therefore a more Durnlilc Mill. It Is the only absolutely safe Mill built ; and out of Thousands Erected During 12 Years past , not one has ever blown away and left the Tower standing. A record no other Mill can show. AVe offer to put up any of our PUMPIXG MILLS ON THIRTY DAYS TRIAL , And If they don't si\c satisfaction , will remove Mill at our own expense. Also Manufacturers of the Celebrated Challenge Feed Mills , CornShellers. Iron Pumps nlth brass cylinders , Iron Pipe , Tanks. For estimates , catalogues and prices , apply to G. U. NETTLETON , McCook , Neb. , Agent for Southwestern Nebraska and Northwestern Kansas. ad Sslesres i = the HeCcoi ? se J Mill , Easlrcad St. The Howard Lumber Co. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN Lumber & McCOOK , NEBRASKA. THE devil evidently has the "whip hand" on Cincinnati. The have a church there to every 1,250 inhabitants a saloon to every 100. BOB BUKDETTE in one of his lectures said : "Men have fought , bledanddied , ; but not for beer. Freedom did not shriek as Kosciosco fell over a whisky barrel , and even the battle of Brandy- wine was not fought that whisky might be free. " A WELCH poet has written some ver ses on the Nicolini-Patti wedding. Here is an extractLlanwer wynwes hen gwoniawe acherddorol dan.1 These be hard words , but they may be deserv ed , considering the way Patti and Nic- olini have been "carrying on'1 for some years. Patti is " 'no chicken , " but it is rather ungallant to call her a "wynwes hen. " Norristown Herald. AN exchange says it is just as impor tant for a girl to make good bread as to paint a picture. It may be ; but a girl can't throw "soul , " tone , technique , feeling , chiaro oscurro , and such things into a loaf of bread. The latter , however , put in a frame and hung against the parlor wall , would no doubt look quite as attractive and artistic as the picture painted by the girl. Norristown ( Pa. ) Herald. BOB BURDETTE recently enjoyed a "campin' out'5 vacation , which he in part describes as follows : 'The bluest skies , the brightest stars , the loveliest night in all this land greets me with the blessing of peace. The night wind is sighing softly in the gen tle swaying tree tops , a lullaby of the summer night , a liquid whisper , the very undertone of the zephyr , scarce so loud as the purling murmur of the dreamy little brook , crowing itself to sleep in the starlight. That is all. " N'L , ' " said the President. "I ob serve that Union College has made you an ] M. A. andVarner Miller an L. L. D. I congratulate both of youDau'l , though it would seem that if you arc an M. A. , I ought to be something with at least four letters in it. But tell me , Dan'l , did any of those Xew Hampshire col leges confer any degree on Dave Hill ? ' ' "Si , signer , " returned the accomplish ed private secretary. "You surprise me ; what degree was it ? " ' > ? . Gmy liege. " Whereupon his excellency laughed merrily , and vowed that Dan'l had a lively wit. Buffalo Express. HUGH G. G-AVIGAX , the democratic postmaster at Columbus , Kansas , who was convicted on Saturday of conspira cy to blow up and burn the court house in order to destroy the records of some of his frauds , is an old and slick offender. A few days previously he had been con victed of forgery in the second degree in connection with the same land frauds. The methods of Gavigaii and his con federates were brought to light on the trial. They would purchase real estate , wild lands principally , and have it deed ed to fictitious persons. Then they would make applications for loans , des cribing the property as improved real estate , with buildings , and give notes and mortgages signed by fictitious per sons and pocket the proceeds. Gavigan's thefts in this way aggregated ยง 80.000. He was the democratic candidate for auditor of state two years ago. I THE Frenchman river is being bridg ed at Palisade b } ' Hayes and Hitchcock counties jointly. THE next biennial meeting of the Supreme Lodge , K. of P. . will be held in Cincinnati , the second week in .rune. THE oleomargarine bill has passed both houses of congress and will doubt less receive the president's signature. Hereafter "oleo" ' will have to sail under her own colors , besides paying a tax of two cents per pound. COXGHKSS has finally passed the bill for the relief of settlers on the Otoe and Missouri reservations. The bill extends the time to purchasers two years and protects in their purchase and settle ments all who have entered upon the lands up to this time. THE Pittsburg Times gets off the fol lowing pointed remarks on vetoes : "Some persons think that certain of the President's vetoes must have been writ ten by Eugene Higgins , who was a keeper of Libby prison and used to in dulge in humors not unlike the presi dent's. " THE organ of the laboring men in Terre Haute says : "No man should be permitted to become a member of the organization who is not a temperate [ man , a respecter of himself as a man , a cood , deserving , home-loving , family- protecting citizen. " If such safeguards were thrown about labor organizations they would accomplish great results. GROVER , THE HERO. o For The Inter Ocean. Oh , yes , he is a hero , The greatest of the Uny ; He wrote a little veto. And it stopped the widow's pay. Yet her husband was a soldier. One who tor his country died : Hut "My little veto message Knocked her pension claim abide. ' And the during cavalier , He who fought with Sheridan , Who was injured most severe , "Veto" served our heto's plan. As I represent the party That is boasting of reform , I miibt watch the Nation's treasure When the pension harpies swarui. Yes , our G rover is a hero , Is the hero of the day : Is the hero of a party , Vho would not a pension pay. Cednr Kapids , Iowa , July 20. YOURS IN HASTE. ( THE CHNTUHY Bric-a-Hrac. ) I loved that dainty monogram. With three slim letters interlaced. Above the notes she used to write Signing them ever , "Yours in haste , " The world was young , and so was I : Ho\v sweet to think that in the whirl She kept one moment all for me , To glad niy heart mjradiant girl I The world is old , and so am I ; And since my love became my wife. It seems to me I"v somehow been. Too lute for everything in life. With ribbons Hying , gown awry. With panting breath and boots unlaced. True to her vows of yore , she's been. Both now and ever mine "in haste. " B. H. Unrleprojiiietor of the Builcy IIou.se , Uelle I'laine , Jim a , relatehis exper ience asfollow.s : "Ihaxelr.ultlieop ] > oitiniity of testing the merits of Chaniberlain'.s Colic , Cholera anil Dinrrlura JJemeily in several in stance ? ) in seveic and dangerous cases of cholera niorbnsFrom my experience in the use of this medicine lean leconimcnd itith pleasure. Every one traveling .should have it and no faniilv.should be without it. " Sold by Willeyi Walker. LYTLE BROS. & CO , DEALERS IN GENERAL MARSHALLTO IRON AND WOOD PUMPS , ETC. , McCOOK AND BENKELMAN , NEBRASKA. .wick & Trowbridge , -PROPRIETORS OF THE- Ill Of all descriptions. We have the best abutment in Western Nebraska , consisting of Fine Parlor Fnrnitme , Mich as LomnreKasy Chairs , Iocker { , Window Chairs. Groups Ottomans , etc. We offer special inducements in stle , quality and priceof CHAMBER SUITES , In Walnut , Maple , Ash. Cherrand Imitation Mahujram. AI-o. Bedsteads , BureauSide - Ixiauls , Extension Tables. Librarx Cascs.hceietaiics. OIHce Desks. Tables and Stands. Also , full equipments tor JIome > teaders. atmh juices as u ill be in reach of all : Single Cot Beds ( Wiie and Cotton Top ) . Pillows , Blankets and Quilts. Chahs and Coiiiinon Tables. Hotel and Public House Furnitmea Specialty. Pier and Mantel Mirroi s. WindoShades and Cornice * a Specialty. Vctorsprings adapted to the trade. UNDERTAKING In all its branches. We handle Wood Bmial Cases and Caskets. Fine Cloth Covered Cases. Telegraph oiders promptly attended to. on us. We guarantee low prices and a positive bargain. No. 25 South Main Ave , - IMcCOOK , NEB. The First National Bank OF MeGOOK , NRBRASKA. PAID UP CAPITAL , - - $50,000.00. DOES A GENERAL - : - - : - BANKING BUSINESS , Receives and Pays Deposites. Buys and Sells Exchange on New York. Chicago and Omaha , and all the principal cities of Europe. FIRE INSURANCE WRITTEN IN RELIABLE CO.'S. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS : OSOBOE EOCZIISLL , Pretest. A. CA PSiLL , ? . L. BZJVTiT , : sitr. 3. il. ? 2SS : . Vie-Prtdist , ( Of Freei i Hoeknell. ) ( Assl.tani Supt. B. & .M. ) ( Of KIrj ! Carpenter Co. , Chicago. )