The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, July 22, 1886, Image 5

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    Thursday , July 22(1 ( , 1886.
'Indicates that your subscription to this
X paper HAS EXPIRED , and thut n cordia
invitation is extended to call and renew
the same. Subscription , ? 2 per year.
t Local Intelligence.
/ " Fresh candy at the City Bakery.
JSP Go to W. W. Palmer for your
harness. 32-tf.
, 000,000.00 to loan on farms.
Agce & Wiley.
Call and inspect our line of Knight
Templar cards.
Money to loan on improved farms ,
Agee & Wiley.
Choice lemons at Wilcox & Fowler's
ibr 50 cents a dozen.
Money loaned to persons to make final
proof. Agee & Wiley.
10 pounds of Roasted Coffee for $1
\Yilcox & Fowler's.
A full line of hardware , stoves and
tinware at C. D. Palmer's.
Do not forgot the basket sociable at
the rink , to'-niorrow evening.
All kinds of sheet-iron , tin and cop
per work done at C. D. Palmer's.
New stock of Children's Clothingjust
received at Wilcox & Fowler's.
EST'Sweet Michigan Cider of excel
lent quality at the City Bakery.
Nobby New Suits at Wilcox & Fow
ler's. New stock just opened.
Money to loan on final proof or deed
ed land. J. D. Turner , McCook.
Is it not about time to call a meeting
of the county central committee ?
C. D. Palmer , opposite McEntee , is
the best place to buy your hardware.
Observe change in time of holding
Lutheran services , in card elsewhere.
If you want the best gasoline stove ,
go to C. D. Palmer's , opposite McEntee.
Money to loan on annual or semi
annual interest. J.D. Turner , McCook.
The City Bakery's bread is known all
along the B. & M. west of here for its
The M. E. pulpit will be occupied by
Rev. C. F. Creighton of Lincoln , next
Sunday , July 25th.
The Metropolitan Drug Store is in re
ceipt of a fine assortment of wall papers.
Call and examine them.
The West End drug store of W. S
Caldwell is advertised to be sold at
Sheriffs sale , July 2Sth , 1S8G.
G. W. Bede & Co. have some special
bargains in real estate. Office 4th door
south of TJ. S. Land office. 27-tf.
Pocket state maps at this office.
These maps are just from the press and
are accurate and complete to date.
The Masons are rearranging the offices
recently vacated by Agee & Wiley , over
Green's drug store , for their own use.
Nettleton will sell Wind Mills and
Pumps as low as the lowest , Feed Mills
FOR SALE 50 head of young mares
and 20 head of mules. Lindner & Er-
man , McCook , Neb. Barn west of
Commercial Hotel.
Take all work to McCracken , the
Jeweler. He turns out good work only
and guarantees what he does. East
side of Main Avenue.
We have just received a nice line of
calling cards of the latest styles. Also
have in stock an assortment of fraterni
ty cards. Call and see them.
Two car-loads of Button flour just re
ceived by W. E. Fry. Embracing the
following popular brands : Eclipse ,
Western Rose and Magnolia.
Probst Bros. ' are selling more of their
excellent bread than ever , and shipping
immense quantities west daily. Their
well earned reputation has secured for
them a custom that keeps them as bus } '
* as bees to fill.
A horse belonging to C. P. Ilinker of
the McCook Implement Emporium ,
dropped down dead , last Thursday after
noon , on the road south of the city ,
from the excessive heat , which register
ed 10G in the shade.
Wilcox & Fowler call your attention
to the fact that they have just opened a
( > fine stock of clothing. They can fit
i anybody. and everybody , from a three-
* year-old boy to a 300-pound man. Call
And inspect for yourself.
* jL5 Parties wanting a piano , or are think
ing of purchasing one sometime , be sure
and call on F. L. McCracken for prices
first. I have a sample of one of the
best make. Will sell any make at low
est prices and on terms to suit. Don't
forget this.
Tribune and Inter Ocean $2.SO.
For the next 30 days all new subscrib
ers who will square their subscription to
date and one year in advance will receive
THE TRIBUNE and the Chicago Inter
Ocean for $2.50.
After considerable persuasion and a
liberal use of a cane , Policeman Banks
succeeded in jugging a belligerentdrunk ,
Friday evening.
The demand for girls to do general
house-work is unusally brisk just now ,
while the market is short its ordinary
condition in this country.
It is a matter of indignation and re1
gret to the good citizens of McCook that
the city officials do not clean out the
hoide of gamblers and prostitutes that
now infests the town.
THE TIUBUNK is indebted to J. F.
Foroes , who is on the ground , for a
handsome paper descriptive of the great
Knight of Pythias demonstration at
Toronto , Ontario , Canada.
Quite a goodly company of our peo
ple were present at the reception , at
the M. E. church , last Thursday even
ing , given to Rev. Wheeler and bride
on their arrival from the cast.
Rev. Joel S. Kelsey ot the Congre
gational church will speak next Sunday
' -The Preacher's Circle
morning uptnThe
of Duty , " and in the evening upon
"Christianity and Education. "
A diminutive antelope , as kind and a
gentle as a kitten , was to be seen on
our streets , yesterday. It had been
captured in Colorado , a short distance
beyond our state line , a few days ago.
The base ball game between the home
club and Culbertson boys , last Saturday
afternoon , was a regular walk-away for
McCook. The Culbertsonites failed to
make the game more than funny. In
fact hardly that.
We hope our people will take as ac
tive an interest in the proceeding of the
county institute now in session in the
city as their time will allow. Lend en
couragement by your presence as often
as may be.
If the base ballists of this city arc
unable to get along without the aid of
two or three tin-horn gamblers they had
better retire from the field. A club
with such an item of membership is a
disgrace to the community.
Last Saturday's matinee races did
not pan out very heavily , and the large
crowd , which turned out on the occa
sion , expecting some good races , were
disgusted and sorely disappointed , and
not a little chagrined at the finale.
Among the lecturers before the coun
ty institute , next week , will be Prof.
Gr. E. Barber of the University , who
will lecture on Wednesday evening ,
July 28th. Superintendent W. W. W.
Jones will lecture on Thursday evening ,
July 20th.
The ladies of the Congregational
church will hold a basket sociable at
the old skating rink building , to-morrow
( Friday ) evening. Admission free. The
adics extend a general and cordial in
vitation to the people to come and enjoy
the occasion.
The third annual meeting of the Min-
sterial Association , Republican Valley
District , will be held at Indianola , Neb. ,
on August 10th , llth and 12th. An
nteresting program has been prepared
'or the occasion , and a grand meeting
s expected.
According to the published estimate
of city's expenses , there is no general
'undand , no fund for streets and alleys ,
two of the most needed funds in the city
government. But we have $2,000 for
salaries , and $150 for incidentals , or
$35 more than 10 mills on the assessed
) ixon , real estate agent , reports the
'ollowing sales : Lots 9 and 10 in block
2,11 and 12 in block 13,10 in block 16 ,
first addition to McCook , to S.L.Dixon.
Also , S. L. Green's timber claim to Mr.
) immitt. Consideration , $1,000. Also ,
resold lots I ) and 10 in block 2 to Mr.
3hiilippi of Illinois.
One of the actions of the late special
erm of district court was the granting
of a divorce to H. C. Rider , on the
grounds of extreme cruelty , it being al-
eged that Rider's wife had caused him ,
upon sundry occasions"extreme anguish
of body and soul. " Oh , Lord , how we
ioor delicate men do suffer at the hands
of weakly , crippled women !
The drug firm of Chenery & Stiles ,
his week , dissolved by mutual consent ,
Mr. Stiles retiring. Mr. Chenery has
ssociated Mr.H. T. Anderson with him
n the business , which will be continued
at the old stand. The new firm starts
ut in the commercial world with a
nicely established business and with a
) right prospect ahead. THE TamrxE
wishes for their success.
Money to loan , 3 or 5 years time.
J. D. Turner , McCook , Neb.
As per notice appearing in the Cour
ier , Albert H. Steadman seeks a divorce
from Mary B. Steadman on the grounds
j of abandonment. Answer day is set
for August 23d. Sophia Merkle also
desires to be released from the "bonds of
holy wcd-lock , " with Carl Merkle. on the
ground that Carl secured her consent
to marriage by trickery , fraud and de
ception , also on the grounds of extreme
cruelty. August 9th is the day fixed
for hearing in this case. The frequen
j cy of divorce proceedings is beconiin ;
one of the most disgraceful features o :
our courts , which are deluged with them
upon every regular and special term
This divine institution seems to be held
at a very low and trifling consideration
We clip the following from The Capi
tal published at Washington , D. C
Mr. Davis , with his family , expects to
locate in MeCook about August 1st :
Mr. C. W. Davis , of the General Land Oflice ,
has voluntarily resigned his position , am
will remoVe with his family to Xebraska ,
where he intends to pursue the practice of
the law , making a specialty of all cases aris
ing under the public land laws. Mr. Davis
j is a lawyer of ten years' experience , and fron
1877 to 1SSO was district attorney in South
western New York. His experience of four
years in the General Land Oflice on all classes
of contested cases will necessarily render his
services of great value to those having busi
ness either before the local oflices in Nebraska
or before the department at Washington.
As a matter of information we below
append the names of the members of the
county central committee , of which J
E. Berger is chairman :
BEAVKIJ A. P. Bodwell.
D.vxBUiiy W. W. Dunham.
EAST VAM.EY Ora Clark.
GEUVEK John Huggins.
GHAXT James Hill.
IXIMAXOLA E. Peterman.
XoitTii YAU.EY J. W. Daniels.
HUD WILLOW Vf. T. Hamilton.
"No one will believe for a moment
that $2,000 will be expended , this year ,
for salaries , in McCook , ' " says the sa
loon organ on one page of last week'
issue ; on another page it says , in the
city's estimate of expenses , "for sala
ries , city officers , $2,000. " ' 'For inci
dental expenses , $150. " THE TRIBUNE
does not believe that $2,000 will be
spent for salaries , simply because the
city's income will not be $2,000.
IT seems to THE TRIBUNE to be apro
pos that repentance is not always so
much regret for the evil done , as arrant
fear of its consequences. That its puri
fying , cleansing power consists largely
in the degree in which the wrong done
is righted. That it is not a single ac
tion , but the continuous dropping from
penitential clouds. Save ?
$28.18 is the amount of cash found
in the Chase county bankby the credi
tors , when the institution succumbed to
"financial distress"last , week. How's
that for banking ? The deposits amount
ed to over $2.000. The loss falls upon
the settlers heavily , some of them hav
ing their entire earthly possessions in
the bank.
We note the arrival , last Friday morn
ing , at the residence of Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Harris on North Main , of a
sweet little parcel of femininity , of the
usual weight and vocal powers. Parent
and child are doing well , although some
solicitation was for awhile entertained
for Frank , who is convalescent.
The party who telegraphed the Oma
ha Bee the account of the Benkelman
bank failure ought to keep a bag of ice
conveniently near his head. The amount
of defalcation is nearer $5,000 than
$100,000 , the sum stated in the sensa
tional telegram sent from this city.
Well , the clouds have been weeping
copiously , the past three days , and the
grangers are smiling with an audible-
ness proportionate to the amount of rain
fall and the consequent assurance of
good crops. Lift up your heads , oh ye
disconsolate , and be ye lifted up !
POOR FIDO ! E. M. Brickey's little
dog became afflicted with the rabbies ,
iasfc Thursday , and the Chief of Police
Pound it necessary to remove him from
this ungrateful world , via the lead route.
The city of McCook has two first class
aands. McCook is a hustler in all things ,
and if a lot of thugs and gamblers could
3C cleaned out it would be a desirable
town to live in. Nebraska City Leader.
If your business is not worth adver-
tising , why hunt around and find some
? ellow you hate real thoroughly , and
present it to him. We guarantee that 1i i
ic will be a corpse in a six-month.
Said the preacher , last Sunday , ( > Thou a
shall not take the name of the Lord , j c
thy God , in vain , " should be written all
over the sky west of the Missouri river.
j3 ? Un < lci this head wo would he pleased to
have our friends throughout the city acquaint
us of the arrival and departure of their visitors.
Ed. Wilcox 1ms gone up to Yuma to spend
a few days.
\V. 11. Davis of the dispatcher's office pass
ed Sunday at Jlartwell.
11. G. Dixou made a visit down the road ,
Friday evening last on 40.
District Attorney Xorlan o'f Arapahoe was
in town , Monday , on legal business.
George llanlein went down to Riverton ,
Saturday morninglast , on a visit to relatives.
Eessrs. Lippincott and Cotton of the State
Journal Co. , spent Sunday in the city.
Clark Ward of Indianola and J. C. Moore
of Tyrone were visitors at the metropolis ,
Chas. Fisher , Commissioner elect of Chase
county , came down-to the city , yesterday , on
a short visit.
C. W. Ballard wont up to Akron , Monday ,
to start the publication of another newspaper
at that place.
Mr. and Mrs. .1. T. Wray of Culbertdon
were among the Monday visitors in the
principal port.
, J. ( J. Stokes was down from the Willow ,
Tuesday , with .some cattle which lie disposed
of to our local butchers.
Rev. P. C. Johnson and wife of Indianola
were present at llev. Wheeler's reception at
he M. E. church , last Thursday evening.
T. A. Potts of Columbus , general agent of
the Wheeler & Wilson MTg Co. of Chicago ,
was a business tourist in the chief city ,
C. W. Shurtlelf of the Bank of Stratton
was a business embassador to this commer
cial centre , yesterday.
Dr. Beck of lied Cloud visited in the city ,
a number of days , the fore part of the week ,
the guest of Train Agent Josselyn of East
Dennison street.
V. Franklin visited B. B. Duckworth at his
home near Danbiiry , last Sunday , finding
him improving and in hopes of being around
again in a short time.
A. W. Agce of Aurora , of the law and loan
firm of Agee & Wiley of our city , spent the
fore part of the week with us , returning
home , yesterday morning.
Jay W. Kennedy , representing Chamber
lain fc Co. , manufacturing pharmacists , Des
Moines , Iowa , was in the city , Monday , in
the interests of that company.
Mrs. L. F. Britton , and daughter , Miss
Jarrie , are visiting in the city , guests of W.
1) . Paine. They arrived from Elgin , III. ,
ast Friday , and will remain some time.
Cashier Brown of the First National spent
two or three days , the close of last week , at
Benkelman and Imperial on business con-
iccted with the Beltxer bank failures at those
: ioints.
Mrs. Miles and Miss Theo. , mother and
sister of Mrs. 11. C. Fisher , who have been
visiting in the city for a few weeks past ,
started this morning , for their home in Quin-
cy , Illinois.
County Clerk Toilers , County Judge Israel
and a number of other Benkelman people ,
were business tourists in the city , Monday.
This oflice acknowledges a pleasant call
from the party.
Senator M. C. Quiiin and daughter Mollie
of I'eoria , III. , arrived in the city , last Satur
day noon on 39 , on a short visit to Thomas
Golfer , Esq. They continued their journey
to the mountains , Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. W. 0. Moody drove down
from Stratton , yesterday. Mr. Moody return
ed to his business on No. 1. the same evening ,
but Mrs. Moody will remain the city a num
ber of days , the guest of Mrs. J. B. Meserve.
S. J. Mathes of Los Angeles , Cal. , a broth
er to J. P. Mathes of our city , was a short
visitor here , Tuesday , leaving on Xo. 39 ,
Tuesday , for California. Mr. Mathes is man
ager for the celebrated Sigler Chicago excur
sions to Los Angeles.
Mi's. Dr. Mitchell , Miss Lowman and Miss
Schwab , all of Lincoln , came up to the city ,
Saturday evening , on a visit to L. Lowman
and family. Mrs. Mitchell returned home ,
Tuesday morning , but the other ladies are
still enjoying the. freedom of the city and the
company of relatives.
A. E. Hill , the successor to Van Winkle &
Kirkpatrick , is a man of business capacity
and push , and will keep up the high reputa
tion of the old firm. He has been in
for years in Brownville , though lately from
McCook , Xeb. Good luck to the old firm ,
success to the new. Falls City Journal.
The gambler Henderson , who was
arrested , Tuesday , for threatening J. F.
Liddell with a revolver , the preceding
night , appeared before Squire Uolvin ,
yesterday , and waived examination , giv
ing bonds to appear at the next term of
district court. During the preliiuiary
Liddell was completely knocked out of
time by Henderson , before the Justice's
office , showing the gambler not only to
be an adept at cards , but with his fists
at well. Judge Gaslin may have occas
ion to reward him for his proficiency at
the expense of the county or state.
Either would be very acceptable to the
people of this city.
Courier Mr. Crabtree informs us that
his firm have commenced work on a two-
story brick at Bartley , to be 50x80 feet
and that they will probably build anoth
er like it , to include some COO thousand
brick. They will also burn two more
kilns at this place this season , making
ing an output of over one million brick.
Most of these are already contracted
and our town will still continue its mod
est , yet steady and substantial growth.
Clean out the gamblers and demi
monde !
WE - : - WANT
OLD - : - RAGS
I o
The teachers of the county assembled
; at the school house in this city , on
' Monday , pursuant to announcement.
/The institute is now thoroughly organ -
. ized and under headway for the accom-
i plishment of effective work for the
teachers. The morning program is be
ing carried out as follows : Arithmetic
by Prof. W. S. Webster ; Reading by
Prof. Ilubbell ; History by Prof. Web
ster ; Language by Prof. Ilubbell ; Book
keeping by H. T. Anderson. In the af
ternoon the following program is being
observed : Geography by Prof. Hub-
bell ; Civil Government by Prof. Web
ster ; Theory and Practice of Teaching
by Prof. Ilubbell. There are now some
forty persons in attendance as teachers
and instructor. : , and the meetings prom
ise to be more and more instructive and
interesting as the work proceeds. Be
low we give a list of those present :
I. 'J' . Hird.sill , Edna Meservo ,
Ada 1' . Buck , Anna Jones ,
Jennie Jamison , Mary Morris ,
Alice Murphy , Melinda Starbuck ,
Viola Moslier , I/aura Starbuck ,
Stella Mosher , Carrie Xel > on ,
Carrie Mitchell , Ella Irwin ,
Ella Xettleton , Lou Chrvsler ,
Lulu Xettleton , Hazel Weaver ,
Anna Mc amara , Prof. Webster ,
F. G. Stilgeboner , Prof. Ilubbell.
A. J. Brent , G. Vf. Minkler ,
( . C. Boatman , Xellie Kanouse ,
J. A. Hammond , Lotta Bacon ,
Emma Phillips , Until Itaiiic ,
Hattie Phillips , H. T. Anderson ,
Cilvina Baker , C. M" . Charles ,
Mamie Strotid , D. T. Heckard ,
Mollie Whitmer , Mrs. M. H. Cavanairh ,
W. C. Frampton , Mrs. A. Sproat.
Last evening , Dr. B. B. Davis deliver
ed an interesting and instructive lecture
before the teachers of the institute , in
the M. E. church , on the important
subjects of "Digestion and Assimila
tion. " The doctor handled his compre
hensive subject ably , and as thoroughly
as the short time allotted would admit
of. This evening , Prof. Ilubbell of
Fairbury College will entertain the
students with a lecture that should be
heard by a large audience.
Next Thursday afternoon at II o'clock ,
a game of ball will be played at Arapa
hoe between the home team and Hast
ings Reds. An admission fee of 25
cents will be charged to. sec the game.
The local rustler for our west end con-
temp , is finding the duties of his posi
tion onerous and requiring unseasona
ble hours in their disposition. The
editors pathway is not one of roses.
We want to urge our people to attend
the day sessions of the teachers' insti
tute as often as popsible. Lend every
encouragement toward making the in
stitute a notable success.
The first of the week , Mr. Robb sold
his handsome little property on North
Madison Avenue to Mr.Lindner , of the
firm of Lindner & Erman , for a consid
eration of $2,000.
The blacksmith shop of J. F. Liddell
has been purchased by G. W.Predmore.
EDITOR TRIBUNE : On reading your
editorial notes in last week's TRIBUNE
on the S-foot corn of Mr. Church on Red
Willow I took a ten-foot pole and went
to my corn field. The first hill to which
I applied the measure gave me 9 feet
7 inches with tassel just coming out of
the sheath. A little farther and I had
to splice my measuring rod had 10
feet 24inches. . I then crossed the
road and entered my neighbor's ( J. A.
Taylor ) field and I found plenty of
stalks over 10 feet high and one 11 feet
24 inches with a circumference of 7
inches. In neighbor J. F. Helm's T
found a stalk 11 feet S inches with the
tassel only about half out of sheath ;
three-ear sets , the upper one S feet 4
inches from the ground. The fine
showers of past three nights are giving
new vigor to our corn fields and we can
climb up on these measurements not a
little in the course of ten day. We
shall have to employ tall men this fall
to gather corn. ROYAL BUCK.
THE Journal is officially informed
that the schedules for the retail price of
Canon City coal along the line of the
B. & M. railroad is as follows : Price
at the yards at all points in Nebraska
west of McCook , $0.05. At McCook
and all points west of Indianola , $ GSO.
At Indianola and all points west of
Bartley , $6.95. At Bartley and all
points west of Cambridge , $7.10. At
Cambridge and all points to the Missouri
river , $7.25. State Journal.
In addition to his bran new livery
barn , Oscar Russell also sports a son of
tender age , who put in an appearance at
the Russell mansion , last Friday.
Made , by the McCook Loan and
Trust Co. on deeded land , or on final re
ceipts , when proof is unquestionable ,
without sending east for funds. Xo in
terest is payable in advance , but ten
per cent , straight. Money paid a soon
as abstract can be obtained. Office in
First National Bank.
B. F. Olcott has two second-hand top
buggies for sale , or will trade for horses.
Also remember that Olcott has the fin
est road stallion in the west , and farm
ers and stockmen should see him before
breeding elsewhere.
Those in need of my services please
call at the residence of G. W. Minkler ,
N. W. of School House. Mrs. Alineda
Parties wishing to purchase or trade
Tor a first-class hotel property should
inquire at this office. 5-tf.
A second-hand organ , in good condi
tion , will be sold cheap. Inqure of
M. A. SPALI > IN < ; .
A - : - FULL - : - LINEI IOF
i i
Pure Wines and Liquors