Thursday , July 8th , 1886. Indicates that your subscription to this X paper HAS KXVIHKO , and thut n cordial invitation Is extended to call and renew tlio same. Subscription , $2 per year. Local Intelligence. Tf Fresh candy at the City Bakery. to W. . W. Palmer for your harness. 32-tf. JBSTSl , 000 , 000.00 to loan on farms. Agee & Wiley. Call and inspect our line of Knight Templar cards. Money to loan on improved farms. Agee & "Wiley. _ A car-load of seed , corn at Fry & Snow's feed store. Choice lemons at Wilcox & Fowler's for 50 cents a dozen. Baled hay at Fry & Snow's feed store in any quantity. * Money loaned to persons to make final proof. Agee & Wiley. 10 pounds of Roasted Coffee for $1 at Wilcox & Fowler's. best Colorado Flour at $2.50 at Charles Anderson's. A full line of hardware , stoves and li tinware at C. D. Palmer's. New hay at Fry & Snow's flour and feed store on Main Avenue. All kinds of sheet-iron , tin and cop per work done at C. D. Palmer's. New stock of Children's Clothing just received at Wilcox & Fowler's. * EfT'Sweet Michigan Cider of excel lent quality at the City Bakery. .Nobby New Suits at Wilcox & Fow ler's. New stock just opened. C. D. Palmer , opposite McEntee , is the best place to buy your hardware. All kinds of farm and garden seeds at Fry & Snow's flour and feed store. If you want the best gasoline stove , go to G. D. Palmer's , opposite McEntee. The City Bakery's bread is known all along the B. & M. west of here for its excellence. See the improvements in tin roofing at C. D. Palmer's before you order your roofing. Dont' feed any more old hay , but go to Fry & Snow's flour and feed store on Main Avenue. The Metropolitan Drutr Store is in re * A * ceipt of a fine assortment of wall papers. Call and examine them. G-'W. Bede& Co. have some special bargains in real estate. Office 4th door bouth of U. S. Land office. 27-tf. Pocket state maps at this ofHcc. These maps are just from the press and are accurate and complete to date. As Low AS THE LOWEST GB. . Nettleton will sell Wind Mills and Pumps as low as the lowest , Feed Mills especialy. FOR SALE 50 head of young mares and 20 head of mules. Lindner & Er- ' man , McCook , Neb. Barn west of Commercial llotel. Take"all work McCracken , the Jeweler. He turns out good work only and guarantees what he does. East side of Main Avenue. We have just received a nice line of calling cards of the latest styles. Also have in stock an assortment of fraterni ty cards. Call and see them. LOST A hunting case silver watch , in McCook , or between the city and Eaton's on the south side. A suitable reward will be paid for its return to this office. HENRI" JONES. Probst Bros. ' are selling more of their excellent bread than ever , and shipping immense quantities west daily. Their well earned reputation has secured for them a custom that keeps them as busy as bees to fill. Wilcox & Fowler call your attention to the fact that they have just opened a fine stock of clothing. They can fit anybody and everybody , from a three- year-old boy to a 300-pound man. Call and inspect for yourself. Parties wanting a piano , or are think ing of purchasing one sometime , be sure and call on F. L. McCrauken for prices first. I have a sample of one of the ' best make. Will sell any make at low est prices and on terms to suit. Don't forget this. ASSIGNEEJSNOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the sale of the goods of estate of Lawler & Magner , as per notice in last issue of TRIBUNE , will not take place , and notice is further given that in accordance with the powers vested in me as assignee , with the consent of all the creditors j said stock has been sold as of June 23d , 188G. F. S. WILCOX , Assignee. Tribune and Inter Ocean $2.5O. For the next 30 days all new subscrib ers who will square their subscription to date and one year in advance will receive THE TRIBUNE and the Chicago Inter Ocean for ยง 2.50. How the crops and grangers do smile. A mite warm , ' but gilt-edged growing weather , this. "Around the world in 60 minutes. " For particulars see large bills. The Thorn burg people propose to have an old settlers's meeting , September 15th. 15th.A A large shipment of horses passed through the city , "Wednesday evening , for the west. The social hop at the Opera Hall , Monday evening , was enjoyable and largely attended. The Courier is a little uncertain as to "whether the county-seat boys play the national game or not. Whiskey , remarks Sam Jones , is the quintessence of the devil himself , and should be avoided accordingly. A harvest home pic-nic is advertised for Saturday , July 17th , at Dolph's grove , 24miles cast of Danbury. The rooms over the First National lately occupied by Jennings & Starbuck are being temporarily used by the Masons. The amount turned into the school fund , last month , from the Police Judge's office , was $3as against $1 , the month preceding. The offices above the Paragon drug store have been vacated by Messrs. Agee & Wiley , who are now located with G. W. Bede & Co. Go to Europe for your summer holi day , via the "Happy "World Stereopti con. " Fare 25 and 15 cents. At the Opera Hall , July 14th. The gay and festive fly now attacketh the screen door , taking the number of the wires. When the screen is not he saileth serenely in space. A card announces the marriage of Miss Orpha L. Wiley , daughter of Dr. A. J. Wiley of our city , to H. J. lleger at Mt. Ayr ; Iowa , June 30th , 1S8G. Workmen commenced the task , yes- terday'of tearing down W. 0. Russell's old barn , preparatory to replacing it with a new and belter structure , as his business demands. Work was commenced , Tuesday , on Rev. J. W. Kimmel's new residence on Macfarland street. The same is to be 24x24 Feet in dimensions and John Shepherd is doing the work. Courier : McCook did us proud by coming down in large numbers , both by train and in carriages , and the efforts of her people on this occasion should be kindly remembered by "our citizens. McCook's citizens swelled the ranks to of the celebrators at Indianola , Stratton , Danbury , Cambridge , etc. Next year we hope to entertain all these people at this place in true metropolitan style. The Water Works Co. have laid a wire from the engine house on the bot tom to the reservoir on the hill , and will have thereby an arrangement to indi cate the amount of water in the tank. The Yurna Sun illuminates us as followeth : T. B. Babcock is building himself a neat residence on the north side of the track 2Gx2G. We believe something will undoubtedly "drap" soon. " The B. & M. have changed graph lineat this station , ( beginning at a point at the east end of the yard and extending to the west line of the same. ) from the south to the north side of the track. It seems that our ball players just simply pounded the Indianola base ball- ists clear into the earth , last Saturday. Newman's pitching proved too much for the county seat artists. Score , 24 to 4 , six innings. Let us exert the same amount of en ergy toward securing bridges that we do in the matter of race purses , and the much-needed bridges will be forth com ing. 'Tis clear which is of the greater financial benefit to any city. Messrs. Fry & Snow have disposed of their flour and feed interests at Akron and Yuma , and will hereafter devote their entire attention to the business in this city. They retain their real estate interests in these places , however. They had a inother-hubbard soap-bub ble combination birth-day celebration up at the old maid's ranchlast , Friday even- ing. It was distinctively a "hen party" and of necessity intensely interesting , besides , being grotesque and voluble. The celebration at Indianola , Satur day , is reported as having been the grandest ever held in the town. The Courier estimates that there were be- j tween 3,000 and 4,000 people in attend ance. Everything passed off quietly. -As fine a field ofoats , as ever came under the granger editor's optic is that of TJ. JJ. Mitchell , just northeast of town. He has GO acres that is superb , arid challenges the admiration of all who see it. His other crops are equally fine. As per notice to be found elsewhere in tliis issue , it will be seen that Brewer Bros , have dissolved the co-partnership heretofore existing between , and that C. T. Brewer will continue the business at the late firm's old stands on Main and Dennison streets. It has been suggested to us that there is a newly made grave , about one-half mile north of Dr. Spickelmier's place , northeast of town , that needs investiga tion by the authorities. We have no particulars , and simply give the sug gestion at its worth. Over 1,000 people participated in the Danbury-Hamburg celebration , and we learn from those who were prominent workers in the affair that it was an un qualified and notable success in its every feature. Base ball , dancing , etc. , in the day time , and a nice display of fire works in the evening , composed in part the program. Some of the journalistic friends have been endeavoring to work up a "gold boom" for McCook. Desist , brethren. McCook don't want so cheap aboomlet. All that our people need to do is to work and improve the mine already in sight. We have here the nucleus for a sprightly little city , without springing the "gold craze" chestnut. The American Association of Civil Engineers passed through the city , Thursday night last. The association was on an excursion to Denver and trav eled in their own special train. .From Denver the party visited the various points of interest in the mountain , round ing off with a grand reception at the Windsor , Denver , Monday night. A twelve-year-old daughter of George Huggins , who resides a few miles south east of the city , sustained a severe and painful fracture of an armpit the wrist , last Thursday , by falling from a horse. Professional skill was summoned from this place , the injured member dressed , the sufferer's pain alleviated as much as may be , and her rapid recovery is anticipated. Two Enyeart brothers , William and Lon , imbibed a little too freely of the bowl that intoxicates , Saturday , and be coming involved in some trouble at Walsh & Boyd's saloon , were arrested and brought before Police Judge Fisher , who fined them $1 each and costs. It is probably unnecessary to remark that King Alcohal scarcely ever fails to get people into trouble. Last Saturday night , while two young men were returning to the city from the Driftwood , they wandered from the road , and drove into an abandoned well on John Whittakers's farm , on the south side , killing one of the horses. The animal belonged to Frank Everts , of the new Macfarland street livery , upon whom the loss falls heavily. The affair is unfortunate for all parties con cerned. THE TRIBUNE is in receipt of an in vitation to the nuptials of Rev. W. S. Wheeler , pastor of the M. E. church of our city , and Miss Ella Stevens of Bal timore , Md. The ceremony which thus unites this estimable young couple will occur at the Harford Avenue M. E. Church , Baltimore , Md. , Monday , July 12th , 188G. THE TRIBUNE takes this occasion to extend the hearty congratu lations and well wishes of this people. Of all the sad and heart-rending scenes of earth , that of a human being , upon whose brow the snows of many winters have left their hoary frost , stag gering along the broad high-way of life fast setting , in helpless and hopeless inebriety , bereft alike of coherent rea son and certain locomotionis , sadest and most heart-rending. Angels' e.yes be hold nothing more sorrowful and shed tears of pity , and why should man per ceive anything mirth-provoking therein. JUNIUS JR. Monday's races at the driving park were well attended. The event of the day was the free-for-all race partici pated in by I. J. S. , Gold Seal and a pacer. The first heat went to I. J. S. in 2:45. The second heat was also taken by I. , 2:41 : , thus lowering Iowa's fastest record for 3-year-olds , and mak ing the best time ever trotted by a 3- year-old west of the Mississippi. The half-mile dash was accomplished in 50 seconds. Mr. Starbuck has a superb animal , one doubtless destined to make a remarkable record , if his present achievements are indications. PERSONALS. 537"Undet this head we would lie pleased to have our friends throughout tho city acquaint UK of the arrival and departure of their visitors. i _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I Mrs. E. B. Archibald was up from the farm , | Monday. i Mrs. Eobinson is tlowu fiom the claim near Akron. - Dr. Spiclcelmier is visiting at his former home in Blue Hill , this state. Banker Peck of Trenton was in the city a few hours , Tuesday , on business. Dr. J. S. Shaw of the county-seat was a i visitor at the metropolis , Monday. J. C. Ilarlan of the Cambridge Kaleido scope made a flying visit to the city , Sunday , i Mrs. E. P. Hazcn of Edison is visiting in the ! city , the guc&t of her sister , Mrs. II.V. . Pike. J. F. Parsons came down from his claifn near Akron , Tuesday evening , on a short visit. J. P. Mathes is over again from his Kansas ranch , spending a little time here with his family. Thos. Colfer came in from Omaha , Sunday noon , aud went on through to Denver , on business. J. K. Stockton of Hamburg was attending to some business mutters , in the metropolis , Wednesday. Thos. Colfer , Esq. , and mother , celebrated in the "Queen City of the Plains , " returning home , Tuesday morning. Leonard Meserve came down from the range , Fiiday evening , and spent a few days at home , returning Sunday night. L. W. Marble is in the city , after a prolong ed absence in the pursuit of his business , photography , at various points. Wm. Hall , of McCook , has accepted a position in Zehrung & Fodrca's hardware store. Cambridge Kaleidoscope. Landlord Johnston of the Commercial went up to Akron , on 39 , to-day , to look after crops on his claim near the town. Miss Nettie Babcock came up from Cam bridge , Tuesday , remaining here , the guest of Mrs. C. F. Babcock , until last evening. E. P. Hazen of Edison , Neb. , lias been sur veying the city , and noting the gradual devel opment of things agricultural on his home stead. Messrs. Charlie and Will Fisher and Miss Nellie Fisher , after a short visit in the city , returned to the rancli $ Tuesday , taking 39 to Culbeitson. J. G. Stokes of Carrico came down to the city , Friday , to commemorate with the boys. He started for the ranch on the Willow , Monday evening. Cashier Brown of the First National ob served the glorious day of independence with his family on the claim near Yuma. He went up Friday. Mrs. Miner of lied Cloud visited a short time in the city , the close of last week , the guest of Mrs. A. Campbell. She departed for Denver , Friday. Mrs. Dr. Boyle leaves , next Monday , on an extended visit at the home of her childhood in Pennsylvania. She expects to be absent two or three mouths. Mrs. A. E. Hollister and Miss Idallollister weut up to Stratton , Friday night , spending the day we celebrate there , the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Moody. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Hill left the city , last Friday. They intend locating at some point iu the eastern part of the state , probably Beatrice or Nebraska City. A. A. Hatch , county cleric of Hayes , trans acted some land business"iu the first city , Friday morning. lie returned home , via Culberfoou , on the noon train. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Kuester are visiting in the city. Mr. K. , we learn , has disposed of his hotel interests in Omaha and is now en gaged iu the real estate business. H. W. Pike went down to Oxford , Monday evening. He is working the towns from Ox ford to McCook in the interests of the pre mium list , and will be gone three or four days. Mr. Ludwick , of the firm of Ludwick & Trowbridge , the leading furniture dealers of McCook , was in town the first of last week. Mr. L. has a fme timber-claim near town. Hayes Centre News. S. "W. Huddleston of the Badger went out to the mountains , last Friday night , on a few day's recreation. He will visit Golden , ( where he has friends and relatives , ) and other places of note before his return. Mr. Huddleston returned , this morning. C. W. Ballard , of the Democrat force , has ordered an outfit , aud will go to Akron , Colo. , iu a few weeks , to assume the editorial and otherwise duties , ( principally otherwise , ) of the great "potato bug" paper at that place. M. C. Eider and daughter , Miss Mollie , left for Jefferson county , to-day. Mr. Eider will also extend his trip further east and will re visit his old home in the grand old Keystone state , in Centre county. He will be absent some time. Mrs. V. Franklin returned , Monday noon , from her visit home near Logan , Kansas. She was accompanied by her sister , Miss Katie Simpson , who will remain here an in definite period in order to secure the advant ages of our excellent schools. Mrs. J. E. Cochrau came iu from McCook on a visit to her sister , Mrs. Dr. Knapp , and her mother , Mrs. Bcecher , on Thursday even ing. Mrs. C.'s health has not been good for sometime , and sho hopes a change of scene may be beneficial to her. York Eepnblican. Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Hess , Miss Matson , and J. A. Walters , composed a party that en joyed the sublimity of the Eockies , during the 4th. The folks went to Denver , Friday night , vis iting Georgetown Manitou and other points of interest among nature's mighty upheavals , returning home , Wednesday morning. A. C. Ebert aud G. W. Kaime went up to Denver , Friday night , on a short tour , visit ing Graymoiir , Manitou and other points of interest in the Eockies. Perhaps two more delighted portions never before beheld the glory and grandeur of that sublime scenery. Both returned to the routine duties of life , Tuesday. WE - : - WANT IT DISTINCTLY UNDERSTOOD THAT WE PROPOSE TO LEAD ALL h\T LOW P1UCES ON CLOTHING AND FUUNISJUNG GOODS , NOTWITHSTANDING BANKRUPT SALES. OUR GOODS ARE BOUGHT IN LARGE QUANTITIES AND AT LOWEST PRICES AND AVE CAN AND WILL SELL CHEAPER THAN COST OJT THE OLD - : - RAGS % i'SUALLYFOUND ' IN BANKRUPT STOCKS. WE STILL CONTINUE TO BE THE LOW EST PRICED HOUSE IN THE VALLEY. E , M , BRICKEY & CO , JHE CLOTHIERS , COUNTY INSTITUTE. Our citizens should not lose sight of the important fact that the teachers of lied Willow county meet in this place , beginning July 19th , in the pursuit of their regular institute work. Also , of the further and necessary fact of the entertainment of said teachers. To this end , we are requested to ask those of our people who feel disposed to enter tain teachers , to the best of their facil ities and accommodations , to leave their names and the number they will take with Mr. II. T. Anderson , above First National Bank. We want to impress it upon the minds of the people , that in order to secure the attendance we should have , energetic means will have to be taken toward taking care of those who desire to come. Let us be as hospitable as our accommodations and means will allow. Prof. Webster informs us that he will make a personal canvass of this matter , next week. Amo'ng the studies and instructors are : Prof. Ilubbell , Grammar , Arithmetic and Geography. Prof. Webster , Algebra , U. S. History and Civil Government. Book Keeping and Penmanship , Mr. H. T. Anderson. Time will be set apart , as well , for the free discussion of the theory of teaching. The salary of the postmaster at Mc Cook will be $1,000 next year against $1,100 this year. Is McCook booming backward ? Haigler lleporter. The above is a sample of articles now going the rounds of the press. That thft writers are unwittingly making false statements we feel assured. The writer has seen and read the official document whereby this office was made a third class office and the salary of the post master raised to $1,500 per year. Mc Cook is not booming on the descending progressive order bany manner of means , but is moving forward , with the brightest prospects ahead that the city has ever had since its establishment. Just mark our gait. A fine collection of samples of Hed Willow county grain and grasses were shipped to the DCS Moincs ll William Coleman , last week. specimens were secured by Mr. Coleman in various parts of the county , and are but fair samples of the crops as they may be found all over the county , and they will doubtless induce the Register to recant its fables about drouth and grass hoppers. Mr. C. also sent a box of earth to still further persuade the unbelieving. Such efforts arc praise worthy and commendable indeed. Both of our city bands received high est compliments from the people of Stratton and Cambridge , for the high class of music rendered. We feel safe in the assertion that McCook has as fine band talent as the state affords. 3D IBID. BACON Sunday evening , July at Ferry Station , JUram Bacon , aged SO years , of Bright'.s ilNea e. The deceased was one of the first settlers of Wisconsin , coming to lied Willow county some two year's since , when he purchased the McPherson place , about four miles west of the city. He was a man of severe business and moral integrity , and well regarded by all with whom he had dealings and inter course since his residence amongst us. His remains were interred at Longview Cemetery , Tuesday afternoon. lie leaves a widow over seventy years of age and a large family of grown children. The remnant of the Lawler & Mag ner stockremainiug in the hands of As signee Wilcox has been purchased by Mr. Lawler , senior partner of the late firm , who has moved his grocery stock , from across the street , into his old quarters , where he will again embark in the general merchandise business , THE TRIBUNE hopes with success. The absence of liquor in our town , and its usual fourth of July effect , was conspicuous ; and it has been demon strated by the people of this town and county that a first-class celebration can be held without intoxicating liquors. ' " * Courier. ] The Driftwood people celebrated the fourth in good style at Palmer's grove , near Yailton. Some 700 or 800 per sons are said to have engaged in the cele bration , which was enjoyable throughout. Reserved scats on sale at Menard's for the "Happy World Stereopticon. " At the Opera Hall , next Wednesday evening , July 14th. FARM LOANS. Made by the McCook Loan and Trust Co. on deeded land , or on final re ceipts , when proof is unquestionable , without sending east for funds. No in terest is payable in advance , but ten per cent , straight. 31oney paid as soon as abstract can be obtained. Office in First National Bank. THE M. E. PULPIT. Below we append the list of appoint ments for the Methodist pulpit , during the pastor's absence : July 11 Rev. . .1.V. . Khnmel , McCook. July IS 10JO : A. M" . . Ifev. James Leonard , "Imliaiiola. July IS 70 : P. M. , Eev. W. S. Wheeler. July 2o Eev. C. F. Crefchtoii , Factor of "St. Paul's M. E. church , Lincoln. FOR SALE. B. F. Olcotthastwo second-hand top buggies for sale , or will trade for horses. Also remember that Olcott has the fin est road stallion in the west , and farm ers and stockmen should see him before breeding elsewhere. PONIES FOR SALE , -o- As I am preparing to leave this coun try I will oifer 7ny bunch of ponies for j ] sale at a GREAT BARGAIN. j 2-tf. J. G. EATON. I CHENERY & STILES. OPPOSITE THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK , AI IFULL - ILINE - IOF TOILET ARTICLES , STATIONERY , ETC. Sif Pure Wines and Liquors FOR MEDICINAL USE ONLY. f L