\ 7 s , * . * fct i * * MRTROFOLilTAN ccU 0. DRUG STOR > J TJ < McCOOK , NEBRASKA. TJm 0) M. A. SPALDIN6 , PROPRIETOR , 0)Q W 0)H H Pianos and Organs , o Z o SEWING MACHINES. w J. A. TAYLOR , Druggist. > r * * < Y tf * * * * if LM * * * Challenge Wind Mill. Superior to any _ on the market , being Hem ler. Stronger Built , and therefore a more Durable Mill. It la the only absolutely safe Mill built ; and out of Thousands Erected During 12 Years past , not one has ever blown away and left the Tower standing. A record no other Mill can show. "We offer to put up any of oar PUMPING MILLS ON THIRTY DAYS TRIAL , And If they don't give satisfaction , will remove-Mill at our own expense. Also Manufacturers of the Celebrated Challenge Feed Mills , Corn Shelters. Iron Pumps with brass cylinders , Iron Pipe , Tanks. For estimates , catalogues and prices , apply to G. B. NETTLETON , McCook , Neb- , Agent for Southwestern Nebraska and Northwestern Kansas. JSrCEce and Salewccn in theUcCcofc Feoi Mill , Biilrcad St. The Howard Lumber Co. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN er & Coal , J MeCOOK , NEBRASKA. O. P. -AGENT FOR- FARM IMPLEMENTS , WAGONS , BUGGIES , WIND MILLS AND PUMPS. DEERING MACHINES A SPECIALTY. 4i CORNER MAIN AND RAILROAD STS. - MeCOOK , NEB. The Fine Clydesdale and Sweet Briar , BIRD OF THE WEST , BONNIE SCOTLAND , Will commence the season the 1st of April. Will be found at my barn south of the Badger Lumber Yard , McCook , on Mondays , Tuesdays and Wednesdays. At W. K. Lynch's barn , In dianola , on Thursdays , Fridays and Saturdays. See bills. 42 A. J. PATE , Prop. BURT LOFKIN , Groom. THE FULL BLOOD FRENCH NORMAN , VOLTAIRE. Will make the season at the barn of B. F. OLCOTT IN McCOOK , Neb. , commencing ' April 1st , and closing July 1st , 18SC. 4fl A. H. BALLER. ' Send 10 cents postage , and we will mail ycu FREE a royal , val A GIFT : uable , sample box of poods _ . _ tuatwillputj-ouinthewayof making more money at once , than anything else In America. Both sexes of all ages can live at home and work in spare time , or all the time. Capital notrequired. "We will start you. Immense pay sure for those who start at once. 4-2Myr. SXINSON & Co. , Portland , Maine. , " CITY : - : BAKERY , A , PROBST & BRO , "PROPRIETORS. WE KEEP ON HAND BREAD , PIES & CAKES. GRAHAM BREAD. Cakes Made on Order. ROOM In connection whero you can get coffee.sdan- wiches , pies , etc. , at all hours. HESS & GOODENBERGER , CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS , McCOOK , NEBRASKA. "Material furnished if desired. B. & M. TIME TABLE. o EAST LEAVESt EAST LEAVES : No. 2 0:40 , A. M. I No. 40 5:25 , P.M. WEST LEAVES : TTE8T LEAVES : No. 39 12:50. P. M. | No.l 8:55 : , P. M. C5y Eastbound trains run on Central Time , and westbound trains on Mountain Time. Freight trains do not carry passengers. B. B. WOODS , Agent. LAST Thursday morning , Eli Owens , the Hebron rapiat , "shuffled off this mortal coil" at the nether end of a stout piece of hemp , aided and abetted by a mob of indignantHebronites WITH true partisan instinct the dem ocratic house reduces the salaries of the pension bureau and increases the appro priation for the expenses of those dem ocrats "appointed from civil life" to look after the internal revenue. "TALKING ob law , " says Brother Gardner , "makes me think ob what de' mortal Cato , who lib' most a thousan' years ago.once | said : "De law am like' a groun' glass window , dat gibs light nuff to light us poor folks in de dark passages of dis life ; but it would puzzle de debble hisself to see through it. ' ' THE English tories are getting scared , and it is said their next move will be to adopt a system of home rule for Ireland that will be a little different from Glad stone's plan , and go to the country on the issue that they are better home- rulers than Gladstone himself. It is an old tory dodge repeatedly copied by the democratic party in this country. But it is probable that it will not save them this time. Mn. TOM SCOTT of Pennsylvania is extensively spoken of as Boss Manning's successor in the cabinet as secretary of the treasury. Mr. Tom Scott has made a large amount of money , manipulatin railroads and gambling on Wall street. His business is a fact simile of the bus- ness of Mr. Jay Gould. It would be quite as proper to name Mr. Gould as the secretary as to name Mr. Tom Scott. The only difference is that Mr. Gould does not at present meddle much in politics , while Mr. Tom Scott makes it a part of his stock jobbing business Now is the period when divers and sundry Nebraska newspapers send out their annual cry that they are republi cans and take iheir usual summer obli gation of allegiance to the party. Proud of their independence at all other seasons of the year , full of enmity to all men honored and trusted by repub licans , bolters at all elections for which they do not dictate the candidates , kick ers against everything that does not promote their selfish and material pur poses , utter strangers to party fidelity and political honor , they come demand ing to be taken into full fellowship and trusted with the most responsible duties during the few brief weeks it suits them to abide with us. They do not sue. but demand with threats. If not received with honors and rewarded for their treachery , they will proceed to destroy the party and put the democrats in power. They should be wholly disre garded. If they want to return quietly and decently o the places in the repub lican ranks they have so often abandon ed , content to stay there and earn rec ognition by modest and faithful service , well and good. If such is not their mood they better stay outside the party line. Better an enemy beyond the wall than a spy or traitor inside. It may be remembered that the Prodigal Son was as modest as he was successful. The present prodigals are as successful as they are modest. Journal. KEEP QUIET And take Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. It cures pain iu the stomach almost instantly , get a 'Jo cent bot tle , take nothing else , "iou will need noth ing else to cure the worst case of diarrhoea , cholera inorbus or bowel complaint. This medicine is made for bowel complaint only , and has been in constant use in tne west for nearly fifteen years. Its success has been unbounded and its name become a household word in thousands of homes. Try it. Sold by Willey & Walker. GO TO BYSONG & * SMITH FOE A FUJST-CLASS Shave or Hair Gut ! and Children's Hair Dressing a Specialty. H. R. N. has no connection with this shop what ever. Remember this. THE RED WILLOW MILL / Is now in operation and will do General Custom Work , The Mill is complete and we Guarantee Good Work , J. W. PICKLE & CO. WEALTH OF MEXICAN FORESTS. From Jalupa to Papantla'a Kulna Prl. meval Sollttules Trees and Plant * . [ Cor. New York Sbn.l As we penetrated deeper and deeper into the forest , the trail became almost indistinguishable , with giant trees in serried ranks rising close on ever sido. The smallest of these leafy monarchs is at least 100 feet high and twenty-five feet in circumference ; all are overgrown with orchids and tangled creepers , winding about the trunks and climbing from tree to tree , forming and endless succession of natural arbors. Even at midday the sun scarcely ; penetratesi these liowery fastnesses. Birds of brilliant plumage among them parrots and huge macaws fluttered unalarmed around ns , having never learned the fear man in these primeval solitudes. The forest abounds in a species of magnolia , here known as yoloxochitl , covered with lovely , sweet-smelling iiowers , which are pinkish-white outside and yellow within. Tho petals before full blown assume the form of a cross , and afterward of a splendid star. Tho superstitious Indians never fail to cross themselves and mutter an ave at sight of one. They tell us that an infusion of the glittering leaves is a certain cure for voraitp and diarrli : a , and that its Iiowers will relieve palpitation of tho heart. Amon the myriad vines is one with scarlet leaves that is always' found encircling the stems of" the magnolia , tho celebrated "water plant , " called by the Mexicans the "Raster flower. " In case of dire necessity its largo red leaves would appease hunger , but its chief mis sion is that of nature's cup-bearer. Our pious guides and servants , believing it to bo a boon direct from heaven , be cause of the cross and star upon tho yoloxochitl , were perpetually imbibing the moisture between fervent orisons , till the wonder grew how their dis tended stomachs could contain so much. The valuable Vanilla planifolia is indigenous to these humid groves , and is carefully sought during certain sea sons by the Indians oil the tierta caleonte. It is now produced only in the states of Vera Cruz and Oaxaca , though ( according to Baron Humboldt ) Europe received its entire supply of this commodity frou : Mexico prior to 1812. The aromatic-fruited plant was assidu ously cultivated by those ancient tribes , the Totonacs , who once inhabited all this coast region. Though it re quires little care nothing but shade and moisture being necessary to its existence and is to-day more valuable than in the days when Montezuma and his Aztec nobles traded for it with the Totonacs , it is no longer grown to any great extent. But it still springs up out of sight in the wilderness , and flourishes at its best in hidden jungles on the eastern declivity of the \ era Cruz Cordilleras. The Inhijins who re side hereabouts in their primitive vil lages are restricted by firm laws from gathering the neglected plant at will. The vanilla harvest begins in March and ends in May , and during that season the alcalde of every hamlet apportions to each man his quota of labor and profit carefully looking out for his owr lion's share of the proceeds. The deli cate pods every one of which has a sure marketable value are watched with great solicitude while being dried in tho sun and made ready for ship ping , to protect them from mold , mice , and insects. Here , too , the .jalap abounds , a tiny plant , with slender branches and heart- shaped leaves tinged with red , hiding here and there a blossom of violet blue. It is called by the natives tolonpatl , and takes its European name from the old town , Jalapa , near which it was discov ered in Cortez' lime. This beautiful convolvulus springs up spontaneously on all the mountains of southern Mex ico , having tap-roots of pear-like shape. Among the many trees which were hitherto unknown to us are wild guavas , a sort of myrtle , growing naturally in the higher altitudes of the tropics , and here attaining a height of several feet. Its fruit , which seldom ripens before being eaten by birds and larva1 , is luscious and indescribably fragrant. Everybody is fond of green guavas , but few have ever had opportunity to test their taste with the fruit when fully ripened. They are in great favor among physicians , because of their astringent and anti-febrile properties , and guava jelly , as all the world knows , is one of the necessities of a traveler's outfit. "When cultivated the shrub changes its appearance so greatly as to be scarcely recognizable ; its branches grow longer , its leaves acquire a silvery lining , and its fruit becomes as large as lemons , much resembling the latter in shape and color. In these forests nutmeg trees are found in great profusion , though be coming extremely rare in other portions of Mexico. The natives use an enorm ous quantity of Malucca nutmeg , both as a remedy and a condiment their chief medicines being these , camphor and asafetida , but with characteristic improvidence they neglect nature's bene fits , and buy what hey might easily raise. Here also are countless lime trees , the wood of which is valued by the In dians for making thoseariousodds and ends which are sold by thousands all over Mexico. In Europe these trees have been so changed by horticulture that they scarcely appear to belong to the same species as their brethren in the virgin woods. Across tho ocean the bark is used for well ropes , and the charcoal made from it is preferred to any other for the manufacture of gunpowder. Then here is tho "vegetable butter" tree , the Avacado pear , the fruit of which yields a soft rich pulp of buttery nature. It is pear-shaped , light green inside , and called by the Indians ahua- cate. It can never bo eaten as fruit , but is so inimitable for salads that New if York epicures frequently pay as high as $2 for a single pear , for sometimes the fruit comes to your market from Cuba. Strange to say , this vegetable butter tree belongs to the laurel family , but is the only member of it which produces anything edible , first , there is tho bay tree ( laurus nobilis ) , the leaves of which on are indispensable in French ceokery , while its berrie yield an oil much prized in medicine ; next comes laurus cam- phora , from the leaves of which cam phor is extracted ; then laurus cinna- momum , the bark of which is called cinnamon , and lastly stsafras , the aromatic wood said to be a powerful sudorific. It BUSINESS DIRECTORY UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE McCOOK , NEBRASKA. 0. L. LAWS , Resiter. C. P. 3ABCOCS , Beccirer. OFFICE Houns : From 9 A. M. to 12 M. , and 1 to 4 P. M. , mountain time. COCHRAN & HELM , Attorneys-at-Law& Gen'l Agents , McCOOK , : NEBRASKA. Prompt and careful attention given to Law Cases In all the Courts of the State and all classes of U. S. Land Business transacted before the local olllce at McCook. Nebraska , and the Interior Department at Washington , D. C. Contests a specialty. Will pros ecute claims for Pensions and claims for Increase of Pensions. Kotarlal business done and lands bought and sold on reasonable terms. S5T"Ofllce. 3d door south of the U. S. Land Office. 3.29 THOS. COLFEK. J. A. COKDEAL. GOLFER & CORDEAL , ATTORNEYS : AT : LAW , AND NOTARIES PUBLIC. Real Estate Bought and Sold and Collections Made. Tuos. Coll'or agent Lincoln Land Co. OOice , Opp. Chicago Lumber Yard , McCook. SXAVKLY & STARR , ATTORNEYS : AT : LAW , INDIANOLA , NEBRASKA. Will practice in all the State and United States Courts. Also , before the Land OHico at McCook and the department nt Washington. HUGH W. COLE. LEOX F. MOSS. COLE & MOSS , LAWYERS , McCOOK NEBRASKA. Will practice in all the Courts of Nebraska. Kansas and Colorado , and in the Federal Courts of the Eighth Circuit. Careful atten tion given to contests and land business before theU. S. Land Ollices at McCook. Oberlin and Denver , and the Interior Department at Wash ington. Commercial and corporation law a specialty. Money to loan. Rooms 4 and 3 , First National Bank Building. H. F. WILLIAMS. L. L. HULBURD. J. N. LUCAS. WILLIAMS , HULBURD & LUCAS , LAWYERS , McCOOK , - NEBRASKA. A. w. AOIE. : ' JOHN vrir.r.v. AGEE & WILEY , Attorneys at Law , Land , Loan AXD INSURANCE AGENTS. Will practice in the State and United State Courts , and before tho U. S. Land Offices. Careful attention given to Collections. Ollice over Green's Drug Store , Main St. , McCook. H. T. ANDERSON , Loan Broker and Accountant McCOOK NEBRASKA. Books opened , written up and adjusted Of- llce over first National Bank. SMiinos. J. D. TURNER , LAND AND LOAN BROKER AND NOTARY PUBLIC. CSS Special attention given to collections. Insurance in reliable companies. MONEY TO LOAN 0 = DceJci Lasi s = i risal Eewipts. USG02 , USB. CEO.V. . BEDE. K. 31. TAYLOlt. G. W. BEDE & CO. REAL ESTATE AGENTS , U. S. LAND ATTORNEYS. JS Clalm relinquishments for sale. Contest cases attended and a general land business transacted. Office , one block north of Post Office , McCook , Neb. 45-Cm H. G. DIXON , Real Estate and Loan Broker , McCOOK , NEBRASKA. Special attention given to the sale of city property. Houses rented and collections made. Office opposite Commercial Hotel. J. E. CASTBERG , COUNTY SURVEYOR - : - , RED WILLOW COUNTY , NEB. ' Office in court house , Indianola , Neb. G. W. MINKLEE , SI DEPUTY COUNTY SURVEYOR. Leave orders at his house northwest of School House , McCook. All kinds of SURVEY ING , GRADING and CIVIL ENGINEERING. Will work anywhere , especially in west half of Ued Willow county. DR. Z. L. KAY , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON , ilcCOOK. - - NEBRASKA. 4 SSTJffice : Room No. 1 , McCook Banking 44 Company's Building. Residence , 1st door east 44 - of Receiver Babcock's residence. 44 - 44 4- DR. A. J. WILLEY , 44 - SURGEON B. &M. RAILROAD. IOFFICE AT B. & M. PHARMACY , ] 4- McCOOK , - - NEBRASKA. 44 - 44 4- [ T. B. STUTZMAN , M. D. , I Eclectic Physician and Surgeon 4- [ \ vsM " OCULIST AND AHRIST. McCOOK NEBRASKA CS Oflice in Pate's Brick , Main St. B. B. DAVIS , M. D. , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON flt , i-0 SO ' McCOOK NEBRASKA. 80 " "Oflice at Chenery & Stiles drug store. Si 115 WILLIAM McINTYKE , ilS S3 CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER , 121 CULBERTSON. NEBRASKA , 01 02 02m All work warranted. All material furnished m desired. Work done on short notice. 01 I 05 : JOHN F. COLLINS , " 9 ? 15 CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER , McCOOK. - - NEBRASKA. 70 Jobbing will receive prompt attention at my shop Dcnnlson St. , opposite McCook House. Plans nnil specifications furnished If desired. fHE COMMERCIAL HOTEL , S \ ) GEO. E. JOHNSTON , PHOP. 10 ! US 15 ( SIcCOOK , : : NEBRASKA. 151 This house has been completely renovated md refurnished throughout , and is first-class n every respect. Kates reasonable. 4-06 BUSINESS DIRECTORY. ROBERT DRYSDALE , MERCHANT TAILOR , MAIN STREET , McCOOK NEBRASKA. SANDERSON & BEAN , DECORATIVE - : - ARTISTSi * i SCENIC PAINTERS , Calsomininsr , GrainingPaper Hanfflnff , etc. with neatness and dispatch. SPOTTS & STIMSON , FASHIONABLE BARBERS & HAIR CUTTERS. Opposite Chicago Lumber Yard , .MAIN STREET. - McCOOK. NEBRASKA. ' * KILPATRICK BROTHERS. ( Successors to E. D. Webster. ) * * Horses branded on left hip or loft shoulder. P. 0. address , Estelle , Hayes county , and Beat- irice. Neb. Range. Stink- Jins Water and French- man creeks , Chase Co. , f Nebraska. Brand as cut on side of ! some animals , on hip and sides of some , or any where on the animal. JOHN F. BLACK. Breeder of IMPROVED SHEEP Delano , Sleri no and South down. Person al inspection and corres pondence so licited. Address him at Red Willow Nebraska. GEORGE J. FREDERICK. Postolfice address , Me- Cook , Nebraska. Ranch : Four miles southwest of McC ook , on the Driftwood. S"tock branded AJ on the left hip. SPUING CHEEK CATTLE CO. J. D. WELUOIJX , Vice President and Supt. P. O. address , Indiano la , Nebraska. Ranker Republican Valley , east of Dry 1 Creek , and near head of SpringCreek , in Chase county , Nebraska. EATON BROS. & CO. P. O. address , McCook , Nebraska. Range , south ( Of McCook. | Cattle branded on left hip. Also , JO 5 and. , , ft I 11 brands on left hip. 1 Horses branded tbe same on left shoulder. STOKES & TROTH. P. O. address , Carrico , Hayes county. Neb. I Kan-je : Ked Willow creek , above Carrico. Stock branded as abovt Also run the following brands : S , J-f , U , X : Horse brand , lazy W.L LAND OFFICE BLANKS. o In ordering , { rive ollice number and title of blank , with quantity of each blank wanted. Put only one blank on a line to avoid mistakes. Money must invariably accompany the order. ADDRESS THE TRIBUNE , McCook , Neb. . o : . Silo c ! 3hi. Per Per Be = . Es = l d. APPLICATIONS TO ENTER. J-007 Homestead Law 15 Cts. , S1.25 1-CO ! ) Timber-Culture Law 15 " 1.25 Soldier's Homestead 15 " 1.00 t-335 Declaratory Statement. . 15Cts. , $1.00 Soldier's D. S 13 " 1.00 AFFIDAVITS. Oft ! Xon-Minerni 15 Cts. , $1.00 t-0715 Timber Culture Entry. . . 15 " l.OQ 1-OtSJ Homestead Entry 15 l.OO MXM ) Commutation , Hd 15 " 1.0ti t-070 Final , Homestead 15 1.00 t-07 : : Contest , Homestead 25 " s.oa l-tfK ) Contest , Timber Culture. 35 " 2. ( ft Homest'd , under Sec.SilH 15 " 1.00 Service Letter 10 " .75 ServiceNotice 10 " .75 NOTICES. 1-317 For Publication 15 Cts. , $1.00 1-3IS Hd Int. to Prove Up. . . . 15 " 1.00 -3W Pre-E. ' 15 1.00 Sid Timber-Culture.contest. 15 1.00 PROOFS. -3C9 Homestead Final 50 Cts. , $3.00 l-374a. Pre-Emption Final 50 " 3.0tt MISCELLANEOUS. Helinquishments. LEGAL BLANKS. CONVEYANCING. . Warranty Deed ( half-sheet ) . F 05 SpecialVarrantyDeed _ . FF ! Bond for Deed . " . F ! ) Quit Claim Deed . . . F 12 : Mortgage Deed ( short form ) , Mortgage Deed ( with Interest a'nd" in surance Clause . ' . If : Release of short'form Mortage ( ) 1 $ " Assignment of Mortgage ( short form ) . B ' * . F ' FF MISCELLANEOUS. FF Chattel Mortgage ( long form ) . . . . F Chattel Mortjrage F " " " Chattel Mortgage ( short form ) . F Chattel Mortgage F Kill of Salo. . ; F Articles of Agreement. F ' " " Soldier's Discharge ( two colors ) E Power of Attorney. General F Agreement for Building D " " " " " " Township Plats , ( asizes ) . . . . . . ! D NOTARY. : Protest and Original ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' " .Notary Public Fee Card. . . . . . . . . . . COUNTY CLERK. Certificates of Election ( U colors ) ' n or Liccilse l Sell LiquoK Otlicial c llond Liquor License I.J" F e DISTRICT COURT. Summons ( original ) K " " Siilma-im ( original ) . . C Declaration of Intention. . C Miial Papers ( one color ) . . E COUNTY . COURT.--PROBATE Marriage Certiflcate ( three colors ) F Contract for Sale of Heal Estate. . . . " F ;