The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, June 24, 1886, Image 5

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    Thursday , June 2 th , 1886.
Indicates that your subscription to this
X paper HAS KXPIHKD , and that a cordial
invitation Is extended to cull and renew
the same. Subscription. $2 per year.
Local Intelligence.
. 'Monitor Windmills at Rinker's.
Fresh candy at the City Bakery.
City Drug Store. Chenery & Stiles.
C. P. Rinker is headquarters for
T Oo to W. W. Palmer for your
harness. 32-tf.
C57"The Crown Sewing Machine at
-$1 , 000,000.00 to loan on farms.
Agce & Wiley.
My but ain't them sewing machines
dandies at Rinker's.
A car-load of seed corn at Fry &
Snow's feed store.
Choice lemons at Wilcox & Fowler's
lor 50 cents a dozen.
Mason & Hanilin organs at McCook
Implement Emporium.
Money loaned to persons tomake final
proof. Agee & Wile } ' .
10 pounds of Roasted Coffee for § 1
at Wilcox & Fowler's.
Fresh and salt meats of the choicest
quality at Brewer Bros.
A full line of hardware , stoves and
tinware at C. D. Palmer's.
Ice Cold Soda Water , Ginger Aleand ,
Seltzer. City Drug Store.
Do you want the best wind mill made
go to C. P. Rinker , he has it.
New hay at Fry & Snow's flour and
feed store on Main Avenue.
New stock of Childreu's Clothing just
received at Wilcox & Fowler's. "
Doan's deodorized gasoline , the best
in the world. City Drug Store.
Brewer Bros , butcher only corn-fed
steers. No cows "or lange cattle.
JST'Sweet Michigan Cider of excel
lent quality at the City Bakery.
C. D. Palmer , opposite McEntee , is
the best place to buy your hardware.
All kinds of farm and garden seeds
at Fry & Snow's flour and feed store.
If } 'ou want the best gasoline stove ,
go to C. D. Palmer'sopposite" McEntee.
The City Bakery's bread is known all
along the B. & M. west of here for its
Do you want to be MADE HAPPY ? G o
to Rinker and get a Deering Binder
and Mower.
Dont' feed any more old hay , but go
to Fry & Snow's flour and feed store on
Main Avenue.
The Metropolitan Drug Store is in re
ceipt of a fine assortment of wall papers.
Call and examine them.
Another car-load of those celebrated
Deering Binders and Mowers at C. P.
Rinker's. Call and inspect them.
G. W. Bede & Co. have some special
bar-rains in real estate. Office 4th door
south of U. S. Land office. 27-tf.
The choicest meats at the Central
Meat Market of Brewer Bros , corner of
Main and Dennison streets.
Nettleton will sell Wind Mills and
Pumps as low as the lowest , Feed Mills
Rinker will let you set your own time
on a Binder and Mower. Just think of
it. Half when you die. Half when
you come back.
FOR SALE 50 head of young mares
and 20 head of mules. Lindner & Er-
man , McCook , Neb. Barn west of
Commercial Hotel.
The Metropolitan Drug Store is offer
ing a handsome chair to the person buy
ing the largest number of cigars between
May 1st and July 1st. 1SSG. Smokers ,
note well.
Probst Bros. ' are selling more of their
excellent bread than ever , and shipping
immense quantities west daily. Their
well earned reputation has secured for
them a custom that keeps them as busy
as bees to fill.
Wilcox & Fowler call your attention
to ihe fact that they have just opened a
fine stock of clothing. They can fit
anybody and everybody , from a three-
Fif year-old boy to a 300-pound man. Call
J ) and inspect for yourself.
The mortgagees in possession ofthe
, Btock of W. H. Hayden & Co. , by the
"terms of their mortgage , desire to give
notice to the public that the entire stock
is now offered for sale at the old stand
* of W. H. Hayden & Co. , at retail , at a
great sacrifice. All persons indebted to
W. H. Hayden & Co. arc hereby notified
that their accounts are assigned to the
mortgagees , and are hereby cautioned
against payment to any one except upon
order of mortgagees or their agent.
Mortgagees ,
& Co. " "
Orpins rented until the rent pays for
: them at C. P. Kinkcr's.
Tin-horns and all-around scamps arc
becoming too numerous.
White muslin skirts will be worn with
colored or black jersey bodices.
That old htovo has been relegated to
the obscurity of the back alley.
They have the purest , kettle-rendered
lard in the city at Brewer Bros.
Red Willlow county has 2,200 child
ren within her limits of school age.
See the improvements in tin roofing
at C. D. Palmer's before you order your
Small grain is looking fine. The
prospects for a large crop are certainly
The base ball fever is now on. If
the local science is worked up thorough
ly we will have a strong team.
The Ilaydeu stock was opened , yes
terday , and they have been having a
regular picnic there ever since.
Pocket state maps at this office.
These maps are just from the press and
are accurate and complete to dato.
The wet goods organ has added anoth
er column , and is now ' 'the largest and
best paper in the city , " to be sure.
"rlhe first peaches of the season"
were placed on the market , the later
part of last week. They were shipped
from California.
This office is under obligation to the
Gazette-Journal Co. of Hastings for the
handsomest line of programs , etc. , it has
ever been our pleasure to see.
A large two-story residence is in
course of construction on North Mar
shall street , opposite Ilepresentative
Tlocknell's property by Sairiuel Strasscr.
Let us have the bridges , even if it
is necessary to vote precinct bonds to
do so. We might add , though , that In
dianola has secured her bridges without
the bonds.
Two gentlemen from York , this state.
Messrs. Mead & Son , were in the city ,
last Friday , looking over the town with
a view of embarking in the loaning busi
ness here.
II. It. X. ' s cup of bitterness now run
neth over. Even his "staunch" friend
of the wet goods organ now blows hot
and cold over him. Thus is added in
sult to injury.
A special Pullman car , containing
the "American Water Works Associa
tion , ' * passed through the city , Tues
day evening , attached to No. 39 , bound
for Denver and the west.
The law firm of Williams , Iluiburd &
Lucas have moved into their new quar
ters in the second floor of the Scott
building. Their rooms have been hand
somely furnished , and are the finest in
the city.
Ity an Ontario , Gal.paper we see that
S. 13. Brown , a former resident of this
county , is engaged in the livery busi
ness there and doing well , which will
be welcome news to Sam's friends in
this vicinity.
There are two important matters that
should agitate our people , namely ,
bridges and improvements to our high
ways. Both are needed and needed
badly. We hope an effort will be made
in these directions.
A scrub nine of our base ball artists
crossed bats with the Culbertsonites ,
Friday afternoon last. The score stood
19 to 1C in favor of McCook. The
boys here complain of contemptible
treatment by the Culbertson people.
The J. P. Mathes building on Main
Avenue , occupied by Messrs.Ludwick &
TrowbrSdge , was purchased , the first of
the week , by C. D. Ercanbrack for
$2,500 cash. The present occupants
have leased the propert } * for two years.
Parasols this season are unusually
varied , and some of the styles are ex
ceedingly novel and attractive. En com
mon with the rest of the toilet , ribbon
plays an important part in their adorn
ment , while lace , gauze and net are
used in a variety of ways.
By reason of the rainy weather , the
dedication of the Red Willow Christian
Church , which was to have taken place ,
last Sunday , has been postponed until
Sunday , June 27th , at 10:30 o'clock ,
A. M. Elder Pardee of Geneva , this
state , will address the people on that
occasion. A general invitation is cor
dially extended.
An old gentleman was quite seriously
hurt , Monday evening , at the station ,
by coming in contact with a large ex
press truck , while attempting to board a
moving train. In view of the foolish
ness displayed at the station during the
necessary shifting of cars , it is a matter
of wonderment that some persons have
not been mutilated or killed.
The Fourth.jQuarterly Conference of
Indianola circuit will be held at the
Coon Creek School House on Sunday
and Monday , July 4th and 5th. Meet
ins as follows :
Preaching at 2 o'clock. P. M.
Love Feast at 7 o'clock , P. it.
Preaching at S o'clock , P. it.
Preaching at 9 o'clock. A. 3L
Conference at 10 o'clock , A. M.
J. A. Kl.EKBEr.GKH ,
Pastor. iu Charge.
The dry weather in Iowa is giving Kansas ,
Dakota , andWstem Ncbra-ska- drouth , and
grasshoppers begin to appear in .some ouar- ,
j ters. The three or four years in which we
j have too much moisture in Iowa have been
J the making of the dry and sandy States to the
West. When theVest gets hack its normal
weather , many of ihu immigrants who have
gone to those States from Iowa will he want
ing to get hack. But we hope that no such
ill luck is gohig to fall on'any of the States
named. There are filled with good people ,
and we wish them good luck only.
The above from the Iowa State Reg
ister shows an astonishing degree of ig
norance of the true facts , as far as Ne
braska is concerned. In the face of
these misrepresentations how strange
sounds the wail that floats up the Valley
from the eastern part of the state , where
the cry is too much moisture , while here
in the Republican Valley we arc enjoy
ing copious and plenteous showers , and
crops are lookiugsimply immense. Oh ,
ye doubting Thomases ! The "Great
American Desert'1 will yet astonish and
convince you against your will !
Rinker sells the Deering Hinders and
The great heart of this people always
goes out in sympathy toward the worthy.
Two evidences of this fact have occur
red ' .vithin the past , I'ew days. The first
expression , a purse of over $30 , being
in favor of James Martin , a farmer who
resides a few miles nortlrjvest of the
city , who has been sick and unable to
work for some time. William Coleman
performed the neighborly act of raising
the money. The object of the other
kindly feeling is an estimable lady of
this place , whose efforts toward the sup
port of self and two small children , by
the needle , were supplemented by a
donation of almost § G ( ) . at the hands of
the citizens of this place. Mrs. Jen
nings and Starbtick were instrumental
in securing the latter amount. What
more can the donors desire than the
benedictions of the sick and worthy ?
Money , to loan on improved farms.
Agee & Wiley.
about closed his arrangements with the
B. & M. , to become their attorney , Dis
trict Attorney W. S. Morlan of Arapa-
hoe expects to remove to this city , on
or about the first of next month , in pur
suance of that agreement. Mr. Morlan
was in the cityyestesday. looking up a
location for an office. Mr. Morlan stands
high among the lawyers of the state and
will add strength to on. already well
known bar. McCook is a drawing card ,
and no mistake , and many there be who
are casting longing eyes thither-ward.
Baled hay at Fry & Snow's feed store
in any quantity.
Our new postmaster , F. A. Thomp
son , received his commission , last Sun-
daand , will enter upon the discharge
of his duties from and after July 1st.
Most of the present furniture will re
main in the office. THK TRIBUNE con
fidently expects thorough and competent
service after Bert's entry into the city
All kinds of sheet-iron , tin and cop
per work done at C. D. Palmer's.
The manner in which the wet goods
organ rehashes every fool attack made
against Register Laws , and then criti
cises those articles in a half-hearted way ,
is quite as amusing as characteristic.
Fresh oysters , fresh fish and chick
ens at Brewer Bros. ' meat market.
The performance of "Fate , " last night ,
by the Graves & Halliday Comedy Co. ,
was fairly attended and appreciated.
To-night the company appears in ' 'Dora. "
The new writing desk for the Me-
Entee House has been placed in posi
tion. It is a handsome piece of furni
I am furnishing good , liberal loans
on farming lands. Straight ten per
cent , interest. No delay in getting
funds. You do not have to wait to send
off application. Money paid over as
soon as papers can be completed. Call
on or address , S. II. CoLVJN ,
45-tf. McCook , Neb.
RA. . Cole , Merchant Tailor.
To THE VEOPLE : I have received ,
complete in every line , my new spring
stock , and assure to all who call upon
me , fine goods , elegant fits , at very rea
sonable prices. Drop in and be convinc
ed. R. A. Cole , three doors west ot
Citizens Bank , Dennison street.
Fine Tree Claim and Homestead ad
joining town site of Akron , Colo. , to
trade for McCook town lots. Also two
fine claims in the Frenchman valley ,
Hitchcock Co. , for cash or trade.
COLE & Moss , McCook , Neb.
I am now prepared to take contracts
for all kinds of brick work. I am using
machine pressed brick. All work done
under the supervision of a first-class
brick layer , and guaranteed.
B. F. Olcott has two second-hand top
buggies for sale , or will trade for horses.
Also remember that Olcott has the fin
est road stallion in the west , and farm
ers and stockmen should sec him before
breeding elsewhere.
My residence on Madison Avenue.
Will sell at a bargain. A. E. HILL.
As we anticipated with no little de
gree of pleasure , the rendition of the
oratorio , "Esther , the Beautiful Queen. "
at the Opera Hall , on Thursday and
Saturday evenings of last week and also
upon Monday evening of this week by
a company of local talent , under the
direction of Prof. Bixlor , of Denver ,
was pronouncedly the most , worthy and
enjoyable musical event that has ever
transpired in this city ; and in addition
to having afforded our people a delight
ful treat , it has given the art a stimu
lus and impetus which will be i'clt fora
long time to come. The costumes ,
which were the handiwork of the ladies
of the chorus , were simply lovely in
their varied beauty and were prominent
factors in the success of the oratorio.
The taste , ingenuity and painstaking
efforts of the ladies in this regard call
for hearty commendation. The leading
characters were fitly chosen and well
sustained. Prof. Bixler appearing in
the roll of King Ahasuerus with all the
effectiveness of which his full , round bass
voice is capable. Queen Esther found
an able representative in Mrs. T. S.
Bosley , whose strong , clear soprano has
delighted McCook audiences in times
past. 1'poii this occasion she appeared
to the very best advantage. Mrs. R. C.
Fisher , as Xeres'n , was a IHvorite with
the audience , as the manner in which
she performed that prominentpart ,
( coupled with a sweet contralto voice
well handled ) justly entitled her to be.
C. W. Paine's Mordecai was well taken ,
his rendering of difficult solos receiving
marked attention. Miss Matie Smith ,
( Mordecai's sister ) handled the solo parts
of that character with great credit.
The Prophetess solo by Miss Mollie
Twilegar was sung with complimentary
effect indeed. C. P. Rinker , High Priest ,
and D. L. Bisbee , Hegai , arc entitled
to credit for the excellent style in which
they managed their solos. J.F.Forbes'
Scribe was simply indescribably funny.
J. R. Doty , llarbonah , and Thos. Glass-
cott , the Herald , come in for their share
of commendation. Misses Nellie Fisher
and Josie M en ardZeresh's attendants , )
sang their solos very prettily. The ex
ceptionally sweet way in which little
Maud Woods played the part of Ida ,
Hainan's child , was a pleasant feature
of the ( iiitertainment.
The chorus singing by Jews and Per
sians , taking into account the shortness
of time in preparation , etc. , was praise
worthy and appreciated by the fair aud
iences which greeted all these perform
ances. All iu all and in a sentence , the
affair was highly sucessful , and all the
participants can feel proud of their
efforts. The singing and marching by
the chorus of little girls was heartily
enchored upon ever } ' appearance. They
were handsomely arrayed and acted their
portion of the program nicely.
The sincere and hearty thanks of the
company is due Miss Laura Harris for
tier assistance , a ? accompanist , in their
hour of need. While the call upon her
came unexpected , without previous
preparation , she accompanied the cho
rus and soloists in a manner thorough
ind acceptable.
Almost fifty dollars were realized to
the Or. A. It. relief fund as their share
iu the profits.
Below we append the names of those
assisting in the various chorus :
Mrs. A. J. Pate ; Miss Mabel Hesi-rve
Mis. 51 orris Miss Dora J hint
Mrs. Ji. K. Woods ; Miss Anna Starbuck
Mrs. .lohn YVilev i Miss Mamie Hunt
Mrs.V..J. . Hills" MissMaudMcConnell
Mis. C. C. Potter MissAdaP.IJuck
Mrs. I. J. Starhuck Miss Laura Starbuck
Mis * Marv ISoberts Miss Inez Starbuck
TIIK .IPVKXH.K cuoirs. :
Ida Hurd I Mamie Mohler
Clara Sharp ! Hertha Boyle
Pearl Hivwer May Seaman
Florence Vaniell ! Selma Noreu
licrtha Mohler j Mabel I'nwlings
Miss Nellie Stockton and Louie Star-
buck were the Queen's attendants. The
King's Guards , Messrs. W. II. Davis
and G. W. Bede. King's Pages , Delia
Johnston and Lena Coy.
THE TKIIUTNK hopes that the success
of this event may lead to other similar
ones. They will do much toward stim
ulating and cultivating the musical tal
ent , with which our city is well provided.
The members of J. K. Barnes Post
No. 207. & . A. R. , wish to express their
thanks to Prof. A. G. Bixler , who so
ably conducted and to the singers who
so creditably rendered the oratorio of
"Queen Esther ; ' " to the band for their
gratuitous and excellent music , and to
the citizens of McCook for such a gen
erous attendance , whereby the Post is
so greatly bcnefitted.
J. A. WILCOX. Com.
* o
Cash Down. No Delay.
No need of waiting to send off appli
cations. Money paid over as soon as
papers are completed. Call on or ad
dress , RED WILLOW Co. BANK ,
43-tf Indianola , Neb.
As I am preparing to leave this coun
try I will offer my bunch of ponies for i
sale at a GREAT BARGAIN. j
2-tf. J. G. EATON- , j
o j
Those in need of my services please i
call at the residence of G. W. M inkier , '
N. W. of School House. Mrs. Almcda '
Wellington. :
On Macfarlaud street for sale. In- :
quire of F. P. Allen or at this office.
J5 ? Uiider tlii head we would be pleased to
have our friends throughout the city acquaint
us ol' thearrival and ilopavt ure of their visitors.
Fied Snow ivturue'd to Yuina , Gilo. . Fri
day noon.
( 'apt. A. L. Kiiu'isou of Wauo came un to
the city , Wednesday.
Tiff. Babcork was iu from the west , Friday
evening , ou a flying visit.
Mrs. D. IJ. Mills is visiting in the city , the
guest of Mrs. ( ! . L. haws.
Husjii W. Cole returned , the tirst of the
week , fiom hi.visit east.
Mis * Motile rclennan of Indianola visited
in the city , the last of the week past.
Ralph Mfl'r.u'keii of the Hayes Centre
Xews has been in the city , this week.
Cashier Brown made a trying business tour
to the county capital , Tuesday evening.
Mr. Clark , of Clark & Benedict , Hayes
Centre , was a Saturday visitor in the city.
Miss Cecilia JJyan left for ( Jale.burg , 111. ,
yesterday morniniron an extended visit home.
Messrs. Dodd and Tyler of ludiauola wit
nessed Saturday evening's performance of
Esther at the Opera Hall.
E. II. Johnson of the Gazette-Journal , IIas > -
tiugsvas "doing"the city in the interests
of his company. .Saturday.
3Ir. and Mrs.V. . 1C. Lynch aud Sheriff
Welbom of the county capital breathed the
air of the metropolis , Satuulay.
( ! . W. Daniels of Culbertson sought further
into the mysteries of Pythianlsm , yesterday
evening , in the lodge of this place.
Miss Cecilia JZyan aud Mi > s Nellie Fihher
spent Sunday with Miss Nettie Babcock at
Cambridge , returning home ou Xo. 1.
A. E. McManigal and Fred McKay , two of
our railroad boys , were registered at the
Western Hotel , Ilohlrege , last Friday.
Calvin Zicgler. manager for The Frees &
Hockuell Lumber Co. in the city ,
to-day , ou company and personal business.
Mrs. W. W. Fisher and Miss Nellie went
up totlieranch atthe Fallsof the Frenchman ,
yesterday , where they will make quite a
lengthy visit.
C. W. Knight : , of The Frees t Ilockueli
Lumber ( ' > . and M. L. Sproat of The Howard
Lumber Co. wenamong tliobiisini'.v. visitors
in the city , Satunhij.
Fred. Lytlc and Fred. WVhster came. down
from the we.--t , Monday evening , ou a short
visit. Mr. Webster continued his visit ou
east , Tuesday evening.
Mi's. AV. K. Babcock of Cambridge came
up to the city , Friday noon , on a short visit'
remaining until .Sunday evening , the gues
of Mrs. C. F. IlalK'oek.
Miss Nettie Bnbcock of Cambridge spent a
couple days in the - itthe lirst of theeek ,
the guest of Miss Cecilia Ilyan. She. returned
home , Tuesday morning.
F. L. McCracken left on 40 , Friday , for
Iowa. Frank will return on Monday next ,
bringing \ \ ith him one of Marshalltown's fair
daughters for a helpmeet.
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Pate and Mr. and Mrs.
I. J. Starbuck went down to I Jed Cloud , Tues
day evening , to witness the race.They are
expected home , to-morrow.
Mrs. IJ. M. Miles and Mixs Tiioo. Miles of
Quiucy. HI. , mother and sb-ter of Mrs. K. C.
Fisher , arrived in the city , last Thursday
evening and will viMt here a few weeks.
W. J. McOillin , manager of the Harlem
Cattle Co. , was in town. Friday , on land
business the caae against hiscompany having
been re-opened by the government for a re
Miss Lillian J. Stockton was a passenger
east-bound ou No.10 , Monday evening.
Major Williams made a short trip up the
Valley , Friday , between trains , ou legal
Miss May Clark started for Muninoutli , 111. ,
Tuesday morning , ou an extended visit for
the benefit of her health.
Dr. H. S. Kimmell of Somerset , Peuna. ,
made Tin : TKIBUXI : force u very pleasant
and unexpected visit , the first of the week.
A. J. liittenhouse of Aurora was registered
at the McEntce , Tuesday. We understand
that the gentleman contemplates locating
here iu the practice of law. There is undoubt
edly a great opening ( ? ) in that profession.
Misses ( Jcrtnido and Theodosia Laws re
turned home , Monday night , from a. delight
ful visit to Omaha. They had the pleasure
of listening to a number of the June Festival
performances during their sojourn in the
Geo. B.Lane of Lincoln , ex-superintendent
of the state census , was in the city , yostonlay ,
making these headquarters a pleasant call.
Mr. Lane is desirous of occupying Mr. .Tone * '
place at the head of the educational intcrvtts
of the state.
Dr. Davis , of McCook , a university student
of past years , is in the city , an attendant at
commencement and alumni exercises at tho
school this week. The doctor reports crop
prospects brilliant iu the valley , and the city
of his choice prosperous. [ Bee's Lincoln
Bureau. ] The doctor arrived home , Friday
noon , having had a delightful trip.
C. L NETTLETON , 13AY23 , 1886.
And thus the stars fade , one by one.
Pass one by one our loved uwiiy.
Iu earth's dim light we linger on ,
Oursstill to work , to watch , to prny.
With heavy hearts , in silence deep.
We lay to rest this lifeless clay.
Yet know , whilo wo in darkness weep ,
Our shining loved ones walk in Jaj' . ,
Absent to sight , yet present still3fy' * ' '
The stars , though veiled forqrer shine
So will we wait with patience , till
We too slmll share the life divine.
Thither , O brother , thou hast gone.
Thither for us hast led the way ,
Houvun { five U3 strength still to fare on.
Till we too rouch the cndles * day.
Brave faithful soul , O brother dear , l-
Whoin fate assailed so long in vain !
O strong heart , stranger to nil I'ear ,
Of wrong the foe , victor of pain.
Thy foot nollowery path hath trod.
On tlii-f oft pressed the battle sore.
Henceforth for time , crowm-d by our ( ! od.
The toil und strife eeusc evermore.
Now songs of triumph , huavi'iily ppiin > .
Now hope's fruition , faith's reward ,
There where all sin nnd sorrow cease.
At home , at rest , with Christ , thy Lord.
The subscriber will be at McCook on
Monday , June 2Sth , IHSU , with fifty
head of young native mares , bred in
Iowa , and thoroughly acclimated , having
been at Captain Emerson's ranch for
over a year. A rare chance for farmers
to secure good stock all acclimated.
1 D. J. SMITH.
Made by the McCook Loau and
Trust Co. ou deeded land , or on final re
ceipts , when proof is unquestionable ,
without sending east for funds. No in
terest is payable in advance , but ten
per cent , straight. Money paid a ? soon
as abstract can be obtained. Office in
First National Bank.
Nobby New Suits at Wilcox & Fow
ler's. New stock just opened.
C i'inf DRUG i STORE
A - IFULL - ILINE - : - OF
pp sin fro
Pure Wines and Liquors