A QUEER TREE. t Produces Mosquito Xets and "Wed ding DrcsHct * . A stra'nget traveling in Central Amcr- ca expiesscd great surprise when told > y his host that mosquito nets grew on in that country. The host further h that he intended to get a wecl- g dress from the same tree for hH who was to be married on his sstatc. H "You don't " mean , said the trav- slcr incredulously , "that mosquito net- ang and bridal dresses grow on trees , io you ? " "That's just what I mean , " replied ie host "All right , " said the stranger , who incied a joke was being attempted at ris expense , "let me sec you gather the ruit and I will believe yon. " "Certainly , " was the answer , "fol- ow the men and you will see that I peak the exact truth. " Still looking for some jest the stran- rei' followed the two men who were lo ihick the singular fruit , and stood by vhen they stopped at a rather small ree bearing thick , glossy green leaves , jut nothing else which the utmost ef- brt of Mie imagination could convert nto the netting or the wedding < rar- nent. The tree was aboat twenty feet ligh and sixinches in diameter , and ts bark looked much like that of a birch Tee. Tee."Is "Is this the tree ? " asked the stran- jer. jer."Yes "Yes , senor , " answered one of the nen , with a smile. "I don't see mosquito netting nor tlie vedding dress , " said the stranger , "and [ can't see any joke , either. " "If the senor will wait a few minutes ic will see all that was promised and nore , too , " was the reply. "He will lee that this tree can bear not only liosquito netting and wedding dresses , jut iish nets and neck scarfs , mourning jrape or bridal veils. " The tree was without more ado cut iown. Three strips of bark , each ibout six inches wide and eight feet ong , were taken from tlie trunk and ihrown into a stream of water. Then : ach man took a strip while it was still n the water , and with the point of his cnife separated a thin layer of the in- icr bark from one end of the strip. Che layer was then taken in the fingers ind gently pulled , whereupon it came iway in an even sheet of the entire vidtli and length of the strip of bark. L'welve sheets were thus taken from sack strip of bark and thrown into the vater. A light broke in upon the stranger's iiind. Without a doubt these strips vere to be sewn together in one sheet. Che plan seemed a good one , and tho. 'abric thus formed might do he thought , f no better cloth could be had. The men were not through yet , how- jver , for when each strip of bark had -ielded its twelve sheets each sheet vas taken from the water and grndual- y stretched sidewise. The spectator rould. hardly believe his eyes. The sheet broadened until from a close jiece of material six inches wide it be- : ame a film } ' cloud of delicate lace over hree feet in width. The astonished gentleman was forced to confess that 10 human-made loom ever turned out ace which could surpass in snowy vhiteness and gossamer-like delicacy hat product of nature. SL Nicholas. Sickness on the Isthmus. Dr. Wolfred Xelson. who spent .five rears as a practicing physician at Pan- tma and was for sometime a member ) f tlie board of health of that state , ar- ived in Xcw York from the isthmus > y the last steamer. In an iutervrew vith a JSfcio York World reporter he lays : "At this present time yellow fever : xists in an almost epfdemic form. There were forty-three deaths from the liseasc in the city of Panama in the iiouth of ilarch. In the city of Colon ror Aspinwall ) there were fifteen deaths xoui yellow fever among the canal nen alone. The wet season is now on , ind there is much sickness all over the sthmus. owing to the dirty condition jf the canal camps , such as one would ; xpect where thousands of laborers lave been herded together without the lightest sanitary precaution. "In October , 1884 , a new cemetery 'or the poor was opened in the city of Panama. Up to tlie 12th of April , 1SS6 , } ,47i canal hospital patients and the poor of the town had been buried ihere. Apart frqm these a number of persons of the better classes are buried n the borcdas , or stone vaults. Dur- Bg the same interval hundreds have seen buried in the foreign , Jewish , and Chinese cemeteries. The death-rate ias been suppressed as far as the canal aiterests have been able to affect it , and : he most unblushing statements have aeen made bcanal papers regarding Jie death-rate. To show what yellow 'ever has done on the isthmus it is only iccessary to cite the experience of a , Darty that landed with I\lr. Jules Dingier on the 29th of October , 1883. The party consisted of thirty-three icw-comers. "U'ithin a week Count de Utierno sickened and died from yellow rever. His death was followed b } ' that of Mr. Zimmerman. Later Mr. Dingier lost ais daughtera charming girl. Within one month from the day of her death his son , aged 23 , had been given up. In she following year he lost his wife from fellow fever. Out of fourteen cases of fellow fever among that party of thir- 5'-three thirteen died. Such is Pan- ima , which De Lesseps vainly attempts ; o paint as a tropical garden of para- lise. The filth in both cities and along ' : he canal is simply indescribable. The vilest sights and odors constantly meet y' > ne. In this city of Colon the saddest sights are to be seen. Foreigners are ilTowed to lie on the sidewalk , to be pickedup dead. But a few days ago , The Evening Telegram , of Panama , "re- "erred at length to the fact that three nen had been found on a single morn- jig dead in the streets of Colon , and : hat many others were sick and utterly lestitute , without food or any care . The climate is and always has been Dcstilential and death-dealing. Yellow 'ever has been endemic since 1SG8. " The wealth ct our lauquage is shown bj the 'act that "ban. ? { t UP" and "chalk it down" neans precisely the same. Mrs. Lincoln's Last Years. Mrs. Lincoln , the widow of the mrtr- tj-r-President , returned from Europe in October , 1880 , and went to Springfield , 111. , where she was the guest of her sister , Mrs. Edwards. During the fol lowing holiday season she shut herself in her room , mourning the extrava gance of the times , and chiding those about her who displayed gifts of jew elry and there she sta3'cd like a verita ble silk-worm in its self-woven cocoon , for many months. What did she do all that time ? Principally she over hauled her many trunks , complained that she was very sick , and ate full meals of substantial food three times a. day. She reconciled ill health and hearty eating by insisting to the few friends whom she admitted that her malady was a peculiar one , com pelling her to consume large quantities of food. She would rise from a re past of roast beef , coflee , etc. , and very dejectedly inform her attend ant or visitor , that in all human probability she would not see the light of another day , and often , in literal verification of her prophec } * , she would close the window-shutters , increase the opaqueness of the curtains by pinning up shawls or quilts , and light a plain tallow candle. She rejected the use of gas as of the devil. If asked to speci- ry where she felt bad in body , she would reply * sometimes , "I'm on fire ; burn ing tip ; just feel of me , and see how hot I am ! " At the same time her tem perature would appear perfectly nor mal for a lady above GO years of age. At other times she would insist that she was "being all hacked to pieces by knives : just feel that gash in my shoul der ; don't think I can stand such wounding long , do you ? " Yet tender and commiserating friends assured her that there was no trace of either blood or scar. The next j-ear her mind wan dered so that her relatives were forced to present her to the Probate Court , and to ask an order that she might be committed to a lunatic asylum. She was attired in plain mourn ing black ; the full figure of her Washington era had dwindled till she appeared quite a slender lady , whoso shrivelled face expressed no concern in the doings of the hour. She was gen tle and yielded without a murmur to the sad-faced wishes of her son and that always firm friend of her great hus band" the Hon. Isaac Jf. Arnold , who appeared in court as her counsel. She had then been occupying rooms at a prominent hotel for some time , and the testimony before the jury of conspic uous citizens ran chieHy to her vast ac cumulation of unmade dress goods within her rooms , and that she would carry too much money about the streets upon her person , even the sum of § 3,000 being found loosely pinned within the folds of her walking dress. The court awarded restraint that should bo only kind guardianship of her personal safety and financial interests , and she was led away amid the tears of main- bystanders , and was made at home for a time at a private asylum of high re pute. Ben : Pcrlcy Poorc , in JJoston Budget. ' dipped in the Bud. It looks now as if the anarchist bub ble which had been slowly filling with unnatural gas for several j-ears ha < been pricked so effectively that it has entirely collapsed. The little matinees lattely in Chicago and Milwaukee , which were sat down on so eniphatic- ically. together with the arrest later of the prominent patriots ( ? ) who engin eered those affairs , shows that Uncle Sam , though slow , is sure and a uni versal spirit of condemnation has at last been aroused towards these foreign " which "if would-be-property-grabbeis , they have any sense atall , they \ \ ill heeJ , and go to work instead of shoot ing off their mouths at crowds on Sun days , when they ought to be at church or at home minding the baby. It is curious to note how the alleged courage of the e blatant commun ts oozes out at their linger ends when real danger threantens them in tho shape of the strong arm of Law. Take , lor instance , Herr Most , not the least in cendiary one of the gang by any means. He has"been wanted by the police in Xew York for some time , and in stead of facing the music and volun tarily making a test case of himself a martyr if needs behe hunted his hole promptly , and for some time kept hid to very effectively that the officers couldn't find him. They finally locat ed him , however , in a house of ill-fame , and after some search saw him just as he was crawling under a bed , he having concluded that it was a good time for disappearing. When the detectives grabbed him by the legs and hauled him forth , he turned livid with fear , anil "Give lib hoarsely whispered , me erty. " He had no intention of finish ing the quotatation"or gi e me death , " not he. Death was just what he least desired. And it was much the same way with the others of that ilk who were arrested in Chicago and Milwaukee ; they had not a particle of the heroism and bravery which actu ates men who become martyrs in a just cause. Like a thief caught robbing . a hen roost , their chief thought was for their personal safety. At this writing we have not seen the illustrated papers since Most was nabbed , but it is safe to say that they will do the subject jus tice , as no better chance for a striking cartoon was ever presented- good t one , well worked out in all its details , ought to far exceed the "tattooed man" or "JacK and Me" in popular favor. The storm has passed and it wasn't much of a shower either , comparatively , taking the previous assertions of the anarchists as to what they intended to , do into consideration and now the j country can breathe easier and settle down to business again , confident that any further demonstrations looking to wards uprooting society and distribut ing wealth and property pro rata among all people , including Hottentots and Digger Indians , will bis promptly squelched. A number t > f valuable lives were lost in Chicago by the murderous ' devices of the cowardly throng , which , of course , every bod } * of any sense deep ly regrets ; and some worthless lives were snuffed out both there and in Mil waukee ; but on the whole the purchase of the future security and a fcelinir that the work is over , was cheaply made. sic transit communism-anarchy in America , . Peck's Sun. \ Always be dumb to the inquisitive , ant deaf to the quarrelsome. Happiness connmte iu being contentct with wlmt you have. Victoria in proud in the possession o eight The Vice-President of tlie City Brewery Mr. J. Ilelmus , of Louisville , ICy. , wns en tircly cured in one week ol a severe attack of rheumatism by St. Jacobs Oil. The livery stable business is fairly driving. The true secret of success is merit. This is BO with Red Star Cough Cure , a , purely vegetable compound , entirely free from opiates , poisons iind narcotics , and wliicl : has received the public endorsement o physicians and chemists everywhere. Twenty-five cents. Michael Davitt is to be the next lore mayor of London , they say. OFFICE OF "PLAIN DEALER , " ! CLEVELAND , 0. , May 20 , 1S8G.J Learning that Mr. Chauncy J. Stedivell , train master of the Cleveland , Columbus , Cincinnati it Indianapolis railway , held one-fifth of ticket No. 7G.244 in The Louisiana Slate Lotterywhich had on May llth drawn the capital prize of § 75- 000 , a Plain Dealer reporter called on Mr. Stedwell at his residence. 152 Lake street. "Wednesday evening. In reply to the reporter's question regarding the matter , Mr. Stedwell said : "It is true that the 515,000 drawn by the fifth of this ticket was paid to me. but I only acted as collector for others. The fortunate holders were five cmpldyes ol the C. C. C. & I. Ry. , in my department , as follows : H. Johiibon , brakeman , 461 Ster ling avenue ; J. Lahiff , conductor , 35 Sey mour avenue ; Thos. Murphy , conductor , 44 Bailey street ; F. Williams , conductor , 75 Delaware street ; II. Constant , brake man. 1187 Lorain street. The ticket was sent for and held by Johnson , and when the men learned of their cood fortune , they came to me and urged me to take the ticket , attend to the collection of the money and make the proper division of it I forwarded the ticket to New Orleans and it was promptly paid. Tuesday afternoon ( the 25th ) , the met at my house and paid each of them § 3,000. It has all fallen into good hunds and undoubtedly thes men and their families will be greatly bene fited by their good fortune. It was never my pleasure to see a happier group than that surrounding the table in this room sis I handed each his portion of the money.1 The snake season in news items being on. remarkable stories nre now in order. A MOST LIBERAL OFFER ! THE VOLTAIC BELT Co. , Marshall , Mich , offer to send their Celeb rated VOLT vie BELT ? and Electric Appliances on thirty days' trial to any man afflicted with Nervous De bility , Loss of Vitality , Manhood , etc. I ! lustrated pamphlet ix .SEALED ENVELOPE with full particulars , mailed free. Write them at once. The Jewish Talmud consists of twelve large folio volumes. PATEIVTSobtaineU by Louis iMg cr&Co. . At torneys. , "tt'ushinijton , 1).C. EstM 186i. Ad % ice free. Pure cold water is the healthiest drink. Stick to it , young man. Be merciful to dumb animals. Heal all open sores and cuts with Stewart's Healing Powder , 15 and 50 cents a box. A "loud" person one with a "hollow" back. The Omaha Type foundry can furnish new newspaper outfits on short notice. Prices same as in Chicago and freight already paid to Omaha. The world will never tire of Shakespeare and fried oysters. Bronchitis is cured l > y frequent email doses oi Plso's Cure for Consumption. Only eighteen "thats" can be gramati- cally put into one sentence. That's so. MENlook slovenly with run-over heels. Lyon's Heel Stiffeners preentit : 2jca pair. New York has 400 trades-unions. Chi cago comes next. "vThen Baby tras sick , tre RVTO her Castoria , TTtcn showas a Child , ahe cried for Castoria , When she became Miss , she clung to Caatorit , TTiiSn aho had Children , oho gaTO tho-n Castoii * , It is said that the "German" has really gone out of fashion. Soft , pliant , and glossy hair results rom the use of Hall's Hair Renewcr. For imparting tone and strength to the stomach , liver , and bowels , take Ayer's Pills. Second-hand tooth-picks are actually sold in Paris. I am selling considerable of your valu able medicine Athlophoros. My sales axe increasing every day. It is ctiriiig one case of severe rheumatism of years standing in which all doctors had failed. J. AL Evans , druggist , Evansville , Wis. Tarantula juice is ten cents a gulp way down in Texas. WHATEVER name or designation is given lo Fever and Ague or other intermittent diseases it is safe to say that Malaria or a disordered state of the Liver is t fault. Eliminate the impurities from the system and a sure and prompt cure is the imme diate result. Prickly Ash Bitters is the safest and most effective remedy for all oiliary troubles , kidney diseases , and like : omplaints that has ever been brought be- ! ore the public. A trial is its beat recom mendation. The Omaha Typj foundry can furnish TOW newspaper outfits on short notice. Prices j same as in Chicago and freight ilready paid to Omaha. Fusil oil is now recommended for pneu monia visitations. BURNS ? nd Scalds are instantly rendered painless , and invariably cured without a scar , by the use of Carbolisalve , the great skin remedy. 25 and 50 cents , at Drujrcists or by mail. Colc' Co. , Black River Falls , Wis. Nothing travels so quickly as society scandal. _ _ Energy and honorable dealing always in- jpire confidence and always succeed best , is is the case with the Nebraska and Iowa Insurance Company of Omaha , Nebraska. This is the first company ever organized in the state. All insurance companies corn- Dined against it to prevent it from succeed ing. ing.The Nebraska and IowaInsurance Com- oany does its business independently of Boards and Compacts. Hence the desire of other companies to injure it. It is to the interest of every property-holder in tho state to support rtnd give their business to 'he Nebraska and Iowa Insurance Com- oany. It insures growing crops against HAIL. This will gi vegreat relief to farmers , and every farmer should protect their crop as well as other property. Give credi'fc where credit is due. Support the "Nebraska and Iowa Insurance Company and you will avoid being imposed upon by monopolies and Compacts , and build up state institu tions. WHAT SCIENCE SAYS. Tlie "Fearful and Wonderful" ITlc' cliatiUiii of tlio Human Sytilcm Gru l > Itlcully Portrayed. [ In the editorial columns of the New York Analyst , II. Lassing. M. D.-editor , writes the following beautiful description of the laboratories of the human system. We think we have never read a finer or more tuistworthy one. ] "Man is the greatest of nil chemical la boratories. Magnify the smallest cell of the body and what a factory is spread , before the eyes countless chambers in which are globes of air , masses of solid matter , glo bules of dying liquid ; a flash comes and the whole is consumed and needful heat is car ried into every part of the system. Elec trical forces also generate and are con veyed to .the brain , the muscles and the various nerve centers. In another set of a million chambers we see various gasses and vapors. By chem ical action these are changed and purified in the lungs and the skin. The blood we olten say is a great living river. In its cur rent are masses which the air in the lungs did not affect ; blocks of chalk ; slabs of tar tar ; pieces of bone ash , strings of albumen ; drops of molasses , and lines of alcohol. How are these waste ma ses disposed of ? Uegin where you will in this great stream you must come to the purifying places of the system. Here is all activity and an in visible force reaches out into the stream , seizes and carries this mass of waste into vast trenches , thence into a smaller reser voir , and finally into a larger reservoir , which regularly discharges its contents. This separation of lime , uric acid and other waste material from the blood with out robbing it of a particle of the life fluid , passes human comprehension. In health this blood purifying process is carried on without our knowledge. The organs in which it is done are faithful servants whose work is silent as long as health remains. "People strangely wait until pain strikes a nerve before they will realize that they have any trouble. They do not know that pain concerns chiefly the exterior not the interior of the body. A certain set of nerves connect these blood purifying organs with the brain. They may not gnaw and bite as does the tooth-ache or a scratch , but they regularly , silently report. When these organs are failing these nerves indicate it by drawing the blood from the face and cheek , leaving the lip and eye blanched , by sending uric acid and poison into tlie smallest veins , the skin then be coming gray , yellow or brown. They also prevent the purification of the blood in the lungs and cause pulmonary clifficulties , weariness and pain. Who enjoys perfect health , especially in this land where we burn the candle in one mass ? The athlete breaks down in the race ; the editor falls at his desk ; the merchant succumbs in his counting-room. These events should not have been unexpected for nature long ago hung out her "lanterns of alarm. " When the "accident1 * finally comes , its fatal effect is seen iu a hundred forms ; either as congestion , chronic weakness , as wrong action , as variable appetite , as head troubles , as palpitation and irregulari ties of the heart , as premature decay , as dryness and harshness of the skin causing the hair to drop out or turn gray , as apoplexy , as paralysis , as general debility , blood poisoning , etc. "Put no faith then in the wiseacre who save there is no danger as long as there is no pain. Put no faith in the physician , whoever he may be , who says it is a mere cold or a slight indisposition. He knows little , if any , more than you do about it. He can neither see nor examine these or gans and depends entirely upon experi mental tests , that you can make as well as he. "If the output is discolored or muddy , if it contains albumen , lymph , crystals , sweet or morbid matter , is red with escaped blood , or roily with gravel , mucus and froth , something is wrong and disease and death are not far away. "These organs which we have described thus at length , because * hey are really the most important ones in the human sys tern , the ones in which a large majority of human ailments originate and are sus tained , are the kidneys. They hare not been much discussed in public because it is conceded that the profession has little known power over them. What is wanted for such organs is a simple medicine , which can do no harm to the most deli cate but must be of the greatest ben efit to the afflicted. Such a remedy , tried and proved by many thou sands all over the world is Warner's safe cure. With those in whom disease is deep seated it is the only specific. For those in whom the seeds are sown and the beginning of illness started it is an unfailing reliance. It may be recommended to the well to pre vent sickness , and the sick to prevent death. With its aid the great filtering en gines of the system keep on in ther silent workwithout interruption ; without re they get out of gear , and then disease and death open the door and cross the threshold. " Such writing ought not only to please but to carry conviction that what Editor Lassing , M. D. so high an authority says is true , and that his counsel is worthy the attention and heed of all prudent , right- minded people. A Sad Case of PolaonlnsT. is that of a man or woman afflicted with d JB.cn se or derangement of tho liver , result ing in poisonous accumulations in the blood , scrofulous affections , sick-head aches. and diseases of the kidncyx , lungs or heart. These troubles can be cured only by going to the primary cause , and putting the liver in a healthy condition. To accomplish t'tis result speedily and effectu ally nothing has proved itsslf so effica cious n Dr. Pit'rce's "Golden Medical Dis covery , " which has never failed to do the work claimed for it , and never will. The most fn tul form of consumption is the consumption of bad whisky. What can be more disagreeable , more disgusting , than to hit iu a room with a person who is troubled with catarrh , and has to keep coughing and clearing his or her throat of the mucus which drops into it ? Such persons are always to be pitied if they try to cure themselves and fail. But if they get Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy there need be no failure. "Tlie man who kept himself iu repair , " 18 the title of a new story. 3 s 5 s Ilupture radically cured , also le tumors and fistula ; . Pamphlet of par ticulars 10 cents in stamps. World's Dis pensary Medical Association , Buffalo , N. Y. Minnesota land is improving rapidly in value. CONSUMPTION' . For the cure of this dis tressing disease there has been no medicine yet discovered that can show more evi dence of real merit than Allen's Lung Bal sam. 25c. , 50c. , and § 1.00 a bottle. Lanui Exprcs es the conditions of thousands of people a * this season. The depressing effects of the warm weather an J that tired feeling n-e quickly overcome l y the use of Hfiod's fcarsaparllla. It Klvcs streneth In place of weakness , gives tone to e ery orfjan , cre ates an appetite , and purifies the hlooi Ghelta trial now. "Two months a o I commenced takn Hood's Sar- saparllla as an experiment , as I had no appetite or strength ani felt tired all the time. I attributed my condition to scrofulous humor. I hal tried sev eral different kinds of medicinewithout receiving any benefit. But as soon as I had taken half a bottle of Hood's Sanaparllla. my appetite was restored , and my stomach felt better. I nave taVen three bottles , and I never felt better. " JIcs. J. F. DOLIIEAHE , Pas- coag , R. I. "Hood's Sarsaparllla cave me new life , and re stored me to my wonted health and strength. " Wii LIAM II. CLOUGH. Tllton , X. H. Hood's Sarsaparilla Sold by n" dniK Ists. Jl : six fortT. Prcpare.-only by C. L UOOD & CO. . Apothecaries. Lou ell. IOO Doses One Dollar. . Tlie lest and surest Remedy for Care of all diseases caused by any derangement of the Liver , Kidneys , Stomach and Bowels. Dyspepsia , Sick Headache , Constipation , Bilious Complaints and Malaria of all kinds yield readily to the beneficent influence of It is pleasant to the taste , tones up the system , restores and preserves health. It is purely Vegetable , and cannot fail to prove beneficial , both to old and younj : . As a Blood Purifier it is superior to all others. Sold everywhere at $1.00 a bottle. Kr. K. Fosttr , S3) Main Mmt , Ttire Hsute , IndI B , raf tered from Nenralcia &cd focnd no relief till te used ATHLOPHOROS. then in oncdar'a time the pain TU all gone lt ill gi\e prompt relief in allca-es of > .cural- gu.t k yourdrugsist tut Atblophoros. If you cannot pet it of him lo cot try fcomething el e. bat order at once froass. We will send" it eipreta pail on receipt of price , SI.00 f r bottle. ATH10PHOH.OS CO. . 112 Wall St. . New Yore. SAM LUIS. The moxt Womlerftil Aynrn Inrnl T\irk Inmerl . Surrounded bv pro'.peroiig minin ? an 1 manufaci inni ? towns. PAittlEIC'S I'AK.Vmsi : ! M..gmil cent crops raided in 1 . TUOrsAXOS * OF CKKS * OF < ; tVEICSIK > T I..AXU. vibject to pre-emption and uomoteid Iinds for al ? tAC - tual settlers at S3.00 per acre I.OAK TIMK. 1'ark jrripated by iromen e canal . Ch = rap raiimad rnt s. Every attemi n * ho n settlers ror niap . -nphleti , etc , address , COLORADO LANK .V LuAX CO. , Opwn House Block , Den * er , Colo , Box IS3J Piso's Kemedy for Catarrh Is th Beat , Easiest to Use , and Cheapest. AJso cood for Cold In the Head , Headache , Hay Fever. < tc. 50 cents. Xl.-xblr. Qnleklyand Fnlo - 1 IT cured at home Correspondence solicited and Jrtt trial of cure sent . KEUEDT COUI-ANT. Lafayette , lud. j'KXicK-s conx EXTKACTOI ISVXIOVS. lru ' 'i ts ell it or liv mail iSc of V. . It. 1'KMt K. &t. .lu'rph. M.J. and Morphine Habit Ciirod In lOto ! fOda\- . Kt-IiTt" lnou i > atietit iiire > I in all part * Dr. Karsh , Quiccy.Hich. TFI FRRflPHY L > : irn hcre a > li a ULCUnHri : I pay. Sitn.itiouj a \ alentlne l'ro * . JanesvilleViJ - 13 Itorplilne Habit Cured ia la fug to od.i- < . Xop.iy till Care it. UK J SfEPUtN's. Leu.iaun. Uiiia. W. N. U. Omaha 313--25. for infants and Children , "Castoria is so-well adapted to children that ] CMtorla cures Colic , Constipation , trecomraenditassuperiortoanyprcscnption i Sour Stomach , Diarrhoea , Eructation. known me/ ' Kills Worms , gives sleep , and promotes di to meH. . A. Azcnsn , II. D. , gestion. in So. Oxford St , Brooklyn , N. Y. Without injurious medication. Ins Cssra.ua COIOMNT , 182 Fulton Street. K. Y. Hie Best Waterproof Coat , The FISH BEAJiD SLICKER Is warranted wst-rproof , an Jwill Itrtp you dry In the h rd t tnrnj. The new POMMEL SLICKER U a perfect TlMn ; co t. and covers tte entire saddle. Petrareof Imitations. None irennlne without tha "Flao. Brand" l-arfc-mart. IKcitrated Catalogue free. A. J. Tower , Buton , lliu. At this reason nearly every one neds to nzo corn * tort of tonic. IRON enters into almoot orery pbj- Bician's prescription for thoao who noad building up. THE BEST TONIC For WenkncHS , l.nsillude , I.nck ol Enerjnr , etc. , It IIA ! > NCI JiQUAl and i tho only Iron medicine that is not injurious It Enrichei tho ttlood. InvisorHtco tho System , Jtcatorea Appetite , Aids JHcrstlon It does not blacken ormjnro the teeth , cause head ache or produce constipation othtr Irm midinnti d Jlns. .MYIU. SlAXFiEZJx Norfolk. Neb. . t js : "I have used Brown's Iron Bitten ) as a tonic with most happy results. " MR. CUAB. WAoran. 811 Eichth St. . Omaha Neb. , says : " I used Brown's Iron Bitters for General Debility and it made almost a new inau of mo. I cheerfully recommend it. " Mn. J. F. MAQUIRE. AVilwn. Neb. , mys : " I h T u ed Brown' * Irou Hitters for General Ufbility and gladly recommend it to like sufferer * . It has made a new man of me. " Genuine has above Trade Murk and crossed red lines onwrapi ) r. Tukc uo oilier. Jladeonlyby RUOWX CHKMIOAL. CO. . BAI.Tl.MOKi : . > . TREATED FREE. H.'H. CREEPS . . , A Specialist for Tleveii Years l'n t , Has treated Dropv and Its complication * with th mo t wonderful success ; uses venerable remoiliei , entirely liariiil-i * . Itemo\cs all symptoms of dropif In elsht to twenty d.tys Cures patients pronounced hopelc's by the best of physicians. From the first do e the symptom * rapidly dea ! > - pcar. and In ten days at lean two-thirds ut the symp tom * nre reni re < I. Some m f cry liumbuir without knowlnc anrthlnc about It. R'liiemberlt < loe < n > r c > < r u anvhlni ; to realize tlie merit * < if my treatment f r roureelf I am con tantly cnrlni ; cae of Ions standing , rates thathnxp been tapped a number of time * , anl this atient declared unable to U\e a week , ( . .infull hi istory of cu fi Xamu sex. h > w Ions adlctc'l. how adly s w lfn n 1 lien1. ! > lxi e' "oil Ivc. ! me U-gj burbtcd and ilrlpnrd water. Send f or frei pamphlet. coila'n nr te tiinonlaK < iuei m . etc. I O < lu vi trritni 'iit fiiniNlied free by mall. Epilepsy fits positively cured. II order trUl. nenJT cents In stimpt tontrnonisu. H II GUEKN- . I ) . . M Jones Atcmie. Atlanta. Gx EIHAUSTElTlfl ILLUSTKATEO SAMPLE KNOW THYSELF A Gnat Med'ci ] Wi rk 01 Manhio' Vervoiuaml PliK-Ioii Iiehtl1 y. Preniamrp Dec'n e In Man. Kx- aaust-d Vnahtv < vc , &c.a > l .li u u U ml-erles ri-sti tins from ndlM-ri'tlim ettsxSU pase . Milist.inil.illj'IM uuJ In gilt , in i" ! n < nr.ilns mure than 125 inxalu.iuic presor'pti nen ! > riiclns eiery > cjttatile remcilj ill the piia nia ! ] > .a fur J 1 acute and chronic rtl eie . It is el ritia Ual v n b Mile for eerr man. 1'rii e Oaly $1 b } nui.l pua'pald , concealed In pliln wrappir ILI-USTKATIVES \ Ml'I.KriJEK TO AI.I , { ounsandmldcle azed men for the next ninety da > . Send now. urcut tlitsmu. ay'i mny never see It Bg-iin. AildreM > Iu. W. 11. 1'AllKEi : . 4 Kuinncli Su Liu-ton v B Ur Pnrker can be con -ntlay ! ! consulted Dn all dl'ea-e.- man. liU gpeclillt' s NEWSPAPER OUTFITS ois Short : Voii4N > Z'roiii OR SECOBD-HAHD GOODS CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. OK3AHA TYPE FOUNDRY , Omaha , Neb. , 12th and Howard. . - n m MENDS EVERYTHHG \Vood.Leather Par.T Ivorv ( . ! i"\ Chj-ia , Kcrmtnre , uriaBrae Ac. Strong as Iron , Solid rs 2. Benii The total < jnanti'y * rM < lcr'ns tie past five year e-nounvd to 31 er 32 fYiSLLSQtt . bottles. EVEKVBOHV VTAI.Ti. X All dealers can sell it. ATrsrd--i TV O GOLD BOA : . , * . . l/nvfan. l = * -x Jl r ' / r t * , lo-A i o oc cr 1 cOr"e < .t , iue Snrwa ScndU. ' ' * i ard n * d ife. postals Cantains co Acii t < -T"tcnn FI-j-K ly.iiiu ! . r---iCE2 xT' o. oloj'c.tcr.Jlass. [ 5-33 _ u a * &y H When I say euro i uu uotmean merely to stop tncci lur a time and then Uave them return a am. I mean a radi cal cure. I have miila tho dl c 5e i FITS. EPILEPSY or FALLING SICK NESS a life loas : tidv I w.rrnnTiay remedy to cure the wirst cases Bcfaasa others bavo lallcd is co renson for n is now recrtmiR a cure , e d at cnco for a treatlso end a Free Kot ; of my Infailibla rcmcdv. Give Expreand Pu-t Oljce. It cuau you COthlm : for a trial , and Imid cure yea tddress IJr. IL U. KOOT. l JlV:3rlSt.hVTYorh. 15D DECAY. A I < ifo Experience. Remarkable and quick cures. Trial "nckssps. Conulta - tion and Uooks by 3Iail FllKE. Address Dr. WARD & Co. , Louisiana , Mo. The oldest mcrtlcne ! 11 the worll is probably Dr. Isaac Thomoson's giRATES * KVE Thi < article ! a carefully prcpired Phv ! rlan' * pre- rcription. and hi been In constant u < - nearly ncentu- rv. and notwlta : andin = the man * other preramtionj that f.abeen introduced Into 'he maricet. thr sale of this art' liacon tanily Increa ! nv. If thedlrec ticn a e fallowed it will never fn'l.Ve p-irticularl ? Invite the attention of nhyMeians to irs mrlt . JOHX L. THOMPSON ; SONS & co. , TI-.OV. y. Y GOLD MEDAL PARIS EXPOSITION-ia7S. THE MOST PERFECT OF PENS -line-