The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, June 17, 1886, Image 4

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    P. 31. AND E. 31. KBI3IELL ,
Editors and Publishers.
Republican State Committee.
OMAHA , Juno 7 , 1885.
There will be a meeting of the lie-
publican State Central Committee at the
Millard hotel in Omaha on Tuesday ,
June 29 , at 7:30 : , P. 11.
0. E. YOST , Chairman.
A WORD from Elaine sets the whole
world talking. Albany ( X. Y. ) Journal.
Mil. GLADSTONE'S manifesto to the
voters of Midlothian which is the key
note of the home rule campaign , has
stirred up the gall of the tories and
bolting liberals very considerably.
They especially resent his declaration
that the people must now make their
choice between coercion and home rule.
They deny that they have ever claimed
that coercion was their alternative. But
their failure to say further what they
do propose in the place of coercion or
home rule is a little too significant.
They had better hurry up with their
plan , if they have any , for the restora
tion of order and a fair degree of con
tent in Ireland. If the combined oppo
sition have any plan it is high time that
they disclosed it. But really Mr. Glad
stone tells a solemn truth. It is coer
cion or home rule and "nothingshovter. "
"CoMPETiON is not the perfect law , "
said Chancellor Manatt Sunday evening
in the course of perhaps the best bac
calaureate address ever delivered at the
State University. lie is right. Com
petition is the worst of all laws. It is
the law of brute force. It was the prim
eval law when man was emerging from
bestiality into barbarism. Competition
is per se a criminal relic of man's infan
cy. It is being replaced by co-opera
tion. The modified competition to-day
tramples mercilessly upon the weak and
the poor. Even that modified compe
tition which prevails in this day , almost
attenuated as it is to emulation , is the
coldest and crudest feature of man.
The strong have rejoiced in it and have
sugar coated it , and even in these partial
ly enlightened days administer it as a
stimulus. But the feeble need nourish-
ishment , no stimulant. The culture of
the world is beginning to shed the old
garment of competion and attire itself
in the robe of co-operation. The world
will follow its culture , as it has ever
done , and some time the new gospel
will be universal. Then the poorest and
weakest will be objects of tenderness
and solicitude , not of contempt and
aversion. After that no one knows
what in the order of eternal procession ,
but something bordering upon the infin
itude of good and true.
On the north side of the Republican
river in Eed Willow county , 7 miles
east of Indianola and on the line of the
B. & M. 31. R. . is the town-site of Bart-
ley. The site consists of 2,000 acres
of land of unsurpassed beauty and fer
tility. A large portion in the centre of
this tract is laid off in lots ; the college
campus , also , which contains over 50
acres. This is the location of Malla-
lieu University , and we want to say this
much , that it is the finest location for
an educational institution that we have
ever seen.
Having the privilege of being present
upon the day of opening of the sale of
town lots , we were not a little surprised
lift to see the interest and enthusiasm of
the large number of people that were
present. Gentlemen were there from
Wisconsin , Indiana and other distant
points , and all intont on becoming the
possessor of a lot in the new town. At
1 o'clock , P. M. , Elder P. C. Johnson
called the large crowd to order , and in
his usual affable and good-natured way
introduced a number of the ministers
present , who made short addresses.
The speeches were all good , showing
elevated sentiment and sound thought.
Among the many improvements go
ing on we noticed the hardware building
of Messrs. Peterman & Maiken , D. E.
Moore's bank building , two office build
ings , and about one-half dozen dwell
ings , all of which are up and enclosed.
Two lumber yards are located here and
a brick yard is in operation. A number
of wells have been put down , and an
abundance of good water obtained at a
depth of 18 to 30 feet.
Those who contemplate visiting this
place with the idea of investing monej'
or otherwise will be sure to receive kind
and courteous treatment from the
agent , Rev. Allen Bartley. L.
J3 ? Uiidct this head wo would be pleased to
have our rricndstliroii haiitthc city acquaint
us of the arrival and departure of their visitors.
Mrs. A. E. Lytle is visiting her parents at
M. L. Sproat of The Howard Lumber Co.
was in the city , Tuesday.
.J. P. Mathes made a business excursion to
the county capital , Tuesday ( .veiling.
the valley , the latter part of the week past.
Squire W.J.McKillip of Thornburg enjoy
ed the freedom of the city , the first of the
A. J. Johnson and W. W. McCollister , two
of the county-seat's attorneys , were in town ,
Corydon Winslow of Danvers , ! ! ! . , is visit
ing .T. F. Gaiif chow. He will remain a num
ber of weeks.
Messrs. A. J. rate , J. F. Collins and B. B.
Duckworth made an excursion to Indianola ,
Thursday evening last.
J. P. Matlies came up from his Rawlins
county ranch , Saturday , on a few day's visit
to his family in this city.
Fred Snow came down from Tuma , the
close of last week , and spent a few days here
looking after his interests.
V. Franklin went down to Atwood , Kas. ,
yesterday , on business. He is not expected
back until Saturday or Sunday.
II. A. MeClure and Myron Cheshire of
Indianola , la. , have been hi the city , a number
of dayt. , with a bunch of Iowa horses.
Mrs. T. M. Helm and sou Elmer returned ,
Tuesday noon , from their visit at Kinvin ,
Kansas , the former home of the family.
Dr. B. B. Davis has been absent , this week ,
at Lincoln , attending the closing exercises at
the State University , o which he is a gradu
Mi's. (5eo. "W. Kirby of Hastings came up
to the city , Tuesday evening , and will remain ,
the guest of Mrs. F. A. Thompson , until
Mrs. J. F. Gauschow visited her sister , Miss
Carrie Shopper , at the latter's claim in Fron
tier county , last week. She returned home
on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Pike came down from
Akron , yesterday , and will go to house-keep
ing in the residence lately built by Miss Alice
Murphy on North Marshall street.
Kev. Allen Bartley , business agent for the
M. E. church town in the eastern part of the
county , was iu town. Monday. Some 55,000
worth of lots have already been sold.
Mrs. S. II. Colviu left , this morning , for
Plattsmouth , on an extended visit for her
failing health. She will also visit in loWa ,
and may be absent most of the summer.
Landlord Johnston of the Commercial
spent a couple days , the first of this week ,
looking over the land in the vicinity of Ak
ron , with a friend , who was in search of a
A. E. Merritt of Gilman , 111. , a real estate
and loan agent , as well as one of the Q.'s
rustling immigration agents , is looking over
the country with a view to speculation and
Earnest Bariteau went to McCook , Satur
day. He was accompanied on his return ,
Sunday , by his sister , Mrs. F. H. Smith , who
has been visiting in that place the past week.
Oberlin Herald.
Benj. Bird of Benkelman , manager of the
Northwestern Cattle Co. , spent Tuesday and
Wednesday iu the city on land business. His
company will move most of their stock to
western ranges this year.
Will F. Lawson returned , Saturday even
ing from his business trip to Delavan , Wis
consin. Will reports a goodly admixture of
pleasure in connection with the visit , but
still he was glad to be at home again.
Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Palmer left , this morn
ing , for Keudallville , Ind. , the home of Mr.
Palmer's parents , where they will make a
visit of five or six weeks. Mrs. Palmer will
also visit her old home near Toledo , during
her absence.
John C. Ilarlau of the Cambridge Kaleido
scope was a visitor in this metropolis , yester
day. He was here in quest of a band to
render music for the 4th of July celebration
to be held at that point. He exchanged fra
ternal greetings at theso headquarters.
H. L. MacDonald of St. Joe , president of
the Northwestern Cattle Co. , was in the city.
Tuesday , en route home from a visit to the
company's ranch in Northwest Kansas. It is
reported that Mac had a real lively time dur
ing his visit , you know , but we can't , posi
tively , give it away.
Miss Amy Avery who has been in the city ,
the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Brown , left
for her home in McCook last evening. She
made many acquaintances here who will long
remember her pleasant visit. * * G. A.
Kent , Hastings' popular boot and shoe man
went down to McCoot , last evening , on a
business trip. Gazette-Journal , June 14th.
Mrs. Justin A. Wilcox , and little daughter ,
left on No. 40 , yesterday evening , for Illi
nois , on a visit which will consume most of
the summer. She will visit Chicago , Was i-
ingtou and other points during her absence.
Mr. Wilcox accompanied them on their jour
ney as far as Omaha , where he will remain a
short time in attendance upon the sessions of
the Grand Lodge , A. F. & A. M. , of this state ,
he being the delegate from McCook lodge.
Made by the McCook Loan and
Trust Co. on deeded land , or on final re
ceipts , when proof is unquestionable ,
without sending east for funds. No in
terest is payable in advance , but ten
per cent , straight. Money paid as soon
as abstract can be obtained. Office in
First National Bank.
R. A. Cole , Merchant Tailor.
To THE PEOPLE : I have received ,
complete in every line , my new spring
stock , and assure to all who call upon
me , fine goods , elegant fits , at very rea
sonable prices. Drop in.and be convinc
ed. B. A. Colo , three doors west ot
Citizens Bank , Dennison street.
, J
GENTLEMEN : I herewith submit my
report of our schools for the year end
ing June 4 , 18SG :
No. of pel-sons of bchool age in the dis
ci trict at any time . 414
HighestNo. enrolled duringthe year . 250
HighestNo. belonging at any time . 21'J
Average daily attendance during theyear. .175
No. of sittings in main building. . 170
No. of sittings in Main avenue building. . . f
The following pupils were neither ab
sent nor tardy during the month ending
June 4th : '
John Cordeal , Edith Crane , Elva and Anna
Hunt , Ida and Eva Hurd , May O'Brien ,
Louisa Suess , Grace Martin , Lutie Babcock ,
Archie Mathes , Sylvia Williams , Anna Star-
buck , Geo. Hunt , Chas. Chambers , Kittie
Wctherald , Mary Suess , Delia Johnson , Ida
Shaffer , Nellie Huddlebton , Adolph Yitek ,
Bert Batchelor , John McGann , Charley Rider ,
Charley McManigal , Clarence Ferguson ,
tVrthur Wood , Martin Soreiison , Willie Mc-
Manigal , Albert Miller , Chester Walker , May
Stuby , Frank Sevenker , Ella Williams , AUce
Cochran , Nellie McGaim , Stella Norval , Liz- ;
zie Smith , Harry Kimmel , Susan Leland , .
Katie StanglamlGussieMiller , Pearl Brewer , !
May Nellis , Arthur Chaney , Clara McGann , i
Norma Noble , May Williams , Emma Alvord. '
The first annual examination for pro
motions in the several grades took place
at the close of the term The follow- t
ing pupils were promoted : j
Gertie Laws. |
Edna Meserve. i
John Cordeal , Annie Collins , May O'Brien ,
Nora Schaffer , Grace Martin , Lutie Babcock ,
Edith Crane.
TO Kicirr OKADK.
Elva Hunt , Eva Hurd.
Lydia Clifford , Anna Hunt , Ida Hurd , May
Seaman , Blanche Seaman , Louisia Suess ,
Nellie Williamson , Florence Yarncll.
Sylvia Williams , Nettie Cooley , Anna
Hurd , Leona Smith , Anna Starbuck , Mary
Suess , Archie Mathes , John Shaffer , Verlie
Berry , Lena Coy , Laura Ferguson , Ida Shaf
fer , Delia Johnston , Jolm McManigal , Carl
Berry , Lillie Hess , Nellie Huddleston , Mary
Perkins , Ollie Kimmel , Eddie Nellis.
Hannah Staugland , Adolph Yitek , Jessie
Bowman , Ida Williamson , Kitty Wetherald ,
Stella LeFever , Selma Noreu , Florence
Thompson , Dan O'Brien , Enghart Sorensoii )
Mary Farley , Gertie Lewis.
May Stuby , Grace Hobsoii , Stella Norval ,
Edith Phelan , Arthur Woods , Charles Mc-
Manigal , Clarence Ferguson.Emma Plunkett.
Bert Batchelor , Albert Miller , Earl Lud-
wick , Elmer Kay , Mabel Wilcox , Lulla I'in-
ney , Joseph Smith , Francis Sevenker.
First and second grades not reported.
The year has passed away very pleas
antly and has been a prosperous one.
We take this occasion to express our
grateful asknowledgment for the many
words of encouragement and commenda
tion that have been received. We also
acknowledge the marked courtesy on the
part of the Board of Education in our
relations of the year. Very Kesp'y ,
W. S. WEBSTER , Principal.
- o -
Eli Allington of the Beaver district was
looking around through our city on Tuesday
C. H. Oman , of the firm of Oman & Hutch-
inson , took a run up to McCook , Monday ,
on business.
Miss Hattie A. Keyes of our city spent
Sunday at McCook , the guest of Miss Nellie
Fisher of that place.
George Papin , who is helping watch over
the remains of Haydeu & Co. , at McCook ,
spent Sunday with us.
Fred. Madison , our lively druggist , is paint
ing and decorating his neat store , which will
"take the cake' ' when finished.
Our base ball club is thoroughly organized
and will go to Arapahoc and cross willows
with the club of that place on the 23d.
Herman Moonstoue , late of Omaha , has
opened a first-class jewelry and repair store
in the south side of McCartney's store.
The Garrick Dramatic Co. are now busy on
that ever comical play , "Handy Andy , " which
they will put before the public about July 4th.
Dr. S. L. Green of McCook has been in our
city for the past week attending the meetings
of the County Commissioners of which lie
is a member.
Sheriff Welborn is erecting a fine dwelling
on his property north of Court House square ,
which , we understand , is to be occupied by
E. C. Ballew and family.
Bert. Barnes and Al. Goodrich look as if
the cold wave had struck them , and from
appearances it struck somewhere near the
barber shop. "Do you save ? ' '
The large fat man who travels around
through our country , singing and selling pens ,
took iu our town , Monday , and left on Tues
day morning several dollars ahead.
J. S. Phillips , our pioneer hardware man ,
has sold his business to Messrs. Chas. Smith
and John Untied , two of the most popular
young men in our county. Success to them.
The children's exercises at the Congrega
tional church , Sunday evening , were espec
ially fine. Good readings , singing and dec
lamations were listened to by a large crowd
and every one seemed well pleased.
Indianola , June 10. NONDESCKIIT.
June 11th , 1S8C. f
Notice is hereby piven that the following-
named settler has filed notice of his intention
to make flnal proof in support of his claim ,
and that suid proof will be made before Regis
ter or Receiver at McCook , Noli. , on Friday ,
July 23d. 188G , viz : William A. Dunham. D. S.
1084 , for the northeast quarter of section 17 ,
township 1 north , range 28 , west tttli P. M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
bis continuous residence upon , and cnltiuution
of. said land , viz : Jolm Calkins , Georpe Zim
merman. McCook , Neb. . William F. Thorpe ,
Or vis Miller , Danbury , Nob.
3 G. L. LAWS , Register.
'A il i Tailor ! 1 Establishment !
He Never Fails to Give a Perfect Fit ! L. Bernheimer , fflcGook , Neb.
Juncotti , j
Notice is hereby given tliut tlia following-
naincd settler lias tiled notice of his intention
to innke Until proof in support of his claim ,
and that said proof will be made beforeReg -
isteror Receiver atMcCook , Neh. , on Saturday , j
July 17th , ISSfl , viz : Stephen Hopkins. Home- ;
stead Entry 741 , for the north } 4 southwest J4 i
and south y. northwest & , section 4. township j
1 north , range 29 , west Uth P. M. He names
the following witnesses to prove his continu
ous residence upon , and cultivation of , said '
land , viz : Elbert .1. Henderson , S. Coultian ,
Henry H. Berry and Charley Hoyd of McCook ,
Nebraska. 2 G. L. LA WS , Register.
June 5th. 18SO. f
Notice is hereby given that the following-
named settler has filed notice of his intention
to make final proof in suppoit of his claim ,
and that said proof will lie made before Regis
ter or Receiver at McCoolc , Neb. , on Friday ,
July Kith , ISSJii , viJohn W. Bennett , H. E.
5USL , for the southwest quarter , section 6 , town
ship 5 north , range 29 west. Ho names the
following witnesess to prove his continuous
residence upon , and cultivation of , said land ,
viz : Enoch E. Osvog , James C. Drury , Rad-
ford Pate and William Pate all of McCook ,
Nebraska. 2 G L.LAWS , Register.
June bth , IHS'J. I
Notice is hereby given that the following-
named settler lias filed notice of his intention
to make final proof in support of his claim ,
and that said proof will bo made betore Reg
ister or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Friday ,
July Kith. J8M ) , viz : Frank A. Griffin , D. S.No.
oOTU , for the southeast quarter of section 24 ,
township 2 north , range 2 ! ) west Oth P. M. He
names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon , and cultivation
of said land , viz : Richard Johnson , Robert
Johnson , Alice Shratcr and William H. Smith ,
all of McCook , Neb.
2 G. L. LAWS , Register.
Kay 27th , 1S8G. f
Notice is hereby given that the Jollowing-
imincd settler has filed notice of his intention
to make linul proof in support of his claim ,
ud that saia proof will be made before Kegis-
ter or Keceiver at McCoolc , Neb. , on Saturday ,
July 10th , 18SO , viz : Albert C. Nettlcton , H.
E. 2447 , for the south ' / southeast U Lots 3 and
fi section 27 , township 3 north , range 150 , west
Gth P. M. He names the following witnesses
to prove his continuous residence upon , and
cultivation of. said land , viz : Gilbert B. Net-
tleton , Matthew H. Johnson , John Whittaker
and Alfred C. Nettlcton , all of McCook. Neb.
1 G.L. LAWS , Kegister.
May 2'Jth , ] 8fcG. f
Notice is hereby given that the following-
named settler has Hied notice of her intention
to make llnal proot in support of her claim ,
and Unit said proof will be made before Hegis-
ter or Keceiver at McCook , Neb. , on Monday ,
July 12th , ISfeG , viz : Carrie Shopper , D. S. 27 > ,
for the northeast quarter of section G , town
ship 5 north , range UO west. She names the
following witnesses to prove her continuous
residence upon , and cultivation of , said land ,
viz : J. Fred Gauschow , McCoolc , Neb. , and
Bernard Wilins , Joseph Allen and Albert
Wilins , of Osburn , Neb.
1 G. L. LAWS , Kegister.
LAND OFFICE AT Mct'ooK , NEI : . , i
May 22 , IbSU. f
Notice is hereby given that the following-
named settler has filed notice of his intention
to make llnr.l proof in support of his claim ,
and that said proof will be made before Reg
ister or Keceiver at McCook , Neb. , on Friday ,
July 2 , 188G , viz : John H. Neese , D. S. 27W ,
for the southeast > i section 27 , township 2 ,
north , range : W , west OP. M. He names the fol
lowing witnesses to prove his continuous
residence upon , and cultivation of , said land ,
viz : Charles Bruer , Bert UruerOscarUussell
and C. Gaston all of McCook , Nebraska.
52 G. L. LAWS , Kegister.
May 21,1880. f
Notice is hereby given that the following-
named settler has filed notice of her intention
to make flnal proof in support of her claim ,
and that said proof will be made betore RegiB-
ister or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Wednes
day , July 1,18SG , viz : Anbtina Yanco , D. S.
05J , for the easts northwest1 ! and east H
southwest Ji of section 2 , township 2 north ,
range 29 , west Gth P. M. She names the follow
ing witnesses to prove her continuous resi
dence upon , and cultivation of , said land , viz :
Charles Weintz , Henry Voger.Charles Schlutz-
myer and Joseph Evans all of McCook , Neb.
52 G. L. LAWS , Register.
May 20th , ISbiJ. j
Notice is hereby given that the tollowing-
namcd settler has lllid notice of his intention
to make final proof in support of his claim ,
and that said proof will be made before Reg-
ihter or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , onTnesday ,
July 7th , 18S6. viz : Andrew Carson , D. S. 198 ,
for the Lots 7 and 8 section 27 , Lot 4 section 20.
Lots 3 and 4 section 3.1 , town. 3 north , range 30
west , C P. M. He names the following wit
nesses to prove his continuous residence upon ,
and cultivation of , said land , viz : L. N. Howe ,
Perry McManigal , George J. Frederick and
William McMaiiiiral all of McCook , Nebraska.
52 . G. L. LAWS , Register. '
May2jth , IfcMJ. J
Notice is hereby given that the following-
immcd settler has filed notice of his intention
to make final proof in support of his claim ,
and that said proof will be made betore Reg
ister or Receiver at McCook.Neb. . on Tuesday ,
July 13th , 188fi. viz : David E. Moore , Home
stead Entry 310 : : , for the southeast 14 north
west J.i and southwest 'i northeast Jt and west
/i southeast ' .i section 20 , town. 4 north , range
29 west Gth P. M. He names the following wit
nesses to prove his continuous residence upon ,
and cultivation of , said land , viz : Stephen
Bolles , R. F. Loomis. J. EMoore and Alexan
der Campbell all of HOY Elder , Nebraska.
52 G. L. LAWS , Register.
May 15th , 1. 86 f
Notice is hereby given that the following-
named settler has filed notice of his intention
to make final proof in support of his claim ,
and that said proof will be made before Regis
ter or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Saturday ,
June 2G , 1880 , viz : Ella M. Piper , Homestead
Entry 32GS , for the northwest h southwest M
section 2 and east 5 * southeast U section 3 and
northeast k northeast ' 4 section 10 township 4 ,
north , range 2S > west , 6 P. M. She names the
following witnesses to prove her continuous
residence upon , and cultivation of , said land ,
viz : Joseph Stevens , Matthew Stuart , A. W.
Campbell and Stephen Boles all of Box Elder ,
Neb. 51 G.L.LAWS , Register.
June 15th , 18SO. f
Notice is hereby given that the iollowing-
named settler has filed notice of his intention
to make final proof in support of his claim ,
and that said proof will be made before Regis
ter or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Friday ,
July 23.1880 , viz : Henry Tilgner , H. E. 3342 ,
for the west2 northwest h and west vt south
west ? .t of section 1 , town. 5 north , range 30 ,
west. Ho names the following witnesses'to
prove his continuous residence upon , and
cultivation of , said hind , viz : Enoch Osvog ,
Nelson Dueland , Bertha Kirsch andVra. . A.
Register all of McCook , Neb.
3 G. L. LAWS , Register.
LAND OFFICE AT McCooic , NEB. , ( .
Juno 12th , 1S80. f
Notice is hereby given that the following-
named settler has filed notice of his intention
to make final proof in support of his claim ,
and that said proof will be made before Regis-
teror Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Saturday ,
July 24th , 1880 , viz : Morton M. Hix , D. S.27'.M ,
for the east' . northwest 'i and east Vz south
west J.i section 9. township 1 north , range 30 ,
west Gth P. M. He names the following wit
nesses to provehis continuous residence upon ,
and cultivation of , said land : Joseph L. .Mat-
son , E. Matson , Leonard Hilton and Hiram
Cooley all of Vailtou , Neb.
3 G. L. LAWS , Res-later.
M ,
IN !
Sash , Doors , Blinds , Lime , Cement ,
. < !
Bertrand , Elvvooa,0xforci , Edison , Arapahoe.Cambridge , Indianola , McCookCulbert-
son , Stration , Trenton and Benkeiman in Neb. Ytima and Akron in Colo.
Paid up Capital , $50OOO,00 ,
usiness r
, f
Collections made on all accessible points. Drafts drawn directly on the principal
cities of Europe. Taxes paid for Xon-Residents. Money to loan on farming
lands , village and personal property. Fire insurance a specialty.
Tickets For Sale to and from Europe ,
First National Bank , Lincoln , Nebraska. > JOHN R. CLARK , Vice-Preaident.
The Chemical National Bank . New York. 1 A. C. EBERT , Cashier. \'r \
< r
C. E. McPHERSON & CO. , h
A "i n "v 1 y T v 1
nllll /Ann / Ivcdl Do Hcfofp Idle KTA 7PTC .
OFFICE : West Dennison Street ,
' * ' .
C. A. NETTLETON , Prop. *
J * l
? .
I -I.
Makes First Mortgage Loans on Farm Property ,