The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, June 10, 1886, Image 5

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    Thursday , June loth , 1886.
Indicates that your subscription to this
X paper HAS RXPIUUD , nnd thnt a cordial
Invitation la extended to call nnd renew
'the ' same. Subscription , $2 per year.
Local Intelligence.
Prcsh candy at the City Bakery.
City Drug Store. Chenery & Stiles.
C. P. Rinker is headquarters for
25T Go to W. W. Palmer for your
harness. 32-tf.
Crown Sewing Machine at
JS@-$1 , 000 , 000.00 to loan on farms.
Agce & Wiley.
A car-load of seed corn at Fry &
Snow's feed store.
Mason & Hamlin organs at McCook
Implement Emporium.
Money loaned to persons to make final
proof. Agee & Wiley.
10 pounds of Roasted Coffee lor $1
at Wilcox & Fowler's.
Fresh and salt meats ol' the choicest
quality at Brewer Bros.
A full line of hardware , stoves and
tinware at C. D. Palmer's.
Ice Cold Soda Water , Ginger Ale , and
Seltzer. City Drug Store.
Do you want the best wind mill made
go to C. P. Rinker , he has it.
New stock of Children's Clothing just
received at Wilcox & Fowler's.
Doan's deodorized gasoline , the best
in the world. City Drug Store.
Brewer Bros , butcher only corn-fed
steers. No cows or lange cattle.
gSF'Sweet Michigan Cider of excel
lent quality at the City Bakery.
C. D. Palmer , opposite McEntee , is
the best place to buy your hardware.
$10.00 buys a first-class cultivator at
the McCook Implement Emporium.
All kinds of farm and garden seeds
at Fry & Snow's flour and feed store.
If you want the best gasoline stove ,
go to C. D. Palmer'sopposite McEntee.
You must come soon to get goods at
cost. F. S. WILCOX , Assignee.
Sewing machines at the McCook Tm-
plemf t Emporium. C. P. Rinker ,
The City Bakery's bread is known all
along the B. & M. west of here for its
* yick " & Trowbridge's to see those beau-
Turkish rugs.
Metropolitan Drug Store is in re-
f a fine assortment of wall papers ,
examine them.
put up Fanner Dodge's wind
Ar.s. Rinker. Why ? Ans. Be-
he sells the best
/G. W. Bede & Co. have some special
"bargains in real estate. Office 4th door
south of U. S. Land office. 27-tf.
The choicest meats at the Central
Meat Market of Brewer Bros , corner of
Main and Dennison streets.
C. P. Rinker has the best set of
pump men in the country. See him
bufom you buy a pump and wind mill.
Nettletoirwill sell Wind Mills and
Pumps as low as the lowest , Feed 3Iills
espeeialy. _ _
If you want Dress Flannels 25 per
cent , below regular prices , call at Law
ler & Magner' s old stand.
F. S. WILCOX , Assignee.
The Metropolitan Drug Store is offer
ing a handsome chair to the person buy
ing the largest number of cigars between
May 1st and July 1st , 1886. Smokers ,
note well. _
I will sell my store room and resi
dence in McCook cheap for cash. Also ,
my harness stock and business. En
quire at my harness shop , two doors
north of P. 0. W. W. PALMER.
Probst Bros. ' are selling more of their
excellent bread than ever , and shipping
immense quantities west daily. Their
well earned reputation has secured for
them a custom that keeps them as busy
as bees to fill.
Wilcox & Fowler call your attention
to the fact that they have just opened a
fine stock of clothing. They can fit
anybody and everybody , from a three-
year-old boy to a 300-pound man. Call
and inspect for yourself.
Crete Nurseries employ seventy-two
workmen , and their monthly expenses
forlabor are twenty-four hundred dol
lars (2,400. ) This money is expended
here in our town. Their trees and plants
can be examined any time. Connected
f\ with the nurseries are sixty-five acres of
orchard and six acres of small fruits ,
promising a fine crop of fruit. Those
who think of planting would do well to
look at the choice stock in the nurserj
and at the orchards , and also to remem
ber that stock grown here is already ac
climated and sure to do well. Thej
now grow a full stock , aud cannot fail
to please. Crete Globe.
Queen Esther , June 17th , 18th , and
An anti-contest organization has been
formed at Hayes Centre.
Work on the excavation for the mill
will commence , this week.
The Lutheran brethren are contem
plating the erection of a house of
The first car-load of hogs ever ship
ped from this place was shipped to Kan
sas City , Tuesday evening , by Brewer
1 he Hayden failure has been the all-
absorbing talk of the week. The affair
is an unfortunate and we fear a disas
trous one.
The interior of the Metropolitan drug
store has received some finishing touches
in the way of wall paper decoration and
The publishers of the Democrat have
purchased the second-hand Prouty news
paper press , late a part of the Indianola
Times outfit.
The W. W. Palmer residence on Mar
shall street has been purchased by Hugh
W. Cole. This is one of the most desir
able properties in the city.
The first of the week , Mrs. C. S. Mc-
Cammon went up toBenkelman , where
she has located a branch dress-making
establishment. Miss-Sarah llogan ac
companied her.
A coach-load of Rhinelanders , bound
for California's vineyards , passed
through this station , yesterday. Prop
er sanitary measures were immediately
taken by the authorities.
Elsewhere in this issue appears the
card of Dr.Thompson , dentist , who will
attend to the wants of the people in his
line at the Commercial House , for a few
days. He guarantees good work.
A buffalo was killed , Monday even
ing in sight of the town of Yuma , Colo.
The denizens of Yuma were greatly ex
cited , and every able-bodied male in the
burg was a vaunting Nimrod for the
A fine Percheron-Norman stallion ,
the sole occupant of an express car ,
constituted part of No. One's train , Sun
day night. The animal was consigned
to parties at Stratton. The express bill
must have been a paralyzer.
At the Congregational church meet
ing , held on Monday of this week , we
learn 'that Rev. Joel S. Kelsey , who
preached in the city a few weeks since ,
was elected to the pastorate of the Con
gregational church of this place.
A Lutheran church business meeting
will be held at the residence of Herman
Pade , on Macfarland street , north of
the school house , on next Sunday after
noon , June 13th , at 3 o'clock , mountain
time. All members and friends of the
church are earnestly invited.
The children of the High School pre
sented Prof , and Mrs. W. S. Webster
with a handsome and complete set of
Irving's works , last Friday , upon the
closing occasion of the spring term of
school , as a graceful recognition of their
teachers' efforts in their behalf.
Recent developments seem to indicate
that the delegation of McCook's sport
ing fraternity , that visited Denver dur
ing the recent races , did NOT return
ladened with ( he good money of the
Denverites , very numerously. Mayhap
you haven't heard the old hay gag'jey ?
On Tuesday , II. G. Dixon sold lots
13 and 14 in block 5 , to Rev. J. W.
Kimmel , for § 500. These lots front
on Macfarland street , and are situated
just south of Shafer's brick residence.
A Lutheran church is to be built on
one of the lots , a parsonage on the
We desire to felicitate the Gazette
localize1 upon the evident fact that he
feels all the ponderous responsibility of
his position. Atlas never supported
this mundane sphere with more becom
ing and severe and austere dignity. We
make this observation with the most
tantalizing titillation.
NextSunday morning , June 13thRev. ,
C. S. Harrison of Franklin Academy , will
preach in the Congregation church at 11
o'clock , A. 31. In the evening , at 7:30
o'clock , he will deliver his lecture , "The
Age of Steel. " Rev. Harrison is an able
and eloquent speaker , and a large house
should greet him.
Next week , the first annual report of
the principal of the city schools to the
Board of Directors'will appear in THE
TRIBUNE. The report will contain the
names of those pupils who were promot
ed to higher grades at the close of the
spring term , together with other inter
esting educational information , relative
to our city school.
The ladies of the Catholic church will
hold a slrawbeny and ice cream socia
ble in the rink , Monday evening , June
14th. Good music will be provided for
the occasion. The ladies will make every
provision for a highly enjoyable evening
and extend a hearty and general invita
tion to the public to come and participate.
Next Thursday , Friday and Saturday
evenings , June 17th , 18th and 19th ,
the chorus now engaged in rehearsing
the oratorio , "Esther , the Beautiful
Queen , " will present the same in the
Opera Hall. That it will be worth see
ing and hearing goes without the say
ing. 11 will be the grandest musical
event that has ever transpired in the city.
We arc requested to announce that
the Red Willow Church of Christ will
bo formally opened on Sunday , June
20th , 11 o'clock , A. M. Kldei
W. H. Pardee of Geneva , Neb. , will de
liver the opening sermon. A cordial in
vitation is extended to the public to be
present. This is the pioneer church of
this denomination in this county
The Republican Valley Press Asso
ciation will hold their summer meeting
in our city , Tuesday , June 20th. The
program will consist of a short business
.meeting , an address of welcome to the
brethren of the quill , a response by one
of the fraternity , a social dance , ban
quet , etc. Our citizens will be called
upon , as is the custom , to help defray
the expenses of the entertainment of
the members of the association.
The women of the town , some thir
teen in all , were arrested , Monday , and
brought before Police Judge Fisher , who
fined them $10 each. One gay gamb
ler was also among the outfit , and he was
mulcted in the sum of $20. If the au
thorities will repeat this dose frequent
ly enough , they will soon rid the city of
a large proportion of the scabs that now
infest it. Do they propose to do so , or
will they virtually license these offend
er ? against law and morality by fining
them thus at stated intervals ? THE
TnniL'NE favors no compromise with
that element.
The Board of Directors held a meet
ing , Monday evening , at which Messrs.
Laws , Trowbridge , Phelan , Helm and
Dauchy were present. The Board pro
ceeded to the selection of a corps of
teachers for the ensuing year. The en
tire present corps of teachers was re
tained , save Mrs. W. S. Webster , who
was not an applicant for a position.
Miss Rachael Berry of Virginia , Cass
county , 111. , a sister of H. II. Berry of
our city , was elected assistant to the
principal. Miss Berry has a first grade
certificate from Illinois , and will doubt
less prove an efficient instructor. There
were an unusually large number of ap
plicants , comprehending some excellent
On Monday , C. D. Ercanbrack dispos
ed of his beautiful farm , situated two
miles north of the city , emb.-acing a
homestead and a timber claim adjoin
ing , in all 3GO acres , to Mr. Stephen
Ryan of Ohio , for a consideration of
$3,700 cash in hand. The purchase
includes some $800 worth of personal
property , house , barn , corrals , etc.
Mr. Ryan has been viewing all the land
in this vicinity during the past two
weeks , and in this purchase has secured
a bargain. Situated as it is , contiguous
to a young and growing city like ours ,
the farm is sure to increase in value
and to prove a good investment. Mr.
Ryan , we understand , will move onto
his farm in the near future , and will
improve it as his ample means will
A man named A. L. Rhinehull , form
erly of OaklandIowabutwho , , has been
homesteading in Kansas , some 25 miles
south of here , for some time , died at
the Star restaurant , Monday evening ,
after lingering a few days in terrible
agony. His mother was telegraphed
the news of her son's death , but no in
structions concerning the disposition of
the remains were received , and the
stranger was accordingly interred by the
county in the cemetery northwest of the
city. As the physicians were in doubt
as to the disease which caused his death ,
a post mortem was held , revealing a
terrible state of the oinentum , which
had become enlarged from a delicate
membrane to the thickness of two or
three inches , besides being completely
honey-combed by tubercular deposits.
The examination was made by Drs. Kay
and Davis. The deceased was about
35 years of age.
If the business men of this city are
alive to their best interests , they will
take most energetic steps in the direc
tion of improving the public roads lead
ing north from here. Every day these
highways remain in their present almost
impassable condition , the merchants
and other business men of our city will
lose a certain and by no means inconsid
erable amount of trade which naturally
belongs to this point. There are many
substantial traders on the Upper Willow
and Medicine creeks who prefer coming
to this citr , but who are now compelled
to go elsewhere perforce of the execra
ble roads leading into this city. Let
the proper forces be set in motion to
ward securing better roads. They are
of vital importance. Our merchants
can't aiford to let their trade go else
where because of poor roads.
On Tuesday noon was closed the
most extensive contest case that has
ever occupied the local land officers at
"this place. We refer to the Dever-
Colviu contest , which involves the
southeast quarter of section 28 , lying
just east of the Republican Valley
Ilorse Breeders' Association's grounds ,
held by G. W. Colvin of Arapahoe as a
timber-claim. Fifteen days were occu
pied in the hearing.of this case. The
testimony covered 4(57 ( pages of legal
cap. 1275 questions being asked dur
ing the hearing. Lellew & Leach ap
peared for the contestant Dever , while
Cochran & Helm and Boyle & Kelley
looke.d after Mr. Colvin's interests.
The case is now under consideration.
Both parties feel assured ofsuccess. ,
A private letter from Rapid Git } ' , Da
kota , informs us that Mrs. W. M. Rol
lins of this city is living there with a man
named Rile } ' Miller.
Opera Hall , June 17 , IS and 19 ,
Queen Esther.
our unpleasant duty to chronicle another
business failure in our city , this time the
unfortunate parties being the pioneer
firm of our town W. II. flaydcn & Co. ,
whose extensive establishment was taken
possession of , Monday , by the Omaha
National Bank of Omaha , Paxton &
Gallagher of Omaha , and the Exchange
National Bank of Hastings , under the
terms of chattel mortgage held by them
against the firm , amounting , we under
stand , to over $20,000. Just what the
liabilities of the firm will amount to is
a matter of conjecture , some place it as
high as $50,000. The store at this
place is now in the bauds of the above-
named mortgagees , who are invoicing
the stock preparatory to selling the same
off at retail. The Atwood store is in
the hands of the Citizens Bank of this
city , who hold a chattel mortgage of over
$4,000 against the content , the same is
now being invoiced , and ill also be re
tailed out to satisfy the terms of the
mortgage. Mr. V.Franklin is personal
ly looking after the bank's interests.
Messrs. Ballard of Omaha and Papin of
Indianola are here looking after the in
terests of the Omaha National and Pas-
ton & Gallagher respectively. What
the other creditors will do remains to be
seen. Deputy Sheriff Bennett created
a momentaiy breeze of excitement ,
Monday evening , by breaking into the
store to attach some goods. The mort
gagees advertise to commence the sale
ol goods on Saturday.
Many of our citizens will be glad to
know that Mr. Patrick Egan of Lincoln ,
Neb. , has laid out his land just north of
McCook into beautiful 5 acre lots , with
broad streets and avenues on every side
of same. One of these blocks contains
at least thirty of our residence lots , or
equal to about two and one-half city
blocks. "Egan Park" lies two blocks
west and about six or eight blocks north
of the City Park or water tank in Mc
Cook and only ten minutes walk from
the centre of the city. .There are six
teen in all and those who desire to avail
themselves of the opportunity now offer
ed them of securing more spacious
grounds where city ordinances will not
reach them and where they can keep
cows , calves , pigs , poultry of all kinds ,
and where they can plant large fruit
orchards and have truck patches for
their own use and for sale in the city ,
should lose no time in seeing Thos. Gol
fer , who is agent for these blocks. Sev
eral have been already be spoke and the
prices and terms are within the reach
of all. With the continued growth of
our city Egan Park will soon cease to
be a suburb of McCook , but will be part
and parcel of the whole.
On Tuesday evening , Sheriff Joe
Small of Hayes county , arrived in the
city , haying a warrant for the arrest of
oneWilliam Hildebrand , on the charge
of attempted rape. The accused has
been1 in the employ of the Hoover Im
plement Co. of this city , and has a wife
and family residing here. The crime is
said to have been committed about the
first of this month , on the person of a
poor , ignorant German girl , in Hayes
count } ' , Hildebrand enticing her from
her home under the guise of wanting
a hired girl. During the evening , Hil-
debrand succeeded in eluding the sheriff ,
and it was only through the assistance
of our police that the prisoner was
again secured. He was finally captured
iu the cellar of his residence , and plac
ed in the cooler over night. The sheriff
proceeded on Wednesday morning for
Hayes Centre , with his prisoner.
Before going to press it is reported
that Hiidebrand.was hanged shortly af
ter his arrival in Hayes county. Nothing
We learn from some confidential
friends of the editor of the boodle organ
on Main Avenue , that the penny para
graphcr thereof purposes in his heart to
publish a thrilling serial , in the near fu
ture , entitled , "What I know about
State stationery and waste baskets. " It
will embrace some interesting personal
experiences by the author and will of ne
cessity be absorbing reading. This
story will be carried on in addition to
those es&ays on moral and political
ethics now in press. If the editor of
the corkscrew could just be induced to
relate some of his personal observations
while editing that prohibition sheet in
Kansas , some few years since ; as well
as to throw some light on the time he
was running that republican journal in
this state , at a still later date , his cup
of glory will run over.
Some dastardly wretches placed a tie
on the track near Rheischick's place a
few miles west of this city , Tuesday
evening , but fortunately causing no
damage , as the obstruction was thrown
from the track by the engine which drew
No. 1 , that evening. Engineer Hunt
was pulling the train.
F.D. HOBBS of Grand Island , land of
fice inspector , has been in the city .since
last Thursday. The impression having
gone abroad that Hobbs was here to "in
spect" the various applicants for the
land office , Wahlquist of the wet goods
organ immediataly presented his card ,
seeking an interview. The inspector
has since been quite indisposed.
GLADSTONE'S Irish Home Rule bill ,
on second reading , was defeated in the
House of Commons by a majoritf/ 30.
An appeal is to be made to the people ,
with some prospect of success.
AT Columbus , Tuesday , R. Brandt ,
a saloonist , was arrested for obstructing
the front of his saloon with screens ,
tried by jury , found guilty and fined ac
/ A.
ZSTWe havo some cheap pants of specamerit ,
for working men. They are the best ever offered at
the price. Everybody is invited to call and examine
goods and get prices.
Ex accordance with The Journal's an
nouncement last fall and in pursuance
of an understanding arrived at between
this railroad commission and the man
agement of the Colorado Central Coal
and Mining company , during the visit
of members of the commission to Den
ver , a schedule of rates for Canon City
coal will soon go into effect at all sta
tions on the B. & M. railroad and its
branches in Nebraska. According to
this schedule a graduated scale of pri
ces is made for the retail dealers , the
price increasing a little as the distance
increases from Denver until competing
points are reached where the Wyoming
coal comes in , such points as Beatrice
and Lincoln.
The maximum price at any point to
consumers will be $7.25 per ton. West
of McCook the price will be under$7.00.
This is a reduction on all points west of
Beatrice of $1.75 to $2.00 per ton. The
new contracts of the Colorado Central
Coal and Mining Company with its
agents will , in accordance with the re
quest of the commission , limit the retail
dealer to the figures given.
The question has received a good deal
of attention from the commission , and
it is with great pleasure that it hails
the advent of the new schedule. When
it is stated that the quality of Canon
City coal that is brought to Nebraska
is retailed in Denver at $5.50 per ton ,
it will be seen that the rate of transpor
tation to Nebraska's extremely low.
SPARKS' order suspending pre-emp
tion and timber-culture filings has been
peremptory revoked by the Secretary ,
and these filings are rolling in faster
than ever.
Special Agent Gco. B. Coburn is also
in the city , and the matter of anti-
contest organization is supposed to be
under consideration.
I am furnishing good , liberal loans
on farming lands. Straight ten per
cent , interest. No delay iu getting
funds. You do not have to wait to send
off application. Money paid over as
soon as papers can be completed. Call
on or address , S. H. COLTIX ,
45-tf. McCook , Neb.
B. F. Olcotthastwo second-hand top
buggies for sale , or will trade for horses.
Also remember that Olcott has the fin
est road stallion in the webt , and farm
ers and stockmen should see him before
breeding else where.
Mean jubt what they say. We want
you to pay up , and pay up promptly , if
you want further credit.
FRY & S.vow.
You can bur harness goods cheaper
than the cheapest of me. 1 am closing
out the business. W. W. PALMER.
Rinker sells the Dcering Binders and
Money to loan on improved farms.
Agee & Wiley.
Haled hay at Fry & Snow's feed store
in any quantity.
Choice lemons at Wilcox & Fowler's
for 50 cents a dozen.
Organs rented until the rent pays for
them at C. P. Rinker's.
Nobby New Suits at Wifcox & Fow
ler's. New stock just opened.
They have the purest , kettle-rendered
lard in the city at Brewer Bros.
All kinds of sheet-iron , tin and cop
per work done at C. D. Palmer's.
Fresh oysters , fresh fish and chick
ens at Brewer Bros. ' meat market.
See the improvement ? iu tin roofing
at C. D. Palmer's before you order your
1 will trade my residence property in
McCook for residence in Lincoln , Neb.
52-3ts W. W. PALMER.
Ladies , Attention ! Go to see those
beautiful Turkish rugs at the Great
Western Furniture Emporium of Lud-
wick & Trowbridge.
FOR SALE 50 head of young mares
and 20 head of mules. Lindner &Er-
man. McCook , Neb. Barn west of
Commercial Hotel.
Cash Down. No Delay.
No need of waiting to send off appli
cations. Money paid over as soon as
papers are completed. Call on or ad
dress , REP WILLOW Co. BANK.
43-tf Indian
As I am preparing
try I will offer my bunch
sale at a GREAT BARGAIN.
2-tf. J.G.EATD ;
On deeded land and on final receipts ,
and furnished without delay at straight
ten per cont. by J. D. Turner , 2d door
south of U. S. Land Office , McCook. Neb
It you price an Overcoat or Lady's
Cloak you will buy ic and save from
$5.00 to $10.00. F. S. WILCOX ,
Those in need of my services please
call at the residence of G. W. Minklcr ,
N. W. of School House. Mrs. Almeda
All accounts due Lawler & Magner ,
assignors , not paid by June 10th , will be
sued. F. S. WILCOX , Assignee.
On Macfarlaml street for sale. In
quire of F. P. Allen or at this office.
Go to see those beautiful Turkish
rugs at Ludwick & Trowbridge's. .
A - : - FULL - : - LINEI IOF
Pure Wines and Liquors