1 Fie to the Front ! 1 THE OLD RELIABLE GENERAL STORE OF W. H. HAYDEN & COMPANY ! * r © OLE AGENT © I Baton Mills , Eaton , Colo. , Flour , the finest in the land. F. S. Johnson & Co. , Milford Mills Flour , the best made in the state. Mourilyan , Heimann & Co.Yokohama , Japan , the finest Japan Teas ever sold in the country , and Butterick Publishing Co.'s Paterns. OUR STOCK IS COMPLETE IN EVERY DEPARTMENT ! WOULD GALL SPECIAL ATTENTION TO OUR ELEGANT ASSORTMENT OF CLOTHING Suits in Light and Dark Plaids , Cassimeres , Worsteds , Cork Screws , Etc. , in the various shades. A full line of Pants in light-weight stripes , from $3 to $8. * In Ladies' Summer Goods , Lawns , Buntings , Crinkled Seer Suckers , Nun's Veiling , Laces and Embroideries , we have the best in the Valley. An Elegant Lot of Silk Vel vets and Brocade and Plain Velveteens in shades. A Full Assortment of Fashionable Buttons. Our Stock of Ladies' and Misses' Shoes in French and Curso Kids was never so complete as at the present time and prices never so reasonable. In dried fruits , canned fruits , vegetables and staple groceries , we capture the bakery. COME IN AND LOOK US OVER. & CO. CITY : - : BAKERY. A , PROBST WE KEEP ON HAND BREAD , PIES & CAKES. GRAHAM BREAD. Cakes Made on Order , LAUNCH ROOM In connection where you cau get coffee.sdan wiches , pies , etc. , at all hours. HESS & GOODENBERGEK , CONTRACTORS -AND- BUILDERS , McCOOK , NEBRASKA. { "Material furnished if dcsirea. THE RED WILLOW MILL Is now in operation and will do General Custom Work , The Mill is complete and we Guarantee Good Work , J. W. PICKLE & CO. ' Send 10 cents postage , and we will mailyouFHEE a royal.val- ! A GIFT uable , sample box of goods that will put you In the way of makingmore money at once , than anything else in America. Both sexes of all ages can live at home and work in spare time , or all the time. Capital notrequired. Wowill start you. Immense pay sure for those who start at once. 4-25-lyr. SXINSOK & Co. , Portland , Maine. LAND OFFICE BLANKS. In ordering , give office number and title of blank , with quantity of each blank wanted. Put only one blank on a line to avoid mistakes. Money must invariably accompany the order. ADDRESS THE TRIBUNE , McCook , Neb. OScelT : . Title cf Blank. Per Per Eczsa. Hsadrei. APPLICATIONS TO ENTER. 4-0(17 Homestead Law 13 Cts. , § 1.2.1 4-flOfl Timber-Culture Law ir " 1.33 4-273 Soldier's Homestead 13 " 1.00 4-K55 Declaratory Statement. . 13Cts. , ? 1.00 Soldier's D.S 15 " 1.00 AFFIDAVITS. 4 OG2 Non-Mineral 15 Cts. , ? 1.00 4-fl7o Timber Cult tire Entry. . . 15 " 1.00 4-OKJ Homestead Entry 15 " 1.00 4-OC9 Commutation , Hd 15 " 1.00 4-070 Final , Homestead 15 1.00 4-072 Contest , Homestead 25 2.00 4-090 Contest , Timber Culture. 25 ' 2.00 4-0851 Homest'd , under Sec. 2294 15 ' 1.00 Service Letter 10 ' .75 Service Notice 10 " .75 NOTICES. 4-1)47 ) For Publication 13 Cts. , 91.00 4-3JS Hd Int. to Prove Up. . . . 15 " 1.00 4-349 Pre-E. 15 " 1.00 4-340 Timber-CuUnrc.contest. 15 " 1.00 PROOFS. 4-3fi9 Homestead Final fiOCta. , ? 3.00 4-374a.Pre-Emption Final 50 " 3.00 MISCELLANEOUS. Rolinquishmcnts. LEGAL BLANKS. CONVEYANCING. bOl Warrantv Deed ( half-sheet ) . . . : F 805 Special Warranty Deed F 800 Bond for Deed t F ton Quit Claim Deed F S12 Mortgage Deed ( short form ) F 815 Mortgage Deed ( with Interest and In surance Clause D SIS Release of Mortgage ( short form ) B 820 Assignment of Mortgage ( short form ) . B S21 Lease F 822 Mechanic's Lien F MISCELLANEOUS. 9fll Chattel Mortgage ( long form ) F ! 2 Chattel Mortgage F 1X Chattel Mortgage ( short form ) F ! )04 Chattel Mortgage F 905 Bill of Sale F 00 ? Articles of Agreement F 914 Soldier's Discharge ( two colors ) E 915 Power of Attorney. General F 020 Agreement for Building D Township Plats , (3 ( sizes ) v D NOTARY. 701 Protest and Original B Notary Public Fee Card COUNTY CLERK. Certificates of Election ( I ! colors ) D Petition for License to Sell Liquor C ! l Official Rond C 51 Liquor License F DISTRICT COURT. 101 Summons ( original ) B 108 Subpoena ( original ) C 150 Declaration of Intention C 151 Final Papers ( one color ) E COUNTY COURT. PROBATE. 423 Marriage Certificate ( three colors ) F Contract for Sale of Heal Estate F -GO TO- J. W. Smith's Barber Shop I'OR A FIRST-CLASS Shave or Hair Gut ! and Children's LTair Dressing a Specialty. H. R. N. has no connection with this shop what ever. Remember this , THE Omaha Herald advises Demo crats to trust the President , and the Brooklyn Eagle suggests that the Pres ident should reciprocate and trust the Democratic party. That is impossible. The party's record is against it. BRADSTREET estimates the loss by the late labor troubles at $80,000,000. But the train of difficulties thus set in motion will , in a twelve-month , doubt less result in a far greater loss , judging from the effects so far , without securing any real advantage to labor. THERE is no doubt that eight hours is enough for most people to work , on the score of comfort and from the side of disposition. But there is another question involved : Will eight hours bring money enough for the adequate support of those dependent upon the workers ? The answer to this depends upon the condition of the labor mar ket the amount of work to be done , the number who are available to do it , and the profits of those who employ it. It is not , therefore , a matter for arbi trary settlement. Everything depends upon the factors in the problem. In some occupations and places , and at some times , eight hours is enough. In others they are not. Boston Herald. LONG before Americans get done with the anarchists the latter will find there is a Very general idea in this country that one flag is enough , and fellows who don't like it can leave without plunging any community into mourning. The American people are not selfish. They welcome the foreign-born citizen who desires a home , when he comes with American ideas. But when he comes with the idea of revolution , and of over turning and destroying that which has cost the Nation priceless treasure to es tablish , he will everywhere be met by an opposition which will strike with an arm strengthened by the law , and made strong by patriotism. If anarchists were able to muster to their aid all the off scourings of European nationalities , Americans and Americanized citizens who have found homes here would unite and wipe" them from the face of the earth before one fold of .the old flag , the stars and stripes , should trail in the dust. It will be just as well for all so cialists and anarchists to remember these facts. Inter Ocean. THE level-headed Johnson County Journal gives the whole snap away when it says : 'Newspapers in the west are instituted for three specific purpos es : first , to make money for the owners ; second , to furnish an advertising medium for the business men of the town ; third , to proclaim to the world the advantages of a place and adjacent country. THE democrats of the house have de vised an ingenious plan for helping the Mormons out of their corner without stultifying the brave utterances in Mr. Cleveland's first message. They have introduced a constitutional amendment , prohibiting polygamy in the territories , a measure about as useful as a consti tutional amendment prohibiting horse stealing in the District of Columbia. This is to take the place of the Ed munds bill sent down from the senate. It will take a couple of years to send around this amedment for the decision of all the state legislatures , two-thirds of which must ratify before it becomes a part of the organic law. During that time they will conciliate the Mormons and gain time. It is a particularly bright dodge. Journal. A KNOT OF BLUE. ( FOR THE HOYS OF VALE. ) ( THE CENTURY Bric-u-Brac. ) She hath no gems of luster bright To sparkle in her hair ; Xo need hath she of borrowed light To make her beauty fair. Upon her shining locks alioat Arc daises wet with dew. And peeping from her lissome throat A little knot of blue. A dainty knot of blue , A ribbon blithe of hue , It nils my dreams with sunny gleams. That little knot of blue. I met her down the shadowed lane Beneath the apple-tree , The balmy blossoms fell like rain Upon my love and me ; And what I said or what I did That morn I never knew , Hut to my breast there came and hid A little knot of blue. A little knot of blue , A love-knot strong and true. 'Twill hold my heart till life shall part , That little knot of blue. SAMUEL MIXTCJIN PECK. H. MKXPE , a blacksmith at Sigel , 111. , wrote March 22 , that lie wai very lame with iheu- matism , lie could haully walk and the joints of his limbs \ \ ere badly swollen' ami A ery son * , ami so painful he could scarcely turn in bed. His physician advised him to it > e Chamber lain's Pain Ealm. The effect was bcnelicial from the fn > t application , and he is now able to attend to his regular work. This medicine lias only to be tried to convince the moit skep tical that it is the best treatment for i lieuma- tisui. Sold by M. A. Snalding and IVilley & Walker. Ax Eastern journal says : "Dakota is determined to get in. " Certainly she is. In the language of a Texas states man , "What are we here for ? ' ' Dakota has a right inside , and the people will , at the first opportunity , remove the little , pestiferous and narrow-minded so-called statesmen , and give Dakota a broad and hearty welcome to the sisterhood of States. She has now the right of State hood , as every honest man knows , and the men are narrow between the eyes who stand in her way , animated only by prejudice and revenge because she don't vote their ticket. SCANDALS seem to be epidemic down the Valle. SOCIETY DIRECTORY. CONGREGATIONAL : Sunday school 7itTio A. M. every week. Preaching service4" every Sunday night at 7:00 M. T. Also , every alter nate Sunday morning at 11. M. T. Exceptions to the above will bo noticed in locals. GEOKGE DUNRAX , Pastor. METHODIST. Services every Sunday at 10 : ft ) A. M. and 7.0 P. M. . mountain time. Sun day School at : > P. M. All are cordially invited. Seats free. W. S. WHEELEK , Pastor. EPISCOPAL. Services in the Opera Hall the fir&t and third Sundays , morningand cening. . of each month. J. A. FULFOKTH , Rector. CATHOLIC. Services will be held in the church once every four weeks. THOMAS CULLEX , Pastor. W. C. T. I * . The AV. C. T. L . will meet in the Heading Room every Wednesday atternoon at ! J o'clock. M.T. The Band of Hope will meet in the Reading Room ocry Saturdav atter noon at 2 o'clock , mountain time. A. O. L . W. McCook Lodge No. 07 , will meet the first and third Mondays of each month in the Masonic Hall. Visiting brethren cordially invited. Da. IJ. B. DAVIS , M.V. . W. II. DAVIS , Recorder. McCOOK LODGE A. F. & A. M. Regular meetings , Tuesday night on or before full moon of every montn. S. L. GREEN , W. M. F. L. McCitACKK.v , Secretary. McCOOK CHAPTER , U. D. Meets on the first and third Thursdays of each month , at Masonic Hall. Visiting companions cordiallv invited. AV. W. FJSIIEK , H. P. " T. G. REES , Secretary. . AVu.T.ovr GUOVE LODGE K. OF P. , No. 3Meets ecry Wednesday evening * t Masonic Hall. Hall.J. J. VT. CAMPBELL , C. C. C. H. BOYLE , K. R. S. I. O. O. F. McCook Lodge No. KC , I. O. O. F. , meets every Friday evening , at 7 o'clock , in Masonic Hall. All visiting brothers are inviU L d to meet witn us. H. H. BERRY , N. G. H. TaoWBiuunE , Permanent Secretary- HOCKXELL HOSE COMPANY. Reg ular meetings on the first Wednesday 'evening ' of each month. R. B. ARt'imsALD , Chief. It. OFL. E. Hrotherhood of Locomotive En gineers. Meet first and lourth Saturdays of ; ach month. S. E. HOOE , Chief. J. C. ANUERPOX , F. A. E. J. K. HAUXES POST G. A. R. Regular meet- ngs second and fourth Monday evenings of ; ueli month at Masonic Hall. J. A. WILCOX , Commander. J. H. YAitaER , Adjutant. BUSFXESS DIRECTORY. THE COMMERCIAL HOTEL , Gr.o. E. JOHXSTON , PROP. McCOOK , NEBRASKA. This house has been completely renovated and refurnished throughout , and is Hrst-claba in every respect. Rates reasonable. 4-3ti SPOTTS & STDISON , ' FASHIONABLE BARBERS & HAIR CUTTERS. Opposite Chicago Lumber Yard , r MAIN STREET. - McCOOK. NEBRASKA. EGBERT DIIYSDALE , MERCHANT TAILOR , MAIN STREET , McCOOK NEBRASKA. SANDERSON & BEAN , DECORATIVE - : - ARTISTS , SCENIC PAINTERS , Calsomining , GrainingPaper Hanging , etc. with neatness and dispatch. WILLIAM McINTYRE , CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER , CULBERTSON. NEBRASKA , All work warranted. All material furnished u desired. W ork done on short notice. JOHN F. COLLINS , CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER , McCOOK. - . NEBRASKA. Jobbing ulll recehe prompt attention at my shop on Dennlson St. , opposite McCook House. Plans and specifications furnished If desired. J. E. CASTBERG , COUNTY - : - SURVEYOR , RED WILLOW COUNTY , NER. t& OOice in court house , Indianoia , Neb. G. W. MINKLER , i DEPUTY COUNTY SURVEYOR. Leave orders at his house northwest of School House. McCook. All kinds of SUUVEY- ixo , GRADING and CIVIL EXGIXEEIUNO. Will work anywhere , especially in west half of Ked * ? \ > illow county. , B. & M. TIME TABLE. EAST LEAVES : EAST LEAVES : k ° - - ' 0:40 , A.M. I No. 40 5:23 , P.M. WEST LEAVES : WEST LEAVES : S2Sv" V13530"PM-1 X0-1 S : : * > PM. . -Eastbound trains run on Central Time , ind westbound trains on Mountain Time. freight trains do not carry passengers. H. K. WOODS , Agent. POST-OFFICE HOURS. Open from 7 A. M. to 8 P. M. , M. T. Office be closed thirty minutes before arrival and ? ari f ° ? ftinaJIsS0XDA Y office will be open rom J2 to 2 P. M. mountain time.