- re to the front ! T LD RELIABLE GENERAL STO OF W : H. HAYDEN & COMP NY ! SOLE AGENTS Eaton Mills , Eaton , Colo. , Flour , the finest in the land. F. S. Johnson & Co. , Milford Mills Flour , the best made in the state. * Mourilyan , Heimann & Co. , Yokohama , Japan , the finest Japan Teas ever sold in the country , and Butterick Publishing Co.'s Paterns. / \TT n nnp/ \ / OUR S10C COMPLETE IN EVERY DEPARTMENT ! WOULD CALL SPECIAL ATTENTION TO OUR ELEGANT ASSORTMENT OF Suits in Light and Dark Plaids , Cassimeres , Worsteds , Cork Screws , Etc. , in the various shades. A full line of Pants in light-weight stripes , from $3 to $8. In Ladies' Summer Goods , Lawns , Buntings , Crinkled Seer Suckers , Nun's Veiling , Laces and Embroideries , we have the best in the Valley. An Elegant Lot of Silk Vel vets and Brocade and Plain Velveteens in shades. A Full Assortment of Fashionable Buttons. Our Stock of Ladies' and Misses' Shoes in French and Curso Kids was never so complete as at the present time and prices never so reasonable. In dried fruits , canned fruits , vegetables and staple groceries , we capture the bakery. COME IN AND LOOK US OVER. CO. * \ METROPOLITAN RUG STOR - / : I ? MeCOOK , NEBRASKA. 5 rn I a WO . A. SPALDING , PROPRIETOR , O l 2 ; H Q i ( / ) Z Pianos and Organs , 5 5 Z D : o ± 5 SEWING MACHINES. i is J. A. TAYLOR , Druggist. S ill iilf Co. . : = - - DEALERS IN LU ER ! Sash , Doors , Blinds , Lime , Cement , HARD AND SOFT COAL. -YARDS AT- Bertrand , Elwood,0xford , Edison , ArapahoeCambridge , Indianola. McCook.Culbert- son. Stratton. Trenton and Benkelman in Neb. Yuma and Akron in Colo. McCOOK FEED MILL C. A. NETTLETON , Prop. All Kinds of Feed Ground. CORN SHELLED AND GROUND , BOLTED , ETC. 2 BLOCKS EAST OF RUSSELL'S BARN , McCOOK - NEBRASKA. THERE seems to be little doubt about Senator Edmunds' re-election. There ought to be none. Mr. Edmunds com bines ability with integrity and long leg islative experience in the senate. A basswood statesman from Arermont would find it very difficult to rattle around in the shoes of the senior sena tor from the Green Mountain state. Tin : board of school lands and funds of this state has decided that after a single individual has leased educationa lands from the state amounting in the aggregate'to G40 acres , he has exhaust ed his privileges and thenceforth the state will issue no more leases to him , whether he has disposed of his old leases by assignment or otherwise. The boart held that this was the intent of the leg islature , and that it would not stop the injurious speculation in school lands to hold that the law meant that no man should hold at one time more than the limit prescribed by law. Ton can get one section once and no more than once , as a lessee under the decision of the board. will be hot this week in old England. The debate on the second reading of the home rule bill has opened , and there will be over a hundred speech es uiadc before its close. The prospects "or the passage of the bill to a third reading are not very brilliant , but the eaders on both sides feel that it is a close contest , and every method of vote getting will be essayed. In view of the closeness of the fight , Gladstone's friends lave concluded that the best thing to do n case of defeat is to ask of the queen a dissolution of parliament and an ap ical to the country , and they confident- y predict a majority for him at the out come of the next race. THE Army and Navy Gazette com menting on Van Wyck's attack on Gen. Logan's army bill , bethinks itself of , he old man's regard and adds : "Our irst recollection of the senator from Nebraska , Van Wyck , is of his being under arrest by order of Gen. McClellau or violating orders against the appro bation of rebel property. He was then a member of Congress from Ulster coun ty , N. Y. , Colonel of the 5Gth New York volunteers , and the same dangerous demagogue that he now is , and always will be. He has much to say about bloat ed corporations , railroads among others , yet we venture to afSrm that if his pock et book was examined that it would be found to contain more railroad passes than that of any other senator. HERR MOST , the roaring lion of an archy , after being released on bail fur nished by his ardent admirers , failed to make his Saturday night meeting in New York a success. As his promised sensation savored more of stale beer than blood , he had better fall back.on his intrenched position under the bed. BROAD\VAV , New York , is to have an underground railroad. As the legis lature has passed the bill and the gov ernor signed it , boodle aldermen will not be given the chance to twist § 10 , 000 greenbacks around their fingers when explaining why they were induced to give a valuable franchise for nothing to voracious capitalists. THE finding of nine bodies surrep titiously buried in a suburb of Chicago , suggests that more anarchists were kill ed during the recent riot than have been known and reported. The anarchists carried off their dead and wounded ex- peditiously and have striven to conceal the number of their casualties for fear of discouraging the followers of the red Hag. THE B. & M. office at Juniata was robbed , last Sunday night , the safe be ing blown open , and $70 in money taken , besides many other articles of value around the office. The company offers a reward for the apprehension of the robbers , suspicion falling on two or three tramps who were lounging around the depot during the day. TURKEV'S reluctance to go to war with Greece is evidence that the advisors of the sultan understand the utter hope lessness of their situation. If they whipped the Greeks , as they certainly would with their large and well drilled army , they would then , have to grapple with Russia , er with some alliance forc ed into the conflict by the indignation with which Europe would certainly be filled by the spectacle of Greek Chris- ians being crushed by the superior number of their Moslem foes. H. IKNSE , a blacksmith at Sigel , 111. , wrote Mnich 2. that lie was very lame with rheu- iiatism , he could hardly walk and the joints of his limbs were badly swollen and very .sore , md so painful he could scarcely turn hi bed. Jjs physician advised him to use Chamber- sun's Pain Balm. The effect was beneficial rom the first application , and he js now able o attend to hi * regular work. This medicine ISLS onlvto be tried to convince the iiH ical that it i.the best treatment for rheuuia- isui. Sold by if. A. Spalding and illey & Vaiker. j SOCIETY DIRECTORY. , CONUUEGATIOXAL. Sunday School at 10 A. M. eeiy week. Preaching .services every Sunday ni-rht at 7:00 31. T. Also , eerv alter- I iiate Sunday inorniiif , ' at 11. M. T. K.xceptinrit 1 to Hie above will be noticed iu locals. I GKOHOKDU.NOA.V , Pastor. I METHODIST. Services every Sunday at 10 : ! JO A. M. and T : : ) P. 31. . mountain time. Sun- I day School at : & P. M. All are cordially invited. 1 Seats free. \V. S. WHKKLKK , Pastor. EPISCOPAL. Service in the Opera Hall the first and third Sundays , mornin and eniiiL' , of each month. J. A. FULFOKTII , Rector. CATHOLIC. Services will be held in the church once every four weeks. THOMAS CUM.E.N , Pastor. \V. ( ' . T. T. The W. C. T. U. will meet in the Heading Room everyVcdncsdav iiiternooii at 2 o'clock. 31 T. The Hand of Hope will meet in the Heading Itoom every Saturday atter- noon at 2 o'clock , mountain time. A. O. U. W. 3IcCook Lod e No.lil , will meet the first and third 3Iondayt > of each month in the MasonicHall. . Visiting bretlu en cordially invited. ] ) it. H. It. DAVI.S , 31.V. . W. H. DAVIS. Recorder. 31cCOOK LODGU A. F. & A. 31. Regular meetHIKS , Tuesday night on or belore full moon ofetery niontn. S. L. CRHRX , W. 31. ' . L. McCiiACKKX , Secretary. 3ICCOOK CHAPTER , L" . D. 3Icets on the first and third Thursdays of each month , at 3Iasonic Hall. Visiting companions cordiallv invited. W. W. FISHKK , H. P. " T. G. ilEKS , Secietary. WIM.OW GUOVF. LOVC.R 1C. OK P. , No. . Meets everj Wednesday evening plat Masonic Hall.J. J. W. CAMi'BKi.r , , C. C. C. H. Hovr.K , K. K. S. I. O. O. F. 3IcCook Lodge No. KiT , I. O. O. P. , meets everjFriday evening , at 7 o'clock , in 3Iasonic Hall. All visitingbrothers are invit ed to meet witn us. H. H. HERKV , N. G. K. TKOWimiDGE , Permanent Secretarj. HoCKXEr.r. Host : COMI-AXV. Reg ular meetings on thefirbt Wednesday 'evening ' of each month. It. H. AHCIUISAM ) , Chief. II. orL. K. Urotherhood of LocomotiveEn- ginecrs. 3Ieet first and fourth Saturdays of each month. S. E. HOOK , Chief. J. C. AXDERSOX , F.A. , E. J. K. BAK.VKS POST G. A. K Regular meet ings second and lourth 3Ionday evenings , of each month at 3Iasonic Hall. J. A. Wirco.v , Commander. J. H. YAKOEU , Adjutant. B. & M. TIME TABLE. EAST LEAVES : EAST LEAVES : U:40A.3I. Xo.40j:2Ti , P. 31. WEST LEAVES : WEST LEAVES : N'o.Stl 1-:50.P.3I. No.l 8.Vi , P. 3t. I > S Eastbound trains run on Central Time , i and westbound trains on Mountain Time. Freight trains do not carry passengers. . K. K. WOODS , Agent. J. E. CASTBERG , COUNTY SURVEYOK - : - , RED WILLOW COCMV , XEH. ilice in court house , Indianola , Xcb. JOHN F. COLLINS , : ONTRACTOR AND BUILDER , McCOOK. NEBRASKA. . - - . Jobbing will receive prompt attention at my shop in DennUon S ( . , opposite McCook lloiibc. Plans ant ! peclOcatlons furnished if desired. I i THE COMMERCIAL HOTEL , Ml i GJO. : E. JOHNSTON , PKOP. i i McCOOK. : : NEBRASKA. j This lion e has been completely renovated i and refurnished throughout , and is flrst-class j in every respect. Kates reasonable. 4-W5 ! = S POTTS & STIMSOX , i I FASHIONABLE BARBERS & HAIR CUTTERS. Opposite Chicago Lumber Yard , MAIN STKEET , - McCOOK. NEBRASKA. j ROBERT DRYSDALE , MERCHANT TAILOR , MAIN STREET , McCOOK NEBRASKA. SANDERSON & BEAX , HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTERS , McCooK , - NEBRASKA. t3Al \ work guaranteed. Give us a call. WILLIAM MdNTYKE , CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER , CULBERTSON. NEBRASKA , ' c All work warranted. All material furnished if desired. Vr ork done on short notice. a. W. MINKLER , f DEPUTY COUNTY SURVEYOR. < Leave orders at his house northwest of I School House , McCook. All kinds of SDKVEV- I i.vfi.OitAuixo and CIVIL ExaiNEEitiNo. Will anr r.c' especially in west half of Hed CITY3AKERY. . f A , PROBST & BRO , if i / \ WE KEEP ON HAND BREAD , PIES & CAKES. GRAHAM BREAD. akes Made on Order. ROOM n connection where you can get coffee.sand- wiches , pies , etc. , at all hours. \J > , . _ . _ i